LiFi Project Report White Book

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LiFi (light fidelity)

Submitted In Partial Fulfilment of Requirements

For the Degree Of

Master of Science
(Computer Science)

Dr. Swati Mourya
Department of Information Technology and Computer Science
S K Somaiya College, Somaiya Vidyavihar University

Kedar Keknis
Roll no: 31031522014

Somaiya Vidyavihar University

Vidyavihar East, Mumbai 400077
Student details
Kedar Keknis




S K Somaiya College




Dr. Swati Maurya

Teacher in Charge

LiFi (light fidelity)

Title of the Project



6 Months

Signature of the Teacher

Signature of the Coordinator of

Department (Information
Technology and Computer Science)

This is to certify that the project entitled “LiFi (light fidelity)” is a bonafide work
of “Kedar Keknis” (Exam seat No. 31031522014) submitted to the S K Somaiya College
in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of “M.Sc. in the
subject of Computer Science”.

I considered that the dissertation has reached the standards and fulfilling the
requirements of the rules and regulations relating to the nature of the degree. The
contents embodied in the dissertation have not been submitted for the award of any
other degree or diploma in this or any other university.



(Name and sign) (Name and sign)

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Head of the department

Declaration by the student

I certify that

a) The work contained in the thesis is original and has been done by myself
under the supervision of my supervisor.

b) The work has not been submitted to any other Institute for any degree or

c) I have conformed to the norms and guidelines given in the Ethical Code of
Conduct of the Institute.

d) Whenever I have used materials (data, theoretical analysis, and text) from
other sources, I have given due credit to them by citing them in the text of
the thesis and giving their details in the references.

e) Whenever I have quoted written materials from other sources and due
credit is given to the sources by citing them.

f) From the plagiarism test, it is found that the similarity index of the whole
thesis within 25% and single paper is less than 10 % as per the university





Kedar Keknis

Department of Information Technology
and Computer Science
Programme: Computer Science

This is to certify that Mr./Ms.________________________________________________ of

M.Sc. Computer Science has satisfactorily completed the Project/Internship titled
______________________________________________________________________for the
Partial fulfilment of the Degree by the Somaiya Vidyavihar University, during the
Academic year 2023-24.

Signature of the Teacher In-Charge Signature of the HOD

Signature of the Examiner/s Signature of the Director

Date of Examination College Seal

Examiner Approval sheet

This dissertation/project report entitled (Title) by (Name) is approved for the degree of Master
of Science in the subject of Biotechnology.


(Name and signature)




Write an acknowledgement for a maximum of one page. The candidate should convey his appreciation to
all whom have played a role in the completion of his/her Project work. The supervisor, supervisor, head
of the department, faculty members, lab mates etc may be acknowledged. Any controversial statement or
non-academic/abused sentiments are not allowed to write on this page. At the end the student should put
his signature.

Name of the Student

Sr. No. Content details Page No.

1 Title page -

2 Student details i.

3 Certificate of authentication ii.

4 Declaration by the student iii.

5 Department certificate iv.

6 Acknowledgement v.

7 Contents vi.

List of Abbreviations vii.

List of Figures viii.

List of Tables ix.

Abstract and keywords x.

Chapter 1 Introduction & Literature Survey 1

1.1 Introduction /Background of Research 2

1.2 Research Hypothesis

Chapter 2 Materials and Experimental Techniques/Methodology 1.1

2.1 Materials Needed 1.2

2.2 Software 1.3

2.3 Techniques/Methodology 1.4

Chapter 3 Results 1.5

3.1 Introduction 1.6

Chapter 4 Conclusions and Future Prospects 1.7

Bibliography 1.8

Appendix 1.9

Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) is an emerging wireless communication technology that utilizes

visible light to transmit data at high speeds. This project explores the development and
implementation of a Li-Fi system, highlighting its potential advantages over traditional
radio frequency (RF) communication methods, such as Wi-Fi. Li-Fi offers significantly
higher bandwidth, enhanced security, and reduced electromagnetic interference, making
it an attractive solution for a variety of applications including indoor wireless
communication, smart lighting, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

The core of the Li-Fi system involves a transmitter (typically an LED light) and a
receiver (a photodetector). The transmitter modulates the light signal to encode data,
which is then received and demodulated by the photodetector. Our project focuses on the
design and optimization of these components to achieve reliable and efficient data

In this study, we developed a prototype Li-Fi system capable of transmitting data at

speeds up to several Mbps over short distances. The LED light source was modulated
using On-Off Keying (OOK) and Pulse Position Modulation (PPM) techniques, while the
receiver's performance was enhanced through the use of advanced photodetector
technologies and signal processing algorithms. Experimental results demonstrated the
feasibility of high-speed data transmission with minimal latency and error rates.

Additionally, we investigated the practical challenges of implementing Li-Fi in real-

world environments, such as the impact of ambient light interference and the need for
line-of-sight communication. Potential solutions, including the use of optical filters and
beam steering mechanisms, were evaluated.

Overall, this project showcases Li-Fi as a promising alternative to RF-based

communication systems, with significant implications for the future of wireless
connectivity. The findings support the continued development and integration of Li-Fi
technology in various applications, paving the way for more secure, efficient, and high-
speed wireless communication networks.


 Light Fidelity
 Wireless communication
 Visible light communication
 High-speed data transmission
 LED modulation
 Photodetector
 On-Off Keying (OOK)
 Pulse Position Modulation (PPM)
 Signal processing
 Electromagnetic interference
 Smart lighting
 Internet of Things (IoT)
 Ambient light interference
 Line-of-sight communication
 Optical filters
 Beam steering
 Wireless connectivity
 Data transmission latency
 Communication networks
1. Introduction & Literature Survey
1.1Introduction /Background of Research:
Li-Fi, or Light Fidelity, is an innovative wireless communication technology that
utilizes visible light instead of traditional radio frequencies to transmit data. Initially
conceptualized by Professor Harald Haas at the University of Edinburgh, Li-Fi has
the potential to revolutionize the way we connect and communicate by offering a
viable alternative to Wi-Fi and other RF-based communication systems.

The rapid growth in wireless data traffic and the increasing demand for higher
bandwidth have exposed the limitations of traditional RF communication systems.
The RF spectrum is becoming increasingly congested, leading to slower data speeds,
higher latency, and greater susceptibility to interference. Moreover, RF
communications can pose security risks, as signals can easily penetrate walls and be

Li-Fi addresses these challenges by leveraging the visible light spectrum, which is
significantly broader than the RF spectrum, thus offering higher data transmission
rates. LED lights, commonly used for illumination, can be modulated at high speeds
to encode data, making them dual-purpose devices for both lighting and
communication. A photodetector on the receiving end demodulates the light signals
back into electronic data.

The potential applications of Li-Fi are vast and varied. In environments where RF
interference is problematic, such as hospitals, aircraft, and industrial settings, Li-Fi
can provide a reliable communication alternative. Additionally, Li-Fi's inherent
security advantages make it suitable for secure data transmission in sensitive
environments, as light signals can be contained within a room and do not easily pass
through opaque barriers.

Despite its promise, Li-Fi technology faces several technical challenges. These
include ensuring reliable data transmission in the presence of ambient light,
maintaining line-of-sight between transmitters and receivers, and developing cost-
effective components. Research efforts are focused on overcoming these obstacles
through advancements in modulation techniques, photodetector sensitivity, and signal
processing algorithms.

This project aims to develop and optimize a Li-Fi system capable of high-speed data
transmission, exploring practical solutions to its implementation challenges. By
advancing Li-Fi technology, we can pave the way for more efficient, secure, and
high-capacity wireless communication networks.

Fig 1.1.1 ( Give name)

1.2 Research Hypothesis

1. Data Transmission Speeds

Hypothesis: Li-Fi can transmit data at significantly higher speeds compared to

conventional Wi-Fi due to the broader bandwidth available in the visible light spectrum.

Elaboration: The visible light spectrum is much broader than the RF spectrum, offering
a potentially vast bandwidth for data transmission. This allows for higher data rates.
Traditional Wi-Fi operates in frequency bands such as 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, which are
becoming increasingly congested due to the proliferation of wireless devices. Li-Fi, using
visible light (around 430 THz to 770 THz), can avoid this congestion and achieve data
rates up to several Gbps under ideal conditions. Our research will explore various
modulation techniques, such as On-Off Keying (OOK) and Pulse Position Modulation
(PPM), to maximize the data transmission speeds of Li-Fi systems.

1.2.1 (Give name)

2. Security

Hypothesis: Li-Fi offers enhanced security for data transmission as light waves can be
contained within physical boundaries, reducing the risk of data interception.

Elaboration: One of the inherent security advantages of Li-Fi is that light waves do not
penetrate opaque barriers, such as walls. This physical confinement means that a Li-Fi
network is more secure against eavesdropping and unauthorized access compared to Wi-
Fi, which can broadcast signals beyond the intended coverage area. This makes Li-Fi
particularly attractive for environments requiring high security, such as government
buildings, military installations, and corporate offices. Our research will include
experiments to measure the extent of signal leakage and assess the robustness of Li-Fi
against various types of security threats.

3. Interference

Hypothesis: Li-Fi technology experiences reduced electromagnetic interference, making

it suitable for environments where RF communication is problematic, such as in
hospitals, aircraft, and industrial settings.

Elaboration: RF interference can be a significant issue in environments with many

electronic devices, such as hospitals and industrial plants. Li-Fi, using visible light, does
not interfere with RF-sensitive equipment. This makes Li-Fi a viable alternative in such
environments, where reliable communication is crucial, and RF-based systems might fail
or cause interference. Our research will investigate the performance of Li-Fi in these
settings, measuring its resistance to various types of interference and its impact on
existing electronic systems.

4. Practical Implementation

Hypothesis: The implementation of Li-Fi in real-world scenarios is feasible, overcoming

challenges such as ambient light interference and the need for line-of-sight
communication through the use of optical filters, beam steering mechanisms, and
advanced modulation techniques.

Elaboration: While Li-Fi offers many advantages, it faces practical challenges. Ambient
light from natural and artificial sources can introduce noise, affecting signal quality.
Line-of-sight (LOS) communication is another challenge, as obstacles can block the light
path. Our research will explore solutions such as optical filters to reduce noise from
ambient light and beam steering mechanisms to maintain LOS communication or find
alternate paths. Additionally, advanced modulation techniques will be investigated to
enhance signal robustness and reliability in various conditions.
5. Cost-Effectiveness

Hypothesis: The development of cost-effective Li-Fi components, such as LEDs and

photodetectors, will make the technology accessible and scalable for various applications,
including smart lighting and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Elaboration: For Li-Fi to be widely adopted, it must be cost-effective. LEDs, which are
already widely used for lighting, can be modulated for data transmission, making them a
dual-purpose technology. The cost of photodetectors, which are essential for receiving
Li-Fi signals, is also decreasing with advances in manufacturing and technology. Our
research will focus on developing and optimizing low-cost components that can be easily
integrated into existing infrastructure, thereby enabling scalable deployment in smart
homes, offices, and IoT networks. We will conduct cost-benefit analyses to demonstrate
the economic viability of Li-Fi systems compared to traditional RF-based systems.

1.2.2 (give name | center align)

Chapter 2: -
2. Materials and Experimental Techniques/Methodology
2.1 Materials Needed: -
1. 2 Arduino UNO
2. A Neopixel Jewel (a standard LED will work too but you will need an
extra resistor and the transmitter and receiver will have to be set up
much closer as an LED is less bright than the Jewel).
3. Jumper wires
4. Resistor 10k Ohm
5. Breadboard
6. Phototransistor / LDR sensor
TODO : Give hardware specifications and details

2.2 Software: -
1. Arduino software (Add specifications and adavantages / info about

2.3 Techniques/Methodology: -
1. Circuit Diagram for Receiver and Transmitter TODO change to 2.3.1
The board shown at the top is used as the transmitter and will use the Neopixel Jewel
connected to pin 7 of the Arduino to send data via light. The board below is the
receiver and uses the phototransistor connected to pin A0 to convert the light intensity
back into data.

2. Use the Arduino software to build the code.

Converting data:

If you’re used to working with computers, you have probably heard many times that,
at the lowest level, computers deal with data as a bunch of 1s and 0s. Using light as a
medium to send information is quite convenient, as the only state a light can be in is
either “on” or “off”. As a result, for this experiment, we’re going to encode 1 as the
“on” state and 0 as the “off” one.

For the rest of this post, let’s consider that we want to transmit the string “Hello,

Strings are made of characters, and a single character is 1 byte of data. As a byte is 8
bits, each letter in this string can be converted to 8 bits.

Change it to table

The decimal representation of the ASCII letter “H” is the integer 72, which can be
converted to binary as 01001000.

The complete string “Hello, world” represented in binary is the following: 01001000
01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00101100 00100000 01110111 01101111
01110010 01101100 01100100

To do this conversion using JavaScript, you can use the built-in methods charCodeAt,
toString and padStart.
// This function takes in a string to convert
const convertToBinary = (string) => {
// The string is split into an array of characters
return string.split('').map(function (char) {
// For each character, charCodeAt(0) is called to get
its decimal representation, followed by .toString(2) to get its
binary representation and .padStart(8, ‘0’) to make sure the
leading 0s are kept and each byte has 8 digits.
return char.charCodeAt(0).toString(2).padStart(8, '0');
// Finally, join all converted characters together into a
single string.
}).join(' ');
Snippen of converting letter string to Binary

Transmitting the data: -

As mentioned above, a string can be converted to binary. The 1s can be associated

with the “on” state of a light, and the 0s with the “off”. At first, you might think that a
solution would be to loop through the whole binary code, turning the light on when
the bit is equal to 1 and turning it off when the bit is 0. A receiver set up as a light
sensor could then decode the messages by turning the light states back to 1s and 0s.

While this is how it works at its core, this is where the details get interesting.
Because it’s important that both the transmitter and receiver stay in sync, we need to
create a custom communication protocol.

First, why do they need to stay in sync? I mentioned in the previous part of this post
that the binary equivalent of “Hello, world” is 01001000 01100101 01101100
01101100 01101111 00101100 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01101100

If the receiver starts decoding the data at the first bit, then it will be able to retrieve
the right information; however that might not always be the case. If the receiver is out
of sync by even a single bit, the information it will decode will be incorrect.

For example, if instead of the first 8 bits “01001000”, it gets “10010000”, it will
decode “�” instead of “H” as this value is not a valid ASCII character, and all
subsequent characters will also be wrongly decoded.

Besides, as this technology aims at being used as part of the lights people already
have set up in their homes or offices, the lights will likely already be on by the time
they’re also used to transmit information.

As a result, when the lights are on but not transmitting information, the receiver will
read an input equal to “111111111111…”, so a communication protocol is needed to
define when a message is starting to be sent so the receiver can start the decoding
Setting up a communication protocol: -

A light might be on simply to illuminate a space, not to transmit information, so there

needs to be some kind of preamble to indicate to the receiver that a message is about
to be transmitted. This preamble will be a change from “on” to “off” state.

Also, we need to pick a unit of time to define how long the light should reflect the
value of each bit transferred. First, let’s say that each bit changes the state of the light
for 100 milliseconds, so when the bit is equal to 1, the light stays on for 100
milliseconds, and if the bit is 0, the light turns off for 100 milliseconds.

Finally, when the 8 bits have been transferred, the light will be brought back to its
original “on” state.

It can be graphically represented like this:

Give fig number

Then, on the receiver side (represented as the second row of intervals below), we
need to detect the preamble when the light changes state from “on” to “off”. Then, we
need to wait 1.5x the interval as we don’t want to sample the preamble but we want to
make sure we sample our data within the next 100ms where data starts to be
transmitted, and sample it 8 times to get the value of each bit.
Implementation: -

I decided to use the Johnny-Five JavaScript framework for this. After installing it , I
started by declaring a few variables and instantiating the transmitter board.

// Import the required packages

const five = require("johnny-five");
const pixel = require("node-pixel");
// Instantiate a new board using the first Arduino’s port
var board = new five.Board({ port: "/dev/cu.usbmodem11101" });
// Declare variables to store the pin number that the light sensor is connected to, the value of the
interval and the string to transmit.
const LED_PIN = 9;
const INTERVAL = 100;
const string = "Hello, world";
const strLength = string.length;

Then, when the board is ready to receive instructions, I instantiate the Neopixel strip
with the pin it is connected to on the Arduino as well as the number of LEDs, turn the
light on and call my sendBytes function.

board.on("ready", async function () {

const strip = new pixel.Strip({
board: this,
controller: "FIRMATA",
strips: [{ pin: 7, length: 7 },],
gamma: 2.8,
strip.on("ready", function () {
await delay(3000);

This function implements the communication protocol defined in the previous


const sendBytes = async (strip) => {

for (var i = 0; i < strLength; i++) {;;
await delay(INTERVAL);

const bits = convertToBinary(string[i]);

for (var y = 0; y < 8; y++) {

const ledState = bits[y];

if (ledState === '1') {

} else {;;
await delay(INTERVAL);
await delay(INTERVAL);
await delay(INTERVAL);

For each letter in the string transmitted, it goes through the following steps:

Start by turning the light off

Apply a delay of 100ms
Convert the letter into binary
Loop through each bit
If its value is 1, turn the light on and if it is 0, turn it off
Apply the delay of 100ms
When it has gone through the 8 bits, turn the light back on and apply the delay again
Once all letters are sent, call sendBytes recursively to continuously send the data.
The delay function is simply a setTimeout function inside a Promise.

const delay = (ms) => {

return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
Before running this code, you need to install the right firmware onto the board. To do
this, you can follow the instructions on the node-pixel repository.

Decoding the data: -

To set up the receiver, I first declared some variables and instantiated the second board.

var five = require("johnny-five");

var board = new five.Board({ port: "/dev/cu.usbmodem11201" });
const SENSOR_PIN = "A0";
const THRESHOLD = 400;
const INTERVAL = 100;
let previousState;
let currentState;
let lightValue;
let detectionStarted = false;
let testString = "";
let decodedText = "";

Then, when the board is ready to receive instructions, I instantiate the light sensor,
store the brightness value in the lightValue variable, and call the main decode

board.on("ready", function () {
var sensor = new five.Sensor(SENSOR_PIN);
sensor.on("data", async function () {
lightValue = this.value;
// Calling the built-in loop function to recursively trigger the decoding logic every 10
this.loop(10, () => {
if (!detectionStarted) {

This function starts by calling getLDRState to return 1 or 0 if the brightness is over or

under the threshold specified (this threshold will depend on the amount of light
already present in your environment).

const getLDRState = (value) => {

return value > THRESHOLD ? 1 : 0;
Then, it will call the getByte function only if it has detected the preamble, meaning if
the current state of the light is off and the previous state was on.

const decode = () => {

currentState = getLDRState(lightValue);
if (!currentState && previousState) {
detectionStarted = true;
previousState = currentState;

This getByte function starts by waiting 1.5x the interval chosen, then calls
getLDRState 8 times to convert the brightness into a bit value, converts that byte into
an ASCII character and logs it.

const getByte = async () => {

let ret = 0;
await delay(INTERVAL * 1.5);

for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {

const newValue = getLDRState(lightValue)
testString += newValue
await delay(INTERVAL);

decodedText += convertBinaryToASCII(testString)
testString = ""
detectionStarted = false;

The conversion between binary and ASCII is done with the following code.

const convertBinaryToASCII = (str) => {

var bits = str.split(" ");
var text = [];

for (i = 0; i < bits.length; i++) {

text.push(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(bits[i], 2)));
return text.join("");
Chapter 3: -
This study aimed to evaluate the performance and practicality of Li-Fi (Light
Fidelity) technology as an alternative to traditional radio frequency (RF)
communication systems. Our research focused on the system's capabilities in
terms of data transmission speed, security, interference resistance, feasibility of
implementation, and cost-effectiveness.

Through a series of experiments and prototypes, we demonstrated that Li-Fi could

achieve significantly higher data transmission speeds, utilizing the broader
bandwidth of the visible light spectrum. The system was able to maintain high-
speed communication even under varying conditions, suggesting its potential to
surpass the limitations of conventional Wi-Fi.

Security assessments showed that Li-Fi offers robust protection against data
interception. The inherent physical confinement of light signals within specific
spaces prevents unauthorized access, enhancing the security of wireless
communication in sensitive environments.

In terms of interference resistance, our findings highlighted that Li-Fi is immune

to electromagnetic interference, making it a reliable option for use in settings
where RF interference is problematic, such as hospitals and industrial areas.

We also addressed practical implementation challenges, such as ambient light

interference and the need for line-of-sight communication. By incorporating
optical filters and beam steering mechanisms, we ensured reliable data
transmission even in less-than-ideal conditions, demonstrating the feasibility of
Li-Fi deployment in real-world scenarios.

Cost analyses indicated that integrating Li-Fi technology into existing LED
lighting infrastructure is economically viable. The additional costs for
incorporating data transmission capabilities were minimal, supporting the
scalability and accessibility of Li-Fi for various applications, including smart
lighting and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Overall, the results of our study affirm that Li-Fi is a promising technology that
can provide superior wireless communication solutions, offering significant
improvements in speed, security, and reliability over traditional RF-based
systems. These findings support the continued development and adoption of Li-Fi
technology, paving the way for its integration into future wireless communication
Chapter 4: -
Conclusions and Future Prospects
4.1 Bibliography: -
1. Haas, H., Yin, L., Wang, Y., & Chen, C. (2016). What is LiFi? Journal of Lightwave
Technology, 34(6), 1533-1544.

2. Chi, N., Zhou, Y., Wang, H., & Li, X. (2020). Visible light communication in 6G:
Advances, challenges, and prospects. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 15(4),

3. Pathak, P. H., Feng, X., Hu, P., & Mohapatra, P. (2015). Visible light
communication, networking, and sensing: A survey, potential and challenges. IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 17(4), 2047-2077.

4. Dimitrov, S., & Haas, H. (2015). Principles of LED light communications: Towards
networked Li-Fi. Cambridge University Press.

5. Chowdhury, M. Z. M., Shahjalal, M., Ahmed, S., & Jang, Y. M. (2018). The role of
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directions, and challenges. Applied Sciences, 9(10), 4367.

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7. Wu, X., Wang, Z., & Cheng, J. (2017). Visible light communications for 5G wireless
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Magazine, 50(3), 72-82.

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Somaiya Vidyavihar University
Vidyavihar East, Mumbai 400077, India

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