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Instituto Federal Baiano – Campus Guanambi

Curso: Mestrado Profissional em Produção Vegetal no Semiárido
Disciplina: Inglês Técnico
Professor: Roberto Lima
PRAZO FINAL: 29/07/2024

Discente: ......................................................................................................................................……...



Atividade 01 (20 pontos): Apostila de atividades Inglês Técnico toda respondida (Text and
Exercise Book)

Atividade 02 (20 pontos): Leia o texto a seguir e com base na sua opinião responda (em português)
à questão ao final do texto.

Which is more environmentally friendly: paper or plastic?

As you wrap-up your weekly grocery shopping and get in line at the supermarket, it's time for yet an -
other difficult choice. The cashier mechanically spouts at you, "Paper or plastic?" referring to what
kind of bag you'd prefer. For some people, it's a stressful decision. Convenience is pulling you toward
plastic, but a nagging green conscience might automatically pull you toward paper. However, it's rain-
ing, and if your paper bags break, it could ruin your purchases. On the other hand, is it selfish to put
immediate convenience over the thousands of years it might take for a plastic bag to degrade in a land-
fill? But, what a minute -- aren't we encouraged to save the trees and avoid overusing paper?

As stores and cities revolt against traditional plastic bags, is paper really a greener choice?

Consumer consciences aren't the only ones plagued by the "paper or plastic" question. Grocery stores
pay less for plastic bags but get pressure from environmental groups to stop offering them. So, retailers
and even entire cities are deciding to stop asking the familiar question. Instead, they're making the de-
cision for us. Touting environmental concerns, the grocery store chain Whole Foods stopped giving
out plastic bags in 2008. Entire cities like San Francisco and Oakland, have passed measures restrict-
ing -- or even banning -- the use of plastic bags in grocery stores.

In response to Oakland's ban, an organization backed by plastic manufacturers is suing the city. The
Coalition to Support Plastic Bag Recycling claims that the city failed to do enough research into the
repercussions of such a ban. The suit isn't on the grounds that a ban will wreak havoc on plastic profits,
but rather on the environment. The coalition claims that plastic is just as green as paper or, perhaps
more accurately, paper is just as harmful to the environment as plastic. It contends that replacing plas -
tic bags with paper will cause more harm than good to the planet.
Questão: So, what's it gonna be: paper or plastic? Both come with distinct disadvantages to the envi -
ronment, which we lay out next…



Atividade 03 (10 pontos): leia o texto a seguir e escreva/digite as palavras destacadas de negrito e o
seu verdadeiro significado de acordo com o contexto:

A Day At Work

In the morning I attended a meeting between management and union representatives. The discussion
was very comprehensive, covering topics like working hours, days off, retirement age, etc. Both sides
were interested in an agreement and ready to compromise. The secretary recorded everything in the
notes. Eventually, they decided to set a new meeting to sign the final draft of the agreement.

Back at the office, a colleague of mine asked me if I had realized that the proposed agreement would
be partially against the company policy not to accept workers that have already retired. I pretended
to be really busy and late for an appointment, and left for the cafeteria. Actually, I didn't want to dis-
cuss the matter at that particular moment because there were some strangers in the office.

After lunch I attended a lecture given by the mayor, who is an expert in tax legislation and has a
graduate degree in political science. He said his government intends to assist welfare programs and
senior citizens, raise funds to improve college education and build a public library, and establish
tougher limits on vehicle emissions because he assumes this is what the people expect from the gov-

Tradução das palavras destacadas e suas respectivas traduções:


Atividade 04 (20 pontos): elabore (rascunho) um abstract do próprio projeto e faça a tradução para o
inglês no google tradutor.

R.: Abstract em Português...

R.: Abstract em Inglês...



Atividade 05 (10 pontos): Com base nas técnicas e estratégias de leitura leia o texto e responda as
questões a seguir:

Better rice, less global warming

Good news about rice, the most important cereal crop in the world. Rice plants which produce higher
yields are less harmful to the environment because they make less of the greenhouse gas methane.
Scientists say new varieties of rice will make more grain and also contribute to less global warming.

Methane is the second most important greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide, and rice fields are among
the biggest sources of methane. It's produced by bacteria living in the wet soil of the paddy field, the
flooded field where rice is grown.

Now scientists from Europe and the Philippines have discovered that less methane is made in fields
where the plants are producing more grain. The reason is that making methane needs carbon.

Plants absorb carbon from the air. They use some for making grain and some finds its way to the roots
and then into the soil, where the bacteria can use it to produce methane. So if more carbon is tied up in
making grain, there's less in the soil, and that means less methane.

Rice is one of the cheapest sources of food energy and protein, with half the world's population
depending on it. But rice yields vary widely from region to region. A few months ago scientists
revealed the genome sequence of rice - a tool of great potential use to researchers for trying to develop
new varieties of rice with higher yields.

This latest research will now help guide scientists towards the genes they can work with to design
those new varieties of rice and at the same time help to protect the environment.


1-Do que trata o texto?

2-Qual é a ideia central?

3-Qual a função da bactéria?

4-O que o título quer dizer com: “Better Rice less global worming”?

5-De que forma a pesquisa pode ajudar os Cientistas?


Atividade 06 (20 pontos): faça uma análise do artigo usando as técnicas e estratégias de leitura, e,
com o intuito de refletir sobre o próprio desempenho e a capacidade de interpretar textos em Inglês,
de forma autônoma e crítica, faça uma autoavaliação do seu aprendizado pessoal/profissional
apontando uma nota de até 20 pontos.


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