Conditionals Grammar Test

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1) Fill in the gaps with necessary forms of zero or first conditionals:

i. I …………… (come) to the party provided you …………… (not/make) me

ii. Karen …………… (be) angry if you …………… (come) late;
iii. Let's wait for Jim with the toast. We …………… (start) as soon as he
…………… (come) here;
iv. My English is generally good, but when I …………… (be) nervous I……………
(make) more mistakes;
v. Our teacher is demanding. She…………… (get) angry when we ……………
(not/do) our homework;
vi. She should listen to a doctor. She…………… (not/get) better if she ……………
(not/take) medicine;
vii. Unless business …………… (improve) I …………… (lose) my job;
viii. We aren't hiring now, but when the new branch office …………… (open) we
…………… (need) an extra a pair of hands;
ix. What …………… (happen) when you …………… (mix) water and soil?
x. You …………… (use) my car provided you …………… (not/drive) too far.

2) Fill in the gaps forming second conditional sentences:

a If I …………… (be) you I …………… (not/keep) so much money at home;

b Books are quite expensive. If they …………… (be) cheaper more people
…………… (buy) them;
c If I …………… (be) the director, I …………… (hire) the best marketing
specialists. The boss doesn’t seem to understand its importance;
d If you …………… (can) meet any famous person dead or alive, who ……………
you…………… (choose)?
e If you (have) 1 million dollars to spend within 1 day, what …………… you
…………… (do)?
f If I …………… (be) a flight attendant, I …………… (have to) work some
anti-social hours.
g …………… you…………… (go back) to school if you …………… (have) a

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