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Treasury (Vault, ‫)ﺧﺰاﻧﮧ‬

Fabled (Legendary, ‫)اﻓﺴﺎﻧﻮی‬

Emeralds (Green Gems, ‫)زﻣﺮد‬

Splendour (Magnificence, ‫)ﺷﺎن و ﺷﻮﮐﺖ‬

Enthroned (Crowned, ‫)ﺗﺨﺖ ﻧﺸﯿﻦ‬

Throne (Royal Seat, ‫)ﺗﺨﺖ‬

Filched (Stolen, ‫)ﭼﺮاﻧﺎ‬

Yearned (Longed, ‫)ﺗﺮﺳﻨﺎ‬

Relics (Artifacts, ‫)آﺛﺎر‬

Enviable (Desirable, ‫)ﻗﺎﺑﻞ رﺷﮏ‬

Amassing (Gathering, ‫)ﺟﻤﻊ ﮐﺮﻧﺎ‬

Decorative (Ornamental, ‫)ﺳﺠﺎوﭨﯽ‬

Calming (Soothing, ‫)ﭘﺮﺳﮑﻮن‬

Onslaught (Attack, ‫)ﺣﻤﻠﮧ‬

Antidote (Remedy, ‫)ﺗﺮﯾﺎق‬

Craved (Desired, ‫)ﺗﺮﺳﻨﺎ‬

Solo (Alone, ‫)ﺗﻨﮩﺎ‬

Greeted (Welcomed, ‫)ﺧﯿﺮ ﻣﻘﺪم ﮐﯿﺎ‬

Blasphemy (Sacrilege, ‫)ﺗﻮﮨﯿﻦ‬

Heresy (Unorthodox Belief, ‫)ﺑﺪﻋﺖ‬

Oscillated (Swung, ‫)ﺟﮭﻮﻟﻨﺎ‬

Choreography (Dance Arrangement, ‫)رﻗﺺ ﮐﯽ ﺗﺮﺗﯿﺐ‬

Uninhibited (Unrestrained, ‫)بے جھجک‬

Missionaries (Religious Envoys, ‫)مشنری‬

Plight (Difficult Situation, ‫)حالت‬

Innocuous (Harmless, ‫)بے ضرر‬

Profanity (Swearing, ‫)گالی‬

Multicultural (Diverse Cultures, ‫)کثیر الثقافتی‬

Craft (Skill, ‫)دستکاری‬

Novelty (Newness, ‫)نیاپن‬

Ethnicity (Cultural Group, ‫)نسلی گروہ‬

Cheerful (Happy, ‫)خوش‬

Conquest (Victory, ‫)فتح‬

Nonagenarian (90-99 Years Old, ‫)نوے سالہ‬

Rarity (Uncommon, ‫)نایاب‬

Indefatigable (Tireless, ‫)تھکاوٹ سے آزاد‬

Attendees (Participants, ‫)شرکاء‬

Subcontinent, ‫)برصغیر کے بارے میں‬

Sub-continental (Relating to Indian

Commonwealth (Political Association, ‫)دولت مشترکہ‬

Premier (Prime Minister, ‫)وزیر اعظم‬

Patricide (Killing of Father, ‫)باپ کا قتل‬

Diatribe (Bitter Criticism, ‫)تنقید‬

Unforgiving (Relentless, ‫)بے رحم‬

Unrequited (Unreturned, ‫)یک طرفہ‬

Recurring (Repeated, ‫)بار بار‬

KSLF (Karachi School of Law and Finance, ‫)کراچی اسکول آف الء اینڈ فنانس‬

Curries (Spiced Dishes, ‫)سالن‬

Colonialism (Control by a Country, ‫)نوآبادیات‬

Cuisine (Cooking Style, ‫)پکوان‬

Epicurean (Luxurious, ‫)عیش پسند‬

Sooty (Covered with Soot, ‫)کاجل سے ڈھکا ہوا‬

After-effects (Consequences, ‫)اثرات‬

Unyielding (Stubborn, ‫)ضدی‬

Exacting (Demanding, ‫)مطالبہ‬

Treading (Stepping, ‫)چلنا‬

Pavements (Sidewalks, ‫)فٹ پاتھ‬

Admits (Confesses, ‫)تسلیم کرتا ہے‬

Immigration (Migration, ‫)امیگریشن‬

Travelators (Moving Walkways, ‫)چلنے والے راستے‬

Lionised (Celebrated, ‫)عزت دی‬

Plaguing (Troubling, ‫)پریشان کن‬

Punctuated (Interrupted, ‫)منقطع‬

Appropriation (Allocation, ‫)مختص‬

Funnelling (Channelling, ‫)چینلنگ‬

Animated (Lively, ‫)متحرک‬

Flowed (Moved, ‫)بہا‬

Curbs (Limits, ‫)پابندیاں‬

Predatory (Exploitative, ‫)استحصالی‬

Livelihoods (Means of Living, ‫)روزگار‬

Underpins (Supports, ‫)حمایت کرتا ہے‬

Alliance (Partnership, ‫)اتحاد‬

Bust (Failure, ‫)ناکامی‬

Reap (Harvest, ‫)کاٹنا‬

Legacy (Inheritance, ‫)ورثہ‬

Boom (Increase, ‫)عروج‬

Credit-induced (Loan-caused, ‫)قرض کی وجہ سے‬

Deteriorate (Worsen, ‫)بگڑنا‬

Modernising (Updating, ‫)جدید بنانا‬

Equip (Prepare, ‫)تیار کرنا‬

Imparted (Given, ‫)دیا گیا‬

Obviously (Clearly, ‫)واضح طور پر‬

Fuller (More Complete, ‫)مکمل تر‬

Crude (Raw, ‫)کچا‬

Dismal (Gloomy, ‫)مایوس کن‬

Radically (Fundamentally, ‫)بنیادی طور پر‬

Sought (Wanted, ‫)تالش کیا‬

Restraint (Control, ‫)ضبط‬

Glance (Quick Look, ‫)جھلک‬

Envelope (Budget, ‫)بجٹ‬

PSDP (Public Sector Development Program, ‫)پی ایس ڈی پی‬

Fluff (Light Stuff, ‫)ہلکی پھلکی چیزیں‬

Scrambling (Rushing, ‫)بھاگ دوڑ‬

Nourished (Fed, ‫)پرورش کی‬

Burgeoning (Growing, ‫)بڑھتی ہوئی‬

Toll (Impact, ‫)اثر‬

Deteriorating (Worsening, ‫)بگڑتی ہوئی‬

Barely Literate (Almost Illiterate, ‫)بمشکل خواندہ‬

Dilapidated (Run-down, ‫)بوسیدہ‬

Narrowness (Limitedness, ‫)محدودیت‬

Rigidity (Stiffness, ‫)سختی‬

Scarred (Marked, ‫)داغدار‬

Attendant (Accompanying, ‫)موجود‬

Extended Fund Facility (IMF Program, ‫)ای ایف ایف‬

Stand-by (Ready, ‫)تیار‬

Cut-off (Limit, ‫)حد‬

Inflows (Incoming Funds, ‫)آمدنی‬

Debt-creating (Generating Debt, ‫)قرض پیدا کرنا‬

Fuelled (Driven, ‫)ایندھن دیا‬

Short-lived (Brief, ‫)مختصر مدت‬

Spurts (Bursts, ‫)اچانک اضافہ‬

Austerity (Frugality, ‫)کفایت شعاری‬

Quarter (Three Months Period, ‫)سہ ماہی‬

Nonstop (Without Stopping, ‫)بغیر رکے‬

Back-to-back (Continuous, ‫)لگاتار‬

Specifics (Details, ‫)تفصیالت‬

Lofty (High, ‫)بلند‬

Adequate (Sufficient, ‫)کافی‬

Conflict-ridden (Full of Conflict, ‫)تنازعے سے بھرپور‬

Overlapping (Covering, ‫)اوورلیپنگ‬

Consensus (Agreement, ‫)اتفاق‬

Concurrent (Simultaneous, ‫)بیک وقت‬

Distaste (Dislike, ‫)ناپسندیدگی‬

Rubber-stamping (Approving Without Question, ‫)ربڑ اسٹیمپنگ‬

Subordinate (Lower in Rank, ‫)ماتحت‬

Purely (Completely, ‫)مکمل طور پر‬

Ineffectual (Ineffective, ‫)بے اثر‬

Autonomous (IndepBureaucrats

Proficient (Skilled, ‫)ماہر‬

Expertise (Skill, ‫)مہارت‬

Bureaucrats (Government Officials, ‫)بیوروکریٹس‬

Well-connected (Influential, ‫)بااثر‬

Interventions (Actions Taken, ‫)مداخلت‬

Arbitrary (Random, ‫)من مانی‬

Cooperation, ‫)بین ایجنسی تعاون‬

Inter-agency Coordination (Agency

Regulatory Oversight (Supervision, ‫)نگرانی‬

Convergence (Coming Together, ‫)ہم آہنگی‬

Posed (Presented, ‫)پیش کی‬

Complications (Complexities, ‫)پیچیدگیاں‬

Commitment (Dedication, ‫)عزم‬

Predictability (Foreseeability, ‫)پیش بینی‬

Unviable (Not Feasible, ‫)ناقابل عمل‬

Sub-optimal (Below Best, ‫)کمترین‬

Metering (Measuring Usage, ‫)پیمائش‬

Privatisation (Selling to Private Sector, ‫)نجکاری‬

Inefficiencies (Lack of Efficiency, ‫)نااہلی‬

Mandated (Required, ‫)الزمی‬

Wheeling (Energy Transmission, ‫)توانائی کی منتقلی‬

Kundas (Illegal Connections, ‫)کنڈے‬

Penalise (Punish, ‫)سزا دینا‬

Payroll (Salary List, ‫)تنخواہ‬

Empowered (Authorized, ‫)بااختیار‬

Timely (On Time, ‫)بروقت‬

Tariff (Rate, ‫)نرخ‬

Cross-subsidies (Support Across Sectors, ‫)متقابل سبسڈی‬

Monopoly (Exclusive Control, ‫)اجارہ داری‬

Wire and Pole (Electrical Infrastructure, ‫)تار اور کھمبا‬

Wire (Cable, ‫)تار‬

Affordable (Economical, ‫)سستا‬

Sanguine (Optimistic, ‫)پر امید‬

Haemorrhaging (Losing, ‫)کھونا‬

Efficiencies (Productivity, ‫)کارکردگی‬

Circular Debt (Recurring Debt, ‫)گردشی قرضہ‬

Insolvency (Bankruptcy, ‫)دیوالیہ پن‬

Reliable (Dependable, ‫)قابل اعتماد‬

Solvent (Financially Stable, ‫)مالی طور پر مستحکم‬

Resultantly (As a Result, ‫)نتیجتًا‬

Grid (Network, ‫)جال‬

Owing To (Due To, ‫)کی وجہ سے‬

Underreporting (Reporting Less, ‫)کم رپورٹ کرنا‬

Discos (Distribution Companies, ‫)تقسیم کار کمپنیاں‬

Collusion (Secret Cooperation, ‫)ملی بھگت‬

Afflicting (Affecting Negatively, ‫)متاثر کرنا‬

Latter (Second Mentioned, ‫)بعد کا‬

Fixated (Obsessed, ‫)مگن‬

Respite (Relief, ‫)راحت‬

Existential (Related to Existence, ‫)وجودی‬

Unshakeable (Firm, ‫)اٹل‬

Privatising (Selling to Private Sector, ‫)نجکاری‬

Creditors (Lenders, ‫)قرض دہندگان‬

Reassure (Comfort, ‫)تسلی دینا‬

Commercial (Business-related, ‫)تجارتی‬

Credit (Loan, ‫)قرض‬

Flows (Movements, ‫)بہاؤ‬

Bilateral (Two-sided, ‫)دو طرفہ‬

Multilateral (Involving Many Sides, ‫)کثیر جہتی‬

Deepen (Intensify, ‫)گہرا کرنا‬

Shore Up (Support, ‫)سہارا دینا‬

Apart (Separate, ‫)الگ‬

Appetite (Desire, ‫)خواہش‬

Infrastructure (Facilities, ‫)بنیادی ڈھانچہ‬

Moderate (Average, ‫)اعتدال‬

Kick-start (Initiate, ‫)شروع کرنا‬

Spiked (Increased, ‫)اضافہ کیا‬

Likewise (Similarly, ‫)اسی طرح‬

Surge (Increase, ‫)اضافہ‬

Tangible (Concrete, ‫)ٹھوس‬

Right-sizing (Resizing, ‫)صحیح سائز‬

Expenditure (Spending, ‫)اخراجات‬

Compliance (Adherence, ‫)تعمیل‬

Radical (Extreme, ‫)انتہا پسند‬

Conducive (Favorable, ‫)سازگار‬

Documentation (Records, ‫)دستاویزات‬

Incremental (Gradual, ‫)بتدریج‬

Disruptive (Disturbing, ‫)خلل ڈالنے واال‬

Retail (Sell, ‫)فروخت‬

Estate (Property, ‫)جائیداد‬

Sacred Cows (Untouchable Subjects, ‫)مقدس گائے‬

Envisaged (Imagined, ‫)تصور کیا‬

Throw Up (Generate, ‫)پیدا کرنا‬

Slashed (Reduced, ‫)کم کیا‬

Sustainability (Viability, ‫)پائیداری‬

Hold Down (Restrain, ‫)قابو میں رکھنا‬

Surplus (Excess, ‫)زائد‬

Nominal (Minimal, ‫)معمولی‬

Levy (Impose, ‫)عائد کرنا‬

Non-filers (Non-Taxpayers, ‫)غیر فائلرز‬

Noose (Loop, ‫)پھندا‬

Tighten (Constrain, ‫)سخت کرنا‬

Untaxed (Not Taxed, ‫)غیر محصول‬

Exemptions (Exclusions, ‫)مستثنیات‬

Burden (Load, ‫)بوجھ‬

GDP (Gross Domestic Product, ‫)مجموعی قومی پیداوار‬

Additional (Extra, ‫)اضافی‬

Significant (Important, ‫)اہم‬

Anchor (Foundation, ‫)بنیاد‬

Ambitious (Aspiring, ‫)بلند حوصلہ‬

Stabilisation (Balancing, ‫)استحکام‬

Elite (Upper Class, ‫)اعلٰی طبقہ‬

Drifted (Moved, ‫)بہک جانا‬

Households (Families, ‫)گھرانے‬

Backbreaking (Exhausting, ‫)تھکا دینے واال‬

Wages (Salaries, ‫)اجرت‬

Dwindling (Decreasing, ‫)کم ہوتا ہوا‬

Worsening (Deteriorating, ‫)خراب ہوتا ہوا‬

Stressful (Tense, ‫)تناؤ پیدا کرنے واال‬

Narrowed (Reduced, ‫)کم کیا‬

Nonetheless (However, ‫)تاہم‬

Averted (Prevented, ‫)روکا‬

Deficit (Shortfall, ‫)خسارہ‬

Curtailed (Reduced, ‫)کم کیا‬

Accommodate (Adjust, ‫)ایڈجسٹ کرنا‬

Meagre (Scanty, ‫)قلیل‬

Structural (Organizational, ‫)ساختی‬

Underscores (Emphasizes, ‫)زور دیتا ہے‬

Output (Production, ‫)پیداوار‬

Slightly (A Little, ‫)تھوڑا سا‬

Boasted (Bragged, ‫)فخر کیا‬

Inspire (Motivate, ‫)متاثر کرنا‬

Depicted (Portrayed, ‫)دکھایا‬

Interpreted (Explained, ‫)وضاحت کی‬

Rock-bottomed (Lowest Point, ‫)نچلی سطح‬

Sustain (Maintain, ‫)برقرار رکھنا‬

Bailout (Rescue, ‫)مالی مدد‬

Fragile (Delicate, ‫)نازک‬

Aided (Helped, ‫)مدد کی‬

Newfound (Recently Discovered, ‫)نیا دریافت کیا ہوا‬

Perked Up (Revived, ‫)چوکنا‬

Macro (Large-scale, ‫)وسیع پیمانے پر‬

Crucial (Critical, ‫)اہم‬

Stabilised (Steady, ‫)مستحکم‬

Outgoing (Departing, ‫)جانے واال‬

Fiscal Year (Financial Year, ‫)مالی سال‬

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