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w e
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~eR'JJ1 hon.'- •
a fl c rn o r :1clt'rm.
plan ,J- a a c l- l/ o !J
j_ (, fl L.t.sSon ,S-
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W1n1ki7!} ;l,'ltJJtf& ()r

fo > "M t'I I-ton
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lucq ft'trn ;/
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nal,·r;_; oF o b ,j~ (
O b 0 td · t.!??detJ ft; .J . l!i, :re 7 '6 ,1//ly
1 -o b e l-t1u j~
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to ·o tl~:J-e ,('r k .l t ~ Wt

I 11; 1- J. /J~ (<;·qnc1).

J •crnd flc,nnt',; p,-, f4t_
;j - f'1-efc,1lt
2. lesson f /crrm,~ ,~ clr1s5:~ 1
der ~tiJ lo • .feqc~.
PerJtm ,, ./-~e lea

oF lesson
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d:!J ~o y/ ( .a-n J o/eat v1..)£11'lJ,;ft;~
:f. T o ~ave an &~ ec /1 .d ~J
o r Sbije.d mcd/eY.
Q, /o E't/Sl{re r.Sekchbn /-t-c.Jenfc,h~ri .

cJ • /k-1· T o ens'ute
an d ad b/ f e f
F e
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7nef~r,d t; f let1d
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4, T l- /2~tp fo ./-1he. 1'deoS-

,S'qtJic-1- t( 4f. 1-o do f-e.

tD •

Yev1(1v 31 v<.
S. /-1<.!pJ /<7Jr,w/edjf,

6. /l vd d 'needla5 7fepi/q ltctrJ.

7> I , l~/n
-rt:1111 '-f
:.!/. /}J ckJJ.

g. - l
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fide~ c e
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h? lo f eq c ~
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!Jcrn/Je feqc4,PJ ?'n tl l('Y/q I,

9. )./ d? /n . Cl
qc/e1 e-njg:; /2,J- ck?JJ
lo. /,J/1-~ Cl fYr;l111Jneol fla n, , f-c
to/./1,04/ O'i1.Jtl/J.
tS')ould ·'ld11 feJv fa p-tevt'ouf Wo--tk DF !-hf..
eac~ cltt H Ses.s,'o)) C'o u1.Jf .

C /cw &15 J'r,"11 ~~e_•Ffr1r:J--e_ te la h'm fa f td1' 0~ oYJ.e

€' , __, &, J/J 'm'Yn a;) e. f-r .

or ~ fPth V-f
S'qi,Ju llv..e. 2
f t(J tr, Irr It~'rJ.
/'1q f/tY Com fon r-n f
Lt SJ /oYJ
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3. £Ffo·d- °Fl-
fQrh·c,/Q7J fJ-

TEts-- oF /.eJs(on

(;£-) ?'liefa 'fq /2~7! •

(2) f 'oe$en-l-a./-/on.
CoMj>a-t,:Son trt flSS oda hbn.

aene.o/Q IJ JC! !1'on.

1 ,Y fe o( LessoY'I f la-nni'Y.lJ,:-

,./\ /'V v---

{1-) leSSoY\ f lc.rrm l~ 'telafld -lo ~e-

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?{elat~J -lo 91It~cia-h'DY1.

(2) Lesson pl qn
! 7dt1.ftJ fo Sk'i'II •
• a) Lessor.

fl (('Y}

f/ann/n3,'. '

1., Na me of .Tea.c.J,er f--V ft(1 <t~

rz. 8u6j ec f.~~C'f:T •

0. TD flc - L-t )S\ ,n ~\ ~~-ni"J_,. •

, /1 ef ~" J o f ·[each 1·'n,~r-"' PPT

lo. Pl a tf !- G,.L, ~tt1"n1' co rv

(!) u_'i q -1-,'o n:

<, . 2 5 <MiYl"-1.-½

. (I "rY)-e '.,- l O ~~,;----11 .0o • AM


. R ·v A ( dr: £\ o_c.l< f), Cl.",,..

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