Data Based Managment System Basics

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Summary before we begin:

Data is the most important superpower if one can convert the same into information- from the
line only it is very clear that data has a lot of importance in the world today and hence it is
important to organize such data in an organized manner. Here comes the role of data based
management system whose central role is to store process and present the data of any
transactions in a systematic and organised manner. In this unit we are going to take a look on
the following important terms:

 Concepts of Database and Data Based Management System

 Centralized and Distributed Database system
 Planning and designing of information system
 What is system flow chart
 Implementing information system

1) Introduction

We often use the term data in many forms, from a very simple example of cricket score to
a most complex example of economy budget, it is very important to note that we are
revolving around various data in our life, so lets understand first what is data: in very
native language data is a set of raw figures and facts, it becomes relatively important
when we convert the same data into information as per our requirements.

Lets take an example to understand: Suppose you are travelling on a road and saw a
holding which speaks that we are hiring commerce students, everything written on the
holding say the day of company date of interview location etc is Raw data, for a science
student such data is none of the use but for a commerce student such data is an
Business today gets various data in form of customer details supplier details equity details
inventory details project details etc. managing such data in an effective and efficient
manner as any fault in the management can cost a lot to the company as well as to its
related parties. In this chapter we are going to discuss how the data of business can be
properly managed through the Data Based management system

If you remember it was during January 2021 when a lot of Whatsapp users left the
platform due to the privacy concern, this explains the importance of data management for
a company because as its customer realizes that company is misusing their data the users
will start switching over.

2) Concept of Database and Data Based Management System

2.1) what is Database? And what is Data Based Management System?

So in very simple terms if we say, it is a organised and systematic collection of records, it

supports electronic storage and manipulation of the data. Database makes the
management easy.

If we talk about the DBMS it is complete software which is used to store, process and
present the data for any transaction in a systematic and organized manner.

Database are designed to offer an organized mechanism for storing managing and
retrieving information, these process are performed through various component as table,
view query and SQL.

Main component of database is table which consist of various columns and rows, each
column contribute different attribute and each row corresponds to a single record. The
columns are said to be the field and rows are identified as records. Database is much more
powerful than spreadsheets as here we are able to process the said data in more efficient
manner. In a database we can perform multiple tasks like:

 Retrieve all record that matches certain criteria.

 Undate records in bulk
 Cross reference record in different tables
 Perform complex aggregate calculation.

Today various types of DBMS are available as MS Access, MS SQL, ORACLE, UNIFY,
Sybase, etc. Microsoft access is one of the simplest and most flexible DBMS in the
market today. Those who are the regular user of MS product enjoy the familiarity with
look and feel

2.2) Database options

Different organization have different uses of database management system and based on
their requirements there are different kinds of product in the market, we can categorise
the total demand of these organization into 3 parts which are explained as below.

 Desktop Database: These are the simplest DBMS for managing small database, some
of the examples are MS Access, file maker pro, Lotus, Corel paradox etc. they are
relatively cheaper and are productive for single user.
 Server Database: These are used in case when the organisation deals with large
quantity of data or is an e commerce site or has multiple users some examples of such
kind of database are ORACLE, SQL, Server etc.
 Web- enabled Database: These are used where the user is in need of Internet access
for examples software like SQL Server, MS SQL, Oracle etc.

2.3) Database Keys

The Main element of a data base system is its table, where each table consist of rows each
of which corresponds to single database records, database process all the data kept with
the help of its Keys, the Key represents such values and attribute for a field from which
the particular record of DBMS Could be identified.
Source (teachingbee, 2021)

From the above diagram it is very clear that what are the different keys used in an DBMS
system, let’s take a close look on each one of them.

 Candidate key: A candidate key is a set of keys that can uniquely identify any row in
the table. Most databases are capable of generating their own primary keys.
 Primary key: this key is chosen from among the candidate keys and becomes an
identifying key for the table. It can identify each row of the table.
 Super Key: The superset of primary key is called as super key. It includes number of
attribute that can uniquely identify each row in the table.
 Composite key: It is a combination of multiple attributes of a table that cannot be used
as the key to identify a row individually but in combination can define tuple uniquely.
 Foreign key: These keys are used to create a relationship between tables, natural
relationship exist between tables in most database structure.
 Unique key: It is somewhere similar to primary key however it allows the NULL
values in the column.
 Alternate key: Alternate key is a candidate key currently not selected as a primary key
of table.
3) Centralized and decentralized database system

3.1) Centralized database management system


A system where all data is stored and managed in a single unit is called as a centralized
database management system. It is also popularly known as central computer database
system, it is one of the most used systems in an organisation where the company follow
Centralization of tasks. Here the data can be accessed either through a Local Area
Network or through a Wide Area Network; this system of database management is used
where the organization store data that is shared by many users following are some of the
important uses of such system:

 When Customer information is to be stored

 When inventory Records are to be stored
 When Financial Records are to be stored

Such system of data Base Management is used by both small scale and large scale
industries. The data is stored over the cloud and server; hence anyone who has the
permission to access the data can access it from anywhere

Advantages of Centralized system

Every system posses some merits and demerits following points explain the advantages of
such system:

 Data Integrity: Data here is more unified as it is stored in a single computer system
and managed.
 Data Redundancy: As data is centralized and stored in one location only there is no
duplication and irrelevancy in the data.
 Scalability: New computer can be easily added or removed in centralized database
management system.
 Lesser cost and management: It cheaper in installation and maintenance than other
database management system and it require single storage system and data can be
accessed by all the connected computers.

Disadvantages of Centralized System

 Slow processing: As data is stored in one location hence it takes more time to process
such data set.
 Loss of data : Here the data is stored in one location only hence in case there is a
damage to the main server it means total loss of the data
 Less efficiency: although it provide multiple users an opportunity to work at the same
time but when all such users start working only upon the single set of system the
processing speed of central computer turn into low ultimately.

3.2) Decentralized System:

In case of the centralized system all the data was stored on a single computer, but in case of
the decentralized system the data is stored upon multiple servers which are located across
several areas. A decentralized database system is a type of database architecture where data is
distributed across multiple nodes or locations, and no single entity has full control over the
entire database. In a decentralized database, each node typically maintains its own copy of the
data, and changes to the database are achieved through consensus mechanisms rather than
relying on a central authority.

Following are some of the common uses of decentralized database system

 Crypto currencies and Digital Assets: Bit coin and Block chain: Bit coin, the
first and most well-known crypto currency, uses a decentralized block chain to
record transactions.
 Smart Contracts and Decentralized Applications (D Apps): Ethereum and
Other Platforms: Decentralized databases are often used in platforms that
support smart contracts and D Apps.
 Supply Chain Management: Traceability and Transparency: Decentralized
databases can be employed to enhance transparency and traceability in supply
chain management.
 Identity Management: Decentralized Identity Systems: Decentralized
databases can be used for identity management systems, providing individuals
with more control over their personal information.
 Healthcare: Patient Records: Decentralized databases can improve the security
and accessibility of patient records in healthcare.

Advantages of decentralized system

 Resilience and Fault Tolerance: Decentralized DBMSs are inherently more

resilient and fault-tolerant compared to centralized systems. The distribution
of data across multiple nodes ensures that the failure of one or more nodes
does not lead to the entire system's failure. The system can continue to
function even in the presence of node failures.
 Security and Trust: Decentralized databases enhance security by eliminating a
single point of failure. The use of cryptographic techniques and consensus
mechanisms helps in securing data and ensuring that transactions are valid.
This reduces the risk of unauthorized access, fraud, and tampering.
 Transparency and Audibility: Decentralized databases, especially those based
on block chain technology, provide a transparent and auditable record of
transactions. Every participant in the network has access to a consistent and
immutable ledger, promoting transparency and accountability.
 Data Ownership and Control: Individuals or entities often have more control
over their own data in decentralized systems. Users can manage their digital
identities and have a say in how their data is used. This aligns with the
principles of privacy and data ownership.
 Censorship Resistance: Decentralized databases, particularly in the context of
block chain, offer resistance to censorship. Since there is no central authority
controlling the system, it becomes more difficult for any single entity to
censor or manipulate the data. This is particularly important in applications
where censorship resistance is crucial, such as decentralized finance

Disadvantages of decentralized system

Following are some of the important limitation of a decentralized system:

 Scalability Challenges: Achieving scalability in decentralized systems can be

challenging. As the number of nodes increases, the consensus mechanisms and
data replication processes may introduce performance bottlenecks. Scalability
is a common concern, especially in block chain networks.
 Complexity of Consensus Mechanisms: The consensus mechanisms used in
decentralized databases, such as proof-of-work or proof-of-stake, can be
complex and resource-intensive. This complexity may result in slower
transaction processing times and increased energy consumption, especially in
block chain-based systems.
 Data Privacy Concerns: While decentralized systems enhance data ownership,
they may also raise concerns about data privacy. Achieving a balance between
transparency and privacy can be challenging, especially in applications where
sensitive information needs to be protected.
4) Planning and designing of information system

What is planning and Designing?

Till now our focus was over understanding the DBMS, But now we will try to understand
how an organization adopts a Data Base Management System, such task involve defining
the objective, scope, requirements of the organization, following are the key aspects
involved in planning and designing an information system.

1. Requirements Analysis:

 Planning Phase: Identify and gather requirements from stakeholders, including end-
users, managers, and other relevant parties. Define the functionality, features, and
constraints of the information system.

 Design Phase: Create detailed specifications based on the gathered requirements. This
involves documenting how the system will fulfill the identified needs, considering
both functional and non-functional requirements.

2. System Architecture:

 Planning Phase: Define the overall architecture of the information system. This
includes decisions about the technology stack, hardware, software components, and
the overall structure of the system.

 Design Phase: Develop detailed architectural diagrams and plans. Specify how
different components will interact, ensuring scalability, performance, and
maintainability. Consider issues like data flow, security, and integration points.

3. Data Modeling:

 Planning Phase: Identify and understand the data requirements of the system. Plan for
data storage, retrieval, and management. Determine data sources, formats, and

 Design Phase: Create a detailed data model that represents the structure and
organization of data within the system. This may involve entity-relationship diagrams,
database schemas, and data flow diagrams.
4. User Interface Design:

 Planning Phase: Understand the user experience requirements and expectations.

Identify user roles, tasks, and preferences.

 Design Phase: Create mockups, wireframes, or prototypes of the user interface.

Design the layout, navigation, and interaction elements. Ensure a user-friendly and
efficient interface aligned with user needs.

5. Security Planning:

 Planning Phase: Assess security requirements and potential risks. Identify measures to
protect the system from unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security threats.

 Design Phase: Develop a comprehensive security strategy. Specify authentication

mechanisms, encryption methods, access controls, and auditing processes. Integrate
security measures into the system architecture.

6. Project Planning:

 Planning Phase: Develop a project plan outlining tasks, timelines, resource

requirements, and milestones. Identify potential risks and plan mitigation strategies.

 Design Phase: Refine the project plan based on detailed design considerations.
Allocate resources effectively, considering the dependencies between different design

7. Testing Strategy:

 Planning Phase: Define a testing strategy to ensure the quality and reliability of the
information system. Identify types of testing, testing environments, and criteria for

 Design Phase: Develop detailed test plans, including unit testing, integration testing,
system testing, and user acceptance testing. Specify test cases and scenarios.

8. Implementation Planning:

 Planning Phase: Plan the deployment and implementation of the information system.
Consider factors such as data migration, user training, and system rollout.
 Design Phase: Develop a detailed implementation plan, specifying the steps for
deploying the system. Ensure coordination between development, testing, and
deployment teams.

5) What is Information System Flow Charts?

An information flow char is the graphical representation of how a DBMS works in an

organization. It provides a visual overview of how information moves through a system,
explain the sequence of operation, decision points and interaction between various
component the following diagram is representing the information flow of a hospital system

Source (chart)
Following are the main components of a DBMS system flow chart

 Input / Output Symbols: Represented by parallelograms, these symbols

indicate the input and output processes in the database system. Input
represents data entering the system, while output represents data leaving the
 Process Symbols: Represented by rectangles, process symbols depict specific
operations or tasks performed within the database system. This can include
actions such as data manipulation, calculations, and queries.
 Decision Symbols: Represented by diamonds, decision symbols denote points
in the flow where a decision is made based on certain conditions. For example,
a decision symbol might be used to represent a query condition or a decision
point in a data validation process.
 Connector Symbols: Represented by circles, connector symbols indicate a
connection between different parts of the flowchart. They are useful for
avoiding clutter and simplifying complex flowcharts.
 Arrows: Arrows are used to illustrate the flow of data between different
processes, decisions, and connectors. The direction of the arrows indicates the
sequence of activities.

6) Implementation of an Data Based Management System

After choosing the best DBMS for an organisation as per the requirements the next step is
to implements such system here we will discuss what are the various steps involved in
implementing a DBMS in an organization:

1. Requirements Analysis: Gather and analyze requirements for the information system.
Understand the data needs, user requirements, and business processes that the system is
intended to support.

2. Database Design: Design the database schema, which includes defining tables,
relationships, data types, constraints, and other database structures. Choose an appropriate
database management system (DBMS) based on the system requirements.
3. Data Modeling: Create an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) to visually represent the
data model. This helps in understanding the relationships between different entities and
refining the database design.

4. Database Implementation: Create the physical database based on the designed schema.
Use SQL or a graphical interface provided by the chosen DBMS to define tables, indexes,
and other database objects.

5. Data Population: Populate the database with initial data. This may involve data entry,
data migration from existing systems, or importing data from external sources.

6. Application Development: Develop the application layer that interacts with the
database. This includes creating forms, reports, and business logic that enable users to
interact with and manipulate the data.

7. User Interface Design: Design a user-friendly interface for interacting with the
information system. Consider the needs of end-users and ensure that the interface
facilitates efficient data entry, retrieval, and reporting.

8. Security Implementation: Implement security measures to protect the database and

sensitive information. Define user roles and permissions, encrypt sensitive data, and
implement authentication and authorization mechanisms.

9. Testing: Conduct thorough testing of the information system. This includes unit testing,
integration testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing. Identify and address any
issues or bugs that arise during testing.

10. Training: Provide training to end-users and administrators on how to use the
information system. Ensure that users understand the data entry processes, reporting
features, and any other functionalities.

11. Deployment: Deploy the information system in the production environment. This
involves making the system available to end-users and ensuring that it operates smoothly
in a live setting.

12. Monitoring and Maintenance: Establish monitoring mechanisms to track the

performance of the information system. Implement regular maintenance routines,
including database backups, updates, and optimization.
13. User Support: Provide ongoing support to end-users. Establish a helpdesk or support
system to address user queries, troubleshoot issues, and ensure the continued usability of
the system.

14. Documentation: Document the database design, application code, user manuals, and
any other relevant information. This documentation is essential for future maintenance,
upgrades, and knowledge transfer.

15. Feedback and Continuous Improvement: Gather feedback from users and
stakeholders. Use this feedback to make improvements to the system. Consider evolving
user needs, changing business requirements, and technological advancements.

AnandKumar, D. S. Information Technology and E Business.

Bourgeois, D. T. (2014). Information System for Business and Beyond. Open Text Book Challange by
The Saylor Academy .

chart, Z. F. (n.d.). zenflowchart . Retrieved december 27, 2023, from

Kr.Srivastva, S. G. Information technology. AGRA: SAHITYA BHAWAN PUBLICATION.

teachingbee. (2021, december 18). tecahing bee. Retrieved december 27, 2023, from teachingbeee :

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