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bk Contrel_tsyavollg taken to mean= reqvlate .ditect or command. wt A sqstem ts Bn Omtangement or Colteeter of Tres Connected er related im Gudea manne a5. Jo form “an_eatire unt: coda 1 a fonirel Sgstem Is on qiapgement. Of physical Components Connected of Telorted in Sesh a Manner gs fo command .dittck or teyvlate itsele on anctteer— System. Tejacdless op which type Of System VRE Wosic. iygtedients of jhe system can be cleseeibed bgt i Opjerkives on. contre! ust tin Contre |_-gyotem components y his Results» In.more SeientiMe terms, this baste ingredients. ear be identified ‘by inpet., System | Components 8. evtput as shawn, 4 ore] Se fing + Geet) Sete) eee) 3 These are thete beste types .¢ Ont! og Steins? ot ot Nodal tombe) System 2s “ tie Monty. complex. control. Systems. r€_ineledesl qmomy. feu conse. Hee. fopnae beg ar} rate. corral, ggottm Ceatrecl {nthe —loodgi=uii. Brains maintain bedy temp. at BC despite changes inoophysien! chayges external Lamps iS seb VR ohether contra} system, the tye, the diemerer of pupil ovtomanealley adjusts 40 —tontta the amount of ght that teacher tlie: eyes ~ Ar elestrie. Switch is. Seth ort gxomple 2 Controls the plow op vectricl ti Guitching ON or OFF may sbeastnsishererd os the Inputs... Ape output “> tht FLOW, en NON FLOW eh Sectricity , ght sacammple. isthe” ution of dri @ «Oo he. eyes cote the sencsors. thaw detect: the Centre: of the lost. The brain > detePaines: which. cans. most: be perparmed to-ascomplisl o-oo destred resets the, tbody. then Implementse she toéirela avtion by turnireg the 2 ‘preer ing wheels Arecopm ep -ayottm isione. which.cthke centrel. action j8 inwepenskert ope thie. extpue or thes tlesited reae te «f. basio block -dlegram. ia. Shews below’ Repetemee. Fuse Comtretled) Anges (vf) oe Natiable (¢) fn example Gf. on Spon cep. Sustem is the acon ¢) firing aque: the fegerttte is te direct te dullet 10.6 tenger tid Khe tornolted scialbie” le Se odlcectben, oy the bullet Diphee Hae gun bas beer “Piveds I dere 1s a disturbonce 25 Wit, the Dulles Shrectton._ uli shonge no. collective action ispessibies — © Reletivele Siemple fuctloos de bol eo Wt od ie 2. L au\to cheap dois st eit LL peabe A oe |e a | cal BMS _teliadit to maintain Ar Inhetently hall ot at Loti be patos tase. att tek aH + bog, f f 1 Relatively, slow. in eelpesel fod it be aCan be tnaccurete due to lack ef Lebtbosathenlacl 42: Monta loop Sastem L- vaif = aan Conmparats’)- th this system. the centro aattoh depen net ohly en Phe_eutpet tot ded or tel in demtane: Tht eviprt sighal ty aes # compared with the Lostyerence fo inp 8 ~ orrediive Osten _jsi taken ks i ee +4 L Thattsieola | pet at tb Stefigst | eegpone af Laie _ 2 fheeloces eppeer og Pe rea 8! Reerene (when se at “ror Is Aas) ba j Wich peepee ae } asl Fagen ines le Ricorapt tontrol systems = This Js the lust: of benbers to Thine the oiccrapts #6 peas Joke Pd dated a Aotomatic: landing of lait erayt ~ The calsited! attitude: F uclocitg | epithe gic tcapt gre compe wm the gieund, and tansmitted to the airern pt 99 coniral Signals Siti us %- Missile somirel ~ This..cwmbj oes the bore two: cma alse improves. complex teeconan ink. Ai Radar Gun control ~ Position contr systems aah poiticalae probes oy pity ms 8 good regulaten against wintl disturbances | 5: Machine tentrel - This tnclodé— numerioal_ contol os. ti positioner Nelocity @) p cuttess G Remote pesitiemesntral = Its pooad in’ radar: Sete nurtear fenctors ete _ushere. — e¢mott PesiHeningis.vsed axtensively topes Ron _pofembiometers | ,metery. thos! ot frocess tomirel = Its applied In processing industries Uke chemical jndustries wh ain by, peers asl a ol Seis pore irc Hicae| fecha 3 H§_~h sctfgo AEE wep poche fy { ‘The pelletwing. desinitier ctlaje tothe bleck. diagram abeve fer 8 tA speedo contre! System! is one apbich... tends to maintains @preseribed ‘relationship . op ong System variable te “onctier by Com pati tg the porckons of these variables. osing the} diggerence as a Monts op ntrol Prt Feperence inpot CR) i This iso se eStoblished av a Stniidard ey compariser por a, feedback tenwel System: \p the Valve of fis constant, JETE Kiicten as 0 Sot peint | iether desired: salve jis regperedt as 8.2071 4g 4. motor may be desired to ron at 1500 rev/min ‘but Ht may for at. 1400 seu l/min Hs or 16 00. 180 /enin o therepore. His is. Contrelted! fe give theadéslred value : / fale 3+ Frimary feedback Singa( G) i-Yhis is a function op the combolled variable (¢) which 14s, Sept oy aes INpUr Signal R to vebfain ther digerence Caror &. thence. Be ie bo Fa_Notunting Signal Bs This is the -repence impos: Ry miovs the primary: rfeedback:.Signal.B Getter Tt PienaySy or Sefomtrel clement Gi it This comprise: the porticn op postback of “contre! sastem hich & swpuied Yo prodice a mnigolated savieble From the actoating: Sigel 6. Manipolsted Variable A= This is te goantrty or conten whieh the cenirelling, elemen applics to. the Controlled System tt Cenieed. “Bysiem Aise called the plants This b jhe body, process er plant ,@ particular: quantity ef condition. hick i tosbe tontrelied # 48° Disturbance Wir FHS to a Signal other Gham RK veltich tends to opgeet the Qoudition. of the Controlled. Naviable Ce. ft Contrelied variable Civ This is thet quantity or.cendition opti controlled géysem which 15 dlirectly meguerd and comrolled Reso) i t fron tte © Feedback element. Hi- This Comprise the potion ¢; the feedback, Gnirol system which Gtablishs the telaHenship bhoo she prinory featback & and controlled variable © te forward gotte (- This Is fransmission path grom the reference inpot R to the Contd Natfable 2 iH: 5 Reetback. Path ;~ This. is the jraramisyton poth.prem shown The order op summing pest dees not qyest the results 5. lvstvated. bylow: | La Kit Xan ha, ol : aaa as he SHeming point ON toe. shipted beyond 4 Saindan shewe vrlow ot ta | 1 Hr rR 2 Kyo Cx =k) G Gla SA pick opp Choke cpg) Con De _shnipted ae & —P Bix, Xe < & & > Biminate a porword path in) ‘porate! path with snpther ‘olecK,, the $90. parallel paths ‘replated by a oypqit block whose. _gain’ isi eqan Yo. the -sopt oj the gain. in the pathe os shew doove spat = te A take opp. point is. plmicnt which the ovtpst is tapped fer usc. else usher» | ifwo take off the Saine uniadch Con be inierthaggtd withers: opecttiy the te. & i | e Pollewsieg precestoree:afe-.narratiy: pollewed wile Simpligying wn biok Hane ie Combine —olldlocks which pre —in_geries $ vie Romnbige all iloxks—In_=pava let SB LisElgninater all -mminot peediauk loops ve Dhigt Suenaing -polmt te wre lest 8 toKe oy points to thea.night. op. the. ng eee \eop x) Repeat Yre_clvove Steps atl the canodeal. form is btaliaed ; - Simplify the lock diagram Sheurn belesa ana’ get the dese bop dnonsger _purction n ® Gia # Beare tn prellel > Gat Gs Heise boll | hop @ d 14 | Gy Sa ort i Series > “fehal_gola. = Gib | fe 8 eH) Se Bil is) - Ry hel | pe aay = | Reduced te td fit ee (GoGo Cd ed i 4 pal | ZI = A ® and “JO are in Series hence muttiglicd Ga: Sub t i ee a 2 - es} (s a e — t es G= & RK T+6n Bis Sutky (Gat Bo) = R 1+ Guy bea, £ + + Gu tig (Oaths) 6 Hy BuGak Big Ke CO.a Bo By using, bleak aiagearn. alge, fedwoe Iss Block a clove tebe cancel _Birm Gnd hence “Teter mine L Forward tronager punetion 4. ne ftedbinck Wansfer _ponctien cL Open loop trans.pec function it di Qlesec leep Honsper ees & Etter. fatto. poh eat oho DB Primarg. peedibark feito. _ § afocsh Se Exoeaple 5 i Derive He overall truetager! eatic forthe System _ Show Joop D Gig # Gs in series <= Bina & 3.6. RK ve Get t GeFies Gain = Guibas = \4 G.Gg th t..3, ¢ = Cy Gy R Vase 1 Gabe Hy by Bela BS Hi} o> Te Gslets Ter = Bu Gy Oy 44 Ga ibis + OGG) Hy 1 | — Using - block chagram. fedocHon teohnique derive the closed loop trans fer ful dhe Sern Wositeied.loclows » lop Dy ard Gq crea seties s+ ea Gy doe Loe R as Ht 2 Gy bs. 1+ Ga bis Ha In loop @ = _ Ga bn fe Gotoh + Ga GG ote GaSe GK art. in_sertes it I leop 8. Gy ont Gey Eden, Qatn = Su Be G; Hy Galig lt, #Gat, t Pe Abs Gu, By Sy, R Ty ba Fe Wa 4Gan = Gy, Gig, Os, Gud, He V+GigGy He Feigith FES A, (FR GHar Gate SS in \cop B The gales. ace. tre pura sa ch & s Gh te Ge 4 V4 GaGa ta t Oaks ~ Gta Hal The Poute. shows a block diagram a a control {) Reasce It to its canonical form li) Determine the error! rahte as pees | guste: For the System 5 Ws cry Ave vatgue jentets g epen leop & 1 if 8 C5ei7 Tei Vp 0p = U | Pedah, Ha IH + K(s+e-9) Sees guia = _K€sieos) g° (se) +H, = iran = _KCst0-5) _siCse) tty qe Keto) 6 He (stp = __ K (oro:s) Flos) erty + KCB%0°5) Ha ie ® 4+ gitecs +H fk el ae : 1 vt _Kts40-9)_ FCs) He For the, System qu the glqure. Helou 4) Redore $0 tanenlea! form A) Determine the claret teop troasper paetion = SF Coen) thle a he Plsw)ttiy Koto!) Hy — pao 9 loop © Ggoed Gy are In Series > series gain = “Sasa bot ae By Ga Vt GaGa Sues gators Sy ond Gy Gy = R&ei BeBe as Sia fs eg Ga by Ga Gy ta Ye Get 14 8 Guy Ha = Sia Gig Mee, VAG lia a Se Gra He & t Sig Gig Gra ert Gaba H+ Ga Gait a4 lop @ Series gain = Gu Ga i Go 14 Gg Grate t Oia gts L2G = GO. Gobr, - ee Ro ot tit vt Gata Gag My Gy Pasig beg oe Be ti H ble ligt. UE Se tates ally Hy = Gils Bry Gy 2 Ls Gag Guta t Gealg Hg + Gy Gaky + Gy Ga Hy Gotig Hy MUYTL_ INPUT SYSTEMS. ,. Sakon ts necessary, to pee. Simulteneasy, Hie others to xem + raners. ey Determine the gutpet ctor the System shown below! ca \. for H, sh Seoroe = 0 Sis wo oe fo Gey Considering Uf. Source Re OL A) : Ge Cpt U+Ca =. GR + Gaur Guta Cu be = Sy GaR + Gay Guba ce Systerttn which mere than ene ope aa i “ewpplied ct disgtre nt 2 ey She Systeme che sopet posite tHicatem. will be uacsl_by considefing tac. oper chm Hime while 3 The final seletton is then ebtaiacd by odelfng Individes! sdltichs. together rity feedback cox free & me He Here i Cs Gide K 14 Oy ba, ‘|For the rwviti sg stem Shown below determine the closed loop Iransper fonction. + Ceusider Re te Ra 2 Ry 0 Gs 8 Gila Gg 4 hi Rieke 1 FG Gee bee It { Ronsiger Ra KBR =O. Ga = as Ra. Ra 3) ba Gx, 4 A I= Gabe ~ Gut 7 US vet a ba feasider Roy hs ha 2.0 & = & jt iF i= an - spe ; ae Gs P i> By CGbaw = Ga 4s V+ Glas H al = 101 #1 Ca 4 Og 4 Ri Pa Bs = Gy Ga Gig tea lg og ak pt Big gp Wu GeGsH I GaGa Goh Ht bu binds H 34 Determine the. output C Por the rule inpet..Siounoelow : iJ 1 Xonsider Ri, wy su.s0 Lf fe | & f= GG HA GG Hi Has ¢ se Guy Gala + Bayt is Mt G, Ga Got R 17 GH. Lise qedt Serle gain = Gy Ge Hs Hy Ha = Seica pecdbnax pole daha tos loge | [Ted Jebidel aldol 13 | Gas es — Sf Rens idee ty dua : Le Gen Dai ty Pty saga, 1% Gab Ril a Te el gt ia \ + fod a fo a 2G oo M000 Ge Mtg Hiei + L a L9H Got ty errsre a oa TEU Gotiys ter ® Latta ides pt 4 aL — 2 Gu ba R + bet * Ua } 1 Ga Oa hata 1 Gaba Mile tGuba Hite = GebaR + Goth + Ue = Ca Ba Hote pe fA [Determine the cotper oper. the “blogs atlag ram. (Shown. elegy weit. hes Be ot, y eq + cds Series. gain btn Gu fGen GaGa, Gat, Tea, Te Gy Oily ep Galle Guteaty — R. V+ fuGa. Hy Bb Qltag | al, Lt alte # Gy Chatty pe pee ofa = Gy + Ga tly ty & aki # M4 GH + Gy Gea Hy bits | pit Ga tt. Seas Ed Me HB tt Bak, e Lf = f+ -4nBiors 4 Foca de Gated Catia Cmiag The Rant LtGotia+ Gus Hy = GeBia Hy VGattat Gy Gey i Ga Ky WGatia t Gabeart Gaket lt Galt Gat f- + GiGahy 1 HBafla ee z wu obsitl 4 ainott + tty Hyatt Bafta, PQ snyt sopeadeig | a RET Mee SP ES SRT uel ef amin CORT TH Jame wayy to” awog Seo ues SPAS) Sf FPA” 20 sHeIYSla /angy . i = TRETEPAT a ceourrpHeg!) EIS HpmyS sepia s|_wayshs Bt eal rs cfgurtuy ssyppoiddo~ aug 80 2Ax saysoeudd> opr ay OENIOG Al|SHOG, aT cM Hose sen vow sunpche pmrichyd=ysW? tors Fo orayjoiog ay Ii * w sth, Be yeyorselys 9 p> seacye BP ayn speaqah> uo st aL pe of voxoundy®: to. sanyoiiap”/ seNewW at 5 a ‘ oe adn ae so dup matches ay ung sd pysuosyojat Sp -SmayS IY rood; af aa Uw Deal pawustguoy IY aq HEY sy eft eet tele pty — ¥ + soyoibs euasettip fo yas 2 surep™ Bijeasn aaishg-n co paper “oefourasfou Tay, “Wajes anny 1h aT ~cguashs jpop aot —aouepeg yom xf Seoul g Canes po Lars ema) cHonpuyy “suspsbe gp to aeay ay ere syomau tyddo ojos sy 9 Cy “\gloyponaeqe 98x{ im fPvo sed -aigoyD ra spoyjou jrayhyou Huot ago» asayy + : Cpe ste oak peth cee Tig sb saawend ap ably so agoys sp wih oor asab of posN 9g VED +o spunea Frog sewing payddo amop pI y > teyesnmpg ap sAAdWcy wo GQ -aqaidoon: ofp Mat —ay bleh soerrARa fo Apap vem, yon ‘bHISn hy anypacta 6} 0b ania fo-eeme—soy RE oy sede pM HSU pEYMayeW aq Kou 9 it } todd Jaywawuadva, sof aca 0} ud UAV woe epee epee aH MEHy aibealS ysou ef-s hypanbad si papow ayy 5 paws laulaq oayshs ah of hom ses © UP so wdg ayy ul SMA, (ape pega} —usdiodwi stow st 3} wayshs wy PUBLMPYS af 4BPIO VY - —guRtaiow wWiTece- = i mictien. oi ; | This ts the fatto of Laplace Hransporm oy fhe ostpst fo the Laplace frans poo. 6,-Hhe ‘npot assuming. Hot He syptem was initially relaxed Cinltial conditions. are ero le the cotpet Siqnal is ~ Cee) ome the Inpet Is CO, the tromper:ponctoa., Gey = deo ce r= EOD Ve has deen observed thet a control system Is an arraggemem o¢ phypleal components Connected of related im_gech a manneras to Commanc, director eypelete Hiselp: or one Hier System’ yee df For the matiremadical analysis of any xSupiem, tthe -girst Step Is to derive tts mothemattes! Model under Scitable astupticrs: sy Hell These assopptions depend on the mature oy fhe components, pajure of tncitation Sources. 6, Environmental Conditions, the assumpiten which, 1s, cemmenigoumade is-that theSesttm jp -linear.. This assumption b rermally rue Under restricted fogge of Instructions Facing Detive a trans per function whch. cam besclepined,.aurby He pollwieg, Dees 9% —- a0 + dew 4 5 twW= TdeW+ pd i ae at oll ino pale angi bovhios_c | Taking, the logins trumprn 2d, time domain changes te sepveney olsenaianst | a at byte ee + Ot 4 Woeted Sens ti |F ws +8] = Rea [jes ] S kts Res) oo? ee degli La Ee | | | CS = tse ] ? x e RID _/s*410545, 4 Tronsper _portctions of tlectri cl_nctwork To determine the ranger -ponction of Such petworks Celectricat)uctihe »)baste laws 0g - alecrrtcal epgincering are vate 4 { ‘This inclosies. Chin's. low, Kirciopes lows ete +The procedures are as gollews +34 UMete the Intgstel=Aipgerential eguaiiers og the prkwetts niskirer use vp Ki Yeh se | YD b tquabtons cpr aiey 2 pn =| it, Taxe the Laplace tansporm of al these eqontens and elimlnafe...the. owes! red =. ‘orbalo ca ~ li Bg franspesiter < Re-atrangement obtain the tronsper puntton: Ser hop. wehani, The eguattens gathering the -totonslep préshoniaal. Sqsiems, ore..apen. directly or inetl rect formulated form newlons lew e} meHon» = te z = ? One lao states thet , the wlgebrale Sum of the forces Claryve) nekiNg ona. bed in a net Drestion is. equal bo, Hoe pote resisting mation -" 23 { Lines. | The various gabe Veet in raed pts Oreos pollews De Maas op the: element hl Ko Sprlng constant: ts tbs bait 2 + BE ame constant Ge es cg Laid ate | at Fr Force applied = Dispenet —— XeNeleatty ae ' Mass. (But nots placed) 0) bea 4: dis. 9 Ww he A A ESM dete Mid Pas dbauah teed Fa) he Bk | fun ses of pref ralh, 2 “Gh peal Moss fb. egulvatent teow! resistor: Ine Rectal »peptiome : wont. x & —- ts Aaah se ole 1 Fimsangioe a) 10 a vt dherdd Le dosk 1 le ip equivalent: fee Capacitor inom secistenHegptem “el Tg at 4 Mess i Domper tai} af ab shai actual po) kta fat Re Ls Fie Raye = AYP jie ite | Fe) bes alder Cian) The [dct 4 ‘his, Is .& Sopaciter x. Ireduci atema 2 i The getlowing. Ymmbols are sed _—_ : {= Trolweckta sep an. clearness eh) So Skye ness ReFriction Gomtant. ioc) F Torque: applied Force: — H Angle moved dot s- Mgolac. rwelparty Loe oy pbs ‘e tepresented! dy t= rete Srder of ' Systems| bolae Wher elements or components. ate Urked to: Dehawtoce e the system ie Geveenlilese by the interaction t Mécheinical, Electiss| or pluid gystems Gar be reprodued by Untiing the fespechve elements: Mare Compticats! oystema. tan be prodvect by, lotecaetten 6p clements_from more Hien one type of system: Fg! An eleoinic meter ao FiRST__ ORDER SYSTEMS i Me chantoud System a Consider a simple Parsilel _mreshonical system whic dosh pet whisk | eombinatien 0} cylincter and” dash bear | Wee t () tater Te sgotem Gonsist cg a bear) 2} negligible mass = at The “Site ert op She Getiag © damper “are attoched to \nttially unectended » A force F tp sodetent “the bar with yore towords Hie Fight bot not jnmedlatel » tttoiehee fo fits & rhgtd wet’ the sprine egether:, they orm, system_ane th ie a driving ke Lip rey be. Aegamled as _electre mechanical System: t 1 Links Aggether Pprlag # a a damper. Speedos stew nthe cltagram ye Assuming the mass | rergtabelipd_—slecdtodl Leuped adie | uehout pie othe danger intel may ve megested & the bar nas moved a distance Por eriginal postions te ime CE seconds), the festtolning perees. op the ‘Spring: ar dash pot te fs Fa oppae F + +4 ptt ote EB pa a Re 9 , fe Bdg | | ote Fe R ge Kyo { Mists & pret ender digeredtel equation ard its a mathemadtenL, sttdel op the SYsten-To Get the Arorager panction, fitst fake fhe. Laplace. fromaporm q the DB Faxing ts Fes) = Reyen+ KY es) 2 “To get Araniger function, clude output with Inpota fs Fea Yo) Ro + x] Yea ois Fs) 8S +K sa} | Be Elect: I, heer ar by bi ert potting) pani Sobstitete gor coment In the egn ep i Ha Cis Rodw + be de 1 “Joking hts Lote tt 1 ELC) = RES beg Eo ts) Eilat tee [kes ac] t bof ditto be | ibe 4 pifeaq bp dol b 4s tahoe gor Making 1 ts Euat, Bild = 19 Bets) + Bots) : R 2s r Eits = gots ( Eo 41) - R ; “ab. nl WotR ors } Bs Yhermel “System mixer A Socktted Container ts Qed fo eect a Liguidl | The mitver maintains ©. uniform temperature “Threoghset. the. Ligul ct 2 The input. ls the Sockets bey (©3) od the “eotpt the “wld temp (x) | “The ameont of heat change: (4g) cheamperes Jo the ligated depencls on the resistence (RD, ofthe wall between the Steam and the liquid. bi ws | The enp_icljeciesl Ole ey ae 9) at Faking laplace transporm 2 RCS Orca rey = Od Jef Perea Resi] = e5eo Trans fer gpunctien @1¢s) = Fach et L. SECOND ORDER S¥sTEma, Exomple 4. Celecirteal) * Show that R-)-C netwerk shewon belew the Hanger pyton [ Meding Misheped Las 0p. vo teers LS Roanoled ~ Nt? NA+Na 4 Vo 05 ede dk Subsite | por lc ee ode | “hs be place. rans porn i NE@ + ft LeF Noes) tVoer Nits) =Moco J Rost Les*+i] NICs Vow) L pest4 Resta] Trans per punction 4 “se fae ae NOP Re: td 4 10 ND ee e Is a second order eysiem ond | T trompe 2 Cmechanical Systems For the mas q Spriag damper System Shewn below Show thad: the Sgpitm 1s 9 Scwnd ener type ond derive the fremper poncion Fa)-xey Bom ae . + F dived eet Te] et yet é dpe - | Damper Pe el < The mass MIs tonsidereel A. ded BD forces. act on the mes M S the force xeerted on the dptfag FCS) UThe force exerted by damper piston Fr fie The eaiesnally applied force F “The spring pore Fs.2 Kee 3 4 The dariplag pore Fr = - Raz dt Tre main fone i Hote + since all porees ore aching on the mast { ‘Spc F +Fs+Ee i 4 4 1 s ‘ Mahe = FSR de! Kar ei de de | Mtoe + dat Ka oF ook Taking aplace transporm E Lye Mokxca)e Rox ts) + Kxta £ Fes xe | neeRs+k le Fes 1 Fits) t Ms aRs 4 FRASE EAD NETWoRKY Show thet the transper function’ por the cirwit shown belew fs Now = a (+s) Ni 14457 whee d= Ry go TRO 2 RitRe 1 et | Nés Cap + thy Nei oe = Ayywe-t | Moe (gel | | 4d Faking the laplace. Aeenaponey Vita + Twp \t + Ra} Rides, Mo = Trey Ra Avonspee ponetion ” Now) <_ig fa 4 Nits) Tors hy Re de Rigg a = 1Gl+t —— Rit (hikase +h) a + 4c pt “folasew] Ky +Raf Risers] Divide fhmagh v8 = fa fnscns Rit Ret TR ve4} eS? Marat gt felleainy netoorls tie. Derive. Xo. Sec Taking the - laplace_fratsparre Nits). Apap R 1 Rect J Vots)= Tah R Roew Ae Transger -ponction f R _ Nets). = Eta. ma a ea Ws) Tee) [9 f j nlemidee Heed. + a Rk + 4 ire Gase +) =| TrEqdivolent raoment op tnertic og the meter load to. the. moter: shop ~ t a ~~ os Ru TRANSEOR FUNCTION oeemmea ee, A de meter is cetea wmpleysel ait a genteel System. where_an. Uobtceeabse amavat, df Shope power TS feguinea There Citheramurture contrelled with pled Plelkl coment or Pit control with pixed nasa poste Amotore ted dC moter : 2 j where i | dosti 4 Ram Apmature winding. tesistance ig ohm C0) j hort 4 ireletance in Henry iD | : po bas Me bo insetump 2! : ye Upc —pielel orsent) pol atushmte Me amsad doic aoe 4 | Car applied oitage tn sets | eb- back ems 43 Weds { & > Angular displacement of meter thopt { Te Terque delivered the mater F~ Equivalent viscous friction coegpicient of the moter s reperecl te 7 motor. Shag: Cxq~m (rat see op pod teeth fi dn $e tpp—is PA t= Koo kecd Lt | Sine ip e constant T= Kika tq — * Kia t+ ‘he ferque T Asatepst delivered bythe meter (5 pre porter! fo ithe product og atmertire Serrenc.ta and the att gap Plox $ which i> iotuen proportfonal.. te. the .pleld current Therefore aftgap. pox. 4 = Kp ig 1 : L 4 where Kp 1 @ constant sh Tergue a T= Ky ia Ks ig where Ki # Kp are censtanis donk Ie armature CEnirolled de mototy fhe piskd oocrent is. held fn -tonstant. thessthe luc ts ee ond the torgue Dee mes pt pipegeipee Xo the: armatuie currtot® = Kig Z reg Kis a moforforyue cengtane .»! tivo Nihen armature is sefating 0 9 ee pioportional te the ees og the plue ant urgulac elecity. 1 ia the — armoctupe a re 5 Sai. 1 i eee Pea fetstant plory-the indosed —\eoltyge — Crg nib. fireclay poperttanat fo. the selec ty fotos : speak Jet bath, CT ies hd dP fal ai y hd db thos. @p-2 Kydd | ie tb 4 [ Taking - fistise # assuring ak {nitiel conetiNed vate Yepe Znoaa ke SOep 1) 4 ppd | The speed op the armature canirelled be yatem ishesntralted 26 Phe ormadtd re 8 Ca sh the Atgperenttal equation.ushich forms jhe atmature et will: bees! bavitaletailsled [ol Te | T ie L Fabry ft ‘ { £2.C8)=. Le S30 + Lats fa + Eyes) dota 4 ta babe E fag = Tats (ia54Rol+fec9 | i Igtn Salsa euba) foB+Ra | Sete a ——— patio fact ob ft about THeloarmatore! citént: prectuoes ifotgue. wshtoh 5 dpptlest” athe. inertia? —$. prPoffon =nent ree a A i A Th J Methanien| Td" + FAC 2 gechite Rig torque et he bergae E TS eg Fs Gg7 Teo Ka) : te 65° 6s)Le0)7 Ktoe Joa. 4 ft hs ah Prony the three. vlock whl agreams. - 1 Sen ie Sa*t Eaca) Since 0. fy feds i 1 witr id | Eats) oasotsada. atte lesqecchest # i | debe oS He 4 | Lott Gasdud tates 4 i = Kuc 3 2 1 i . a Qos + RaLSst +Fe) +k Kes pscebinntat di { Ye Indottmace! Le iq the ormature is caval Small one sma, be rgglected in which Gase the above equation becomes: sida | es) = _ Km. where Kn = __K & moter gain Constant | Loo) so \TmS 1 Rap t\K Kb : A eam LAS ree Hine eorent | Ratt KkKp. j 1 3 | 4 | | des 2 mae | Tlenlenlpeleel ele ieelelelbelbeine lerdal a A ll _ Vek Rp Fete vied resistance ta 2 bge Fit + _teuetanse in — Lp Fist __bwirrenit te Ra Sum oy armature resistances the inserted cesi | f= Argolarslis place mentop. fhe moter in. radians | T= Equivalent moment ep Inertia of the moter & lead repered ‘to the motor: =m Melani Niscovs _prtulfen. cent, the. _pictor_ a “loa rr to | ae ‘kagt Ky =m [rales a4 pedal i Tasha eK, Dye e [ 1 Ow ig 2 fan = Katp 1 i Kikailp ia — Fe Ki kei T= Kif. a ke thus ageten the pled oocrent Lp ig the comtrel Lepde ¥ ‘The ormalore —axrent “Lyi muletaiced—constuarychich may be -oscoynplished. by tip Q Ceastant vo tinge Seurce fo the ormature # fuserting, a Ne age ‘Pesistarire th Seches. Avie the onmoderes att. ot 3 |p He. sa drops to the. ‘resiviaece, Boe iS large dane with fhe emg. indvera_| Wy tte retetien ey the armatwee, the cpa op the back ag te ThadeSepiaft_ thos Keeping the ormatere torrent cons tent! the forqueT deesloped by the motor is prrportansl to the poe ize “oingep $ andthe aryeture current | Te. K Gla where & ‘ 8. gontunt bs TX gia Sire the airgap ple ¢ ord pied woirent Cp 3 ptnpatienal por fhe sua operetta. Tt op tie meier—onl_ta is assumed 4 be constant ids Torque T= Ky id. where Ke 9 Constant ptt Pe i “he fea ee Ais. ate are! 1. 2 eps Me dle ate ceernell ~~ Hsia let thas oe bee a dee Es 4 ee = r | Toki dts 2) laasiiral patsas 4 Epos by SExcy + pon Ry aif ott Le = Tp pest ited al Ept0) op cle Lael 1 i 1 Egtd LES 4Re i E fe tJ Ea fli tite ded ode i |g pts] MEP ERE cog oe tl deeded fs pastes pe J So on 4 Foe to + Ka Tp } Gon Listas) = Kathe) 4 ib aad ee | Fu) 2 Ke Tpt) ss Rembiniey the wo blow diagram we get i ff} fe} —0 dela get htt tl ebuild OF = Note: There is no peedimek beeaose pack emp is cance led: by external. resistance Lets. Ke bi dive l iT I, 4 Ep) —_(ypse Ry) s?s85) GH Se)(mSty 5 Ry 8 whee Km = > Motor gain cenetant pa. Tre pg Hime. constant por the picld Tone J = time constant op inertia prtetien: clement . = re ‘ Since the pleld Indoctance hp ts not saps he trorayersponerton. op thes pleld Gonicoiied de motor iS og fhe. thid _ onter 7 ~ = de DT oa oes LI WSFER PUNCHOM OFA GES “4 ie ae Fie diy lic Li Reel Ole Fepistance Kg generator cons hank. ania aide et er: fo th petting ett Hed Suche thee | genetarer ped wwrrent Het puted [ Taking tol eer et aa rare i 14 42 L haba ott. ‘al +4 Yq mn yk Oe a oe a | Appiying Kivehorgs Bie the pled oa li I Nis! Ly dip fee isle Typos kp wo (dps +R, ‘a eae ‘ ab of Nie) sei) nef oh _ diving Hitoggh bg Rpg achat am poh : 0 sop A ted fe Eg t= Ko) oe | | tf 4 pobncd ate Nica ae ee where, Ws é e me voegten of a sila [tf and. te “TRAN CIENT RESPONSE. by Teodoe td wit ft Inpet__stgutAn asi sist. 44 - os fa \npt.to_control sustem may, toe Slmple., me Narying quantity, or complicated, % fandom: Tn the esting, of Sistine fallowing, —inguts. ae vs ie Input displacement ‘Ws the Suddere change jp the Nalve op @ phystcal quantity, dent in zero Hiner dve to Practloal limitation — its passible te ochtee on Weal —shpe Input Sus prided the tise Yime_is Ney fast fempaced With yesponse Hme oj. the System she. tise time Gan bbe ignored ee Shaded ~ fiye toler 40 change grom one: level for anette oc bd tine A step input is often. used to ebteln transient tesponse. a a System De Unit = Impulse fipyt 4 4 4 Ari impulse Inpot isc Speiteltype..opi_pube voien, starts oth £=0 phos: att. inpintie.h 4 9 dovatten. oy. zero «bt practice. a. perfect, impulse cannot be cshiered2...por_testing cormally. osed Jor hing Aeady state Coaditfonse roe iN Arceieration Inpot_/ Porabelic. Ms one tne whic She Thput Aenivel is fehefed at a constant | ameledation Vs. used. either par troclent ep _steaely state condi Hots - apt pal Odie Sh abit ohh dank N__Sinssoidal Ingo 4 ft . The ingot sorte Ts. auhieereal_|to. shyuoidalyy NoKying Sigtals “scittatior® hg gh Tiss Garstont preqoeray one mogottodefepresert a slowreldatTnpop v input poe i O° cio wt imi et - Hime. Sekine tn digital sation act ia] Consider 0. Simple Servo. mechanism Coystem whistt|4s error detuoed ). Shevin eto i + qutpot hyp ay i: 4 Feosoeet Parentiometers bugs ath , ebay fot lull S37 | ctoniee ae E oe tare AL, de. sepply : bly 7 Sep waited I es Ss ea | Question (ons) mo i Determine: /the...response 9} the veltgge: Wt®) ajter the Swtich Si is. Network of. Figute below when of excitiHen Ved = 1Osinzt 1s applied - Hote thet Hiefe ts ne charge on the capuctter begore: closing tye aswhteh:! ~~ THE SE avo mecuanisn + ~ bin ‘Ovtpet shaft. i. Tequired 40 fellow the fetation % ¢ Qn inpot. Shapt: 4 The ‘papers position. op the two. Shapts ae’ measured, by Spopling. obit. a torcida! —-patcobtometer each Shapt ond). Sapir con beth the potentemeter aross a+ Commer tabhixed —Sepy at 4 spalyiayp boc. _ Frevided the jue. hapts Yoel sere ate positions jhlere| sudtlauhe tas: Bed erste tu Sliders lp }owtver there is mmisaljgrment of de wtil exist. btwn the two_sliden + sts mas fie —anid Stgodopencling 9m the magnitede ard sien of the deviation ( clipgerence btwn The cumplipier eoill.. then, eh urrent-uthweogh the..cirmature of Seexe mator; the. ee 35 .which careles a.) tonstant. Tabata a the resotting torque developed by the Motor fetches the shape Tag. Such dlingctten| ag 4o_redute the coviation ard! elthr bring ovtpot Shap in She. Same. position. ts the impor shagt or tase the gutpot! stag fe lew ne inpot ae ip-the later is in Doak nvous meen 4 $ “The block diagram ef the agstem..1s. as shown oeleto! fe TRE mee Tee pt ke é Ke Xt Ps 4 = Ke By i e = - be & 13 Deets etal | inketin_agelthe- ste pid: load i cepenftel Jette land aide Caen") Nscous _prictien _donstant isang Isec.) ~ Motor torque Crem) X= Ampligiee “Tram oondvetante L KG= Motor Torque Constant Kr* Toncdocersond.etter.cedvcer. Sonstamt sins 1 othe Wtbin forte | ppdi@thnel jo the lent bol “thes Te KARE eer = fa Hee

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