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7 day

Life Reboot
Prompt Pack
Part 1
Hey you wonderful human!
When I was around six years old, I had a conversation with my grandma
that technically inspired this prompt pack you’re about to read.

“Joanninha, why can you learn English so quickly when I can’t even
remember the most basic sentences?”

My response in a raspy children’s voice “our brains are like computers,

and mine is new and empty vó, but since you’ve lived so much more life
than me, yours is full.”

She gasped at the truth of the analogy in her wide owl-like eyes. Then
I asked her a question that stumped us both, “but is there a way to clear
your mind to have more space?”

I’m now discovering the answer to that question is yes. You can indeed
clear space in your mental and spiritual storage to make room for
newness through intentional reflection. In comes our favorite tool
for the job, journaling. We’ve curated hard-hitting prompts designed
to take you on a journey of thought and come out on the other end
with tangible action steps. This Reboot prompt pack is one you can
use time and time again since we’re constantly embarking on new
chapters and adventures. In these times of introspection, it’s important
to remember you are a beautiful work in progress. The goal is to squeeze
as much meaning and goodness out of your past, and blend it into your
present to ensure you’re moving towards the future you actually want
to live in. But in order to envision and make a path, we need to reflect.
Grab your journal, a nice pen, your writing beverage, and let’s get to

with love,
Part 2
Listen to the playlist we’ve curated to
help you start a new chapter. Enjoy!

Click and listen on Spotify!

Part 3
Day 0
Draw a line down the middle of your paper.

On the left side:

Make a list of everything you want to leave behind in your old chapter (think: bad
habits, behaviors, relationships, limiting beliefs).

On the right side:

Make a list of everything you’re proud of for having begun and want to continue
cultivating, things you want to make the cut for your next chapter.
Day 1
Write a memory from the last year
that made you feel alive, engaged, &
vibrating fully.
There are moments we wish we could keep in a jar to open and inhale when times
get tough. Consider this prompt your mental jar, your job is to fill it with as much
goodness as possible to go back to when needed.

Think about something that happened in the last year that you really cherish. What
about it exactly made you feel alive, engaged, vibrating? Write about that experience
in as much detail as possible. The mission here is to extract what about it made you
feel alive. Where did it happen, who was around, what state of mind were you in?
What values does it represent? And most importantly, how can you sprinkle all that
goodness into your life in this next chapter?
Day 2
What are the 3 most powerful things
you did in the last months, and why?
Who benefited from them?
Tough decisions, brave words, proud moments - there are things we do that leave
us in awe of ourselves, feeling powerful and strong for stepping up. When did you
last feel that way? What have you done recently that made you fully aware of your
capabilities, feeling vigorous and alive? Write about those moments and the impact
they had not only in your life, but on the people around you. When you’re done with
the prompt, ask yourself: how do you want to carry yourself into the next chapter?
Day 3
What is taking most of your
attention? Are you content?
Our attention is not a resource, it is our life. What we pay attention to eventually
makes the memories that will tell our life stories. Are you investing most of your time
and attention in things that drive you, give you energy, and bring you joy? Or do you
feel like you’re wasting away the days focusing on menial tasks that don’t bring your
forward? In other words, are you paying attention to what you actually value enough
to pay with your life?
Day 4
What are you neglecting? Are you
Yesterday we analyzed where your attention is focused, and how you feel about it.
But what about all the things you keep putting off? Are you ignoring something
important, leaving a desire unfulfilled, or bottling feelings up? What areas in your
life are being neglected? Now that you’re aware, do you want to keep it that way?
Think about what aspects of life (responsibilities, people, hobbies) are worth paying
attention to, and what you can say no to, so you can say yes to what really matters.
Day 5
Who is your support system? Who do
you support?
Imagine you fill a room with all the people you love. Look around, and acknowledge
every individual in there. Who are they? How do these people show up for you when
you need them? How do they show up when you don’t need them? Have they been in
your life for a long time? We are the sum of the closest people to us, they remind us
of who we are, which is why we need to make intentional decisions on who we let in.

Now, think about it from the other perspective: do you feel like you’re offering
support back? Is this dynamic balanced?
Day 6
What challenges do you want to have
this time next year?
It would be unrealistic to wish for no challenges at all. We grow in the face of
adversity, so we might as well wish for the most “useful” challenges we can get.
A year from now, what do you hope to be worrying about? How to dress for your
first day at a new job? What title to give the book you finished writing? Dream
about what life can and will look like in a year, and the challenges that reflect your
growth now and who you’ll become. Let’s make it happen!
Day 7
What is your “why?” What’s
motivating you to stay on the path?
Each day, if we’re lucky, we wake up and go through an entire day paying attention
to things, working, building relationships, and today’s task is to stop and ask
yourself why? Why do you do what you do? Have you felt connected to a purpose
from a young age? Are you still searching for one? Write about what keeps you going,
what adds meaning to your life, and what excites you for this next chapter. Whether
it’s something you feel is natural or something you chose, what’s your ‘why’?
Part 4
1. After completing the prompts, what was the most
surprising thing you learned about yourself?

2. Have your thoughts on your next chapter

changed? Stayed the same? Evolved?

3. What prompt(s) were your favorites? Save them

to repeat in the future.

4. What have you learned about your why?

5. Now, make a list of habits you need to cultivate to

start rebooting based on this new understanding
of yourself.

6. Lastly, make an action plan of actions you’ll

implement in 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and
a year. We believe in you!

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