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"In the Beginning of Existence"

Narrator (Voiceover): In the beginning of the world, when time was but a whisper and space an
empty canvas, a tale of creation unfolded. A story woven from the threads of light and shadow,
of hopes and dreams, of the divine and the earthly.

Narrator (Voiceover): Here, where the infinite embraced the finite, where the boundless met
the bordered, and the dance of existence began. A lovely and beautiful early enchantress of all
the creatures starts to be joyful with the flute of life.

[While the Narrator’s reading his Line, the enchantress (Princess) starts to walk slowly at the
center. While she was dancing and singing with joy. And also handed with a flute that she was
about to play]

Narrator (Voiceover): while the gorgeous enchantress was dancing and singing with joy, she
noticed that everything that surrounds her has something wrong. She is perfect in all the ways
but no one can appreciate her because she was all alone. Suddenly the happiness that flows in
the moment of enchantress starts to vanish and turn those happy moments into
disappointment and sadness.

[While the Narrator’s reading his line, the enchantress (princess) starts to realize and think
about his loneliness and be very sad and about to cry]

Narrator (Voiceover): So in that very sadness moment she blown his magical flute, and starts to
create a magical sounds. With a blow of flute, the Enchantress breathed life into the void. A
symphony of elements, a crescendo of energy, burst forth in a symphony of creation.

[As the enchantress’s flutes move, different parts of the room light up to represent the
formation of galaxies, stars, planets, lands and fruits (Zyron) Light (Giga) and Water (Mendoza).
[Zyron will slowly arise coming at the back of the table]
Narrator (Voiceover): as the enchantress play a very sorrowful sounds, it will become a way to
produce a Stars: that ignited like cosmic candles. Planets: that spun into existence, cradling the
promise of life in their tender embrace. Land: that will be a playing ground for joyful. Fruits:
that will became a source of life for his creations. Lights: as the cosmic painter's delicate
brushstroke, whispered across the canvas of darkness, weaving together the symphony of
existence and revealing the secrets of stars and galaxies. Water: The liquid memory of Earth's
genesis, the sculptor of landscapes, carving canyons with patience and painting valleys with the
hues of reflection. But yet it is not enough for her to feel the pure happiness and genuine love
with sense of belongingness. So she blown again his flute with full of hope and heart.

[The Enchantress blown again her Flute]

Narrator (Voiceover): And in the heart of this celestial tapestry, a garden bloomed—an oasis of
wonder and harmony, where life flourished in endless forms.

[while the enchantress (Princess) playing with his Flute, a Strong and Handsome man (Khen) will
slowly arise coming at the back of the table, and they will start to do a slow dance]

Narrator (Voiceover): Two souls, hand in hand, ventured into this world, entrusted with its
beauty and tasked with its care. Their footsteps marked the first dance of humanity upon the
Earth's sacred stage.

Narrator (Voiceover): The skies above whispered tales of time's passage, and the luminous
dance of the heavens guided their days and nights.

Narrator (Voiceover): In the beginning of the world, a symphony of creation unfolded, an

eternal echo that resonates through the ages—a reminder that every step, every heartbeat, is a
note in the grand composition of existence.

Narrator (Voiceover): And so, the journey begins. In the beginning of the world, the story
unfolds, inviting us to ponder the miracle of creation, the essence of life, and the meaning that
we, as characters in this wondrous play, bring to the stage.
-The End-

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