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The name of the organization I was looking at is Masa Clothing Tailor Shop. It is
located next to Caltex filling station in Ramotswa. It specializes in alterations and
custom garments. It is a private organization. It was established on July 1998.The
owner of the organization is Kgatlhanong Mmokolodi.
Its vision is to grow and become a large factory that is well known and well established
in Botswana. Its objectives are to create employment for Batswana, to provide
customers with quick services, to sew desired outfits or garments of high quality for
customers so as to build a good reputation.
From Monday to Friday, Masa Clothing opens from 8.00am to 5.00pm. On Saturdays
they open from 8.00am to 1.00pm. On Sundays and public holidays they do not open
at all.
There are only two employees at Masa Clothing organization. The employees are the
manager and the assistant manager. The role of the manager is to market the
business, purchase raw materials, purchase sewing equipment, develop designs for
garments, measure customers' sizes for desired garments, sewing the designs and
keeping financial records. The assistant manager sews garments for the customers,
performs alterations on customers' garments according to the needs of the customer.
 Service sales record
 Purchases record
 Employees record
 Financial record
 Production record
Purchases record
This is a record of all the raw materials and equipment the organization bought from
the suppliers. It is kept by the manager. The manager keeps this record on a
purchases record note book. The fields names used in this record are date,
supplier_name, items_bought, quantity and total_price.
date supplier_name items_bought quantity total_price
09/09/18 Blue mate 50m cloth 1 P400

Employees’ record
This record keeps tracks of the employees' information. It is kept by the manager on
an employee’s record note book. The field names for this record are employee_name,
date_of_birth, contacts and place_of_residence.

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employee_name date_of_birth contacts place_of_residance
Tlhalefang 12/11/1998 71234567 Manyana

Financial record
This is a record of the money that goes in and out of the business. It is kept by the
manager. The field names in this record are date, transaction_details, money_in and
date transaction- money_in date transaction_details money_out
09/09/18 Drawings P300

Production record
It keeps track of all the garments produced by the organization. These garments
produced are the ones which are going to be sold to the customers. The field names
used in this record are date, item_produced and quantity.
date item_produced quantity
15/07/18 black trouser size 38 10

Services sales record

This is a record of all services the organization offered to customers along with the
garments sold to customers. The purpose of this record is enable the organization to
know how much they are selling so that calculations on the profit or loss of the
organization can be found out in the future. The sales record is kept by both the
manager and assistant manager. It is kept on a services sales record notebook which
is the put in the shelves of a desk. Records are recorded one after the other. Field
names used under this record are date, customer_details, product/service_bought,
unit_price, quantity and total.
date customer_details product/service_bought unit_price quantity total

17/09/18 Omaatla Dibonge Gold classic tie P100 1 P100

overall_total P100

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Services sales record
date customer_details product/service_bought quantity unit_price total

01/05/18 Phenyo Mosweu school T-shirt 2 P150 P300

03/05/18 Kaone Sematlo school blazer 1 P300 P300

09/05/18 Obonolo school tie 3 P45 P135

overall_total P735

How records are kept

Service sales records come to exist when customers go to the tailor shop for different
services such as getting their clothes trimmed, to insert designs on their clothes and
to give the tailor body measurements so that different garments can be made for them
or to buy products such as suits and shirts. The sales notebook is interleaved with
carbon paper which means multipart is produced. This record is kept by both the
manager and assistant manager. The field names in the services sales record are
date, customer_details, product/service_bought, quantity and total. The records are
written in a serial way that is one after the other.
Adding a new services sales record
When another customer comes to purchase something from the tailor shop, the
employee that is either the manager or assistant manager writes down the new record
in the row below the previous one.
Editing of a particular product/service_bought record
When an error has been made in the record, the employee uses correction fluid to
erase the data items in the record which were not recorded correctly and once it dries
up, the employee writes the correct services sales records details in those fields. If for
example a customer no longer wants to buy from the organization and the record has
to be cancelled, the employee will take a rule and a pen then use them to strike a line
along that record to cancel it out. If another customer comes to buy a product or service
from the organization, the employee will write a new one below the previous cancelled
Calculating the total
The employee calculates the total by taking the values under the unit_price and
quantity fields and then uses a calculator to add or multiply those values so as to find
the total which is then recorded under the field total.

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Receipt making
Upon purchasing of products or services by customers, they are given a receipt as
proof of purchase. The employee manually prepares this receipt using the sevices
sales details written under the customer_details, products/services_bought,
unit_price, quantity and total fields. The sales person records the name of the
customer, the date of when the transaction occurred the product/service_bought, the
unit_price, quantity and total on the receipt.
Searching of a particular product/service record
Sometimes a customer can request that certain changes be made such as the quantity
of clothes they want to buy to be increased or decreased. When this happens, the
employee has to search for that record, use correction fluid to erase the current data
item under the quantity field name and then write the desired quantity on top of the
correction fluid once it dries up. To search for a record, the employee pages throughout
the services sales notebook from top to bottom until they find the record they are
looking for.
Backing up of services sales records
The organization does not create any backup of the services sales records.

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According to the assistant manager, they experienced the following problems:
Problem 1: Searching for a particular product/service_bought record is time
Reason: The services sales records are recorded in a serial fashion that is to say the
records are kept one after the other in no particular order. The services sales records
are also numerous. To search for a particular product/service_bought record, first a
search criterion is set up and that search criterion is a particular
product/service_bought. All records are thoroughly checked starting with the first
record on the first page comparing it with the search criterion to see if they match with
each other and if not the searching exercise proceeds on to the next record below the
first one. All the services sales records are checked. This continues until a record
which matches the set criterion is identified. Upon identifying that record, it is retrieved
by being written on a separate analysis book for future use. It is for the above reasons
searching for a particular product/service_bought is time consuming.
Result: Spending a lot of time searching for a particular product/service_bought
record delays assistance of customers. This annoys customers. It builds a bad
reputation for the organization due to poor customer service hence leading to the
organization and its customers parting ways leading to loss of market. This will
eventually lead to a loss since the organization has no one or a few people to sell its
products to.

Problem 2: Calculating the total for a particular product/service_bought is

erroneous and lengthy.
Reason: Records in the services sales notebook are kept in a serial way that is one
after the other. To calculate the total for a particular product/service_bought, that
particular product/service_bought record is searched first. All the serial kept records
are checked against the search criterion which is the product/service_bought to see
if they match with each other and if so, they are retrieved and written on a separate
book called total calculation book. The total is calculated by multiplying the value of
quantity by the value of the unit_price. As services sales records are transferred to the
separate book errors are likely to be introduced.

Result: The lengthy process of calculating the total for a particular

product/service_bough leads to the organization getting to know the product or service
which brings the highest income rate late. This means the organization will sell that
product in moderate quantities just like other products and services hence the
organization misses an opportunity of maximizing its profits as at times customers
return without having had purchased what they had intentions to purchase reason
being having found it finished. Some records may not be included when calculating
the total hence the organization may decide to buy a particular product in high
quantities having been informed by calculations that it brings higher revenues while it

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really does not bring the highest revenue hence leading to a loss as customers do not
massively buy that product.

Problem 3: Editing a particular product/service record is time consuming or

Reason: Services in the service sales records are kept in a serial way that is one after
the other so for one to edit a particular product/service record, the record has to be
searched for first. One has to navigate through all records in the services sales record
checking of it matches the set criterion which is a particular product/service. This goes
on until the record in question is found for editing. Once found, correction fluid is used
to erase current data items and then has to wait for the fluid to dry up. Once it dries
up, new data items are recorded. All the mentioned exercises proves that indeed
editing a particular product/service record lengthy.

Result: Editing occurs in a number of situations. For example a customer calling to

change the product/service they are buying. During the call, they have to wait for the
record to be found first and then have to call again later to This wastes valuable
resources; time and money for the customer. As a result they might end up abandoning
the organization in the future due to its poor and slow service delivery. This leads to
loss of market for the organization hence their products remain unsold leading to a

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Services sales records are kept so as;

1. To identify which product or service is bought in high quantities and which product
or service is bought in low quantities.
When customers visit the tailor shop to purchase a product or request for a service,
the product/service_bought is recorded in the services sales note book and then at the
end of the month analysis is done. It is it done by counting which products or services
were bought in order to see which specific products or services were bought in high
or low quantities.
The organization will know which product(s) are bought in higher quantities than the
others then it can buy more of the raw materials needed to make it in large quantities
so as to meet the customers' specific needs. This will help in maximizing the profits of
the organization. As for the products and services being offered in low quantities, the
organization will produce that product in low quantities and will eventually stop
producing it in the future. The organization can also reduce the prices of the product
sold in low quantities so that it finishes up quickly.

2. To identify the dates in which products or services are bought in high quantities and
the dates they are bought in low quantities
Whenever customers come to purchase a product or service, the dates of when this
happened are recorded in the services sales notebook. Later analysis is done by
grouping similar dates and looking at how frequently these dates occur. For example;
from the first day to the tenth, from the eleventh to the twentieth and from the twenty
first to the thirty first. By doing this, they will know how many customers come on which
The organization can provide effective services on these dates by reducing the prices
and producing more of their products on these dates. This helps maximize the profits
made by the organization. The organization can also help in building a good reputation
for the organization. The organization can hire more tailors temporarily to come and
assist on those specified dates. The organization can also temporarily hire freelancers
to assist on these dates in order to offer effective services. On dates in which the
organization receives no customers at all, the organization can be closed or only one
employee can come indirectly saving money as utilities such as electricity and water
will not be used at higher rates or not be used at all on those dates.

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3. To identify which customers frequently buy from the organization or which
customers buy from the organization in large quantities.
As customers buy from the organization, their names and contacts are requested for
then recorded in the services sales notebook under the field name customer_details.
At the end of the month, the services sales records are looked at and those customers
who always buy from the organization in large quantities have their names marked
with a pen.
The organization will know which customers are loyal to them hence they can offer
discounts to them. This will result in those customers buying in larger quantities from
the organization hence maximizing the profits of its profit. The organization can also
do some follow up especially when they have a new item or service available by calling
the customers so as to know how their product is doing or if they enjoy the services
they were given. From this, the organization can know to improve the product or
services it offers to the customers.

4. To identify the overall_total amount made so as to be able to deduce the profit or

loss it made.
When customers purchase from the organization, a total is found by multiplying the
value of unit_price with the value of quantity. The value of total is recorded in the
services sales notebook under the fieldname total. At the end of the month, all the total
for each record are added using a calculator to find the overall_total_amount. The
profit or loss made is then calculated using the formula profit or loss=overall_total-total
expenses. This is recorded in a separate sheet filed in a file called profits/losses. If the
result is positive the organization has made a profit but if it is negative it has made a
The organization will be able to see if it is succeeding or not. If it is succeeding then it
can continue operating and even come up with ways of expanding. If it is running at a
loss then ways to improve its sales through marketing can be developed and
implemented or it can be closed to avoid further loss of money.

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The customer provides the sales person with the date, customer_details,
product/service_bought and quantity when purchasing from the organization. The
sales person then consults the sales catalogue so as to see the unit_price for a
particular product/service_bought.
1. Recording services sales records
The sales person records the sales in the services sales notebook. The sales person
records the date, customer_details, product/service_bought quantity and unit_price.

2. Verification recorded services sales records

The sales person then requests for the date, customer_details,
product/service_bought and quantity again from the customer and then thoroughly
checks each field and data item against what has been recorded at first to see if they
are the same. If they do not match, then it indicates that an error has been made
somewhere hence requests for the data items again for correction purposes.

3. Calculation of total
The sales person takes the value written under the quantity field and multiplies them
by the value under the unit_price using a calculator to find the total for each record.
The value of the total is updated below the total field corresponding to the particular

4. Calculation of overall_total
The values of total for each record are then added using a calculator. The value
obtained from adding those is used to update the overall_total under the overall_total
Up-to-date sales notebook
The information in the services sales notebook is used to create an up-to-date sales
notebook. It entails the following field names
 date
 customer_details
 product/service_bought
 quantity
 unit_price
 total
 overall_total

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date customer_details product/service_bought quantity unit_price total

01/05/18 Phenyo Mosweu school T-shirt 2 P150 P300

03/05/18 Kaone Sematlo school blazer 1 P300 P300

09/05/18 Obonolo school tie 3 P45 P135

overall_total P735


Calculation of total

Sales person retrieves
the value
Provides date, of the total
customer_det Provides
ails, unit_price and
product/servic total
e_bought and Services sales
quantity Recording Filling records
Customer services
sales records
sales records
Retrieving of

Verification of
entered records
Summing of by checking with
values of total to the customer
find the overall_

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According to the assistant manager, they experienced the following problems
Searching for a particular product/service_bought record is time consuming.
The assistant manager said due to the lengthy process of searching which includes
having to set a search criterion and going through all the available records, valuable
time which should be used to improve the productivity in the organization is spent on
searching hence customer service is delayed leading to a loss of market and
eventually a loss.
For the above reason, the assistant manager has concluded that their method of
searching has to be improved to make it effective.

Calculating the total for a particular product/service_bought is erroneous and lengthy.

Calculation takes a lot of time to execute. A particular product/service_bought record
has to be located first in the serial arranged records in the services sales notebook.
Upon locating a record as such the calculation can now begin which is also lengthy.
The organization can end up getting incorrect information from the calculations made.
With this information, they can end up taking wrong decisions which can end up
leading to a loss. The wrong information obtained from calculations which are
erroneous can be provided to customers and this makes them angry resulting in loss
of market when customers decide to go and purchase from other organizations
because they do not trust this one. Therefore, a better faster and more reliable method
of calculation must be sorted out for use as soon as possible for effective calculation.
Editing a particular product/service record is time consuming or lengthy.
The editing process which comprises of searching a particular product/service record,
use correction fluid to erase current data items, waiting for it to dry up and only then
can editing be done is time consuming.
The effects of such process are devastating as it delays customer service, leads to
waste of resources and loss of market. Therefore the editing system in the
organization should be developed in such a way that it will be faster to execute.

Clear description
At first, a customer can either come to the organization to talk with the sales person
directly or call from wherever they are to talk with the salesperson. The customer tells
the salesperson what they want to purchase and what amount or quantities. After
hearing what the customer wants, the salesperson will consult the price catalogue and
then multiply the unit_price of the product or services the customer wants to buy with
the quantity. The sales person will get the total and after obtaining it, they tell the

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customer the total they are to pay. The two parties come to an arrangement. Once this
happens the customer pays the total they were requested to pay and then the
salesperson takes out the services sales notebook. In it they write down a record
indicating the transaction that is occurring. The salesperson requests for the
customer_details and quantity from the customer. The date, unit_price and total are
input by the salesperson after consulting the price catalogue and doing the
From there, the salesperson manually prepares a receipt using the above field names
and the data items written under it. The date, product/service_bought, quantity and
total are recorded in this receipt.
The next time a new customer comes to purchase a product or service from the
organization, the salesperson writes down that record below the previous one. This
continues until that certain page in the services sales notebook is full then the sales
person turns to a new page, draws the services sales records structure or table and
then records new records. The cycle continues until the current services sales records
is full. Another book will be bought when the current one is almost full.
Sometimes a customer can have second thoughts regarding the product or service
they are buying or the quantity of that specific product they are buying. In this case,
editing has to be done. Since the services sales records are written in a serial way,
the sales person first sets a search criterion in this case it will be based on the
customer_details. The sales person starts with the first record on the first page
comparing it with the search criterion to see if they match. If they do not match, then
the sales person navigates onto the next records comparing them one by on with the
search criterion. This continues until a record which matches the search criterion is
found. Upon location, editing can be done. Editing is done by using correction fluid to
erase data items to be edited. The sales person waits for the correction fluid to dry up
and then uses a pen to alter the record with regard to the customer's wishes.
overall_total calculation
The sales person takes the services sales notebook and retrieves the totals for
product/service_bought records and sums them up using a calculator. The sum of the
totals is then written under the overall_total field.
Contingency measure
The organization does not take any contingency measures to protect its data and
information therefore they do not keep backup of services sales records.

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Good points
1. The organization can now identify which product or service is bought in high
quantities and which product or service is bought in low quantities.
When customers visit the tailor shop to purchase a product or request for a service,
the product/service_bought is recorded in the services sales note book and then at the
end of the month analysis is done. It is it done by counting which products or services
were bought in order to see which specific products or services were bought in high
or low quantities.
The organization will know which product(s) are bought in higher quantities than the
others then it can buy more of the raw materials needed to make it in large quantities
so as to meet the customers' specific needs. This will help in maximizing the profits of
the organization. As for the products and services being offered in low quantities, the
organization will produce that product in low quantities and will eventually stop
producing it in the future. The organization can also reduce the prices of the product
sold in low quantities so that it finishes up quickly.

2. The organization can now identify the dates in which products or services are bought
in high quantities and the dates they are bought in low quantities
Whenever customers come to purchase a product or service, the dates of when this
happened are recorded in the services sales notebook. Later analysis is done by
grouping similar dates and looking at how frequently these dates occur. For example;
from the first day to the tenth, from the eleventh to the twentieth and from the twenty
first to the thirty first. By doing this, they will know how many customers come on which
The organization can provide effective services on these dates by reducing the prices
and producing more of their products on these dates. This helps maximize the profits
made by the organization. The organization can also help in building a good reputation
for the organization. The organization can hire more tailors temporarily to come and
assist on those specified dates. The organization can also temporarily hire freelancers
to assist on these dates in order to offer effective services. On dates in which the
organization receives no customers at all, the organization can be closed or only one
employee can come indirectly saving money as utilities such as electricity and water
will not be used at higher rates or not be used at all on those dates.

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3. The organization can now identify which customers frequently buy from the
organization or which customers buy from the organization in large quantities.
As customers buy from the organization, their names and contacts are requested for
then recorded in the services sales notebook under the field name customer_details.
At the end of the month, the services sales records are looked at and those customers
who always buy from the organization in large quantities have their names marked
with a pen.
The organization will know which customers are loyal to them hence they can offer
discounts to them. This will result in those customers buying in larger quantities from
the organization hence maximizing the profits of its profit. The organization can also
do some follow up especially when they have a new item or service available by calling
the customers so as to know how their product is doing or if they enjoy the services
they were given. From this, the organization can know to improve the product or
services it offers to the customers.

4. The organization can now identify the overall_total amount made so as to be able
to deduce the profit or loss it made.
When customers purchase from the organization, a total is found by multiplying the
value of unit_price with the value of quantity. The value of total is recorded in the
services sales notebook under the fieldname total. At the end of the month, all the total
for each record are added using a calculator to find the overall_total_amount. The
profit or loss made is then calculated using the formula profit or loss=overall_total-total
expenses. This is recorded in a separate sheet filed in a file called profits/losses. If the
result is positive the organization has made a profit but if it is negative it has made a
The organization will be able to see if it is succeeding or not. If it is succeeding then it
can continue operating and even come up with ways of expanding. If it is running at a
loss then ways to improve its sales through marketing can be developed and
implemented or it can be closed to avoid further loss of money.

Bad points
1. In the organization searching for a particular product/service_bought record is time
Reason: The services sales records are recorded in a serial fashion that is to say the
records are kept one after the other in no particular order. The services sales records

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are also numerous. To search for a particular product/service_bought record, first a
search criterion is set up and that search criterion is a particular
product/service_bought. All records are thoroughly checked starting with the first
record on the first page comparing it with the search criterion to see if they match with
each other and if not the searching exercise proceeds on to the next record below the
first one. All the services sales records are checked. This continues until a record
which matches the set criterion is identified. Upon identifying that record, it is retrieved
by being written on a separate analysis book for future use. It is for the above reasons
searching for a particular product/service_bought is time consuming.
Result: Spending a lot of time searching for a particular product/service_bought
record delays assistance of customers. This annoys customers. It builds a bad
reputation for the organization due to poor customer service hence leading to the
organization and its customers parting ways leading to loss of market. This will
eventually lead to a loss since the organization has no one or a few people to sell its
products to.

2. In the organization calculating the total for a particular product/service_bought

record is time consuming and erroneous
Reason: Records in the services sales notebook are kept in a serial way that is one
after the other. To calculate the total for a particular product/service_bought, that
particular product/service_bought record is searched first. All the serial kept records
are checked against the search criterion which is the product/service_bought to see
if they match with each other and if so, they are retrieved and written on a separate
book called total calculation book. The total is calculated by multiplying the value of
quantity by the value of the unit_price. As services sales records are transferred to the
separate book errors are likely to be introduced.

Result: The lengthy process of calculating the total for a particular

product/service_bough leads to the organization getting to know the product or service
which brings the highest income rate late. This means the organization will sell that
product in moderate quantities just like other products and services hence the
organization misses an opportunity of maximizing its profits as at times customers
return without having had purchased what they had intentions to purchase reason
being having found it finished. Some records may not be included when calculating
the total hence the organization may decide to buy a particular product in high
quantities having been informed by calculations that it brings higher revenues while it
really does not bring the highest revenue hence leading to a loss as customers do not
massively buy that product.

3. In the organization editing a product/service_bought record is time consuming

Reason: Services in the service sales records are kept in a serial way that is one after
the other so for one to edit a particular product/service record, the record has to be
searched for first. One has to navigate through all records in the services sales record

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checking of it matches the set criterion which is a particular product/service. This goes
on until the record in question is found for editing. Once found, correction fluid is used
to erase current data items and then has to wait for the fluid to dry up. Once it dries
up, new data items are recorded. All the mentioned exercises proves that indeed
editing a particular product/service record lengthy.

Result: Editing occurs in a number of situations. For example a customer calling to

change the product/service they are buying. During the call, they have to wait for the
record to be found first and then have to call again later to This wastes valuable
resources; time and money for the customer. As a result they might end up abandoning
the organization in the future due to its poor and slow service delivery. This leads to
loss of market for the organization hence their products remain unsold leading to a

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First a customer comes to an agreement with the sales person. The customer tells the
sales person what product or service they want to buy and the sales person checks
the price catalogue and gives the customer the price. The customer then tells the sales
person the quantity of products they want. The sales person takes the services sales
records book and then records the services sales records details. The fieldnames
recorded are the date, customer_details_product/service_bought, quantity and
At first, a customer can either come to the organization to talk with the sales person
directly or call from wherever they are to talk with the salesperson. The customer tells
the salesperson what they want to purchase and what amount or quantities. After
hearing what the customer wants, the salesperson will consult the price catalogue and
then multiply the unit_price of the product or services the customer wants to buy with
the quantity. The sales person will get the total and after obtaining it, they tell the
customer the total they are to pay. The two parties come to an arrangement. Once this
happens the customer pays the total they were requested to pay and then the sales
person takes out the services sales notebook. In it they write down a record indicating
the transaction that is occurring. The salesperson requests for the customer_details
and quantity from the customer. The date, unit_price and total are input by the
salesperson after consulting the price catalogue and doing the calculations.
From there, the salesperson manually prepares a receipt using the above field names
and the data items written under it. The date, product/service_bought, quanity and
total are recorded in this receipt.
The next time a new customer comes to purchase a product or service from the
organization, the salesperson writes down that record below the previous one. This
continues until that certain page in the services sales notebook is full then the sales
person turns to a new page, draws the services sales records structure or table and
then records new records. The cycle continues until the current services sales records
is full. Another book will be bought when the current one is almost full.
Sometimes a customer can have second thoughts regarding the product or service
they are buying or the quantity of that specific product they are buying. In this case,
editing has to be done. Since the services sales records are written in a serial way,
the sales person first sets a search criterion in this case it will be based on the
customer_details. The sales person starts with the first record on the first page
comparing it with the search criterion to see if they match. If they do not match, then
the sales person navigates onto the next records comparing them one by on with the
search criterion. This continues until a record which matches the search criterion is
found. Upon location, editing can be done. Editing is done by using correction fluid to
erase data items to be edited. The sales person waits for the correction fluid to dry up
and then uses a pen to alter the record with regard to the customer's wishes.

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overall_total calculation
The sales person takes the services sales notebook and retrieves the totals for
product/service_bought records and sums them up using a calculator. The sum of the
totals is then written under the overall_total field.
Contingency measure
The organization does not take any contingency measures to protect its data and
information therefore they do not keep backup of services sales records.

Despite the way of reading they use, they still face the following problems:
 Searching for a particular product/service_bought is time consuming.
 Calculating the total for a particular product/service_bought is erroneous.
 Editing a particular product/service_bought is time consuming or lengthy.
The above mentioned problems can be dealt with through the use of a semi
computerized system or a fully computerized system.


Services sales records will be recorded manually in a sales notebook. The fieldnames
in the services sales records notebook are the date,
customer_details_product/service_bought, quantity, unit_price and total. The sales
notebook will be divided into sections each section dealing with the records of a
particular product/service_bought. The product/service_bought record will be
recorded in its respective section in the sales notebook.
Searching for a particular product/service_bought record will be enhanced even
though it will be done manually since similar product or services records are placed
together. Upon searching, the sales person goes to the sections of the sales person
just goes to the section with records of a particular product or service.
Calculating the total for a particular product/service_bought record will be improved
since particular product/service_bought records are retrieved within a short time. Upon
calculation the sales person just goes to the section with records of a particular
product/service_bought. After the record is identified the sales person takes the value
of the quantity and multiplies it by the value of the unit_price using a calculator. The
total which has been just calculated is then recorded in the services sales notebook.
Editing a particular product/service_bought record will be improved as it would now
take less time. When a particular product/service_bought record has to be edited, the
sales person goes to the section of the book in which that record is located. The sales

Page 18 of 102
person then identifies this record and edits it all this is done much quicker than before
where the records have to be searched for a long time.
Later on, the services sales are records are transferred to the computer onto a
services sales records computer database. The services sales records
computer database will have the fieldnames date,
product/service_bought_code, customer_details, product/services_bought,
unit_price, quantity and total.
The computer will search for a particular product/service_bought using a search query
which has been created using a database software. The search query will use the
product/service_bought_code and then the search query quickly finds it and that
record is displayed to the user.
The total for a particular product/service_bought record will be calculated by the
computer using a calculation query that has been created using a database software.
The computer calculates the total by multiplying the value of the unit_price by the
quantity using the formula total: [quantity]*[unit_price].
The computer database system will enable the user to quickly retrieve and edit a
particular product/service_bought record using a search query. The search query will
use the product/service_bought_code as a key field to search and quickly retrieve the
record a user wants and after locating it, it can now be edited. After editing it is saved
using the save record button.
The user will use a sort select query to group similar records of a particular
product/service_bought together. The sort select query uses the
product/service_bought field name to group similar records.
The services sales records on the notebook and those in the computer database
system are linked together by the product/service_bought_code fieldname.
Problem 1: Searching for a particular product/service_bought record is time
The sales notebook will be segmented into sections each being about a particular
product or service. Afterwards, every record pertaining to a particular product or
service will be recorded in its respective section. When searching for a particular
product/service_bought record the sales person first requests the customer what
product or service did they buy. After knowing the name of the product or service they
turn the pages of the services sales notebook to the section of the book dealing with
that particular product or service. The sales person then searches from the top to the
bottom of the page for the record until they find it.

Page 19 of 102
A product/service_bought search query will be created from the total calculation query
using a database software. The search query uses the product/service_bought_code
as the search criterion. All the fields in the total calculation query will be moved to the
product/service_bought_code search query. The user will enter the
product/service_bought_code and presses the OK button. If the record exists it will be
RESULT: Quick searching and retrieval of services sales records enables the
organization to offer quick customer service to its customers. Customers will not be
delayed rather they will be impressed hence building a good reputation for the
organization. The employees’ time is saved which means they can spend their time
on important tasks such as producing more goods and advertising. This can lead to
increased profits which will be used to develop the organization.
Problem 2: Editing a particular product/service_bought is time consuming or lengthy.
The sales notebook will be segmented into sections each being about a particular
product or service. Afterwards, every record pertaining to a particular product or
service will be recorded in its respective section. When searching for a particular
product/service_bought record, the sales person first requests the customer what
product or service did they buy. After knowing the name of the product or service they
turn the pages of the services sales notebook to the section of the book dealing with
that particular product or service. The sales person then searches from the top to the
bottom of the page for the record until they find it. After finding the record they use
correction fluid to erase whatever they want to edit. They then wait for it to dry up then
afterwards they use a pen to write the up to date information.
A product/service_bought search query will be created from the total calculation query
using a database software. The search query uses the product/service_bought_code
as the search criterion. All the fields in the total calculation query will be moved to the
product/service_bought_code search query. The user will enter the
product/service_bought_code and presses the OK button. If the record exists it will be
displayed, edited and saved to the computer system.
RESULT: Services sales records integrity in the organization will be maintained as a
product/service_bought search query will be used to search a particular
product/service_bought record and then edit it. Good data integrity will as a result lead
to the organization making good decisions from that data. It also builds a good
reputation for the organization as customers will admire how precise the organization
is with their information. Good reputation leads to an increase in customers leading to
a higher revenue.

Page 20 of 102
 The organization has to purchase stationery such as books, pens and
calculators which will be used for recording.
 The organization has to purchase computers and other related devices like
 Electricity costs for using the computers have to be paid for.
 The organization has to train employees on how to use effectively use
 The high processing speed of a computer enables searching for a particular
product/service_bought record to be done quickly through the use of a search
query. The sales person inputs the product/service_bought_code into the
search query which was created using a database software and within a short
period of time the record being searched for is shown.This will in the end result
in quick customer service which means more customers are assisted in a
shorter time.
 Calculating will be done quickly through the use of a total calculation query
which has been created from the services sales records table. This is due the
computer’s high processing speed. This means the organization will be able to
calculate the overall_total from the totals calculated and at the end be able to
know if they made a profit or loss. From this information the organization can
make important decisions which might increase their profits.
 When the computer malfunction or get attacked by a virus then productivity will
still continue because the services sales records also exist as hardcopy in the
services sales records notebook.


The services sales records will be recorded directly into the computer system and they
will have the fieldnames date, customer_details, product/service_bought_code,
product/service_bought, unit_price, quantity, total and overall_total.
A services sales records table will be created using a database software. It will have
the fieldnames date, customer_details, product/service_bought_code,
product/service_bought, unit_price and quantity.
A service sales records form will be created from the services sales records table using
a database software. The services sales records form will assist the user to capture
services sales records details into the services sales records table. The services sales
will have the fieldnames date, customer_details, product/service_bought_code,
product/service_bought, unit_price, quantity and total.

Page 21 of 102
Data integrity will be ensured due to the use of validation rules. The validation rules
would ensure that whenever an error is made upon entry of data an error message is
sent to the user which demands correct re-entry of data.
A total calculation query will be created from the services sales records table using a
database software. The total calculation query will have the fieldnames date,
customer_details, product/service_bought_code, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and an additional fieldname the total. The total will be calculated by multiplying
the value of quantity by the value of unit_price.
A search query will be created from the total calculation query using a database
software. It will assist the user to search and retrieve a particular
product/service_bought record. It will have the fieldnames date, customer_details,
product/service_bought_code, product/service_bought, unit_price, quantity and total.
It will use the product/service_bought_code as a key field.
A sort select query will be created from the total calculation query using a database
software. It will have the fieldnames date, customer_details,
product/service_bought_code, product/service_bought, unit_price, quantity and total.
The sort select query will use the product/service_bought_code and the
product/service_bought to sort similar records.
An overall_total report will be created from the total calculation query using database
software.The overall_total report calculates the overall_total by summing up all the
totals using the formula =Sum([total]).The overall_total report will have the fieldnames
date, customer_details, product/service_bought_code, product/service_bought,
unit_price, quantity and total.
The services sales records will be backed up into a memory stick of size 32GB. The
memory stick will be kept in a fireproof place.

Problem 1: Calculating the total for a particular product/services_bought record
is erroneous and lengthy
A total calculation query will be created from the services sales records table using a
database software. The total calculation query will automatically calculate the total by
multiplying the value of the quantity by the value of the unit_price using the formula
total: [quantity]*[unit_price]. This will be done quickly due to the computer’s high
processing speed. The validation rules and formulas used help ensure data integrity.
The total calculation query will have the fieldnames date, customer_details,
product/service_bought_code, product/service_bought, unit_price, quantity and total.
RESULT: The quick calculation of the total means more customers are assisted in a
short time. The quick calculation of the total also means customers are not delayed
hence they will get a good impression of the business. This attracts more customers.
The organization will be able to compare the totals for various product/service_bought

Page 22 of 102
records and then see which product is bought more frequently. They will then avail
that product in higher quantities to maximize their profits.
Problem 2: Navigation from one record to another is difficult and time
Within the form that assists the user to capture services sales records details, two
buttons will be added. These buttons will be the Next record and the previous record
button. The user clicks any one of these buttons to move from the next one without
having to close the form and then try to find another one.
Navigation through the use of buttons is much simpler and quicker. This saves time
which means the time saved can be used for other activities within the organization
such as knitting of more clothes increasing production which at the end will increase
profits within the organization.
 The organization has to purchase software such as antiviruses and word
processors for maintaining the computer systems.
 There are health risks such as eye strain and backache which could affect the
 Security of the computers has to pay for to safeguard them against theft.
 The high processing speed of a computer will enable more work to be done in
less time through the use of queries and buttons.
 The employees’ knowledge and skills on use of computers is increased since
they are trained.
 The computers will save the organizations; space in less storage since they are
capable of saving more data in less storage through the use of a database

The chosen solution is the computerized solution.

Page 23 of 102
The new system is designed:
1. To store services sales records in a services sales record table created using
a database software. The table will consist of the fieldnames; date,
customer_details, product/service_bought, unit price and quantity.

2. To assist the user to capture services sales records details into a services sales
record table using a form that was created using a database software. The form
will have the field names date, customer_details, product/service_bought,
unit_price and quantity.

3. To assist the user to search and retrieve a particular product/service_bought

using a search query created using a database software. The search query will
have the field names date, product/service_bought_code,
product/service_bought, quantity, unit_price and total.

4. To calculate the total for a particular product/service_bought using a calculating

query created using a database software. The calculating query will calculate
the total by multiplying the value of the unit_price by the value of the quantity.
The calculating query will have the have the field names date,
customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price, quantity and total.

5. To calculate the overall_total which will be used for updating the services sales
records using a report. The report calculates the overall_total by adding all the
totals from different records. It will have unit_price, quantity, total and
overall_total as field names.

6. To sort the services sales records using a sort query created using a database
software. The sort query will sort the service sales records using the fieldname
product/service_bought such that records with the same
product/service_bought are together. It will have date, customer_details,
product/service_bought, unit_price, quantity and total as field names.

Page 24 of 102
I plan to create a table which will be used to store services sales records. The table
will be created using database software. It will have the fieldnames date,
product/service_bought_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price
and quantity.
I plan to create a form which will assist the user to capture the services sales records
details into the services sales records table. The form will be created using a database
software. The form will have the fieldnames date, product/service_bought_code,
customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price and quantity.
I plan to create a sort query which will sort records according to the
product/service_bought. Similar product/service_bought records will be placed
together. The sort query will be created using a database software. It will have the
fieldnames date, product/service_bought_code, customer_details,
product/service_bought, unit_price, quantity and total.
I plan to create a search query which will assist the user to search and retrieve a
particular product/service_bought record. The search query will have the
product/service_bought_code as its key field. The fieldnames in the search query are
date, product/service_bought_code, customer_details, product/service_bought,
unit_price, quantity and total.
I plan to create a calculation query which will calculate the total for a particular
product/sevice_bought record. The calculation query will be created using a database
software. It will have the date, product/service_bought_code, customer_details,
product/service_bought, unit_price, quantity and total as fieldnames. The calculation
query will use the formula total: [quantity]*[unit_price].
I plan to create a report that will help in calculating the overall_total by summing up all
the totals for the services sales records. The report will be created using database
software. It will have the following fieldnames date, product/service_bought_code,
cusomer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price, quantity, total and overall_total.
date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.

Page 25 of 102
dat product/service_boug customer_d product/sevice_ unit_pr quant tot
e ht_code etails bought ice ity al

Field name Data type Fiel Format/vali Description
d dation rule
date date/time 10 dd/mm/yyyy It holds the date in which the
transaction occured.

product/service_ Number 5 >=10000 and Holds the unique code for a

bought_code <=99999 particular

customer_details Alphabets, 30 - It holds the names of the

Numbers customer buying a product or
service as well as their contact

product/service_ Alphabets 15 - Holds the name of the product

bought sold or service being offered to
a customer.

unit_price currency 9 P#,##0.00 Holds the price of a single

product or service sold to a

quantity Number 3 - Holds the number of products

bought by a customer.

total currency 9 P#,##0.00 Holds the total; that is the value

obtained after multiplying the
value of the quantity by that of
the unit_cost.
overall_total currency 9 P#,##0.00 Holds the overall_total which is
the value obtained by summing
up the totals

PROCESS: Explanation of validation rules


Page 26 of 102
dd: represents the day, mm represents the month number and yyyy represents the
year in which the transaction occurred. If the date is written in this format, then it is
accepted for further processing but if it is written in any other format such as
yyyy/mm/dd, an error message is sent to the user which demands reentry of the date
product/service_bought_code:>=10000 and <=99999
The computer checks to see if the product/service_bought_code consists of five (5)
digits. It will also check if the numbers entered lie betweeen the range >=10000 and
<=99999. If so, it accepts for further processing but if not, then an error message
appears which demands correct entry of data.
unit_price and total: P#,##0.00
This format represents the currency in Botswana Pula (P). It is made up of nine (9)
characters. The P#,## represents the Pula units and the .00 represents the thebes.
date,product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.
date product/service_bo customer_ product/sevice unit_p quan total
ught_code details _bought rice tity

17/06 93123 Tshepo Black and P120. 1 P120

/18 Tlou white tie 00 .00
21/06 23121 Kaone School T-shirt P120. 2 P240
/18 Rakwena 00 .00

Product or services form

date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price and

Page 27 of 102
services sales records form




Explanation of buttons
Add record
This button is used by a user to open or add a new record. Upon opening, field names
and other data items will be entered to the services sales records table.
Save record
Add record Save record Close form
The save button assists the user to save services sale records into the services sales
records table.

Add record
This button is used by a user to add a new record to the services sales records table.
Upon opening, field names and other data items will be entered to the services sales
records table.
Save record
The save button assists the user to save services sale records into the services sales
records table.
Close button
Once a user is done with a record they close it by pressing this button.
date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.

Page 28 of 102
services sales records form


Tshepo Tlou
contacts Black and white
product/service_bough 93123

quantit 1

unit_price P120.00

Add record
Add record Save
Save record Close Close form

product/service_bought_ code SEARCH QUERY


PLEASE ENTER THE product/service_bought_code


PLEASE ENTER THE product/service_bought_code



Page 29 of 102
The product/service_bought_code search query uses the
product/service_bought_code as the search criterion to retrieve services sales records
from the services sales table.


Field date product/service_ customer_deta product/ser quan unit_ total

bought_code ils vice_boug tity price
Show       
Criter [please enter
ia the

The search query will contain the following field names date, product/service_code,
customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price, quantity and total.
date product/service_bo customer_ product/service quan unit_p total
ught_code details _bought tity rice
17/06 93123 Tshepo black and white 1 P120. P120
/18 Tlou tie 00 .00

Page 30 of 102
date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price and

total calculation query


Field date product/s custom product/ser quantity unit_ total:[ quantity

ervice_bo er_det vice_boug price ]*[ unit_price]
ught_cod ails ht
Show       
Criter [please
ia enter the

date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,

Page 31 of 102
date Product/service_b customer_details product/ quant unit_p total
ought_code service_ ity rice
17/06 93123 Tshepo Tlou Black 1 P120. P120.
/18 and 00 00
white tie


date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.

Sort select query


Field date product/service_ customer_deta product/ser quan unit_ total

bought_code ils vice_boug tity price
Show       
Criter please see the teacher for clarity??? Black hat
The sort query will sort the services sales records by placing similar
product/service_bought records together.

Page 32 of 102

Sort select query

Field date product/service_ customer_deta product/ser quan unit_ total
bought_code ils vice_boug tity price
Show       
Criter [please enter [please
ia the enter
product/service_ product/ser
bought_code] vice_boug

date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.
date Product/service_b customer_details product/ quant unit_p total
ought_code service_ ity rice
15/09 99999 Tshiamo Bogose Black 1 P120. P120.
/18 hat 00 00
12/11 99999 Tshepo Tlou Black 2 P100. P200.
/18 hat 00 00

Page 33 of 102
REPORT: overall_total
date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.

total calculation query

product/service_bought_code > date

product/service_bought >>
total <<



overall_total report

date product/service_b Product/service unit_pric total

ought_code _bought e

REPORT FOOTER overall_total =Sum ([total])

Page 34 of 102
date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,

overall_total report

product/service_bought_code product/service_bought unit_price quantity total

12345 men’s trouser P170.00 1 P170.00
12346 School tie P80.00 2 P160.00

overall_total P330.00

Introduction and problem identification 2
Statement of specific objectives of 2
current system
Description of data flow in current system 2

Broad description of existing solution 2

Evaluation of existing solution 1

Evaluation of alternative solutions 2

Statement of specific objectives of 2
proposed system or solution
Clarity of plan of action 2
Explanation of hardware required 2
Use of separate modules 2
Algorithms related to system 2
requirements(system flow chart)
Clarity of algorithms 1
Plausibility of the algorithms 2
Suitability of tools and techniques 2
Testing of standard, extreme and 2
abnormal data
Use of documentation 1
Technical documentation 1
Evaluation of the solution 2
Opportunities for development 2
Evidence of realization 1

Page 35 of 102
Total 35


Keyboard - The keyboard will assist the user to type the services sales records into
the computer database system. The fieldnames typed are date, product/service_code,
customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price, quantity and total.
Mouse -The mouse will be used to click and open services sales records on the
computer database system.
-It will be used to automatically calculate the total for a particular
product/service_bought. It calculates the total using the formula total:
-It will be used to calculate the overall_total for services sales records. The
overall_total will be created by summing up the services sales records using the
formula Sum= [(total)].
-The processor will be used to sort the services sales records. It will use the
product/service_bought_code and product/service_bought fieldnames to group similar
records together.
-The processor will assist the user to search and retrieve a particular
product/service_bought record. It searches for a product/service_bought record using
the fieldname product/service_bought code.
It will allow the user to open more than one application at the same time and work on
them. For example it will allow the user to open the table, query, form and the
overall_total report at the same time while printing.
Hard disk: It will be used to store the services sales records during the operation of
the business.
Liquid crystal display monitor-It will be used to display the services sales records
to the user.
Laser jet printer- It will be used to produce a hardcopy of the total and sort select
query as well as the overall_total report.

Page 36 of 102
Memory stick of size 256GB- It will be used to store a copy of the services sales
records for future retrieval.

Scanner - Instead of a keyboard, a scanner will be used to capture services sales
records into the services sales records table.
Daisy wheel printer - Instead of a laser jet printer a daisy wheel printer will be used
to produce a hardcopy of the total and sort select query as well as the overall_total
Cathode ray tube monitor - Instead of a Liquid Crystal Display monitor, the cathode
ray tube monitor will be used to convey the services sales records.

Page 37 of 102
MODULE 1: Services sales records table
The services sales record table assist the user to store service sales records details.
The records are entered after the customer has come to an agreement with the sales
person and has decided to purchase a particular product or service. The fieldnames
in the services sales records table are date, product/service_code, customer_details,
product/service_bought, unit_price and quantity.
date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.

Field name Data type Field Format/validati Description
size on rule
date date/time 10 dd/mm/yyyy It holds the date in
which the transaction
product/servic Number 5 >=10000 and Holds the unique code
e_bought_cod <=99999 for a particular
e product/service_boug
customer_det Alphabets, 30 - It holds the names of
ails Numbers the customer buying a
product or service as
well as their contact
product/servic Alphabets 15 - Holds the name of the
e_bought product sold or service
being offered to a
unit_price currency 9 P#,##0.00 Holds the price of a
single product or
service sold to a
quantity Number 3 - Holds the number of
products bought by a

Page 38 of 102
total currency 9 P#,##0.00 Holds the total, which
is the value obtained
after multiplying the
value of the quantity
by that of the
overall_total currency 9 P#,##0.00 Holds the overall_total
which is the value
obtained by summing
up the totals

Explanation of validation rules
dd represents the day, mm represents the month number and yyyy represents the
year in which the transaction occurred. If the date is written in this format, then it is
accepted for further processing but if it is written in any other format such as
yyyy/mm/dd, an error message is sent to the user which demands re-entry of the date
product/service_bought_code: >=10000 and <=99999
The computer checks to see if the product/service_bought_code consists of five (5)
digits. It will also check if the numbers entered lie betweeen the range >=10000 and
<=99999. If so, it accepts for further processing but if not, then an error message
appears which demands correct entry of data.
unit_price and total: P#,##0.00
This format represents the currency in Botswana Pula (P). It is made up of nine (9)
characters. The P#,## represents the Pula units and the .00 represents the thebes.
date,product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.
services sales records table design view

Page 39 of 102
date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.

MODULE 2: Services sales records form

The service sales record form is created from the services sales record table using
database software. The services sales records form assists the user to capture the
services sales table. The services sales details are entered and afterwards the add
record button is clicked to enter services sales record into the service sales record
table. The fieldnames entered are date, product/service_code, customer_details,
product/service_bought, unit_price, quantity and total.
date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price and

Page 40 of 102

Add record
This button is used by a user to add a new record to the services sales records table.
Upon opening, field names and other data items will be entered to the services sales
records table.
Save record
The save button assists the user to save services sale records into the services sales
records table.
Close button
This button is clicked to close the form once the user is done with it.
date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.

Page 41 of 102
MODULE 3: total calculation query
The total calculation query is created using a database software. It assists the user to
calculate the total for a particular product/service_bought. The total is calculated using
the formula total: [quantity]*[unit_price].The fieldnames in the total calculation query
are date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought,
unit_price, quantity and total.
date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.



Page 42 of 102
date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.

MODULE 4: product/service_bought search query

The product/service_bought search query is created using a database software. The
product/service_bought search query assists the user to search and retrieve a
particular product / service_bought record. It is used when a customer has launched
a complaint and their record is to be looked for and retrieved.The search query uses
the product/service_bought_code to search for a particular product/service_bought
record. The fieldnames in the product/service_bought search query are date,
product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price, quantity
and total.
date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.


Page 43 of 102
date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.

MODULE 5: Sort select query

The sort select query is created using a database software from the total calculation
query. It is created to assist the organization to make important decisions from
analyzing particular product/service_bought records. Such decisions include which
product should they produce in larger quantities for sale to customers or which product
should they stop providing if it does not bring a larger income to the business. The
fieldnames in the sort select query are date, product/service_code, customer_details,
product/service_bought, unit_price, quantity and total.

date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.

Page 44 of 102

date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.

MODULE 6: overall_total report

The overall_total report is created using a database software. It is created to assist the
user to automatically calculate the overall_total by summing up the totals for each
product/service_record. The overall_total is calculated using the formula =sum[(total)].
The overall_total is used to deduce the profit or loss made by the organization hence
it assists in making of important decisions. The fieldnames in the overall_total report
are date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought,
unit_price, quantity and total.

date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.

Page 45 of 102

date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.

The switchboard assist in keeping the buttons which are services sales records table
button, total calculation form button, product/service_bought search form button,
overall_total form, product/service_bought sort select form and exit switchboard.

Page 46 of 102

This button is clicked to open the services sales records form which services sales
records details are entered. The details will then be captured in the services sales
records table.

This button is clicked to open the total calculation form which will assist the user to
view the totals of different records.

This button is clicked to open the product/service_bought search form where the user
will enter the product/service_bought_code of the product or service record they are
looking for. From there a form will open up which shows the record which was
searched for.

This button is clicked to open up the product/service_bought search query to find

sorted product/service_bought records.

This button when clicked opens up the overall_total report which shows the overall
total of all records.

This button is clicked to close the switchboard.

Page 47 of 102

1. The sales person enters services sales records details into a services sales
records form.
2. The services sales records are validated. If they are valid they are accepted but
if they are not valid they are not accepted and an error message is displayed to
the user.
3. The valid services sales records are stored in a hard disk.
4. The quantity and unit_price fields are retrieved and multiplied by each other to
find the total.
5. The product/service_bought_code is retrieved for searching.
6. The searched record is displayed.
7. The product/service_bought_code and product/service_bought are retrieved
for sorting.
8. Sorted records are displayed.
9. The value of total for various product/service_bought records are retrieved and
summed up to find the overall_total report in the overall_total report.
10. The overall_total report is printed.
11. Backup is created and saved into the hard disk.

Page 48 of 102

Re-entry of services sales

records details
Entering of services
sales records

Validation of NO Services
services sales sales records
records are rejected


Displaying Retrieval of The total is calculated

of unit_price and by multiplying the
searched quantity unit_price by the
records quantity
Services sales
records are
accepted and
stored into a The calculated total is saved
hard disk
Entering of
_bought_code Summing of
totals to find

Display of
sorted records
Printing of
according to

Page 49 of 102
Purpose of algorithm
Masa clothing tailor shop sells its products and offers its services to customers. When
a customer buys a particular product or service, the amount they have to pay which is
the total has to be calculated. The quantity must be greater than zero while the
unit_price must be greater or equal to twenty (20). If the unit_price is not greater than
twenty (20) an error message which says “INVALID unit_price” is sent to the user. If
the quantity and the unit_price entered satisfy the set validation rules then the total is
calculated by multiplying the unit_price by the quantity. The total is then displayed.
BEGIN-------------------------------- 1
total=0---- 2
INPUT quantity----------------3
WHILE (quantity>0) ------------------------ 4
INPUT unit_price -------
IF (unit_price≥20) THEN------------ 6
total=unit_price*quantity---------------- 7

PRINT “INVALID unit_price”------ 8
INPUT quantity---------
PRINT “total”-------------- 10


1. Indicates the starting of the program
2. Initializes the total to zero
3. Entering of the quantity
4. Checks whether the entered quantity is greater than zero. If the quantity entered
is greater than zero then the program proceeds to the next line that enters
unit_price but if the entered quantity is less than zero then the while loop is
5. Insert the unit_price

Page 50 of 102
6. Checks if the unit_price is greater or equal to twenty (20). If it is greater or equal
to twenty (20) then the program goes to the next line but if it is not then the
program skips to line 8.
7. Calculates the total by multiplying the unit_price by the quantity.
8. Displays the error message “INVALID unit_price”
9. Entering of the quantity
10. The total is printed
11. Terminates the program
Program flow chart
Start 1

total=0 2

quantity 3

Is quantity>0


unit_price 5

Is unit_price≥20
Invalid unit_price

total= unit_price*quantity

quantity 9

total, unit_price,

Stop 11 Page 51 of 102

1. Indicates the starting of the program
2. Initializes the total to zero
3. Entering of the quantity
4. Checks whether the input quantity is greater than zero. If the quantity is greater
than zero then the program proceeds to the next line.
5. Insert the unit_price
6. Checks if the unit_price is greater or equal to twenty (20). If the entered
uniy_price is greater or equal to twenty (20) then the program goes to the next
line but if it is less than twenty then the program skips to line 8.
7. Calculates the total by multiplying the unit_price by the quantity.
8. Displays the error message “INVALID unit_price”
9. Entering of the quantity
10. The program outputs the total, unit_price and the quantity.
11. Terminates the program

At the end of the month Masa clothing tailor shop need to know the total value of all
the products or services they sold. To do this they find the overall_total. First the total
is retrieved. It is then added with another total. This summing up of totals occurs for
30 days. On day 30 the sum of the totals is shown as the overall_total.

BEGIN ---------------------------------------------------------- 1
INPUT total ------------------------------------------ 3
IF(total > 0) THEN------4
overall_total = overall_total=total ---
day = day+1 ---------------------------
PRINT “total is invalid” --------------------
UNTIL(day = 30) ------------------
OUTPUT “overall_total” ---------------------------------
END-------------------------------------------------- 9

Page 52 of 102
1. Indicates the start of the program
2. Initializes the total and the overall_total to zero.
3. Entering of the total
4. Program checks if the total is greater than zero. If it is greater than zero then
the program moves to the next line.
5. Program calculates the overall_total by adding the total to the overall_total and
calculates the day by adding one to the day.
6. Displays an error message “total is invalid”
7. Checks if the day is equal to 30. If the day is equal to 30 then the program goes
to the immediate next line which displays the overall_total but if it is not equal
to 30 then the program goes to line 3 which enters the total.
8. Displays the overall_total
9. Terminates the program

Page 53 of 102
Program flow chart


total 3


Is total>0 total is invalid

overall_total=overall_total=total 5


Is day=30 7


overall_total, total 8

Stop 9

Page 54 of 102
1. Indicates the start of the program
2. Initializes the total and the overall_total to zero.
3. Entering of the total
4. Program checks if the total is greater than zero. If it is greater than zero then
the program moves to the next line but if the total is less than zero then the
program moves to line 6.
5. Program calculates the overall_total by adding the total to the overall_total and
calculates the day by adding one to the day.
6. Displays an error message “total is invalid”
7. Program checks if the day is equal to 30. If the day is equal to 30 then the
program goes to the next line but if it is not equal to 30 then the program goes
to line 3.
8. Displays the overall_total
9. Terminates the program

Page 55 of 102
The database software assisted the organization to develop the following:
The services sales records table has been created using a database software to store
the services sales records. The services sales records table has the fieldnames date,
product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price, quantity
and total.
The services sales records form was created using a database software. It was used
to capture services sales records into the services sales records table. It has the
fieldnames date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought,
unit_price, quantity and total.
The total calculation query assists the user to calculate the total for a particular
product/service_bought record. It was created using a database software. It has the
fieldnames date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought,
unit_price, quantity and total.
The product code search query helps the user to search and retrieve a particular
product/service_bought record. It was created using a database software. It uses the
product/service_bought_code as the key field. It has the fieldnames date,
product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price, quantity
and total.
The sort select query assists the user to group similar product/service_bought records
using the fieldname product/service_bought and product/service_bought_code. It has
the fieldnames date, product/service_code, customer_details,
product/service_bought, unit_price, quantity and total.
The services sale records report assists the user to find the overall_total for the
services sales records. It was created using a database software. It has the filednames
date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.
The services sales records form design view was put on. The design feature from the
menu bar is clicked followed by the control feature. Afterwards click the control button,

Page 56 of 102
other buttons will appear and among those buttons is the command button which is
clicked and renamed to he appropriate function.
The add record button was created to assist the user to add new records to services
sales record table by clicking on it.
The save record button was created to assist the user to save services sales records
into the services sales record table by clicking on it.
The delete button was created to assist the user to permanently erase a selected
record from the services sales record stable by clicking on it.
The close record button was created to assist the user to close the open record by
clicking on it.

Page 57 of 102
Fieldname validation type of test data expected actual
rule used result result
product/service ≥10000 and normal 12345 Accepted Accepted
_bought_code ≤99999
abnormal 123456 Rejected Rejected

lower extreme 10000 Accepted Accepted

upper extreme 99999 Accepted Accepted

Initial services sales records table status before normal testing

Actual testing

services sales records form

Page 58 of 102
services sales records table status after normal testing.

The product/service_bought_code 12345 has been accepted as it falls between the

defined range which dictates that product/service_bought_code shall be greater or
equal to 10000 but less or equal to 99999.

Initial services sales records table status before abnormal testing

Actual testing
services sales records form

The product/service_bought_code entered has been rejected because it does not fall
within the defined range of greater or equal to 10000 and less or equal to 99999.
Troubleshooting/ Error handling
The user should read the error message that has appeared and understand it.
Afterwards they should click the cancel dialog box. The error message will disappear
and now the user has to highlight and delete the product/service_bought_code that
has been entered and then enter a new one that falls within the defined range of
greater or equal to 10000 and less or equal to 99999.


Initial services sales records table status before lower extreme testing

Page 59 of 102
Actual testing

services sales records form

services sales records table status after lower extreme testing

The product/service_bought_code of 10000 has been accepted because it falls within

the defined range of greater or equal to 10000 and less or equal to 99999.

Page 60 of 102
Initial services sales records table before upper extreme testing

Actual testing

services sales records table status after upper extreme testing

The product/service_bought_code of 99999 has been accepted because it falls within

the defined range of greater or equal to 10000 and less or equal to 99999.

Page 61 of 102
Table of contents
Contents Page number(s)
Title 61
Purpose of system 61
System requirements 61
System Installation 62
Step by step instructions on how to use 62-69
the system
Troubleshooting 69

Title: services sales records database system

Purpose: To assist the user to use the services sales records efficiently
System requirements
Software requirements
 Database software : Microsoft access 2013
 Operating system of Windows XP
Hardware requirements
 Printer
 Liquid Crystal Display Unit
 Keyboard
 Mouse
 Random Access Memory(RAM)
 A processor
 Compact Disk
 Scanner
 Memory stick size 258GB

Page 62 of 102
System Installation

The services sales records database system is on the desktop.

Step by step instruction on how to use the system

The user right clicks the services sales records database system to open it.

The switchboard is opened up.

Page 63 of 102
The user clicks the services sales records form button tom open up the services sales
records form.

The services sales records details are then entered. The product/service_bought code
must fall under the range of greater or equal to 10000 but less or equal to 99999.
The Save Record

The user clicks the save record button to capture the entered details into the services
sales records table.

The Add Record

The user clicks the add record button to add a new record to the services sales records

Page 64 of 102
The services sales records form is empty and the user has to add a new record.

The user clicks the close form button to close the services sales records form.

The form is closed and the switchboard opens.

The user clicks the product/service_bought search form button to open the
product/service_bought search form.

Page 65 of 102
The Parameter value is shown and the user enters it.

The user clicks the OK button to open up a form which shows the searched record.

The user clicks this button to terminate the search process and the switchboard wiuill
be shown.

The user clicks the delete button to remove an unwanted record from the services
sales form.

An error message is popped up which requires the user to confirm if they really want
to delete a record. The error message states the consequences of deleting the record.
Page 66 of 102
Deleting is confirmed and the record is removed.

Deleting process is cancelled.

This button will close the form and go back to the switchboard.

This button is clicked to open up a form for capturing records for the total to be

A form opens and the user enters the services sales records details.

Page 67 of 102
An error message is popped up which requires the user to confirm if they really want
to delete a record. The error message states the consequences of deleting the record.

Deleting is confirmed and the record is removed.

Deleting process is cancelled.

This buton is clicked to close the total calculation form.

The user clicks this button to open up the sorted records.

The sort select query opens up with sorted records.

The user clicks the close feature to close the product/service_bought sort select query.

Page 68 of 102
The sort select query is closed and the switchboard opens up.

This button is clicked to open up the overall_total report.

The overall_total report opens up.

How to print the overall_total report

The file button at the top right is clicked followed by the print button.

Page 69 of 102
Print button is clicked again.

The OK button is clicked and the report is printed.

After an incorrect product/service_bought_code has been entered.

The user should read the error message that has appeared and understand it.
Afterwards they should click the cancel dialog box. The error message will disappear
and now the user has to highlight and delete the product/service_bought_code that
has been entered and then enter a new one that falls within the defined range of
greater or equal to 10000 and less or equal to 99999.

Page 70 of 102

Table of contents
Contents Page number(s)
Purpose of services sales records 70
System requirements 70
Inputs and Inputs format 71-88
Process and process format 72-94
Outputs and outputs format 72-94
System flow chart 95
Program flow chart 96
Test plan 96

Purpose: It is meant to assist experts to design and system that is similar to this one.
System requirements
Software requirements
 Database software : Microsoft access 2013
Hardware requirements
 Printer
 Liquid Crystal Display Unit
 Keyboard
 Mouse
 Random Access Memory(RAM)
 A processor
 Compact Disk
 Scanner
 Memory stick size 258GB

Services sales records table

Page 71 of 102
date, product/service_bought_code, product/service_bought, customer_details,
quantity and total.
File structure
Field name Data type Field Format/validation Description
size rule
date date/time 10 dd/mm/yyyy It holds the date in
which the transaction
product/serv Number 5 >=10000 and Holds the unique code
ice_bought_ <=99999 for a particular
code product/service_bought

customer_d Alphabets, 30 - It holds the names of

etails Numbers the customer buying a
product or service as
well as their contact
product/serv Alphabets 15 - Holds the name of the
ice_bought product sold or service
being offered to a

unit_price currency 9 P#,##0.00 Holds the price of a

single product or
service sold to a
quantity Number 3 - Holds the number of
products bought by a
total currency 9 P#,##0.00 Holds the total, which is
the value obtained after
multiplying the value of
the quantity by that of
the unit_cost.
overall_total currency 9 P#,##0.00 Holds the overall_total
which is the value
obtained by summing
up the totals


Page 72 of 102
dd represents the day, mm represents the month number and yyyy represents the
year in which the transaction occurred. If the date is written in this format, then it is
accepted for further processing but if it is written in any other format such as
yyyy/mm/dd, an error message is sent to the user which demands re-entry of the date
product/service_bought_code :>=10000 and <=99999
The computer checks to see if the product/service_bought_code consists of five (5)
digits. It will also check if the numbers entered lie betweeen the range >=10000 and
<=99999. If so, it accepts for further processing but if not, then an error message
appears which demands correct entry of data.
unit_price and total: P#,##0.00
This format represents the currency in Botswana Pula (P). It is made up of nine (9)
characters. The P#,## represents the Pula units and the .00 represents the thebes.

Services sales records table in design view

date,product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.

Outputs format

Page 73 of 102
Services sales records form
date,product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.
Inputs format


The create button is clicked followed by the form wizard button.

Page 74 of 102
The form is created from the services sales recdords table.

All fields in the services records table are added to the services sales records form.
The “Next” button is then clicked.

The next button is clicked again.

Page 75 of 102
The title of the form is then changed from services sales records table to services sales
records form and the Finish button is clicked.



Page 76 of 102
Then design button is clicked.

The control button is then clicked.

The button which reads button is then clicked.

The cursor is used to draw the button.

Page 77 of 102
The user then clicks Record operations then the add record option is chosen. The Next
button is then clicked.

The Text bullet is clicked followed by the next button.

The finish button is then clicked.


Page 78 of 102
The design button is clicked.

The Controls button is clicked followed by the button labelled Button.

The cursor is ued to draw the button.

The user then goes to record operations then clicks Save Record. The Next button is
then clicked.

Page 79 of 102
The text button is selected and then the user clicks the Next button.

The user now clicks the Finish button.


Page 80 of 102
The design button is clicked.

The control button is clicked follwed by the control button.

The cursor is used to draw the button.

Page 81 of 102
The user goes to form operations then clicks the Close form button. The next button
is then clicked.

The user clicks the next followed by the next button.

Page 82 of 102
The user clicks the finish button.

Add record
This button is used by a user to add a new record to the services sales records table.
Upon opening, field names and other data items will be entered to the services sales
records table.
Save file
The save button assists the user to save services sale records into the services sales
records table.
Close button
This button is clicked to close the form once the user is done with the form.

date,product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.

Page 83 of 102
Total Calculation query
The total calculation query will be used to automatically calculate the total for a
particular product or service bought record. It will be created from the services sales
records using a database software.
date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.


First the design query button is clicked.

The total calculation query is created from the services sales records table.

Page 84 of 102
All the fields in the services sales records are added to the total calculation query.

A new field the total field is added. The formula [unit_price]*[quntity] is input to
calculate the total.

The right hand mouse button is clcked to access the a menu from which the properties
will be clicked.

Page 85 of 102
The format for currency which is P#,##0.00 is entered.

The query is ran.

date,product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.

Product/service_bought search query

The product/service_bought search query was created to search for a particular
product or service bought record. It was created from the total calculation query using
a database software. It uses the product/service_bought_code to search for a
particular product/service_bought record.


Page 86 of 102

The user clicks the create buton followed by the query design button.

The product/service_bought search query is created from the total calculation query.

All records in the total calculation query are added to the product/service_bought
serarch query.

Page 87 of 102
The user then enters a criterion which is [ please enter product/service_bought code].
The user then clicks show for all fields.

The user then runs the product or service bought search query.

Page 88 of 102
The product/service_bought_code is then entered to search for that particular record.

date,product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.


Sort select query

The sort select query was created to group similar product/service_bought records
using the product/service_bought and the product/service_bought_code.
date,product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.


Page 89 of 102

The user first clicks the create button followed by the query design button.

The sort select query is created from the total calcuation query.

The user then enters the search criterion which is the product/service_bought in this
case black hat.

Page 90 of 102
The user now runs the query.

date, product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.


Overall_total report
The overall_total report was calculated to sum up all the totals for all the
product/service_bought records. It is created using a database software.
date,product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity and total.

The overall_total report is created from the total calculation query.

Page 91 of 102
The user then selects all the fieldnames.

The Next button is clicked.

The Next button is clicked again.

Page 92 of 102
The Next button is clicked again.

The title is changed to overall_total report.

The report is formated to the way the user wants it.

The user clicks the control button followed by the text box. The user then uses the
cursor to draw the text box.

Page 93 of 102
The user then names the text box overall_total and then inputs the formula

Afterwards the right mouse button is clicked and the user clicks properties.

Afterwards the appropriate format for income in pula which is P#,##0.00 is input.

Page 94 of 102
date,product/service_code, customer_details, product/service_bought, unit_price,
quantity, total and overall_total.


Page 95 of 102

Re-entry of services sales

Entering ofservices records details
sales records

Validation Services
of services sales records
sales are rejected

Displaying Retrieval of The total is calculated
of unit_price and by multiplying the
searched quantity unit_price by the
records quantity
Services sales
records are
accepted and
stored into a The calculated total is saved
hard disk
Entering of
product/service Summing of
_bought_code totals to find

Display of
sorted records
Printing of
according to

Page 96 of 102
Test Plan
Fieldname validation type of test data expected actual
rule used result result
product/service ≥10000 and normal 12345 Accepted Accepted
_bought_code ≤99999
abnormal 123456 Rejected Rejected

lower extreme 10000 Accepted Accepted

upper extreme 99999 Accepted Accepted

BEGIN--------------------------------- 1
total=0---- 2
INPUT quantity----------------3
WHILE (quantity>0)-------------------------- 4
INPUT unit_price--- 5
IF (unit_price≥20) THEN------------ 6
total=unit_price*quantity---------------- 7

PRINT “INVALID unit_price”------ 8
INPUT quantity---------
PRINT “total”-------------- 10
END------ 11

Page 97 of 102

POINT 1: Searching for a particular product/service_bought record is now
REASON: A product/service_bought search query was created from the total
calculation query using a database software. The product/service_bought search
query uses the product/service_bought code as a search criterion to quickly search
and retrieve a wanted record.
RESULTS: Since services sales records will be retrieved quickly using the
product/service_bought search query, the organization can assist its customers
quickly. This means more customers are assisted in a shorter time and this leads to
an increase in the profits the organization makes as more customers will be assisted
than before.These profits can be used for making developments in the organization.
Quick customer assistance also builds the organization a good reputation and this
attracts customers.



Page 98 of 102
POINT 2: Calculating the total for a particular product/service_bought record is
quick and error free
REASON: A total calculation query was created from the services sales records table
using a database software. It uses the formula [quantity]*[unit_price] to calculate the
total for a particular product/service bought record. It does this quickly and
RESULTS: Fast calculation of the total enables the organization to be able to know
which product or service brings in the highest income quickly. Through this information
they will know which products they should avail in high quantities to maximize their




Page 99 of 102
POINT 3: Editing a particular product/service_bought record is quick
REASON: A product/service_bought search query was created from the total
calculation query using a database software. The product/service_bought search
query uses the product/service_bought code as a search criterion to quickly search
and retrieve a wanted record. After the record is retrieved it can now be edited by the
user and later save it.
RESULT: Services sales records integrity in the organization will be maintained as a
product/service_bought search query will be used to search a particular
product/service_bought record and then edit it. Good data integrity will as a result lead
to the organization making good decisions from that data. It also builds a good
reputation for the organization as customers will admire how precise the organization
is with their information. Good reputation leads to an increase in customers leading to
a higher revenue.




Page 100 of 102

If I was given more time to develop my system:
1. I would divide the services sales records table into two tables, the customers’
particulars table and the services sales records table. The customer’s particulars
table will have the field names customer_details, customer_id and
product/service_bought_code. The services sales records table will have the field
names date, product/service_bought_code, product/service_bought_code, unit_price,
quantity and total. The two tables will be linked together using the
Reason: This will help avoid duplication of the same services sales records.
Results: This will save the organization’s computer memory and storage and this
maintains the faster computers’ processing speed. This allows the sales person to
search for a record quicker and calculate the total for a particular record quickly once
more. This also saves the organization’s money as they will not have to purchase more
storage media like hard disk and Random Access Memory cards which are expensive.

2. I would create a report that calculates the quantity of one type of

product/service_bought. The report will be created from total calculation query.
REASON: This would enable the organization to know directly which products or
services are bought in the highest quantities and which ones are bought in the lowest
RESULT: The organization can know the quantity of raw materials to purchase looking
at the quantities of the products sold. This helps maximize their profits as they will
make the products in higher quantities and then all of these products will be bought. It
also prevents the organization from producing an excess of products that are going to
be bought in very small quantities which will lead to a loss of money.
3. I would add the e-mail fieldname to the customers’ particulars table.
REASON: The organization can send e-mails to their customers to advertise their
RESULT: This educates the customer about what products are available and when
they want to buy them they can go and purchase them. This will end up resulting in
increased sales as they will reach almost all customers wherever they are in case
those customers visit the organization for their services.

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I am Tlamelo Kwena a student of age 17 at Kagiso Senior Secondary School. I would
appreciate if you could answer the following questions pertaining to your organization.
1. What is the name of your organization?

2. Where is it located?

3. When was the organization established?

4. Who is the owner of the organization?

5. What are the operational hours of the organization?

6. What are the visions of the organization?

7. What are the objectives of the organization?

8. How many employees does the organization have?

9. What are the records that the organization keep?

10. How is a new record added?

11. How are records updated in the organization?

12. How is sorting of records done in the organization?

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