Interview Booklet 5

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Interview 1
Name: Unknown
Education: Bio Medical
Year: 2020


1. Why did you leave your job?

2. What did you do at the job?

3. There is an ongoing discussion on electricity subsidies given by Delhi government ,

do you think they should be given? How would you justify it?

4. Can Jharkhand give it?

5. You mentioned about Sarpanch Patis and you're coming from the field, so do you
think our women empowerment efforts are farce (fake)?


1. By the Internal complaints committees which work in the context of the Sexual
Harassment at Workplace Act, the accused is suspended and then inquiry happens This
provision is often misused. Do you think that is justified?

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2. You were at an IIT and the percentage of women is low at 10-15%, what is the


1. What is your opinion on affirmative action for women at IITs?

2. What other affirmative actions for women exist?


1. One question regarding govt's efforts for women


1. What is AI?

2. What is Deep Learning?

3. Should we go for AI when there are concerns of it taking over humans, example of
AI detecting cancer before doctors?

4. Should a country like India go for AI when we have a lack of skilled workers?

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5. Take some govt schemes for women, their gaps and what would you do as an

6. Do you think Indira Gandhi, who was India's first female PM that early in our
country's history, was a role model?


Interview 2
Name: Unknown
Optional: Political Science and International Relations
State: Kerala
Year: 2020


1. Tell me about your educational qualifications and work experience.

2. Have you gone through this year's Economic Survey? The survey referred to
Wikipedia. What is your opinion about it? Do you think it is right?

3. What is Local Guide of Google Maps?

4. Don't you think the information available there is also amendable? What measures
does google take to address this issue and ensure rightness?
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5. People and often parties claim that EVM machines are tampered. How can the
Election Commission get people's trust in this regard?

6. Do you think Wikipedia has led to democratization of information?


1. What is meant by cloud computing?

2. What are the various security and privacy issues in cloud computing? How can it be

3. Do you think if we store data locally in our country, it cannot be misused?


1. What is nookukooli in Kerala? Why is it still present even after government banning
it? Why is such a literate, rights aware and active society cannot address the issue?


1. Do you think India really wants to resolve the Afganistan issue? Don't you think that
if Afghanistan Peace Process is successful then Pakistan can concentrate on its eastern
border and won't it be difficult for us?

2. What type of Afghanistan peace process do we need?

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3. What is the role of innovation in India?

4. Do you think that innovation is a sustainable mean to achieve $5 trillion economy?

5. What are the challenges involved regarding IPR?

6. You were second year representative to college union. Were you elected or

7. What are some important values a leader should have?

8. What is role of ideologies in election?


1. Do you think there is male chauvinism in tech world?

2. Do you think that companies are now not interested in hiring women?

3. Do you believe whether top down approach or needs based approach is required for
policy making?


1. What is your take on demonetization? Was it a top down approach?

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2. What is bio hackathon?

3. What can you associate with the name Larry Tessler?


Interview 3
Name: Sandeep kumar
Education: Computer Engineering
Hobbies: Meditation
Year: 2020


1. Tell us about your education background and job experience, if any.

2. Why do you want to join civil services?

3. Over the years so many have joined civil service with noble intention, what have they
not been able to achieve so far?

4. What is the digital divide?

5. Why is it a pressing issue?

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6. What is the relationship between online education and digital divide?

7. Classroom education vs online education— which one is better?

8. How to balance then?

9. What was the recent controversy about covid testing in which the supreme court
had to interfere?

10. What is the current scenario regarding testing?


1. What is your opinion on the merger of ailing banks with stronger banks? Will it solve
the problems?

2. Don't you think it will make even the strong bank weak?

3. What is the genesis of NPAs?

4. What is 'bad bank'?

5. Is it the best solution for NPAs issue?

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1. You are from Madhu Bani and no interview will be complete without asking you
about Madhu Bani painting. What are the key themes of Madhu Bani painting?

2. What are the themes of Vidyapati's poetry?

3. What is the most famous book written by Vidyapati which is read in India and

4. There are very few hospitals in North Bihar compared to South Bihar, what is the
specific reason?

5. Moving on, what is the Inter-state river dispute?

6. What changes has the government brought in recently to the interstate river dispute

7. What is Jal Shakti mission?


1. Madhu Bani painters are not able to earn as much as they deserve. Middlemen seem
to profit a lot. As a civil servant, what will you do to ensure they earn more.

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2. You earlier seemed to support the Jal shakti mission. What are the infrastructure
challenges associated with it?

3. Key challenge is water. How will water reach a water-deficit region like

4. You have studied mathematics and computing. What is a supercomputer?

5. What is the order of number of processors in supercomputer?

6. What is its application ?

7. What is Big Data Analytics?


1. What is a federal constitution?

2. What provisions of the Indian constitution makes it federal?

3. What are recent trends in federalism in India?

4. What should be the role of governor ?

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5. What changes are needed in the role of governor?

6. What about breakdown of constitutional machinery in states?


Interview 4
Name: Ishwarya
Optional: Sociology
Education: Civil engineering
Hobbies: Sketching, Table tennis
State: Tamil Nadu
Year: 2020


1. You are from Civil Engineering background, what is the relationship between civil
engineering and climate change?

2. Do you think retrofitting 25 year old building is sustainable?


1. Tell about the historical background of Cuddalore ?

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2. Is reservation to SC, St and OBCs a positive move ?

3. What are the safeguards available to SC when their rights are violated


1. How to improve health infrastructure ?

2. Should health be made fundamental right or entitlement ?

3. Elaborate on your hobby of watching Asian drama ?

4. What are the cultural similarities between East Asian countries and India ?

5. Do you know about the Angkor wat?


1. What is the Significance of Vaastu in civil engineering?

2. Can India build a makeshift hospital like China in 10 days

3. Do you know about China's project management?

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1. How to improve Railway accounting by including digitization?

2. How to revive construction sector after this COVID crisis?


Interview 5
Name: Shishir Gupta
Optional: Mathematics
Education: - Chemical engineering,
Hobbies: Cricket
State: Rajasthan
Year: 2020


1. Tell us about your education and job experience

2. What is innovative pedagogy?

3. What pedagogy do you think is useful and what can be employed in India?

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4. Do you see the number (number of students she meant) in India. Will it work ?

5. Why did you leave your job?

6. On one hand govt is asking students like you to innovate and find out new
technological solutions and on the other hand you people are looking for govt jobs?

7. What are the qualities that a civil servant should possess over and above a private
sector employee?


1. You mentioned financing the education of a girl child when you were in a job. Okay,
tell me have you heard about skill India?

2. What kind of skills and marketing strategy can be employed to empower women?

3. What is Nirbhaya fund, have you heard of it?

4. What all is done under Nirbhaya fund?

5. Are state govt initiatives also funded under this fund?

6. You play Cricket. What is your view on IPL? Is it a sporting event or a commercial

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7. If you have to choose between improving the sporting aspect of it or the commercial
aspect, which would you choose?

8. What is SMART policing?

9. What is the difference between Normal policing we have and SMART policing?

10. What about acquainting them with technology?


1. Your optional is Maths? Tell me about the origin of the Pythagoras theorem? It is said
that Pythagoras didn't invent it. What are your views on it?

2. What about Algebra? Was it the result of the findings of an Arab mathematician?

3. You are a chemical engineer, tell me about your work in your previous company.

4. No doubt chemical engineering has given us so much. So, tell me some

technological solutions to improve the problems posed by the use of chemicals.

5. Are you aware of some plastic related project started in Tamil Nadu?

6. Why do we use plastic in making roads, give me some reason other than saying that
it is recycling of waste?

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1. You are from Jaipur, tell me have you visited any village in Rajasthan?

2. What is the name of your village?

3. How will you solve the problem of water in your area?

4. Have you heard about Greta Thunberg? Who is she?

5. She recently gave a speech in last UN meeting, what was it about?


1. People mention Gandhiji as a politician, a reformer, a social reformist and many more
ways, what is your view about Gandhiji? What do you think who was he?

2. He talked a lot about village republic, so what have we done in this regard? Have we
been successful or is there still a lot more to be done?

3. Have you heard about PIL? Under which provision of the constitution it is filed?

4. Should we do away with it given that there are so many people who file PIL due to
their vested interest?

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Interview 6
Name: Unknown
Education: B.Tech, Food technology (Anna Univ.)
State: Tamil Nadu
Year: 2020


1. Tell about your educational qualification and work experience ?

2. What did you learn from your work ?

3. How seriously do we take food safety ?

4. Why was FSSAI established ?

5. Contaminants in fish and shrimps are being detected. What is it ? What steps should
be taken to control it ?

6. What are the books you read in last few months ?

7. How milk cooperatives became successful ?

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8. Sugarcane cooperative is successful in Maharashtra. Why not in other areas

9. What is social capital ?


1. Name some famous hospital in Vellore. (Home district)

2. Can you elaborate on the Medical infrastructure in Rural India ? Tell us about the
Hierarchy in Tamil Nadu?

3. Can you tell us about the Medicine procurement and cold chain infrastructure for
medicines in TamilNadu ?

4. Explain about issues between US - China ?


1. How to reduce fertiliser use in agriculture ?

2. How to use drones to reduce fertilizer use in agriculture ?

3. Do you know about the problem of farmers in Bathinda district of Punjab ?

4. Why is stubble burning happening and what should be done to address it ?

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1. How will you use food technology knowledge to reduce food wastage in agriculture
in a district if you are a DC ?

2. What is the effect of foreign investments in food processing ?


Interview 7
Name: Unknown
Optional: Sociology
Hobbies: Meditation
Year: 2020


1. Can you Introduce yourself?

2. Why is women's safety important ?

3. How are district officials handling it ?

4. Why do we come across sexual harassment of lady police officials ?

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1. Why our medal tally in sports is low? How to increase it ?

2. What problems young students face in daily life?

3. Tell me about issues with elderly in India ?


1. What are the disadvantages of Precision farming ?

2. Can you tell us about the development of Horticulture industry in India ?

3. Why we organize horticulture festivals?


1. What are the 7 type of meditation ?


1. Is China spreading corona virus through goods and services?

2. Do sedition and freedom of speech need to draw a line?

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Interview 8
Name: Anjali Birla
Optional: Political Science and International Relations
Education: B. Tech + MBA
Job: LGBTQIA employment
Hobbies: Freestyle dancing
State: Rajasthan
Year: 2020


1. Can you introduce yourself?

2. Should there be counselling regarding usage of social media , who should do it -

govt , civil society or pvt companies ?

3. Tell about Gene editing by a Chinese scientist and the ethical issues involved in it.


1. Did USSR fall because of Gorbachev policies

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2. Did it not fall because of Gorbachev?

3. Tell about the political systems of the following countries - Russia, Belarus, Ukraine,
and Kazakhstan.

4. What is euro zone crisis ?

5. What is Greece crisis ?


1. What are the types of markets? Tell me in economic terms as you have studied

2. Talk about South China Sea issue.

3. What is the strategic angle here ?

4. What is Geographical angle ?

5. What is the difference between the territorial sea and the EEZ?

6. Will a Pakistani ship coming in Indian waters ( territorial ) need permission?

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7. What is a contiguous zone ?


1. You have political science as an optional, what were the constitutional changes made
for introducing GST?

2. What changes were made and with which article ?

3. Which items are kept outside GST?

4. What is the Difference in taxation between alcohol and petrol ?

5. When did the Jammu and Kashmir reorganization act come into effect ?

6. How many districts are there in ladakh ?

7. When was 1 dollar is equal to 1 rupee?


1. Are Green tribunals in the way of development ?


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Interview 9
Name: Unknown
Optional: Mathematics
Education: BTech, MTech Materials Science and engineering
Hobbies: Photography, Table tennis
Year: 2020


1. Introduce yourself with education and work experience.

2. Why do you want to join civil services?

3. Did you have any dissatisfaction with your Material Science course that you are
coming here?

4. What are the advantages of the internet in science education?

5. How much of your research was dependent on the internet? How did you decide
which information to trust?

6. Are you aware of internet-based journalism? What are its advantages?


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1. How would you evaluate the performance of the election commission since

2. What is your opinion on the EVM controversy?

3. Why are there comparatively fewer foreign tourists in India?

4. Why do the USA and UK have strong relations?


1. What are smart materials?

2. Can materials science be used to make things invisible?

3. What are the Advantages of nanotechnology?

4. Can you talk about “surface-volume ratio” in nanomaterials?


1. What kind of photography do you do?

2. Which lenses do you use for that?

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3. What depth of field would you prefer for portrait photography?

4. Is sea piracy increasing or decreasing? Where does it occur? What has been done
about it?

5. Which stream lies at the end of Radcliffe Line?

6. Have you heard of McMahan Line? Which country has a problem with it?

7. Tell me about a major Chinese infrastructure initiative. What changes should China
bring to it?

8. What must be done to revive the Indian economy?

9. What is the relevance of Materials science in society?


1. Tell me about the NPA crisis. Who is to blame?

2. How is the IBC performing?

3. Chartered accounts are being regulated by chartered accountants. Should there be

any changes and why?

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4. Why does plastic have such a negative image now, even though when it was
invented it was hailed as revolutionary? What has changed since then?

5. What are the alternatives to plastic? Since plastic is considered obsolete today, will
these alternatives suffer the same fate a few years from now?

6. By switching to alternatives such as cellulose based materials, bamboo etc, won’t we

be harming our green cover? Won’t the manufacturing of these alternatives be
environmentally unsustainable?


Interview 10
Name: Unknown
Optional: History
Education: Civil engineering
Hobbies: Diary writing
Year: 2020


1. Introduce yourself and your work in brief.

2. Where does the training takes place ?

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3. What is the main challenge you face at Border ?

4. How do you dominate ?

5. Talk about Indian billionaires and their impact on GDP ?

6. What will you say about the inequality created?

7. How do they become billionaire ?


1. Since border population is very poor so what is the reason for the low economy
there ?

2. How can we boost the economy there ?

3. Have you heard of social capital ? What can be done here ?

4. Tell me the role of media and what changes it can bring to the border villages?

5. You earlier talked of smuggling. So how do you control it?

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6. We are witnessing the rising crime of juveniles like the Nirbhaya one. So what is your
opinion on trying juveniles as an adult?

7. What should be done?


1. Why youth is not joining the armed forces?

2. Tell me for BSF. Why youth is not joining?

3. How do you deal with lack of recognition at work ?

4. What are we doing to reduce the stress level in CAPFs ?

5. As your optional is history, which part you liked the most ?

6. Who was responsible for the decline of the Mughal empire - Akbar/Aurangzeb?


1. We are witnessing a lot of vacancy in judiciary. What is the reason for it ?

2. Recently, why there is uproar over disinvestment and why is it so ?

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3. Tell me about the problems of UP ?

4. The population of UP is more than that of many European countries. How do you
see this statement?

5. We don’t have enough resources, that’s why migration is taking place. Anyways, do
we have any strategy to deal with it?

6. Tell me why Varanasi is famous ?

7. Tell me something about Allahabad ?


1. We see people protesting against some development project? Are you aware of it?

2. How do you see it ?

3. Don’t you think if a dam collapse then it will create a havoc ?

4. Why do we construct series of small dams?

5. You are working in NE, so tell me why there is different type of house in rural-urban
areas ?

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6. Do you mean to say sloppy roof? Why is it so? I am asking for the villages.


Interview 11
Name: Unknown
Education: Computer Science
Job: Goldman Sachs
Hobbies: Mountaineering
Year: 2020


1. Introduce yourself, mentioning education details and work experience.

2. Why did you leave a well paying job?

3. What did you do at Goldman Sachs?

4. Why do so many IITians end up in finance sector?

5. There are allegations of bias in data analytics. Should govt be cautious about
adopting AI in governance?

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6. Did you study social sciences at your college?

7. Are social sciences important for governance?

8. What does GDP miss?


1. Tell about Nelson Mandela and his governance model.

2. Why do a lot of tourists visit Egypt?

3. How old are the pyramids?


1. Suppose you encountered an avalanche during trekking, how would you react?

2. Why do avalanches occur?

3. Why is density of ice higher than water on mountains?


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1. What was the role of Goldman Sachs in 2008 financial crisis?

2. Corporate executives earn huge salaries but are irresponsible; should we cap their

3. Why should govt take responsibility for their mistakes?

4. Credit Rating Agencies malfunctioning? What to do?

5. Where is the Strait of Hormuz? What is its significance? Why was it there in the
recent news?

6. What is the important of developing chabahar port by India ?


1. What is the difference between climate change and global warming?

2. What was China's response with respect to the Strait of Hormuz violence?

3. What is FATF? What can India do to push Pak into blacklist?

4. What is your reaction to the economic stagnation due to Corona?

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5. Should govt fund AI projects?

6. Tell about benefits and criticism of Aadhaar PAN linkage.


Interview 12
Name: Unknown
Optional: Chemistry
Education: BE Computer Engg
Year: 2020


1. Introduce yourself.

2. Did you work?

3. Tell me about the internship.

4. Why have you done Engineering and then chose this path?

5. What is the use of Computer Science Engineering in civils?

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1. Who are Rohingyas?

2. Should we look at them as a humanitarian issue or as a security issue?

3. What is Free movement regime? (India-Myanmar)

4. What are the advantages of it for us and them?

5. What are the disadvantages?

6. Who are the insurgents in this area?

7. Sometimes they say low inflation is good for the economy. Why?

8. Is it also Applicable to agriculture sector?


1. Why did you choose chemistry as an optional?

2. Which branch of chemistry do you like?

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3. What is an Organometallic compound?

4. What if the compound has an oxygen metal ?

5. Why do Transition metals have color?

6. Which group has most industrial catalysts?

7. Can you tell me about a liquid Element?


1. Was state division of Telangana and AP good?

2. It has been good for Telangana but what about AP?

3. Are you aware that AP is cancelling many solar projects?

4. What is phishing?

5. What is Money laundering?

6. Why does laundering occur?

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7. Why have you written CAT?

8. Why did you not join?


1. What is the difference between AP division and Jammu and Kashmir?

2. Are both of them the same type of UTs?

3. Why did we make India a union of states? Do you think it's better to make it a

4. What about the situation now with diversity?

5. How many states do you think India should have?

6. Do you think having 3 capitals is a good idea?

7. Suppose you are United States. You invaded Iraq, Vietnam, and Afghanistan. Do you
want to stop invading now?

8. Should you invade Venezuela?

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9. What is going on in Yemen?

10. Who are the foreign actors?

11. What interest does Iran and Saudi have?


Interview 13
Name: Nivetha S
Optional: Public Administration
Education: Chemical Engineering
Year: 2020


1. Introduce yourself briefly.

2. How will you bring in change to civil service when the current narrative is
maintaining status quo?

3. What lessons did Chennai learn from the floods and ensuing water crisis?

4. Do you think people have really understood the depth of the (above) issue?
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5. Why mythology is useful at all (DAF)?

6. What is demographic dividend?

7. Is youth automatically a dividend or should steps be taken?

8. What is the Difference between skill development and vocational training?


1. How does foreign trade help in keeping inflation low?

2. What impact foreign trade has on goods and services ?

3. Tell about the current regime's foreign policy essence.

4. What has India done for its neighbors ?


1. How nanotechnology improves solar cells?

2. What is the National solar mission and challenges therein?

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3. Talk about road accidents and whose responsibility is it ?


1. What is the Difference in leadership qualities in public and private sector ?

2. How great a threat is climate change?

3. Why did you opt for public administration after chemical engineering?


1. What is midnight sun and its mechanism?

2. Explain Syrian crisis ?

3. Who are Kurd's and what do they want?

4. Should they be given a separate nation?


Interview 14
HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
UPSC Interviews HYD Madhapur: +91 9052 49 2929
BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
Practice Booklets

Name: Himanshu Gupta

Optional: Anthropology
Education: MSc and M.Phil Environmental sciences
Hobbies: Butterfly watching
Year: 2020


1. Introduce yourself with your educational and work experience only.

2. Have you joined the training? Will you join after interview or in September?

3. Where did you do your M.Phil.?

4. What was your M.Phil. thesis?

5. Are bees declining? Why are they declining?

6. What is this hobby of making currency garlands?

7. How does RBI manages currency production?

8. How do we make bank notes? Which paper is used?

9. Is using paper currency environmentally unsustainable?

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10. Can we digitalize everything?

11. Do you know surge pricing?

12. Should there be surge pricing in railways?

13. Railways is a public good, by saying yes to surge pricing, aren't you contradicting


1. What are greenhouse gases?

2. What will happen if all the green house gases suddenly disappears?

3. Why is it called greenhouse effect?

4. How much of global warming has taken place already?

5. What is the contribution of renewables in energy mix of India?

6. If we continue to emit GHGs, how much will the temperature rise by?

7. What is green environment?

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Practice Booklets

8. What is green chemistry?


1. Is migration due to pull factors or push factors?

2. Why do people migrate?

3. How do you identify fake currency?

4. What steps should be taken to stop FCNR ?

5. Global warming is caused by the actions of developed countries in the past. Should
developed countries pay for their wrongs?


1. Is railway efficient or there are issues?

2. How should we rationalize railways?

3. Do you support corporatization of railways?

4. How do you manage development with environment?

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5. Have you heard of DBT? Where is it implemented? How does it help government in
saving money?

6. Why China is called a currency manipulator?

7. What is India's foreign reserve size? Should we have this big size of reserve? What is
China's reserve size? Why should they have that big size of reserve?

8. Then why USA has such small forex reserve?


1. Explain evolution of humans?

2. Has environment helped in human evolution?

3. What is a race?

4. How do you separate races and on what physical characteristics?


Interview 15
HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
UPSC Interviews HYD Madhapur: +91 9052 49 2929
BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
Practice Booklets

Name: Jayakrishnan V M
Optional: Geography
Education: Engineering physics
Hobbies: Photography, Quizzes
State: Kerala
Year: 2020


1. Introduce yourself to the board with your educational qualifications and work
experience, if any.

2. Do you plan to take PG in future?

3. Have you heard about the place named Koyna? Where is it located?

4. What is extreme weather?

5. Name some institutions of ISRO located in Thiruvananthapuram.

6. Tell me about the ISRO spy case, I want to know about it.

7. What happened to Nambi Narayan last year?

8. Is there anything you want us to ask you?

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1. How can we address the issue of population explosion?

2. Why there is a difference in population growth in north and south India? Is there any
geographical reason?

3. If you are posted in Bihar, mention 3 steps that you will take to control population

4. Is population an asset or a liability?

5. What must be done to the treasure within Padmanabhaswamy temple,


6. Why tourism plays an important role in Kerala's economy? Why not other sectors?


1. What is the Difference between Fiscal policy and monetary policy?

2. What are the tools used in fiscal policy and monetary policy?

3. Explain GST. What are its issues?

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Practice Booklets

4. What were the taxes subsumed under GST?


1. Which lens will you prefer for portrait photography?

2. Which one do you like more, portraits or landscapes?

3. Which lens will you use for landscape photography?

4. What is BRI?

5. Doesn't India be left out of the global economic network if it refuses to join BRI?

6. Does changing the name of CPEC solve the problem?

7. What is your opinion on demonetization?


1. What is green economy?

2. What is blue economy? Steps taken by government to tap the potential of blue

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
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Practice Booklets

3. Why the corona virus is considered deadly, even though its mortality rate is very

4. Who is your role model?


Interview 16
Name: Unknown
Education: Mechanical Engg
Hobbies: Cricket, Photography
Year: 2020


1. Explain about yourself - education and work background.

2. Why you left the job? Couldn't you do it together?

3. How many hours of work are there in axis bank and how much are there in IIT?

4. What is additive manufacturing ?

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5. Any other areas ?

6. What are your hobbies ?

7. What is your view about image morphing?

8. You have taken it to deep fakes but aren't software's like photoshop very common,
then how to stop image morphing crime?

9. What about the crime perpetrator ?


1. What is the Business intelligence unit? What is it, and what it did?

2. Could it prevent yes bank like crisis ?

3. What are Nano satellites and role of mechanical engineer in its design ?


1. IITians do MBA and startups. Why you came to civil services?

2. Why you did a job then, after college?

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Practice Booklets

3. What internal mechanism bank can have to reduce the extent of crisis?

4. What is the difference between the ICICI issue and the yes bank issue?

5. Tell me about the Kartarpur corridor, religious diplomacy and security angle.


1. What is the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code? Is it successful? And two-three follow
up questions.

2. What is Monetary policy and what changes were made to it in recent times?

3. Why is growth still not improving and production not boosted?

4. Talk about changes needed in Fiscal policy to improve growth.


1. What is Red Corridor, why it is still there ?

2. Why we aren't addressing these issues ?

3. Why naxal chose Jharkhand as an area.?

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
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Practice Booklets

4. Tell about Xinjiang province of China and Uighur Muslim issues ?

5. What is the Difference between turkey and Turkic ?


Interview 17
Name: Unknown
Year: 2020


1. Tell me about yourself.

2. What was your job and challenges there?

3. What are the conditions you look for setting an automobile and cycle plant?


1. Tell us about India's bid for UNSC and why it has not been able to become a
member? G4 & Coffee club etc.

2. Why is India moving towards the US?

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3. Why Pakistan is not trying to become UNSC member?


1. Why aren't we able to produce required amount of coal needed for the country?

2. What good and bad things you observed in Japan?


1. Name some Skill related schemes that are successful.

2. What more can be done?

3. Is the target of 5 Trillion dollars economy achievable?

4. What is the Status of Kabaddi and how to promote it?


1. What is the difference between diamond, coal & graphite?

2. Why did the Mehrauli iron pillar get rust?

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
UPSC Interviews HYD Madhapur: +91 9052 49 2929
BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
Practice Booklets


Interview 18
Name: Unknown
Optional: Geography
Education: Btech electrical engineering
Hobbies: Flag football
State: Rajasthan
Year: 2020


1. Introduce yourself with education and work experience.

2. What is Agra famous for?

3. Is it right that foreigners are charged more for tickets?

4. Should we charge more for other services provided to foreigners as well?

5. Do you think we have taken sufficient measures to protect Taj mahal.?

6. What steps have we taken ?

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BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
Practice Booklets


1. What is the golden quadrilateral?

2. What is the starting and endpoint of the golden quadrilateral?

3. What are the social issues in the economic growth of the country?

4. What was the last novel you read ?

5. Your school was Dayanand Bal Mandir. What was the role of Dayanand Sarasvati?

6. Where was he born ?


1. What are the impacts of falling oil prices on India?

2. Why the government has not passed the benefits of falling oil prices to citizens?

3. What would be the impact on economy if rupee suddenly become strong against
dollar, say 30 Rs/Dollar ?


HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
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BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
Practice Booklets

1. When did you decide to become civil servant ?

2. What is career progression in IAS ?

3. What is the ease of doing business?

4. Does the index represent whole of India ?

5. As an electrical engineer explain why GENCOs are facing financial issues?

6. The solar technology was developed in Europe and panels are manufactured in
china, why India was not provided with this technology by Europe?


1. What are SDGS ?

2. Can you list some of them ?

3. How is it different from steps already being taken?

4. Which two SDGS would you focus on ?

5. What qualities you have that will help you in administration ?

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
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BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
Practice Booklets


Interview 19
Name: Unknown
Optional: Geography
Job: Indian oil
Year: 2020


1. Tell me about your education and work experience.

2. What was your profile and responsibilities?

3. Why oil companies cheer when oil prices rise and customers suffer?

4. Why Gas based assets are lying unutilized?

5. Why don't you devise such a formula?

6. Don't you think Joint forest management has been bureaucratized?

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
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BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
Practice Booklets


1. What are threats to oil sector ?

2. Where is the government's push in energy?

3. What has been the changes in mechanical engineering over time ?

4. What is IoT in layman terms ?

5. Is India prepared for IoT? What are the problems?

6. What is the issue with 5G?

7. What are the cyclical and structural issues related to our economy? Please give

8. What are different theories for poverty reduction?


1. Have your heard of BRI ?

2. What are issues with BRI ?

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BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
Practice Booklets

3. Tell me about status of women and have your heard of Feminine capitalism ?

4. How would you increase women Labour force participation. ?

5. What are FR and DPSPs? Give 4 examples of each?

6. What is CSR? What is Indian Oil doing in it ?


1. What are 3 problems of your districts ?

2. What would you do for health ?

3. What are Rajasthan govt schemes for water conservation?

4. Is 4R successful? Why not? What would you do?

5. Do you think private participation has been good for growth of petroleum industry ?

6. Why do you want to join IAS leaving such a good organization?

7. Tell me about Ayushman Bharat scheme and its implementation.

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
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BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
Practice Booklets


1. Tell me about universal basic income ?

2. What's your opinion? Should we implement it?

3. Why is the rupee depreciating?


Interview 20
Name: Sachin kumar dubey
Optional: History
State: Uttar Pradesh
Year: 2020


1. What is Gandhian model of economics?

2. Can we achieve the 5 trillion economy goal by Gandhian model?

3. Is Gandhi relevant today?

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
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BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
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4. What is the importance of heavy industry and urbanization in the economy?


1. Who started the revolt of 1857?

2. What was Subhash Chandra Bose's education ?

3. How did Veer Savarkar die?

4. Who was the last governor general of British in India?


1. Should student politics disturb education?

2. Should students allowed in student politics?

3. What is letter writing?

4. Why do you write letters?

5. What is main characteristic of anchor?

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
UPSC Interviews HYD Madhapur: +91 9052 49 2929
BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
Practice Booklets

6. What preparations should a anchor do before any function?


1. What is the relationship between industry and environment ?

2. How much is the fund of Swachh Bharath mission in budget 2020 ?

3. What is district wise comparison of sanitation in UP ?

4. How will you make the Ganga pollution free ,if you become DM of Kanpur ?


1. What is the ease of doing business?

2. What problems do entrepreneur face?

3. What is the importance of skilled labour?

4. How can we make skill India programme more successful?

5. How to connect rural market to urban market?

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
UPSC Interviews HYD Madhapur: +91 9052 49 2929
BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
Practice Booklets


Interview 21
Name: Rashi A S
Optional: Sociology
Education: Mechanical Engg
Hobbies: Listening to podcasts, Meditation
State: Kerala
Year: 2020


1. Introduce yourself.

2. What did you do in your post graduation?

3. Tell me about your work experience ?

4. Did you do Internship ?

5. What were the type of project you did?

6. Did it bring any meaningful update ?

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
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BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
Practice Booklets

7. Tell me details of the project ?

8. Did the product get IP rights?

9. What is Graphology ?

10. Define it (defined as science). Explain why it's not a pseudoscience? Bring it in a
comparison with astrology. Asked if graphology can be applied to caligraphy?

11. Corona: Asked to rate Nipah and Corona. What should be done if one of us has
corona? Will you stay in Kerala house for 2 weeks of self-quarantine? What should we
do about Indians who are stuck in a ship near Japan?


1. Why literacy is high in Kerala ?

2. Give a sociological explanation on why nurses are high in Kerala?


1. You worked for a startup, how do we define startup ?

2. What are the problems of startups ?

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
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BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
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3. What is the Difference between article 370 and 35A ?


1. Is GDP a false standard ?

2. What is gross national happiness ?

3. Who brought in the idea of gross national Hapinesss ?

4. What are the components of global happiness index ?

5. What type of meditation you practice ?

6. Have you heard about vipassana, transcendental meditation, etc? How are they

7. Why should one practice one over the other ?


1. Kochi is famous for spices trade, why its not growing now?

2. Asked about rubber, agriculture etc. in Kerala.

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
UPSC Interviews HYD Madhapur: +91 9052 49 2929
BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
Practice Booklets

3. Why Kerala is a consumerist society?


Interview 22
Name: Unknown
Optional: Political Science and International Relations
Education: Mechanical Engg
State: Andhra Pradesh
Year: 2020


1. Introduce yourself.

2. What is demographic dividend? How is India faring in it?

3. What should we do to capitalize demographic dividend?

4. Tell me about emerging technologies in Mechanical Engineering ?

5. How can we make India lucrative for these industries ?

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
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BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
Practice Booklets

6. How is Robotics doing in India ?


1. Why did Andhra Pradesh and Telangana bifurcate?

2. Was it a political reason to bifurcate or was it necessary ?

3. Do you think we need to go for small states ?

4. States are formed on what basis -only language or anything else?

5. If you are in charge of MHRD, what initiatives will you take to revamp our education


1. What service did you do to differently abled?[DAF related]

2. What kind of devices they use ?

3. As a Mechanical Engineer, what parameters do you take into consideration for

designing an assistive device?

4. Tell me about the computer-human brain intelligence interface.

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
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BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
Practice Booklets

5. Tell me about the interlinking of rivers.

6. What is TED?[DAF related ]

7. Does TED help educators too ?


1. How is social media affecting human relations ?

2. How is social media affecting students?

3. What is the way of making good use of social media?


1. Tell me how Indian economy is doing since 2014?

2. What kind of slowdown is it?

3. How can you say that it is cyclical slowdown ?

4. Why our savings rate has come down ?

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
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BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
Practice Booklets

5. Why is our monetary policy transmission slow ?

6. What is IBC?

7. How is IBC different from the previous scheme ?

8. Why is our banking under stress?

9. Impact of Brexit on India ?

10. How is AI affecting human rights ?

11. How are relations between India and Latin America ?

12. Are you aware of any regional criminal codes like European Union has?


Interview 23

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
UPSC Interviews HYD Madhapur: +91 9052 49 2929
BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
Practice Booklets

Name: Aditya
Education: iit roorkee metallurgy and materials engg
Job: RIL
Hobbies: Watching movies
State: Rajasthan
Year: 2020


1. Introduce yourself with brief background and experience.

2. Do children face stress there?

3. Are we focusing on rote learning?

4. "India has created three billionaires each month in 2019". What do you understand
by this statement?

5. Is there any need to regulate web series?

6. How can we regulate it?


1. What was your job role in RIL?

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2. How is the career progression there? Aren't you worried about lower growth
prospects in civil services?

3. Weren't you having a good time in your job?

4. Do you regret about leaving your job as it has been a long time since you are

5. There is high risk in civil services like judicial inquiry in case of any mishappening
(related it to Delhi riots). Is it wise to go for civil services in such circumstances?

6. How did IIT help you in civil services?


1. What is Atal tinkering lab and Atal Incubation Centre?

2. What is the difference between tinkering, incubation and innovation?

3. Can we use robotics for poor people?

4. What was your job role in cultural festival? (DAF related)

5. What is culture? How can we preserve it?

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1. Do we need police reforms? Any suggestions? (Delhi riots related)

2. Should we give independence to police force?

3. Is there any usage of robotics in policing?

4. Police recruitment is considered to be a source of corruption. Can we use robotics in

police recruitment to reduce corruption?


1. Was Demonetization successful?

2. Should we privatize profit making PSUs?


Interview 24

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
UPSC Interviews HYD Madhapur: +91 9052 49 2929
BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
Practice Booklets

Name: Puranasunthari M
Optional: Literature - Tamil
Job: RRB
State: Tamil Nadu
Year: 2020


1. Would you like to introduce about yourself to the board?

2. Why did you choose english literature as ur degree?

3. Have you studied both English & Tamil literature in school?

4. What type of public speeches do you give?

5. Did you prepare those topics on your own or did your teachers/ professors help

6. What is your average work in a day in your office?

7. Since how many years are you working in TN gram bank?

8. What was your work in IT department?

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9. Now, what is your job?

10. For loan recovery, do you visit customers directly?

11. What are the schemes taken by the government for loan recovery?

12. Shall we give the loan recovery work to the agency?

13. Would you like to ask us anything? Or do you want us to ask any questions in the
area you've prepared?


1. What is the purpose of the NSS (National Service Scheme)?

2. What will be your priorities when you become a civil servant?

3. Who is Wordsworth?


1. What are the areas to be developed?

2. What is the reason for the Kerala flood?

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
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Practice Booklets

3. What was the initiative taken by the TN govt for climate change?

4. Is Madurai vulnerable to any kind of disaster?

5. What are the reforms to be done in secondary education?


1. What is a money bill?

2. Does any other country's Constitution has Fundamental Rights like in Indian

3. Compare any one Tamil epic with an English epic.

4. Mentioned a quote & asked in which play of Shakespeare this quote is presented?

5. In recent days, politics has been centralized in every citizen's day to day life? How do
you see this?


Interview 25
HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
UPSC Interviews HYD Madhapur: +91 9052 49 2929
BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
Practice Booklets

Name: Shashwat
Optional: Political Science and International Relations
Year: 2020


1. Introduce your yourself.

2. Did you always wanted to do engineering?

3. Why did you choose civil services ?

4. Does development means urbanization?

5. Is Maharashtra developed?

6. What is dowry? What are your thoughts about it? How will you remove it?

7. What is digital divide?

8. Why it is there? How will you solve it?

9. Why is there a lack of digital literacy even after 800 million phones?

10. Why there are so many IITs and what is your opinion on it?
HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
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1. How will you solve social issues through smartphones?( DAF Related)

2. What did you learn through organizing sports meet?

3. Can you tell us the similarities between Nagpur and Delhi?

4. How are people in Delhi different from Nagpur?


1. As a DM, how will you solve begging as a problem?

2. How will you use your civil engineering knowledge to solve rural problems?

3. What will u do to increase farmers income?

4. Can you tell the types of cement?

5. What are their specialties? ( based on my answer)

6. What is precision agriculture?

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
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Practice Booklets

7. What are the benefits of fly ash bricks?


1. What is brain drain?

2. How will you reduce it?

3. What is M35 Concrete?

4. What are smart cities? How many are there?


1. Which industries will you develop in Chhattisgarh?

2. Why Industries are not getting developed?

security and development in C.G.?


HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
UPSC Interviews HYD Madhapur: +91 9052 49 2929
BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
Practice Booklets

Interview 26
Name: Udaya Krishna reddy
Year: 2020


1. Introduce your self.

2. Why did you resign from the Police constable job?

3. Is it your first attempt?

4. Tell me the relevance of vocational education today? (DAF based)

5. What is your duty as a constable in the coastal security police station?

6. Have you ever been to sea patrolling or humanitarian and disaster rescue duty?


1. Have you got NCC "B" Certificate?

2. Tell me how it has changed your personality?

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Practice Booklets

3. Have you ever done Firing? And with what weapon?

4. Tell me army hierarchy ranks?

5. Do we need to make NCC compulsory?

6. Do we need to change NCC uniform?

7. How did you engage in counselling to HIV and AIDS patients? (DAF)


1. What is the mental condition of HIV patients?

2. Do HIV patients need a reservation in Government Jobs?

3. Where have you worked as a lab technician? In a pathological lab or a Hospital?

4. Why engineering graduates are not having desired skills to catch up with industrial

5. Have you been trained in latest medical lab techniques? What was your curriculum?

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1. What do you feel about the police system and its image in today's society?

2. Why do police lack sensitivity towards vulnerable sections?

3. Do police face resources crunch?

4. Why Law and Order is out of control in India (not in Delhi)?


1. What is your opinion on Andhra Pradesh and Telangana bifurcation.?

2. How can Andhra Pradesh use its coastal area for revenue generation?

3. What about 15th finance commission ?

4. What is the 4th Industrial revolution as you have mentioned?

5. Is our country prepared for the 4th industrial revolution? Can we include artificial
intelligence and coding in the school curriculum?


HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
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BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
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Interview 27
Name: Unknown
Education: BE (computer science)
State: Jharkhand
Year: 2020


1. Tell me about yourself.

2. Elaborate on your job experience.

3. Oil marketing companies have a negative perception. How to tackle that?


1. Is the expenditure on JSCA stadium( a stadium in Jharkhand) wasteful?

2. Elaborate on how it will benefit the people of Jharkhand.

3. Women among tribal are less empowered. How to tackle it?


1. Why was Jharkhand formed?

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2. Are small states conducive to development?

3. Why could Jharkhand not develop?

4. How can people be empowered to participate in development?

5. Is social infrastructure in Jharkhand developed ?

6. How much is it developed?

7. The government is spending much on advertisements. Should it be done?


1. How would you develop Jharkhand ?

2. Make a plan for Jharkhand's development.

3. What all discriminations women face, what is govt doing for it and how are the
schemes performing?


1. Elaborate on the use of computer science in anthropology.

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2. Talk about Computer Science.

3. What are the major crops grown in Jharkhand?


Interview 28
Name: Unknown
Optional: Public Administration
Education: B. Tech + MBA
Year: 2020


1. Do you know about 3d printing and its medical uses ?

2. Are we focusing on it ?

3. Talk about Public vs private sector focus on 3d printing ?


1. Who is father of management ?

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2. Talk about management vs administration.

3. Govt has no business to be in business ? Do you agree ?

4. Failing PSU's should be closed and govt should restrict itself to regulation only. Put
your views.


1. Is there any need for a bullet train burden on the general public? Justify it.

2. Is there any alternative to hyperloop? Who is Elon Musk?

3. What are some alternatives to pesticides ?


1. What is Manga anime? What's the difference? How it is beneficial? (DAF)

2. What are traditional games? DAF


1. What are payment banks ? Name some payment banks ?

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2. How do they function? Who are their customers?

3. How much loan do they give ?


Interview 29
Name: Unknown
Optional: Mathematics
Education: Mechanical Engg
State: Madhya Pradesh
Year: 2020


1. Tell me about your educational background and work experience.

2. What is the use of engineering knowledge in administration?

3. What are the areas where government should priorities spending money?

4. Why are we spending low in the health sector?

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5. Why policies which are unveiled in the budget are kept hidden from people and
announced only on the day of the budget? Should we do away with it?


1. Tell me about famous tourist places in MP where youth would like to go?

2. Talk about textiles and handicrafts of MP.

3. Tell me something about Indore.

4. Why Indore is the cleanest city in India?

5. What are the things being done by MP govt to increase women participation in
economy ?


1. Tell me about a 5trillion dollar economy in crores?

2. Can we become 5 trillion economy by 2025?

3. What measures do you propose?

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1. Why situation of health care is bad in India and what can be done?

2. Some questions on the types and importance of bearings.(DAF based)

3. Will use of bearings come down in electric vehicles?

4. Tell me about market of bearings in India ?


1. What is robotics? What is its use in administration?

2. What is the future of robotics?

3. What are the ethical issues involved in the increasing use of robots in recent times?


Interview 30

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
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BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
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Name: Sachin Yadav

Hobbies: Watching movies
Year: 2020


1. Introduce your self.

2. Why did you select Maharashtra for your graduation ?

3. What is the difference between your district and Rahuri ?

4. Why you want to join civil services ?

5. Why water intensive crop still grow in Haryana which is a water scarce area ?


1. What is sex ratio of Haryana ?

2. What are 3 lowest sex ratio district of Haryana ?

3. Three lowest district in sex ratio and female literacy ?

4. Tell about the Budget of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao.

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5. Why still green revolution impact seen in Haryana not Punjab ?

6. Why Punjab youth migrated towards Canada ?


1. What is the situation of women in your district and your village, particularly at your

2. Difference between women's situation in your district and Pune?

3. Why is Haryana so famous for sports? Is there any ancient reason?


1. How to tackle malnutrition ?

2. Talk about water scarcity and crop diversification.

3. What is Avishkar and what is your project in that? (FROM DAF)

4. Tell me some govt steps to promote innovation.

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1. What is drip irrigation and tell its benefit? Why our farmer use it in low numbers?

2. Tell about food scarcity and nutrition balance.

3. We see animals on street like bull and calf. What is the solution and how will you
tackle it if u became DM of a district?


Interview 31
Optional: Political Science and International Relations
State: Tamil Nadu
Year: 2020


1. Introduce yourself to the board.

2. Tell me about your work nature.

3. What is e-Governance?

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4. Do we have network connectivity all over India?


1. Differentiate between the presidential and parliamentary forms of government and

tell which one is best for India?

2. India is moving towards the USA. Does it mean we are moving away from Russia?

3. What is the end of the ideology thesis and multipolarity?

4. In what way social media helps the government?

5. What about fake news?


1. Tell me the leadership qualities.

2. When a higher official puts pressure on you to do something which is against the
law what will you do ?

3. Communism or capitalism, which one is best and why?

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1. If you are a tourism secretary how will you promote tourism in the country?

2. What is the controversy between periyar and Rajini?

3. Asked about Cine stars entering politics and hero worship culture of India.

4. Whether the present generation youth has come out of it or not ?

5. What are GM crops and what health impacts are associated with that?

6. Turkey and Malaysia are speaking against India. What India should do?


1. Tell me the Israel Model of Agriculture.

2. Can we replicate the same in India ?

3. Climate-smart agriculture and follow up questions on the same topic.

4. Is cooperative farming possible in India ?

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5. Whatever measures we take, corruption still prevails in the country. What can we do?


Interview 32
Year: 2020


1. Introduce yourself.

2. What do you do in your free time?

3. View on GM crops and cross questions.


1. What is your opinion on politicians revising their salaries by passing bills in

Parliament while govt servants get their salaries revised after a decade via pay

2. A lot of people come to Delhi & create pressure on urban amenities & urban
planning. How to handle it?

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3. Who is your favorite bureaucrat & why?


1. What is waste to energy concept?

2. How to tackle land fills problem? What is bioremediation & biomining?


1. How to serve in badminton?

2. As an Administrator, how will you promote badminton as a sport in India?

3. As an administrator, how to promote female adolescence health?


Interview 33

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
UPSC Interviews HYD Madhapur: +91 9052 49 2929
BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
Practice Booklets

Name: Shankaran
Optional: Economics
Education: BE (computer science)
Hobbies: Footbag, Running
State: Andhra Pradesh
Year: 2020


1. Please briefly introduce yourself wrt your educational and professional background
or work experience, if any.

2. You have worked with a data analytics firm, right? So, were most of your clients
based out of India and did you work with multiple clients at the same time or you just
associated with a single client alone at a time?

3. Could you please describe the project with each client ?

4. What does data analyst do here and what's their role here and what algorithms and
all you used?

5. Can you tell me 2 applications where data analytics can be used in Public Sector?


1. Your hobby is Football, so which club do you support?

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2. Currently what is their standing in PL Table ?

3. Your optional is Economics. So, is the Ricardian theory of rent relevant in today's

4. Who sets the interest rate ?

5. Is frequent repo rate reductions good for India ?

6. In India there is no indigenous search engines, data storage is a problem. What can
be done ?


1. What are the factors that inhibit growth in rural areas? Do cultural and traditional
factors play a role?

2. Don’t you think cultural factors play a major role in preventing growth in rural areas?

3. Why is that education in rural areas is poor? What can be done especially for girl

4. How would you encourage them?

5. What measures would you take to bring in online education to rural areas ?

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1. Given a choice, what would you choose? a)set up higher education centres in rural
areas or b) set up manufacturing with huge employment potential

2. What are the main areas of manufacturing in CBE ?

3. How are they doing now and what are the major challenges they face?

4. What are the factors that inhibit leveraging benefits of demographic dividend ?


1. What is Project Tiger ?

2. What is Social Forestry ?

3. You know there are some states where they give free power. Is it a good idea and
why ?

4. What is Finance commission and what is their role ?

5. Tell me why AP got bifurcated ?

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Practice Booklets

6. Why are we focusing on select regional areas like Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bluru,
Delhi? Why not focus on other areas since these are already developed?


Interview 34
Name: Hershel Ghogare
Optional: Political Science and International Relations
Education: Electronics engg
Hobbies: Watching movies
Year: 2020


1. Did you pursue any job after graduation?

2. So you stayed in Sangli for 4 years. Tell me about sugar plantation in Sangli district?

3. What type of movies do you watch generally, what kind of genre?

4. What is the Different between Art films and commercial films?

5. Can mainstream directors produce art films and become successful?

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6. Have you watched Article 15? What was it about? Was it based on a real story?
Should we show such movies? Are they authentic? Don't they portray our country in
bad light?


1. Is Indian diplomacy successful in dealing with Pakistan challenge?

2. What is the role of China?

3. Who becomes President if both president and vice president are not available?


1. What is single most important factor responsible for climate change?

2. Asked about Look east to Act East policy transformation in Indian foreign policy?

3. What is Indo Pacific?

4. Should India go for participating in Indo pacific- is that in India's interest?


HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
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BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
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1. You talked about Policy formulation and implementation in Government. What is the

2. What is the role of bureaucrats, politicians, and the public in it?

3. What is the role of Standing committee in policy formulation?

4. What are the roles of the Chairman in Rajya Sabha?

5. Why we consider women as second class citizens ? What's your solution?

6. Don't you think Women are suppressed even in educated sections of our society?
What's your take on that?


1. What are the technical challenges in connecting standalone solar/ wind sources to
grid ?

2. Talk about the smart grid, green energy corridor and smart metering.

3. How smart meter works? How it will help in reducing losses?


HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
UPSC Interviews HYD Madhapur: +91 9052 49 2929
BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
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Interview 35
Name: Unknown
Optional: Political Science and International Relations
Education: Civil engineering
Hobbies: Cricket
Year: 2020


1. Introduce yourself with your educational background and work experience. What
have you been doing since graduation?

2. Have you ever filed an RTI? Did someone that you know has filed RTI? What was
their experience? Were they satisfied?

3. Has anyone asked you for a bribe? Did someone you know been asked for bribe?
Did they pay the bribe?

4. Have you ever bought a ticket by paying an extra money? Do you see any similarity
between this extra payment and Uber surge fee?

you think govt should intervene in such instances? There has been 40% hike in prices
of paracetamol. Should Government intervene? Or should it let market forces decide
the price? What about in case of increase in prices of onion?

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1. There many calamities happening around the world. Are those man-made? Apart
from climate change, are any local factors responsible? Anything about dam
management? What happened in Chennai and Kerala?

2. What is green building? What are its features?


1. Tell me about political behavior of Indian voters.

2. Civil servants are seen by people as elites? What is your opinion about this?

3. How will you tackle corruption in lower bureaucracy?

4. Why the bill for reservation of women in parliament has not been passed despite it’s
potential for women empowerment?

5. T-20 cricket is seen as graveyard of bowlers. Do you agree?

6. What is Indo-pacific? Why India is getting into it? Can this construct help India in
dealing with Pakistan?


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1. Do you agree that corruption in India started because of British authorities and civil

2. You see the work of Abhijeet Banerjee, and other Western scholars and filmmakers.
Do you think people in the West see India as a poverty-stricken country and they
celebrate such an image of India?

3. Aren’t civil engineers responsible for cost overrun and project delay?


Interview 36
Name: Radhika Gupta
Education: Mechanical Engg
Year: 2020


1. You're an engineer what drove you to civil services?

2. Why is it that the people in rural areas tend more towards civil services and people
from urban areas have inclination more towards the other fields ? What shapes their

3. If you had to choose one sector in civil services which would you choose ?
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1. Let's talk about jhabua ? There is a royal head even today. Do you think they have
not done enough for the people of jhabua ?

2. What are the reasons for its backwardness?


1. I will continue with TT. If a junior player comes to you for advise what advise would
you give him?

2. As a mechanical engineer where do you see car industry 5 years from now ?

3. There has been changes in our culture due to various factors.

4. Have you heard of phoolan Devi. She killed 18 people. Is killing right in your opinion


1. Do you know about nirbhaya fund ?

2. Mid day meal scheme ?

3. Issues in higher education sector?

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4. There is a unique characteristic associated to it in India . Do you know that ?


1. Name some female parliamentarians?

2. If I had to buy a car which one would you suggest under 10 lakh?

3. As a female you chose mechanical, but women usually go for other branches like
circuit branches


Interview 37
Name: Dheeraj K
Optional: Mathematics
Education: BE (computer science)
Job: Software Engineer
Hobbies: Badminton, Cycling
State: Andhra Pradesh
Year: 2020


HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
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BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
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1. Introduce yourself.

2. Why did you quit your job for attempting Civil Service?

3. Don't you enjoy your job in IT sector?

4. What is the condition of the Indian IT sector? Compare with developed nations (US).

5. Despite having IITs, why is Indian IT sector still very nascent stage?

6. What is your work in the company?

7. You worked on e-Learning apps. Is anyone using them? Which sections of the
society are using them?

8. Are these Apps free or paid?

9. Give your opinion on AP's 3 capitals.

10. Is there anything you want to discuss with us?


1. UN vs. Multilateral organizations - strengthening which one is better?

HYD Ashok Nagar: +91 9052 19 2929
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2. SAARC vs. ASEAN - tell the differences.


1. What should be the priorities of a young civil servant placed at a responsible

position in lower level, say District Magistrate/ Collector?

2. Should Betting (in sports & in general) be regulated - opinion?

3. Media is invading privacy (individuals, institutions) - what should be done?


1. Recently, a Badminton player got a national award, who won it & what is that award?
Mary Kom got the award, what is that?

2. Who received Bharat Ratna recently?

3. A female Hockey player received an International award recently, what is it?

4. Why sports other than Tennis, Cricket, Badminton are not gaining popularity?

5. Give me your opinion on social media - (Good/Bad)?

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1. What are the problems/limitations by increasing the transistors?

2. If there is a limitation on the number of transistors, then how can we gain

computational speed?

3. Super computers - applications, what is China doing, etc.


Interview 38
Name: Unknown
Education: Electrical Engg
Job: Software Engineer
Year: 2020


1. Tell me about your education and job experience.

2. Why did you leave the job?

3. Why do you think development opportunities are less in private sector ?

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4. Don't you think private sector has no role?

5. Why private sector is needed?

6. Private empanelment in ayushman Bharat - what is your opinion? Should we involve

private sector or not ?

7. Is private sector good in district level hospitals?

8. Why are they good?

9. Do you think private sector has more technology than govt?

10. Private sector promotion regarding some more questions.

11. Corporate tax rate reduction related

12. Why is the govt doing it? Govt doesn't unlimited resources, still wants to undergo
tax revenue.. why why why?(literally) Why are they doing it?

13. NGO - what is the need? Is it because of administration deficiency?

14. Social media - end to end encryption related.

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15. What is blockchain technology?

16. Is there anything left out which you think we should ask?


1. What did you do as a software engineer?

2. What is the Border security ?

3. Why electronic sector is not improving vis a vis China or USA?

4. What is to be done?

5. What is Konkan railways and how it impacts?

6. Name the ports that are being developed in Konkan coast.

7. Some factual questions were asked specifically to Mangalore.


1. Apart from cricket, why other games are not much developed or popular? What is
the issues in sports sector in India? What is to be done?

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2. Public administration - the perception of not enough responsive, corruption and all.
Why do you think so?

3. How to bring changes in administration?

4. How to use technology in administration?


1. Hobby related - 2 things you learnt being part of those?

2. Again hobby related - some question. Why, what and all?

3. How do you use electronics in day to day administration?

4. Work-related questions - 3-4 questions on the role and all.

5. MSME sector changes in budget.

6. As a DM, how do you improve MSME - hypothetical situation.


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UPSC Interviews HYD Madhapur: +91 9052 49 2929
BLR Vijaynagar: +91 9121 41 2929
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