Video Presentation - Points

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Video Presentation- Points

1. From working in DeSales Academy to winning the hearts of students- she has
done it all effortlesslessly. Sujatha ma'am- the teacher whom we all love.

2. Ma'am, you have been teaching us for the last 5 years. You have taught physics
in grade VI and made it look easy for us. Then, you've also taught us Moral
Science in grade VII and have been teaching Maths from the last 2 years.

3. Above all this, you've been the senior most teacher in DSA. Every batch under
your guidance has been very successful.

4. It was because of your guidance, that our class assemblies have turned out to
be a great success. Your dedication is clearly reflected in your teaching, ma'am.

5. You always make us feel motivated, and now it's our turn to reciprocate all the
happiness that you've given to us.

6. You have guided and encouraged us to do our very best in academics as well as
in life. Not only that, but you have taught us beyond subjects that shaped our

7. Ma'am, you're an inspiration to all of us. We aspire to be like you. Who we are
today is all because of you.

8. Ma'am, we just want to let you know that we notice even the tiniest efforts that
you make for the smooth functioning of the class.

9. Thank you for all that you have done for us. We are proud to be called as
Sujatha Ma'am's students.

10. Ma'am, we know how much you love us. And your love- is truly unconditional.
We'll always be in debt to you, and we'll surely make you proud one day.

Video Presentation- Points 1

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