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[22:44, 6/8/2020] +263 77 990 0987: *_Christianity and the marriage institution *_


Analyze the marriage institution in Christianity.

- Assess challenges of Jesus ' teaching on marriage to Christians today.

- The Christian community views the institution of marriage as Holy matrimony ordained by God from
the beginning. Gen 2:24." therefore a man lives his mother and father and cleaves to his wife and they
become one flesh".

This is for a life long relationship between a man and a wife.The bible portrays marriage as Godly and
needs to be treated with respect. Marriage is a gift from God.According to the teaching of Jesus divorce
is strongly condemned and those who carry it commit the sin of adultery if they marry at separate

-In Mark 10:6--9Jesus said married couples are not only joined by religious leaders or civil law but by
God himself ,therefore there must never be divorce because what God has joined together let no man

According to Mathew 5 :32 divorce is allowed on condition of unchastity or sexual immorality.

- Jesus' visit to the wedding at Cana in John 2:1--11 shows divine blessings and interest in the holy
matrimony, for it is not only a way for procreation but a blessing of God who holds each couple
accountable for it.

There are some Christians who believe that marriage symbolizes the coming of Jesus to marry his bride
the Christian Church. Mathew 25:10.

There is no marriage in heaven as Jesus said in Mathew 22:30,therefore devotion to God is important
than marriage. Luke 27:30.

- In Mathew 19 :4-9 Jesus teaches that God made only male and female and then can only be one flesh.

This means God has no room for homosexuality, it is not Christ like that is why it is discouraged by the
majority of the orthodox Christians.

- Today there are some Christians through the label of being " prohuman rights" supports gay marriages.

No matter how these human rights Christians justify the same sex marriages it is strongly condemned in
the NT.
Marriage according to Paul is a requirement of God s' law.Romans 7:2-6" thus a married woman is
bound by the law to her husband as long as she lives."Accordingly she would be called an adulterous if
she lives with another man when her husband is alive,but when she dies she is free from the law.

In Christian marriages women are supposed to submit to their husbands and the husbands are supposed
to love their wives.Ephesians 5: 22--33

Vs 25 " husbands love your wives as in as their own bodies.

- From Paul s teaching to the Ephesians Christian marriage is for the husbands to love their wives as one
loves his body.

Wives should respect their husbands and submit to their husbands as man is head of the family.

Married people should not deny each other conjugul rights 1 Corinthians 7: 1 ff.

[22:44, 6/8/2020] +263 77 990 0987: *_Christian marriage continued*_

*_Paul's teaching on marriage*_

1 Corinthians 7 :1 ff

Paul was addressing different groups, The married should not deny each other conjugal rights( sex)
except on agreement for a season ie prayer.

- The problem is that probably some Christians misinterpreted Paul s' teaching to imply that they should
abstain even if they we're married.

Vs 2 To the widows and unmarried he advised them not to marry lime him but if they could control

- vs 3 The married should not divorce as Christ taught. It is believed some of the Christians at Corinth
were seeking divorce so that at Christ s' return ( parousia) they would be found pure.

- Some had spouses who were pagans so they asked if it was proper for them to separate.

Paul discouraged divorce unless the unbeliever is the one who initiates it.Paul taught that marriage had
benefits to the unbeliever may be he could know Christ through the union.Marriage had also benefits to
the children.

- vs 6 To the virgins / unmarried Paul advised them not to marry, but to those who burn they shld do so
for marriage is not a sin.
- v 17-24 Paul also emphasized that celibacy for a celibates time was totally dedicated to Christ.
Marriage matters would distract one s' attention from Christ.

May be Paul was influenced by the belief of the early church concerning the parousia.

*_Jesus' teaching on marriage*_

Marriage was a sacred union ,natural and a fulfilment of God s,intention to humanity Mark 10: 5-10

- Marriage was part of God s creative image go humanity hence this rules out homosexuality because in
Mark 10 only a man and woman were considered naturally to unite in Marriage.

Marriage is sacred,spiritual and biological union.

Since its sacred what God has joined together let no man separate

- Jesus condemned divorce unless on condition of unchastity.

Divorce would result in adultery hence was condemned

Divorce is sinful and also remarying Mtt 19:3

Reconciliation was encouraged.

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