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Renewable energy

Mazibuko Phumelele

creating awareness of green jobs to contribute to

environmental sustainability
[Document subtitle]

2024 pat

Table of content

2024 pat

Table of figure

2024 pat

task definition

As a grade 12 learner of amahlubi secondary school I have been asked by the department of
education to investigate about creating awareness of green jobs that contribute environmental
sustainability. Green jobs is a job that contributes to improving the environment or conserving
natural resources that can be agriculture, energy, transportation and construction.

The focus of my investigation will placed on the fact that the renewable energy on renewable
resources. I will therefore provide a description at the sub-topic that I have chosen as well as what
impact it has on the country. I will also research why there is a harmful carbon dioxide emissions
leads to climate change which causes drought, wildfires, flooding, poverty, health issues, health risks
, species loss and more.

As part of my investigation I will need to create a questionnaire to hand to 25 people to establish

what the know about renewable energy.

I will do further research on my topic on the internet and from other reliable printed sources on
completion of my research of my research . I will design a website providing information resolving
the renewable energy.

I will use my computer and the ms office suite to store, manipulate and process my data and
information. I will use my spreadsheet to analyse my questionnaire data and display my results using
graphs. I will use a database to run meaningful queries and a report. I will compile a formal report
using word processor, which I will submit to my teacher.

Focus question

How to create awareness of green jobs to contribute to environmental sustainability??


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