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Technical Application Form

Applicants for the Ethiopia Civic Engagement CLO grant must carefully adhere to the following
guidelines to ensure a complete and eligible submission. First, review the eligibility criteria
thoroughly to confirm alignment with program goals. Then, utilize the provided application
form without alteration, detailing project descriptions, and other information comprehensively.
Include accurate contact information for follow-up queries and be prepared to comply with
reporting requirements if awarded the grant. Clear communication and adherence to these
instructions are essential for consideration. For inquiries, please refer to the contact details
provided in the RFA.


A.1 General information

Organization name: Almaz Ashene Children and Family Support Association

Organization Acronym: AACFSA
Country: Ethiopia
Regional State: Addis Ababa
Administrative zone/ Sub-city: Gulele Sub-city
City/town: Addis Ababa
Street Adress: Felance on the Shegole avenue
Phone: +251910983372
A2: Is there a Board of Directors? Yes ✘ No
How many members? 5
Chairperson’s name: Dr. Kebede Sorsa
Other members' names: (list all names here)
1.Gelatew Mulu : Vise Chairperson, 2. Seada Kedir: Memb

Frequency of board meetings? Quarterly

How many of your board are female or PWD:
2 person which is 1 female and 1 female with disability

A3: Registration:
Is your organization registered1 Yes ✘ No
Registered with what agency or office?
ACSO ✘ Regional Other: Click or tap here to enter text.
Registration Number: 0260
Tax ID: 0001340624
UEI Number (if available): will get soon
Please attach your certificate of registration

RFA CLO R2 Application form 1

Number of Employees: 27

A4: Contact Information for Applicant’s Authorized Representative

First Name: Melkamu
Last Name: Alemayehu
Job Title: Executive Director
Telephone Number: +251940435126
Email Address:

A5: Contact Information for Applicant’s Proposed Project Point of Contact (note if a person
will need to be recruited for this position)
First Name: Selamu
Last Name: Nigusu
Job Title: Programs Manager
Telephone Number: +251910983372
Email Address: and


Applicants should provide the required information for each section below about the project
ideas they apply for.

Project Title:
Strengthening the capacity of Cluster Civic Actors to promote Gender equality in digital econ

Project Start Date: August 01, 2024

Project End Date: September 30, 2025

B1. Project Location(s)

Please choose the specific sub-city/ town/woreda listed in the RFA (and others that you may
like to include) that your application will focus its work. Please note that, for whichever
thematic area you choose, you must work in at least one of the listed areas.

NOTE: You may ONLY choose one thematic area under one hub. If you would like to submit
for another thematic area for a 2nd hub, please submit a separate application.

You should only include one thematic area in one hub (though can have more than 1 location
within that hub, based on the potential advocacy or engagement these areas would respond to
the same administration). Including more than one thematic area under a specific hub may
cause your application to receive a lower score.
For Addis Ababa and Sheger City hub
Peace and Security Addis Ababa:

RFA CLO R2 Application form 2

Addis ketema
Akaki Kaliti
Lemi Kura
Other (please add): Click or tap here to enter text.
Sheger City:
FTA Burayu
Mana Abichu
Other (please add): Click or tap here to enter text.
Addis Ababa:
Lemi Kura
Addis Ketema
Inflation Gulele
Other (please add): Click or tap here to enter text.
Sheger city:
Mana Abichu
Other (please add): Click or tap here to enter text.
For Dessie hub
Dessie City:
Menafesha sub-cities
Other (add): Click or tap here to enter text.
Inflation Kombolcha city:
Hassenheger sub-cities
Kemissie Town Administration
Argoba special woreda
Other (add): Click or tap here to enter text.
FTA Dessie City:
Menafesha sub-cities
Other (add): Click or tap here to enter text.
Kombolcha city:
Hassenheger sub-cities
Kemissie Town Administration
Argoba special woreda

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Other (add): Click or tap here to enter text.
For Dire Dawa hub
Dire Dawa City Administration:
Inflation Sabian
Other (add): Click or tap here to enter text.
Maya City Administration
Other (add): Click or tap here to enter text.
Dire Dawa City Administration:
Melka Kero
Other (add): Click or tap here to enter text.
Somali Region:
Shinile Woreda
Other (add): Click or tap here to enter text.
Maya City Administration
FTA Somali Region:
Shinile Woreda
Other (add): Click or tap here to enter text.
Dire Dawa City Administration:
Melka Kero
Other (add): Click or tap here to enter text.
Somali Region:
Shinile Woreda
Other (add): Click or tap here to enter text.
Across hub or national level (please choose only one location)
National Level
Addis Ababa
Access to Basic Service Sheger City administration
Dire Dawa City Administration
National Level
Addis Ababa ✘
Gender Sheger City administration
Dire Dawa City Administration

B2. Geographic Presence

1. Briefly Describe your experience in the proposed geographic area. Describe your
geographic coverage/presence and/or working experience and knowledge of the
specific geographic area you are applying for. Why did you choose this geographic area?
RFA CLO R2 Application form 4
The Almaz Ashene Children and Family Support Association have been implementing various projects
in the Gulele Sub city since its establishment in this area. The organization head office is located in the
Gulele sub city worede 10. Gulele Sub city is one of the most vulnerable sub cities in which most
communities are under poverty line and this affects gender equality at most. In the last three decades
it has been implementing its project in the districts 8,9 and 10 of Gulele Sub city to tackle existing
problems especially to ensure gender equality. The major focus areas of the organization in these
areas are Women and Youth Empowerment, Education and humanitarian response. The organization
was established to support children left orphaned due to the explosion of army weapons during the
derg regime in these specific areas and so that the organization is more familiar with this area
community and local government since its operational. To address the gender gap in Gulele Sub city
AACFSA’s programme consists of entrepreneurship and skills training and employment creation for
women and youth in Addis Ababa Gulele Sub city. The programme offers sewing skills,day care
services and employment opportunities and job linkage. The sewing skill training emphasized on
income generation, the day care services have been provided to women with children to minimize the
burden on women carrying kids on their back while searching for a job and receiving skill training to
mitigate gender inequality in regards to economic, social and political participation. Up to date the
programme covered 280 women so far resulting in access to the labour market (47%), self-
employment (30%), and entrepreneurs group (15%) and skill scale-up after training completion
(8%).Among the 280 targeted women, 28 women entrepreneurs receive FINBIT technology for their
business enhancement, thus the project started to support women in the areas of bookkeeping,
financial diaries, monitoring, reporting and access to loan services with the aim of enhancing women
digital skill for economy. The project has shown a positive impact on the lives of the families in
regards to economic, social and etc... Due to the project, women-headed families' economic
conditions became resilient and their children were able to enroll in school, improved feeding
frequency of families, enhanced the social role of the families and women participation in the
decision making process in the family and in the community. Further, the project had contributed in
cluster development that fostered sustainable development agenda, addressed cross-cutting issues
and benefited regional development actors and/or CSO interms of capacity. Moreover, the
organization has a good reputation and concrete experience and has a track record of working within
key stakeholdersin the Gulele Sub city and Addis Ababa City government in general.

2. Please confirm that you at least 3 years of implementation experience: Yes ✘ No

3. Has your organization worked in the proposed geographic area within the last 3 years?
Yes ✘ No
4. Do you currently have offices in the proposed geographic areas? Yes ✘ No
5. If your answer is no to the above question briefly explain how you are going to work in
the proposed geographic area.
Click or tap here to enter text.

B3. Thematic area for intervention

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Select only one from the following thematic area. For each, please describe the more specific
focus area within the thematic area that you would like to address.
Note: The thematic area here should match the one you chose above in section B1.

1. What thematic area are you choosing to work within: Gender

2. Within this thematic area, please specify the specific focus area you would like to
to Strengthening the capacity of Cluster Civic Actors to promote Gender equality in digita

B4. Project Background Statement background /statement of the problem (max.

one page).
You are expected to “drill down” into the thematic-specific focus areas.

1. Describe the thematic and focus area listed above. Why is this a problem (core issues/
factors). Who does it affect, et. Justify why you chose the thematic area and the specific
focus area.

In Ethiopia women have less access to technology and gender digital economy is not well practiced as
well as in Gulele Sub city, particularly smart phones and many households have only one mobile
phone, which is controlled by the men in the household. Women get less chance to access the phone,
get less practice and therefore miss out on the digital revolution. Women get less access to
information, have less knowledge of new digital services and have lower skills in using technology and
digital solutions. This is a problem for women in general, but particularly holds back women
entrepreneurs, leading to women’s businesses staying smaller and with lower profit margins.
Another result of women’s lower access to smart phones and digital skills is that women also
have less data trails than men, which prevents them from taking informed business decisions
and is hampering their access to loans and other services for their enterprises. Because
women have less access to finance, they cannot grow their businesses. If women businesses
grow, this benefits the entrepreneurs and also creates additional employment, particularly
for women and these are likely dignified jobs.
Simply offering women access to digital devices (smartphones) or access to digital skills,
would not solve the problem. Women would not maintain control over the smartphones and
therefore may not be able to practice their new digital skills. Instead, we offer women
entrepreneurs FINBIT, a technology that has been proven to help grow businesses and makes
them attractive loanees for financial service providers. The roll out of FINBIT provides women
entrepreneurs access to smartphones (first through a coach and then through phone
volunteers) which will deliver the business expansion and access to finance. Once the
business is more profitable, their household and community will permit and even encourage
women entrepreneurs to adopt the profitability technology and then the women
entrepreneurs can afford their own smartphone and keep control as the household will

RFA CLO R2 Application form 6

recognize the importance. To this point, the severe challenge to address the issue of women
digital revolution practice is very low awareness and not well understood by cluster
development actors and even not considered to implement yet and thus this project will
mitigate the existing problems through strengthening the capacity of cluster Civic actors
which have a significant role in realizing gender equality.

2. Describe how the thematic area selected is in line with your organization's mission,
vision, and value.

Mission: Committed to the most vulnerable and disadvantaged community groups to have access to
better quality life by improving access to health, education and economic empowerment. This has a
paramount role to address gender equality

Vision: To see vibrant, productive and self-reliant citizens and so that working on gender
equality will address the vision of AACFSA at most and foremost

Values: one of the AACFSA values are diversity and neutrality, community first, Accountability
and commitment which are the core elements to address gender gap.

Moreover, all the projects designed at the AACFSA are carefully considered the achievement
of its Mission, Vision and values to record significant impact and to realize the organization
implementing capacity based on the Mission, vision and Value already setted out

3. Describe how the project/thematic area you chose aligns with your organization’s

The main priority area of the AACFSA is to solve the problems of the most vulnerable group, in
particular women empowerment activity with special focus on the digital economy and equal
opportunity. Hence, AACSFA trains disadvantaged young women in entrepreneurship and skills for
dignified work. The crucial activities of AACFSA is empowering women within The core is a digital
bookkeeping system, FINBIT for track day by day financial transactions and achieving plans as an
entrepreneur and worker. To address the issue we apply the FINBIT technology that provides the
users a monthly Business Analytics Report which gives users a better understanding of their
enterprise and financial / economic situation and gives them clear handles to take informed decisions
and increase their profits. FINBIT also includes a loan platform giving access to appropriate first-time
finance. Therefore, in the meantime AACFSA is working effectively as a priority area to minimize
gender gap and to ensure women decision-making capacity, influence in the economic sphere and
social issues.These will be ensured through mobilizing Cluster civic actors and strengthening their

RFA CLO R2 Application form 7

B5. Technical Approach
Please address the following questions in response to the RFA. (Max. half page for each

1. Explain briefly how you understand ECE’s proposed approaches (Collective Impact and
Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation) to address the issues and anticipated results.

AACFSA understands CI and PDIA with no choice as the best approach to address the problems of
recurrent Gender inequality in Gulele Sub city, by bringing diverse stakeholders together which have
common agenda and good communication through creating equity and enhance Civic actors
connection in the cluster in order to empower CSOs in project implementation through facilitating
and strengthening dialogue and discussion, policy analysis and advocacy. The ECE PDIA approach is a
learning together approach through developing capacity to solve complex problem with context fits
solution to leverage the good cooperation among diverse stakeholders which highlights the power of
collective action and PDIA in achieving huge scale social change through understanding of benefit of
shared goal, mutually reinforcing activities, good communication and data-driven decision making.

2. State the objectives of your project. They should be specific, measurable, attainable,
realistic, and timebound. Your proposed objectives should be achieved within the
proposed project’s period of performance.

The proposed project has two specific Objectives which will contributed to the project goal

Objective 1: To strengthen the capacity of civic actors in GENDER equality in digital economy
in Gulele sub city.

Objective 2: To foster multi-stakeholder partnership and collaboration to ensure engagement

in the GENDER digital economy .

Intermediate Results (IR)

IR 1.1: Enhanced capacity of Civic Actors to actively engage in the GENDER digital economy
IR 1.2: Enhanced capacity of Civic Actors on the issue of inclusion of marginalized and
vulnerable groups in the GENDER digital economy equality.

IR 2.1: Increased multi-stakeholders’ partnership and collaboration among civic actors.

IR 2.2: Civic actors represented in the GENDER Issues in Gulele sub-city.
IR 2.3 Implementation of action plans derived from the CLO dialogue and discussions to

RFA CLO R2 Application form 8

address identified challenges.

Proposed Activities

Objective 1: To strengthen the capacity of civic actors on GENDER digital economy equality in
Gulele sub-city

IR 1.1: Enhanced capacity of Civic Actors to actively engage in the GENDER digital economy

Activity1.1.1. Mapping cluster members to identify and understand the diverse stakeholders
and key local actors in the target project area: AACFSA will map the lists of key project
stakeholders and actors with clear description with consultation of CSO Desk (BOF). The
purpose of this mapping exercise is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the various
CBO, CSOs, and other groups involved in the GENDER project. By identifying and categorizing
these stakeholders, the project team can effectively engage with and collaborate with them
under one cluster. To conduct the mapping exercise, the project team engages in desk
research, interviews, and consultations with various stakeholders. The Forum will gather
information about their roles, interests, capacities, and potential contributions to the
GENDER economy and equality. This information serves as a foundation for fostering
collaboration and promoting meaningful participation of civic actors in the GENDER digital
equality. For this purpose, there is a transportation allowance for two AACFSA staff for the
facilitation and mapping activity at sub city level.

Activity1.1.2. Conduct sensitization/launching/kick-off/ workshop on issues of GENDER

equality in digital economy: AACFSA will organize a half-day project launching workshop for
participants at Addis Ababa city Gulele Sub City by inviting various stakeholders at higher and
lower level. The workshop aims to raise awareness, introduce the project, and kick-start its
implementation. By conducting this sensitization workshop, AACFSA aims to create a solid
foundation for the project, Create relationships with key stakeholders, and generate
momentum for the successful implementation of the GENDER digital equality. It provides an
opportunity to align stakeholders' understanding and commitment to the project's goals and
objectives, ultimately contributing to GENDER digital economy. The aim is to involve
participants, facilitate knowledge sharing, and leverage dialogue around the GENDER digital.
The workshop will serve as a platform for stakeholders to exchange ideas, share experiences,
and explore opportunities for collaboration. The workshop will accommodate 45 participants,
including representatives from different stakeholders.

RFA CLO R2 Application form 9

Activity1.1.3. Organize adaptation workshop on Collective Impact Approach for cluster
members. A two-day familiarization workshop will be organized for participants from cluster
members on the issues of collective actions. The aim of this activity is to provide participants
with a deeper understanding of these topics and equip them with the necessary knowledge
and skills to effectively engage in GENDER digital Issues effectively. During the workshop,
participants will be introduced to the approach and Issues of PDIA, which is a problem-solving
approach that emphasizes iterative learning and adaptation. They will learn how to identify
and define complex development challenges, break them down into manageable
components, and design and implement targeted interventions to address these challenges.
The workshop will provide practical examples and case studies to illustrate the application of
PDIA in real-world contexts. Additionally, participants will explore the concept of collective
impact, which emphasizes the power of collaboration and collective action in achieving large-
scale social change. They will learn about the key components of collective impact, including
the importance of shared goals, mutually reinforcing activities, continuous communication,
and data-driven decision-making. The workshop will provide insights into successful collective
impact initiatives and strategies for fostering effective collaboration among diverse
stakeholders. The workshops will be held in Addis Ababa and refreshments, lunch, transport
expenses; stationery materials cost will be covered. AACFSA and ECE experts will provide the

Activity 1.1.4. Conduct need-based capacity assessment for Cluster members. This activity is
intended to identify the needs and interests of cluster members on the issue of GENDER
digital equality at sub cities of Gulele. The project team will engage in discussions and gather
information to understand the capacity gaps, challenges, and areas of interest that cluster
members may have regarding the GENDER digital economy Issues. The assessment will
provide valuable insights into the specific needs and priorities of the cluster members.
Through the need-based capacity assessment, the project team aims to tailor capacity-
building interventions and activities to address the specific needs of the cluster members.
This assessment will help AACFSA to design targeted capacity strengthening interventions
knowledge sharing sessions, and other capacity-building initiatives that are responsive to the
identified needs and interests. This activity is intended to be conducted in consultation and
collaboration with the ECE capacity strengthening team, AACFSA Team, Low income Financial
Transformation Enterprise/L-IFT and FINBIT.

Activity1.1.5. Based on the assessment outcome AACFSA will organize capacity-strengthening

activities. The illustrative topic of the capacity strengthening activities could be gender digital
economy equality, communication/outreach strategies; advocacy, networking with
government, etc. Four-day capacity strengthening workshop will be organized for 25

RFA CLO R2 Application form 10

participants from cluster members on the issues that came out of the need-based
assessment. The aim of this activity is to provide participants with a deeper understanding of
these topics and equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively engage in
the GENDER digital economy. The workshops will be held in Addis Ababa. Refreshments,
lunch, transport expenses, stationery materials cost will be covered. AACFSA and ECE experts
will provide the workshop.

IR 1.2: Enhanced capacity of Civic Actors on the issue of inclusion of marginalized and
vulnerable groups in the GENDER digital economy/ equality.

Activity 1.2.1. Organize capacity building and dialogue sessions for Cluster members to
mainstream the issue of Marginalized and vulnerable groups.
AACFSA will organize capacity building and dialogue sessions for cluster members to enhance
their capacities and strengthen their potential to incorporate and mainstream the issues of
marginalized and vulnerable communities in the GENDER digital economy equality. This will
contribute to more inclusive and equitable approaches in the GENDER Issues, ensuring that
the voices and needs of women and girls are effectively addressed. To achieve this objective,
AACFSA will organize two capacity building and dialogue sessions for a group of 25 cluster
members. These sessions will provide opportunities for participants to enhance their
knowledge, skills, and understanding of how to effectively incorporate the concerns and
needs of women and girls. The workshops will be held in Addis Ababa. Refreshments, lunch,
transport expenses, stationery materials cost will be covered.

Activity 1.2.2. Institutionalize inclusion and self-auditing among Cluster members. AACFSA
will play a facilitation role in this Issues by utilizing the equity and inclusion self-audit and
planning tool. This tool provides a structured approach for clusters to assess and address
dimensions of equity and inclusion within their work. The self-audit and planning tool will
guide cluster members in exploring various aspects related to equity and inclusion. This
includes assessing the representation of individuals within their leadership and membership,
examining Issues for recruiting women and girls as members and partners, and evaluating the
extent to which thier perspectives are prioritized in decision-making process. Additionally,
the tool will help clusters analyze the differential impacts of their work on marginalized
groups. AACFSA will provide regular follow-up and technical support to cluster members as
they use the self-audit and planning tool. This support will involve monitoring the progress of
the institutionalization Issues and offering guidance and assistance as needed. Through this
on-going support, AACFSA aims to ensure that clusters effectively implement the tool and
make meaningful progress in promoting equity and inclusion within their activities. This
activity is intended to be conducted in collaboration with ECE GESI/Y Advisor. Therefore, the

RFA CLO R2 Application form 11

AACFSA will conduct regular follow up and technical support activities to ensure the Issues
and progress achievements.

Objective 2: To foster multi-stakeholder partnership and collaboration to ensure engagement

in the GENDER digital economy equality.

IR 2.1: Increased multi-stakeholders’ partnership and collaboration among civic actors.

Activity 2.1.1 Cluster Formation-Gender : AACFSA will organize one day session by reaching
out to the identified stakeholders during the mapping (1.1.1) and engage them in discussions
about the potential benefits and objectives of forming a GENDER cluster. Explain the
purpose, goals, and expected outcomes of the cluster, highlighting the importance of
collaboration and collective action in advancing gender equality in digital economy. The
session will discuss the member’s interest, commitment of the civic actors in joining the
cluster, their potential contributions, define cluster objectives, develop a cluster dialogue
plan and discuss cluster members MOU. The formation of an GENDER cluster among civic
actors will provide a platform for collective action, knowledge exchange, and collaboration to
advance engagement on Gender digital equality, ultimately contributing to improved
engagement in the GENDER digital economy equality.

Activity 2.1.2. Organize a consensus meeting with Cluster members, who have common
agenda towards GENDER digital economy and GBV: The purpose of the consensus meeting is
to bring together key stakeholders who are actively involved or have a vested interest in the
GENDER Digital equality and GBV. By convening these cluster members, the project team
seeks to foster dialogue, collaboration, and consensus building about the GENDER equality/
and or GBV. During the consensus meetings, the cluster members will have the opportunity
to share their perspectives, experiences, and insights related to the GENDER equality on
digital access. Through facilitated discussions, presentations, and interactive activities, the
project team aims to promote mutual understanding, identify common goals, and develop a
shared vision for the GENDER digital economy implementation in Gulele Sub city. To facilitate
the consensus meetings with cluster members from Gulele sub-cities on the issue of the
GENDER , AACFSA will organize one day sessions, each consisting of 25 participants. At this
end of the workshop, AACFSA will facilitate the MOU and signing the MOU among the cluster
members. To ensure the smooth running of the workshop, logistical arrangements such as
local transportation allowance, lunch and refreshment will be provided.

Activity 2.1.3. Organize regular Meetings ( including virtual meeting).

There will be a 15-cluster dialogue focusing on the GENDER digital econoy equality for every

RFA CLO R2 Application form 12

two weeks regular meeting. The cluster dialogues will serve as a platform for stakeholders
from different sectors and organizations to come together and discuss relevant issues related
to the GENDER equality. The dialogues will allow participants to share their perspectives,
exchange knowledge and experiences, and explore potential collaboration areas. The Forum
further uses the cluster dialogue sessions for pause and reflect session/iteration. By
organizing regular cluster dialogues, the project aims to leverage a collaborative
environment, strengthen partnerships among civic actors engage, advocate, and get involved
in the GENDER digital economy.

During the dialogue cluster, members will discuss the specific challenges and issues related to
gender inequality in digital divide, such as lack of digital information, inadequate public
participation, and lack of access to mobile phone and equivalent digital devices. Then they
further break down the identified challenges into manageable components or root-causes
that are relevant to GENDER and could be addressed by CLO in the near future. CLO’s will
also analyze the interconnected causes and effects of these problems, considering factors
such as governance structures, legal frameworks, or institutional capacities that contribute to
the challenges in the GENDER equality. The discussion will then shift to solution identification
within the GENDER Issues. Cluster members will explore techniques for generating innovative
and context-specific solutions to address the identified problems. The dialogue will highlights
the importance of iterative learning and adaptation in the solution identification Issues to
ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of the proposed solutions within the GENDER

After each CLO dialogue and discussion, CLO members will be assigned the task of going back
to their respective constituencies to further engage with the community and collect feedback
on the issues raised during the dialogues. This aims to ensure that the perspectives and
concerns of the community are incorporated into the cluster's activities and decision-making
process. This feedback loop fosters a sense of ownership, trust, and collaboration between
the cluster and the community, ensuring that the community's voice continues to be heard
and valued throughout the GENDER-PDIA Issues.

AACFSA will play a facilitation role in these dialogues, providing technical support and
assistance. Support may be provided through virtual or face-to-face meetings, depending on
the circumstances and preferences of the participants. AACFSA will host the agendas for the
dialogues. Through these collaborative efforts, the project seeks to enhance the effectiveness
and impact of civic actors in the GENDER Issues.

Activity 2.1.4. Establish a multi-stakeholder platform (Social media Group/whatsapp and

RFA CLO R2 Application form 13

telegram) which serves as space for dialogue and information sharing and joint decision-
making Issues on GENDER Issues. The purpose of this platform is to create a virtual space
where cluster members can come together to discuss and collaborate on matters related to
the GENDER digital equality. Through this platform, stakeholders can stay informed,
contribute to discussions, and collectively work towards the goals and objectives of the
GENDER. One telegram or whatsApp platform will be established for dialogue and
information sharing and joint decision-making process on Issues.

Activity 2.1.5. Validate/Activate AACFSA Website/Means of visibility.

AACFSA has its own website where to host and share milestones and others activity of the
organization. To ensure that the website remains relevant and up-to-date, regular updates
are made annually. However, for this specific activity, a one-time update of the website will
be conducted to facilitate the exchange and sharing of experiences from the projects on the
website's pages. The website validation will involve incorporating new content and features
that promote collaboration and information exchange among cluster members. This may
include creating dedicated sections or pages where cluster members can share their
experiences, best practices, and lessons learned from their involvement in the GENDER
digital Issues. The website will be designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for cluster
members to navigate and access the information they need. The Organization will cover the
cost of re-innovating the website.

IR 2.2: Civic actors represented in the GENDER digital Issues and digital skill in Gulele sub-city
starting from 2026.

Activity 2.2.1. Review best practices and lessons of existing platforms related to GENDER and
digital skill Issue: AACFSA will plays facilitation roles for this activity and enhanced the civic
actors to review and the existing platforms like formal and informal structures established at
sub cities. The purpose of this activity is to identify and document the best practices and
lessons learned from these platforms. By reviewing their experiences, the Forum can gain
insights into effective strategies, approaches, and mechanisms that have been successful in
promoting engagement in the GENDER digital economy Issues. Through the review of existing
platforms, the Forum will have the opportunity to learn from and identify successful practices
that can be replicated or adapted to improve cluster members engagement in the GENDER
digital. This activity will contribute to building a knowledge base of best practices and lessons
learned, which can inform future strategies and actions for enhancing Gender equality in
digital economy in the Guele sub-city.

Activity 2.2.2. Organize two consultative meetings:

RFA CLO R2 Application form 14

These meetings aim to provide a platform for dialogue, collaboration, and information
sharing on the issue of the GENDER equality in digital economy. By organizing these
consultative meetings, the project aims to foster collaboration, inclusivity, and meaningful
engagement among civic actors, sub-city key stakeholders. The meetings will provide a
platform for collective decision-making, knowledge sharing, and the exchange of
perspectives. Two consultative meetings will be organized for 25 civic actor participants in
the selected sub-city key stakeholders on the GENDER equality in digital economy Issues.
AACFSA will cover transportation costs of the participants and Accommodation costs (hotel
services training hall rent including LCD projector, stationery etc., and refreshment and lunch
for participants and transportation allowance.

IR 2.3 Implementation of action plans derived from the CLO dialogue and discussions to
address identified challenges.

Based on the outcomes of the CLO dialogues, different illustrative activities may take place.
These illustrative activities are designed to address the issues raised during the CLO dialogue
and promote gender equality. The specific activities chosen will depend on the context,
priorities, and resources available to the cluster. The following activities that may take place
based on the outcome of the CLO dialogue includes:

Activity 2.3.1. based on the outcome of PDIA Issues design joint advocacy and
communication campaign strategy: The cluster members will be designing a joint advocacy
strategy plan on the GENDER equality in digital economy. This activity's purpose is to develop
a coordinated approach to advocate for the objectives and outcomes of the GENDER equality
in digital economy. Cluster members will collaborate to design the joint advocacy strategy
and action plan. This will involve identifying key advocacy messages, target audiences,
communication channels, and activities that will effectively promote the goals and benefits of
the GENDER equality in digital economy. The strategy and action plan will be tailored to the
specific context and needs of the cluster members. By designing a joint advocacy and
communication campaign strategy, the cluster members aim to amplify their collective voice
and maximize the impact of their advocacy efforts. The strategy will enable them to
effectively engage with stakeholders, raise awareness about the GENDER equality in digital
economy, and advocate for policies and actions in the GENDER Issues. Through the technical
support and follow-up activities provided by ECE, the cluster members will receive the
necessary guidance and resources to develop a well-designed and impactful advocacy
strategy and action plan. AACFSA will also facilitate technical support and follow-up activities
to ensure the plan is well designed based on the project objective and intended outcome.

RFA CLO R2 Application form 15

Activity 2.3.2. Form media working group and build their capacities to promote and support
the GENDER equality in digital economy Issues and CLO activities.
Based on the outcomes of the action planning, this activity aims to enhance media
involvement in mainstreaming the activities of cluster members and broadcasting them to
wider audiences. AACFSA will closely working with Medias to form a dedicated media-
working group to mainstream the activities of cluster members and broadcasting it to the
wider audiences. The media-working group will receive capacity-building support to enhance
their understanding of the GENDER Issues in digital economy, the project objectives, and the
role of CLOs. This working group will consist of journalists, reporters, and other media
professionals who will actively engage in covering and promoting the GENDER equality in
digital economy Issues and CLO activities. Media representatives will be invited to cluster
meetings and other relevant events to cover and broadcast the proceedings. Hence, one
working group of media will be created to deliberately work in the project routine period and

Activity 2.3.3. Identify key CSOs engaged in Gender: Based on the outcomes of the CLO
discussion and action plan AACFSA may be identify and collaborate with CSOs that have
expertise and experience in promoting gender equality in order to establish a GENDER
Advocates Coalition. AACFSA will identify the key CSOs engaged in the Gender thematic areas
especially digital divide and sustaining the project activity by working on the networking and
collaborative actions in the due Issues. By collaborating with these key CSOs, a strong
network and collaborative platform for advocacy initiatives may be created. The coalition will
leverage the expertise, resources, and collective influence of its members to advocate for the
GENDER equality in the digital economy. Through networking and collaborative actions, the
project will enhance a culture of collaboration and collective action, enhancing the impact
and sustainability of the project activities. In this regard, AACFSA will work with regional line
sectors and ACSO to simply identify key CSOs working in the thematic area.

Activity 2.3.4. Organize awareness creation and experience sharing workshop to enhance the
capacity of GENDER advocates coalition: The workshop will elp as a platform for participants
to enhance their understanding of the GENDER digital economy areas, strengthen their
advocacy skills, and share their experiences and best practices. The workshop will include
various activities such as mentoring, coaching training sessions, presentations, panel
discussions, and interactive sessions. These activities will focus on building the capacity of the
GENDER Advocates Coalition members in advocacy strategies, effective communication,
policy engagement, and collaborative approaches. The workshop will empower participants
with the knowledge, skills, and networks necessary to collectively advocate in the GENDER
equality in the digital economy. This will contribute to increased awareness, engagement,

RFA CLO R2 Application form 16

and support for the GENDER equality and beyond. One awareness creation and experience-
sharing workshop will be organized for 5 GENDER Advocate coalitions at Sub city to advocate
the GENDER digital economy Issues. AACFSA will cover cost of refreshment lunch for 10

Activity 2.3.5. establishment of GENDER Advocates coalition and signing MoU.

The AACFSA will facilitate and support the establishment of the coalition by preparing and
producing documents like MOU, other supporting documents. By facilitating and supporting
the establishment of the GENDER Advocate coalition, AACFSA aims to create a strong and
cohesive platform for advocacy and collaboration. The coalition will serve as a collective voice
to GENDER equality in digital economy. In addition to this AACFSA will follow up the coalition
formation and provide technical back support where necessary and working on
institutionalization activities

3. Based on your understanding of CI and PDIA, how do you anticipate applying it within the
thematic area to address the specific problem / issue

To address the problems associated with Gender equality in the digital economy, a adaptation
workshop on PDIA and Collective Impact Approach for cluster members will be organized for
participants from cluster members on the issues of PDIA and collective actions. The aim of this activity
is to provide participants with a critical understanding of these topics and capacitate them with the
necessary knowledge and skills to effectively engage in Gender equality effectively. During the
workshop, participants will be introduced to the principles and processes of PDIA, which is a problem-
solving approach that highlights iterative learning and adaptation. They will learn how to identify and
define complex development challenges, break them down into manageable components, and design
and implement targeted interventions to address these problems. The workshop will provide practical
examples and best practices to illustrate the application of PDIA in actual-world contexts.
Additionally, participants will explore the concept of collective impact, which highlights the influence
of collective action in achieving wide range social change. They will learn about the key components
of collective impact, including the importance of shared goals, mutually reinforcing activities, constant
communication, and data-driven decision-making. The workshop will provide insights into successful
collective impact initiatives and strategies for leveraging effective collaboration among diverse

Civic actors/CSOs, Government organization, private sectors, FBO, CBO, Financial institution and etc…
are the stakeholders engaged in the implementation of proposed project activities from the designing
up to the implementation stages at Gulele sub city. These stakeholders will be more elaborated
during the stakeholder mapping activities during the project inception period to collectively address
the problems.
1. Describe your organization’s experience in the thematic area that you have chosen for
this project. If applicable, be sure to include experience in this thematic area within the

RFA CLO R2 Application form 17

proposed geographic area indicated above.

AACFSA’s programme focuses on entrepreneurship and skills training and employment creation for
women and youth in the Addis Ababa Gulele Sub city. These programme offers sewing skills, day care
services and employment opportunities linkage. The sewing skill training emphasized on IGA and
market access, the day care services have been provided to women with children to minimize the
burden on women carrying kids on their back while searching for a job and receiving skill training. The
programme covered 280 women so far resulting in access to the labour market (47%), self-
employment (30%),and entrepreneurs group (15%) and skill scale-up after training completion(8%).
Among the 280 targets women, 28 women entrepreneurs receive FINBIT application for their business
enhancement, thus project started to support women in the areas of bookkeeping, financial diaries,
monitoring, reporting and access to loan services with aim to enhancing digital skill for economic
empowerment. The project has showed a positive impact on the lives of the families in regards to
economic, social and political. Due to the project,women-headed families' economic conditions
became resilient and their children were able to enroll in school, improved feeding frequency of
families,enhanced the social role of the families and women participation in the decision making
process in the family and in the community. Further, the project had contributed in cluster
development that leveraged sustainable development agenda, addressed cross-cutting issues and
benefited regional development actors and/or CSO in terms of capacity.
2. Explain your experience in bringing diverse stakeholders together around specific issues
(Coordination, Collaboration Networking, Partnership with different stakeholders and
facilitating dialogue).

To address the problems associated with Gender and all other activities, AACFSA approach is working
with stakeholders which have the same agenda at all levels through coordinating, networking and
building strong partnership and PDIA and Collective Impact . We bring diverse stakeholders together
based on their areas of expertise and experience. Among the diverse stakeholders: Plan International
Women Voice and Leadership Program, CCRDA, Women, Children and Social Affairs Ministry,
Community of Practices-Africa and others. Those have the expertise and experience working on
ensuring Gender equality at large scale collectively. During bringing diverse stakeholders we conduct
convincing mechanism through carrying out dialogue, meetings, visiting their office and write letter of
collaboration by stating the objectives of the collective action.

3. Describe your previous experience in providing capacity-strengthening support to other

civic actors/civil society organizations (CSOs) – capacity strengthening, includes
mentoring, coaching, and policy advocacy. Please provide concrete examples of this

The AACFSA has ample and proven experiences in Government-CSOs engagement, playing
coordination role in public agendas and advocacy to make community voice heard. The Organization
played a significant role in coordinating it’s stakeholders to lobby government and CSOs to change the
existing challenges especialy on addressing Gender equality to get access to economic services by

RFA CLO R2 Application form 18

mobilizing and capacitating Civic actors and line government. in the past years, the Organization has
advocated the government and and other civic actors to construct primary school in Addis Ababa City
Gulele Sub city Shegole area to ensure access to primary school for surrounding areas children to
secure a responsive, good governmance and accountable. AACFSA coordinated many CBOs to play
development and policy dialogue and interpretation to realize the needs of marginalized especially in
the areas of access to services to divorced women, returnees and migrant women. the Organization
actively engages with a wide range of it’s CSO networks and plays a crucial role in coordinating and
enhancing their capacity through various training and networking opportunities, ultimately ensuring a
stronger and more effective sector.

4. Explain how they are going to support and strengthen civic and community-based actors
to engage in dialogue, collective action, policy analysis, and advocacy for inclusive,
peaceful, and responsive governance

Using its experience and advantage on the thematic area, AACFSA is planning to implement the
Gender Based Violence project in the proposed area, ultimately to contribute higher Civic
Engagement. AACFSA has strong conviction that, the planned project can be successfully
implemented in Gulele sub-city, and concrete change will be attained through:
(1) Create positive attitude on the benefits of citizen-engagement in the community
decision-making process,
(2) Increasing the role of civic actors in the implementation of Gender digital equality
through engaging in dialogue, collective action, policy analysis and advocating and to create
belongingness .

B7. Gender, Social Inclusion and Youth (GESIY) approach (Max half page for each
1. Briefly describe your understanding and experience in incorporating GESIY in your work.

The AACFSA approach to positive citizen- engagement is based on the principles of fairness and
inclusion, of women, youth, people with disability (PWD) and other vulnerable groups to have their
voices heard, and to have equitable access to opportunities. This will come true via promoting
empowerment of women, youth and other marginalized groups by facilitating an enabling
environment for them to exercise their rights on gender equality in the digital economy .

In particular, we recognize that women are usually the primary victims of marginalization
perpetrated by men and are strong advocates for peaceful interactions and positive citizen-
state engagement. Therefore, we will demonstrate that their agendas should not and must
not be co-opted by men and to be prevented from voicing for and benefiting from the digital
economy approach. Hence, across all activities of the project, there will be a minimum

RFA CLO R2 Application form 19

representation of 70% women. Besides, within the MEL processes, data will be disaggregated
by gender in order to ensure that the project is able to meaningfully track impact on gender
inclusion in the cluster.
Our approach regarding youth and PWD inclusion will build on our experiences in addressing.
In many instances, the youth usually are becoming labeled as agents of violence equal to
their role in development activities. It is therefore of paramount importance that the project
involves young people in a meaningful way by strengthening their capacity, promoting them
for participation and voicing their opinion, and facilitating them with the opportunities to
play key roles being members of the cluster and their respective communities in public
dialogue and advocacy actions. Hence, across all activities, there will be a minimum
representation of 30% youth. Besides, within the MEL processes, data will be disaggregated
by age in order to ensure that the project is able to meaningfully track impact on the youth.
Similar steps will be taken by the project to ensure inclusion of people with disabilities and
other vulnerable groups.

2. Briefly explain the implications or impact of the identified thematic area and specific
issues on marginalized and social excluded groups

Gender inequality is always arisen on marginalized and socially excluded groups since they have less
capacity and no voice to overcome the problems. These thematic areas have a vital role to bring
impact on the marginalized and social excluded groups. It involves awareness-raising, building self-
confidence, expansion of choices, increased access to and control over resources and actions to
transform the structures and institutions which reinforce and perpetuate marginalized and socially
excluded groups. At the end,negative impact will be mitigated and positive change will be come

3. Describe how you will incorporate gender social inclusion, and youth considerations into
the project design with a focus on meaningful participation of marginalized groups in
the clusters. How will you include less developed civic actors including marginalized and
socially excluded groups in the cluster?

The AACFSA approach to positive citizen engagement is based on the principles of fairness and
inclusion, of women, youth, people with disability (PWD) and other vulnerable groups to have their
voices heard, and to have equitable access to opportunities. This will come true via promoting
empowerment of women, youth and other marginalized groups by facilitating an enabling
environment for them to exercise their rights on gender equality in the digital economy .

In particular, we recognize that women are usually the primary victims of marginalization
perpetrated by men and are strong advocates for peaceful interactions and positive citizen-

RFA CLO R2 Application form 20

state engagement. Therefore, we will demonstrate that their agendas should not and must
not be co-opted by men and to be prevented from voicing for and benefiting from the digital
economy approach. Hence, across all activities of the project, there will be a minimum
representation of 70% women. Besides, within the MEL processes, data will be disaggregated
by gender in order to ensure that the project is able to meaningfully track impact on gender
inclusion in the cluster.
Our approach regarding youth and PWD inclusion will build on our experiences in addressing.
In many instances, the youth usually are becoming labeled as agents of violence equal to
their role in development activities. It is therefore of paramount importance that the project
involves young people in a meaningful way by strengthening their capacity, promoting them
for participation and voicing their opinion, and facilitating them with the opportunities to
play key roles being members of the cluster and their respective communities in public
dialogue and advocacy actions. Hence, across all activities, there will be a minimum
representation of 30% youth. Besides, within the MEL processes, data will be disaggregated
by age in order to ensure that the project is able to meaningfully track impact on the youth.
Similar steps will be taken by the project to ensure inclusion of people with disabilities and
other vulnerable groups. In addition the organization give emphasizes for less developed civic
actors through enabling them to participate in project implementation, providing best
experience and capacity building activities to become best fits for civic engagement activities
and to create potential civic actors partners.

B8. Management and staffing (max half page for each question)
1. Briefly describe how you will leverage your various systems, policies, and procedures to
manage the project.

The AACFSA HO is in A.A Gulele Sub city worede 10, and will manage the project from the HO, and all
key staff will be based in Addis Ababa.
1. Staff Hiring and Management: Develop a staffing plan that outlines the roles,
responsibilities, and required skills for project team members. The Project
Manager/Coordinator will fully manage the project in support with the remaining staff
members, including MEL and GESI.
The workflow will be customized and strictly followed by the Executive Director, supported
by the feedback of the MEL and project coordinator.
Cluster members review meeting as per already set in the Project will be managed.
Moreover, the regular meeting of the cluster members will be established based on the
consensus of the members.
Monitoring and Evaluation: Implement a monitoring and evaluation framework to assess
project progress and outcomes. A monthly base review meeting will be in place and

RFA CLO R2 Application form 21

executed, regular weekly evaluation within the staff will be maintained.
Communication and Reporting: Establish communication channels and protocols to facilitate
effective internal and external communication. Develop a reporting system to provide regular
updates on project activities, achievements, and challenges. AACFSA follow EC- CLO workflow
and customize social medias (virtual) communicate with cluster members AACFSA will
facilitate platform meetings to discuss on the project status, website content update
Documentation and Knowledge Management: Develop systems and procedures for
documenting project activities, decisions, and lessons learned. Establish a central repository
for project documents, reports, and other relevant information. Promote knowledge sharing
and teaching among project team members to enhance project effectiveness and
Virtual/online communications and group platform meeting, evaluation and management of
works can be used and MOU will be signed with cluster members

2. Describe your proposed staffing, responsibilities, and percentage level of effort (LOE), a
description of how you will hire staff (if required).

The AACFSA will assign the following key staffs to ensure the successful coordination of the project

Project Coordinator (#1): At 100% level of effort, the Project Coordinator serves as the
primary point of contact for the project and is responsible for overseeing the project
activities, ensuring that all project deliverables are completed as planned and on schedule,
preparing and submitting monthly progress reports to the AACFSA MEL Manager, and
reviewing all project deliverables before they are submitted to the relevant stakeholders for
review and approval. The project coordinator has more than 10.5 years' experience in the
implementation of Civic engagement activities, especially in the area empowerment and
gender and other projects relative to this position. He has a good knowledge and
understanding of the project, had made strong recommendable efficiencies by mobilizing
stakeholders and community groups, and made various community dialogues, Community
Conversations, Interface meetings between government / service providers and the citizens
(demand side).
MEL & GESI Officer (#1): At 50% level of effort, the MEL Officer is responsible to involve in
regular monitoring, follow up and periodic evaluation activities, quality controlling, and
documenting and disseminating reports, and ensuring accountability to the target
communities and local stakeholders. The Officer will also be responsible for monitoring
activity implementation and collecting data required to measure progress against the
project’s performance indicators. Also, act GES Officer (Finance officer act as GESI
recruitments of new MEL Officer
Finance Officer (#1): At 25% level of efforts, the Finance Officer works closely with the Project

RFA CLO R2 Application form 22

Manager to prepare and submit milestone payment requests to the donor, to facilitate
procurement of services such as resource persons and venue, and to prepare payment
requests and handle transport reimbursements, etc. for individuals from the cluster
members and other groups.
Finance and Administration Head: At least 20 % effort to the contribution of the project
management. She has 15 years' experience in Finance management, out of this she worked
10 years as Finance and Admin Head of AACFSA position for various projects executed by the
Organization. She headed all the project Finance related activities with consultation of the
Executive Director.
Executive Director: At least 30% contribution to the project management. The Executive
Director has rich experience in managing projects and leading the organization by designing
various strategic decisions.
Driver and Messenger: At least 20% contribution to the project management. The AACFSA
will assign a Driver and Messenger to ensure smooth logistical operations and support for the
project. The Driver will be responsible for providing transportation services to project staff.
Additionally, the Driver will assist in the delivery and collection of project-related documents
and materials.
Office Guard: At least 20% contribution to the project management. To ensure the security
and safety of the project office premises, an Office Guard will be assigned. The Office Guard
will be responsible for monitoring access to the office and maintaining a secure environment
for staff and project assets.
Office Cleaner: At least 20% contribution to the project management. To maintain a clean
and hygienic working environment, an Office Cleaner will be assigned. The Office Cleaner will
be responsible for daily cleaning tasks, including dusting, sweeping, and disinfecting common
areas, offices, and restrooms. They will ensure that the project office remains tidy and
presentable, creating a comfortable and healthy workspace for project staff.

3. Proposed or existing organization’s personnel: please describe up to 4 main personnel

for this project (note that all personnel are not expected to be at 100% LOE.)
Note: if you do not yet have the proposed staff for this project, please include here the
organization staff who will be overseeing/ supporting the project

Position Name Proposed Brief description of experience


Project Coordinator at Selamu Nigusu He has over 10 years experience in NGO

100% LOE sectors with Master of Project Planning and
management. He has a strong work
experience in the specific issues

RFA CLO R2 Application form 23

MEL and GESI Officer at To be hired NA
50% LOE

Finance and Aster Desta she has over 20 years experience in NGO
Administration head at sectors with Diploma in Accounting. she has a
20% LOE strong work experience in the managing
budget on specific issues. Well oriented in
the financial system

Executive Director at 30% Melkamu Alemayehu he has over 25 years experience in NGO
LOE sectors with Master in Development study.
he has a strong work experience in the
managing budget, personel, stakeholders and
donors on specific issues and others. Well
oriented in resources mobilization with high
communication skills

C. MONITORING & EVALUATION (Max. half page for each questions)

1. What monitoring and evaluation strategies and methods would you put in place to
effectively measure the project's performance?

The project ECE will be responsible for measuring the project’ progress at the goal and selected
objectives level. This will be done as per the baseline; midline and endline surveys and others planned
assessments of ECE. Whereas the CLO will generate evidence on the project progress and success at
objective, intermediate result and activity levels. In line with this, AACFSA will conduct annual mini
surveys covering all cluster members and associated community-based structures/ institutions
working under the cluster. It will also coordinate with ECE to facilitate social network analysis in the
target areas of operation. In addition, AACFSA will document case studies and stories that show the
achievement of qualitative indicators and substantiate quantitative ones and will report at least two
success stories with quarterly reports. AACFSA will ensure quality of activities including training,
awareness raising events, workshops, etc by conducting pre and posttest or measuring participants
satisfaction through feedback form. AACFSA will also develop a database that contains routine
performance data on the status of activities and aggregates and reports them monthly through ECE’s
platform. ECE will share standard templates to report against agreed performance indicators. AACFSA
will assign an MEL officer who will take part of his/ her time to coordinate and lead monitoring,
evaluation and learning activities of the project. A detailed monitoring and evaluation plan detailing
the key performance indicator, their corresponding definition, level of disaggregation, source of data,
timetable and responsibility is developed and annexed with this technical proposal.

2. How will you collect, analyze, and report performance data of the project?

The project’s monitoring plan will follow the AACFSA’s monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL)

RFA CLO R2 Application form 24

Guideline, and efforts will be made by the AACFSA to reflect the funding partner’s MEL principles
throughout the activity. These principles seek to integrate real-time monitoring and learning back into
the project implementation to ensure that emerging knowledge and evidence is shared with cluster
members, community groups, and local stakeholders. The MEL focus will also be on ensuring evidence
for the project's outcomes, complemented by output level monitoring of progress against the
anticipated results. The project will priorities project participants' engagement in the entire MEL
process and include the voices and perspectives of all relevant stakeholders throughout the project
cycle. Likewise, regular cluster meetings will be held on a quarterly basis to review progress and
smooth operation of the project.

3. What learning strategies will you integrate into the monitoring and evaluation practice?

The MEL activity will ensure the generation of robust evidence from the project, and that evidence
gathered will feed into project learning and adaptation. In teamwork with the MEL Officer of the
AACFSA’s will be responsible to involve in regular monitoring and periodic evaluation activities,
quality controlling, analyzing data and documenting and disseminating reports, and ensuring
accountability to the target communities and other stakeholders. This task will also involve compiling
good practices and publicizing the most significant change stories. The AACFSA Project Coordinator
will be in charge of coordinating the overall implementation of the project, monitoring and follow up
of the project progress, and data capturing, recording and sharing with the MEL Officer on an ongoing
basis and providing activity reports. The cluster members, community representatives and other
relevant stakeholders will validate the various data and reports that are produced to propagate
results (changes) of the project during the Cluster Meetings. For this purpose, a clear communication
plan will be set out for the project MEL activities in order to ensure appropriate dissemination of

D. Previous and/or on going projects

Below please complete the required fields for at least one and up to three project(s) the
applicant has implemented that demonstrate it has the experience and expertise to
successfully manage the proposed project.

Project 1
Project Title:
Comprehensive care for vulnerable Children and creating access to employme
Total Project Budget: 92,000 U.S. dollars rs
Project Start Date: 7/1/2021
Project End Date: 6/30/2024
Project Location: Addis Ababa

RFA CLO R2 Application form 25

Gulele Sub city, Worede 8, 9 and 10
Enter city/town
Project Summary:

the project objective is to improve the livelihood of Target group.the specific o

Name of Donor: ELDM, Plan international, STEP BY STEP a

Donor Point of Contact (POC): Stephans Johanes
POC’s Email Address:
POC’s Telephone Number: +49-426177-3996 and +49-15209040853)
Project 2
Project Title: Gender digital divide empowerment
Total Project Budget: 30,000 dollar
Project Start Date: 2/1/2024
Project End Date: 2/28/2025

Project Location: Addis Ababa, Gulele sub city

Enter sub-region (e.g. district/municipality)
Enter city/town
Project Summary:
To ensure gender equality in economic spheres through digital skill
Name of Donor: L-IFT
Donor Point of Contact (POC): Anne Marrie
POC’s Email Address:
POC’s Telephone Number: +31644253518
Project 3
Project Title: Youth and Women empowerment
Total Project Budget: 120,000 U.S. dollars
Project Start Date: 1/1/2013
Project End Date: 12/31/2016

Project Location: Oromia, Ambo town

Enter sub-region (e.g. district/municipality)
Enter city/town
Project Summary:
project objectives: is to contribute towards to the improvement of livelihoods f

RFA CLO R2 Application form 26

Name of Donor: Centro Italiano Aiuti All’Infanzia/CIAI/
Donor Point of Contact (POC): Netsanet Mulugeta
POC’s Email Address:
POC’s Telephone Number: NA)

RFA CLO R2 Application form 27

Statement of Liability

I, the undersigned, being the person responsible on behalf of the applicant for this project,
certify that the information given in this application is true and accurate.


Name: Melkamu Alemayehu

Title: Executive Director

Date: 05/28/2024

N.B. For your signature, please only sign and scan (PDF) the last page of the application. Please
send us the full application in word format so that it can be uploaded into our system.

RFA CLO R2 Application form 28

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