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Troop Leading Procedures f.

Alternate harbour position

Troop leading procedures
- It is the process a leader goes through to prepare his unit 4.Sentries Out – gun position established within the
to accomplish a tactical mission. sectors boundaries of plan/team manned by the sentries.
- It is a logical sequence of actions and processes which a
leader must follow in developing and executing a tactical 1. Worked period – following are the activities during the
plan. period:
a. Digging of foxholes when necessary
b. Digging of platoon/team latrines & garbage pits
COMBAT ORDERS c. Laying of warning and communication lines
- Announcement or a commander’s plan on how he intends d. Individual requirements
his unit to conduct a e. Redistribution of ammo and equipment’s
particular operation. Combat orders may be issued in f. Final Inspection
verbally or in writing. g. Rest

- It must be delivered in a manner that is clear, complete 2. Stand to – one hour before dark and one hour before
and concise in order not break or from dark to day break, stand to is declared
to leave chance for misinterpretation or duties. depending on the enemy situation of activities at this stage.
The sentries are recalled and harbour position, complete
DIFFERENT TYPES OF COMBAT ORDERS silence is maintained and no patrol member should loiter
inside and outside the position. Password is disseminated
Warning Order (WARNORD) to everybody before the declaration of this stage. Any
It is an order that gives an advance notice so that the important necessary reservations will be relayed through
subordinate units can make use of time for planning and the utilization of messengers.
preparations. This order is usually a brief message
containing essential information like: 3. Stand down – this stage can only be declared when
- time the action will take place activities are negative, sentries are double to many
- where it will occur positions allowing it a rest for other members.
- time and place of the operation order will be issued.
*MAP READING Definition of Terms
Fragmentary Order (FRAGORD) Marginal Information Colors Direction
is a brief, concise and timely order for the conduct of MAP - is a mathematically determined presentation of a
operation. It is normally used to supplement or modify a portion of the earth’s surface systematically plotted to scale
current operation order while the operation is upon a plane surface.
in progress.

Fragmentary Order (FRAGORD) MARGINAL INFORMATION- it is placed into operation, the

It may include the following: user must read the instruction. It is important that you as
- current attachment/detachment future leader, know how to read these information and
- situation symbol.
- mission
-combat support & coordination Instruction •Sheet Name- is founding two places: the center of the
upper margin and either the right or left margin.
Operation Order (OPORD)
• Sheet Number – is found in two places: the upper right
contains all the information and guidance concerning the margin and the lower left margin: it is used as reference
coordinate action necessary to carry out the commander’s number for that map sheet.
plan on how to conduct the operation.
• Series Name- is found in the upper left margin.

• Bar Scale- Those are located in the center lower margin.

HARBOURING – is an established defensive position of a • Contour Interval Note- is found in the center lower
patrol for the purpose of patrol reorganization, mission margin normal below the bar scale.
planning, and rest when patrol decides to move during
night time and hide a large patrol while making a final • Adjoining Sheet Diagram- contains a diagram that
recon on the objective. illustrates the adjoining sheet. On map at 1: 1000,0000 and
larger scale at 1:100,000 scale, the diagram is called the
Stages of Harbouring index to adjoining sheets.
1. Reconnaissance (it includes map recon and actual
recon) • Elevation Guide – some Maps at scales of 1: 100,000
and larger a miniature characterization of the terrain is
2. Occupation – designation of areas of responsibilities show by a diagram in the lower right margin of the map.
using the clock system.
• Declination Diagram- is located in the lower margin of
3.Clearing patrol – patrol to collect the following info large scale maps indicates the angular relationship of the
around the proposed harbour position 200 to 300 yards in true north and magnetic north.
front of the platoon/team area or responsibilities.
a. Water points • Grid Reference Box- the grid reference box contains
b. Area free from the enemy forces instruction for composing a grid references.
c. Routes of withdrawal
d. Probable enemy approaches
e. Alternate defensive position
• Legend- located on the lower left margin it illustrates and 3. Security Element: LS, G, CM, TS
indentifies the topographic symbol used to depict some of
the more prominent features in map. *VISUAL TRACKING Definition of Terms
VISUAL TRACKING – is an art of being to follow a man or a
• The students will differentiate the colors used on a group of men using the sign they have left.
military map.
Signs – are marked on the ground and disturbance of
• Black- indicates cultural ( Man-made) features such as vegetation left by a man or men or an animal passing thru
building and roads the area.

• Reddish- Brown- the colors and red and brown are Group Sign – a sign left by a man or animal on the ground.
combined to identify cultural features, all relief features.
And elevation. Top Sign – signs above ankle level.

• Blue-identifies hydrographic or water features such as Jungle – is a feature of impenetrable growth of vegetation
lake, swaps and river. forbidding in appearance and filled with wild life.

• Green- Identifies vegetation with military significance, Rocky Country – the most difficult terrain to track.
such as woods, orchards and vineyards.
• Brown- identifies all relief features and elevation, such as 1. Walking in the stream.
contours on order edition maps. 2. Scattered
3. Fade out
• Red- classifies cultural features, such as populated 4. Dead end or false trail
areas, main roads and boundaries on older map.

• Other- occasionally other colors may be used to show

special information. I-AMBUSH
It is a surprise attack from concealed position on an
unsuspecting moving or temporarily halted enemy. A
Patrolling concealed position is an absolute requirement of an
ambush for without concealment, there is no surprise and
PATROL – is a unit sent out from a large unit. It may be without surprise a successful ambush is not possible. An
acquired a mission of reconnaissance (x) link-up, re-supply ambush is a specialized is not possible. An ambush is a
(y) or combat (z) or any combination xyz mission. specialized from of combat in which the principle of
concealment, surprise and offensive action are used to
RECON PATROL – is a patrol sent out to gather inflict maximum casualties, confusion, and destruction
information. upon any enemy on the move and it does not require the
seizures of the ground.
COMBAT PATROL – is a patrol with a mission of
harassment, destruction, capture or provide security. II-CLASSIFICATION OF AMBUSH

to meet in an area not protected by friendly forces. A. POINT AMBUSH – The ambush is located on a single
route to attack a specific target or to cover the specific
PATROL BASE – is conducted when a patrol halts for route on which it is situated.
extended period of time in a place that is not protected by
friendly forces. B. AREA AMBUSH – The area ambush employs on
element, covering the main
RAID – is a surprised and violent attack on enemy kill zone, while there are others deployed to cover related
positions, installation followed by swift and organized point of ambushes. It has all
withdrawal. approaches covered and must be laid out in width or depth.
And ambush patrol may
AMBUSH – is a surprised attack by a force lying in wait consist of small patrols, each self-contained with a leader
upon moving temporarily halted enemy. and own security. Main
escaped routes are covered.
RALLYING POINT – a placed on the ground where a
patrol can assemble and re-organized. C. CLASSIFICATION AS TO MISSION:
OBSERVATION POST – is a fixed location which one must ambush is conducted with prior,
observed what place on a particular place of terrain. against an expected target. You are usually armed with
precise information regarding an
CHART OF AN OP (COCOA): enemy movement, which you then may lay.
C – Cover and concealment B. HASTY AMBUSH – An ambush of this kind
O - Observed & field of fire goes for any target of opportunity
C - Critical terrain feature you accidentally meet in the course of your combat
O - Obstacle operation.
A – Avenue of approach
Composition of the Command Element in the
Organization of team during patrol 1. LINE – The simplest ambush formation, the attack force
ORGANIZATION OF TEAM: is deployed generally parallel to the target route of
1. Command: Team Leader Recorder; Radioman movement (road, trail, stream). In this position the
2. Observer: Assistance Radio Man ambushes can parallel to the long axis of the kill zone (KZ)
area subjects the target to heavy flanking fire. The Frontal security is the main function and his trigger is
advantage of this type of formation is that it is easy to steady and sure.
control. Disadvantage lies in factor that the enemy may
escape from the ambushes and the lateral dispersion of a Weapon and Equipment:
large force maybe too great for effective coverage. M-16 rifle or 12 gauge assault shotgun, and two(2)
fragmentary grenades.
2. L – SHAPED FORMATION – This is the variation of the
Duties and Responsibilities:
line formation. The long side of the attack force is parallel
a. Very alert physically and mentally developed senses.
to the KZ and delivers flanking fires. The short b. Must have a very “keenly” developed senses.
side of the attack force is at the end of and at the right c. A good tracker and the buddy is the guide.
angles to the KZ and delivers enfilading and interlocking
fires. In this formation, the ambushes are split into two (2) 2. Guide - the pathfinder and the rappel master of the
groups – one group is placed along the side the trail, while team.
the other is perpendicular to the killing zone.
3. V – SHAPED FORMATION – The attack force is Weapons and Equipment:
deployed along both sides of the target’s route of M-16 rifle, map, compass, rappelling rope, utility
movement so that it forms the letter V. Care is taken to rope, snap link, gloves, and two(2) fragmentary grenades.
ensure that neither group fires into each other. This
formation subjects the target to both enfilading and Duties and Responsibilities:
a. Proficient in the use of map and compass.
interlocking fires. One variation of this is the triangle
b. Proficient in the terrain analysis.
formation, which can be used in special circumstances. c. Expert in the ground navigation and the buddy is the
lead scout.
4. BOX FORMATION – This formation is similar in purpose
to the open triangle ambush. The attack force is deployed 3. Team Leader - must be an officer or the
in four (4) groups positional, so that each group most ranking of the team.
becomes a corner of a square or rectangle containing the
KZ. Weapons and Equipment:
M-16 rifle with M-203 grenade launcher attached, map, and
*RAID Definition of Terms compass.
Raid – is a surprise and violent attack on enemy position or
Duties and Responsibilities:
installation followed by a swift and organized withdrawal.
a. Excel in all aspect of activities.
b. Employs and control his men.
Reconnaissance – it is conducted before the execution of a
raid. This guide the leader, the disposition of the raiding 4. Radioman - the radio operator of the team.
party, the route of withdrawal and rallying points. It
conducted with utmost secrecy to prevent the enemy from Weapon and Equipment:
being compromised. M-16 rifle, two(2) fragmentary grenades, URC 187 radio,
ground flare, and flashlight.
1. Search Party – TL, CM & RM Duties and Responsibilities:
2. Security Element – LS, G, ARM & TS a. The link between the penetration and the base
3. If it is section one team act as security and one team acts control of the team.
b. Responsible for all radio communication requirements of
as searching party.
the team.
PLANNING AND REHEARSAL: 5. Assistant Radioman - the one who assist with
1. A detail but simple plan should be prepared. Alternate plan are provided for in the radioman at the same time.
case of changes in situation. The enemy may be given a false sense of security
by creating a temporary level in the area of operation.
Weapon and Equipment:
M-14 rifle and two(2) fragmentary grenades.
2. Time and space factors are carefully considered. The time for movement to and
attack of the objective is determined by current enemy situation and terrain.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Darkness favors surprise and is chosen when operation is simple and the layout
of the installation is well known.
a. The marshaler of the team during heli borne operation.
b. The sniper of the team and the buddy is the radioman.
4. Complete rehearsal from the movement to the objective up to the return to a
friendly area should be conducted, wherever possible in a similar terrain. 6. Contact Man - the intelligence agent of the team
and capable of getting information thru disguise.
5. Maximum secrecy must be maintained.
Weapon and equipment:
5. Intelligence – maximum available intelligence of the target enemy forces able M-16 rifle with M-203 grenade launcher, two(2)
to intervene the civilian population of the vicinity of the target and the terrain to be fragmentary grenades, civilian clothes, and demolition
traversed enroute to and returning from the objective area. requirements.

6. Final inspection – the raid force commander concludes the final inspection of Duties and Responsibilities:
personal and equipment is replaced and the condition of the men is check. a. Responsible for all demolition requirement of the team.
b. Master of all dialect in anywhere the team operates.
*SR ORGANIZATION c. The silent killer of the team / Master in Hand to hand
SCOUT - a person sent out to combat to
gather information or for intelligence 7. Tail Scout - The medical aid man and the track
purposes. eraser of the team. His buddy is the contact man. He
RANGER - with a mission of harassment, is the last to advance and the last to withdraw.
destruction, capture or provide security.
Weapon and Equipment:
ORGANIZATION M-16, fragmentary grenades and smoke grenades.
1. Lead Scout - the eyes and ears of the team.
Duties and Responsibilities: 3. To Engage – the team executed the fire and maneuver
a. Responsible for the track and traces left by the team. to out position the enemy utilizing speed and violence of
b. Act as a Cox swain during water operation. action. The TL initially commands skirmisher left or right.

4. To withdraw – the team disengages by bounce but first

CAPABILITIES OF THE TEAM execute skirmisher upon the TL commands to ensure and
1. Ambuscades and sneak Hit and Run. orderly withdrawal, continued with supporting fires. This is
2. Quick raid on small enemy concentration. done repeatedly until the team disengages.
3. Infiltration thru normal enemy defensive position.
4. More effective on “Free Zone”. 10. Vehicular counter ambushed – is to return fire

*SR TEAM SOP Definition of Terms

I. Purpose of Team SOP
4. Efficiency - waste of time and effort is avoided and
consequently the higher efficiency team is obtained with the
presence of team SOP.

5. Uniformity - uniform instruction on the procedures to

follow under all situations enhances teamwork and
precludes confusion when the team is actually engaged with
the enemy.

6. Minimum Verbal instructions - When each member of the

team knows what to do under all situations

7. Better Understanding - when a soldier knows that

his companions in the team know their particular duties
under all situations.

I. Buddy System
Buddy System - very foundation upon which SR achieves
teamwork. It is important that respect, trust and confidence
exist in the team if the team should be expected to
accomplish the most hazardous mission.

Buddy within the Team - buddy system works in group of

two (2) individuals, each is the buddy of the other, with this
system security is always achieved.

Buddy within the Section - when two(2) teams are

employed for mission, one(1) team is the buddy of the other.
The procedure is the same as the individual buddy system.

*FIRE FIGHT SOP Definition of Terms

1. Meeting Engagement - a situation wherein your chance
upon the enemy and you see each other at the same time.
The first one to see the enemy immediately open fire and
the patrol leader decides if they engage the enemy or

2. Hasty Ambush – a situation wherein your chance upon

a moving enemy and you see him before he see’s you. The
team leader quickly decides if they will engage or not.
3. Hasty Raid – a situation wherein the patrol chances
upon the enemy position. The target of opportunity. The
team leader immediately decides if they will engage or not.

4. Compromise – the situation wherein the patrol had

been burned out. Hold the person and conduct
interrogation until the mission is accomplished.
5. Far Ambush – situation wherein your patrol is
ambushed and maneuvers is possible.

1. Near Ambush – survivors initial burst of enemy fire drop

and return fire and maneuver to extricate those caught in
the near zone.

2. Near Ambush – (At close range) your patrol engaged

closely that maneuver or withdrawal will result to your
complete destruction. Stand post and engage the enemy if
terrain permits.

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