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What is Hepatitis A

What is Hepatitis A?

Hepatitis A is a liver infection caused by a virus from infected feces. Symptoms are usually not serious
and most people recover completely within a few months. In rare cases, hepatitis A can be life-
threatening due to the liver not being able to function properly.

The process of transmission of the disease can occur due to consuming food and drink that has been
contaminated with the feces of the sufferer, or through direct contact with an infected person. One of
the efforts to protect oneself from exposure to the virus is to vaccinate.

2. What are the symptoms of hepatitis A

Symptoms can develop about 4 weeks after a person is infected and can usually last for several months.
Symptoms include:

a. Experiencing excessive fatigue.

b. Experiencing joint and muscle pain.

c. Experiencing an increase in body temperature.

d. Have decreased appetite. Experiencing pain in the upper right part of the abdomen.

e. Having jaundice.

f. Have a change in the color of your urine or stools becoming darker.

g. Experiencing itching on the skin.

3. Treatment of Hepatitis

This disease does not have special treatment steps, because the immune system will eliminate the virus
by itself. The treatment steps taken only aim to relieve the symptoms experienced. If you feel unwell,
here are some things to do:

- Get plenty of rest.

- Take painkillers, such as ibuprofen and paracetamol. Pay attention to your living environment.

- Make sure to have good ventilation for air circulation.

- Reduce symptoms of nausea and vomiting by eating snacks or fruits.

- Avoid alcohol consumption.

- Do not have sex until the time specified.

4. Hepatitis A Prevention

1. Get vaccinated.

2. Improved sanitation in the residential environment.

3. Pay attention to waste disposal.

4. Practice personal hygiene.

5. Don't share the use of personal items

5. Conclusion

Hepatitis A is a liver infection caused by a virus from infected feces. The mode of transmission can be by
consuming food and drink contaminated with the sufferer. The way to prevent it is to vaccinate and
avoid sharing the use of personal items with others

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