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Where do you use the Internet from?

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Networking Sites

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o Yes
o No

Who is your Service provider?

o Airtel
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Have you downloaded Applications on your SMART Phone?

o Yes
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Which all Mobile Apps you have on your SMART Phone?

S.No Type Yes No
1 Food Ordering
2 Dating
3 Travel
4 Music
5 Fitness
6 E-Governance
7 Banking
8 Social Networking
9 News/ Entertainment
10 E-Commerce

How often you use the following apps on your SMART Phone?

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Frequently Almost



Do you use E-Governance Services?

o Yes
o No

Before obtaining any government services do you check website of the concern
o Yes
o No

Which all E-Governance Services you are aware of?

Not Aware
Aware Never Rarely Sometimes Often Frequently
0 1 2 3 4 5
Income Tax
Passport Seva
Adhaar Seva
Bhu-Lekh (Land Records)
Swatch Bharat Governance Portal
Atal Pension Yojana
Ayushman Bharat
Any Other (Specify name)

To what extent you agree with the following statements about E-Governance Services?

Statements Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
Reduce the government
office visit
Convenient to use
Reduce corruption
Offer error free services
Expedite the service delivery
Ensure 24*7 Service
Reduce the cost of obtaining
Improves quality of services
Increase citizen
Improve the image of the


Have you heard about UMANG App?

o Yes
o No


o Male
o Female

Age Group
o 18-30 Years
o 31-50 Years
o 51-70 Years
o Above 75 Years

o Student
o Employed
o Unemployed
o Retired
o Homemaker

o Uneducated
o Primary
o Secondary
o Senior Secondary
o Graduation
o Post-Graduation

Annual Family Income

o <2 Lac
o 2-8 Lac
o 8-15 Lac
o >15 Lac

o Urban
o Rural

Table 2: Profile of the respondents

Profile Frequency Percent% Cumulative Percent %

Age Profile
18-22 Years 82 31.4 31.5
24-34 Years 139 53.3 85.0
35-44 Years 22 8.4 93.5
45-54 Years 10 3.8 97.3
55-64 Years 5 1.9 99.2
65-74 Years 1 0.4 99.6
Above 75 Years 1 0.8 100
Total 260 100
Male 148 56.7 56.7
Female 113 43.3 100
Total 261 100
Diploma 61 23.4 23.4
self-employed 59 22.6 46
Government Job 35 13.4 59.4
Private Job 91 34.9 94.3
Retired 1 0.4 94.6
Homemaker 14 5.4 100
Total 261 100
0-3 lacs 46 17.6 17.6
3-6 lacs 72 27.6 45.2
6-9 lacs 81 31 76.2
9lacs and above 62 23.8 100
Total 261 100


Author Profile


Rajesh Kumar Yadav

Ph.D. (Pursuing);
Master of Computer Application; Bachelor Of Science;
Mobile: +91-9716755162

Career Highlights
• Having 16 years of teaching and research experience and 4 years of industry
• Had written 15+ research papers in National and International journals.
• Attended 10+ National and International conferences

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