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Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing.

This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 1
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Missiles at Sea 2021
Modern Naval Combat 1983 to 2021
By Scott Elaurant © October 2021

Table of Contents
Rules of Play ............................................................................................................................................ 4
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Design Philosophy and Assumptions ......................................................................................... 4
2.1 Scale, Basing and Measurement ........................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Firing Arcs ................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Contacts and Deployment ......................................................................................................................... 6
2.4. Premeasuring ...................................................................................................................................... 6

4. Turn Sequence .................................................................................................................................... 9

4.1 Initiative Phase............................................................................................................................................. 9
4.2 Movement Phase ......................................................................................................................................... 9
4.3 Attack Phase ................................................................................................................................................ 9
4.4 End Phase ..................................................................................................................................................... 9

5. Movement Phase ............................................................................................................................... 10

5.1 Moving Ships and Submarines ............................................................................................................... 10
5.1.1 Squadrons............................................................................................................................................. 10
5.1.2 Submarines........................................................................................................................................... 10
5.1.3 Launching Helicopters ......................................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Moving Aircraft and Helicopters............................................................................................................. 11
5.2.1 Launching and Landing Aircraft .......................................................................................................... 12
5.2.2 Rearming Aircraft ................................................................................................................................. 12
5.3 Special Actions .......................................................................................................................................... 12
5.4 Detection Phase......................................................................................................................................... 13
5.4.1 Revealing Submarines......................................................................................................................... 13
5.4.2 Resolving Detection Attempts ............................................................................................................. 13
5.4.3 Contact Markers ................................................................................................................................... 14

6. Attack Phase ...................................................................................................................................... 16

6.1 Order of Attacks ........................................................................................................................................ 16
6.2 Eligible targets ........................................................................................................................................... 16
6.3 Guided or Unguided Weapons................................................................................................................ 16
6.4 Air Launched Attacks ............................................................................................................................... 17
Dogfights: ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
Anti-Ship and Land Attacks: ......................................................................................................................... 18
Anti-Submarine Attacks:................................................................................................................................ 18
6.5 Ship Launched Attacks ............................................................................................................................ 19
Surface Missile Attacks (SSM, SCM):.......................................................................................................... 19
Gun Attacks.................................................................................................................................................... 19
Torpedo Attacks............................................................................................................................................. 20
Anti-Submarine Depth Charges, Mortars and Rocket Launched ASW .................................................... 20
Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 2
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
6.6 Submarine Launched Attacks................................................................................................................. 20
6.4 Land Combat .............................................................................................................................................. 21
Shore Batteries: ............................................................................................................................................. 21
Marines and Land Combat: .......................................................................................................................... 21
6.6 Nuclear Weapons ...................................................................................................................................... 21

7. Damage ............................................................................................................................................... 22
7.1 Critical Hits ................................................................................................................................................. 22

8. End Phase........................................................................................................................................... 23
8.1 Damage Control ......................................................................................................................................... 23
8.2 Check Morale.............................................................................................................................................. 23

9. Ship and Weapon Traits .................................................................................................................. 23

9.1 Modern Ship and Submarine Traits ....................................................................................................... 23
9.2 Modern Aircraft and Helicopter Traits ................................................................................................... 24
9.3 Modern Weapon Traits ............................................................................................................................. 24

10. Fleet Choices ................................................................................................................................... 25

10.1 Pick System.......................................................................................................................................... 25
10.2 Point System ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Command Ratings and Crew Quality ........................................................................................................ 25

11. Setting Up the Game ...................................................................................................................... 25

11.1 Setting up the Playing Area................................................................................................................... 25
11.2 Determine Weather ................................................................................................................................. 26
11.3 Determine Mission .................................................................................................................................. 27
11.4 Rules of Engagement .......................................................................................................................... 28

Fleet Lists................................................................................................................................................ 31
Falklands War Royal Navy ............................................................................................................................. 32
Guerra de las Malvinas Armada de la Republica Argentina .................................................................... 37
Royal Navy ........................................................................................................................................................ 42
Australian Navy ................................................................................................................................................ 45
French Navy ...................................................................................................................................................... 48
Russian Navy.................................................................................................................................................... 51
Nato Northern Naval Forces .......................................................................................................................... 56
Swedish Navy ................................................................................................................................................... 58
United States Navy .......................................................................................................................................... 60
Chinese Navy.................................................................................................................................................... 65

Scenarios ................................................................................................................................................ 69

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 3
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Rules of Play

1. Introduction

Missiles at Sea (MAS) is a set of rules for wargames using naval miniatures of ships of the modern
era (1967 onwards). It includes rules and statistics to allow the playing of naval battles from the
Cold War (1967 to 1990) as well as the current day (2000 to 2020). This edition is updated
compared to the previous (2010 and 2019) editions.
MAS is intended as modern naval wargame similar in style to the Victory at Sea © miniatures rules
published by Mongoose Games. No challenge to their copyright is intended. A copy of Victory at
Sea © rules is not required to play this game. The rules are intended to be as simple as possible,
so that players focus on tactics, rather than statistics.
MAS is designed to be played with a range of similar sized fleets and Scenarios. Fleet sizes of 5
or 6 choices at Priority Level: Battle are recommended on a 6” x 4” table. Alternatively a point
system is included. Carrier forces tend to dominate larger games.
Players should appreciate that while MAS is meant to be as accurate as practical, it is a game of
naval warfare, not a simulation. Hopefully it will reward realistic tactics and punish bad ones.
Nevertheless, it contains many abstractions that remove it from reality. Some abstractions are to
make the game simple enough to be playable, while others are to ensure play balance. Still more
are simply because I do not have access to the real data and had to make guesses. The real
world is not balanced, but we like our games to be. So above all have fun, and sink someone J

2. Design Philosophy and Assumptions

This game is based on Victory at Sea and uses the well-tested movement, shooting and mission
rules of that game. It modifies them for modern naval combat based on two key principles:
n Differences in crew quality and training are at least as important as the quality of ships and
weapons in determining the victor. This game is based more on books like “The Hundred
Days”, Admiral Sandy Woodward’s account of the Falklands war, than Jane’s Fighting Ships.
n Similar weapons and ships systems are assumed to operate with equal effectiveness unless
there is a documented and quantifiable difference in their performance.
n These rules aim to incorporate the “fog of war” as fleets try to locate and identify the enemy
without using an umpire or excessive book-keeping.
The following assumptions are inherent in these rules
n When aircraft, ships or submarines use Active sensors, they are assumed to use all active
sensors at their disposal (Radar, Sonar and other media).
n All helicopters, interceptors, patrol and strike aircraft are assumed to operate at low level to
avoid detection. Reconnaissance and Early Warning aircraft are assumed to operate at high
level for maximum detection range.
n Once one ship or aircraft of a squadron is detected it is assumed that the detecting ship will
focus on that area and soon detect the group.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 4
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
2.1 Scale, Basing and Measurement
Modern naval weapons, are able to fire to far greater ranges than their WWII predecessors.
Therefore the scale of MAS is much larger than VAS.

Distance Scale: One inch = 1 nautical mile (approximately 1.8 kilometres)

Time Scale: One game turn = 10 minutes of real time.

Remember that the real ships would only be a few millimetres long at this scale. Therefore note
the following playing conventions.
n Measure distance and range from a central point on ships, the conning tower of submarines,
and the canopy of aircraft miniatures. Paint a white dot on miniatures to show this point.
n It does not matter if ships are placed in contact or appear to pass through each other in the
game; in practice there is plenty of space.
n Lines of sight and lines of fire do matter. You may not trace line of fire across friendly or
enemy ships without penalty.
n Ship miniatures should be mounted on bases to clarify their heading. However firing arcs
should again be taken from the centre of the ship.

Unit Type Base Size Unit Type Base Size

Super carrier 100 x 40mm Helicopter/Patrol Air 20 x 20mm
Carrier, Battleship 80 x 20mm Air Flight (4 x AF, AS) 20 x 20mm
Cruiser, large DD 60 x 20mm SSBN, SSGN 60 x 20mm
Frigate, Corvette 40 x 20mm SSN, SSK 40 x 20mm
Patrol Boat 20 x 20mm Tanker, large freighter 80 x 20mm
Land unit, Battery 20 x 20mm Freighter 60 x 20mm

2.2 Firing Arcs

These are greatly simplified as modern guided weapons can fire at targets in a 360’ arc.
n Guided weapons (missiles and some ASW) may fire into any quadrant (360’).
n Submarine torpedoes may not fire into their rear 180’ arc (their “baffles).
n Ship torpedoes may not fire into their forward or read 90’ arc.
Other unguided weapons (guns, AA Guns, CIWS, ASW) have arcs as follows:
n Guns and CIWS: Forward 270’ (F) or Rear 270’ (R)
n ASW Depth Charges, mortars (e.g. Limbo), rockets etc – may fire into any quadrant (360’).

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 5
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
The line of fire, traced from the firing ship to the target, may not pass over a friendly ship unless
the target is a high flying aircraft. It may not pass over land unless a gun, cruise missile (SCM) or
air attack at a land target.

2.3 Contacts and Deployment

The most critical feature of modern naval combat is finding the enemy. These rules try to reflect
the “Fog of War” and uncertain location of the enemy.
n Submarines may start the game off the board with their location square recorded.
n All other Ships and Subs start the game as Contact markers, with their identify unknown till
detected. A contact marker is a 2cm x 4cm rectangular token used to mark a location.
n At deployment place two Contact markers (one is a decoy), for each ship or sub deployed on
table. A decoy marker is a contact marker with the word “decoy” written on its face down side.
n Air search radars have very long range. Air units in flight including helicopters are placed on
table as normal. Unlaunched air units are assumed to be in their air base or ship.

2.4. Premeasuring

Modern captains and admirals have sophisticated fire control systems, rangefinders and, in many
cases, fire control radar. During the combat phase pre-measuring is permitted. However, to speed
play only one distance measure may be made per ship per turn.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 6
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
3. Ships, Submarines and Aircraft in Missiles at Sea

Ships statistics are contained in a roster that shows all the offensive and defensive capabilities it
has, point value, plus some useful historical facts. Submarines have similar rosters.

OH Perry Class Frigate

Speed: 5 in. Turning: 3 Target: 6+
Armour: 2+ Traits: Sub-Hunter Damage: 4/1 In Service: 1977 Points: 25 EW: 2 Gen
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special

SM1MR Tartar SAM 24 2 2 Gen 1 SAM SS

Harpoon SSM 40 2+ 2 Gen 7 SSkim

(F) 76mm Gun 6 2 Unguided 2 Air capable

(M) 20mm Phalanx CIWS 1 - 2 Gen - CIWS

Mk 32 TTG 6 2 2 Gen 3 ASW

2 SH60 Lamps 1 Helicopter

Speed: This is the maximum distance in inches the ship can move in a single turn.

Turning: This is the maximum number of 30 degree turns the ship can complete.

Target: This is the base number to roll (or higher) to hit the ship with unguided weapons.

Armour: This is the base number to roll (or higher) to damage the ship if it is hit.

Damage: The first number is the total damage the ship can take before sinking. The second
number is the damage taken before the ship is crippled.

EW: This is the Electronic Warfare (EW) rating of the ship, representing jammers, decoys and so
on. This affects how hard it is to hit the ship with guided weapons. A higher rating is better.

Traits: These list special abilities the ship may have in moving, firing or detecting the enemy.

In service: This is the date the class entered service, and the date it finished service if

Points: This is the point value of the ship in games with points based fleets.

Weapons: each weapon system is listed, together with its range (in inches), number of attacks
(AD), EW level (EW) if guided, number of dice rolled for damage inflicted (DD) and weapon traits.
Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 7
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Some weapons (e.g. Torpedo Tubes, VLS systems or Helicopters) may fire a choice of more than
one type of attack. They may choose one per turn. For these weapons the additional attack
choices are listed below and have the word “Or” preceding them. E.g. a Kilo Submarine Bow
torpedo tube may fire a 533mm guided torpedo Or an SSN15 Starfish missile.

Aircraft units in MAS represent flights of four fighter (AF) or strike (AS) planes or helicopters or a
smaller number of larger types like patrol (AP) and recon (AEW). Statistics are listed for each fleet
in similar fashion. Note that different navies operate different versions of the same aircraft, armed
with different weapons. Therefore the statistics for aircraft with the same name may vary from
navy to navy. Always check the aircraft statistics for your particular fleet.

Aircraft Role Cost Speed EW Dogfight Range AD DD DP Note

F35 Lightning AF/AS 35 72 4 +4/+2 0/12 4 1/4 4/2 ASM

Most ratings are the same as those defined for ships, with the following exceptions.

Role: This is the type of air mission a unit is able to perform. AF is Fighter, AS is Strike, AP is
Patrol, ASW is Anti-Submarine and AEW is Airborne Early Warning. Some aircraft can perform
more than one mission. For example AF/AS means the F35 Lightning can launch as a Fighter (AF)
or strike aircraft (AS).

Dogfight: This represents the ability to fight against other aircraft, with guns or missiles (AAMs).

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 8
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
4. Turn Sequence

Each turn of MAS consists of the following four phases, which must be completed in this order:

4.1 Initiative Phase

Roll to determine which player has the initiative for the current turn. Each player rolls two dice and
the higher total gains the initiative. If one side has a higher Command rating it adds one to its
score. If the totals are tied the player without the initiative the previous turn gains it. Command
ratings reflect both crew professionalism and the amount of time ships spend at sea.

Veteran Navies (Command 5) = UK, Australia, Japan; Cold War USA, Canada and Netherlands
Average Navies (Command 4) = Modern USA, Other NATO, Israel, India, Egypt, Cold War Soviet
Green (Command 3) = Argentina, China, Pakistan, Russia, Mid-Eastern, Asian, Warsaw Pact

Players may designate one fleet flagship. This has its command rating in increased by one.

4.2 Movement Phase

The player with the initiative decides whether to move first or second. Players then alternate
moving their ships and submarines one by one. Squadrons of ships are moved as a single unit.
Helicopters are launched and moved when their controlling ship moves. The player with the
initiative then moves all their fighter aircraft, followed by the other player. Next the player with the
initiative moves all their non-fighter aircraft (and escorting fighters), followed by the other player.
Finally the player with the initiative moves all their CAP fighter aircraft, followed by the other
player. At the end of each unit’s movement, check for any detection attempts by it.

4.3 Attack Phase

Conduct attacks against any detected enemy within range. Each unit may only attack once and
must do so within the appropriate segment of the attack phase. Within each segment of the attack
phase the players alternate to make attacks with their units one by one, starting with the player
with the initiative. Squadrons of ships or air groups may attack as a single unit.

n Air to Air Attack Segment

n Air to Surface and Air ASW Attack Segment
n Ship Attack Segment
n Submarine Attack Segment
4.4 End Phase

Complete damage control and fire fighting for any ships and submarines that have taken damage.

Check Morale for any submarines, squadrons or fleets that have taken more than 50% losses. For
any squadron or fleet that has suffered more than 50% of its units being crippled and/or sunk, roll
a die plus Command rating to score a total of Command 8+ or the squadron or fleet leaves the
game. For any submarine that has taken more than 50% damage also roll Command 8+ or the
Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 9
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
submarine leaves the game. If a squadron retires all remaining ships in it must immediately in their
next turn move towards their entry board edge at the maximum speed of the slowest ship in the
squadron. If an entire fleet retires then the opposing fleet wins the game. Crippled ships that
have already been detached from a squadron and retire towards their entry edge do not count as
losses for morale purposes if they safely leave the table via their entry edge.

5. Movement Phase

The player who won the initiative decides whether to move first or second. Players then alternate
in each moving a submarine, ship or squadron, until none remain. Helicopters are moved when
their launching ship is moved. Aircraft are then moved in initiative order, first all the fighter aircraft,
then all the other aircraft. Any unit (ship, sub or aircraft) may only move once in a turn.

5.1 Moving Ships and Submarines

All ships and subs must move forward by at least one inch up to their speed score in inches.
Movement must be straight ahead except for turns permitted depending on the ships turning
ability. All ships and submarines may turn half way through their movement and at the end of their
movement. Each turn is up to 180 degrees if turn rating 4, 90 degrees if turn rating 3, 60 degrees if
rating 2, 45 degrees if rating 1. When turning a ship or submarine turn it about the centre point of
the base, so that the bow moves but the centre remains in the same place. After the turn is
completed move the ship forward for the remainder of its move. Ships may move through the
bases of other ships but must end with their base clear of other ships’ bases.

Counters representing decoys or unidentified ships are moved exactly the same as miniatures
representing identified ships. Players should be careful not to exceed the speed or turning ability
of the corresponding ship or submarine when moving a counter.

5.1.1 Squadrons

Ships may be specified as a squadron before the start of play. If so they then move and fire as a
single unit during the game. Ships in a squadron must remain within 6 inches of each other during
the game. Ships in a squadron use the flagship’s command score for movement and morale as
long as they are within 6” of the flagship. Fire is simultaneous but may be at different targets.
Ships may only leave their squadron if they have been crippled. Their move must then be to leave
the table by the shortest route, out of sight of enemy if possible.

5.1.2 Submarines

During deployment, players may deploy submarines normally as contact markers, or may opt to
secretly record which 2 feet x 2 feet square the submarine is located in. If recorded, the player
must roll 4+ at the start of their movement phase to reveal their location and place the submarine
on the table anywhere in that square. When a submarine is placed after hidden deployment it must
be at least six inches from an enemy ship or submarine if possible. All submarines are assumed to
operate underwater at Periscope depth or deeper. A submarine may only be attacked by weapons

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 10
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
rated as “ASW” or “TTG”.

5.1.3 Launching Helicopters

Ships with helicopters may launch them when the ship moves. In Storms this requires a command
roll of 8 (Carriers add 2). If the Command Roll die is a score of 1 the Helicopter is lost. Ships with
more than one helicopter still only place a single helicopter marker. It is assumed that the
increased number of helicopters will improve the effectiveness of searches and attacks.

Helicopters are treated as aircraft for movement and so are moved in the air movement phase.
Helicopters are moved as a single air unit with a strength equal to the number of helicopters
launched by the ship. Helicopters may attempt to land at the end of the air movement phase if they
are over their launching ship.

5.2 Moving Aircraft and Helicopters

Aircraft move in initiative order up to their movement distance, measured from the centre of the
miniature. Aircraft turning is unlimited. There is no minimum distance for aircraft, as it is assumed
they can circle to remain in place. Fighters and other aircraft (including helicopters) are normally
moved separately. However players may move air flights together at launch (within 1”) and then
move and attack with them as a single group subsequently.

Aircraft movement is restricted depending on the type of aircraft. Some aircraft and helicopters
may undertake multiple roles (eg AF/AS). Their role must be specified when they are launched or
deployed. Drones are unmanned helicopters. They launch, move and land like helicopters.

Only fighter flights (AF) may be moved into contact with enemy aircraft. This represents initiating a
dogfight. Once a dogfight is formed neither side may remove contacted aircraft until the next turn.
Fighters within two inches of friendly air units are assumed to be acting in an escort role. If enemy
fighters contact an air unit any escorting fighters within two inches of the contacted air unit may
intercept and dogfight the enemy fighter in place of the contacted aircraft. Fighters may be
designated as Combat Air Patrol (CAP) if not moved. They may then be moved to contact any
enemy aircraft within detection range of the CAP or a friendly AEW aircraft after other aircraft
movement is completed. This creates a dogfight. Aircraft may undertake two turns of dogfighting
after which they must return to base to land to refuel and rearm.

To prevent players taking unfair advantage of their knowledge of what units are on the table, only
Helicopters, Patrol or ASW aircraft may be moved into detection range with enemy contact
markers or units that have not been detected (see section 6). Strike aircraft may be moved within
weapon range of detected ships. If successfully launched, a Helicopter marker may be placed
within detection range (6”) of an enemy contact marker or within weapons range of a detected ship
or submarine. Helicopters may not be moved beyond its speed/distance from the launching ship.

Strike (AS), Patrol (AP) and ASW aircraft must return to their base or launching ship to land to
refuel and rearm after they complete any ship or submarine attack.
Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 11
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
5.2.1 Launching and Landing Aircraft

It takes a turn to launch and land aircraft, during which they can only move up to six inches.
Aircraft carriers must move at least half speed and straight (no change of direction) during the turn
of launching. Aircraft carriers can normally launch or land three air units per turn, +1 if an Angled
Flight Deck, and +1 launching if equipped with Catapults. Carriers with a Ski-Jump can launch one
extra STOL or VTOL air unit per turn. For example the USS Nimitz, equipped with both, can
launch 5 flights or land 4 flights in a single turn, or any combination thereof.

Bad weather affects the ability to launch and land aircraft. In Rough weather a Command Roll of 8
is required to launch an aircraft or 6 to launch helicopters. In Storms a Command Roll of 10 is
required to launch an aircraft or 8 for helicopters. Aircraft are lost if they roll a 1 landing in Rough
or Storm, and Helicopters are lost if they roll a 1 landing in Storm.

5.2.2 Rearming Aircraft

Once aircraft have flown a mission and landed they need to be refuelled and rearmed before they
can be launched again. This takes two turns to complete. There is no limit to the number of aircraft
flights that may be rearmed and refuelled per turn. Multi-role aircraft (e.g. Fighter or Strike; Patrol
or ASW) must specify their next role and weapon load at this time.

5.3 Special Actions

These may be nominated by a player when a ship or submarine is moved. Many require a
command check to be made before they take effect. A Command Check means rolling 1D6 plus
the ships’ command rating and getting the score or higher. A unit may only attempt one special
action per turn.

All Hands on Deck (automatic) – The ship’s crew is focused on damage control. If successful
increase all damage control rolls by one and may attempt to repair any number of critical hits. The
ship may not make any attacks this turn, except automatic systems such as CIWS.

Come About (Command 8) – The ship adds one to its turning score this turn.

Evasive (Command 8) – The ship or submarine turns hard in a zig-zag fashion to throw off an
attacker. It may not launch torpedos or launch or recover aircraft or helicopters this turn. If
successful all unguided attacks hitting the ship or submarine this turn must be rerolled. All
successful attacks made by the ship or submarine must also be rerolled.

Flank Speed (Automatic) – may increase speed by 1” if in coastal waters, nuclear powered
anywhere, or in deep ocean if in a squadron with a replenishment ship. Flank speed uses a lot of
fuel and ships will not attempt it unless range is not a problem. Add one to targeting of all
unguided weapon attacks by ships in the squadron this turn.

Rig for Silent Running (Command 9) – A submarine may only move at half speed or less while
attempting this. If successful subtract one from rolls to detect the submarine.
Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 12
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Sub Hunter (Command 10) - This ability represents units with sonobuoys, towed array sonar or
VDS systems that are able to detect hidden submarines at long range. If successful place any
submarines that have been deployed hidden in the sub-hunter’s square on the table, at least six
inches from enemy ships. The sub-hunter may not move more than half speed while performing
this action.

5.4 Detection Phase

At the end of movement players should check if contact markers are detected or submarines
revealed. Visual detection is automatic. Other search types may be undertaken by revealed units,
not decoy markers. Any decoy marker that ends movement within visual detection range of enemy
is removed.

5.4.1 Revealing Submarines

Aircraft, helicopters, ships and submarines rated as “Sub Hunter” may attempt to reveal
undeployed submarines – that is, they may determine whether there are any enemy submarines
secretly deployed in the 2’x2’ sector they are deployed in.

Each Sub-Hunter rated unit may test for one square per turn. They may test each turn. Note that
some submarines are also rated as “Sub-Hunters” but must already be revealed to perform this
type of search.

Whenever a sub-hunter enters a new square the player may declare a Sub-Hunter Special Action
and roll a die for each Sub-Hunter in the area. If any die is a “Six” all enemy submarines recorded
as deployed in that square must be revealed. They are placed by their owning player at least 6”
from enemy. Sub-hunters may not do any other Special Action that turn.

5.4.2 Resolving Detection Attempts

Detection attempts are required to determine whether an enemy contact marker is a unit or decoy,
and to allow attacks on identified enemy units within weapon range. Many different types of search
technology are employed in modern naval warfare. The search procedure simplifies these based
on their range and type.

An important concept in detection is the Horizon Range (6” for subs and small craft, 12” for ships;
24” for low air units). Most visual and radar searches only work to the Horizon. Detection beyond
the horizon is possible to 24” using ESM or Helicopter searches. Detection beyond 24” is only
possible with AEW aircraft at high altitude.

Visual Search – automatically identifies ships & air – Range = 12”

Radar Search – Remote search to detect air; Roll 4+ – Range = 12” to 24” (AEW*)
ESM Search – Remote search to detect ship; Roll 6+ – Range = 12” to 24”
Sonar Search – Roll 4+ to detect ship & sub – Range = 12”
Helicopter Search – Remote search to detect ship & sub; Roll (6-n)+. – Range = 24”

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 13
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Visual/Radar Search

Any enemy Ship or Air unit within visual detection range (12”) is automatically identified by any
ship or air unit. Any enemy Air unit within radar detection range (24”) is identified by any ship or air
unit with a roll of 4+. Submarines may use visual search if they come to periscope depth. They are
then subject to visual and radar detection searches by ships and air units similar to a small boat.


1. AEW Units have a longer Radar Search range specified in their stats.
2. Visual/radar range to/from small boats is halved (6” to Ships; 12” to Air)
3. Visual/radar range in Storms is halved to 6”.

ESM Search

A ship or submarine may attempt to detect any one enemy Ship or Sub unit that approaches within
ESM detection range. It is detected by a Roll of 6+. Air units cannot be detected in a tactical
timescale by ESM.

Sonar Search

A ship, submarine or AP air unit may attempt to detect any one enemy Ship or Sub unit that is
within Sonar detection range. It is detected by any ship or air unit on a roll of 4+. Air units cannot
be detected. Sub-Hunters add 1 to the die. Silent Submarines subtract 1; Noisy submarines add 1.

Helicopter Search

A helicopter may attempt to detect any one enemy Ship or Sub unit that is within detection range
of the helicopter (6”). It is detected by the Helicopter on a roll of 5+. Add 1 for each additional
helicopter searching for it. Revealed Sub-Hunters add 1 to the die. Revealed Silent Submarines
subtract 1; Revealed Very Silent Submarines subtract 2; Noisy submarines add 1 to the die.

Designer’s Note: Many helicopters have a much longer range than stated. The search radius
specified for helicopters represents the area of ocean near their ship they can practically scan.

5.4.3 Contact Markers

When a ship or submarine Contact marker is detected or otherwise identified the “Contact” counter
is replaced by the miniature that represents the unit. At this point counters representing decoys
should be removed. Players should put the name of the corresponding ship or submarine on the
reverse side of the corresponding counter. Other counters should have “Decoy” written on their
reverse side. Even if not revealed by enemy searches, contacts are revealed and replaced by the
corresponding miniature if they fire any weapon, launch or recover aircraft or helicopters, attempt
to Detect enemy units or attempt to perform any Special Action.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 14
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Ship Special Abilities

Some units have special attributes that affect their ability to performing certain actions:

Boats – Ships with boats may use them to land marines on an island or land shore within 3” in any

Marines – Marine units may be landed on an island or coastal shore. They move 3” per turn.
Marine units immediately gain control of any land airfield or destroy any coastal battery within 3”.
If both sides have Marines within 3” land combat ansues.

Noisy – Ships or submarines rated as noisy are easy for Sonar to detect. Add 1 to the die on all
Sonar detection attempts on them.

Replenishment – A ship with this ability is able to keep its squadron supplied with fuel and
ammunition. This allows non-nuclear ships to move faster in deep ocean, and one-shot weapons
to be used again if the ship carrying them remains in contact with the replenishment ship for a turn
and performs no other action.

Silent – Ships or submarines rated as silent are hard for Sonar to detect. Subtract 1 from dice on
all Sonar and Helicopter detection attempts on them.

Stealthy – Ships or aircraft rated as Stealthy are hard for radar to detect. Subtract 1 from dice on
all detection attempts.

Sub Hunter – Aircraft, helicopters, ships or submarines rated as Sub Hunter are expert in Sonar
detection. Add 1 to the die on Sub detection attempts by them.

Very Silent – Ships or submarines rated as very silent are hard for Sonar to detect. Subtract 2
from dice on all Sonar and Helicopter detection attempts on them.

Aircraft Special Abilities

Some units have special attributes that affect their ability to performing certain actions:

AEW – Air unit provides 48” radar (sea and air) search radius. May direct CAP to hostile air units.

Drone – UAVs launch, move and land like a helicopter. They are replaced each turn if shot down.

STOL/VTOL – Short/Vertical take off and landing. May use ski-jump to increase carrier launches.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 15
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
6. Attack Phase
6.1 Order of Attacks

Attacks are carried out one unit at a time alternating between each player, with the initiative player
deciding whether to go first or second in each step. The order of attacks depends on the weapon

n Resolve Air to Air attacks in initiative order

n Resolve other Air attacks in initiative order
n Resolve Ship launched attacks in initiative order
n Resolve Submarine launched attacks in initiative order
Each ship, squadron, sub or air unit may only launch one attack per turn. Defensive systems such
as SAMs, PDM and CIWS may be used each time a ship is attacked. Ships and subs may attack
more than one target. Ships and subs may only attack one target type per turn.

6.2 Eligible targets

For any attack to be carried out, the unit (ship, sub air or ground battery) launching the attack must
have an eligible target. To be eligible a target must be within the weapon range from the firer,
within the firing arc of the weapons to be used, the firer must have clear line of fire (i.e. not blocked
by friendly units or land), must be identified (not a contact marker) and must be detected by either
the firer or another friendly spotting unit able to transmit data to the firer. Typically this will be
either another ship in the same task force within 6” or the ship’s helicopter if within 12”.

For a ship the friendly spotting unit must be either a ship in the same squadron, its own helicopter,
a patrol or AEW aircraft if firing at a ship or air unit, or an ASW aircraft if firing at a submarine. For
a submarine indirect spotting is not permitted. For air units a patrol or AEW aircraft may spot.
Spotting units within visual range (12”) detect the target automatically and enable fire. If the
spotting unit is beyond the horizon (12” to 24”) or is using sonar to detect a submarine, then it
needs to roll to detect.

Roll 4+ for sonar detection of submarines within 12”.

Roll 6+ for ESM detection of ships from 12” to 24”.
Roll 6+ for helicopter detection of ships or submarines up to 24” with a -1 for each extra helicopter
Roll 4+ for a ship to detect attacking ASMs or SSMs and be able to fire SAMs.
Weapons are able to be used against certain target types. Aircraft can attack aircraft (AAM), ships
and land (Bombs/ASM) and submarines (ASW). Missiles can attack aircraft (SAM, PDM), or ships
(ASM/SSM). Guns can attack aircraft, ships or land. Torpedoes can attack ships (TT/TTG) or
submarines (TTG).

6.3 Guided or Unguided Weapons

There are many different types of naval weapons. They are divided into two categories: guided &
unguided. Aircraft guns, torpedoes (TT), depth charges and ship guns are unguided. All missiles
Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 16
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
(SAM, PDM, ASM, SSM, SCM), ASW and wire guided torpedoes (TTG) are guided. For all
attacks, the same procedure is used. Work out the “base” to hit number that must be rolled equal
or higher for each attack dice (AD). Any CIWS always hit on a 4+.

• For Unguided weapons, roll equal to or higher than the Target rating of the target.
• For Guided weapons, roll a hit number based on difference in EW of weapon and target:
Guided Weapon Hit Table
EW -2 -1 Even +1 +2
Die Roll to hit 6 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+
Guided Weapon Hit Number Example

A Kilo Class submarine fires guided torpedoes (TTG) at a Duke class frigate (EW 3). The Kilo has
3 AD and so rolls 3 to hit dice. The target Duke’s EW is 3, and the Kilo torpedoes EW is 3.
Therefore a die roll of 4 or higher is required to score a hit on each dice. For each hit, then roll six
dice (DD 6) to check damage.

6.4 Air Launched Attacks


Dogfights are resolved in initiative order before any Aircraft attacks against ship or land targets.
This means that intercepting fighters may turn away or shoot down strike aircraft before they
launch their attacks.

Dogfights are confusing melees and no other weapons may shoot into them. For each AF unit
involved, in initiative order, select an enemy air unit that it is in contact with. The attacker rolls AD
with each success scoring a point of damage. The “to hit” score is determined by comparing the
Dogfight ratings of each plane. The defender may use their EW score instead of Dogfighting. Add
1 for Veteran (Command 5) crews and subtract one for Green (Command 3) crews. The winner
inflicts one point of damage on the loser for each successful hit. If the winner was using their EW
score no damage is inflicted on the loser. Flights damaged to their damage rating are shot down.
Crippled air units retreat to their launching carrier or airfield the next turn, and do not fire if they
have not done so already. Winning or drawing non-fighter aircraft complete their mission.

Note: Some aircraft with multi-role capability have different factors in each role. For example
fighter bombers have less AAMs in a strike role, and a lower dogfight factor.

Dogfight Example

A Nimitz Class Carrier (EW 2) has two defending F35 AF (Dogfight 3, EW 4) units launched and
acting as CAP. It receives an incoming air attack from a group of 4 Chinese air units – two J15 AF
flights (Dogfight 3, EW 3) escorting two JD7 flights AS (Dogfight 1, EW 2). At the end of
movement the US player moves the CAP units into contact with the Chinese to form a dogfight.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 17
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
In initiative order first the J15 AFs attack one F35 each. The F35s defend with their EW rating (4).
Each J15 needs a 5+ to hit. The first rolls 1, 2, 2, 5 for one hit but no cripple or destroy result.
The other J15 rolls 2, 3, 5, 6 for two hits. This cripples (damages) one F35 which now must retire.
The US player now fires the other F35 (Dogfight 3) at one JD7 flight which uses its EW rating (2)
to defend. It needs a 3+ to hit. It rolls 3, 4, 4, 5 for four hits. The JD7 is destroyed. The
remaining JD7 survives and it may now attack the Nimitz. If the JD7 elected to attack the F35 in
its initiative instead, there is a risk it would be shot down.

Anti-Ship and Land Attacks:

Aircraft in range of detected ship or land targets may fire any weapons carried with sufficient
range. The attacker first specifies which attacking aircraft are launching what weapons at which
defenders. The targeted ship or land units next roll to detect the incoming attack if it is from
missiles launched beyond visual range. Make a Command Roll to detect for each friendly ship
within six inches of a target ship or the firer to detect the attack. If successful the target ship and
others in its squadron may then fire AA defences at any attacking aircraft or missiles in range.
Remove any shot down aircraft or missiles and damaged aircraft after AA fire is complete. After
AA fire surviving missiles attack the ship or surviving aircraft may bomb their target. Roll one
attack dice (AD) for each surviving missile, or the number of AD indicated for each surviving
aircraft. Roll the weapon’s number of Damage Dice (DD) for each hit. Any DD roll equal or greater
than the target’s armour rating causes a point of damage.

The capability of air defence systems varies. SAMs may fire at any detected aircraft or missiles
attacking any friendly ship within range. PDMs may fire at any aircraft or missiles attacking their
ship, or any friendly ship within range. CIWS may fire at any attacking aircraft or missile in range,
regardless of whether it was detected or not. AA guns may fire at any enemy aircraft in range, but
may not fire at missiles. Note that Sea Skimming missiles may only be fired at by CIWS, PDMs
and Sea- Skimming-capable SAM weapons.

Anti-Submarine Attacks:

If a Patrol of ASW aircraft armed with an ASW weapon (ASW, TTG or Depth charge) detects a
submarine it may attack it immediately in the Attack Phase. The attack cannot be stopped by the
sub. Roll the indicated number of attack dice (AD) for the aircraft in an ASW role to hit using the
relevant method for Guided (TTG, ASW) or Unguided (Depth Charge) weapons. Roll the indicated
number of Damage Dice (DD) for each hit. Any DD roll equal or greater than the target’s armor
rating causes a point of damage.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 18
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
6.5 Ship Launched Attacks

Ship attacks include ship missiles versus aircraft (SAMs, PDMs) other ships (SSMs, SCMs) or
land targets (SCM); guns versus ships or land targets; torpedos (TT or TTG) versus ships; guided
torpedos (TTG) versus ships or submarines, and depth charges / ASW weapons versus
submarines. All targets must be detected before firing. This is automatic for radar and ship and air
targets within the visual horizon. Roll 4+ to detect a land target in visual range and submarine in
sonar range (12”), Silent sub -1, Noisy sub +1, Sub-hunter +1.

Surface Missile Attacks (SSM, SCM):

Ships may fire Surface to Surface Missiles (SSMs) at any detected enemy ship within range of the
missile provided. The target must still have been detected by a friendly ship, helicopter, Patrol or
ASW aircraft. If the target is not currently within visual range of the firing ship, its helicopter or
another ship in the squadron, first roll the ship crew skill (Trained 4+) to acquire the target tracking
data and fire SSMs. After launching, place markers for the SSM attacks next to each target ship,
with each attack die (AD) representing a missile. Surface Cruise Missiles (SCM) are treated the
same as SSMs except that SCMs may also cross land and fire at land targets.
The target and friendly ships in range must detect the SSMs to fire in defence. Make a Command
Roll to detect missiles in time to react. AA guns may not be fired at SSMs. SAMs and PDMs on
friendly ships in range of the target and with LOS to the missiles may fire in defence. CIWS
systems on the target ship may fire at each attacking SSM strike even if the target ship did not
detect the SSMs. Other defensive weapons may only be fired once per turn. Remember to
allocate all permissible defensive ships weapons before starting to roll for hits. In real life these
decisions must be made in seconds. Any weapons not allocated before rolling dice are assumed
to have been forgotten and may not be fired at that attack.
All hits from defensive fire by SAMs, PDMs and CIWS destroy one attacking missile. After
defensive fire surviving SSMs try to hit the target. If the SSM attack was not detected by the target
the hit number is 2+. If it was detected roll a Guided to hit roll for each missile. Then roll the
missiles number of Damage Dice (DD) for each hit. All rolls greater than the target’s Armor rating
score a point of damage. All SCM attacks on detected land targets hit them on a die roll of 4+ if
infantry or a Guided Weapon table roll if a vehicle.
Gun Attacks

Ships in range and firing arc may fire gun attacks. Unlike SSMs, it does not matter if friendly ships
block LOS. Naval guns can fire over obstacles in between. Gun attacks may not be intercepted by
defensive weapons.
§ Roll to hit using unguided factors (equal or greater than target number) for each AD, Veteran
crews +1, Green crews -1, Range < 6 inches +1.
§ Roll DD for each hit, with each score greater than the Armor rating causing a point of damage.
CIWS and AA guns may fired as gun attacks at small craft.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 19
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Torpedo Attacks

There are two types of torpedo attacks, Guided (TTG) and Unguided (TT). Both may be fired at
ships but only TTG may be fired at submarines. Torpedoes may not be intercepted. Each AD
represents one torpedo.
§ Roll Target to hit with TT (-1 from target’s Bow/Stern arc, +1 if range < 3 inches).
§ Roll vs comparative EW ratings to hit for TTG. For each hit roll damage dice.
Anti-Submarine Depth Charges, Mortars and Rocket Launched ASW

These attacks represent a variety of different Anti-submarine weapons (ASW) used by ships
against subs, such as conventional depth charges, depth charge-throwing mortars (eg. Limbo),
rocket depth charges (RBUs) and rocket launched ASW torpedos (ASROC and SSN14). ASW
attacks cannot be intercepted. Roll Target to hit for Depth Charges, Rockets and Mortars (Veteran
+1, Green -1) and on the Guided Weapon Hit Table for ASW Torpedos and rocket launched
torpedos (Noisy sub +1, Silent -1).

Surface Combat Example

An Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer (EW 2) has used its Firescout UAV to detect four approaching
Chinese Houbei Class Patrol Boats at a range of 28 inches. The Houbeis are unable to detect the
Arleigh Burke at this range. The Arleigh Burke fires two Harpoon SSMs (EW 2) at two of the
Houbeis. The Houbei’s roll a 2, 3, 5 and 6 to spot the incoming SSMs. The target Houbeis fire
PDMs at each incoming SSM. They need a 4+ (SSM EW = 2; PDM EW = 2) to hit. They roll a 3
and a 5, shooting down one missile. The remaining SSM needs a 4+ to hit (EW 2 vs 2) and rolls a
4, hitting and sinking one Houbei. The Houbeis cannot fire back as the Arleigh Burke is unspotted

The next turn the Houbeis close to a range of 21 inches. They are now within ESSM range and
roll 2, 3 and 6 for spotting, detecting the Arleigh Burke. In firing the Houbeis have first initiative.
They fire as a squadron 6 (2 AD each) CM803 SSMs (EW2) at the Arleigh Burke. The Arleigh
Burke fires the VLS PDM and 20mm CIWS in defense. The PDM has rate of fire 4 and EW 3. It
needs a 3+ to hit the SSMs. It scores 5, 6, 6, 1 for 3 hits, leaving 3 SSMs. The 20mm CIWS now
fires with ROF 2, needing a 4+ to hit. It rolls 1 and 4 for another hit. Two remaining SSMs now
attack the Arleigh Burke (SSM EW 2 vs ship EW 3). They need a 5+ to hit. They roll 2, 5 for a hit!
The Arleigh Burke now nervously rolls 6 damage dice (DD), taking damage on each 2+.

6.6 Submarine Launched Attacks

Submarines may fire a range of weapons including torpedos (TT), guided torpedos (TT), surface
to surface missiles (SSM) and rocket launched anti-submarine torpedos (ASW). Submarine
launched missiles may be shot down by defences in the same fashion as for ASMs and ship
launched SSMs. Other submarine launched weapons may not be intercepted. Each AD represents
one torpedo or missile.
§ Roll Target to hit with TT (-1 from target’s Bow/Stern arc, +1 if range < 3 inches).
§ Roll vs comparative EW ratings to hit for all other attacks. For each hit roll damage dice.
Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 20
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Submarines firing weapons from their torpedo tubes create noise and the risk of detection. After a
submarine launches an attack roll 4+ for detection by any one enemy ship within sonar range
(Silent submarine -1, Noisy submarine +1, Sub Hunter +1).

6.4 Land Combat

Shore Batteries:

Guns and missiles may be mounted in shore-based batteries. These may include SAMs, PDMs,
SSMs and Guns (artillery) typically of 4” or 5” in calibre. They may fire at any Land, sea or Air unit
in range. Each Shore Battery has 4 AD and range and DD as per the appropriate weapon.

Batteries may be either fixed or mobile and are hit on a 4+ by Bombs or SCM. Mobile batteries
have a speed of 3” and 2+ Damage roll. Fixed batteries have a speed of 0” and 4+ Damage roll.
Both have 4/2 damage points.

Marines and Land Combat:

Marines automatically capture air bases and destroy land batteries within 3” if unopposed. If both
sides have Marines within 3” land combat is resolved in Initiative order. For each Marine unit,
select an enemy unit within 3”. Roll a die. On a 4+ the unit is destroyed. After land combat is
concluded any enemy land batteries within 3” of a surviving marine unit are destroyed.

6.6 Nuclear Weapons

The US, UK, Chinese, Soviet, Russian, Indian and Pakistani Navies may purchase nuclear
weapons for 50 points each. Ships with weapons able to deliver nuclear warheads, are indicated
with a *N. Players secretly record which weapon system on which ship, sub or air unit carries a
nuclear warhead. Even if purchased, use of nuclear weapons requires political approval. If a
player wishes to launch a nuclear warhead during a turn, announce it at the start of the Attack
Phase. On a roll of six launch is approved!

Conduct attacks with nuclear armed weapons as normal. If a hit is not achieved the nuke does not
explode. If a hit is achieved the target is destroyed automatically. Aircraft and helicopters within six
inches are destroyed. Ships, submarines and land units (Batteries or Marines) within six inches roll
(six less the range) Damage Dice.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 21
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
7. Damage

For each SSM, ASM, Bomb or Gun hit, roll the corresponding number of DD. Each roll >= Armour
rating does 1 damage point. Torpedos and ASW roll Damage Dice but Armour rating higher than
3+ is treated as 3+. When cumulative damage points exceed the target’s total it sinks. When
cumulative damage points exceed 1/3 the target is crippled.

7.1 Critical Hits

Ships receive a critical hit for each damage point. Roll 2d6 for each hit to determine the critical.
Fire starts on any double throw. Where more than one system is possible to be hit, roll to select.

Die Roll Critical Hit vs Warship Vs Carrier Vs Submarine

2 Major hull damage, +1 DP Major hull damage, +3 DP Major hull damage, +1 DP

3 Secondary weapon system, + 1DP Secondary weapon system, 2 DP Torpedo tube (1/2 fire), + 1DP

Hangar/Heli damage or +1 DP Loose 2 embarked flights, 3DP Torpedo tube (1/2 fire) , + 1DP

5 Missile systems damaged, +1 DP Missile system damaged, +2 DP No Missile launch, + 1DP

6 Machinery, Speed -3, +1 DP Machinery, Speed -3, +2 DP Machinery, Speed, -1, + 1DP

7 Machinery, Speed -3, +1 DP Machinery, Speed -3, +2 DP Machinery, Speed, -1, + 1DP

8 Radar damage, Detection -1. +1 DP Fire, + 1 DP & 1 DP per turn Sonar, no detection, + 1DP

9 Fire, +1 DP & 1 DP per turn Fire, +2 DP & +1 DP per turn Hull noise, detection +1, + 1DP

10 Fire, +1 DP & +1 DP per turn D3 Fire, +3 DP & +1 DP per turn Vital systems

11 D2 Fire, +1 DP & +1 DP per turn Vital systems Vital systems

12 Vital systems Vital systems Vital systems

Vital Systems

D6 Area Effect

1 Propulsion damage Ship loses propulsion, Speed = 0

2 Major damage/Flight deck No Launch & land, Submarines are sunk unless surfaced within 3T

3 Combat system damage All AD at -1, No missile/torpedo/flights launch

4 Sensor damage +4 DP, No radar, No sonar = No sub detection possible

5 Power failure Ship loses all offensive & defensive weaponry. No sonar/no radar.

6 Catastrophic explosion Ship explodes and sinks

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 22
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
8. End Phase

Damage control is vital to preventing the total loss of ships that have been damaged and are on
fire. Skilled crews have more disciplined and better trained damage control teams. Destroyed
aircraft are lost for the game. Damaged aircraft may be repaired while being readied for relaunch.
Hull damage points on ships and subs cannot be repaired, but damage to weapons and non-vital
systems can be.

8.1 Damage Control

In the end phase, for each damaged ship or sub, roll Command 9+ to repair one system.
Destroyed helicopters and air units cannot be repaired.

8.2 Check Morale

Check Morale for any submarines, squadrons or fleets that have taken more than 50% losses. For
any squadron or fleet that has suffered more than 50% of its units being crippled and/or sunk, roll
a die plus Command score to score a total of Command 8+ or the squadron or fleet leaves the
game. For any submarine that has taken more than 50% damage also roll Command 8+ or the
submarine leaves the game. If a squadron retires all remaining ships in it immediately turn towards
their entry board edge moving at the maximum speed of the slowest ship in the squadron. If a fleet
retires the opposing fleet wins the game.

Crippled ships that have been detached from a squadron and are retiring towards their entry edge
do not count as losses for morale purposes if they safely leave the table via their entry edge.

9. Ship and Weapon Traits

9.1 Modern Ship and Submarine Traits

Angled Flight Deck – Carriers with angled flight decks are able to launch aircraft both over the
bow and on the angled deck. Carriers with an Angled Flight Deck may launch three flights of
aircraft per turn.
Aegis Radar – Ships with Aegis Radar reroll failed detection attempts vs Aircraft, ASMs and
Coastal – Units with this feature have short range. They may not be used in the “Carrier Battle”.
Noisy – Early nuclear submarines and ships were very noisy and easier to detect. Any detection
attempt using Sonar or Helicopter against a Noisy ship or submarine adds 1 to the die roll.
Nuclear – Nuclear powered ship or sub may always use Flank Speed in Deep Ocean.
Replenishment – Modern warships can exhaust their stocks of ammunition and fuel very quickly.
Replenishment ships allow non-nuclear ships to use
Silent – Some submarines and a handful of ships are carefully constructed to give off as little
noise as possible while operating. Any detection attempt using any type of Sonar (including
Helicopter searches) against a Silent ship or submarine add 1 to the die roll.
Stealthy – some of the latest generation of surface ships are designed with carefully angled hull
shapes to deflect radar beams. Any Radar or ESM detection attempt against a Stealthy ship must
Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 23
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
re-roll if successful. A second successful detection attempt means that the Stealth ship is
Sub Hunter – some units are trained and equipped as anti-submarine specialists. This includes
ships and subs with Towed Array or Vertical Dipping Sonar, and ASW and Patrol Aircraft with
Sonobuoys. Add one to all detection attempts on submarines.
Very Silent – Ships or submarines rated as very silent are hard for Sonar to detect. Subtract 2
from dice on all Sonar and Helicopter detection attempts on them.
Minesweeper – Ship may approach within mine activation range and roll command to disarm.
Minelayer – Ship may lay minefield once per game. Any ship within 3” takes DD10 attacks, rolling
to hit.
Marines – Ship has troops that may capture land objectives. Use boats or helicopters to land.

9.2 Modern Aircraft and Helicopter Traits

AEW – Airborne Early Warning Radar – Aircraft is able to operate in AEW role with radar detection
range as indicated. May direct CAP to hostile air units and fire from any ship in range.
Drone – UAVs launch, move and land like a helicopter. They are replaced each turn if shot down.
Sub Hunter – some units are trained and equipped as anti-submarine specialists. This includes
ASW and Patrol Aircraft with Sonobuoys and helicopters with VDS. Add one to all detection
attempts on submarines.
STOL/VTOL – Short/Vertical take off and landing. May use ski-jump to increase carrier launches.
VTOL – Vertical Take-Off and Landing aircraft are able to take of and land vertically. Treat them
as helicopters for determining whether they can launch in rough weather or storms.

9.3 Modern Weapon Traits

AA/Air Capable – gun can be used to engage air targets (but not missiles unless noted)
SAM – Surface to air missile - Area defence weapon able to defend other friendly ships in range
ASM– Anti Ship Missile – air launched missile that targets ships or land targets.
CIWS – Close in Weapon System (automatically has the SS trait as well). Always his on a 4+.
Fast – Very fast missiles are unable to be engaged by CIWS or AA guns.
One Shot – Weapon may only fire once in the game after which it is out of ammunition.
Reload – Weapon may only fire twice in the game, after which it is out of ammunition.
PDM – Point Defence Missile (automatically has the SSC trait as well)
SSkim – Sea Skimmer – Missile flies at wave top height making AA targeting more difficult. May
only be fired at by target or ships using CIWS, PDM or SAM (if SSC) within 12 inches of the target
SCM – Ship/Sub launched Cruise Missile – weapon may cross land terrain to attack land targets.
SSC – Sea Skimmer Capable – weapon can engage Sea Skimming targets in defensive fire.
SSM – Surface to Surface Capable – weapon can engage ship targets similar to an SSM.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 24
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
10. Fleet Choices
10.1 Pick System

§ Players may only select a fleet consisting of five different choices of types of ships, submarines
or aircraft. Players may need to choose multiple numbers of a given Class to balance their
points totals.
§ The number of ships or submarines of any class chosen may not exceed the number of ships
(built) listed in the tables for that class.
§ Fleets may be deployed in a total of no more than five separate squadrons.
§ Fleet totals may be less than, equal too, but not greater than the total for that level game.
§ Aircraft, Ships (Patrol Craft) and Submarines rated “Coastal” may not be used in the “Carrier
Battle” scenario.

10.2 Point System

Alternatively players may select their fleet from the list for a given country to an agreed point total.

Anywhere from 100 to 500 points should give an interesting game. Games larger than 500 points
will overly favour US carrier forces.

Each fleet entry lists the number of each ship in service and the number able to be purchased in a
points game in brackets e.g. Invincible is 3(2), which means there were three ships in the class
and two may be purchased.

Command Ratings and Crew Quality

Crew quality for most ships in Average navies is Trained. (Command = 4). Veteran navies may
select up to 1/3 of their ships, including squadron flagships, as Veteran Crews (Command = 5).
Inexperienced navies must select 1/3 of their ships and subs, including squadron flagships, as
Green Crews (Command = 3). Note that crew quality in some navies has declined since the end
of the Cold War. This is because changing budgets and has meant less training or time at sea.

Veteran Navies = UK, Australia, Japan; Cold War USA, Canada and Netherlands
Average Navies = Modern USA, Other NATO, Israel, India, Egypt, Cold War Soviet
Inexperienced Navies = Argentina, China, Pakistan, Russia Syria, Mid-Eastern, Asian

11. Setting Up the Game

11.1 Setting up the Playing Area

First set up the area over which the game will be played. A table area of six feet by four feet is
recommended. Players may choose between a coastal sea (island, reefs and shorelines involved)
or the high seas (islands only). Add any Islands, or coastlines needed. Define areas of shallow
water near islands or shorelines, and in open sea areas. Remember it is possible to get deep
water adjacent to islands and shorelines (eg fjords). The total area of islands and shallow water
should not exceed one quarter of the table. Coast should be up to six inches wide. All other
Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 25
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
features should be 6” to 12” across (or long for reef). Leave a gap of at least 3 inches for ships to
move between all features. Reefs block any sea movement.

As an option, players may roll a dice. The higher scorer is the first player with the initiative and
sets up the battle area. The other player then chooses which table edge to deploy from. The first
player deploys from the opposite table edge. Alternatively roll a die for map features:

Die Roll Location Description

1 Deep Ocean Island in centre of table

2 Deep Ocean Island in centre of table; two shallows

3 Deep Ocean Island in centre of table; two other islands

4 Coastal Coast on table edge; island in centre, one shallow

5 Coastal Coast on table edge; two islands in centre; two shallows

6 Coastal Coast on table edge; three islands in centre; three shallows

11.2 Determine Weather

Roll for the weather and sea state for the battle. This affects searches, sea and air movement.

Die Roll Weather Effect

1 Clear

2 Clear

3 Clear

4 Cloudy Air Visual range halved (12nm = 6”)

5 Rough Visual & Radar range halved; Air roll to launch and land

6 Rough Visual & Radar range halved; Air roll to launch and land

Visibility, radar, sonar halved, No air movement permitted;

7 Storm
Patrol boats roll to move; disabled on roll of 1

Open sea (no coastlines on table) +1,

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 26
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
11.3 Determine Mission

Naval forces are expensive to operate and do not go to sea without a reason. Naval commanders
must carry out any mission they may be ordered to do. Roll on the table:

Die Roll Mission Parameters

1 Sea Control

2 Patrol

3 Raid

4 Convoy

5 Landing Force

6 Fleet Action

Sea Control

§ Roll for initiative. The player with initiative choses a table edge, deploys first and moves first.
§ Each player deploys all their forces in their own half of the table, but not within 6” of enemy
§ Air patrol and CAP units (only) may begin the game airborne
§ A player wins if there are no enemy ships or subs in their half of the table after 12 turns


§ Roll for initiative. The player with initiative choses a table edge, deploys first and moves first.
§ Each player deploys in turn half of their ships, submarines and air units in their half of the table

§ Air patrol and CAP units (only) may begin the game airborne
§ Units on the table must move at cruise (3”) and may not change direction until enemy are
detected or the controlling player removes the contact marker and reveals the miniature.
§ Each turn players roll a die for units off table. One enters on the rear edge on a 5+. Add one
extra die each turn. Players may delay ships to enter them later as a task force. Add one decoy
per unit.
§ A player wins if there are no enemy ships or subs in their half of the table after 12 turns


§ There must be an island or coastline on the defender’s rear table edge.

§ The defender deploys half of their units and a battery in their half of the table
§ The attacker deploys all of their units within 12 inches of their table edge
§ Attacking air units and defending CAP deployed at the start may begin the game airborne
§ Each turn the defender rolls a die for each unit off table. It enters on the rear edge on a 5+.
Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 27
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
§ The attacker wins if the battery is destroyed after 12 turns


§ The Attacker deploys all of their sea units and convoyed ships within 12” of their table edge
§ Attacking air units deployed at the start may begin the game airborne
§ The defender starts by moving half their forces onto the table from any other table edge.
§ Each turn the defender rolls a die for each unit off table. It enters on their rear edge on a 5+.
§ The Attacker wins if over half the convoyed ships exit the opposite table edge after 12 turns
Landing Assault

§ There must be a large island covering the centre of the table. Add one marine and battery to
the defender and an amphibious assault ship (LP, LPD or LPH) and marine to the attacker.
§ The defender deploys all their sea units in their half of the table with land units on the island
§ The attacker deploys all their units (sea and air) within 12 inches of their table rear edge
§ Attacking air units (only) may begin the game airborne. The attacker moves first.
§ The winner is the side that has an unopposed marine unit on the central island after 12 turns

Fleet Action

Each player deploys all their forces within 12” of their entry edge
Air units may begin the game airborne
A player wins by sinking or destroying more enemy units than they have lost after 12 turns
For all missions roll a die to determine who is the attacker. The defender choses a long table edge
as their entry edge if a coastal battle, or a short table edge as their entry edge if an ocean battle.
Unless stated otherwise the attacker deploys first and moves first.

11.4 Rules of Engagement

The degree of force commanders are permitted to use is determined by political constraints
beyond their control. Roll a die and apply the following rules.
1, 2 = Limited War – may only fire at enemy in visual range; -1VP if fire first or fire at neutrals
3, 4, 5 = Open War – may fire at contacts or identified enemy; -1VP if sink unarmed units
6 = Total War - may fire first; may use nuclear weapons on identified enemy; -1VP per nuke used!

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 28
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
12. Missiles at Sea – Quick Reference Sheet – (by Jonas Dahlberg)
1. Initiative – Dice on which side has initiative.
2. Movement Ships – Highest side moves first unit or squadron (squadron = all within 6 inch).
– Alternate moving until all have moved incl Launch/Land for Carrier Operations.
3. Movement Airplanes – Lowest moves first per type (Helicopters, Prop aircraft, Attack, Fighters) – Alternate sides
4. Spotting/Detection – Trying with (A) means spotter is revealed before trying.
a. (P) Visual Search – Automatically identifies ships & air – Range = 12” (Single Heli/planes & Small boats = 6”)
b. (P) ESM/Sonar Array Search – Remote search to detect ships; Roll 6+ – EW score = 12”-24”
c. (A) Active Sonar Search – Roll 5(-EW score)+ to detect subs Range = 6”, 6+ Range 6-12”.
d. (A) Air Radar Search – Remote search to detect air; Roll 4+ = 12” - 24” (AWACS have 12-36”)
e. (A) Surface Radar Search – Remote search to detect ships; Roll 5+ = 12” - 24” (AWACS have 12-36”)
5. Attack Phase – Place markers (Missiles, Splashes, Torpedoes, Depth charges) – 1 unit = 1 Attack (SAM or Gun or AA)
a. Air to air & Dogfight
b. Air to surface& Bombs & ASW
c. Ships attack & AA & SAM
d. Submarines attack
6. Check ranges & Resolve fire (Detect ASM & SSMs on 5(-EW score)+, Air to air, Bombs/missiles, Guns & AA, Torpedoes)
a. Resolve in initiative order alternating between players. (5a to 5d above, Damage is immediate so a shot down
flight cannot bomb and a sunken ship cannot fire AA or SAM.)
7. End phase (Command check 2D6 – Fire control 9+, Repair damage 7+, Morale if >50% casualties 9+, next turn 8+ et c)

Attack resolution:
1. Resolve attack:
A) Unguided weapons:
Throw Attack dice (AD) against Target score. For every hit throw Damage Dice (DD) vs Armor score. For every
success score a hit.
B) Guided weapons:
On 5+-EW value Missiles are detected(A). Fire defensive SAM, PDMs/CIWS: Every hit kill one missile (i.e. 1 less AD).
Surviving missiles - Throw attack dice. EW Weapon is higher than targets = Hit on 3+, If equal = 4+, if lower = 5+
CIWS always fires at least 1 AD (To hit as guided weapon, if hit 1 missile is destroyed)
C) Dogfight (Max 2 rounds before land and re-load):
Both player throw die+DogFight- or EW- score. Looser gets 1 damage unless EW score was used by winner.
2. Throw hits vs Armor score. Note hits and for every successful hit ‘6’ also roll for critical hit.
Attack modifiers (AD) Damage Modifiers (DD)
Long range 24” -1 Long range 20” (Gunfire) +1
Point blank <6” +1 Torpedoes/ASW always damage on 3+
If not detected (Guided only) +1 Nuclear – Target + Air within 6” destroyed, All other roll 6 DD – range up to 6”
Torpedo point blank < 3” +1 Every turn a fire rages uncontrolled add: 1DP + 1 additional fire
Torpedo vs bow/stern -1

Critical Hits (DD = 6, roll D10)

Die roll Warship Carrier Submarine

2 Major hull damage, +1 DP Major hull damage, +3 DP Major hull damage, +1 DP

3 Secondary weapon system, + 1DP Secondary weapon system, 2 DP Torpedo tube (1/2 fire), + 1DP

4 Hangar/Heli damage or +1 DP Loose 2 embarked flights, 3DP Torpedo tube (1/2 fire) , + 1DP

5 Missile systems damaged, +1 DP Missile system damaged, +2 DP No Missile launch, + 1DP

6 Machinery, Speed -3, +1 DP Machinery, Speed -3, +2 DP Machinery, Speed, -1, + 1DP

7 Machinery, Speed -3, +1 DP Machinery, Speed -3, +2 DP Machinery, Speed, -1, + 1DP

8 Radar damage, Detection -1. +1 DP Fire, + 1 DP & 1 DP per turn Sonar, no detection, + 1DP

9 Fire, +1 DP & 1 DP per turn Fire, +2 DP & +1 DP per turn Hull noise, detection +1, + 1DP

10 Fire, +1 DP & +1 DP per turn D3 Fire, +3 DP & +1 DP per turn Vital systems

11 D2 Fire, +1 DP & +1 DP per turn Vital systems Vital systems

12 Vital systems Vital systems Vital systems

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 29
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Vital systems – Roll again. (To fix damage = 3 turns & 3 successful damage rolls.)
Die Area Effect
1 Propulsion damage Ship loses propulsion, Speed = 0
2 Major damage/Flight deck No Launch & land, Submarines are sunk unless surfaced within 3T
3 Combat system damage All AD at -1, No missile/torpedo/flights launch
4 Sensor damage +4 DP, No radar, No sonar = No sub detection possible
5 Power failure Ship loses all offensive & defensive weaponry. No sonar/no radar.
6 Catastrophic explosion Ship explodes and sinks

Rules reminders:
Carrier operations (Large C =4 flights, Small=2 flights) – 1 Turn–Plane land if <within 3”, 2-Re-fuel & Re-arm, 3–Lift-off & move
Crippled – Damage is at 1/3 means (Speed -2, Turn -1, all AD -1, No land/lift-off operations)
AD thrown vs. Target and then hits vs Armour gives damage. A “6” of damage = 1 D + Roll for Critical.
2 AD means not only 2 possible hits but also number of shells/missiles/torpedoes/CIWS fired per turn.

Modern Ship Traits

Angled Flight Deck – Carriers with angled flight decks are able to launch aircraft both over the bow and on the angled deck,
increasing their launch ability. Carriers with an Angled Flight Deck may launch three flights of aircraft per turn.
Aegis Radar – Ships with Aegis Radar reroll failed detection attempts versus Aircraft, ASMs and SSMs.
Coastal – Units with this feature have short range and do not have sufficient endurance for deep ocean operations. They may not
be used in the “Carrier Battle” scenario.
Noisy – Early nuclear submarines and ships were very noisy and easier to detect. Any detection attempt using Sonar or Helicopter
against a Noisy ship or submarine adds 1 to the die roll.
Nuclear – Nuclear powered ship or sub may always use Flank Speed in Deep Ocean.
Replenishment – Modern warships consume their ammunition and fuel very quickly. Replenishment ships allow non-nuclear ships
to use Flank Speed in Deep Ocean. If all are lost non-nuclear ships in their fleet must use Cruise Speed in Deep Ocean.
Silent – Some submarines and a handful of ships are carefully constructed to give off as little noise as possible while operating.
Any detection attempt using any type of Sonar (including Helicopter) against a Silent ship or submarine add 1 to the die roll.
Stealthy – some of the latest generation of surface ships are designed with carefully angled hull shapes to deflect radar beams.
Any Radar or ESM detection attempt against a Stealthy ship must re-roll if successful. A second successful detection attempt
means that the Stealth ship is detected. Unsuccessful attempts are not re-rolled.
Sub Hunter – some units are trained and equipped as anti-submarine specialists. This includes ships and subs with Towed Array
or Vertical Dipping Sonar, and ASW and Patrol Aircraft with Sonobuoys. Add one to all detection attempts on submarines.
Very Silent – Ships or submarines rated as very silent are hard for Sonar to detect. Subtract 2 from dice on all Sonar and
Helicopter detection attempts on them.

Modern Aircraft and Helicopter Traits

AEW – Airborne Early Warning Radar – Aircraft is able to operate in AEW role with radar detection range as indicated.
Sub Hunter – some units are trained and equipped as anti-submarine specialists. This includes ASW and Patrol Aircraft with
Sonobuoys and helicopters with VDS. Add one to all detection attempts on submarines.
VTOL – Vertical Take-Off and Landing aircraft are able to take of and land vertically. Treat them as helicopters for determining
whether they can launch in rough weather or storms.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 30
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Fleet Lists

Royal Navy Sea Harriers launch

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 31
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Falklands War Royal Navy
This was a difficult period in the Royal Navy’s history. Britain withdrew from virtually all of its
overseas colonies before and during this time. Together with a never ending series of budget
cuts, the Royal Navy reduced greatly in size, and struggled to maintain the quality of ships and
weaponry against its rivals.
Despite this, the quality of the Royal Navy’s training and crews remained excellent. On the few
occasions it was called on to fight, it acquitted itself well despite difficult circumstances. In the
Falklands (Malvinas) the Royal Navy fought against the Argentine Navy and Air Force in what
remains the only full scale naval fleet action in the missile era.
Royal Navy Fleet List
Priority Level: Patrol Priority Level: Raid
Phantom Flight Bristol Class Destroyer
Buccaneer Flight Sheffield Class Destroyer
Gannet Flight Boxer Class Frigate
Rothesay Frigate Churchill Class submarine
Leander Frigate
Priority Level: Battle
Priority Level: Skirmish Hermes class carrier
Nimrod patrol aircraft Invincible class carrier
Leander (2) Class frigate Swiftsure Class submarine
Type 21 (Amazon) Frigate
County Class Destroyer Priority Level: War
Oberon Class submarine Ark Royal class carrier
Command Rating (Crew Quality): 4
Special Rules:
Seasoned Crews – The Royal Navy has many experienced crews. Up to half the units of any
class of ship or submarine in a Royal Navy fleet have a command rating one higher than normal.
Centaur Class
Hermes (1)
A “ski-jump” bow runway gave the Hermes a new life as a VSTOL carrier. After the Falklands
HMS Hermes was sold to India and remains in service.
Speed: 6 in. Armour: 3+ Special Traits: Noisy
Turning: 2 Damage: 23/8 In Service: 1959 Points 160
Target: 4+ EW: 0 Aircraft: 4 Sea Harrier, 1 Harrier, 6 Sea Kings
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A SeaCat 6 2 1 1 PDM, Weak
Hangar: 6 Sea Kings 24 6 6 Helicopter

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 32
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Invincible Class (3)
These were hybrid light carriers for VSTOL aircraft with self defence missiles.
Speed: 5 in. Armour: 3+ Special Traits:
Turning: 1 Damage: 16/5 In Service: 1980 Points: 140
Target: 4+ EW: 2 Aircraft: 2 Sea Harrier, 2 Harrier
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
SeaDart 24 2 1 2 Also SSM capable
Phalanx CIWS 1 3 Unguided 1 CIWS, Weak
Hangar - 9 Sea King 24 9 Helicopter

Fearless Class
Fearless, Intrepid
The Fearless class were among the first helicopter assault ships.

Speed: 5 in. Armour: 3+ Special Traits: Noisy

Turning: 1 Damage: 12/4 In Service: 1965
Target: 4+ EW: 1 Level: Raid
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
C SeaCat 2 2 1 1 Weak
AA 2 2 Unguided -
2 Sea King Flights 12 Helicopter, One Shot

County Class Destroyer (2)

The County’s were the first purpose built missile destroyers in the Royal Navy.

Speed: 6 in. Armour: 3+ Special Traits:

Turning: 2 Damage: 8/3 In Service: 1962
Target: 5+ EW: 1 Level: Skirmish
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A Turret (2 x 4.5 inch) 8 2 Unguided 1
B Exocet 36 1 2 6 SSM
Port/Starbd Torpedos 6 2 1 4 ASW
SeaSlug SAM 24 1 1 1 SAM
SeaCat SAM 6 2 1 1 Weak
Lynx Helicopter 5 2 - -

Type 42 Class Destroyer (Batch 1, 2) (5)

Fleet air-defence ships, with aluminium superstructures and no PD AA.

Speed: 6 in. Armour: 2+ Special Traits: Sub Hunter

Turning: 3 Damage: 5/3 In Service: 1975 Points: 40
Target: 5+/5+ EW: 2 Level: Raid
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A 4.5” Gun 12 2 Unguided 2 AA
B Sea Dart SAM 24 2 1 or 2 1 SAM SS
ASW Torpedos TTG 6 2 2 4 ASW
20mm AA Guns 1 1 Unguided 1 Weak
Lynx Helicopter 24
Arm Exeter with EW 2 Sea Darts for +5 points.

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is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Type 42 Class Destroyer Batch 3 (8)
Modified 42s were longer, with better point defence AA and remained long in service.
Speed: 6 in. Armour: 3+ Special Traits:
Turning: 2 Damage: 6/2 In Service: 1982
Target: 5+/5+ EW: 2 Level: Raid
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 4.5 inch Gun 12 2 Unguided 2 AA
Exocet 36 1 2 6
Port/Starbd Torpedos 6 2 2 4 ASW
Y Sea Dart SAM 24 2 2 1 Weak
Lynx Helicopter 5 2 2 -

Type 12M (Rothesay) Class Frigate (3)

These older ASW frigates were tough, seaworthy and gave yeoman service.
Speed: 5 in. Armour: 3+ Special Traits: Seaworthy
Turning: 2 Damage: 3/1 In Service: 1960
Target: 6+/4+ Crew: 5/2 Level: Patrol
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 2 x 4.5 inch 6 2 Unguided 2 AA
Port/Starbd Torpedos 6 2 2 4
AA 4 2 Unguided 1 Weak
Y Sea Cat SAM 6 2 1 1 Weak
Wasp Helicopter 5 2 2 - One Shot

Type 12 (Leander Exocet) Class Frigate (2)

These reliable frigates were fitted with Exocet to provide anti-ship defence.
Speed: 5 in. Armour: 3+ Special Traits: Seaworthy
Turning: 2 Damage: 3/1 In Service: 1975
Target: 6+/4+ EW: 1 Level: Patrol
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 2 x 4.5 inch 6 2 Unguided 2 AA
Exocet 36 2 2 6
Port/Starbd Torpedos 6 2 2 2 ASW
AA 2 1 Unguided 1 Weak
Y Sea Cat SAM 6 2 1 1 Weak
Lynx Helicopter 5

Type 12 (Leander Ikara) Class Frigate (4)

These older ASW frigates were tough, seaworthy and gave yeoman service.
Speed: 5 in. Armour: 3+ Special Traits: Seaworthy
Turning: 2 Damage: 3/1 In Service: 1972
Target: 6+/4+ EW: 1 Level: Patrol
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 2 x 4.5 inch 6 2 Unguided 2 AA
Ikara ASW Missile 12 2 2 4 ASW Missile
AA 2 1 Unguided 1 Weak
Port/Starbd Torpedos 4 2 2 4 ASW
X Limbo Depth Charge 4 3 Unguided 2 ASW
Y Sea Cat SAM 2 2 2 1 Weak
Wasp Helicopter 12 -

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Type 21 (Amazon) Class Frigate (6)
ASW frigates built in aluminium, they proved vulnerable in the South Atlantic.

Speed: 5 in. Armour: 2+ Special Traits: Agile

Turning: 2 Damage: 4/1 In Service: 1962
Target: 5+ EW: 1 Level: Skirmish
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 4.5 inch Gun 12 2 Unguided 2 AA
Exocet 36 1 2 6 SSM
ASW Torpedos TTG 6 2 2 4 ASW
SeaCat SAM 2 2 1 1 Weak
Lynx Helicopter 5 2 - - One Shot

Type 22 (Broadsword) Class Frigate (4)

These ships fitted with Seawolf proved invaluable as a missile screen.

Speed: 6 in. Armour: 3+ Special Traits:

Turning: 2 Damage: 5/2 In Service: 1980
Target: 5+ EW: 2 Level: Raid
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A Exocet 30 1 2 6 SSM
Port/Starbd TTG 6 2 2 4
Y Sea Wolf SAM 6 3 2 1 PDM, Weak
Lynx Helicopter 18 -

Swiftsure Class Submarine

Spartan, Splendid
Britain’s most modern Cold War submarines were among the world’s best.
Speed: 5 in/6 in. Armour: 2+ Special Traits: Nuclear, SubHunter
Turning: 2 Damage: 6/2 In Service: 1973
Target: 5+ EW: 2 Level/Cost: 2/3 Battle
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Bow Mk 8 Torpedo TT 6 3 Unguided 6
Or Tigerfish TTG 12 2 2 5
Or Harpoon SSM 36 2 2 6

Churchill Class Submarine

Conqueror, Courageous
Conqueror sank the General Belgrano in the Falklands war.
Speed: 5 in/6 in. Armour: 2+ Special Traits: Nuclear
Turning: 2 Damage: 5/2 In Service: 1963
Target: 5+ EW: 1 Level: Raid
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Bow Mk 8 Torpedo TT 6 3 Unguided 6
Or Tigerfish TTG 12 1 2 5

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 35
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Oberon & Porpoise Class Submarine
Britain’s first post war submarines were slow but quiet and deadly.
Speed: 5 in/6 in. Armour: 2+ Special Traits: Silent
Turning: 3 Damage: 3/1 In Service: 1958
Target: 6+ EW: 1 Level: Raid
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Bow Mk 8 Torpedo 6 3 Unguided 6 AP, Slow loading
Or Tigerfish Torpedo 12 1 2 5 ASW, Slow loading
Stern Mk 23 Torpedo 4 2 Unguided 5 ASW, Slow loading

Aircraft Speed Target EW Dogfight Range AD DD DP Note
Phantom 72 5+ 1 +3/+1 0 6 2 4/2 AAM/Bomb
Buccaneer 60 5+ 1 +2 16 8 1 4/2 ASM
Tornado 72 5+ 2 +2 30/6 8 3/2 4/2 ASM/GB
SeaHarrier 60 6+ 2 +3 0 4 1 4/2
Harrier 60 6+ 2 +2/+1 0/6 4/6 1/2 4/2 GB
Nimrod 48 4+ 2 +1 6 8 1 2/1 ASW
Gannet 36 5+ 1 +0 4 4 1 2/1 ASW

Helicopter Speed Target EW Dogfight Range AD DD DP Note
1 Sea King 18 5+ 1 +0 6 1 4 X/1 SubHunter
1 Gazelle 18 6+ 1 +0 4 1 4 X/1 ASM
1LynxHAS2 18 6+ 2 +1 12/6 1 2/4 X/1 ASM/ASW
1 Wasp 12 6+ 0 +1 8 1 2 X/1 ASM
X = Number of attacks or Damage points is equal to the number of helicopters launched.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 36
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Guerra de las Malvinas Armada de la Republica Argentina
The Argentine Navy was professional and reasonably well trained. However by the Falklands War
the events of the Military Coup of the 1970s and their aftermath had undermined morale. It had
begun to replace the World war Two vintage ships with more modern designs. It remained a
smaller fleet aimed at defending Argentina’s territorial interests. The achilles heal of the ARA was
the rift between it and the Argentine air Force and their inability to cooperate. Their combined
strength would have made them an even more formidable threat. As it was, they sank four British
warships in the Falklands – HMS Sheffield, Coventry, Ardent and Antelope.

Armada de la Republica Argentina Fleet List

Priority Level: Patrol Almirante Brown Class Frigate
2 IA58 Pucara Flights General Belgrano Cruiser
Canberra Flight Hercules Class Destroyer
A4 Skyhawk Flight Type 209 Class Submarine
Mirage Flight
IAI Dagger Flight Priority Level: Raid
2 S2 Tracker Flights Super Etendard Flight
Bouchard Destroyer
Brown Class Destroyer Priority Level: Battle
Espora Class Frigate Colossus class carrier
Santa Fe Class Submarine
Priority Level: War
Priority Level: Skirmish None
Drummond Class Frigate

Command Rating: 3
Territorial Navy
The ARA may always field land-based air flights in support, even in the Carrier Battle scenario.
Skilled Pilots: Up to half of all air units may be upgraded to Command rating 4 for +5 points.

Colossus Class (2)

Laid down in World War Two, these light carriers were modified to carry jets.
Speed: 5 in. Armour: 3+ Special Traits:
Turning: 1 Damage: 25/8 In Service: 1955
Target: 4+ EW: 1 Level: Battle Air: 2 Super Et., 2 S2 Tracker
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Hanger – 2 Sea King 18
AA 5 2 - - -

Brooklyn Class Cruiser

General Belgrano
This old WWII surplus cruiser was powerful but obsolete and vulnerable.
Speed: 6 in. Armour: 3+ Special Traits: Radar
Turning: 1 Damage: 12/4 In Service: 1955
Target: 4+ EW: 1 Level: Skirmish
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A Turret (6 inch) 12 2 Unguided 2
B Turret (6 inch) 12 2 Unguided 2
C Turret (6 inch) 12 2 Unguided 2
X Turret (6 inch) 12 2 Unguided 2
Y Turret (6 inch) 12 2 Unguided 2
Secondary Armament 6 4 Unguided 1 Weak; AA
Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 37
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Sea Cat SAM 6 2 1 1 PDM
Type 42 Class Destroyer (Batch 1, 2)
Hercules, Santissima Trinidad
Ironically this British destroyer design equipped both navies at the Falklands.
They had the same vulnerability as the British Type 42s but less crew training.
Speed: 6 in. Armour: 2+ Special Traits:
Turning: 2 Damage: 5/3 In Service: 1975
Target: 5+/5+ EW: 2 Level: Raid
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 4.5 inch Gun 12 2 Unguided 2 AA
Exocet 30 1 2 6 SSM
Port/Starbd Torpedos 4 2 2 4 ASW
Y Sea Dart SAM 24 2 2 1
Lynx Helicopter 18 -

Bouchard Class (Allen M Sumner Class) Destroyer (4)

Modernised WWII destroyers, they lacked adequate ASW defences.
Speed: 6 in. Armour: 2+ Special Traits: Noisy
Turning: 1 Damage: 3/1 In Service: 1962
Target: 6+ EW: 1 Level: Patrol
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A Turret (5 inch) 8 2 Unguided 1 Air capable
B Exocet SSM 30 4 2 3
324mm Torpedoes 3 3 2 2
AA 5 1 Unguided - -
Y Turret (5 inch) 8 2 Unguided 1 Air capable
Alouette Helicopter 18 One shot

Brown Class (Fletcher Class) Destroyer (4)

Unmodernised WWII destroyers, with short range weapons only.
Speed: 6 in. Armour: 2+ Special Traits: Noisy
Turning: 1 Damage: 3/1 In Service: 1963
Target: 6+ EW: 0 Level: Patrol
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A Turret (5 inch) 8 2 Unguided 1
B Turret (76mm) 6 1 Unguided 1 Air Capable Rapid Fire
Port/Starbd Torpedoes 6 2 Unguided 4 Slow reload
X Turret (76mm) 6 1 Unguided 1 Air Capable Rapid Fire
Y Turret (5 inch) 8 2 Unguided 1 Air Capable
Depth Charges 1 3 Unguided 3 Slow reload
Alouette Helicopter 18 One shot

Drummond (D’Estienne d’Orves Class) Frigate (3)

Fleet patrol ships, their vulnerability was exposed at the Falklands.
Speed: 5 in. Armour: 2+ Special Traits:
Turning: 3 Damage: 2/1 In Service: 1978
Target: 6+ EW: 1 Level: Patrol
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) Turret (100mm) 12 2 Unguided 1
Exocet SSM 30 1 2 6 SSM
AA 2 3 Unguided 1 PD, Weak
Port/Starbd Torpedos 3 3 3 4 ASW
Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 38
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Alouette Helicopter 18

Almirante Brown (Meko 360) Frigates

Almirante Brown, La Argentina, Heroina, Sarandi
These were small but capable multi-role ships not used at the Falklands.
Speed: 6 in. Armour: 2+ Special Traits:
Turning: 2 Damage: 4/1 In Service: 1982
Target: 6+ Crew: 4/2 Level: Skirmish
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) Turret (5 inch) 6 2 Unguided 2
Exocet SSM 36 4 2 6 One Shot
AA 2 3 3 - PD, Rapid Fire
Port/Starbd Torpedos 3 3 3 2 ASW
Aspide SAM 12 2 2 1 Weak, PD
Alouette Helicopter 12

Espora (Meko 140 Class) Frigate

These modern frigates were purchased to replace losses at the Falklands.
Speed: 5 in. Armour: 2+ Special Traits:
Turning: 3 Damage: 3/1 In Service: 1984
Target: 6+ EW: 2 Level: Patrol
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) Turret (76mm) 6 2 Unguided 1 Air Capable Rapid Fire
B Exocet SSM 30 4 4 6 Slow reload
AA 2 3 3 1 PD, Weak
Port/Starbd Torpedos 3 3 3 4 ASW
Alouette Helicopter 18

Type 209 Class Submarine

San Luis, Salta
These modern German submarines were Argentina’s best. They could have been deadly if used
more aggressively.
Speed:3 in/4 in. Armour: 2+ Special Traits: Silent
Turning: 2 Damage: 2/1 In Service: 1980
Target: 6+ EW: 2 Level: Skirmish
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Bow Torpedo TTG 6 4 2 6

Balao Class Submarine

Santa Fe
These old ex US WWII submarines were obsolete by the Falklands.

Speed: 4 in/2 in. Armour: 2+ Special Traits: Noisy

Turning: 2 Damage: 2/1 In Service: 1950
Target: 6+ EW: 1 Level: Patrol
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Bow Torpedo TT 3 3 2 6
Stern Torpedo TT 3 2 2 6

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Aircraft Speed Target EW Dogfight Range AD DD DP Note
Mirage 72 6+ 1 +3/+1 0 4 1 4/2
IAI Dagger 60 6+ 2 +1 0 6 2 4/2
A4Skyhawk 48 6+ 1 +1 0 8 2 4/2
Canberra 48 5+ 1 +0 0 8 2 4/2
IA58Pucara 36 5+ 1 +0 0 8 1 4/2
Etendard 60 6+ 2 +1 24 4 4 4/2 ASM
S2 Tracker 36 5+ 1 +0 6 4 2 2/1 ASW

Helicopter Speed Target Dodge Dogfight Range AD DD DP Note
Sea King 12 5+ 5+ +0 6 1 1 X/1 SubHunter
Alouette 11 5+ 4+ +0 4 1 1 X/1 ASWTor
X = Number of attacks or Damage points is equal to the number of helicopters launched.

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is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Present Day Fleets (2021 onwards)

HMS Daring
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is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Royal Navy

The 21st Century has seen a renewed commitment to the Royal Navy, with funding for new ships
including fleet carriers, after a 30 year absence.

Royal Navy Fleet List

Command Rating (Crew Quality): 5 (4/5) Special Rules: Seasoned Crews – The Royal Navy
has many experienced crews. Up to one third the units of any class of ship or submarine in a
Royal Navy fleet have a command rating one higher than normal (5). This may include squadron
flagships. Crew quality remains high but air time has declined since the Gulf War.

Queen Elizabeth Class (2)

The new fleet carriers are turbine powered and 65,000 tonnes. They replace the Invincibles.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 2 Target: 4+
Armour: 3+ Damage: 32/12 EW: 3 Special Traits: Aegis, Angled Deck, Catapults
In Service: 2014 Points: 300 Aircraft: 9 F35, 1 AEW(E2), Merlin ASW
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Seawolf PDM 6 3 3 1 PDM, SS
Hangar – 4 Merlins 24 4 Helicopter

Ocean Class (2)

Similar in appearance to Invincibles these are helicopter assault ships. Built to merchant
Speed: 4 in. Turning: 2 Target: 4+
Armour: 5+ Damage: 15/5 EW: 2 Special Traits: 3 Marines
In Service: 1999 Points: 90 Aircraft: 2 Sea Harrier, Sea King Transports
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Q Phalanx 1 2 1 CIWS Weak
Hangar – 4 Sea Kings 24 4 Helicopter

Bay Class Landing Ship, Dock (3) Australia (1)

Specialist amphibious ships that carry landing craft and marines, able to land in all weather.
Speed: 4 in. Turning: 2 Target: 4+
Armour: 5+ Damage: 15/5 EW: 2 Special Traits: Marines
In Service: 2004 Points: 90 Aircraft: 2 Sea King Transports
Weapon Range EW DD Special
Q 30mm CIWS 2 3 Unguided 1 CIWS Weak
Well Deck 3 Landing craft 4” NA Boats

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 42
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Type 45 Destroyer Daring Class (6)
New fleet air-defence ships, with advanced stealth features and AEGIS radar.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 6/2 Special Traits: Aegis, Silent, Stealth
In Service: 2009 Points: 65 EW: 4
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 4.5” Gun 12 2 Unguided 2 Air Capable
Sylver VLS Astor 30
24 4 3 2 SAM SS
or Astor 15 PDM 12 5 3 2 PDM SS
Harpoon SSM 36 2 2 6 SSkim
ASW Torpedo TTG 6 2 3 4 ASW
Goalkeeper CIWS 2 2 3 1 CIWS Weak
Lynx Helicopter 24 Helicopter

Type 26 Frigate City Class (8) Australian Hunter Class (9)

New general purpose frigates, with advanced stealth features, AEGIS radar and multi-mission
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 6/2 Special Traits: Aegis, Silent, Stealth, Sub Hunter
In Service: 2009 Points: 75 EW: 4
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 4.5” Gun 12 2 Unguided 2 Air Capable
Sylver VLS Astor 30
24 3 3 2 SAM SS
or Astor 15 PDM 12 4 3 2 PDM SS
Harpoon SSM 36 2 3 6 SSkim
ASW Torpedo TTG 6 2 3 4 ASW
Goalkeeper CIWS 2 2 Unguided 1 CIWS Weak
Aspide SAM 24 4 4 2 SAM SS
Lynx Helicopter 24 Helicopter

Type 23 (Duke) Class Frigate (16)

These modern ships fitted with VLS Seawolf are some of the best ASW escorts in the world.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 5/2 Special Traits: Silent, Sub-Hunter
In Service: 1990 Points: 40 EW: 3
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 4.5” Gun 12 2 Unguided 2 Air Capable
Seawolf VLS PDM 6 3 2 1 PDM, SS
Harpoon SSM 36 2 3 6 SSkim
ASW Torpedos TTG 6 2 3 4 ASW
30mm CIWS Guns 2 2 Unguided 1 CIWS, SS
Wildcat Helicopter 24 Helicopter

River Class Patrol Vessel (11)

These lightly armed corvettes are intended to perform the escort role, freeing frigates for sub
Speed: 5 in. Turning: 3 Target: 6+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 2/1 Special Traits: Silent, Marines
In Service: 2005 Points: 15 EW: 3
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 43
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
30mm CIWS Guns 2 2 Unguided 1 CIWS, SS
Boat 4 Marines
Merlin Helicopter 24 Helicopter

Astute Class Submarine (7)

Britain’s latest submarines are the world’s quietest nuclear hunter- killers.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 7/2 Special Traits: Nuclear, Sub-Hunter, Very Silent
In Service: 2007 Points: 90 EW 4
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Tigerfish TTG 12 4 3 8 ASW
Or Tomahawk SCM 72 2 2 7 SCM

Trafalgar Class Submarine (3)

Britain’s previous fleet submarines are being replaced by Astute Class. They are quiet but getting
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 5/2 Special Traits: Nuclear Sub-Hunter Silent
In Service: 1986 Points: 55 EW 2
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Tigerfish TTG 12 3 3 8 ASW
Or Tomahawk SCM 72 2 2 7 SCM

British Air Flights

Aircraft Role Cost Speed EW Dogfight Range AD DD DP Note
F35 AF/AS 35 72 4 +4/+2 0/12 4 1/4 4/2 ASM
Typhoon AF 30 72 3 +4 0 4 1 4/2 Gun
Torn. GR4 AS 30 72 3 +2 12/0 4/6 6/4 4/2 ASM/Bomb
SeaHarrier AF/AS 25 60 2 +3/+1 6 4 1/4 4/2 Bomb
Nimrod AP/ASW 25 60 3 +1 3 2/4 4 2/1 SubHunter
Osprey AEW 20 24 3 +0 - - - 1/1 AEW 48”

Ship Helicopters
Helicopter Speed Target EW Dogfight Range AD DD DP Note
Merlin 24 6+ 4 +1 6 2X 4 X/1 Sub Hunter
Wildcat 24 6+ 3 +1 6 1X 4 X/1 Sub Hunter
Sea King 24 6+ 2 +0 6 2X 4 X/1 Sub Hunter
X = Number of attacks or Damage points is equal to the number of helicopters launched.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 44
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Australian Navy
Crew Quality: 5 (4/5) Special Rules: Seasoned Crews
The Australian Navy is expending to meet the naval arms race in SE Asia and has been extremely
active with regional crises. Ship and aircraft crews are trained and rated the same as the British
Royal Navy (5). Submarines have lacked time at sea due to crew shortages and are rated Skill 4.

Canberra Class Landing Ship (2)

These Australian built helicopter assault ships are based on the Spanish Juan Carlos design.
Speed: 5 in. Turning: 2 Target: 4+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 18/6 Traits: 5 Marines, Landing Craft
In Service: 2016 Points: 100 EW: 3 Air: 8 Helicopters + 2 Chinook or 2 F35
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
D 25mm Typhoon CIWS 3 2 Unguided 1 CIWS, Weak
D 20mm Phalanx CIWS 1 2 Unguided 1 CIWS, Weak
8 MH90 Seahawk 24 Helicopter
2 Chinook Flights 18 Transport Helo
4 Landing Craft 4 Boats
Points cost +50 if F35s carried instead of Transport Helicopters.

Bay Class Landing Ship, Dock (1)

Specialist amphibious ships that carry landing craft and marines, able to land in all weather.
Speed: 4 in. Turning: 2 Target: 4+
Armour: 5+ Damage: 15/5 EW: 2 Special Traits: 3 Marines
In Service: 2004 Points: 90 Aircraft: 2 Chinook Transports
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Phalanx 20mm CIWS 1 2 Unguided 1 CIWS Weak
Well Deck 3 Landing craft 4” NA Boats

Hobart Class Destroyer (3)

New fleet air-defence ships, with advanced stealth features and AEGIS radar.
Speed: 5 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 6/2 Special Traits: Aegis, Silent, Stealth
In Service: 2009 Points: 65 EW: 4
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 4.5” Gun 12 2 Unguided 2 Air Capable
VLS SM2 Standard SAM 24 4 3 2 SAM SS
Or ESSM PDM 12 5 3 2 PDM SS
Harpoon SSM 36 2 2 6 SSkim
ASW Torpedo TTG 6 2 3 4 ASW
Phalanx CIWS 1 2 3 1 CIWS Weak
MH60 Seahawk 24 Helicopter

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 45
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Hunter Class Frigate (9)
New general purpose frigates, based on Type 26 design, AEGIS radar and multi-mission module.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 6/2 Special Traits: Aegis, Silent, Stealth, Sub Hunter
In Service: 2027 Points: 80 EW: 4
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 5” Gun 12 2 Unguided 2 Air Capable
VLS SM2 Standard SAM 24 3 3 2 SAM SS
Or ESSM PDM 12 4 3 2 PDM SS
NSM SSM 48 2 4 4 SSkim
MU90 Torpedo TTG 6 2 4 4 ASW
30mm CIWS 3 2 Unguided 1 CIWS Weak
Phalanx CIWS 1 2 Unguided 1 CIWS Weak
MH60 Seahawk 24 Helicopter
MH60 Seahawk 24 Helicopter

Anzac Class Frigates (8)

These Australian built general purpose frigates were intended to replace the Perry class.
Speed: 5 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 4/2 Traits: Aegis, Sub-Hunter
In Service: 1996 Points: 35 EW: 3
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 5” Gun 12 2 Unguided 2 Air Capable
C Harpoon SSM PDM 36 2 2 6 SS Skim
D 12.7mm MG CIWS 1 1 Unguided - CIWS
Mk 32 TTG 6 2 3 4 ASW
1 MH60 Seahawk 24 Helicopter

Collins Class Submarine (6)

One of the most advanced conventional submarines in service when launched, now due for
Speed: 4 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 4/2 Special Traits: Sub-Hunter Silent
In Service: 1996 Points: 50 EW 3
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Mk48 Mod7 Torpedo
12 3 4 8 ASW
Or Sub Harpoon SSM 36 2 3 6 SSkim

Aspiration Class Submarine (8)

No decision has been made on which nuclear submarine Australia will build. For game purposes
we assume they will be the UK Astute Class fitted with the Collins/US Combat system.
Speed: 5 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 7/3 Special Traits: Nuclear, Sub-Hunter Very Silent
In Service: 2035 Points: 80 EW 4
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Mk48 Mod7 Torpedo TTG 12 4 4 8 ASW
Or Sub Harpoon SSM 36 2 3 6 SSkim
Or Tomahawk SSM 72 2 2 7 SCM

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 46
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Australian Navy Aircraft
Aircraft Role Cost Speed EW Dogfight Range AD DD DP Note
F35Lightning AF/AS 35 72 4 +3 0/12 4 1⁄4 4/2 Gun/ASM
SuperHornet AF/AS 30 72 3 +3/+1 0 4 1/4 4/2 ASM
F18 Hornet AF/AS 25 72 2 +3/+1 0 4 1/4 4/2 ASM
E18Growler AS 30 60 4 +2 6 4 4 4/2 Bomb
E7Wedgetail AEW 20 48 2 +0 - - - 1/1 Radar 60”
2/1 SubHunter,
P8 Poseidon AP/ASW 25 48 3 +0 12/3 2/4 6/4
2/1 SubHunter,
P3 Orion AP/ASW 20 36 2 +0 12/3 2/4 6/4
MH90 Flight AP/ASM 15 24 3 +1 6 4 2/4 4/1 Helo Flight
Helicopter Year Speed Target EW Dogfight Range AD DD DP Note
MRH90Taipan 2014 24 6+ 3 +1 6 2X 2 X/1 Sub Hunter
MH60Seahawk 2014 24 6+ 3 +1 6 2X 2 X/1 Sub Hunter
Chinook 2007 18 6+ 1 +0 - - - X/1 Transport
CamcopterUAV 2018 30 6+ 4 +0 - - - X/1 Drone
X = Number of attacks or Damage points is equal to the number of helicopters launched.


Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 47
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
French Navy

The French Navy has retained an up to date fleet from the end of the Cold War into the 21st
Century. Budget cuts have meant fewer surface ships, submarines and a single carrier, the
Charles de Gaulle. The de Gaulle has seen action in the Syrian war. French sonar and stealth
technology is of a high standard.

French Navy Fleet List

Command Rating (Crew Quality): 4 (4/5) Special Rules: ASW Specialists – The French Navy
is a fully professional force in officers and crews. Up to one half of any submarines and one air
unit in a French Navy fleet have a command rating one higher than normal (5).

Charles de Gaulle Class (1)

The French fleet carrier is nuclear powered and 45,000 tonnes. It replaced the Clemenceau and
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 2 Target: 4+
Armour: 3+ Damage: 26/10 Special Traits: Aegis, Angled Deck, Catapults, Nuclear
In Service: 2001 Points: 300 EW: 3 Aircraft: 10 Rafale, 1 AEW(E2)
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Aster 15 PDM 12 3 Unguided 1 PDM, SS
Mistral PDM 6 3 Unguided 1 PDM, SS
GIAT 20mm CIWS 1 4 Unguided 1 CIWS Weak
Hangar – 2 NHF90
24 4 Helicopter

Mistral Class (3)

These amphibious assault ships can carry a battalion of tanks or infantry and land it by helicopters
and landing craft. It can carry up to 16 light attack or 30 heavy helicopters.
Speed: 4 in. Turning: 2 Target: 4+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 14/5 EW: 3 Special Traits: Marines
In Service: 2005 Points: 90 Aircraft: 4 NH90 or Tiger AS; 4 Helo Transports
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Narwhal 20mm RWS 1 2 3 1 CIWS Weak
Boat Deck – 4 Boats 24 4 Helicopter

Horizon Class AA Frigate (3)

New fleet air-defence ships, with advanced stealth features and AEGIS radar.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 6/2 Special Traits: Aegis, Silent, Stealth
In Service: 2008 Points: 75 EW: 4
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
2 x 76mm Gun (F) &
6 2+2 Unguided 2 Air Capable
Aster 30 SAM 24 3 3 2 SAM SS
MM40 Exocet SSM 36 2 2 6 SSkim
ASW Torpedo TTG 6 1 3 4 ASW
Mistral CIWS 2 2 Unguided 1 CIWS Weak
1 SH90 Helicopter 24 Helicopter
Aquitaine Class ASW Frigate (8)
Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 48
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
New general purpose frigates, with advanced stealth features, AEGIS radar and multi-mission
Speed: 5 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 5/2 Special Traits: Aegis, Silent, Stealth, Sub Hunter
In Service: 2012 Points: 75 EW: 4
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 76mm Gun 6 2 Unguided 2 Air Capable
Aster 15 SAM 24 2 3 2 SAM SS
MM40 Exocet SSM 36 2 2 6 SSkim
MdCM SCM 60 2 3 4 SSkim, SCM
ASW Torpedo TTG 6 2 3 4 ASW
Narwhal 20mm CIWS 2 3 Unguided 1 CIWS Weak
1 NH90 Helicopter 24 Helicopter

La Fayette Class Frigate (6)

At launch the first stealth frigate this multi-role ship will be succeeded by the Admiral Ronar’ch
Speed: 5 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 3/1 Special Traits: Stealth, Silent, Sub-Hunter
In Service: 1990 Points: 40 EW: 3
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 100mm Gun 12 2 Unguided 2 Air Capable
Exocet MM40 SSM 36 2 2 6 SSkim
Crotale PDM 6 2 3 1 PDM, SS
20mm CIWS Guns 1 2 Unguided 1 CIWS, Weak
NH90 Helicopter 24 Helicopter

Admiral Ronar’ch Class Frigate (5)

A new general purpose stealth frigate with added ASW search and strike capability and Aegis.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 4/2 Special Traits: Aegis, Stealth, Silent, Sub-Hunter
In Service: 2023 Points: 60 EW: 4
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 76mm Gun 6 2 Unguided 2 Air Capable
Exocet MM40 SSM 36 2 2 6 SSkim
Sylver VLS Aster 15 PDM 12 2 3 1 PDM, SS
20mm CIWS Guns 1 2 Unguided 1 CIWS, Weak
MU90 ASW Torpedos
6 2 3 4 ASW
NH90 Helicopter 24 Helicopter

D’Estienne d’Orves Class Patrol Vessel (8)

A durable and economical design, these corvettes are now used for patrol duties world-wide.
Speed: 4 in. Turning: 3 Target: 6+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 2/1 Special Traits: Silent, Marines
In Service: 1980 Points: 15 EW: 2
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Exocet SSM 36 1 2 6 SSkim
(F) 100mm Gun 2 2 Unguided 1
20mm CIWS Guns 1 2 Unguided 1 CIWS, SS
L3/L5 ASW Torpedos TTG 6 2 2 4 ASW OneShot

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 49
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Rubis Class Submarine (5)
France’s current nuclear submarines have excellent sonar but are due to be replaced by the
Barracuda Class.
Speed: 5 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 3/1 Special Traits: Nuclear Sub-Hunter Silent
In Service: 1983 Points: 50 EW 2
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
F17 TTG 12 2 3 8 ASW
Or Exocet SSM 48 2 2 7 SSkim

Barracuda Class Submarine (6)

France’s next hunter killer submarines will replace the ageing Rubis. They parallel Australia’s
Attack class.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 5/2 Special Traits: Nuclear Sub-Hunter Very Silent
In Service: 2020 Points: 95 EW 4
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
F17 TTG 12 2 3 8 ASW
Or Exocet SSM 48 2 3 7 SSkim
Or McDN SCM 60 2 3 5 SCM

French Air Flights

Aircraft Role Cost Speed EW Dogfight Range AD DD DP Note
Rafale AF/AS 35 72 4 +4/+2 0/12 4 1/4 4/2 ASM
Mirage2000 AFAS 30 72 3 +3 0 4 1 4/2 Gun
Atlantique AP/ASW 20 48 2 +1 12/6 4/2 4 2/1 SubHunter
E2Hawkeye AEW 30 48 3 +0 - - - 1/1 AEW 48”
Euro Tiger AS 20 24 3 +2 12 4 - 4/2 Helo flight

Ship Helicopters
Helicopter Speed Target EW Dogfight Range AD DD DP Note
NH90Caiman 24 6+ 4 +1 6 2X 4 X/1 Sub Hunter
AS565Panther 24 6+ 2 +1 6 1X 4 X/1
X = Number of attacks or Damage points is equal to the number of helicopters launched.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 50
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Russian Navy
At first the Russian Navy in the 21st Century shrank to a shadow of the former Cold War Soviet
Navy. New oil revenue under Putin has seen the Russian Navy become active again, with more
sea time. Newer, more modern ships are also putting to sea.
Command Rating (Crew Quality): 4
Special Rules:
Lack of Sea Time – The Russian Navy has experienced ship and submarine crews but it has
spent much less time operating carrier based jet aircraft. The Russian Carrier must have
Command Rating 3. One submarine may have Skill 5.
Special Rules:
Territorial Navy –Russian fleets may always use Land-based Attack, ASW and Patrol aircraft,
even in the Carrier Strike scenario.

Kuznetsov Class (1)

Admiral Kuznetsov
Russia sold or scrapped most of its Cold War carriers for cash in the 1990s. Kuznetsov is an
imposing ship but has had little sea time.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 1 Target: 4+
Armour: 3+ Damage: 32/11 EW: 2 Traits: Angled Flight Deck, Ski Jump
In Service: 1989 Points: 200 Air: 2 Mig 29, 4 SU33 Flights, 6 Helicopters

Weapon Range AD EW DD Special

A SAN 9 VLS SAM 12 6 2 1
B SSN19 Shipwreck 72 3 2 7 Fast
C RBU DC throw ASW 3 3 Unguided 2 Slow reload, ASW
30mm Kashtan CIWS 2 4 Unguided - CIWS, Rapid Fire
6 KA27 Helicopters 18 Helicopter
Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 51
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Kirov Class Battlecruiser (2)
These huge missile cruisers were the core of a fleet missile air defence.
Speed: 7 in. Turning: 2 Target: 4+
Armour: 3+ Damage: 20/7 Traits: Nuclear, Area AA
In Service: 1980 Points: 100 EW: 2 Air: 3 Helicopters
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A SAN9 VLS SAM 12 4 2 1 SAM
B SSN19 Shipwreck 72 5 2 7 Fast
RBU ASW Rockets 3 3 Unguided 2 ASW
Port/Starbd C1TTG 6 3 2 4 ASW
Or Port/Starbd SSN15 12 3 1 4 ASW, SS
SAN4 PDM 6 4 2 1 PDM, Anti SSk
30mm Kashtan CIWS 2 4 Unguided - PD, Rapid Fire
(A) 130mm Gun 12 3 Unguided 2 Rapid Fire
Z SAN6 VLS SAM 24 6 2 2 SAM
KA27 Helicopter Flight 11 2 2 ASW

Slava Class Cruiser (3)

These huge missile cruisers were the core of a fleet missile air defence.
Speed: 7 in. Turning: 2 Target: 5+
Armour: 3+ Damage: 12/4 Traits: Area AA
In Service: 1986 Points: 80 EW: 2 Air: 1 Helicopters
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A SAN6 VLS SAM 24 4 2 1 SAM
B SSN12 Sandbox 72 4 2 8 AP, Fast
C RBU DC throw ASW 3 3 Unguided 1 ASW
RBU ASW Rockets 3 3 Unguided 2 ASW
Port/Starbd C1Torps 6 3 2 3 ASW
SAN4 PDM 6 4 2 - PDM, Anti SSk
30mm Kashtan CIWS 2 3 Unguided - PD, Rapid Fire
X Turret 130mm Gun 12 2 Unguided 2 Rapid Fire
KA27 Helicopter 18 ASW

Sovremenny Class Destroyer (3)

These were the final class of missile destroyers in the Soviet Navy.
Speed: 7 in. Turning: 2 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 8/3 Traits: Area AA
In Service: 1980 Points: 40 EW: 2 Air: 1 Helicopter
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A SAN12 VLS SAM 12 3 2 1 SAM
B SSN22 Sunburn 48 2 2 6 Fast
C RBU DC throw ASW 3 2 Unguided 1 ASW
Port/Starbd C1 TTG 6 2 1 4 ASW
30mm Kashtan CIWS 2 2 Unguided 1 PD, Weak
(A) 2 130mm Guns 12 4 Unguided 2 Rapid Fire
KA27 Helicopter 18 ASW

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 52
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Udaloy II Class Destroyer (9)
These destroyers were designed as specialist anti-submarine ships.
Speed: 7 in. Turning: 2 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 7/3 Traits: Sub-Hunter
In Service: 1980 Points: 45 EW: 2 Air: 2 Helicopters
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A SAN9 VLS SAM 24 4 2 1 SAM
B SSN22 Sunburn 48 2 2 6 Fast
C RBU DC throw ASW 3 2 Unguided 2 ASW
Port/Starbd C1TTG 6 2 1 4 ASW
30mm Kashtan CIWS 2 2 Unguided 1 PD, Weak
(F) 2 100mm Gun 12 4 Unguided 1 Rapid Fire
2 KA27 Helicopters 18 ASW

Admiral Gorshkov Class Frigate (6)

A new model of stealthier frigate.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 5/2 Traits: Area AA
In Service: 2018 Points: 50 EW: 3 Air: 1 Helicopter
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Redut SAM 24 3 3 1 SAM
(F) 130mm Gun 12 2 Unguided 2 Rapid
VLS SSN26 Oniks SSM 60 4 2 6 SSM, Fast
Or SSN27 Klub SSM 60 4 3 6 SSM
2 Paket Torpedos 6 2 2 4 ASW
2 Palash CIWS 2 2 Unguided 1 PD, Weak
KA27 Helicopter 18 Helicopter

Admiral Grigorovich Class Frigate (7)

The current version in a long line of frigate development from the Krivak I.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 4/2 Traits: Area AA
In Service: 2014 Points: 40 EW: 3 Air: 1 Helicopter
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A BUK VLS SAM 12 3 2 1 SAM
(F) Turret 100mm Gun 12 2 Unguided 1 Rapid
C SSN27 Kalibr SCM 72 2 2 6 SCM
C RBU DC throw ASW 3 2 Unguided 1 Slow reload, ASW
2 Paket Torpedos 6 2 2 4 ASW
30mm Kashtan CIWS 1 2 2 - CIWS, Rapid Fire
KA27 Helicopter 18 Helicopter

Grisha Class Corvette (32)

This large class of short range escorts is intended for an anti-submarine role.
Speed: 7 in. Turning: 3 Target: 6+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 2/1 Traits: Sub Hunter, Coastal
In Service: 1975 Points: 15 EW: 1
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A SAN4 SAM 6 2 2 1 PDM, Anti SSk
B RBU DC throw ASW 3 3 Unguided 3 ASW
Port/Starbd 53VA TTG 6 2 2 4 ASW
Y Turret (57mm) 3 1 Unguided 1 Weak, DP, Twin
Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 53
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Yasen Class Submarine (10)
The latest Russian hunter killer subs will replace both the Akula and Oscar classes.
Speed: 7 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 10/4 Traits: Nuclear, Sub Hunter, Silent
In Service: 2018 Points: 70 EW: 3

Weapon Range AD EW DD Special

Bow 533mm Torpedo 6 1 3 6 AP, Slow loading
Or SSN15 Starfish 12 (2) 2 4 ASW, One Shot
Bow 650mm Torpedo 12 3 2 8 AP, Slow loading
Or SSN16 Starfish 4 (2) 2 4 ASW, One Shot
SSN27 Kalibr 72 6 3 6 ASW, One Shot
Akula Class Submarine (10)
The standard Russian hunter killer subs built after the Cold War ended.
Speed: 7 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 9/3 Traits: Nuclear, Sub Hunter, Silent
In Service: 1989 Points: 50 EW: 3
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Bow 533mm Torpedo 6 4 3 6 AP, Slow loading
Or SSN15 Starfish 12 (2) (2) 4 ASW, One Shot
Bow 650mm Torpedo 12 2 2 8 AP, Slow loading
Or SSN16 Starfish 4 (2) (2) 4 ASW, One Shot
Borei Class Submarine (2+)
The latest Russian ICBM submarines will replace the Typhoons and Deltas.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 13/4 Traits: Nuclear, Silent
In Service: 2016 Points: 50 EW: 3
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Bow 533mm Torpedo 6 3 3 6 AP, Slow loading
Or SSN15 Starfish 12 (2) 2 4 ASW, One Shot
Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 54
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Kilo Class Submarine (21)
The standard Soviet hunter killer subs were fast, powerful but basic sensors.
Speed: 4 in. Turning: 3 Target: 6+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 4/2 Traits: Silent
In Service: 1979 Points: 50 EW: 2
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Bow 533mm Torpedo 6 3 3 6 AP ASW Slow load
Or SSN15 Starfish 12 (2) (2) 4 ASW, One Shot

Oscar II Class Submarine (8)

These huge missile submarines were designed to stalk carrier taskforces.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 2 Target: 4+
Armour: 3+ Damage: 14/5 Traits: Nuclear
In Service: 1986 Points: 60 EW: 2
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Bow 21 inch Torpedo 6 4 3 6 AP, ASW
Bow 23 inch Torpedo 12 2 2 8 AP, Slow loading
Or SSN15 Starfish 12 (2) (2) 4 ASW, Slow loading
SSN19 Shipwreck 72 4 2 8 AP Fast

Air Units
Aircraft Role Cost Speed EW Dogfight Range AD DD DP Note
Mig29Fulcrum AF/AS 25 72 3 +3/+1 0/3 4 1/4 4/2 Bomb
Mig31Foxbat AF/AS 25 84 2 +3 0/12 3 6 4/2 ASM
Su33 Flanker AF/AS 25 72 2 +3/+1 0/3 4 1/4 4/2 STOL
Tu22Backfire AS 25 60 2 +1 0/24 4 8/6 4/2 ASM
Tu142Bear ASW 25 36 1 +0 6 3 4 2/1 SubHunt
Beriev A50 AEW 20 48 1 +0 - - - 1/1 AEW48”

Helicopter Year Speed Target EW Dogfight Range AD DD DP Note
KA27 1982 24 5+ 2 +0 4 2X 2 X/1 Sub Hunter

X = Number of attacks or Damage points is equal to the number of helicopters launched.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 55
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Nato Northern Naval Forces
Command Rating (Crew Quality): 4
Nato Baltic naval forces from Norway, Germany, Denmark and Finland train together and may be
purchased as a combined force under a unified command structure. Command quality is 4.

Brauschweig Class Corvette (10)
The latest German built corvettes are optimised for littoral warfare.
Speed: 5 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 3/1 Traits: Minelayer, Coastal
In Service: 2008 Points: 20 EW: 3 Air: 2 C100 UAVs
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A 76mm Gun 6 2 Unguided 1 Anti-Aircraft
B Mauser BK27 CIWS 3 2 Unguided 1 CIWS, Weak
C RBS15 SSM 36 1 4 4 SS Skim
RAM PDM 6 4 4 1 PDM, SSkim
Helicopter hangar 24 2 UAVs

U212 Class Submarine (6)

Next generation stealth submarine for Swedish Navy, intended for coastal role.
Speed: 4 in. Turning: 3 Target: 6+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 2/1 Special Traits: Sub-Hunter Silent, Coastal
In Service: 2005 Points: 50 EW 4
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
DM2A4 Seahake TTG 12 2 3 8 ASW
Sub RBS15 SSM 36 1 3 4 SSkim

Norwegian Navy
Fritjof Nansen Class Frigate (4)
These first true stealth warships trade size and armour for speed and low detectability.
Speed: 5 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 5/2 Traits: Sub-Hunter,
In Service: 2009 Points: 35 EW: 3 Air: 1 MH90 Helicopter
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A 76mm Gun 6 2 Unguided 1 Anti-Aircraft
Mk41 VLS ESSM PDM 6 4 3 1 SS Skim,
C Kongsberg SSM 36 2 3 6 SS Skim
Stingray Torpedos TTG 6 2 3 4 ASW
Depth charges 1 4 Unguided 2 ASW
Helicopter Hangar 24 MH90

Skold Class Corvette (6)

These small fast stealth corvettes are the modern successors to missile patrol boats.
Speed: 10 in. Turning: 3 Target: 6+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 1/1 Traits: Stealth, Coastal
In Service: 2008 Points: 20 EW: 4
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A 76mm Gun 6 2 Unguided 1 Anti-Aircraft
B Browning M2HB CIWS 1 1 Unguided - CIWS, Weak
Naval Strike SSM 36 2 4 4 SS Skim
Mistral PDM SAM 6 1 3 1 PDM AA
Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 56
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Finnish Navy
Hamina Class Missile Fast Attack Craft
Finnish stealth corvettes have been refitted as multi-role ships.
Speed: 7 in. Turning: 3 Target: 6+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 1/1 Traits: Stealth, Coastal
In Service: 2008 Points: 30 EW: 4
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A Bofors 40mm Gun 3 2 Unguided - Anti-Aircraft
Gabriel Mk5 SSM 36 1 4 4 SS Skim
Torped 47 Torpedos TTG 6 2 3 4 ASW
Umkonto PDM SAM 6 2 3 1 PDM Weak

Danish Navy
Absalom Class Frigate/Support ship
Danish frigates with innovative modular design able to equipped for different roles in different
Speed: 5 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 6/2 Traits: Sub-Hunter (Opt) Minelayer or Marines + Boat
In Service: 2008 Points: 30 EW: 4 Air: 2 MH90 helicopters
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A 5 inch Gun 12 2 Unguided 2 Anti-Aircraft
Millenium 35mm CIWS 3 2 Unguided 1 AA, CIWS
Mk32 Torpedos TTG 6 2 3 4 ASW
ESSM PDM SAM 12 3 3 1 PDM Optional
Harpoon SSM 36 4 3 1 SSM Optional
Helicopter hangar 24 MH90
Special Rule: Modules At the start of the game the player must specify which module the ship
will be loaded with. It then has either the Minelayer or Marines + Boats or Optional Weapons

Nato Aircraft
Aircraft Role Cost Speed EW Dogfight Range AD DD DP Note
Gripen E/F AF/AS 25 72 3 +3/+1 0/12 4 1/4 4/2 Bomb
Typhoon AF/AS 25 60 2 +3/+1 0 4 1/4 4/2 Bomb
Orion AP/ASW 25 48 3 +0 36/6 2/2 6/4 2/1 ASM/ASW
Saab 340 AEW 20 24 3 +0 - - - 1/1 AEW 48”

Nato Helicopters
Helicopter Year Speed Target EW Dogfight Range AD DD DP Note
S100 UAV 2006 24 6+ 4 +0 NA NA NA 1/1
MH90 2014 24 6+ 4 +1 6 2X 2 X/1 SubHunt SS
Sea King 1970 24 6+ 2 +0 6 2X 2 X/1 Sub Hunter
X = Number of attacks or Damage points is equal to the number of helicopters launched.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 57
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Swedish Navy
Command Rating (Crew Quality): 4 (4/5)
Special Rules: Expert Sub Crews – The Swedish Navy has accomplished submarine crews
familiar with the shallow waters near their home. All submarines are Command Rating 5.

Goteborg Class Corvette (4)

These older Swedish built frigates were general purpose vessels prior to launch of the Visby
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 3 Target: 6+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 1/1 Traits: Sub-Hunter, Minehunter
In Service: 1989 Points: 20 EW: 3
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A 57mm Gun 6 2 Unguided 1 Anti-Aircraft
B 40mm Gun CIWS 3 2 Unguided 1 AA, Weak
C RBS15 SSM 36 2 4 4 SS Skim
Torped 45 Torpedos TTG 6 2 3 4 ASW
ELMA ASW Mortar 3 2 Unguided 2 ASW

Visby Class Corvette (6)

These first true stealth warships trade size and armour for speed and low detectability.
Speed: 8 in. Turning: 3 Target: 6+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 2/1 Traits: Stealth, Silent, Sub-Hunter, Minehunter
In Service: 2009 Points: 40 EW: 4
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A 57mm Gun 6 2 Unguided 1 Anti-Aircraft
C RBS15 SSM 36 2 4 4 SS Skim
Torped 45 Torpedos TTG 6 2 3 4 ASW
1 Agusta A109 Helicopter 18 Helicopter

A26 Class Submarine (2)

Next generation stealth submarine for Swedish Navy, intended for coastal role.
Speed: 4 in. Turning: 3 Target: 6+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 2/1 Special Traits: Sub-Hunter Silent, Minelayer
In Service: 2022 Points: 50 EW 4
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Bofors Type 613 Torpedo 12 2 4 7 ASW
Or Sub RBS15 SSM 36 2 3 4 SSSkim

Gotland Class Submarine (3)

The first diesel submarine launched with AIP, greatly improving underwater endurance.
Speed: 4 in. Turning: 3 Target: 6+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 2/1 Special Traits: Sub-Hunter, Silent
In Service: 1998 Points: 40 EW 3
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Bofors Type 613 Torpedo 12 2 4 7 ASW
Or Sub RBS15 SSM 36 2 3 4 SSSkim

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 58
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Swedish Aircraft
Aircraft Role Cost Speed EW Dogfight Range AD DD DP Note
Gripen E/F AF/AS 25 72 3 +3/+1 0/12 4 1/4 4/2 Bomb
Typhoon AF/AS 25 60 2 +3/+1 0 4 1/4 4/2 Bomb
Orion AP/ASW 25 48 3 +0 36/6 2/2 6/4 2/1 ASM/ASW
Saab 340 AEW 20 24 3 +0 - - - 1/1 AEW 48”

Ship Helicopters
Helicopter Year Speed Target EW Dogfight Range AD DD DP Note
A109 2006 24 6+ 3 +1 6 1X 2 X/1 Sub Hunter
MH90 2014 24 6+ 3 +1 6 2X 2 X/1 SubHunt SS
Sea King 1970 24 6+ 2 +0 6 2X 2 X/1 Sub Hunter
X = Number of attacks or Damage points is equal to the number of helicopters launched.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 59
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
United States Navy
The United States Navy ended World War Two as the largest and by far most powerful afloat. The
quality of carrier pilots in particular was excellent. Although it waned at times through the cold war,
overall the US navy retained its superiority. The core of the force remained in its giant carriers.
Post Cold War it has gradually declined in size and crew training.

Command Rating (Crew Quality): 4

Special Rules: Top guns – The US Navy has the most experience operating carrier based jet
aircraft of any navy in the world. Up to 1/3 of US Aircraft may be Command Rating 5.

Nimitz Class (6)

Nimitz, Eisenhower, Vinson, Stennis, Reagan, Roosevelt (Enterprise similar)
Quite simply these are the largest and most powerful warships ever built.
Speed: 7 in. Turning: 1 Target: 4+
Armour: 3+ Damage: 40/14 Special Traits: Nuclear, Angled Deck, Catapults
In Service: 2014 Points: 300 EW: 3 Aircraft: 16 F18, 1 AEW(E2), 1 EW18, Seahawk ASW
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
20mm Phalanx CIWS 2 3 Unguided 1 PDMS, Weak
Hangar – 6 Seahawks 24 Helicopter
Upgrade half (8) fighters to F35 for +40 points

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 60
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Bunker Hill Class cruiser (22)
These modified Ticonderogas added a VLS capability to their Aegis radar. Effective but old.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 9/4 Traits: Aegis, Area AA
In Service: 1992 Points: 70 EW: 2
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) and (R) 2 x 5” Gun 12 4 Unguided 2
SM2 Standard SAM VLS 24 4 3 4 SAM SS
Or ESSM PDM 6 4 3 1 PDM SS
Or Harpoon SSM 36 2 2 6 SSM SSkm
D 20mm Phalanx CIWS 1 1 2 - CIWS
Mk 32 TTG 6 2 2 4 ASW
Y SM2 Standard SAM 24 4 3 4 SAM SS
Y or ESSM PDM 6 4 3 1 PDM SS
2 SH60 Lamps 24 Helicopter

Arleigh Burke (IIA) Class Destroyers (25)

The Lengthened Arleigh Burkes were optimised for greater ASW capability and added helicopters.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 8/3 Traits: Aegis, Sub-Hunter
In Service: 1997 Points: 70 EW: 3
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 5” Gun 12 2 Unguided 2
VLS SM2 Standard SAM 24 3 3 4 SAM SSM
Or ESSM PDM 6 4 3 1 PDM SS
Or VLS ASROC 12 2 2 4 ASW
20mm Phalanx CIWS 1 1 Unguided 1 CIWS, Weak
2 x 25mm Bushmaster 1 2 Unguided 1 CIWS, Weak
Mk 32 TTG 6 2 3 4 ASW
Y or ESSM PDM 6 4 3 1 PDM SS
(R) 5” Gun 12 2 Unguided 2
2 SH60 Lamps 24 Helicopter

Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers (25)

The standard US destroyer with all-round capability. Only weakness is lack of a helicopter.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 8/3 Traits: Aegis, Sub-Hunter
In Service: 1991 Points: 60 EW: 3
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 5” Gun 12 2 Unguided 2
VLS SM2 Standard SAM 24 3 3 4 SAM SS
Or ESSM PDM 6 4 3 1 PDM SS
Or VLS ASROC 12 2 2 4 ASW
Harpoon SSM 36 2 2 6 SSM SSkm
20mm Phalanx CIWS 1 2 Unguided 1 CIWS, Weak
Mk 32 TTG 6 2 3 4 ASW
(R) 5” Gun 12 2 Unguided 2
Firescout UAV 30

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 61
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
OH Perry Class Frigate (52)
These simple ASW frigates were a Cold War stop-gap but proved reliable and adaptable.
Speed: 5 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 4/2 Traits: Sub-Hunter
In Service: 1977 Points: 25 EW: 2
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A SM1MR Tartar SAM 24 2 2 2 SAM SS
A or Harpoon SSM 36 1 3 6 SSkim
(R) 76mm Gun 6 2 Unguided 1 Air capable
D 20mm Phalanx CIWS 1 1 2 1 CIWS, Weak
Mk 32 TTG 6 2 2 4 ASW
2 SH60 Lamps 18 Helicopter

Freedom Class Frigate (Littoral Combat Vessel)

A controversial new class of multi-role frigates. Some consider them too lightly armed in defence.
Speed: 8 in. Turning: 3 Target: 6+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 4/1 Traits: Sub-Hunter, Stealth, Minesweeper
In Service: 2017 Points: 40 EW: 4
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A SM1MR SAM 24 2 2 2 SAM SS
B RIM116 SAM PDM 12 1 3 1 PDM, SSkim
C 57mm Gun 6 2 Unguided 1 Air capable
D 20mm Phalanx CIWS 1 1 2 - CIWS
Mk 32 TTG 6 2 2 4 ASW
2 SH60 Lamps 18 Helicopter

Constellation Class GP Frigate (10+)

New general purpose frigates, based on FREMM design, with AEGIS and a US weapons fit.
Speed: 5 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 6/2 Special Traits: Aegis, Silent, Stealth, Sub Hunter
In Service: 2026 Points: 60 EW: 4
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 57mm Gun 6 3 Unguided 1 Air Capable
VLS SM2 Standard SAM 24 2 3 4 SAM SS
Or ESSM PDM 6 3 3 1 PDM SS
NSM SSM 48 2 4 4 SSkim
ASW Torpedo TTG 6 2 3 4 ASW
RAM PDM 6 2 3 1 PDM Weak
1 SH60 Helicopter 24 Helicopter
1 Firescout UAV 30 Drone

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 62
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Virginia Class Submarine
The latest class of US hunter killer submarine are as capable as Sea Wolfs but less costly.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 8/3 Traits: Sub-Hunter, Silent
In Service: 2005 Points: 65 EW: 3
Cost +10 raise EW to 4 as Virginia Class Block III/IV.
Cost +20 raise EW to 4, CM AD to 7 and Damage to 10/4 as Virginia Class Block V.
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A Mk48 Torpedos TTG 12 2 3 8
B Mk48ADCAP TTG 6 2 4 8 ASW
Tomahawk CM 72+ 2+ 3 6
Or Harpoon SSM 36 2+ 3 6 SSkim

Sea Wolf Class Submarine

These are the state of the art of US submarine technology. They even have mine detection ability.
Speed: 7 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 10/4 Traits: Nuclear, Sub-Hunter, Silent, Minesweeper
In Service: 1998 Points: 80 EW: 4
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A Mk48 Torpedos TTG 12 4 3 8
B Mk48ADCAP TTG 6 4 3 8 ASW
Or Harpoon SSM 36 2+ 3 6 SSkim

Los Angeles Class Submarine

The final class of US Cold war submarine, not as quiet as British subs but large and powerful.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 7/3 Traits: Nuclear, Sub-Hunter
In Service: 1976 Points: 45 EW: 2
Cost +5 to add Tomahawk as Los Angeles Class Flight II.
Cost +15 to add Tomahawk, raise EW to 3, add Silent as Improved Los Angeles Class.
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A Mk48 Torpedos TTG 12 2 3 8
B Mk48ADCAP TTG 6 2 4 8 ASW
Or Harpoon SSM 36 2 3 6 SSkim
Tomahawk CM 72+ 2+ 3 6

US Aircraft
Aircraft Role Cost Speed EW Dogfight Range AD DD DP Note
F22 Raptor AF 40 72 4 +4 0 4 1 4/2
F35 JSF AF/AS 35 72 4 +3 0/12 4 1⁄4 4/2 Gun/ASM
SuperHornet AF/AS 30 72 3 +3/+1 0 4 1/4 4/2 ASM
F18 Hornet AF/AS 25 72 2 +3/+1 0 4 1/4 4/2 ASM
AV8Harrier AF/AS 20 60 2 +3/+1 0 4 1/4 4/2 ASM
E18Growler AS 25 60 4 +1 0 4 1/4 4/2 Bomb
E2Hawkeye AEW 20 48 3 +0 - - - 1/1 Radar 60”
P8 2/1 SubHunter,
AP/ASW 25 48 3 +0 12/3 2/4 6/4
Poseidon ASM/ASW
2/1 SubHunter,
P3 Orion AP/ASW 20 36 2 +0 12/3 2/4 6/4
Seacobra AS(ASM) 15 24 2 +1 6 4 4 4/1 Helo Flight
Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 63
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Helicopter Year Speed Target EW Dogfight Range AD DD DP Note
S60Seahawk 2014 24 6+ 3 +1 6 2X 2 X/1 Sub Hunter
V22 Osprey 2007 24 6+ 3 +0 - - - X/1 Transport
Firescout 2020 30 6+ 4 +0 - - - X/1 Drone
X = Number of attacks or Damage points is equal to the number of helicopters launched.

X47 Drone lands on US Carrier © AP

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 64
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Chinese Navy
The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is undergoing a massive building program to
produce a fleet to challenge the US Navy in the East and South China Seas.

Command Rating (Crew Quality): 4 (Carriers and Submarines 3)

Special Rules:
Assertive Policy – Chinese Navy ships have Command Rating 4. China’s fleet is active but
remains inexperienced in carrier and submarine operations. Any carrier and submarines have
Skill 3.
Island Bases –A Chinese fleet may always place an air base on at least one island or shore on a
battle area. This may be used for Land-based Attack, ASW and Patrol aircraft, even in the Carrier
Strike scenario.

Shandong/Laioning Class (2)

China first purchased and modernised the Soviet carrier Varyag. It has since built the carrier
Shandong locally. At least two more carriers of improved design are under construction.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 1 Target: 4+
Armour: 3+ Damage: 30/10 Traits: Angled Flight Deck, Ski Jump
In Service: 2018 Points: 200 EW: 2 Air: 9 J15, 2 Z18, 1 Z9 Flights

Weapon Range AD EW DD Special

HQ10 PDM 3 3 3 2 Slow reload, PDM
Type 1130 CIWS 2 4 Unguided - CIWS, Rapid Fire
4 Z9 Helicopters 18 Helicopter

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 65
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Type 071 Yuzhao Class Amphibious Ship (8)
Yuzhou is the main class of Chinese amphibious warfare support ships. They carry 800 marines.
Speed: 5 in. Turning: 2 Target: 4+
Armour: 3+ Damage: 15/5 Traits: 4 Marines, Boats
In Service: 2007 Points: 100 EW: 2 Air: 4 Helicopters
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 76mm Gun 6 2 Unguided 1 AA
4 30mm AK630 CIWS 2 4 Unguided - CIWS, Rapid Fire
4 Z8 Helicopters 18 Helicopter

Type 055 Renhai Class Cruiser (8)

These large new missile destroyers are the size of cruisers and focused on fleet air defence.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 2 Target: 5+
Armour: 3+ Damage: 10/4 Traits: Aegis, Stealth
In Service: 2020 Points: 80 EW: 3 Air: 2 Helicopters
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 130mm Gun 12 2 Unguided 2 Rapid Fire
HHQ 9 VLS SAM 24 4 2 1 SAM
HHQ 10 PDM 6 3 2 1 PDM, SSk
VLS YJ18 SSN 60 4 3 6 Fast
Or CJ10 SCM 72 4 2 7 SCM
VLS CY5 ASW 12 2 2 4 ASW
30mm Type 1130 CIWS 2 3 Unguided - CIWS, Rapid Fire
2 Z9 Helicopter 18 ASW

Sovremenny Class Destroyer (3)

Several of this clas3 of Soviet destroyer were purchased for the Chinese Navy in the 1990s.
Speed: 7 in. Turning: 2 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 8/3 Traits: Area AA
In Service: 1980 Points: 40 EW: 2 Air: 1 Helicopter
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
A SAN12 VLS SAM 12 3 2 1 SAM
B SSN22 Sunburn 48 2 2 6 Fast
C RBU DC throw ASW 3 2 Unguided 1 ASW
Port/Starbd C1 TTG 6 2 1 4 ASW
30mm Kashtan CIWS 2 2 Unguided 1 CIWS, Weak
(A) 2 130mm Guns 12 4 Unguided 2 Rapid Fire
KA27 Helicopter 18 ASW

Type 052D Luyang III Class Destroyer (23)

These destroyers were designed as standard fleet defence ships vs aircraft and submarines.
Speed: 7 in. Turning: 2 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 7/3 Traits: Stealth, Aegis, Sub Hunter
In Service: 1980 Points: 60 EW: 2 Air: 1 Helicopter
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 130mm Gun 12 2 Unguided 2 Rapid Fire
HHQ 9 VLS SAM 24 3 2 1 SAM
VLS YJ18 SSM 60 2 3 6 Fast
Or CJ10 SCM 72 2 2 7 SCM
VLS CY5 ASW 12 2 2 4 ASW
30mm Type 1130 CIWS 2 3 Unguided - CIWS, Rapid Fire
1 Z18 Helicopter 18 ASW
Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 66
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Type 054A Jiangkai II Class Frigate (30+)
A new model of stealthier frigate.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 4/2 Traits: Sub-Hunter
In Service: 2008 Points: 50 EW: 2 Air: 1 Helicopter
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 76mm Gun 6 2 Unguided 1 Rapid Fire
HQ16 VLS SAM 24 3 2 1 SAM
C803 SSM 48 2 2 6 SSM, SSk
YU7 ASW TTG 12 2 2 4 ASW
Type 87 ASW Rockets 6 2 Unguided 4 ASW
30mm Type 730 CIWS 2 2 Unguided - CIWS, Rapid Fire
KA28 or Z9 Helicopter 18 ASW

Type 056 Jiangdao Class Corvette (40+)

This large class of short range escorts is intended for an anti-submarine role.
Speed: 5 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 2/1 Traits: SubHunter
In Service: 2015 Points: 40 EW: 3 Air: 1 Helicopter
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
(F) 76mm Gun 6 2 Unguided 1 Rapid Fire
FL3000 PDM 6 2 2 1 SAM
YJ83 SSM 48 2 2 6 OneShot, SSk
ASW TTG 6 2 2 4 ASW
30mm Type 730 CIWS 2 2 Unguided - CIWS, Rapid Fire
Z9 Helicopter 18 ASW OneShot

Type 22 Houbei Class Missile Boat (83)

These fast attack boats are designed for an anti-surface ship role.
Speed: 7 in. Turning: 3 Target: 6+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 1/1 Traits: Coastal
In Service: 2005 Points: 15 EW: 2
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
QW Manpad PDM 6 1 2 1 PDM
C803 SSM 48 2 2 6 SSM, SSk
30mm Type 730 CIWS 2 2 Unguided - CIWS, Rapid Fire

Type 94 Shang Class Submarine (10)

Current Chinese nuclear hunter killer subs are not quiet but have improving weapon technology.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 6/2 Traits: Nuclear, Sub Hunter
In Service: 2006 Points: 40 EW: 2

Weapon Range AD EW DD Special

Bow 533mm Torpedo 12 3 2 8 TTG
YJ18 SSN 60 2 3 6 Fast
Or CJ10 SCM 72 2 2 7 SCM

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 67
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Type 094 Jin Class Submarine (6+)
Currents Chinese ICBM submarines are still a generation behind western contemporaries.
Speed: 6 in. Turning: 3 Target: 5+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 8/3 Traits: Nuclear
In Service: 2007 Points: 40 EW: 2
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Bow 533mm Torpedo 6 3 3 6 TTG
Or YJ18 SSN 60 2 3 6 Fast

Type 039 Yuan Class Submarine (20)

The latest Chinese diesel hunter killer subs for coastal use are quiet and well armed.
Speed: 4 in. Turning: 3 Target: 6+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 4/2 Traits: Silent
In Service: 2006 Points: 45 EW: 3
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Bow 533mm Torpedo 12 3 3 6 TTG
Or YJ18 SSM 36 (2) 3 4 SSM SSk

Kilo Class Submarine (12)

The Chinese purchased Soviet hunter killer subs to gain access to better technology.
Speed: 4 in. Turning: 3 Target: 6+
Armour: 2+ Damage: 4/2 Traits: Silent
In Service: 1979 Points: 40 EW: 2
Weapon Range AD EW DD Special
Bow 533mm Torpedo 6 3 3 6 AP ASW Slow load
Or SSN15 Starfish 12 (2) (2) 4 ASW, One Shot

Chinese Aircraft
Aircraft Role Cost Speed EW Dogfight Range AD DD DP Note
J15 “Flanker” AF/AS 25 72 3 +3/+1 0/3 4 1/4 4/2 STOL
Chengdu J20 AF 25 72 3 +4/+1 12 4 1 4/2 AAM
Shenyang J11 AF 25 72 2 +3 0/6 4 1/4 4/2
Chengdu J10 AF/AS 25 72 2 +4/+1 12 4 1 4/2 AAM
Xian JH7 AS 25 72 2 +1 6 4 4 4/2 ASM
Xian H6 AS 25 60 1 +0 24 4 6 4/2 ASM
Shanxi Y9 AEW 20 48 2 +0 - - - 1/1 AEW48”
Z18 ASW ASW 20 24 3 +0 6 4 4 2/1 SubHunt
Helicopter Year Speed Target EW Dogfight Range AD DD DP Note
Z18 AEW 2018 24 5+ 3 +0 6 1X 4 X/1 AEW48”
Z9(AS365) 1994 24 5+ 2 +1 6 1X 4 X/1 SubHunt
X = Number of attacks or Damage points is equal to the number of helicopters launched.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 68
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
1. Battle of the Falklands, 2 April, 1982 – Air Supremacy over Falklands
The Falklands War (Spanish: Guerra de las Malvinas), also known as the Falklands Conflict, Falklands Crisis,
Malvinas War, South Atlantic Conflict, and the Guerra del Atlántico Sur (Spanish for "South Atlantic War"), was a ten-
week war between Argentina and the United Kingdom over two British dependent territories in the South Atlantic: the
Falkland Islands, and its territorial dependency, the South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. It began on
Friday, 2 April 1982, when Argentina invaded and occupied the Falkland Islands (and, the following day, South
Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands) in an attempt to establish the sovereignty it had claimed over them. On 5
April, the British government dispatched a naval task force to engage the Argentine Navy and Air Force before making
an amphibious assault on the islands. The conflict lasted 74 days and ended with the Argentine surrender on 14 June
1982, returning the islands to British control. In total, 649 Argentine military personnel, 255 British military personnel,
and three Falkland Islanders died during the hostilities.

British Fleet
Aircraft carrier – Hermes
6 Destroyers
4 Cargo ships
2 Submarines
Carrier based aircraft:
6 Harrier flights
6 Helicopter flights

Argentinian fleet
1 Cruiser
4 destroyers
4 cargo ships
3 Submarines
Land-based aircraft:
8 Skyhawk flights
4 Mirage flights
2 Super Etendard flights w Exocet SSMs
2 Helicopter flights

Britain: Submarines are placed hidden before the start of the game.
Hidden forces and aircraft enter at Blue, Hidden.
Argentina: Submarines are placed hidden before the start of the game.
Hidden forces and aircraft enter at Red, Airfield at Stanley can hold 2 flights.

Victory Conditions:
Option 1 -Scenario 1:
Falkland Air under British control = British Victory. No cargo ships reach the island. For major victory with less losses
than historically.
Falklands still supplied = Argentinian Victory. At least 2 cargo ships reach the Falklands. For major victory with more
British losses than historically.

Option 2:
Play Scenario 1 and then directly scenario 2. Whoever destroys more than their historical counterparts wins the battle.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 69
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
2. “Battle of San Carlos Water”, Falklands, May 21st, 1982 – Invasion of Falklands

Third Commando began landing at San Carlos Water on May 21. RN and STUFT ships began ferrying their cargo on
to the landing beaches in what became known as “Bomb Alley” for good reason. One naval officer estimated that from
sighting the attacking aircraft until attack was fifteen seconds. The British were vulnerable for some time in the narrow
confines of the waters and the surrounding hills.

Argentine Briefing:
Objective 1.
Early reconnaissance reports confirm continuing British landings in San Carlos Water. Attack targets of opportunity in
the San Carlos area.
Objective 2:
Throughout the campaign the Argentineans were able to keep up resupply flights by C130 Hercules aircraft into Port
Stanley airport. Make sure at least 1 gets through.

British Briefing:
Objective 1:
Your task is to land your landing craft bringing important supplies to 3rd Commando ashore. HMS Fearless stands to
offering SAM support as well as helicopter support to downed Harrier pilots.
Objective 2:
Shell Stanley airport for at least 4 Turns (w. 1 destroyer) to prepare for landing.

All units starts on their last position from Scenario 1. Re-inforcements enters from any friendly table edge. Airplanes
start at carriers or airfields.

United Kingdom: (additional if campaign)

8 Flights Sea Harrier from Hermes carrier. Land/Launch 2 per turn.
(Historically used for landing/shelling)
HMS Fearless

Argentine: (additional if campaign)

8 Skyhawk flights
4 Mirage 3EA flights
2 Hercules flights

Victory Conditions
Major Argentine victory – Stanley
supplied & British Landing craft lost
Minor Argentine victory - Stanley
supplied or British Landing craft lost
Minor British – Shelling successful or
Landing at Bomb Alley successful
Major British – Both Objectives met & Argentinian losses are greater.

Historical outcome (Campaign – Scenario 1 & 2):

Britain re-took the Falklands after 74 days of combat.
British losses: 2 destroyers, 2 frigates, 1 LSL ,1 LCU, 1 container ship, 24 helicopters, 10 fighters, 1 bomber.
Argentinian losses: 1 cruiser, 1 submarine, 4 cargo vessels, 2 patrol boats, 25 Helicopters, 35 Fighters, 2 bombers, 2
cargo aircraft, 26 Close Support aircraft, 9 armed trainers.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 70
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
Falkland Islands Campaign Map

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 71
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
3. Pre-Garbo, 19 April, 2022 – North Sea Supremacy
A political crisis between the Nordic countries and Russia have developed over the last 6 months. Russia have
invaded the Baltic countries and Finland. Next step is Gotland and then mainland Sweden. Nato responds, although
slowly, by sending a carrier battle group into the North Sea. Russia makes an all in effort to make sure the North Sea
stays a Russian affair.

2 Submaries
6 Flights of Gripen

US Fleet
Aircraft carrier – Carl Vinsson
4 Missile Cruisers
6 Destroyers
Carrier based aircraft:
4 F-22 flights
4 F-18 Hornet, 4 F-14, 4-E6
15 ASW Helicopters, E2C Hawkeye

Russian Fleet
1 Battle Cruiser “Kirov” Frunze
2 Missile Cruisers
6 Destroyers
2 Submarines
Land-based aircraft:
10 SU-24 flights
10 SU-27
16 Helicopter flights

US/SWE: Submarines are placed hidden before the start of the game (2 real, 6 blinds).
Hidden forces and aircraft enter at Blue.
Argentina: Submarines are placed hidden before the start of the game (2 real, 6 blinds).
Hidden forces and aircraft enter at Blue.

Victory Conditions:
US Major Victory – The USS Carl Vinson exits the north corner still operational. (Gotland protected)
US Minor Victory – Russia looses more points than US/SWE.
Russian Minor Victory – US/SWE looses more points than Russia
Russian Major Victory – The USS Carl Vinsson fails to exit north corner and are not operational. (Gotland without

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 72
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
4. Invasion of Gotland- Nordstream Assault
Following the clash with the US Fleet entering the North sea (Scenario 3) Russian moves ahead to seize Gotland. A
large invasion force is steaming towards Gotland. Its departure being picked-up by SigInt while leaving St Petersburg.
Swedish forces prepare an ambush.

Sweden Fleet
3 Submarines
2 Missile Corvettes – Visby class
8 Flights of Gripen

US Fleet (If linked and US wins)

8 Flights of F-18

Russian Fleet
1 Moskva class Carrier
2 Missile Cruisers
4 Destroyers
4 Freighters
1 Submarines
Land-based aircraft:
10 SU-24 flights
10 SU-27

Sweden: Submarines and ships are placed hidden before the start of the game.
Aircraft enter anywhere not red or from Gotland Airfield.
Russia: Submarine are placed hidden before the start of the game.
Ships enter from thick red, Aircraft enter from thick and thin red line.

Russian briefing:
Invade Gotland: Bomb the airfield with 4 flights of SU-24 & make sure 2 Freighters get into harbor at Slite.

Swedish briefing:
Defend Gotland: At whatever cost make sure 3 of 4 Russian Freighters don´t reach Slite.

Victory Conditions:
Sweden Major Victory – Sink all freighters. Gotland stays Swedish.
Sweden Minor Victory – Keep 3 of 4 freighters from making port at Slite
Russian Minor Victory – 2 Freighters reach port at Slite.
Russian Major Victory – 3 or more Freighters reach port at Slite.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 73
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
5. GIUK gap, April 1998 (Red Storm Rising - Fictious)
A political crisis between the Nato and Russia have developed over the last 6 months. Operation Reforger is in full
swing in central europe. Russia moves up its naval forces to stop re-inforcements from US to the ETO.
The GIUK gap between Iceland and Britain is the place to stop the Russians from entering the Atlantic.
Russia makes an all in effort to make sure to close the atlantic.

US Fleet
1 Submarine
1 Missile Cruisers
4 Destroyers
Iceland based aircraft:
4 F-22 flights
6 F-18 Hornet
6 ASW Helicopters, E2C Hawkeye

Russian Fleet
1 Missile Cruisers
4 Destroyers
4 Submarines
Carrier-based aircraft:
4 SU-24 flights
6 SU-27
6 Helicopter flights

US: Submarines & ships are placed hidden
before the start of the game. Aircraft enter from Iceland.
Russian: Submarines and ships are placed hidden before the start of the game.
Aircraft enter at Red at specific turn. Strikes/CAP mission are planned in advance due to long flight-

Special rules:
Important! Russian submarines may only fire in defense. (They need their ordonnance for the convoys)

Russian Briefing:
Objective 1:
Make sure at least 3 Submarines make it out onto the Atlantic (passed light red line). Use your surface force to cover
the incursion of the submarines.

Objective 2:
Be careful with your surface force. They are not expendable. Point is to cover the submarines not fight your way

US Briefing:
Objective 1:
Make sure no U-boats reach the Atlantic at any cost.

Victory Conditions:
US Major Victory – All submarines are sunk and the surface fleet withdraws and US loose less ships/planes.
US Minor Victory – Only 1 submarine reach the Atlantic.
Russian Minor Victory – 3 submarines reach the Atlantic.
Russian Major Victory – 4 Submarines reach the Atlantic and USSR loose less ships/planes than the US.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 74
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.
6. Assymetrical scenarios for Modern Naval Battles
Each player secretly chooses a scenario. Check at the end of each turn to see if a player has won or lost by meeting
the conditions of victory or defeat. If more than one player wins or loses in the same turn, then the result is a draw.
Regardless of the scenario, a side that has no ships or submarines on the table at any time, immediately looses.

Historical context
Whatever you feel like.

Split playing area in two equal halfs. Each side can sets up ships, aircraft and submarines one at a time hidden.

1. Skirmish
"Commander probe the enemy fleet and discover their strengths and weaknesses."
Points $12 Mas: 320 points
Victory: Keep at least one detected ship on table for 6 turns. Detect more than half the enemy ships.
Defeat: losing more than $12 of friendly forces. Detect less than half of enemys fleet.

2. Symbolic
"Commander, our government demands a political statement. Using the forces at your disposal, sink an enemy vessel
worthy of a news story."
Points: $15 MaS: 400 points
Victory: At any time after the end of turn two, sink one of the largest visible ship in the enemy fleet, or any ship larger
than 6 hull. Blips do not count as ships. If there are no visible ships, destroy a submarine.
Defeat: Fail to sink a capital ship and loose >50% of own force by turn 7.

3. Convoy
"Commander, our fleet needs to be resupplied. Get that supply ship through at all costs commander."
Points $18 MaS 450 points
Victory: Keep a single non-combatant supply vessel afloat for 7 turns.
Defeat: Supply vessel sunk

4. Control
"Commander, your orders are to sweep the enemy from the seas."
Points: $20 MaS: 530 points
Victory: Sink >50% of enemy shipping or submarines.
Defeat: Losing >50% of friendly forces.

5. Interdiction
"Commander, patrol this stretch of water and ensure freedom of movement for our forces."
Points $25 MaS: 650 points
Victory: Stop enemy from meeting victory conditions for 8 turns.
Defeat: Enemy meets victory conditions. if the enemy also on an interdiction mission, then if lost more points at the
end of the 8th turn.

6. Invasion
"Commander, cover the landing beaches until we can land 18 squads of marines on the enemy coast."
Points $30 MaS: 800 points
Assault landing ship comes for free. A landing beach is positioned on the table's centre line.
Victory: Make sure the landing ship stays in place at the beach for 3 turns to offload amphibious force.

Victory at Sea is copyright Mongoose Publishing. This supplement is produced without their permission but no challenge to their copyright 75
is intended. A copy of Victory At Sea rules is required to use this supplement.

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