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Account Recovery

Please provide the following information so that we

can try to help you recover your account. Without
proper validating information, we may not be
able to help you recover your account. Read more
about the process here.

Please do not use this form for general support


What is your registered email address or


I don't know my registered email or username

What is the URL of the specific blog you are

contacting us about?

What email address should we contact you at?

Please provide at least one item of Proof of


Proof of Ownership

To help recover your account, we require some

information from you to verify your ownership
of the account. Please note that we are unable
to recover an account without proof of

Do you have a transaction ID? What's this?

Please enter a receipt or transaction ID:

Do you have an activation URL or key?

What's this?

Do you have two factor authentication codes?

What's this?

Extra Details

Do you have anything else you want to add? Please

note that we cannot accept publicly published
material as proof of account ownership.

i’ve been hacked

Recover my account!

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