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Technical drawing department

Building construction theory
Attempt all

1a) Define the term building construction.

b) Mention two methods of building.

c) List down any twelve (12) members of the building team and give their role during the
building process.

2a) Define the term site investigations.

b) Give four reasons why the following members carryout site investigations

i. Architect
ii. Contractors

d) Mention three sources of getting existing information about the site

e) Before demolition, a series of steps have to be taken , mention them

3a) briefly explain four factors that determine the method of demolition to be used

b) Leveling of slopping grounds is one of the methods of demolition , explain the methods used
during leveling the ground.

c) Give any five examples of setting out tools and their function.

d) Differentiate between single profile and a double profile with sketches

4a) what is excavation?

b) Explain any six factors that affect the choice of method to be used for excavation.

c) What is a foundation?

d) Differentiate between dead loads and live loads.

e) Mention any four functions of a foundation.

f) Give three functional requirements of a foundation

g) With the aid of a well labeled diagram give any 6 types of foundation and areas where they
suitable applicable.

Technical drawing department
Building construction theory
Attempt all

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