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magnificat anima mea dominum

chapter two: urbi et orbi

c h a p t e r t w o :
urBi et
or, of the
face of the world and the
worldly powers
If we could take a look at the world of the 27th average precipitation has quadrupled, with the sole
century from outer space, Earth would still be the exception of certain Scandinavian regions.
“blue planet” – indeed, it would appear even more Humidity is very high in the mainland during
so than in former times. Large parts of the the day, and people start perspiring heavily after
continents are covered by the oceans which only the smallest physical efforts. The only relief is
devoured everything that stood in their way when the ever-present rain falling from the sky regularly
they rose after the melting of the poles. Cities and in a multitude of varieties – sometimes it’s pouring
entire regions are but pale memories in myths, down, sometimes it’s only drizzling, sometimes
legends and yarns. Nations, institutions, social and merely a few heavy rain drops splash down. Thick,
economic structures which had been of vital black clouds travel over the land and obscure the
importance to the existence of the human race for sun. When the cloud cover tears open, the ground
centuries are gone. The elements have reshaped the starts steaming at once and vapors of mist build.
face of the earth. Life has changed fundamentally When the Eye of the Lord looks down upon the
And the seventh angel sounded; for the people. One of the most substantial changes people, they have reason to cheer, for such an event
is the incisive climatic developments on a global is proof that God hasn’t turned His back towards
and there were great voices in heaven, saying, scale and their effects on human life. His creation, but is rather guarding His children
like a strict but just father.
At night, temperatures drop a few degrees, but
the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our lord, climate whoever isn’t fortunate enough to live in a
mountain valley and be soothed by the cooling
and of his christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. Nothing is as it was in Europe – why should the winds therein, has to cope with the humidity that
weather be an exception to that rule? Nowhere on follows him even into his dreams. Most of the time,
the entire continent, the average temperature of the the sun rises behind a red veil of clouds, so the rare
revelation 11: 15 warmest month sinks below 22° Celcius and the days when one can observe how the glowing disk

oculi no
08 BK1 34-59 Chapter 2
+tri ad
dominum no+trum
no+ magnificat anima 9/17/02, 4:28 PM
mea dominum
magnificat anima mea dominum

chapter two: urbi et orbi

rises up unclouded from the horizon are seen as suddenly appears at the shores of other coastal In addition to these devastating storms – secretly, fellowships of Engel are often sent out to
auspicious in folklore – children born on such days settlements. It is whispered that it brings bad luck unbound displays of power by the forces of nature investigate the matter, though. Most of the time, the
are destined for greatness, weddings celebrated last to set foot on these floating cities of the dead - the -, thunderstorms rage more frequently than in our phenomena turn out to have been cases of mass
long, and journeys started will be safe. inhabitants of which have been so unfortunate as times. People regard them with greater composure, hysteria or pranks played on traveling merchants.
The situation is different on Europe’s coasts. to not being given to the cleansing fires of a proper though – fires caused by lightning only occur once The origins of others remain shrouded in mystery,
The cloud cover tears open more often, and the sea burial ceremony and going to heaven without the every few years, because most of the wood is too however. Especially those occurrences when feathers
carries a refreshing breeze to the shores. Here, blessings of a priest. Therefore, fire is set to them damp to be easily set ablaze. of Engel are said to have rained down from the sky
awnings, pergolas and the like – which also often at once – at least this is what the tenets of the Moreover, folklore holds that people killed by attract flocks of sick or poor persons hoping to catch
define the character of inland towns – don’t serve Angelitic Church require from their followers in lightning (a highly improbable occurrence) directly such a gift from above to ease their suffering. A few
exclusively as protection from the rain, but also as such cases. go to Heaven even if they led less than pious lives. years ago, templars and local mercenaries had to put
protection from the brilliant rays of the sun. In Time and again, gruesome stories are spread Why should anyone be afraid of a thunderstorm sent an end to a full-fledged revolt caused by such mass
coastal cities, there is an old saying: “You can tell the about fishermen who claim to have seen that the by the Lord? On Iberia, there is even a sect the hysteria in Southern France. The survivors of this
rich from the poor by the size of their sunshades” – corpses of the dead were horribly mutilated – members of which travel from mountain peak to penal order have retreated to the Sea Alps where they
and the servants who carry the sunshade, serve him without doubt the work of terrible beasts the Lord mountain peak wielding long iron rods. The people wait for the miracle to repeat that changed their lives
water, fan him and give him massages with cool, of the Flies has spawned to terrorize even the seas. of Iberia are accustomed to their laments and sadness so drastically.
damp cloths. Occasionally, it can get rather chilly in Prudent minds find less unsettling explanations – when they return to the villages down in the valleys
the coastal cities at night, although it’s still not carrion-eating seabirds, advanced states of below, embittered and depressed because the Lord The Seasons
necessary to heat homes – all it takes to guarantee decomposition or the horrifying results of heavy once again found none of their numbers worthy of
for a pleasant sleeping temperature is a small brazier storms. It doesn’t take a Dreamseed creature to going to heaven during the last thunderstorm. Those Although the great cataclysm hasn’t brought the
or a few warm stones in the bed. A unique element behead a man. members of the sect who get struck by lightning and eternal cycle of nature to a grinding halt, the
in coastal life are the tides. Fishermen and sailors Spain’s western coasts are haunted by similarly survive the accident are regarded as especially everlasting dance of becoming and passing has
always take into consideration the tides before devastating storms every spring and fall. These unfortunate souls. As signs of their disgrace, their adjusted to the altered conditions.
setting sail to defy the forces of nature. The storms often wash ashore old shipwrecks and giant, hands are scarred where the long iron rods have Spring still is the time of sowing, but it also is
marshwalkers – those daring men and women who dead fish. A sect of this region apparently burned deep into their flesh. More information on the time when the fields that have been tilled
set out when the tide is low to search for precious withstanding any efforts the Angelitic Church the Fulminadores and other cults can be found in during fall and winter are ripe for harvesting.
treasures of the old world in mud and silt – have no takes to wipe it out, the Jonahites, adheres to the Chapter Three: Mater Ecclesia. Temperatures rise, and precipitation increases.
other choice than to finish their efforts hastily, when teachings of a wise man who reputedly stepped Rivers flood and bring fertile mud and silt on which
the waters start rising again. Woe to those who get forth from the belly of such a beast to preach God’s the new crops prosper. Cattle couple and multiply.
lost in the marshes or went too far out – the cruel true words.
thelock-gates of heaven All over Europe, people celebrate the reawakening
sea will surely take its rightful toll. The notion of Comparable but less fierce storms occur in rare of life the Lord God has allowed to come to pass.
The people of the 27th century have ample
snatching away a treasure from the sea is too cases in the Mediterranean Sea during wintertime: His mercy seems to know no bounds: rich green
opportunity to experience first-hand all variations
tempting, though, and there are a lot of daredevils Full-fledged tornadoes are totally unknown here, flows into the scanty mountain valleys; the sweet
of rain – usually, even more than one variety during
who are ready to take the risk of drowning. The although a common thunderstorm is quite capable smell of flowers hangs in the air after a downpour;
a single day, for it trickles endlessly. Sometimes one
marshwalkers never go out unarmed when they look of causing severe damage. From time to time, people dance, laugh and sing, and work progresses
gets the impression of only the slightest trace of
for lost fortunes of the old world, because rumors avalanches and mud slides have swept away entire rapidly, since it isn’t hot enough for every physical
dampness on the wind. Items left lying in the open
of giant predators waiting for their prey under the villages. The people of these coastal regions live effort to turn into a troublesome burden. Wedding
are covered almost imperceptibly with a sheen of
brown silt abound. with the constant fear of plagues, since nobody can vows are given, and the priests praise the bounty of
moisture. Frequently, the water comes from below
The far north is an exception to all of this: the tell for certain if the next storm won’t expose the Paradise whose immaculate shadow has been cast all
as well when the rain pours down in heavy
climate of Scandinavia can be compared to the decomposing victims of earlier storms or even over the earth.
cloudbursts and the thick raindrops send the water
climate of Central Europe in our times, and mad bring such plague-carriers to the cities unnoticed

of already existing puddles shooting upwards.
travelers rant and rave about entire regions via creeks and rivers. Sometimes, even underground water is pushed to
reputedly covered in ice and snow and cities of What is left of the European heartland in the the surface. It drizzles and when the wind blows,
glittering glass with veins of black blood – these 27th century seems blessed by the Lord’s hand: the drizzling can turn into spray without warning. white tears
lunatics are considered Heretics and are often Even though summers may bring sudden and Now and then, the sun shines while large
summarily executed by the authorities. heavy rain, storms only find their way here in the Snow has become uncommon even in wintertime. Many people have never seen a single
raindrops fall from the sky. The rain runs in rivulets
rarest of cases, since the majority of storm fronts snowflake in their entire lives. Snow is found only on the highest, most inaccessible moun-
from the rooftops into water-butts, pouring a
rages further to the north over Scandinavia and tain tops and reputedly far in the north of Scandinavia. These cold tears of the Lord are
when the wind blows deluge of rain on the land. Shortly, no other
Britain before sending their last, feeble remnants cause for profound confusion when they fall from the sky overnight. The peasants dwelling
meteorological phenomenon is as omnipresent as
over Central Europe. Many village elders in remote villages are always terrified to the bone when they get up one morning to find the
The regions with the highest amounts of the tears of the Lords shed when He weeps over the
nevertheless shudder at the thought of the world outside apparently covered by a thick, white shroud. Their prayers are heard rather
precipitation are still those where a front of clouds countless transgressions, sins, moral lapses and
occasional spring tide, because no one knows if quickly, though, since the white powder disappears as fast as it appears, leaving merely wa-
can “cling to” a mountain range and get rid of its weaknesses of His children. The constant rain has
they aren’t the first harbingers of an even greater ter and mud. In many of the secret archives of the Diadoches strange scriptures can be found
load of rain. In these regions, cloudbursts lasting had its effects on the predominant colors in the
sporting illustrations which clearly depict people in strange garment gliding over the fleeting
several days without any noticeable interruption catastrophe. “brave, new world” of the 27th century as well. In
From time to time, the storms do some good dust on long, thin boards attached to their feet – pictures like these lead many nobles to con-
aren’t unheard of. In 27th century Europe, the wind the countryside, where nature has reclaimed vast
despite all the devastation they bring. An avalanche clusions of their own; maybe the old world truly was as ungodly as the priests preach.
blows mainly from western to northwestern regions, rich greens virtually dominate everything.
directions and brings thick, rain-heavy cloud masses caused by a tornado exposes an old excavation site The cities, on the other hand, are dominated by the
from the sea to the inland. which makes mining easier or holds the most curious concrete-gray of dilapidated and undermined
In fall, the British Isles and the west coast of relics from the old world. A breeze carries the snow- buildings as well as the rust-red of corroding iron
Scandinavia are battered by huge tornadoes; these white feather of an Engel to a village that has lost all pillars reaching accusingly up to the skies like the
storms are violent enough to push entire villages hope for a harvest which can feed all its people, scabby limbs of slain giants.
built on wooden rafts and pontoons to the high granting them new confidence they will survive Furthermore, myths and legends tell about rains
seas, where their unfortunate populace dies of thirst, another winter. Driftwood is washed ashore which is of the most curious kind: frogs, fish, blood, wine and
if they don’t get rescued by sailors or are unable to brought into a new shape pleasant to God and His even the feathers of Engel are all said to have rained
repair one of their own sea-going vessels. servants on earth by diligent carvers of crucifixes. down from the sky. Officially, the church quickly
Occasionally, such a swimming ghost town decries these phenomena as superstitious nonsense –

oculi no
08 BK1 34-59 Chapter 2
+tri ad
no+ 36-37
dominum no+trum
no+ magnificat anima 9/17/02, 4:28 PM
mea dominum
magnificat anima mea dominum

chapter two: urbi et orbi

The arrival of springtime is, however, galled by exerting for most of them. They can make a good trying to prove that there is nobody up there who
giant swarms of mosquitoes. These vermin thrive in living for quite a while on the Manna they have helps the people on earth.
the humid climate, and it is whispered that they are gained thus far most of the time anyway. Only a In winter, most of the merchants return to their
but harbingers or a harmless variety of the dreadful few of them face up to the hardships of summer respective hometowns where there is always much
Dreamseed. Another blemish of spring is the travel, but those who do can claim unsurpassed ado when they tell their tales about their adventures
impending return of the dreaded Grimriders who prices for their goods. Those Leatherers – as they abroad. The Birds of Passage hire themselves out as
often claim the Tenth in children during this time are often called for their weather-hardened skin – city guards or waste their hard-earned Manna on
of year. Moreover, occasional storms rage across the are of a steadfast tenacity and famous (or rather women and wine.
land, although they cannot be compared in terms of infamous) for their unscrupulous haggling A rainy season similar to that announcing the
severity to those hurricanes fall brings. methods. The fathers of the church hear many beginning of summer marks the last weeks of
In spring, the merchants in the cities assemble laments about usury and unfairness, but since the winter, and thus, the seasons come full circle.
their caravans to carry their goods on boats or Holy Mother Church accepts their services gladly
carriages from one European center of trade to as well, all an angry customer cheated by a
another, just like the troupes of jugglers and actors
who travel from village to village, bringing joy to the
Leatherer will hear from the clerics are some
appeasing, pacifying phrases.
the infernos
everyday lives of the rural communities with all sorts The first storms of fall announce the most Another new “natural” phenomenon of the
of plays, legerdemain and tumbling in return for difficult time of year for all Europeans; in many 27th century are the so-called Infernos: pillars of
small compensations. The rest of the city populace places, severe storms rage which the peasants must fire several kilometers high and wide which travel
turn this time of trade to their advantage by nonetheless endure in order to reap what they have slowly, almost majestically overland like blazing
producing all kinds of goods and the acquisition of sowed earlier in the year. Furthermore, marauding whirlwinds. The people of Europe are totally
Manna, the European currency of the 27th century. gangs of thieves and murderers start raids on peasant unaware of the true number of existing Infernos;
Spring ends with a rainy season with villages in fall. These bandits which are called the estimates vary wildly, from three to a dozen (even
cloudbursts often lasting several days. The rainy Plagues choose this time of year to harass the though a cult of Heretics who have retreated
season is heralded by a phase lasting several weeks peasants for they know all too well that their bounty underground to be safe from the Infernos claims all
during which rain sets in at regular times of day. If will be plenty during harvest time and that it will these pillars of fire are but harbingers of an
there were still any watches left, you could set them take them literal loads of bounty to survive winter impending apocalyptic, worldwide conflagration).
by these cloudbursts. Precipitation decreases with its floods of rain. And so, the peasants tirelessly If the Infernos behaved like proper whirlwinds,
notably during the summer, and it gets really hot. oppose the cutting, icy winds and the driving rain, they would have put an end to all life on earth a
Water doesn’t get scarce, though; rain may have fully aware that all their efforts may have been in long time ago. Wherever they pass, roaring
become more uncommon, but to call it a dry season vain, should one of the robber chiefs decide to claim deafeningly, they leave a trail of devastation:
would be exaggerated. Clothes worn are restricted to his toll for “protecting” their village from “mishaps”. burned, dead land, poisonous, acidic vapors and
whatever is absolutely necessary – whatever decency The traveling merchants have to deal with such raids corridors of strangely unmovable smoke, a
and local customs demand. during the whole year anyway, so they often hire monument to the destruction they have wrought.
People stop working during the hottest hours of mercenaries – the Birds of Passage – to protect their These hostile zones – where nothing grows and
the day to rest in the cool shade of their homes. lives and their valuable goods. everyone daring enough to set foot on them is in
Peasants lead more difficult and straining lives Whether they live in a settlement guided by mortal danger – are called Brandlands by the
during this season: A skirt a tailor works on or a bed the gentle hand of Mother Church or dwelling in people of Europe. The Infernos move so slowly,
a carpenter is taking the rough off can be laid aside one of the sinks of corruption the Diadoches claim however, that one might almost believe them to be
for a few hours, whereas cows have to be milked, as their own, all city folk prepare for the fall in stationary. And yet, they crawl on, slowly,
fences have to be repaired and fields have to be tilled their own ways, too. To guard themselves against unstoppably and relentlessly. When they change
even in the burning heat. Therefore, most city possible attacks, defensive fortifications are direction, though, which they do suddenly for no
dwelling people can be discerned easily due to their manned more heavily and the diligent weapon- apparent reason, they often move with furious
comparatively pale skin (which is of a much darker smiths work all night long. Should a larger Plague speed. After their change of direction, they slip
tone than that of an average person living in the manage to take a city, it might well be that they back to their previous behavior.
21st century). Many peasants constantly in danger decide to stay for the winter – an extremely Fishermen and sailors have reported that the
of suffering sunburns or heat strokes envy the city unpleasant situation for the inhabitants. If all Infernos cannot be stopped by even the largest
dwellers for their paleness. During peasant messengers fail to spread the news of the taking of bodies of water. If they travel over the sea or one of
weddings, powder is a favorite wedding gift for the the city to other settlements, there is no one to Europe’s numerous lakes, tons of hissing steam rise
bride, while the father of the bride gives his future drive the bandits away. up all around them. Where they have passed, the
son-in-law a broad-rimmed hat as a present – he is Wintertime is rather uneventful when water turns black and dead animals float on the
hoping for grandchildren, and a son-in-law who compared to fall. Most regions have weathered the waves. Just like with the Brandland, only few of
returns from the fields in the evening suffering from most severe storms, the harvest has been brought those who went into the smoke have ever returned.
a heat stroke would be unfavorable to this wish. in, and even the rain abides. Though temperatures The Infernos are accompanied by bizarre
Recently, a growing number of city people is fond drop, the cold merely grows painful up in the far meteorological phenomena: pitch-black brooding
of sporting a “healthy” tan. Charlatans who sell north of Europe. Clothing gets slightly thicker, the storm fronts, sending such multitudes of lightning
potions and salves which can make a man as “tanned days shorten and the nights bring chilly winds. bolts across the sky that they can turn even the
as a peasant” overnight can make a small fortune in Sometimes, people can even enjoy a star bright blackest night into day, and occasional hail storms
many cities – if they are clever enough to leave town night; entire villages are afoot in the hope of with lumps of ice as big as a child’s head. From time
before the morning comes and it is obvious that catching a glimpse at the face of the Lord who is to time, huge explosions take place at the foot of
their wares have been entirely ineffectual. guarding His flock from somewhere up above. To these pillars of fire, hurling rocks and soil through
Otherwise, they may well be slain by an angry lynch behold the silhouette of an Engel on such the air which rain down on the landscape hundreds
mob. occasions strengthens the faith of the common of meters away. The gales around these raging
Most honorable merchants and their caravans man, even though it is rumored that there are pillars of fire create a suction strong enough to pull
stay in whatever city they reach before the rainy certain heretics in the cities waiting for such nights anything into the blazing flames which isn’t firmly
season begins – travel during the summer is too to look into the night sky with strange apparatuses, fixed. Animals flee from these harbingers of

oculi no
08 BK1 34-59 Chapter 2
+tri ad
no+ 38-39
dominum no+trum
no+ magnificat anima 9/17/02, 4:28 PM
mea dominum

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