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Introduction to Assembly Language

Reasons to read Assembly Language

1. Better/Deep understanding of software/hardware interaction
2. Optimization of processing time
3. Embedded Programming

4. Course requirement
Assembly Language is a computer programming language which is used to make
computer programs.
There are following types of Programming language
1. Machine Language – Here programs are written in 0’s and 1’s which is directly
understood by the machine but it is too much complex to learn and not easily
understandable by the programmer.
2. Assembly Language – Here programs are written using some predefined
mnemonics(keywords) like add,sub,mul,etc
3. High Level Language – Here programs are written with the help of natural
language like English and some programming language constructs like
datatype, keywords, control statements etc.
Machine Language and Assembly Language are more closer to the
machine and High Level Language is more closer to human being for
Why it is called Assembly Language.
Ans – Actually Assembly language was developed before 1950 and that time there
were no interface like as of now so in that time different parts were developed for
different purpose and they were combined to perform one simple tasks so their
assemble were done to perform for a single task. Assembly language was developed
by David John Wheeler for assemble the parts of computer to perform a task.
So in brief we define as

Assembly language (ASM) is a low-level programming language that is compiled by an

assembler. Every assembler is designed for a specific computer architecture. Programmers
can write human-readable programs, using assembly language, that correspond to machine

Assembly languages are tied to specific computer architecture and are not portable.
32-bit assembly language code on Windows

The extension for the assembly language code on windows is .asm.


Why do you use Register

To achieve optimization of processing time.
Understanding of hardware and software interaction.
What is Register.
Register is a fastest storage area location because it is more closer to CPU,Hence it is
quickly accessible by CPU because it is built into CPU.

Basically it is called as registers because registers are storage area where we keep
some records or collection of records.
a-accumulator-8_Bit register
8-bit means

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

28 =256-> 0 to 255 can be represented in 8 bit

195- Write it in binary

260 binary value
216 = 65636


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