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I didn’t know how they would react.

When the bus driver told me to stand up for the white men and I was the only one to disobey the rules.

I’ll start the story from the beginning, all the way from the beginning. You’re living in the 20 th century,
there’s apartheid all around you everywhere. Black people drinking from water fountains other than
“white” ones, white people having more privileges than black people, and a lot of other things. And I’m
sick of this, I had to put an end to this, so I waited for the right opportunity to start my movement that
changed the history forever.

I was sitting in a bus and there are white people standing since there’s no vacant seats, and according to
the “law” I should stand up and let them sit just because they’re white.

When the bus driver noticed the white men standing, he ordered me and 3 others to vacate the seats
for them, the other 3 stood up but I didn’t budge, they had no right to letting us leave our seats for them
just because they’re white and I’m black, this is no fault of our own, it’s not even a fault to begin with,
it’s just a skin color, in the end, we’re all humans.

So anyway, I didn’t stand up and people started looking at me like I was some kind of crazy woman.

That action I did led to me being imprisoned, when the American people heard that news, they were
infuriating -the black ones of course-, they started boycotting buses and performing revolutions and
protests as long as I was in jail.

The American government thought that it’s just a normal protest that’s gonna last for a couple days and
then everyone forgets about it and goes back to normal, but they underestimated the power we have,
we kept protesting for months until the American government started being harmed by this movement.

So, for the first time in decades, the law changed and there became no such laws that differentiate
between black and white people.

I was so happy with the progress I’ve done, I felt that I changed the whole world into something better,
but of course let’s not forget that this was all the work of the whole American culture and if it wasn’t for
them, nothing would’ve changed and nobody would even know me.

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