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Immigration in English-speaking countries

Immigration and US history

1. What do you know about this?

2. Write a very brief history of immigration to the US

Native Americans: They are the first peoples of North America. They «crossed the land bridge
connecting Asia and North America tens of thousands of years ago» ( )

Explorers and early settlers: in the late 15th and in the 16th century, Europeans started exploring
and settling in America, with major consequences but few permanent settlements

The first permanent European settlement in America was founded in 1607 by British colonists in
Jamestown. Then, «by some estimates, 20000 Puritans (english protestants) migrated to New
England between 1630 and 1630.

Early European immigration: many europeans from various countries came to America to escape
poverty and look for economic opportunity. Until the late 18th century, they often payed for their
passage across the atlantic ocean by becoming indentured servants.

Slavery: one of the largest minorities in the US did not immigrate but was brought by force: they
were african slaves.

In the 19th century came from china irland and germany

in the late 19th century they made anti-immigration law

more than 12 milion immigrants entered US through Ellis Island between 1880 and 1954.

between 1880 and 1920 20 milion immigrants from eastern and southern Europe.

The Bracero Program was a series of diplomatic accords between mexico and the united state
signed in 1942

Representations of italian-americans in american culture

National origin Number of ppl who Number of Percentage of the
immigrated to the Americans who US population with
US claim that ancestry that ancestry
British 4,5M 25M 10%
Irish 6M 36M 12%
Scottish 250K 25M 10%
German 6M 49M 17%
French 700K 10 5%
Chinise 300K 5M 1,5%
Italian 5,5M 15M 6%
Japanese 1M 1,5M 0,45%
Mexican 10M 36M 12%

Donald Trump describe illegal immigration as a humanitarian and security crisis, he

says that there is no space for them. Then he speak about criminal activities made by
illegal immigrants near to the southern border. He give numbers on how many people
has been killed by illegal immigrants. Trump want to build a wall between US and
Mexico to keep the US safe. He claim that some Democrats are the reason why there
in no safe board. At the end he give many examples of illegal crimes made by illegal
immigrants and he says that they shouldn’t be in our country. He also says that make
the wall is the right and don’t make it is the wrong. He ends by telling everyone that
he will protect the US as much that he can do.
immigrants in the country illegally were 25 percent less likely to be convicted of
homicide than native-born Americans. (Legal immigrants were 87 percent less
immigrants in the country illegally were also 11.5 percent less likely than native-born
Americans to be convicted of sexual assault and 79 percent less likely to be convicted
of larceny.
The prospects for long-term growth would be quite a bit lower without the
contributions of immigrants. They have helped the United States avoid the problems
facing other economies that have stalled because of unfavorable demographics, such
as an aging workforce and reduced spending by older residents.
In addition, highly skilled scientists, engineers, and computer programmers from
other countries bring much of the innovation and entrepreneurship that have helped to
build the high-tech and other sectors of the economy.

Why Canada is making a major immigration push (NBC News)

Canada’s government hopes to welcome nearly 1.5 million immigrants by

2025 to fill critical jobs. It's something business leaders have long been
pushing for.. Toronto is becoming the most divers city in North America, the
country is getting a massive infusion newcomers and their goal is to bring
even more immigrants. Canada need immigrant because they are in a
healthcare crisis and in a significant nursing shortage. Immigrants made up
23% of Canada’s population and it keep increasing. Businesses need
workers so that’s why Canada is welcoming newcomers.

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