The Cynefin Framework - Luderesvires

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Making better
decisions using
the Cynefin
What is a Chaotic
A situation where nobody knows what to expect.
A situation where anything can happen.
A situation where it is impossible to make future predictions.

How to act in a Chaotic Situation?

First: Act differentiating the Urgent and the Important.

Second: Use your Sense and evaluate the Result.
Third: Respond to that Result and prepare to Act again.

Examples of Chaotic Domains

New Innovative Products: It is almost impossible to know if people

will love them or not.
Anything that tries to predict people’s tastes or behaviors. People
are unpredictable.
Shocking New Events: Crisis, Revolutionary events, etc.
Battle situations: Armies must adapt their operations to unexpected
What is a complex
A situation in which many uncertain factors intervene, but not
A situation in which many variables intervene.
A situation that is not new but where it is very difficult to make
predictions for the future.

How to act in a Complex situation.

First: Probe what has proven to work in similar past situations.

Second: Use your Sense and evaluate the Result.
Third: Respond to that Result and decide if you need to Probe
other things.

Examples of Complex Domains

Weather predictions: There are lots of factors almost

impossible to know.
Stock exchange: You can have good results, but you also need
some luck.
Playing Poker: Certain strategies work better than others but
luck plays a big Role.
Epidemic control: There are certain things that work but
there are many unknown factors.
What is a
A situation in which most of the variables involved are well known.
A situation in which you know what you need but don’t know exactly how
to achieve it.
The best you can do is get a good result, but you cannot guarantee the best.

How to act in a Complicated situation?

First: Use your Sense to list everything you need.

Second: Analyze how you can maximize your Results.
Third: Examine the Results and Respond the question: “Is the best result
you can get?”.

Examples of Complicated Domains

Improving an existing product: All variables are known but not how to
improve them cost-effectively.
Coaching a Team: You know how to do it but you have to adapt your
method to the team.
Adopting new methods: You know what to do but not exactly how to do
it in the best way.
Hiring Employees: You might know what to ask in the interview but
nothing guarantees success.
What is a Clear
Situation? 04

A situation in which all the steps to success are perfectly defined.

All the variables involved are well known.
It is possible and feasible to get the best possible result.

How to act in a Clear Situation?

First: Use your Sense to list everything you need.

Second: Categorize all factors involved and follow the procedure to
obtain the optimal result.
Third: Examine the Results and Respond the question: “Did I follow
the Steps adequately?”.

Examples of Clear Domains

Mass producing the same product: you know all the equipment and
steps necessary.
Cooking: If you follow the exact procedure you’ll have a guaranteed
Known Scientific Problems: If you calculate things correctly, you will
get your answer.
Lots of Legal issues: You only will have to follow the law.
Implementing the Cynefin
Framework in Team

Define Goals:
Clarify whether the
discussion aims to explore
new ideas, solve problems,
make decisions, or share

Set Scope:
Establish and
communicate the
boundaries of the
discussion to
maintain focus.
Questions: 3

Develop open-ended
questions to encourage
analysis, reflection, and
connections to current
Summarize 4

and Act:
Conclude by
summarizing key
points, insights, and
decisions. Outline any
action items and
assign responsibilities
with deadlines.
Key Takeaways:
Chaotic Contexts: Quick, decisive actions are critical to
establish order during crises.
Complex Situations: Require experimentation and
learning due to the involvement of multiple
perspectives and unpredictable outcomes.
Complicated Problems: Benefit from expert analysis
and several good solutions, where "good practices" are
Clear Issues: Utilize established best practices and
routines for straightforward, repetitive problems.


1.Cynefin Framework”. s/f. Accessed May 31, 2024.

2.Cynefin Framework. (s/f-b). Retrieved May 31, 2024, from website:
3.Better decisions using the Cynefin framework. (2019, December 20). Retrieved May 31, 2024, from insights. magazine website:

By luderevires

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