Đề Thi Thử Tốt Nghiệp THPT Môn Tiếng Anh - THPT Kiến Thụy - Hải Phòng Năm 2023-2024

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$6 GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO HAI PHONG DE THI THU TN THPT LAN 1 TRUONG THPT KIEN THUY MON TIENG ANE. (Nam hge 2022-2023) Thoi gian lam bai: 40 phitt MUC TIEU Y Ciing e6 kién thice vé Nef am (phat dm & trong dm tt), ede elni aiém nge phdp co ban: Cée tht trong tiéng Anh, Question so sah, Question diéu kign, Question twong thuét, Question by ding, Céc loat ménh i, Tir logi, Question tieémg thuat, Question héi duéi, Déo ngit, Se hoa hop chi ngie & déng ti, Phot hop thi... va kién thite tie ving cdp THPT. V Hodn thién vé nng cao ky nang xte If ede dang bat tap tiéng Anh: Ngit dm, Tim Idi sat, Nett phap & tie vung, Doc dién tit, Doc hiéu, Tim Question dong nghia, Tit dong nghia/Trai ng Section 1: Mark the letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions 1 to 2 Question 1: A. practised B. repaired C. stopped D. laughed Question 2: A. final B. revival C. reliable D. liberty Section 2: Mark the letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions 3 to 4 Question 3: A. suburb —_B. support C. prefer D. canoe Question 4: A. invention B. obstacle C. discover D. bacteria Section 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer in each of the following questions 5 to 19 Question 5: Robert Mugabe has ruled Zimbabwe since the achieved independence in 1980. A. national B. nation C. nationality D. nationally Question 6: They haven't finished their homework, 2 ‘A. do they B. haven't they C.don’t they D. have they Question 7: Did you have good time at the party last night? Aa Bean C.the D.X (no article) Question 8: As an adult, Tam independent my parents financially A.of B. with C.out D.on Question 9: By the time we get there tonight, the film. A. starts B. started C. will stat D, will have started Question 10: He didn’t manage to win the race Inurting his foot before the race. A. in spite of B, despite of although D. because of Question 11: This morning, I was made to clean the carpet my father bought last year A. Chinese woolen old B. old Chinese woolen, woolen old Chinese D. old woolen Chinese Question 12: When they for the beach the sun was shining, but by the time they arrived it had clouded over. A. set off B. went through ©. carried out D, left out Question 13: He fell down when he towards the church Ano B. runs C. was running D. had run, Question 14: It is very difficult to the exact meaning of an idiom in a foreign language. ‘A. exchange B. transfer C. convert D. convey Question 15: Last night Laura a big diamond ring by her husband at her birthday party. A. was giving B. gave C. gives D, was given Question 16: to the party, we could hardly refuse to go. 1 ‘A. Having invited B, To have invited C. Having been invited D. To have been invited Question 17: The more you study, A. the more knowledge you gain B. the more knowledge do you gain C. you are the more knowledge D. you will gain more knowledge Question 18: Due to the nature of the earthquake, a much larger of the population might be affected. A. density B. totality C. segment D. division Question 19: She may still have a few fans in the world, but she is definitely past her A, fame B. abilities C. prime D. fortune Section 4: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the folloing exchanges from 20 to 21 Question 20: Jolie is reading a magazine on famous people, asking her friend, John. - Jolie: “Do you think celebrities today tend to focus more on wealth rather than achievements?” ~ John: * And this sets bad examples for young people.” A. Not at all B. You can say that again . I think they focus more on achievements D. It's ont of the question Question 21: Liz: Thanks for the nice gift you brought to us! - Jennifer ‘A. Alright, Do you know how much it costs? B, Not at all. Don’t mention it. C. Actually speaking, I myself don’t like it. D. Welcome! It's very nice of you. Section 5: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions 22 to 23 Question 22: I knew she was only flattering me because she wanted to borrow some money ‘A. teasing B. threatening . praising D. helping Question 23: Her courage not only inspired her followers but moved her rivals as well. A. depressed B. motivated C. overlooked D. rejected Section 6: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions 24 to 25 Question 24: Many people perished in the Kobe earthquake because they were not prepared for it. ‘A. lost their lives B. declined C. survived D. departed Question 25: Jane is trying to get to sleep, so if you wake her up she will fly off the handle. A. continue sleeping —_B. want to fly C. become anery D. keep calm Section 7: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combine each pair of sentences in the following questions 26 to 27 Question 26: Linda bought a villa in a small village. She regrets it now. ‘A. Linda wishes she hadn't bought a villa in a small village. B. If Linda bought a villa in a small village, she would regret it C. Linda regrets not having bought a villa in a small village D. If only Linda had bought a villa in a small village. Question 27: My cousin was too ill. He couldn't sit for the entrance examination last week. ‘A. So ill was my cousin that he couldn't sit for the entrance examination last week. B, But for my cousin's illness, he couldn't sit for the entrance examination last weel . Such ill was my cousin that he couldn't sit for the entrance examination last week. D. Had my cousin been too ill, he couldn't sit for the entrance examination last week, Section 8: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B,C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks 28 to 30 Question 28: Last year, the government launches a program with a view to improving living standard in this city. Avwith B, launches C.view D. standard Question 29: Mark told me that he got very bored with their present job and was looking for a new one. ‘A. looking for B. told me ©. thei D. got Question 30: There used to be widespread doubt about women’s intelligent ability, but it was totally nonsense. Avused B. doubt intelligent D. totally Section 9: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that Is closest in meaning to each of the following questions 31 to 33 Question 31: It is necessary for him to finish his homework by tomorrow A. He ought not to finish his homework by tomorrow B, He might finish his homework by tomorrow. C. He mustn't finish his homework by tomorrow. D. He needs to finish his homework by tomorrow. Question 32: “I would book the tickets in advance if T were you.” Linda said to me. Linda warned me against booking the tickets in advance. B. Linda advised me to book the tickets in advance C. Linda suggested that I not book the tickets in advance. D. Linda ordered me to book the tickets in advance. Question 33: Peter started learning to play the piano two months ago. ‘A. Peter has learned to play the piano for two months. B. Peter is learning to play the piano at the moment C. Peter stopped learning to play the piano two months ago. D. Peter has never learned to play the piano. Section 10: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks 34 to 38 THE GENERATION GAP People talk about the generation gap as a kind of division between young people and their parents. Tt is something (34) is generally a problem when children enter their teenage years, and results in complaints on both sides. Parents.(35) . can often be heard to say that young people are disrespectful and disobedient and in addition, tend to be inresponsible when spending because they don't (36) the value of money. Adolescents, on the other hand, complain that their parents doa't understand them What has gone wrong? One explanation lies in how society has changed. In the past, children would typically continue the way of life of their parents. In today's world, parents are very (37) for their children because they want them to achieve more than they did. The problem is that the children often don’t agree with their parents’ plans. Teenagers also reach maturity at an earlier age than they used to and want their independence sooner. The resulting conflict is painful to (38) sides. Question 34: A.whom —B, who C.where D. which Question 35: A. however B, for example C. therefore D. moreover Question 36: A. admire B. award C. appreciate D. praise Question 37: A. loyal —-B. sympathetic . gratefull D. ambitious Question 38: A.both —_B. neither C. much D.each Section 11: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, ¢, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions 39 to 43 The cost and benefits of global warming will vary greatly from area to area. For moderate climate change, the balance can be difficult to assess. But the larger the change in climate, the more negative the consequences will become. Global warming will probably make life harder, not easier, for most people. This is mainly because we have already built enormous infrastructure based on the climate we now have People in some temperate zones may benefit ftom milder winters, more abundant rainfall, and expanding crop production zones. But people in other areas will suffer from increased heat waves, coastal erosion, rising sea level, more erratic rainfall, and droughts. The crops, natural vegetation, and domesticated and wild animals (including seafood) that sustain people in a given area may be unable to adapt to local or regional changes in climate. The ranges of diseases and insect pests that are limited by temperature may expand, if other environmental conditions are also favorable In its summary report on the impacts of climate change, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated, “Taken as a whole, the range of published evidence indicates that the net damage costs of climate change are likely to be significant and to increase over time.” Question 39: What is the main idea of the passage? A. Reasons why low-lying areas are flooded. B. Reasons why global warming is a problem €. Solutions to global warming. D, Environment pollution is real Question 40: Which of the following is TRUE as the result of global warming? ‘A. Life is easier for most people B. All people suffer from global warming C. All people benefit from global warming D. Life is more difficult for the majority of people Question 41: In paragraph 1, the word “this” refers to A. harder life as a result of global warming B. easier life as a result of global warming C. flood in low-lying areas D. climate change on global scale Question 42: In paragraph 2, the word “erratic” is closest in meaning to A. predictable B. unpredictable C. unchangeable D. changeable Question 43: What may happen to diseases and insect pests as a result of global warming? A. They will become extinct B. They will increase in number C. They will be under good control D. They will not harm our planet Section 12: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions 44 to 50 Scientists do not yet thoroughly understand just how the body of an individual becomes sensitive to asubstance that is harmless or even wholesome for the average person. Milk, wheat, and egg, for example, rank among the most healthful and widely used foods. Yet these foods can cause persons sensitive to them to suffer greatly. At first, the body of the individual is not harmed by coming into contact with the substance. After a varying interval of time, usvally longer than a few weeks, the body becomes sensitive to it, and an allergy has begun to develop. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out if you have 2 food allergy. since it can show up so many different ways. Your symptoms could be caused by many other problems. You may have rashes, hives, joint pains mimicking arthritis, headaches, icritability, or depression. The most common food allergies are to milk, eggs, seafood, wheat, nuts, seeds, chocolate, oranges, and tomatoes. Many of these allergies will not develop if these foods are not fed to an infant until her or his intestines mature at around seven months. Breast milk also tends to be protective. Migraines can be set off by foods containing tyramine, phenathylamine, monosodium glutamate, or sodium nitrate. Common foods which contain these are chocolate, aged cheeses, sour cream, red wine, pickled herring, chicken livers, avocados, ripe bananas, cured meats, many Oriental and prepared foods (read the labels'). Some people have been successful in treating their migraines with supplements of B-vitamins, particularly B6 and niacin. Children who are hyperactive may benefit from eliminating food additives, especially colorings, and foods high in salicylates from their diets. A few of these are almonds, green peppers, peaches. tea, grapes. This is the diet made popular by Benjamin Feingold, who has written the book “Why your Child is Hyperactive”. Other researchers have had mixed results when testing whether the diet is effective. Question 44: The topic of this passage is Avreactions to foods —B. food and nutrition _C., infants and allergies. a good diet Question 45: According to the passage, the difficulty in diagnosing allergies to foods is due to, ‘A. the vast number of different foods we eat B, lack of a proper treatment plan C. the similarity of symptoms of the allergy to other problems D. the use of prepared formula to feed babies Question 46: The phrase "set off” in the paragraph second is closest in meaning to ‘Avtelieved B. identified C. avoided D. triggered Question 47: The author states that the reason that infants need to avoid certain foods related to allergies has to do with the infant's A. lack of teeth B. poor metabolism C. underdeveloped intestinal tract D. inability to swallow solid foods Question 48: The word "these" in the third paragraph refers to ‘A. food additives B. food colorings . innutritious foods D. foods high in silicates Question 49: Which of the following was a suggested treatment for migraines in the passage? A. Eating more ripe bananas B. Avoiding all Oriental foods C. Geiting plenty of sodium nitrate D. Using Vitamin B in addition to a good diet Question 50: What can be inferred about babies from this passage? ‘A. They cau eat almost anything. B. They should have a carefully restricted diet as infants. C. They gain little benefit from being breast fed. D. They may become hyperactive if fed solid food too early. HET BANG DAP AN uel2p/)3a]4e]sB)6n/724]/84a 9D) 10. w.B] 12 | 13. | 14 | 15. | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19. | 208 aA;lc|p]/pd|]c}]alelec a.B} 22. |23.B] 24 | 28. | 26 | 27. J2.B) 29. | 30. c ec/polala e | ie a1. |32.B| 33. | 34 |38.B] 36 | 37. | 38. | 39.B| 40. D A | D c|pJa D a. [42.8 /43.B] 44. | 45. | 46. | 47. | 48. | 49. | 50.8 A a|c)pi|)c|]poio HUONG DAN GIAI CHI TIET 1 (NB) Kién thie: Ngo am Giai thi A. practised preekeust B. repaired /rr perc. C. stopped /sta:pt D. laughed /leefv Nhitng dong tire chi cdi két thite tan eiing la TH 1: t, d=> dudi—ed duge phat am la td TH2: p, pe: k, ke; £8 ph, gh: ss, ce, se, x; ch; sh => dudi ed durge phat am La /t TH 3: con Ia Phan gach chan phuong én B duge phat am la /d/, cn Iai la /t Choose B. dudi —ed duge phat am la /d A. final /°famnl/ B. revival /rt'varvl C. reliable /rv larabl D. liberty / lnbarti Phan gach chin phuong én D duoe phat am la /t/, con Iai la /av'. Choose D. 3 (NB) Kién thite: Trong am Giai thich: A. suburb /’sabs:rb) B, support /s0'po:rt C. prefer /prr'fs:r/ D. canoe /ko'm — Dap an A trong am roi vao am tiét 1, cOn Iai lé am tiét 2 6 Choose A. 4B) Kién thite: Trong am Giai thich: A. invention /n’venfiv B. obstacle /"obstakl C. discover /dr'skavar D. bacteria /beek ‘tris Dap én B trong ém roi vao am tiét 1, con lai La am tiét 2 Choose B. 5 (NB) Kign thite: Caw tg0 tir Giai thich: A. national (adj): thuge vé quéc gia B. nation (a): quée gia C. nationality (1): quée tich D. nationally (adv): toan quée Tam djch: Robert Mugabe da cai tri Zimbabwe ke tir khi quéc gia gianh duge dgc lap vao nim 1980. Choose B. 6 (NB) Kién thite: Cau hoi dudi Giai thich: ‘Vé trade dau phay la cau phi dnb thi hign tgi hoan thanh — Vé sau du phay la cau khing dink ci Tam dich: Ho chwa lam xong bai tp vé nha, phai khong? Choose D. 7 (8B) Kién thite: Mgo tir Giai thich: +N 6 it dém duge va duge ahie tai lan dau tign Tam djeh: Ban c6 mot th0i gian vui vé tai bita tie Choose A. 8 (NB) Kién thite: Gigi ti Giai thich: independent of: doc lap khoi ‘Tam djch: Khi trong thanh, toi doc lap Khoi cha me ve tii chinh. Choose A. 9 (NB) Kién thie: Thi tvong lai hoan than: Giai thich: By the time + thi hign tai don, 5 + will have _ PIT Tam dich: Vao thoi diém ching t6i dén dé tdi nay, b6 phim sé durge chigu r9i Choose D. 10 (NB) Kién thite: Lign Giai thich: A. in spite of + NiNphr: Mae da B. despite of (despite khong di véi of) C. although + méah dé: Mae dit D. because of + N/Nphu: Boi vi Tam djch: Anh dy da khong gianh duge chién thing trong cue dua vi bi thong 6 chan tre cue dua, Choose D. 11 (NB) Kién thie: Tegt ty tinh tir Giai thich: Kai c6 nbigu tinh t cing dig truée 1 dank ti, sip xép chting theo tht ty: OSASCOMP +N. Trong a6: ©- opinion: quan diém S size: kich thude A—age: 49 tuéi (mei, cf, tre S—shape: hinh dang C—color: mau sic O- origin: nguén gd M-~ material: cht ligu P— purpose: mye dich > old: ei (age), Chinese (origin), woolen (material) Tam dich: Séng nay, toi duge yéu edu git sach tim tham len Trung Quée et ma cha t6i da mua nam agodi. Choose B. 12 (1H) Kién thite: Cum dong ti Giai thich: A. set off khoi hanh B. went through: ti qua C. carried out: tia hinh D. left out: loai trix Tam djeh: Khi ho i dén bai bién, mat troi dang chiéu sang, nhung khi ho dén noi thi troi da e6 may che ph Choose A. 13 (TH) én thite: Két hgp thi Glai thich: Hanh dng dang xay ra (chia thi qué khit tiép din), hinh dug xen vdo (chia thi qué Kite don) Tam djeh: Anh éy di nga sudng khi anh dy dang chay vé phia nha tho. Choose C. 14 (TH) Kién thie: Tit ving Gia thich: A. exchange: déi (di thi gi dé lay thir khée) B. transfer: ehuyén dich C. convert: chuyén d6i (hinh thie) Tam dich: a chinh xéc ciia m@t thank n; Choose D. 15 (NB) it kho dé truyén tai bing Kién thite: Cau bj dong Giai thich: Cau tric: Be + PIL Last night: hom qua — chia thi qué khir don Tam dich: Dm qua Laura duge ting mét chiée nhdn kim cong len cia chén hat eta c Choose D. 16 (NB) Kién thie: Cau rit gon Giai thich: Khi hai ménh dé 6 cing cha ngit, ta c6 thé nit gon ménh dé bang cach bé chi ngit 6 ménh 48 dau tién va thay bing Ving (trong cau chi dong) hoc PI (trong cau bi 461 Tam djeh: Da duge moi dén btta tige, cling t6i khé ¢6 thé tir chdi di. Choose C. 17 (NB) Kién thie: So sinh kép Giai thich: Cau tric: The + so snk hon kém, the + so sénh hon kem 6 dy trong bita tige sinh Tam djeh: Ban céng hoc nhiéu, ban cing hiéu biét nhiéu Choose A. 18 (TH) Kién thite: Te vung Giai thich: A. density: mat 46 B. totality: toan thé C. segment: phan, b6 phan, phan khuc D. division: su phan chia Tam djch: Do tinh chat cia tran dong dét, mét bo phén dan sé lén hon ahiéu o6 thé bi anh huéng, Choose C. 19 (VD) Kién thie: Thanh ng Gtai thich: Past one’s prime: Bi qua thoi ki dinh cao Tam dich: Cé ay co thé van con mot vai ngudi ham mo trén thé gioi, ahung 6 Ay chic chéin da qua thoi Ki dinh cao roi. Choose C. 20 (NB) Kién thie: Gla thich: A. Khong hé B. Téi déng y voi ban C. Tai nghi ho tap trang nhiéu hon vao thanh tich D. Khong edn ban cai Tam djch: - Jolie: “Ban c6 nghi ring nbting ngudi ndi tiéng ngiy nay c6 xu hudng tép trung vio sv gidu c6 hon la thanb tich khong?” ~ John: “Toi déng ¥ v6i ban” Va diéu nay dat ra nhing tim guong xéu cho nhing nguii tré tudi.” Choose B. 21 (NB) Kién thie: NgOn ngit giao tigp Giai thich: n ngit gino tiép A. Alright. Do you know how much it costs?: Burge B, Not at all. Don’t mention it: Khong ¢6 gi déu ma C. Actually speaking, I myself don’t like it: Thyc su ma néi, ban than t6i khong thich n6. D. Welcome! It's ve Tam djch: - Liz: Cam on vi mén qua tuyét vai ma ban 4 mang dén cho ching toi! ~ Jennifer: Khéag c6 gi dau ma Choose B. 21H) Kien thie: Tir vung Giai thick: A. teasing: tréu troe B. threatening: de doa C. praising: khen ngoi D. helping: khen agoi = flattering (v): ninh by = praising ‘Tam djch: Toi biét c& ay tang bée tdi chi vi c6 éy muén vay mat s6 tién. Choose C. 23 (TH) Kién thite: Te vung Giai thich: A, depressed: tram cém B. motivated: thie diy C. overlooked: phot le D. rejected: tir chdi — inspire (v): truyén cam htimg = motivated Tam djch: Long cting cim cia c6 dy khéng chi truyén cém hing cho nhing ngudi theo dai cd éy ma can khign ede d6i thi eva c6 ay cam dong. Choose B. 24 (VD) Kién thite: Te vung Giai thich: A. lost their lives: mat mang B. declined: suy gam C. survived: séng sot D. departed: rai di —+ perished (v): ehét =< survived ‘Tam dich: Nhiéu ngubi di thiét mang trong tran dong dit 6 Kobe vi ho khong chudn bj cho n6. Choose C. 25 (VD) Kién thite: Thanh Gia thich: A. continue sleeping: tidp tue ngt B, want to fly: nuén bay C. become angry: tire gin D. keep calm: binh tinh, — fly off the handle: tite gign >< keep calm . Ban cé biét n6 6 gid bao nhiéu khong? nice of you: Chao mimg! Ban thét t6t 10 Tam djch: Jane dang cd nga, vi vay néu ban déah thite ¢6 Choose D. 26 (TH) Kien thite: Cau use Giai thich: S + wish + thi qua klnt dom: Use da khong lim gi trong qua khit Tam djeh: Linda da mua mot bigt thy 6 mt ngoi lang nho. C6 héi han bay gid. Choose A. 27 (VDC) Kién thite: Cau dao ngit Giai thich: So + adj + tobe + that + manh dé: qua... dén ndii ma Tam djeh: Anh ho ctta toi da qua om. Anh ay khong thé tham gia ky thi tuyén sinh vao tuan trade. Choose A. 28 (TH) Kién thite: Thi qué kltt don Giai thich: Last year: Nam agoai (du higu ahin biét thi QB) — sita launches thanh launched Tam djeh: Nam ngodi, chinh plu di khéi dong mot chuong trinh nhim cai thign mite séng 6 thanh phé na Choose B. 29 TH) Kién the: Tinh tt so how Gla thich: ‘Mark la dank tir sé it = sita their thanh his Tam djch: Mark noi véi toi ring anh dy rat chan cong viée hign tai va dang tim m@t céng vige méi, Choose C. 30 (TH) Kién thie: Ci tao tir Giai thich: Intelligent (adj): thong minh Intelligence ability: kha nang tri tue — sita intelligent thanb intelligence Tam dich: BS ting c6 nhiéu nghi ngo vé kha nang thong minh ctia phy ni, nhung diéu 46 hoan toan vo ghia Choose C. sé tie gign 31TH) Kién thire: Do: Tam dich: Né 1a can thiét cho anh 4y dé hoan thanh bai tap vé aha cla minh vao ngay mai Choose D. 32E) Kién thie: Cau tran thugt Gidi thich: I would ..., if T were you = S1 advised S2 to V: Ai do kiuyén ai nén lam gi Tam djch: “Toi sé 4at vé truée néu tai la ban.” Linda noi vei tai u Choose B. 33 TE) Kién thie: Thi bign tai hoan thanh Giai thich: Sb did sth + khoang thoi gian ~ ago = sb has/have + not done sth ~ for + khong thoi gian: ai d6 da khong kim gi trong Tam djeh: Peter bat du hoc choi piano hai thing uvée Choose A. 34 (TH) Kién thite: Dai tir quan hé Giai thich: A. whom: thay thé eho tan ngte B. who: thay thé cho danh tir chi ngudi treée né C. where: thay thé cho dia diém trude nd D. which: thay thé cho danh tir chi vat, su vat tre 06 Thong tin: It is something (34) whieh is generally a problem when children enter their teenage years Tam djch: Dé 1a m6t cai gi dé ma thvdng 14 mét van dé khi tré em buée vao tudi thiéu nién Choose D. 35 (LH) Kién thie: Tir ndi Giai thich: A. however: tuy niga B. for example: vi dy C. therefore: do a6 D. moreover: hon ata Thong tin: Parents, (35) for example, can often be heard to say that young people are disrespectful and disobedient Tam djch: Cha me, vi dy, thuong co thé nghe noi rang nbiing ngudi tré tuéi la th vang lei Choose B. 36 (LH) Kién thite: Tir vung Giai thich: A. admire (¥): ngwang me B. award (a): giai thuong C. appreciate (v): tria trong D. praise (v): khen agei Thong tin: young people are disrespectful and disobedient and in addition, tend to be inesponsible when spending because they don't (36) appreciate the value of money, am djch: nhiing nguOi tré tudi 1a va 12 va khng vang lei va thém vao d6, c6 xu budng vé trich nhigm hi chi tiu vi ho khong dénh gi cao gi tj cua déng tien. Choose C. 377) Kién thie: Tir vung Giai thich: A loyal: trung thank B. sympathetie: ddng eam C. grateful: biét on D. ambitious: e6 tham vong ton trong va khong 2 Thong tin: In today's world, parents are very (37) ambitous for their children because they want them to achieve more than they did, Tam djeh: Trong thé giéi ngiy nay, cha me rét tham vong cho con edi cia ho béi vi ho nuén ching dat dege nhigu hon nbiiag gi ho da lam. Choose D. 38 (TH) Kién thie: Luong tir Git thich: A. both + N so nhieu: ca hai B. neither: ca hai déu khong C. much + khéng dém duge: nhiéu D. each +N s6 it: méi Thong tin: Teenagers also reach maturity at an earlier age than they used to and want their independence sooner. The resulting conflict is painful to (38) both sides. Tam dich: Thanh thiéu nign cing trong thanh sém hon so v6i tude day va muda te lap sém hon. Xung dt két qua 1a dau dén cho ca bai bén Choose A. Dich bai do ‘Néidung dich; KHOANG CACH THE HE Moi nguéi néi vé khoang cach thé hé nbw mét kiéu phan chia gitta nhing newai tré tuéi va cha me cia ho. Dé 1a mot cdi gi d6 ma n6i chung Ja mt van dé khi tré em bude vao tudi thiéu niéa va din dén khiéu nai ciia ca hai bén. Cha me, vi du, thudag cé thé aghe néi sing nhitng nguéi teé tuéi thiéu tn trong va khong vang loi va ngoai ra, c6 xu huéng v6 tréch nhigm khi chi tiéu vi ho khong coi trong gia tri cia dong tién, Mgt khéc, thank thigu nién phan nan ring cha me cua ho khong hieu ho. Dieu gi da di sai? Mot lei gidi thich nam 6 cach x4 hoi da thay doi. Trong qua kt, con cai thudng sé tiép tue cach sng ciia cha me clving. Trong thé giéi ngay nay, cac bac cha mg rét quan tim dén con cai cia hg vi ho muon ching dat doc ahiéu hon ahimng gi ho da lam. Van dé la con cai thong khang déng ¥ voi 8 hoach cla che me. Thanh thiéu nién cing treong thanh sém hoa so véi truée day va muda ty lip som. hon. Xung d6t din dén gay dau dén cho ca hai bén. 39 (VD) Kién thite: Doc — ¥ chin Gia thich: ¥ chinh cia dogn van la gi? A. Nguyén nan ede ving tring thap bj ngap ung B. Ly do tai sao str nong Jen toan edu 1a mot vin a8 C. Gidi phap cho sw néng lén toan cd D. 6 ahiém méi trvdng la 06 that Théng tin: The cost and benefits of global warming will vary greatly from area to atea. For moderate climate change, the balance can be difficult to assess. But the larger the change in climate, the more negative the consequences will become. Global warming will probably make life harder, not easier, for most people. Tam dich: Chi phi va Igi ich cia sir néng Jén toan cu sé rit khée nhau gitta cée khu vue. Déi véi bign i khi hgu vita phai, su can bing co thé khe danh gi. Nhung sur thay déi khi hgu cng lén thi hau qua s& cang tr nén tiéu cue. Su néng Ién toan cfu c6 thé sé khién cude séng tro nén khé kin hon chit khong 43 dang hon déi véi bau hét moi ngudi. Choose B. 40 1H) Kién thite: Doc — chi tiét 13 Giai thich: Diéu néo sau day la DUNG do hau qua eta sy néng [én toan edu? A. Cude séng dé dang hon déi véi hau hét moi nguoi B. Tat ca moi aguéi phai chiu dung sv néng lén toan civ C, Tat ca moi ngudi déu duoc hudng loi tir sy nong Ién toan céu D. Dei séng dai bp phan nhan dan kho khan hon ‘Théng tin: Global warming will probably make life harder, not easier, for most people. Tam dich: Sy néng lén toan cau cé thé sé khién cue sOng tro nén [cho khan hon chit khong dé ding hon doi v6i hau hét moi ngudi Choose D. 41 (NB) Kién thite: Doc — tir thay thé Gli thich: Trong Goan 1. tt “this” 48 edp dé. A. cude sng khé khan hon do su nong lén toda B. cude séng dé dang hon do sy néng lén toan cau C. fil Iyt & ving tring D. bién déi khi hgu trén pham vi toan cau ‘Thong tin: Global warming will probably make life harder, not easier, for most people. This is mainly because we have already built enormous infrastructure based on the climate we now have. Tam djeh: Su néng lén toan céu e6 thé sé khién cuge séng tré nén khé khiin hon chit khong dé dang hon oi véi haw hét moi ngudi. Digu nay cha yén la do ching toi da xay dying co’ sé ha tang khong 18 dura trén khi bju ma chting toi hign co Choose A. 42 (VD) Kién thie: Doc — tir vung Giai thich: Trong doan 2, ti “erratic” gin nghia nhat voi A. 06 thé dye doa, B. khong C. khang thé thay di D. c6 thé thay d6i Théng tin: But people in other areas will suffer from increased heat waves, coastal erosion, rising sea level, more erratic rainfall, and droughts. Tam djch: Nhung ngwoi dan 6 cde kiu vye khée s& phai chiu dung nhiing dot nang néng gia tang, x6i moa ba bién, mirc nuee bién dang cao, lugng mua that thuong hon va han hin Choose B. 43 (TH) ; Kién thite: Doe — chi tiét Giai thich: Diéu gi o6 thé xdy ra voi bénh tit va con tring gay hai do sy néng lén todn cau? A. Ching s@ bj tuyét chit hé don trade B. Ching sé ting lén vé 36 long C. Cling sé duge kiém soat t6t D. Ching sé khong gay hai cho hanh tinh cita ching ta Théng tin: The ranges of diseases and insect pests that are limited by temperature may expand, if other environmental conditions are also favorable. Tam dich: Pham vi cla bénh va con tring gay hai bi giéi han boi nbiet d9 c6 thé mé rong, néu eae didu ign méi trudng khde cing thugn loi. Choose B. Dich bai dg ‘di dung dich: 14 Chi phi va loi ich cua sy néng 1én toan cau sé rat khae nhau gitta cdc khu vue. Déi véi bién déi khi hau vita phai, sw can bang c6 thé khé dénh gid, Nhung si thay di khi hgu céng lon thi hu qua sé cang tre nén tigu ce. Sw néng lén toan cau cé thé sé khién cue sng tre nén kho khan hon chit khong de dang hon d6i véi hau hét moi nguoi. Diéu nay ehn yéu 1a do ehving t0i a xay dung co so ha tang khong 16 da trén khi hu ma ching t6i hién c6. Nawdi dan & mét s6 ving 6n déi c6 thé duege huong loi tir mia dong én héa hoa, long mua déi dao hon ‘va mé rong ving san xuat edy trong. Nhumg ngwéi dan 6 ede khu vue khée sé phai chin dung ahiing dot nang néng gia ting, x6i mon bé bien, muc nude bién dang cao, lmgng mma that thong hon va han hén. Céc loai cay tong, tham thye vat tv ahién, dng vat hoang da va tuin héa (bao gém ca hai sin) nudi séag con ngudi trong mét kim ve nhét din cé thé khong thich tg duge véi nbiing thay d6i kf hau cia dja phiong hog khu vye. Pham vi eta benh va con trang gay hai bj gidi han béi nhigt d6 e6 thé mé rong, neu céc dieu kign méi trong khée cling thuda lei Trong bio e4o tom tit vé téc dong cia bién @6i khi hau, Hoi dng lign chinh phu vé bién di Khi hau da tuyén bé: “Nhin chung, nbiéu bang ching da céng bé chi ra ring chi phi thiét hai rong do bién déi khi hgu c6 thé la dang ké va tang theo thoi gian. ” 44 (VD) Kién thite: Doc — ¥ chink Gli thich: Cho dé cia doan vin nay 1a ‘A. phan ting v6i thye phim B. thye phim va dink dudag C. 8 so sinh va di img D. ché 49 an uéng hop ly Théng tin: Scientists do not yet thoroughly understand just how the body of an individual becomes sensitive to asubstance that is harmless or even wholesome for the average person. Mill, wheat, and egg, for example, rank among the most healthful and widely used foods. Yet these foods can cause persons sensitive to them to suffer greatly. At first, the body of the individual is not harmed by coming into contaet with the substance. After a varying interval of time, usually longer than a few weeks, the body becomes sensitive to it, and an allergy has begua to develop. Sometimes it's hard to figure out if you have a food allergy, since it can show up so many different ways. Tam dich: Cae nha khoa hoe vin chtea hiéu thiu déo vé each co thé cba mot nguoi tré nén nhay cam voi mot ehét vO hai hoc thém chi lank manh d6i véi agudi binh theong. Vi du, sta, lia mi va trimg duge xép hang trong s6 nhiiag thye phim tét cho stte khée va duge sir dung rong rai nhat. Tuy abiéa, nhitag tye pham nay c6 thé khién nhtimg new nhay cém véi chiing phai chiu dung rat nhieu. Ltic dau, co thé cia ca nhan khong bj tn hai Khi tiép xe véi chat nay. Sau mot khodng thoi gian khée nhau, thuromg dai hon vai aan, co the tro nén nhay cam voi n6 va dj ung bat diu phat trién. Dai khi that kho dé biét ligu ban cé bj di img thye pham hay khéng, vi né c6 thé biéu hign theo ahiéu cach khac nhau. Choose A. 45 (TH) Kién thie: Boe ~ chi tiét Gli thich: Theo doan vin, kh khin trong vige chin dodn di tng véi thite tn 1a do. A. sé lirong I6n cae loai thye phdm khac nhau ma cling ta an B. thigu mét ké hoach diéu trj thich hop C. sir gidng nhau ciia eéc trigu ching dj ting véi cae van d8 khae B. thigu mot ké hoach digu tri thich hop Thong tin: Sometimes it's hard to figure out if you have a food allergy, since it can show up so many different ways. Tam djch: Déi khi thét kho 48 biér ligu ban c6 bi di ting the phim hay khéng, vi né 06 thé biéu hign theo nhiéu eéch kiée nhau. 15 Choose C. 46 (VD) Kién thite: Doc — tir vung Gi ich: Cum tir "set off” trong doan thit hai gén nghia nhat voi A.nbe nhdm B. xéc dink C. tréah D. kich boat Théng tin: Migraines can be set off by foods containing tyramine, phenathylamine, monosodium glutamate, or sodium nitrate. Tam dich: Ching dau mia dau c6 thé doe gay ra bei thure phim c6 chia tyramine, phenathylamine, bot ingot hoge natri nitrat. Choose D. 471) Kién thite: Doc ~ chi tiét Giai thich: Tac gi noi ring ly do tré so sinh cn tranh mt s6 logi thye phim lign quan dén di img c6 lien quan dén. cea tre A. thiéu ring B. trao dai chat kém C. during mgt kém phat trién D. khong thé nut thite an dge Théng tin: Many of these allergies will not develop if these foods are not fed to an infant until her or his intestines mature at around seven months Tam djeh: Nhiéu bénh di tmg trong sé nay sé khong phét trién néu té so sinh khong duge cho an nhting thyre pham nay cho dén khi rut cia tré triéng thanh vao khoang 7 thang tdi Choose C. 48 (NB) Kién thite: Doc — tir thay thé Giai thich: Tw "these" trong doan thir ba 48 cap dén, A. phy gia thie pham B. pham man C. thite an khong bé durdng D. thite an chia nhiéu silicat Thong tin: Children who are hyperactive may benefit from eliminating food additives, especially colorings, and foods high in salicylates from their diets. A few of these are almonds, green peppers, peaches, tea, grapes. Tam djeh: Tre em hiéu dong c6 thé duge hnéng loi tir vige loai bo cde cht phu gia thyre phim, dle bigt la chit t90 mau va thye phdm chira nhiéu salicylat khoi ché d@ An cia ching. Mét sé trong sé nay 1a hanh nhén, 6t xanh, dio, tri, nho. Choose D. 49 (TH) Kién thite: Doc — ¥ chinh Glai thich: Didu nao sau day 1a mot phuong phép diéu tri duoe dé xudt cho ching dau uta dau trong doan vin? A. An ahiéu chuéi chin B. Tranh tat c4 cdc loai thye pham phuong Dong C. An nbiéu natri nitrat 16 D. Str dung Vitamin B ngoai ché 46 an uéng tét Théng tin: Some people have been successful in treating their migraines with supplements of B-vitamins, particularly B6 and niacin. Tam djch: Mét s6 ngwoi da thanh céng trong vige diéu tri chimg dau mita dau bang cach bé sung vitamin B, dic biet la B6 va niacin. Choose D. 50 (TH) Kién thite: Doc —¥ chink Gidi thich: Diéu gi o6 thé duge suy ra vé tré so sinh tir dogn van nay? A. Ching c6 thé an bau hét moi thi B. Chiing nén c6 ehé dg an han ché can thin khi c6n nb C. Cling nhin duge rit it loi ich khi duoc bi me. D. Chiing ¢6 thé tré nén hiéu dbag néu durge cho fa thite an d¥e qué sém. Thong tin: - Many of these allergies will not develop if these foods are not fed to an infant until her or his intestines mature at around seven months. Breast milk also tends to be protective - Children who are hyperactive may benefit from eliminating food additives, especially colorings, and foods high in salicylates from their diets. Tam dich: - Nhigu logi dj ing trong s6 nay s® khong phat trién néu tré so sinh khong duage cho am nhimg three phim nay cho dén khi rudt cua tré treong thanh vio khoang bay thang. Sita me ciing ¢6 xu ong bao ve - Tr em hiéu dong c6 thé duege hudng loi tir viée loai bé cde chit phuy gia thy phim, dic bigt la chit tg0 ‘mau va thye phim chtta nhiéu salicylat khoi ché d6 an cia ching, Choose B. Dich bai doe: ich Cae nha khea hoe vin chwra hiéu thiu io vé each co thé cia mét nguéi trérnén ahay cim voi mot chat ve hai hodc thm chi lank manh d6i véi ngudi binh theong. Vi du, sta, lia mi va trimg duge xép hang trong 6 nbing thye phim t5t cho str khée va duge sit dung rong rai abdt. Tuy abién, nhtiag thye phdm nay cd thé khién nhtmg nguéi nhay cim voi chiing phai chju dung rat nhieu. Lic dau, co thé cia ca nhan khong bj t6n hai khi tiép xoe véi chat nay. Sau mot khong thi gion kha nhau, throng dai hon vai tuan, cer thé tré néa nhay cim vi a6 va di tng bit dau phat triéa. DOi khi that kho dé biét igu ban cé bi di tmg thue phdm hay khéng, vi né c6 thé biéu hign theo ahiéu cach khac nhau. Cac trigu chimg fa ban 6 thé do nhiéu van dé khac gay ra. Ban c6 thé bi phat ban, ndi mé day, dau khép giéng nur viém khép, dau dau, kh6 chiu hoge trim eam. Cée dj tmg thue phim phd bién abit la sta, trimg, hii sn, kia mi, qua bach, hat, s6 ¢6 La, cam va ca chua, Nhiéu loai di tmg trong sé nay sé khéng phat trign néu tré so sinh kiténg duge cho an nbitmg thre pham nay cho dén Kini mot eta tre trong thanh vao khoang bay thang. Sita me cing cé xu hong bao vé. Cling dau nita dau co thé duge gay ra bai thue phim cé chira tyramine, phenathylamine, b6t ngot hoe natri nitrat. Cac logi thre phim phé bién c6 ehtta nhting chat nay 1d s6 c6 la, pho mat lau nam, kem chua, rrgu vang dé, 4 trich ngdm, gan ga, bo, chudi chin, thit wép mudi, nhiéu loai thy pham phirong ang va che bién sin (hay doe nhant). Mot s6 ngwéi da thinh cong trong vige diéu tr] ching dau ntta dau bang cach bo sung vitamin B, dae biét la Bo va niacin. Tré em hiéu dong c6 th’ duge hudng loi tt vige loai bo ec chat phy gia thue phim, de bigt La cht tao mau va thue phim chita nbiéu salicylat khoi ché 46 an ciia chting. Mét s6 trong s6 nay 1a hanh nhan, ét xanh, dio, tra, nho. Day la ché d6 an kigng duge phé biga béi Benjamin Feingold, ngwoi da viet cudn sch “Tai sao con ban hiéu ding”. Céc nh nghién etru khiée d& c6 ket qua khéc nhau khi kiém tra xem ché 49 an kieng c6 hiau qua hay khong dun; uv

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