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Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission

CvSU Vision
The premier university in
CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY Cavite State University shall
historic Cavite recognized for Bacoor City Campus provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development SHIV, Molino VI, City of Bacoor relevant educational opportunities in
of globally competitive and the arts, science and technology
morally upright individuals. through quality instruction and
relevant research and development
It shall produce professional,
skilled and morally upright individuals
ELEC4: DIRECT MARKETING for global competitiveness.



✓ Major channels for Direct Marketing

Direct mail
Forms of Direct Mail
✓ Retailing and Personal Selling
✓ Retail Communication Mix


✓ Differentiate the major channels for direct marketing;

✓ Enumerate major channels for direct marketing; retailing, and personal selling; and
✓ Elaborate retail communication mix.

Methods of Direct Marketing – Lesson 03

Major channels for Direct Marketing

In direct marketing, various channels are utilized to directly reach potential customers. Here are some major

1. Face-to-Face
✓ Face-to-face direct marketing involves direct interaction between a marketer and a potential customer.
This interaction can occur in various settings, including retail stores, trade shows, events, door-to-door
sales, or personal meetings.
a. Door-to-Door Sales: Sales representatives visit individual homes to present products or services
directly to residents.
b. Trade Shows: Marketers set up booths or exhibits at trade shows to showcase their products or
services and engage with attendees.
c. Retail Stores: Sales personnel engage with customers directly within stores, offering assistance,
product demonstrations, or personalized recommendations.
d. Events: Companies host events such as product launch parties, workshops, or seminars where they
can interact face-to-face with attendees and promote their offerings.
Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission
CvSU Vision
The premier university in
CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY Cavite State University shall
historic Cavite recognized for Bacoor City Campus provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development SHIV, Molino VI, City of Bacoor relevant educational opportunities in
of globally competitive and the arts, science and technology
morally upright individuals. through quality instruction and
relevant research and development
It shall produce professional,
skilled and morally upright individuals
2. Direct Mail
for global competitiveness.
✓ Involves sending physical promotional materials, such as postcards, brochures, catalogs, letters, or
samples, directly to individuals' mailboxes. These materials are designed to capture recipients' attention,
convey marketing messages, and prompt them to take action, such as making a purchase, visiting a store,
or subscribing to a service.
Forms of Direct Mail
a. Postcards: It is a brief, eye-catching cards featuring promotional messages, product images, or special
offers. It is ideal for concise messages and targeted campaigns and cost-effective for printing and
b. Brochures: It is a folded pamphlets or booklets containing detailed information about products,
services, or promotions.
c. Catalogs: It is a comprehensive booklet showcasing a selection of products, services, or seasonal
d. Letters: Personalized letters addressed to individual recipients, often with customized content and
offers. It allows for direct communication and relationship-building and an effective for conveying
urgent or exclusive offers.
e. Packages: Larger mailings containing product samples, promotional items, or gifts. It provides a
tactile experience and creates anticipation.
f. Self-Mailer: It is a single-sheet mailings that fold or seal without an envelope. It is cost-effective and
convenient for conveying simple messages or offers and can include tear-off coupons or response
cards for easy response.
3. Envelope
✓ The envelope is a critical component of direct mail marketing, serving as the outer packaging that protects
the enclosed promotional materials and carries key messaging to entice recipients to open it.
a. Plain Envelopes: Simple, unadorned envelopes that focus on conveying a sense of importance or
urgency through bold typography or messaging.
b. Personalized Envelopes: Envelopes featuring recipients' names or personalized messages to create a
sense of familiarity and relevance.
c. Teaser Envelopes: Envelopes with teaser elements such as stickers, stamps, or intriguing messages
designed to pique recipients' curiosity and encourage them to open the mail.
4. Teasers
✓ Teasers in direct marketing are attention-grabbing elements strategically placed on the outside of
promotional materials, such as envelopes or packages, to intrigue recipients and entice them to open and
engage with the content inside. Teasers are designed to create curiosity, generate interest, and increase the
likelihood of the recipient taking action, such as reading a letter, brochure, or responding to an offer.

Purpose of Teasers:
1. Capture Attention: Teasers aim to stand out among other mail or promotional materials, grabbing the
recipient's attention and compelling them to take notice.
2. Create Curiosity: Teasers often contain cryptic messages, intriguing visuals, or hints about the
contents inside, sparking curiosity and motivating recipients to explore further.
Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission
CvSU Vision
The premier university in
CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY Cavite State University shall
historic Cavite recognized for Bacoor City Campus provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development SHIV, Molino VI, City of Bacoor relevant educational opportunities in
of globally competitive and the arts, science and technology
morally upright individuals. through quality instruction and
relevant research and development
It shall produce professional,
skilled and morally
3. Prompt Action: By enticing recipients to open the mail or package, teasers increase theupright individuals
likelihood of
for global competitiveness.
them engaging with the enclosed promotional materials, such as reading a letter, reviewing product
information, or responding to a call to action.

Types of Teasers

1. Visual Teasers: These include eye-catching graphics, images, or illustrations on the outside of the
envelope or package that immediately draw the recipient's attention.
2. Text Teasers: Clever or intriguing messages, slogans, or phrases printed on the envelope or package
that compel recipients to want to know more.
3. Interactive Teasers: Elements that encourage recipients to interact physically with the mail piece,
such as pull-tabs, scratch-off sections, or tear-away flaps, adding an element of fun and engagement.
4. Tactile Teasers: Physical features of the mail piece, such as unusual textures, embossing, or raised
elements, that stimulate the recipient's sense of touch and curiosity.

Examples of Teasers

1. Mystery Offer: A teaser that hints at a special, undisclosed offer inside the envelope, encouraging
recipients to open it to reveal the deal.
2. Teaser Copy: A short, compelling message printed on the envelope, such as "You're Invited" or
"Don't Miss Out," designed to create intrigue and prompt action.
3. Visual Intrigue: An eye-catching image or illustration on the envelope that piques curiosity and
entices recipients to learn more about the contents.
4. Interactive Element: A pull-tab or tear-away section on the envelope that prompts recipients to
interact physically, adding an element of engagement and excitement.

Retailing and Personal Selling


✓ refers to the process of selling goods or services directly to consumers through physical or online stores,
outlets, or distribution channels. Retailers purchase products from manufacturers or wholesalers and then
sell them to end-users at a markup, aiming to meet consumers' needs and preferences while generating
profits. Retailers frequently buy in bulk from wholesalers, then repackage merchandise for individual

Personal Selling

✓ Involves direct interaction between a salesperson or representative and a potential customer, with the goal
of persuading the customer to make a purchase or take a desired action. Personal selling relies on building
relationships, addressing customer needs, and providing tailored solutions through one-on-one
Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission
CvSU Vision
The premier university in
CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY Cavite State University shall
historic Cavite recognized for Bacoor City Campus provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development SHIV, Molino VI, City of Bacoor relevant educational opportunities in
of globally competitive and the arts, science and technology
morally upright individuals. through quality instruction and
relevant research and development
It shall produce professional,
skilled and morally upright individuals
Types of Personal Selling
for global competitiveness.

According to David Jobber, personal selling has three types:

a. Order takers – order takers can be retail sales assistants or telemarketers. Their tasks are solely taking a
customer’s requests and moving them to the product or service the meets the customer’s needs.
b. Order creators – a typical example of order creators are medical representatives who convince physicians to
prescribe their products. They don’t sell medicines directly to patients.
c. Order getters – they are the frontline sales reps who are responsible for persuading customers to make a purchase.

Retail Communication Mix

✓ refers to the combination of promotional tactics and channels used by retailers to communicate with
customers and drive sales within retail environments. It encompasses a range of marketing
communication elements designed to engage consumers, increase brand awareness, and influence
purchasing decisions.

Two Aspects of Retail Communication

1. Internal Retail Communication

✓ Refers to the exchange of information, messages, and feedback among employees, managers, and
departments within a retail organization. Effective internal communication is essential for ensuring that
everyone within the organization is aligned with the company's goals, objectives, policies, and
2. Store to Customer Retail Communication
✓ Encompasses various strategies and tactics employed by retailers to engage with customers and enhance
their shopping experiences both in-store and online. Effective communication with customers is essential
for building brand loyalty, driving sales, and fostering positive relationships.

Key Functions of Retail Communication

1. Informing – retailers provide information about themselves and the products or services offered by them.
2. Persuading – involves asking people to visit the store and purchase the products.
3. Reminding – it involves reminding customers frequently about its products or services so that customer loyalty

Objectives of Retail Communication

1. Long-term
✓ Build brand (retailer’s name) image
✓ Create customer loyalty
Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission
CvSU Vision
The premier university in
CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY Cavite State University shall
historic Cavite recognized for Bacoor City Campus provide excellent, equitable and
excellence in the development SHIV, Molino VI, City of Bacoor relevant educational opportunities in
of globally competitive and the arts, science and technology
morally upright individuals. through quality instruction and
relevant research and development
It shall produce professional,
skilled and morally upright individuals
2. Short-term
for global competitiveness.
✓ Increase traffic
✓ Increase sales

Importance of Retail Communication

1. Distinguishing Brands
✓ involves creating a unique identity and positioning in the marketplace that sets a brand apart from
competitors and resonates with target customers.
2. Value Brand Image (Brand Equity)
✓ also known as brand equity, refers to the perceived value and strength of a brand in the minds of
consumers. It represents the extent to which customers associate positive attributes, emotions, and
experiences with a brand, leading to increased loyalty, preference, and willingness to pay a premium for
its products or services.
a. Brand Awareness – it refers to the extent to which consumers recognize and recall a brand's name,
logo, or other identifying elements. It represents the familiarity and visibility of the brand among
target customers.
b. Brand Associations – are the attributes, qualities, emotions, and experiences that consumers connect
with a brand. These associations shape consumers' perceptions of the brand and influence their
attitudes and behaviors toward it.
c. Consistent Reinforcement – involves maintaining alignment and coherence across all brand
touchpoints and communications. It ensures that the brand message, identity, and values are
consistently communicated to consumers over time.
3. Extending the Brand Name
✓ involves leveraging the existing brand equity and reputation to introduce new products, services, or
offerings under the same brand umbrella. This strategy allows organizations to capitalize on the trust,
recognition, and loyalty associated with the brand name to enter new markets or product categories.


✓ Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., & Opresnik, M (2018). Principles of Marketing Global Edition. United Kingdom:
Pearson Education Limited.
✓ Tapp, Whitten, Housden (2014). Principles of Direct, Database & Digital Marketing 5th Edition. United Kingdon:
Pearson Education Limited.

Prepared by:
Rosette P. Sarmiento
Instructor, DMS
Consultation Hours: 11:00AM to 1:00PM

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