Second Quarter - First Semester - Shs Year 2: Topic 1: Media Languages D. Color

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➔ portrayal of the actors in creating

media products
➔ actors contribute to character
TOPIC 1: MEDIA LANGUAGES development, creating tension, or
D. Color
➔ considerations are highly
● codes, conventions, formats, symbols, and narrative
connotative when it comes to
structure that indicate the meaning of media
messages to an audience
➔ usually associated with cultural
● denotes how media producers make meaning about a
certain medium e.g. advertisement, TV show, film
➔ analysis includes:
they are producing and how they transfer that
a. dominant color
meaning to their target audience
b. contrasting foils
● allows the audience to convey the meaning of the text
c. color symbolism
through its signs and symbols (do not have a single
meaning because audience have different
● codes specific to a media form alone
● audience may interpret denotatively or connotatively
● the knowledge and connotations of different camera
○ Denotative
angles and shots make sense when looking at films
➔ literal meaning
and photographs but mean nothing outside those
○ Connotative
➔ various interpretations that the text
● include sound, camera angles, types of shots and
suggests to the audience which are
often associated with their culture,
A. Camerwork
values, beliefs, etc.
➔ how the camera is operated, positioned, and
moved for specific effects
➔ positioning, movement, framing, exposure,
● technical and symbolic ingredients or codes and
and lens choice
conventions that media and information professionals
B. Editing
may select and use in an effort to communicate ideas,
➔ the process of choosing, manipulating, and
information, and knowledge
arranging images and sound
● system of arbitrary, vocal symbols that permit all
C. Audio
people in a given culture, or other people who have
➔ the expressive or naturalistic use of sound
learned the system of that culture to communicate or
➔ 3 aspects: dialogue, sound effects, and
to interact
D. Lighting
➔ manipulation of natural or artificial light to
selectively highlight specific elements of the
➔ elements: quality, direction, source, and
E. Camera Shots
➔ by combining different type of shots,
filmmakers are able to emphasize specific
emotions, ideas, and movement for each
a. Extreme Wide Shot (ELS)
● show the subject from a distance, or
● a system or collection of signs that create meaning the area in which the scene is
when put together taking place
a. sounds ● useful for establishing a scene in
b. spelling terms of time and place, also
c. grammar character’s physical or emotional
● Semiotics: study of signs relationship to the environment
● the character doesn’t necessarily
SYMBOLIC CODES have to be viewable in this shot
● beneath the surface of what we see (objects, setting, b. Long Shot (LS) / Wide Shot (WS)
body language, clothing, color, etc.) or iconic symbols ● shows the subject from top to
that are easily understood bottom
● audience-based ● not necessarily filling the frame
● the meaning of the product is not based on the ● character becomes more of a focus
product itself but on the interpretation of the audience than an ELS, but the shot tends to
A. Settings still be dominated by the scenery
➔ time and place ● sets the scene and the character’s
➔ can be as big as the galaxy/space place in it
or as small as a specific room ● serve as an Establishing Shot, in
➔ can be a created atmosphere or lieu of an ELS
frame of mind c. Full Shot (FS)
B. Mise en Scene ● frames character from head to toes
➔ a French word ● subject roughly filling the frame
➔ the stage setting, everything within ● emphasis is more on action and
the frame movement rather than a character’s
➔ arrangement of actors and scenery emotional state
on a stage for a theatrical d. Medium Long Shot (MLS) / Medium Wide
production Shot (MWS)
➔ description of all the objects within a ● AKA ¾ shot
frame of the media product and how ● intermediate between Full Shot and
they have been arranged Medium Shot
➔ analysis includes: ● shows subject from the knees up
a. set design e. Cowboy Shot
b. costume ● AKA American Shot
c. props ● a variation of a Medium Shot
d. staging ● name from Western films from the
C. Acting 1930s and 1940s which would

Prepared by Fatima Victoria


frame the subject from mid-thighs ● camera shot of a character looking

up to fit the character’s gun holsters at something
into the shot I. Camera Focus
f. Medium Shot (MS) ➔ Depth of Field
● shows part of the subject in more ● size of the area in your image
detail where objects appear acceptably
● for a person, typically frames from sharp
about waist up ● area in questions: field
● one of the most common shots ● size (in z-space): depth of the field
seen in films ● center most point: point of focus
● focuses on a character while still ● plan of focus: imaginary two
showing some environment dimensional plane that extends
g. Medium Close Up (MCU) from the point
● falls between a Medium Shot and Types of Camera Shot Focus
Close Up a. Rack Focus / Focus Pull
● framing from chest or shoulder up b. Shallow Focus
h. Close Up (CU) c. Deep Focus
● fills the screen with part of the d. Tilt-Shift
subject e.g. a person’s head/face
● emotions and reaction of a WRITTEN CODES
character dominate the scene ● formal written language used in creating a media
i. Extreme Close Up (ECU) product
● emphasizes a small area or detail of ● includes the printed language and the spoken
the subject e.g. eyes or mouth language e.g. dialogues and lyrics of a song
● ECU of the eyes is sometimes ● use of language style and textual layout (headlines,
called an Italian Shot (from Sergio captions, speech bubbles, language style)
Leone’s Italian-Western films that ● use of language style and textual layout also express
popularized it meaning
j. Choker ● include:
● a variant of a Close Up A. Headlines/Titles - the text indicating the nature of
● frames the subject’s face from the article below it
above the eyebrows to below the B. Typeface/Font
mouth C. Slogans/Taglines
F. Photo Caption D. Captions (print) or inter-titles (moving image)
➔ AKA cut lines E. Style
➔ few lines of text used to explain or elaborate F. Choice of Words
on published photographs G. Emphasis of Words
G. Comic Strips
➔ sequence of drawings arranged in
interrelated panels to display brief humor or MEDIA CONVENTION
form a narrative, often serialized, with text in
balloons and captions
H. Camera Shot Framing ● accepted ways of using media codes
➔ art and science of placing subjects in your ● closely connected to the audience expectations of a
shots media product
➔ all about composition
➔ rather than pointing the camera at the
subject, you need to compose an image
➔ for filmmakers and videographers, a major
consideration for framing is the number of
subjects you feature in your shots and their
physical relationship to each other and the
a. Single Shot
● what you shot captures one subject
● can be set and framed in any shot
size as long as there is only one
character featured within the frame
b. Two Shot
● camera shot with two characters
featured in the frame
● useful for allowing performances to
play out in a single take esp in
c. Over the Shoulder Shot (OTS) ● the certain ways we expect types of media codes to
● shows the subject from behind the be arranged
shoulder of another character
● emulates perspective STORY CONVENTIONS
● common in conversation scenes ● common narrative structures and understandings that
● help to provide orientation are common in story telling media products
● connect the characters on a
emotional level GENRE CONVENTIONS
● over-the-hip shot is similar that the ● point to the common use of images, characters,
camera is placed with a character’s settings, or themes in a particular type of medium
hip in the foreground, and the focus ● closely linked with audience expectations
subject in the plane of acceptable ● can be formal or thematic
d. Point of View Shot (POV)
● shows the viewer exactly what the MEDIA PRODUCERS, AUDIENCE, AND
character sees STAKEHOLDERS
● transports the audience into the
● generally sandwiched between two MEDIA PRODUCERS
other shots ● people who initiate, plan, and produce media texts

Prepared by Fatima Victoria


● need to have the skill in assessing the media texts ● violation of this law or one of the rights is called
and a thorough understanding of the target product, infringement
and the processes that go into creating the products

STAKEHOLDERS Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines (RA 8293)

● people or organizations that share the same interests

AUDIENCE Literary Works During the lifetime of the

● significant element in delivering media texts author plus 50 years after
● all media texts are made with a target audience in death
A. Audience Analysis Art 25 years from the date of
➔ the process of looking into the demographics creation
(age, gender, social status, etc.) and
psychology (values, beliefs, attitude) of the Photographic Work 50 years from publication
B. Audience Engagement Audio-Visual Work 50 years from publication
➔ the reaction of the audience to the media text
➔ different people react in varied ways to the Sound Recording 50 years from year recording
same text took place
C. Audience Expectations
➔ the anticipation of the audience about the Broadcast Recording 20 years from date of
text broadcast
➔ producers may satisfy or shatter the
audience’s expectations Trademark Valid for 10 years and may
D. Audience Foreknowledge be renewed for a period of
➔ the exact information (not expectations) 10 years
which the audience brings about the media
output Invention Patent Valid for 20 years from filling
E. Audience Identification date
➔ the connection built by the media text to the
F. Audience Placement a. Patent
➔ the strategies producers use to make the ➔ the granting of a property right by a
audience feel that the media text is made sovereign authority to an inventor
G. Audience Research ➔ provides the inventor exclusive rights to the
➔ the monitoring of the audience before, patented process, design, or invention for a
during, and after the production of the media certain period in exchange for a complete
text disclosure of the invention
➔ examples:
◆ Wright Brother’s patent for the
◆ Thomas Edison’s patent for the light
MEDIA AND INFORMATION ◆ Alexander Graham Bell’s patent for
the telephone
b. Trademark
DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP ➔ a symbol, word, or words legally registered
● the ability to find, access, use, and create information or established by use as representing a
effectively company or product
● engage with other users and with content in an active,
critical, sensitive, and ethical manner COPYRIGHT
● navigate the online and ICT environment safely and ● a legal term used to describe the rights that creators
responsibly, being aware of one’s own rights have over their literary and artistic works
● covers works ranging from books, music, paintings,
sculpture and films, to computer programs,
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (IP) databases, advertisements, maps, and technical
● registration of copyrighted work or displaying of the
● essential in creating a culture of creativity, progress, copyright symbol may not be mandatory, but it is
and innovations as any content creator’s exclusive recommended to emphasize that the author is
rights to their own creation are secured and protected claiming copyright protection in the work
through the IP law ● the copyright law still protects the creator’s work from
the moment of creation and the owners do not lose
Copyright Law this protection
● allows the owner to control access to his/her own
work and consequently provides strong penalties for PATENT
infringement of owner’s rights ● an exclusive right granted for an invention
● also includes certain exemptions to the rule and ● provides the patent owner with the right to consent on
considerations in the use of the copyrighted materials the invention or a way for others to use it
from the owner’s control, which are under the doctrine ● the patent owner is responsible for making technical
of Fair Use information about the invention available in the
published patent document or in public
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
● the global forum for intellectual property services, TRADEMARK
policy, information, and cooperation ● a distinguished sign of goods or services of one
enterprise from those of other enterprises
INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY ● denotes that the owner of the mark is in the process
● protected under two laws that allow the rightful of registration to indicate a claim of ownership
creators or owners of patents, trademarks, or ● only used for marks that have been granted
copyrighted works to benefit from their own work or registration
creation - may it be of moral or material interests
○ Intellectual Property Code (RA 8293) DESIGN
○ Cybercrime Prevention Act (RA 10175) ● an ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an item

Prepared by Fatima Victoria


● may consist of three-dimensional features e.g. the

shape or surface of an article, or of two-dimensional
features e.g. patterns, lines, or color
● an industrial design right protects only the appearance
or aesthetic features of a product (does not protect
the technical or functional features of a product)


● signs used on products possessing qualities, a status,
or characteristics that are essentially attributable to
that location of origin
● includes the name of the place of origin of the goods


● a legal principle stating that one can use a ● network etiquette

copyrighted work without a license for the following ● a set of rules for behaving properly online
purposes: ● one of the pressing problems in the digital age is the
○ commentary lack of basic manners using the Internet
○ criticism ● reminds you to respect and protect your own privacy,
○ reporting as well as others
○ research ● must “self-reflect before you self-reveal”
○ teaching ● must consider being careful in managing your virtual
● one must own the majority of the new content, give self and digital footprints, as well as being mindful of
full credit to the original source, and use the content data privacy
for non-profit purposes to consider it fair use
● in order to clarify the terms and conditions in control of Ten Core Rules of Netiquette
the creative work between the author and the general 1. Remember the human
public, one needs permission from the copyright 2. Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that
holder which is called a license you follow in real life
3. Know where you are in cyberspace
The copyrighted material must observe conditions such 4. Respect other people’s time and bandwidth
as: 5. Make yourself look good online
1) amount and sustainability of the portion taken 6. Share expert knowledge
2) purpose and character of one’s use 7. Keep flame wars under control
3) nature of the copyrighted work 8. Respect other people’s privacy
4) potential market effect 9. Don’t abuse your power
10. Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes
● copyright licenses that provide a simple and VIRTUAL SELF
standardized way to give the public permission to ● how you present yourself on online platforms
share and use the creative work ● whatever you say or do on the Internet can be viewed
● an American non-commercial organization that aims and others can easily pass judgment without even
to expand the range of creative works available for knowing who you are outside the virtual environment
others to build upon and to share legally
● free of charge to the public DIGITAL FOOTPRINT
● some content creators choose to license their work ● any data record of the things you do online
more freely by giving their work a CC license or even ● anything on the internet with your name creates a trail
putting their work in Public Domain of data about you
● easier for both the author and the public compared to ● could be information on your personal website, any
an agreement in traditional licenses which are more activity on social media, browsing history, online
restricting subscription, and the like
● can remain on the internet for life
Infographic 1: Copyright, Fair Use, and Public Domain
● respecting and managing data privacy is also a
responsible behavior on the internet
● the respect should be mutual between the media user
and the producer
● data privacy or the fundamental right of an individual
to protect private information from disclosure to
information and communication systems is under RA
10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012
● if precautionary measures are not observed in sharing
personal information, your online security can be

● digital inequality or gap between groups in terms of
knowledge, usage, and access to ICT due to
circumstances like location, income, and age

Infographic 2: Using Creative Commons Content COMPUTER ADDICTION AND CYBERBULLYING

● not only local problems but are globally prevalent

● issues may come as a result of an intention, or a habit
that has gone worse
● if not addressed, these issues could distress one’s
health and relationships

Prepared by Fatima Victoria


● Philippines ranks as the most internet addicted ➔ consumers may visit the website of the
country (Hootsuite and WeareSocial, 2019) retailer directly or search alternative vendors’
● the world internet usage index lists the Philippines’ websites using a shopping search engine
average time spent on the internet as 10 hours a day B. Citizen Journalism
➔ the collection, dissemination, and analysis of
COMPUTER ADDICTION news and information by the general public,
● the overdependence or a damaging need to do especially by means of internet
something on computer or internet C. Online Education
● its impact could be linked to sleep deprivation, ➔ with internet connection, anyone can earn a
anxiety, and even depression degree without having to attend face-to-face
● setting a limit and immersing yourself with outside class sessions
activity can obviate addiction D. Television Broadcaster
● anything beyond moderation is not good ➔ presents information relating to subjects e.g.
news and sports
CYBERBULLYING ➔ may be responsible for planning the creative
● the use of digital means of communication that could content of a series
hurt or harass a person ➔ might formulate interview questions, read
● one in every three young people in 30 countries has scripts, and reveal details about the show
reported being a victim of online bullying (UNICEF, e.g. commercial breaks
2019) E. Mobile Communication
● do not be afraid to seek help and defend yourself ➔ a means of technology mediated
communication that allows the user of a
mobile device to connect with someone else
at a different location
● something new and difficult which requires great effort
and determination
The Rise of Social Network Sites on the Internet A. Age-Inappropriate Content
● since 2002 (creation of Friendster), a new socio- ➔ one has to be very careful about access
technical revolution has taken place on the Internet ➔ there are contents that are unfit for children
and young people
Media and Information Improve the Quality of Life ➔ e.g. pornography and violence
● the ability to find, access, use, and create information B. Illegal Content
effectively; engage with other users and with content ➔ the internet has been, and continues to be,
in an active, critical, sensitive, and ethical manner; used by unscrupulous people to further their
and navigate the online and ICT environment safely illegal activities
and responsibly, being aware of one’s own rights ➔ e.g. human trafficking, the use of force,
● communication has been made easier force, fraud, or coercion to obtain a
● information has become widely accessible commercial sex act or labor, and child
● conducting research has become more convenient pornography
➔ some groups use the internet to further the
TIM BERNERS-LEE ideas of racism and discrimination
● “It’s time to recognize the internt as a basic human C. Privacy Invasion and Identity Theft
right” ➔ data posted on the internet may be accessed
○ guaranteeing affordable access for all and used for illegal activities
○ protecting the privacy and freedom of web ➔ it is important for users to be aware of the
users regardless where they live risks before they decide to share their
● invented the World Wide Web personal data
● gave the web to all of us for free ➔ a way to get sensitive personal information is
● founded the World Wide Web Foundation to defend phishing
and advance the open web as a public good and a ➔ the fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive
basic right information such as username, passwords,
and credit card details by disguising oneself
Impact of World Wide Web as a trustworthy entity in an electronic
● the rise of Me-centered society: the process of communication
individuation, the decline of community understood in D. Libel/Slander
terms of space, work, family, and ascription in general ➔ if a person, with malice, publishes a false
● shift toward the reconstruction of social relationships, statement that is damaging to another
including strong cultural and personal ties that could person’s reputation, office, trade, business,
be considered a form of community, on the basis of or means of livelihood
individual interests, values, and projects ➔ violation of Article 355 of the Revised Penal
Code in the Ph
➔ can be committed in the form of writing,
printing, and other similar means
Opportunities Challenges Power ➔ if the hurtful statement is spoken, the
statement is slander
● job hiring ● fake news ● influence E. Cybercrime
● empower citizen ● unreliable ● distribution ➔ a crime in which a computer is the object of
● freedom of sources of the crime (hacking, phishing, spamming) or
expression information is used as a tool to commit an offense (child
● informing and pornography, hate crimes)
keeping the ➔ committed with or through the use of
mass up to date information and communication technologies
● inspire such as radio, television, cellular phone,
● faster and free computer and network, and other
communication communication device or app
➔ according to the 2001 Budapest Convention
on Cybercrime, criminal offenses in
OPPORTUNITIES cyberspace include:
● a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible ◆ offenses against the confidentiality,
to do something integrity, and availability of
A. Online Shopping computer data and systems
➔ consumers can directly buy goods over the ◆ computer-related offenses
Internet ◆ content-related offenses

Prepared by Fatima Victoria


◆ offenses related to infringements of EMPOWERMENT

copyright and related rights ● the idea of power and idea that power change, that
Types: the ownership of power can shift from one entity to
a. Hacking another
● the most common type ● possible because power can expand or diminish as
● entails cracking systems and the case may be
gaining unauthorized access to the
data stored in them
● hacker: a person who breaks into a THREATS AND RISKS OF MEDIA AND INFORMATION
computer system
b. Cyber Stalking
● use of internet or other electronic ● each person has the right to freedom of opinion and
means to stalk someone expression
● online harassment and online ● this right includes the freedom to hold and express
abuse opinions without interference and to seek, receive,
● involves following a person’s and impart information and ideas through any media
movement across the internet by and regardless of frontiers
posting threatening messages to ● with this right, we can negotiate, chat, and express
the victim or by entering chat rooms our opinions and ideas, provided that we show
frequented by the victim or by respect to persons whose opinions differ from ours
constantly bombarding the victim ● showing respect means listening to others as they
with the emails explain their respective sides and trying to understand
c. Virus Dissemination their perspective and why
● virus: the programs which attach ● we do not have to agree with then, instead, engage
themselves to the computer or file them in discussion and avoid being aggressive
then circulate themselves to other ● we should never abuse and misuse our freedom of
files and to other components on a speech
network; usually affect the data
either by altering or deleting it
● an email that appears to originate
from one source but actually has
● AKA email forging ● have the ability to find, evaluate, and use reliable
e. Phishing information, and communicate it through various
● a target/s is contacted by email, formats and media
telephone, or text message by ● such literacy is important for learning, making sound
someone posing as a legitimate decisions, and solving problems
institution to lure individuals into
providing sensitive data such as Effects on the Individual and Society
personally identifiable information, 1. Personal
banking, and credit card details, ➔ improves the quality of life
and passwords ➔ communication has been made easier
● hacker will hack or get all your ➔ information has become widely accessible
information over the internet ➔ conducting research has become more
f. Piracy convenient
● unauthorized duplication of ➔ long-distance communication between family
copyrighted content that is then sold members have become possible through
at substantially lower prices in the video calls or instant messaging
black market ➔ provides entertainment through various cable
● illegal under the Cybercrime Law, channels and internet access
which states that acquiring any 2. Political
digital copy of any copyrighted ➔ generates greater political participation
material is punishable by fine from ➔ in the fields of public service, the media and
Php 200,000 to Php 500,000 and the government have a long-standing
six to twenty years in prison relationship
● the Intellectual Property Code and ➔ media keep the public and even the
the Anti-Camcording Law were government informed on what is happening
previously in place to combat piracy in the country, helping both sectors make
● a form of theft as it takes away from political decisions
the producers and artists the rightful ➔ through media reports of government
compensation due them activities and issues, the public are informed
of the political affairs in the country and are
Cybercrime-related Laws in the Philippines further encouraged to take a more active role
RA No. 10175 Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 in the government
3. Economic
RA No. 9995 Anti-photo Voyeurism Act of 2009 ➔ promotes economic opportunities
➔ the new media have made it possible for
ordinary individuals to offer their materials for
RA No. 9775 Anti-child Pornography Act of 2009
consumption, whether free or paid
➔ creates new job opportunities
RA No. 9208 Anti-trafficking in Persons Act of 2003
4. Educational
➔ through different interactive media platforms
RA No. 8792 E-commerce Act of 2000 ➔ reinvention of learning modalities makes
knowledge accessible to more people
RA No. 8484 Access Device Regulation Act of 1998 ➔ information can be easily accessed and
assessed, thus, making studying convenient
RA No. 4200 Anti-wiretapping Law for students
➔ learning resources can be easily improvised
and customized to suit the aptitudes of
POWER different types of learners
● often related to our ability to make others do what we 5. Social
want, regardless of their own wishes or interests ➔ media and information-literate individuals
form groups that are said to be more
cohesive units tan those formed by people

Prepared by Fatima Victoria


who are not, creating abond that does not

only have relational implications but also TAPE
create social impact ● a magnetic tape sound recording format on which
➔ people are being connected in ways that sound can be documented
weren’t possible before
➔ MIL people would rarely, if ever, fall victim to COMPACT DISC (CD)
take news and consequently react to it in a ● a plastic fabricated, circular tool on which audio,
way that would destroy social relationship video, and other digital information is recorded,
➔ allows people to develop camaraderie and stored, and played back
➔ different social network sites can be used to USB FLASH DRIVE
build support groups engaging in different ● an external hard disk drive, small enough to fit on a
advocacies keychain, that can be plugged into the computer’s
6. Professional USB port
➔ builds professional networks
➔ looking and applying for a job becomes easy MEMORY CARD
by checking different websites ● a small, flat, flash drive, used to save data such as
➔ job hunting becomes convenient audio files, pictures, texts, and videos for use on
➔ an individual can conveniently work from small, portable, or remote computing devices
home through use of different mediap
● a secondary data storage device for saving digital

● a wide network of remote servers in the internet
meant to operate as storage and retrieval of audio
files and other data


● anything connected to sound, specifically when
received, recorded, transferred, or duplicated MP3 (MPEG AUDIO LAYER 3)
● anything related to the documentation and ● a coding format for consumer audio
transmission of sound ● a means of sound sequence compression for the
transmission and playback of music on most digital
AUDIO MEDIA audio players
● the media communication that uses audio equipment
to report, document, and deliver information through MP4/AAC (MPEG-4 AUDIO/ADVANCED AUDIO CODING)
the means of sound ● an audio file type capable of holding audio, video, and
other media
● the file or sound created and transferred by using high
fidelity waves that are heard through certain audio PRINCIPLES FOR LOW-COST SOUND DESIGNING
● 3 elements
○ human voice SOUND DESIGN
○ music ● the process of recording, developing, or producing
○ sound effects audio elements

1. Never underestimate the power of natural sound.

TYPES OF AUDIO FILES ➔ ex: whirl of the wind, tweeting bird, flowing
2. Create your own sound bank.
RADIO BROADCAST ➔ comes in handy in case you need all-natural
● the act of sending a live or recorded audio through and original sound
radio waves meant for a large group of listener 3. Go for original music.
4. Eliminate unnecessary noise as much as possible.
MUSIC ➔ ex: bark of the dog, karaoke/videoke
● an artistic form of auditory communication 5. Be careful with your voice recordings
incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a ➔ direct the recording equipment as close as
structured and continuous manner possible to the sound source

SOUND EFFECTS Purpose of Using Sound Effects

● the sound, aside from dialogue and music, artificially ● to emphasize artistic audio even in the absence of
made to create an effect in a movie, play, or other visual
broadcast production
Why is sound an essential part of any movie, play, or
SOUND RECORDING broadcast production?
● the encoding of any sound from the surrounding ● listening to sound effects may regulate one’s
● the act or procedure of making a record of a certain emotions due to the kind of sound they create
● recording of an interview, meeting, or any sound from
the environment

● an episodic series of digital audio or video file or
recording that can be downloaded by a user from a
website to a media player or computer to listen


Prepared by Fatima Victoria

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