Linux Command cheatsheet-AZ

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Here's a comprehensive cheatsheet for essential Linux commands, organized by category for easy


### File and Directory Operations

- **`ls`**: List directory contents

- `ls`: List files and directories

- `ls -l`: Long format listing

- `ls -a`: Show hidden files

- `ls -lh`: Long format with human-readable file sizes

- **`cd`**: Change directory

- `cd /path/to/directory`: Navigate to a directory

- `cd ..`: Move up one directory level

- `cd ~`: Navigate to home directory

- **`pwd`**: Print working directory

- `pwd`: Display the current directory path

- **`mkdir`**: Create a new directory

- `mkdir directory_name`: Create a new directory

- **`rmdir`**: Remove an empty directory

- `rmdir directory_name`: Remove an empty directory

- **`rm`**: Remove files or directories

- `rm file_name`: Remove a file

- `rm -r directory_name`: Remove a directory and its contents

- `rm -f file_name`: Force removal of a file

- `rm -rf directory_name`: Force removal of a directory and its contents

- **`cp`**: Copy files and directories

- `cp source_file destination_file`: Copy a file

- `cp -r source_directory destination_directory`: Copy a directory and its contents

- **`mv`**: Move or rename files and directories

- `mv source_file destination_file`: Move or rename a file

- `mv source_directory destination_directory`: Move or rename a directory

- **`touch`**: Create an empty file or update the timestamp of a file

- `touch file_name`: Create an empty file or update the timestamp

### File Content and Viewing

- **`cat`**: Concatenate and display file content

- `cat file_name`: Display file content

- **`more`**: View file content page by page

- `more file_name`: View file content page by page

- **`less`**: View file content with backward and forward navigation

- `less file_name`: View file content

- **`head`**: Display the first lines of a file

- `head file_name`: Show the first 10 lines of a file

- `head -n 20 file_name`: Show the first 20 lines of a file

- **`tail`**: Display the last lines of a file

- `tail file_name`: Show the last 10 lines of a file

- `tail -n 20 file_name`: Show the last 20 lines of a file

- `tail -f file_name`: Follow the content of a file in real-time

- **`nano`**, **`vi`**, **`vim`**: Text editors

- `nano file_name`: Edit a file using Nano editor

- `vi file_name`: Edit a file using Vi editor

- `vim file_name`: Edit a file using Vim editor

### File Permissions and Ownership

- **`chmod`**: Change file permissions

- `chmod 755 file_name`: Change file permissions to 755

- `chmod u+x file_name`: Add execute permission for the owner

- **`chown`**: Change file owner and group

- `chown user:group file_name`: Change the owner and group of a file

- `chown -R user:group directory_name`: Change the owner and group of a directory and its contents

### Searching and Finding

- **`find`**: Search for files in a directory hierarchy

- `find /path -name file_name`: Find a file by name

- `find /path -type f -name "*.txt"`: Find all .txt files

- **`grep`**: Search text using patterns

- `grep "pattern" file_name`: Search for a pattern in a file

- `grep -r "pattern" /path`: Search for a pattern recursively in a directory

### System Information

- **`df`**: Display disk space usage

- `df -h`: Show disk space usage in human-readable format

- **`du`**: Estimate file space usage

- `du -h file_name`: Show disk usage of a file or directory in human-readable format

- `du -sh directory_name`: Show total disk usage of a directory

- **`top`**: Display Linux tasks

- `top`: Show real-time system information, including processes

- **`ps`**: Report a snapshot of current processes

- `ps aux`: Show detailed information about all running processes

- **`uname`**: Print system information

- `uname -a`: Show all system information

- **`uptime`**: Tell how long the system has been running

- `uptime`: Display system uptime

- **`free`**: Display memory usage

- `free -h`: Show memory usage in human-readable format

### Network Commands

- **`ping`**: Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts

- `ping`: Ping a remote host

- **`ifconfig`**: Configure network interfaces

- `ifconfig`: Display network interfaces and IP addresses

- **`wget`**: Non-interactive network downloader

- `wget url`: Download a file from the internet

- **`curl`**: Transfer data from or to a server

- `curl url`: Fetch a URL

### Package Management

- **`apt`**: APT package handling utility (Debian/Ubuntu)

- `apt update`: Update package lists

- `apt upgrade`: Upgrade installed packages

- `apt install package_name`: Install a package

- `apt remove package_name`: Remove a package

- **`yum`**: Package manager for RPM-based distributions (Red Hat, CentOS)

- `yum update`: Update packages

- `yum install package_name`: Install a package

- `yum remove package_name`: Remove a package

### Archiving and Compression

- **`tar`**: Archive files

- `tar -cvf archive.tar file_name`: Create a tar archive

- `tar -xvf archive.tar`: Extract a tar archive

- `tar -czvf archive.tar.gz directory_name`: Create a compressed tar archive

- `tar -xzvf archive.tar.gz`: Extract a compressed tar archive

- **`zip`**: Package and compress files

- `zip file_name`: Create a zip archive

- `unzip`: Extract a zip archive

### Miscellaneous

- **`echo`**: Display a line of text

- `echo "Hello, World!"`: Print text to the terminal

- **`history`**: Show command history

- `history`: Display the command history

- **`clear`**: Clear the terminal screen

- `clear`: Clear the terminal display

- **`alias`**: Create an alias for a command

- `alias ll='ls -la'`: Create an alias `ll` for `ls -la`

- **`man`**: Display the manual for a command

- `man command_name`: Show the manual for a command

This cheatsheet covers many of the basic and frequently used Linux commands. Keep it handy for quick
reference when working in a Linux environment!

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