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Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 6 (2023) 100358

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Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry

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A review of coagulation explaining its definition, mechanism, coagulant

types, and optimization models; RSM, and ANN
Reem M. El-taweel a, Nora Mohamed b, Khlood A. Alrefaey b, Sh Husien a, A.B. Abdel-Aziz c,
Alyaa I. Salim a, Nagwan G. Mostafa d, Lobna A. Said e, Irene Samy Fahim b, *,
Ahmed G. Radwan f, a
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Nile University, Giza, Egypt
Industrial Engineering Program, SESC Research Center, Nile University, Giza, Egypt
October High Institute for Engineering Technology, Giza, Egypt
Environmental and Sanitary Engineering Division, Public Works Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
Nanoelectronics Integrated Systems Center (NISC), Nile University, Giza, Egypt
Engineering Mathematics and Physics Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza, 12613, Egypt


Keywords: The textile business is one of the most hazardous industries since it produces several chemicals, such as dyes,
Coagulation which are released into water streams with ef-fluents. For the survival of the planet's life and the advancement of
Coagulants humanity, water is a crucial resource. One of the anthropogenic activities that pollute and consume water is the
Textile effluents
textile industry. Thus, the purpose of the current effort is to Apply coagulation as a Physico-chemical and bio-
Mathematical models optimization
logical treatment strat-egy with different techniques and mechanisms to treat the effluent streams of textile in-
dustries. The discharge of these effluents has a negative impact on the environment, marine life, and human
health. Therefore, the treatment of these effluents before discharging is an important matter to reduce their
adverse ef-fect. Many physico-chemical and biological treatment strategies for contaminants removal from
polluted wastewater have been proposed. Coagulation is thought to be one of the most promising physico-
chemical strategies for removing con-taminants and colouring pollutants from contaminated water. Coagula-
tion is accompanied by a floculation process to aid precipitation, as well as the collection of the created sludge
following the treatment phase.. Different commercial, and natural coagulants have been applied as a coagulants in
the process of coagulation. Additionally, many factors such as; pH, coagulant dose, pollu-tants concentration are
optimized to obtain high coagulants removal capacity. This review will discuss the coagulation process, coagulant
types and aids in addition to the factors affecting the coagulation process. Additionally, a brief comparison be-
tween the coagulation process, and the other processes; princi-ple, advantages, disadvantages, and their efficiency
were discussed throgh the review. Furthermore, it discusses the models and optimization techniques used for the
coagulation process including response surface methodology (RSM), ar-tificial neural network (ANN), and several
metaheuristic algorithms combined with ANN and RSM for optimization in previous work. The ANN model has
more accurate results than RSM. The ANN combined with genetic algorithm gives an accurate predicted optimum

1. Introduction industries. Egypt is consider one of the countries where dyes industries
are spread very much. Dyes could be classified into different forms such
Due to increased industrialization and industry releasing their efflu- as direct, acid, base types of dyes in addition to azoic colors, reactive,
ents into water streams, water pollution has become one of the world's sulphur, and metal complex dyes, which can represent nearly more than
most pressing issue. Dyes are considered as one of the most dangerous 100,000 commercially available dyes of annual production over 7 105
pollutants that are being discharged from textile industries such as; tons. It was stated that, nearly 10–50% of these commercial dyes were
textile, paints, leather, cosmet-ics, food, paper, and pharmaceuticals lost in the effluents through the manufacturing process [1] (see Fig. 10).

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: ISamy@nu.edu.eg (I.S. Fahim).

Received 26 October 2022; Received in revised form 23 January 2023; Accepted 4 February 2023
Available online 15 February 2023
2666-0865/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
R.M. El-taweel et al. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 6 (2023) 100358

The major pollutants in textile industries effluents are organic and efficiency especially for removing organic pollutants, but this technique
inorganic matters such as; surfactants, active substances, salts, dissolved required periodically generated and fouling may appear as a big problem.
solids, total solids, suspended solids, dyeing substances, total solids, in- So, monitoring and periodic maintenance must be applied [5]. The
hibitor compounds, and chlorine. Additionally, colored matters gener- electrochemical technique gets high efficiencies and reasonable results
ated from dyes and heavy met-als are one of the major pollutants for Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC), but this technology
produced from textile effluents, and should be removed before dis- needs a lot of mathematical effort and evaluation [6]. Additionally,
charging the effluents into waterways. Discharging colored effluents adsorption is one of the techniques that could applied for dyes removal
without proper treatment causes an aesthetic problem that affect gas where various adsor-bent materials such as nano-materials, agriculture
solubility, and water transparency. Therefore, the removal of colored wastes, and algae [7,7–9] Colors can be removed from water through
pollutants from polluted wastewater is very important due to its major different mechanisms such as physical dyes separation, dyes breakdown,
contribution to the fraction of biochemical oxygen demand. Water or adsorption biodegredation process. Coagu-lation fluctuation, macro-
contamination with colored agents; dyes, and heavy metals has a severe spore, adsorption, and membrane separation processes are types of
effect on aquatic organisms, plants, animals, and human health with its physicochemical, and physical methods. In coagulation, there is an
mutagenic, carcinogenic, and orteratogenic effects, as shown in Fig. 1. electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged soluble dyes of the
Various treatment methods have been applied for dyes removal from effluents and coagulants molecules. Applying chemical coagulation and
polluted wastewater which can be classified into physico-chemical, the process of the flocculation in wastewater treatment includes the
physical, chemical, adsorption, biological and electrochemical. Howev- chemicals addition to change the physical state of suspended and dis-
er, These techniques have var-ious disadvantages such as applying toxic solved solids and in follow facilitates their removal after that by the
chemicals, high costs, generate toxic by-products [2]. Physicochemical sedimentation process. Coagulation is used to remove contaminants from
techniques produce highly efficient streams, which contain organic suspended or colloidal forms that do not settle out on standing or settle
matter and heavy metals. Physicochemical techniques remove COD, slowly, and it is considered the most useful pre-treatment procedure in
chlorine, phenols, and other toxic materials. The PACT mech-anism can wastewater treatment [10]. It would be noteworthy from an
be applied pre-stage to protect the membranes. Some mechanisms as the en-vironmental and solid waste management perspective to use algal
evaporation C can reduce the volume by up to 95%. The disadvan-tages wastes. It is possible to make an algal waste-bentonite mixture. Algae is
of Physicochemical techniques; it is applied just in high concentration, suitable for the removal of contaminants and is easily detected and
difficult to manage the produced chemical sludge [3]. Physical and harvested in large quantities in seawater. Due to the presence of poly-
chemical techniques such as membrane separation, ozonation, oxidation, saccharides, proteins, or lipids on their cell walls that contain functional
photochemical, ion exchange, and electrolysis. Membrane separation can groups including amine, hydroxyl, carboxyl, alginic acid, and sulfate,
remove the color from various types of dyes in water, but it is an algae can offer appropriate sites for the adsorption of contaminants and
expensive mechanism and need high pressure and energy. Ozonation can heavy metals. In a short amount of time, there has been rapid industri-
be implemented in the gas phase but it has a short half-life and need alization growth that has contaminated the aquatic system with heavy
expensive chemicals to preserve its stability. The oxidation technique is a metals. Lead is one of the heavy metal pollutants (Pb). Pb contamination
rapid and highly efficient process but needs expensive chemicals and in the environment is thought to be due to industrial wastewater
high energy consumed and high cost required. The photochemical disposal. Due to its toxicity, mobility, and nonbiodegradability, Pb ac-
technique does not produce sludge but is only applied to the secondary cumulates [7]. Overexpo-sure to Cu(II) and Pb(II) will have negative
pollu-tant. Ion exchange has a highly efficient regeneration process, but effects such as vomiting, stomach ulcer, colic, hypotension, liver necrosis,
not can be applied to dispense dye. The electrolysis technique is applied and even coma. Therefore, steps should be taken to reduce the amount of
to various ranges of class dye but generating undesirable by-products is Cu (II) and Pb(II) in the water. Metal ions Pb2þ adsorbents include
considered a big disad-vantage of this technique [4]. The adsorption powdered telescope snail and mangrove crab shells. When used to adsorb
technique has a lot of advantages easy to apply, moderate cost, and high the metal ion Pb2þ, telescope snail and mangrove crab shell powders

Fig. 1. Effects of textile effluents into the environment.

R.M. El-taweel et al. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 6 (2023) 100358

achieved equilibrium after 120 min, with adsorption capacities of 9.93 process is essential, so the processes become predictable and can be
mg g-1 for telescope snail shell powder and 9.50 mg g-1 for mangrove optimized. The mathematical model should have high accuracy so that
crab shell powder, respectively [11]. From the perspective of solid waste the predictable values would be too close to the actual values. The
management and ecology, using bagasse waste would be commendable. mathematical model helps know the results without running the actual
As a result, this data set presents an easy way for making an adsorbent experiment, saving money and time. The mathematical models can be
from a bagasse-bentonite mix-ture. Applying the produced adsorbent optimized, which implies determining the best conditions for maximising
allowed Cd2þ to be taken out of the aqueous solution. The use of bagasse or minimising the output. The models commonly used to model coagu-
wastes is commendable from an environ-mental and solid waste man- lation process are illustrated.
agement perspective. As a low-cost bio adsorbent, bagasse and bentonite The models that are commonly implemented in the coagulation
are combined. Applying the produced adsorbent allowed Pb2þ to be process are the response surface methodology and the artificial neural
taken out of the aqueous solution. With variations in the mixed mass ratio network. RSM is the most commonly multivariate statistic technique
(1:0, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 3:1), pH (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), and contact time (5, 10, used to model analytical chemistry. Whereas, the response surface
30, 45, 90, 120, 180 min), it was carried out on a laboratory scale using a methodology combines mathematical and statistical techniques used to
completely randomized design. The adsorption technique used was batch construct the mathematical model. RSM fits experimental data to a
ad-sorption. The maximum Pb2þ adsorption efficiency was 97.31% for polynomial equation, and it is implemented when a response or a set of
the mixed adsorbent with a mass ratio of 3:1. Pb2þ adsorption was most responses are affected by many factors [12]. A popular machine learning
effective at a pH of 5, and 45 min of contact time resulted in an technology for chemical wastewater treatment procedures is the artificial
adsorption efficiency of 94.76% and 93.38% [7]. King Palm, Alexandrae neural network, and it is a dynamic model that provides control and
Palm, and Alex Palm are common names for Archontophoenix alexandrae. management of the plant [13]. Therefore, this review will explain the
Production of the king palm is somehow linked to enormous amounts of process of coagulation from the start to end to be a good reference for a
leftovers made from leaves and leaf sheaths, with certain species-specific young researcher to start his work in coagulation. For instance, it will
differences. These residues might qualify as natural dietary materials, discuss coagulation floculation process definition, its mechanism, coag-
however, there isn't any information in the literature about their chem- ulant types, coagulant aids, in addition to the factors affecting coagula-
ical makeup and use as food ingredients. The king palm has a great tion and in follow the models, which were applied to optimize these
connection to the environment since it relieves pressure from the palmito factors to obtain high pollutants removal efficiency. Most of the parts,
industry and illegally removed species, namely Euterpe edulis. Addi- which will be discussed in this review is represented in Fig. 2.
tionally, it is simple to cultivate. Alexandrae flour's chemical analysis, Protein, lipids, and carbs make up natural coagulants. Amino acids
antioxidant potential, and microstructure were all recorded. The plant and polymers of polysaccharides are the main building blocks. The pri-
has a substantial amount of fibre with minimal ash content. Since there is mary mech-anisms influencing coagulation activity, according to earlier
no major documented use for this plant in Pakistan, a large amount of studies, are charge neutralization and polymer bridging. Coagulation,
waste is produced each year that can be used for adsorption, making it an both natural and synthetic by adjusting the electrostatic charges of par-
affordable, environmentally benign, and con-veniently accessible ticles suspended in water, the chem-ical water treatment process known
adsorbent [9]. Takari sand was successfully used to create the silica as coagulation removes solids from water. The following graphical ab-
hybrid adsorbent, which was then mercapto-modified. The presence of stract illustrates the major steps of the coagulation process 3.
groups of hydroxyl(-OH), silanol (Si–OH), siloxane (Si–O–Si), methylene In order to destabilize the charges on particles, colloids, or oily ma-
(-CH2), and thiol allowed for the successful preparation of this modified terials in suspension, this procedure introduces small, highly charged
silica (-SH) [8]. molecules into water. The treatment of wastewater as many suspended
Additionally, Generating mathematical models for the coagulation solids as possible must be eliminated during wastewater treatment before

Fig. 2. Graphical abstract showing the various sections discussed in the review.

R.M. El-taweel et al. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 6 (2023) 100358

Fig. 3. The graphical abstract which illustrates the main steps of the coagulation process.

the leftover water, known as effluent, is released back into the environ- be controlled, reducing performance, and pathological impur-
ment. As solid matter decomposes, oxygen is depleted, which is necessary ities/contaminants are to be reduced and improved. Because the addition
for plants and animals to survive. A lot of mechanisms and processes are of coagulants increases of mechanisms and processes are established to
established to treat water like chemical precip-itation, ion exchange, treat water like chemical precip-itation, ion exchange, membrane filtra-
membrane filtration, Coagulation, electrolytic recovery, adsorption and tion, Coagulation, electrolytic recovery, adsorption and Reverse osmosis.
Reverse osmosis. The following Table 1 illustrate the differ-ent processes The following Table 1 illustrate the differ-ent processes which treat water
which treat water in different mechanism. The table 1illustrates within in different mechanism. The table 1illustrates within advantages and
advantages and disadvantages columns the environmental and economic disadvantages columns the environmental and economic aspects [14].
aspects [14]. The insoluble compounds in the sample being treated, coagulation
requires the process of flocculation to function efficiently where coagu-
2. Coagulation lation alone does not aid much [20]. Therefore, a flocculation step that
allows slow mixing is essential as the key to optimal performance. The
Coagulation was applied for the removal of dyes from different second step is to recognize the collision and thereby improve the
polluted types of wastewater that can be represented in Fig. 4 and mainly agglomeration between the particles. The experiment is carried out in
have been applied for dyes removal from many years [15]. The properties two stages of mixing speed; Fast and slow mixing. Coagu-lants are usually
of the coagulants used are important for determining the coagulation added during the fast mix to mix the coagulants with the water samples
performance, as they can improve or hinder the effectiveness of the before the slow mixing speed is applied at the scheduled time. For
treatment [16,17]. In addition to the type of coag-ulant, several factors agglomeration particle formation during the settling process, adequate
were specified to promote the coagulation efficiencies, such as the vol- mixing time for both stages is critical [20] and is followed by separation
ume of the coagulant dose, the pH, the speed and duration of the mix-ing, the solids or sludge from treated water. There are certain cationic co-
the temperature, and the settling time [18,19]. These parameters should agulants such as alu-minum or iron salts that can be defined as primary

Table 1
The comparison between different processes for wastewater treatment based on advantages, disadvantages and its fabrication materials.
Processes Material Advantages Disadvantages

Chemical Lime, alkali, sulfide/flocculants, The wastewater had a low metal concentration. High chemical requirements, keeping pH at the ideal level, and
precipitation surfactants, acids, bases, stirring, mixing, Large amounts of wastewater can be handled dealing with the difficulty of disposing of colloidal particle
and fluid handling are examples of with this method. Easy to use. sludge.This approach is highly challenging because a lot of
precipitants. variables, including temperature, pH, precipitant
concentration, etc., need to be watched carefully.
Ion exchange The ion Exchange synthetic or natural High treatment capacity and greater metal Costly synthetic resins that cannot be used on a big basis.
resins. removal rates.
Membrane Surfactants and Membranes Improve and Reusing wastewater can help you meet strict Membrane fouling is expensive to instal, maintain, and operate,
filtration Support the Process effluent limitations. obtaining valuable and it is less effective when the concentration of metal ions is
material and avoiding environmental harm. smaller.
Coagulation/ Reagents such as aluminum iron salts. Applicable the large-scale treatment of Costly chemicals, extensive sludge formation, and sludge
flocculation wastewater. disposal problems.
Electrolytic electric power Fewer chemical reactions, pure metal, and Energy expenses, high capital expenditures, and poor efficiency
recovery efficient removal of the required metal. at low concentrations are all factors. Higher wastewater volume
cannot be handled with this method.
Adsorption pumps, fluid handling equipment, and Highly efficient at reducing heavy metals to Chemical regeneration needs, corrosion and fouling of the
regenerators for a steady, uniform flow acceptable levels. treatment facility, disposal of used adsorbents, high-cost
processing of adsorbents such activated carbon, and loss of
adsorption capability by the adsorbent during each cycle.
Reverse osmosis membrane-supported resins Effective wastewater metals removal. High chemical expensesand membrane fouling.

R.M. El-taweel et al. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 6 (2023) 100358

coagulants. On the other hand, the treatment can also be combined with (III) are the most widely applied coagulants and have greater advantages,
other polymeric flocculants that support faster and more time-consuming but still cannot avoid some of the disadvantages commonly known as the
sediment formation in small flocs [17]. However, the excessive use of lack of green chemistry [44]. Some of the reported chemical coagulants
chemical coagulants also creates an additional problem such as a large and their bleaching performance for tissue wastewater are summarized
amount of sludge formation which indicates the desire to use natural in Table 4.
coagulants as coagulants [21,22]. Comparison between coagu-lation Fig. 7 illustrates a water treatment process of a textile industrial plant
process, and the physicochemical processes of wastewater treatment by using a mixture of chemical coagulants. Firstly, the effluent stream
was performed in Table 2, in addition to its efficiency in contrast to other from the industrial plant is neutralized and equalized, the effluent is then
processes as shown in Table 3. sent to a reactor where water is mixed with chemical coagulants (such as
ferric sulfate, ferrous sulfate ferric chloride, and ferric chloride sulfate in
3. Coagulation mechanism order to destabilize colloidal and finely divided materials and cause them
to start aggregating. In the process of treating wastewater, various
Most solids or suspended particles are smaller and carry negative chemicals such as coagulants like magnesium carbonate, hydrated lime,
charges in an aqueous medium (see Fig. 3). Accordingly, to facilitate the etc., may also be used. The wastewater's composition affects the coagu-
sedimentation process, the particles must clump together to form larger lant selection and dosage. By creating extremely adsorptive multi-
flocs, as displayed in Fig. 5. However, this process is problematic because charged polynuclear complexes, aluminum, and iron coagulants func-
of the electrostatic repulsive forces that prevent negatively charged tion. The properties of the complexes and their efficiency can be
particles from accumulating on the material [40]. Therefore, it takes controlled by adjusting the pH of the system. The effluent is now sent to a
longer to settle and this problem can be solved by destabilizing the flash flocculation mixer, where agitators thoroughly combine the co-
particles using a coagulant. Destabilization can be achieved by one or agulants with the wastewater. To set up the circumstances for efficient,
more of the following mechanisms after the addition of a coagulation effective water treatment, this phase is crucial. It is recommended to keep
agent [41]: Electrostatic double-layer pressure, Adsorption and neutral- the flash mixing duration between 30 and 60 s. After 30 s, the chemicals
ization of the charge, Adsorption and inter-molecular bridges, Immuni- won't be distributed correctly. After 60 s, the mixer blades once more
zation in the sediment with an excessive dose of coagulant. tend to cut or shear the aggregating material back into smaller pieces.
The presence of unstable particles in the wastewater facilitates the After coagulation, flash mixing is necessary to neutralize the electrical
aggrega-tion or agglomeration of flocs after the addition of an appro- charge of tiny particles in order to cease the attraction of like-charged
priate fluctuation agent. The particles must eventually collide, which can particles and allow the particles to start bonding and creating larger
occur under normal circumstances. clumps. Following flash mixing, flocculation starts, which slowly and
gently mixes the small particles created during the coagulation step until
4. Coagulant types they come into touch with one another (approximately 30–45 min time is
needed for the process). An existing treatment plant tube settler can be
Coagulant can be classified into natural, and chemical coagulants that used to enhance the clarifiers and sediment basins, as well as to lessen the
were investigated as an agent through the coagulation process, as rep- solid load on the filters farther downstream. Essentially huge flocks settle
resented in. in a primary tube settler when the mixing is finished. After the sludge
Fig. 6. Natural coagulants are classified as plant-based coagulants settles, the liquid that remains is transported to the aeration tank and is
such as Guar gum, Gum Arabic, Seed Strychnos potatorum extract from, largely free of the suspended and dissolved solids that were previously
Potato starch, and Cactus latifaria extract. Moreover, animal-based co- present in the effluent [53].
agulants such as chitosan, and Micro-organisms-based coagulants as There are certain risks accompanied while using chemical coagulants
Xanthan gum. to human health and living organisms in the area, such as Alzheimer's
Whereas applied chemical coagulants were categorized into three disease, which occurs when aluminum residues enter the human body
different classes; Hydrolyzing metallic salts as Alum, Ferric chloride, and accumulate in the brain [54–57]. Other risks were addressed,
Ferric sulfate, and Magnesium chloride. The second class is Pre- including constipation, cramps, abdominal cramps, and loss of energy
hydrolyzing metallic salts that were represented in Polyaluminium sul- [58]. The post-coagulation pro-cess also produces large amounts of toxic
fate, Polyaluminium chloride, Polyferric chloride, Polyaluminium ferric sludge, which makes the removal pro-cess difficult. Toxic sludge are
chloride, and Polyferrous sulfate. Meanwhile, the third class is synthetic usually the result of unreacted chemical residues and the reaction of
cationic polymers such as aminoethyl polyacry-lamide, Polyamine Pol- polymer by-products in the treated water [59]. The result-ing sludge
yalkylene, Polyethylenimine, Polydiallyldimethyl ammo-nium chloride. cannot be avoided because during the coagulation process the larger flocs
Additionally, the most applied coagulants agents can be dis-cussed as are formed by smaller approaches to one another [60]. The resulting
follow. sludge requires an additional step in the treatment process, with coagu-
lation being re-ferred to only as pretreatment. In addition, due to the
4.1. Chemical coagulants effective coagulant, which only works under certain conditions, the pH of
the wastewater must first be changed. A flat-bottomed glass reactor (HS
Chemical coagulants fall into different classes due to their effective- 33) with a hot-plate magnetic stirrer was used to leach a total of 25 g of
ness in removing dyes from textile effluents. The former are hydrolyzed pulverized aluminum dross using 500 mL of a 16 mol/l solution. HCl for
mineral salts such as ferric chloride, ferric sulfate, magnesium chloride, various amounts of time (15–240 min) at various leaching temperatures
and alum. The sec-ond is the mineral salts before hydrolyses, such as poly (298–373 K). It was then filtered to get rid of any undissolved materials.
ferric chloride, poly ferric sulfate, poly aluminum chloride, poly The solution was added to a 25% NH3 solution to precipitate after being
aluminum sulfate, and poly ferric aluminum chloride. The last category separated from the solid residue. By adding 5% NaOH solution and
includes synthetic cationic polymers such as aminomethyl poly- reprecipitating with 10% NH4Cl solution, Al(OH)3 was purified. The
acrylamide, polyalkali, polyamine, polyethylene, and poly dia- leached solutions were diluted and examined using a Shimadzu AA-7000
llyldimethyl ammonium chloride [23]. F atomic absorption spectrophotometer [61].
Effective and simple operation is the main reason for the widespread
use and inorganic coagulants practice such as alum (aluminum sulfate), 4.1.1. Aluminum-based coagulants
ferric chlo-ride, and poly aluminum chloride in wastewater treatment Aluminum is a type of metallic salt chemistry that is complex where it
[42,43]. Synthetic coagulants have also been applied in the industry of involves three steps; dissociation, hydrolysis, and polymerization.
drinking water. Conven-tional mineral coagulants such as Al (III), and Fe Equations of these steps can be expressed as follow:

R.M. El-taweel et al. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 6 (2023) 100358

Table 2
Various applied wastewater treatment techniques.
Process Characteristics Main Idea Mechanism Advantages Disadvantages Ref

Coagulation/ It is considered the Adding coagulants  Coagulants neutralize  Simple process  Physicochemical [23]
Floculation backbone of technology in (chemical, or natural) negative charges of  Integrated parameters should be
most wastewater to help precipitate pollutants, physicochemical optimized.
treatment plants as a first pollutants using  After that, it reduces the process.  Increased sludge volume
step in the wastewater filtration, and electrostatic repulsion of  Wide range of chemicals generation.
treatment stages. sedimentation. the electric double-layer as could be applied.  Low ability to remove
destabilization process,  Cost-effective. arsenic.
 After the destabilization of  Efficient for sludge
the particles, particles settling.
develop and gradually  Help reduction of
aggregate into large flocks, chemical oxygen.
 Under free precipitation or
air flotation, flocs are
sperated from the water.
Electrocoagulation It is widely applied to It depends on the The process of  Increases  Requires addition of [24]
drinking water supply Electrolysis process. Electrocoagulation can be biodegradability, chemicals,
treatment, and defined as the in-situ  Very effective and rapid  Sludge deposition on the
contaminants removal, coagulants generation by organic matter electrodes can inhibit the
municipal and industrial electrolytic oxidation of a separation then the electrolytic process in
wastewater treatment sacrificial anode, which was traditional coagulation, continuous operation,
such as inorganic, caused by the electric current  pH control is not  Need filtration process for
organic, and biological applied through the necessary; generation of formed flocs,
contaminants removal electrodes. coagulants in situ;  Sludge treatment cost.
from the contaminated economically feasible.
water.  very effective in
removing suspended
solids, dissolved metals,
tannins, and dyes from
paints and textile
Chemical It is popular emerging Usually needs Various activation techniques  Integrated  Require Chemicals [25]
oxidation technology, which could application of are applied to produce physicochemical  Production, transport, and
be applied effectively in oxidants such as; O3, hydroxyl radical (HO), and in process, management of the
treatment of organic Cl2, ClO2, H2O2, follow destroy organic  Simple, rapid, and Oxidants, which applied in
pollutants in wastewater. KMnO4. compounds through electron efficient process, the process.
transfer mechanisms.  Increases  Efficiency varies according
biodegradability of to the type of oxidant.
product,  Unknown intermediates
 No sludge production, could be formed.
 Applied in disinfection  Release of some volatile
from bacteria and compounds and aromatic
viruses. amines.
 Minimize the pollutants
spread and reduce
treatment costs.
Adsorption It became a very common Nondestructive Adsorption is a  Technologically simple  Requirement for several [26]
process for wastewater process Use of a solid physicochemical the (simple equipment), types of adsorbents,
treatment, lately due to material treatment process in which  Could be applied in  Need chemical
their higher removal pollutants are adsorbed many treatment formats, derivatization to improve
efficiencies over the other physically and chemically  Availability of wide their adsorption capacity,
techniques. bonded to the adsorbent range of commercial  Rapid saturation and
surface. products, clogging of the reactors,
 Highly effective process  Regeneration costs are
with fast kinetics, high,
 Treat effluents with high  Elimination of the
quality, adsorbent requires high
 Possibly selective costs processes such as
depending on the centrifugation.
adsorbent type.
Ion exchange Ion exchange is a process Nondestructive Ion exchange is a process in  Technologically simple,  Requires large columns, [27]
of purification, process which an exchange of ions  Easy control and  Rapid saturation and
separation, and of between two electrolytes or maintenance, reactor clogging,
aqueous, or ion- an electrolyte solution and a  Easy to be applied with  precipitation of metals and
containing solutions. complex. They could be in other techniques such as blocking of the reactor,
They are usually two forms, cation exchangers,  precipitation and  It requires a
identified as ion exchange which exchange positively filtration, physicochemical pre-
resins, clay, zeolites, or charged ions or anion  Produce a high-quality treatment e.g., sand filtra-
soil humus. exchangers, which exchange treated effluent, tion or carbon adsorption
negatively charged ions.  Inexpensive process, to remove large
 Efficient for metal contaminants.
removal,  Conventional resins of the
 Could be selective for process are not selective,
certain metals, and  Selective resins have
beneficial for the limited commercial use.
(continued on next page)

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Table 2 (continued )
Process Characteristics Main Idea Mechanism Advantages Disadvantages Ref

recovery of valuable
Membrane Membrane filtration Nondestructive It could depends on the  Availability of a wide  High costs for small and [28]
filtration could be represented in separation pressure-driven membrane range of commercial medium industries,
various forms as follows; Semipermeable processes, or direct membranes,  Require high energy,
 Microfiltration (MF) barrier membrane process in which  Require small space,  High operation costs,
 Ultrafiltration (UF) only physical separation  Simple, rabid, and highly  Limited flow rate,
 Nanofiltration (NF) occur. efficient even at high  Low throughput,
 Reverse osmosis concentrations,  Not effective at low solute
 Dialysis  No need for chemicals, feed concentrations,
 Electrodialysis (ED)  Low solid waste  Type of the membrane
 Electro-electrodialysis generation, according to the process;
(EED)  High capacity for all hardness reduction,
 Emulsion liquid types of dyes, salts, and removal of particulate or
membranes (ELM) mineral Derivatives, total organic carbon,
 Supported liquid  Produce high purified  potable water, etc.
membranes effluents.
Biological methods It is an important and Use of biological Using aerobic and anaerobic  Application of  You should create an [29]
integral part of any (pure or mixed) micro-organisms for microorganisms for the optimally favorable
wastewater treatment cultures for pollutants pollutants degradation. organic contaminants  Environment for
plant, which treats removal. biodegradation simple, microorganisms growth,
wastewater from either economically attractive  Requires management and
municipality or industry. and well accepted by the maintenance of the
It have soluble organic public. microorganisms,
impurities or a mix of the  Microorganisms produce  Low biodegradability of
two types of wastewater a wide variety of certain molecules such as
sources. extracellular enzymes, dyes,
which characterized by  Bulking and foaming of
its high biodegradability sludge,
capacity  Biological sludge and
 Efficiently eliminates uncontrolled degradation
biodegradable organic products generation,
matter.  It is important to know the
 High removal capacity of mechanism of enzymatic
biochemical oxygen processes governing the
demand and suspended decomposition of the
solids. substances, which makes
the microbiological
mechanisms complex.

Dissociation Metal cations in water are present in a hydrated form as concentration of alum over its solu-bility in water, hydrolysis process
aquocomplexes as follow: takes place and adding of further dosage, a variety of hydroxocomplexes
were formed that followed by hydroxometal poly-mers production and
Al2(SO4) þ 12H2O ¼ 2Al(H2O) þ 3SO2
4 (1)
finally the aluminum hydroxide precipitates formation. Hence, it was
Hydrolysis The aquometal ions formed in the dissolution of alum in found that alum dissolution in water increases the hydrogen ions con-
water are acidic or proton donors, which would be presented by the centration, and drops the pH or the consumption of present alkalinity
following equa-tions: were noticed and can be described as follow:

Al(H2O) 3þ þ H2O ¼ Al(H2O) (OH)2 þ H3Oþ (2a) Al2(SO4)3.14.3H2O þ 3Ca(HCO3)2 ¼ 2Al(OH)3 þ 3CaSO414.3H2O þ 6CO2
Al(H2O) (OH)2þ þ H2O ¼ Al(H2O) (OH) þ þ H3Oþ (2b)
The previous reaction equation showed that adding 1 mol of alum
Al(H2O) (OH) 1þ þ H2O ¼ Al(H2O) (OH) þ H3Oþ (2c) dose consumes 6 mol of alkalinity and carbon dioxide that means that
2 every mg/l alum decrease alkalinity by 0.50 mg/l and produces 0.44 mg/
Al(H2O) (OH) þ H2O ¼ Al(H2O) (OH) þ H3Oþ (2d)
l carbon dioxide.
Polymerization The hydroxo complexes formed as products of hy- Furthermore, if the natural alkalinity is not sufficient, soda ash and
drolysis may combine to form a variety of hydroxo metal polymers, and lime can be added, and the reaction is as follow:
equations of the process could be presented as follow:
Al2(SO4)3.14.3H2O þ 3Ca(OH)2 ¼ 2Al(OH)3 þ 3CaSO4 þ 14.3H2O (4a)
The formed hydroxometal polymers at the end of the process are.
Al2(SO4)3.14.3H2Oþ3Na2CO3þ3H2O ¼
1. Al6(OH)3þ
15 , 2Al(OH)3þ3Na2SO4þ14.3H2Oþ3CO2 (4b)
2. Al7(OH)17 4þ,
3. Al8(OH)4þ
20 , and
Lime was considered one of the most used chemicals due to its low
4. Al13(OH)5þ
34 .
cost, although soda ash has an advantage than lime where it does not
increase water hardness. The optimum applied pH in the coagulation of
The addition of alum to an aqueous solution aids in the development alum was around 6, with an effective operational range between pH 5
of mas-sive positively charged complexes that are insoluble in water, and 8 [63].
resulting in the generation of hydrogen ions [62]. After that, the pH of
the coagulant was de-termined, and the coagulant dose should be taken 4.1.2. Ferric-based coagulants
into consideration. Increasing the coagulant dose such as increasing the Ferric salts such as ferric sulfate and ferric chlorides behave in water

R.M. El-taweel et al. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 6 (2023) 100358

Table 3 Table 3 (continued )

Previous applied techniques for dyes removal from polluted wastewater and their Process Pollutant Factors Removal Ref.
capacity. efficiency (%)
Process Pollutant Factors Removal Ref.  Temperature is
efficiency (%) 25  C.
Coagulation Sulphur  Coagulant 86.1 [30] Ionic Direct  Contact time; 3 h 90 [37]
process black dye dosage is 40 mg/ flocculation Yellow 27 of contact time.
l, process by  Temperature
 Calcium dosage sing a mixture range 30–40  C.
is 6 g/l, of surfactants
 Dye Coagulation Reactive  80 ppm dosage.  Nearly 100% [38]
concentration is with organic Blue  pH of 5. color removal
200 mg/l, coagulants  Dye
 pH 4. concentration
Biological Methylene  1% adsorbent 88 [31] 0.2 g/l.
Adsorption by Blue dosage, Filtration and Methylene  Temperature  Adsorption [39]
microbial  Dye the adsorption blue from 15 to 35  C. capacity
biomass concentration of on the porous  MB 3506.4 mg/g.
300 mg/l, calcium concentration:  Removal of
 pH value 7, alginate 300 mg/l, MB adsorbed
 Temperature 30 membrane.  Time 4 h, by

C,  pH 6–10, membrane:
 2 days contact  Adsorbent 96%.
time. dosages 0.5 g/l.
Advanced Direct Blue  Dye  About 62% [32]
oxidation 86 concentration reduction in
process 100 ppm, COD. in a way similar to that explained in the alum state. The following
 pH; 11,  Dye equation can explain the process of dissociation, hydrolysis that was
 Contact time; 35 reduction; 98. noticed and was similar to that obtained through the alum process [64].
Dissociation process
less than 40  C.
Ion exchange  C.I. Acid  Shaking rate; 88.3 [33]
Fe2(SO4) þ 12H2O ¼ 2fe(H2O) 3¼ þ 3SO2
4 (5)
Orange 7, 180 rpm,
 C.I. Direct  Dosage is 0.5 g,
 Contact time is 3
Fe(H2O)3þ þ H2O ¼ Fe(H2O) (OH)2þ þ H3Oþ
Blue 71,
 C.I. h,
Reactive  Dye
Polymerization; This resulted in the formation of ferric dimer Fe(OH)
Black 5. concentration is 4þ
10 mg/l,
 pH 5, Additionally, Iron salts are acidic in solutions and consume alkalinity:
 Temperature of
24  C. Fe2(SO4)3 þ 3Ca(HCO3)2 ¼ 2Fe(OH)3 þ 3CaSO4 þ 6CO2 (7)
Nano-filtration, Cibacron  Density; 33 mA/ 98 [34]
or Ultra- Yellow S-3R cm2, Whereas, in the state of adding lime, and soda ash, the reaction will be as
filtration.  Dye follow:
0.1 g/l, Fe2(SO4)3 þ 3Ca(OH)2 ¼ 2Fe(OH)3 þ 3CaSO4 (8a)
 pH 3,
 Salt (sodium Fe2(SO4)3 þ 3Na2CO3 þ 3H2O ¼ 2Fe(OH)3 þ 3Na2SO4 þ 3CO2 (8b)
concentration; An illustration of the production process for alumina from aluminum
60 g/l. dross is shown in Figs. 8 and 9. The following chemical reactions illus-
Reverse osmosis Anthrasol  Dye 94 [35]
trate the mechanism of Alumina production [61]:
brown IBR concentration of
30 mg/l,
AL2O3 þ 6HCl ¼ 2AlCl3 þ 3H2O (9)
concentration of
2Al þ 6HCl ¼ 2AlCl3 þ 3H2O (10)
30 ppm,
 pH value 4,
Fe2O3 þ 6HCl ¼ 2FeCl3 þ 3H2O (11)
 Temperature of
25  C.
CaCO3 þ 2HCl ¼ CaCl2 þ CO2 þ H2O (12)
 Runs No. is 4.
Reverse osmosis Methyl  Dye 99.8 [36] AlCl3 þ 3NH4OH ¼ AL(OH)3 þ 3NH4CL (13)
orange concentration is
100 mg/l, Al(OH)3 þ NaOH ¼ NaAlO2 þ 2H2O (14) NaAlO2 þ H2O þ NH4Cl ¼
 Feed pressure is
400 psi,
AL(OH)3 þ NACl þ NH3 (15)
 Flow rate is
2Al(OH)3 ¼ AL2O3 þ 3H2O (16)
higher than 2 l/
 pH between 2
and 4,
 Salt 4.1.3. Sodium aluminate coagulants
concentration is The main difference between sodium aluminate and the common
100 mg/l,
coagulants, its alkaline nature rather than acidic, where it reacts with
natural carbon dioxide and production of aluminum hydroxide as follow:

R.M. El-taweel et al. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 6 (2023) 100358

Fig. 4. Different applications of coagulation processes in different types of water treatment.

Fig. 5. Coagulation, and flocculation principle.

Fig. 6. Different types of coagulants.

R.M. El-taweel et al. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 6 (2023) 100358

Table 4
Different coagulant materials agents previously applied in the coagulation
Coagulant name wastewater Conditions Efficiency (%) Ref.

Alum Color-dyes Optimized dose 74 [45]

5000 mg/l, pH4
Ferric chloride Color-dyes Optimized dose 71 [46]
293 mg/l, pH 6
Ferrous Sulfate Sulphur-dyes Optimized dose 90 [47]
200 mg/l, pH 9.4
Polyaluminium acid and di- Optimized dose 80 [48]
chloride rect dyes 0.1 mg/l, pH 8
Magnesium Color Optimized dose 100 [47]
chloride 120 mg/l, pH 11
Ferrous sulfate Reactive Optimized dose 90 [49]
400 mg/l, pH 12.5
Al2(SO4)3 Natural Dose 5–50 mg/l, 43.2 [50] Fig. 8. The production process for alumina from aluminum dross [61]. Copy-
water pH 4-9 right 2015, Springer.
Alum Textile Initial pH 8.6–9.9, 20 (Turbidity), [51]
wastewater Initial COD: 65 (COD), 42
1000–1200 mg/l, (COD), 74 4.1.5. Organic polymers coagulants
Initial turbidity (Color). Synthetic organic polymers are known as molecules of long-chain that
45–117 NTU, alum were composed of monomeric units and smaller subunits. Polymers,
dose 100 mg/l
which contain ionizable groups as sulfonic, carboxyl, or amino groups,
ferric chloride Textile Initial pH 6, Initial 98 [52]
effluents dye content: 0.1 g/ are identified as poly-electrolytes, whereas; polymers without ionizable
l, coagulant dose groups are identified by non-ionic. Meanwhile, polyelectrolytes could be
400 mg/l anionic, cationic, or ampholytic that contains both positive and negative
polyacrylamide Reactive Initial pH 8.8–9.4, 68.2 (COD) [47] groups. Polymers were reported as excellent coagulants due to their
þ Alum dyes Initial COD 595 76.3 (BOD5)
wastewater. mg/l, Initial TSS, 61.4 (TSS)
higher ability in the destabilization of particles by charge neutralization,
coagulant dose interparticle bridging, or both. Anionic and nonionic polymers destabi-
200 mg/l alum, 1 lize negatively charged colloidal particles through their bridging effect.
mg/l poly- whereas, cationic polymers have the ability to coagulate and destabilize
such particles by both charge neutralization and interparticle bridging
2NaAlO2þCO2þH2O ¼ 2Al(OH)3þNa2CO3 (17)

However, Sodium aluminate is most commonly used coagulants in

combi-nation with alum in the boiler water treatment technology, which 4.2. Natural coagulants
produce alu-minum hydroxide floc in a similar way of sodium aluminate
reaction with acidic carbon dioxide: Natural coagulants have gained popularity in recent years due to their
bene-fits and also the proven fact that they solve most of the matters
6NaAlO2þAl2(So4)314.3H2O ¼ 8Al(OH)3þ3Na2SO4þ2.3H2O (18) associated with the chemical coagulants employment. Natural Co-
agulants are highly efficient in the coagulation process especially those
Sodium aluminate can be obtained by dissolving alumina in sodium made from plant extracts that are always abundant and known to be freed
hydrox-ide. from toxins [69]. Numerous studies are conducted on the employment of
natural coagulants made or extracted from a vegetable, animal, and
4.1.4. Polymeric inorganic salts coagulants agricultural wastes like moringa seeds (MO), chitosan, and cassava peels
Applying polymeric ferric and aluminum salts as a coagulant for [70]. The biodegradable properties of natural coagulants, which are
turbid water was increased in the last period, such as Polyaluminum believed to be harmless to live organisms and the environment, ex-isted
chloride that was used for the potable water treatment in different primarily before the appearance of chemical salts to clarify wastewater
countries such as Germany, France, and Japan with large scale [13,65]. [69,71]. The lowering mass of natural polymers are the main reason for
Commercial preparation of these compounds is available; however, they the less efficient coagulation [72,73]. Natural coagulants, particularly
were commonly prepared in the site by adding a base to neutralize the tannin-based (TB) ones, have been extensively studied as an alternative
concentrated solutions of ferric and aluminum salts. The polymerization to toxic chemicals over the past ten to fifteen years. The benefits of
process was affected by salt solution concentration, base solution type, employing these eco-friendly solutions to cleanse various water, waste-
and concentration, temperature, and ionic strength [66]. water, and effluent types, particularly from the dairy, cosmetics, laundry,
textile, and other sectors, are highlighted in this review study. Turbidity,

Fig. 7. Schematic of a typical textile wastewater treatment plant [53]. Copyright 2017,Butterworth-Heinemann.

R.M. El-taweel et al. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 6 (2023) 100358

Fig. 9. Schematic illustration of the synthesis of Modified tannin coagulant [75]. Copyright 2021, Elsevier.

were generally well docu-mented as effective coagulants [77]. Addi-

tionally, these extracted polymers have many industrial applications as
their nature is polysaccharides and possess various commercial applica-
tions like in the paper industry, or as food additives, etc. Moreover, the
effectiveness of natural polymer was stated by application of some types
Ipomoea dasysperma seed gum and guar gum as a coagulant aids with
PACl and their efficiency of removal was 86% and 87% towards dyes by
applying PACl dosage of 1 mg/l and dasysperma seed gum dosage of 5
mg/l each, at optimum pH of 9.5. Significant 73% and 80% removal of
dyestuff at an equiv-alent dosage of coagulant and coagulant aid and also
Fig. 10. The primary structure and probable molecular interactions of tannin in the same pH of 9.5 [78]. Moreover, Strychnos potatorum (Nirmali) seeds
an aqueous solution [75]. Copyright 2021, Elsevier. were applied as polysaccharides source which may effectively could
reduce 80% turbidity of kaolin solution [79].
color, suspended solids, soluble organic matter (chemical/biochemical M. oleifera, commonly called the drumstick tree is widespread
oxygen demand), and inorganic matter (total phosphate, and heavy throughout India, Asia, and a few parts of Africa and America. The bark,
metals) can all be effectively eliminated by TB coagulants. TB co-agulants root, fruit, flowers, leaf seeds, and gum of the tree also were used as
can be used as coagulant-aid to lessen the intake of chemicals and are medicines. The seeds of those trees are used as a coagulant and/or floc-
compatible with other treatment approaches. Due to less alkalinity being culant in water and wastewater treatment. For instance, M. oleifera seeds
used, infrequent pH adjustments, and the creation of less biodegradable were applied for anthraquinone pigment removal with a 95% pigment
sludge, TB coagulants can lower water treatment running costs. Utilizing removed by using a coagulant dose of 100 mg/l and pH 7 [80].
wastes and by-products from the bark of some particular trees and the Furthermore, Methylene blue was removed by employing a hydrogel
skins and pomace of other fruits and vegetables, TB coagulants can be com-posed as a coagulant where modified gum, polyacrylate, and poly-
created as shown in 9 and the primary structure and probable molecular acrylamide achieved 98%of dye removal efficiency at pH 8 with a
interactions of tannin, are illus-trated as shown in 10. On TB coagulants, maximum adsorption ca-pacity of 48 mg of dye per gram of hydro gel.
the strengths, weaknesses, opportu-nities, and threats (SWOT) are However, gum has not yet been applied for the color removal due to the
reviewed. Although TB coagulants are making progress, there are still dyes that are widely utilized in the textile industries [81].
certain obstacles to be solved, particularly regarding tannin extraction
and cationization. Other weaknesses that must be overcome include the 4.2.2. Animal-based coagulants
market competition from conventional coagulants, the viability of Chitosan is usually a linear copolymer of D-glucosamine (deacetylated
application in actual waters, and the industries’ resistance to change unit) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (acetyl unit), which was produced by
[74]. the chitin deacetylation, a natural polymer of great importance [82]. The
Natural coagulants have a similar mechanism of action to poly- deacetylation degree is typically determined by nuclear resonance
electrolytes and contain a variety of functional groups such as –OH, spectroscopy. Chitin is the structural component of the exoskeleton of
–COOH, and -NH2. 11 depicts a schematic representation of the coagu- crustaceans (crabs, shrimps, etc.) and therefore the endoskeleton of other
lation mechanisms discovered by FT-IR and SEM [76]. invertebrates. Chitosan has several intrinsic properties like non-toxicity,
Natural coagulants can be classified into three types and they will be biodegradability, and excellent chelating behavior, making it an efficient
discussed as follow. coagulant for removing impurities in the dissolved state [83]. Various
studies has investigated the chitosan effectiveness in the coagulation
4.2.1. Plant-based coagulants process and suspended solids (SS) recovery within the treat-ment of
Plant-based natural coagulants coagulate either by polymer bridges or wastes from one sort of food processing industry and located that this
charge neutralization and may be obtained from various components of new coagulant was very effective in effectively reducing the COD also as
plants. Var-ious types of plant were applied in the polymers extraction re-moving SS and turbidity. Several papers suggested that chitosan is
like starch, gum, seeds, tannin, Moringa oleifera, and cactus, etc. and involved by a dual mechanism, including charge neutralization in

R.M. El-taweel et al. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 6 (2023) 100358

addition to coagulation and flocculation by a bridging mechanism [84]. Table 6

Carboxymethyl chitosan has been applied for wastewater treatment in The kinetics parameters of the adsorption process of Cr (VI) by IIP@GO-Fe3O4
printing and dyeing. Experimental results have shown that carbox- and NIP@GO-Fe3O4 adsorbents [98].
ymethyl chitosan is superior to polymeric floc-culants commonly used in Kinetic models Parameters IIP@GO-Fe3O4 NIP@GO-Fe3O4
wastewater bleaching and COD reduction. Chitosan is employed to get PFO R2 0.962 0.899
rid of approximately 99% of the wastewater color from sim-ulated tissues K1 ðmin1 Þ 0.043 0.037
containing Acid Blue 92 at an optimal chitosan dose of 100 mg/l while qe ðmg:g 1 Þ 5.856 4.151
maintaining the optimal pH of 9 [85]. The efficiency of chitosan in MPFO R2 0.958 0.924
removing Acid Green 25 and Direct Red 23 was reported and it recorded Kðmin1 Þ 0.085 0.084
with approximately 75 and 95% for both of them respectively, within 10 qe ðmg:g 1 Þ 10.556 9.998
MPFO-2 R2 0.95 0.921
min at an optimum pH of 2 while maintaining a stirring speed of 200 rpm
Kðmin1 Þ 0.075 0.07
qe ðmg:g 1 Þ 1.474 1.311
PSO R2 0.99 0.993
4.2.3. Microorganism-based coagulants K2 ðg:mg 1 :min1 Þ 0.019 0.027
Microorganism-based coagulants included fungi, bacteria, and yeasts qe ðmg:g 1 Þ 9.671 5.139
[87]. Microorganism-based flocculants are called biotechnological tools MPSO R2 0.898 0.897
for their ap-plication within the wastewater treatment through the floc- Kðmin1 Þ 3128.85 6163.37
qe ðmg:g 1 Þ 3.628 1.8
culation method, which is safer and more biodegradable in contrast to
MPSO-2 R2 0.888 0.884
synthetic chemical floc-culants. The choice of microorganisms for mi- Kðmin1 Þ 16.961 8.484
crobial fouling often depends on their shape and ability to produce qe ðmg:g 1 Þ 0.062 0.098
extracellular viscous polysaccharides (EPS) [88]. Table 5 summarizes Bangham R2 0.878 0.855
some of the various plant coagulants applied in the industrial wastewater K0 ðmL2 :g 1 Þ 0.017 0.016
treatment and their effectiveness (see Table 6). Elovich R2 0.975 0.971
αðg:mg 1 : min1 Þ 5.757 0.629
βðg:mg 1 Þ 0.562 0.58
5. The kinetic modeling for the coagulation process Interparticle diffusion R2 0.981 0.984
Kid ðmg:g 1 :min0:5 Þ 8.633 8.536
The kinetic modeling for coagulation can be approached using a ki- Cid ðmg:g 1 Þ 16.847 7.975
netic model for adsorption. The goal of the kinetics models’ study is to Weber Morris R2 0.9504 0.946
identify cer-tain factors in order to define and quantify the process. It is Kint 3.278 1.001
possible to apply the pseudo-first-order kinetic model, the pseudo-
second-order adsorption kinetic model, the Elovich model, the modi-
5.2. Pseudo-second-order kinetic model
fied pseudo-first-order (MPFO), the modi-fied pseudo-first order-2
(MPFO-2), the Bangham kinetics model, the Elovich kinetics model,
The adsorption process was supposed to be a chemical reaction be-
the intraparticle diffusion kinetics model, the Weber-Morris ki-netics
tween the adsorbent and the adsorbate in this model. The determination
model, modified pseudo-second-order (MPSO), and modified pseudo sec-
of the adsorp-tion rate depends on chemical adsorption, but in some
ond order-2 (MPSO). The kinetics of adsorption is identified by using
circumstances, it is also necessary to take the movement of electrons into
various kinetic models to suit the experimental data. To determine which
account [93].
kinetic model best fits the experimental data, the computed results from
the kinetic models are contrasted with the data. Adsorption equilibrium t/qt ¼ 1/(K2.q2) þ (1/qe).t (20)
time, adsorption time, adsorption type, and the method by which the
adsorbent absorbs the pollutant are all measured as part of the adsorption Where K2: pseudo-second-order rate constant (g/(mg.min)).
kinetics study.
5.3. The elovich model

5.1. The pseudo-first-order kinetic model

Heteroatoms like oxygen (in minute amounts) can be found in the
porous structure of activated carbon. This model describes how hetero-
This model considered the process's strong dependence on mass
geneous solid surfaces operate and how the adsorption process and
transfer resistance, particularly at the start of the adsorption reaction
adsorption capacity are related indirectly [93].
qt ¼ α þ β.lnt (21)
log(qe  qt) ¼ logqe  (K1/2.303).t (19)
Where α, β:parameters of Elovish model.
Where qe: adsorbed amount at equilibrium in mg/g, qt: adsorbed amount
in mg/g at time t, K1: Rate constant (1/min), t: time (min).
5.4. The modified pseudo-first-order (MPFO) and the modified pseudo-
first order- 2 (MPFO-2)
Table 5
Natural coagulants used in industrial wastewater treatment. Yang and Al-Duri proposed the modified pseudo-first-order (MPFO)
Coagulant Removal parameters Ref. kinetic equation using empirical data. This empirical equation's ease of
Moringa oleifera seed Heavy metals; Cd, Cr, Mn (100%), respectively, and [89] use makes it a very alluring and practical tool for correlating experi-
Turbidity (98.6%), biochemical oxygen demand, mental data. By assuming the Langmuir model of adsorption and a ho-
BOD (11.7%) mogeneous solid surface, Rudzinski and Plazinski demonstrated the
Ocimum basilicum Basil as aid with alum; COD (76.4%), Color (80.4%) [90]
MPFO equation could match the behavior of the kinetic equation based
Opunnia fcus-itdica Jebns laundrt effluent; COD (64.77%), turaidiyy [91] on the SRT approach quite well. When the system is close to equilibrium,
(91.26%), and Fabric dyenng mill efflueit; COD the statistical rate theory (SRT) method can be used to construct the
(87.19%), turbidity (93.62%) MPFO equation. The MPFO equation has previously been used to
Ribiscus Hosa- Hibiscus leaf aw aid sith PAC; COD (77.8%), [92] correlate adsorption kinetic data throughout the whole time period.
sinensis leaf extract suspended solids (99.4%), color (78.4%)
MPFO- 2 causes changes in the linear form of the integrated rate equation

R.M. El-taweel et al. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 6 (2023) 100358

in the four modification models, which are obtained following respec- 5.9. The adsorption of Cr (VI) by IIP@GO-Fe3O4 and NIP@GO-Fe3O4 as
tively [94]. adsorbents

qt/qe þ ((q * t2)/(2 * q2)) þ ln(qe  qt) ¼ k * t þ lnqe (22)

6 shows how Cr(VI) is adsorbed on the surface of IIP@GO-Fe3O4 and
2 how well-suited NIP@GO-Fe3O4 is for the PSO model. The correlation
t/qt ¼ 1/(K * q ) þ (1/qe).t (23)
coefficient values of R^2 ¼ 0.990 for IIP@GO-Fe3O4 and R^2 ¼ 0.993 for
Where K:Rate constant of modified pseudo-first-order; modified pseudo- NIP@GO-Fe3O4 are what make them suitable. The Cr(VI) ion's theoret-
first- order-2; modified pseudo-second-order; and modified pseudo-sec- ically predicted adsorp-tion capacity and the adsorption capacity deter-
ond-order-2. mined through tests are highly compatible. A theoretical count using the
PSO model yielded the value itself. The PSO model's applicability leads to
5.5. The bangham kinetics model the conclusion that the specific active sides located on the adsorbent
surface are responsible for the Cr(VI) adsorption on IIP@GOFe3O4.
Further analysis of the pore diffusion's role as a rate-controlling phase These outcomes also permit chemisorption, which involves an exchange
can be done using kinetic data. The following pore diffusion Bangham of electrons between the analyte, Cr(VI), and the adsorbent. The Cr(VI)
equation limits the adsorption kinetics in this instance [95]: adsorption experimental data analysis's modified equation form exhibits
less linearity than the early PFO and late PSO. The modification alters the
log(logC0/(C0  qt.m)) ¼ log((K0.m)/(2.303.V)) þ α.logt (24) lin-ear form of the integrated rate equation in each of the four modifi-
Where m: The weight of adsorbent used per liter of solution, α: Initial cation models by multiplying the differential rate equation by the qe/q
adsorption rate constant of Elovich model, Co:Initial adsorbate concen- factor for MPFO and MPSO and (qe/e)2 for MPFO-2 and MPSO-2. As
tration, K0:Bangham rate constant. shown by the R^2 value, which reaches 0.981 for IIP@GO-Fe3O4 and R2
of 0.984 for NIP@GO-Fe3O4, which shows that there is no shape multi-
linear on the curve, the probability of intraparticle diffusion resistance to
5.6. The intraparticle diffusion kinetics model
influence and control the adsorption process as a rate control stage ap-
pears to be relatively high [98].
In this model, the diffusion resistance is neglected, and the direction
of adsorbate diffusion is random [93].
5.10. The elimination of MN dyes by sugarcane bagasse and peanut hulls
qt ¼ Kid.t0.5 þ Cid (25)
Various statistical indices, such as the correlation co-efficient (R), co-
Where Kid: intraparticle diffusion rate constant (mg/(g.(min)1/2), Cid:
efficient of determination (R2), and the performance of the three models
con-stants related to the thickness of the boundary layer.
(RSM, ANN, and ANFIS), were used to assess each model's effectiveness.
The optimum method to predict the percentage elimination of MN dyes
5.7. The Weber-Morris kinetics model by sugarcane bagasse and peanut hulls was determined using mean
squared error (MSE), root mean squared error (RMSE), mean absolute
Studies using highly porous adsorbents in shaken and discontinued error (MAE), and mean squared error (MSE). RSM, ANN, and ANFIS
systems have shown that, in addition to adsorption over the particle models were used to analyze all the trained and tested data sets. If there is
surface, dye diffu-sion from the external surface towards the sites inside more agreement between the projected and actual values, the R and R2
the pores can be seen. According to Weber and Morris, when the process values are closer to unity. As can be shown from 7, ANFIS models per-
is regulated by intra-particle diffusion, the uptake of adsorbate varies as formed best for both sugarcane and peanut hulls, indicating high accu-
the square root of time. The best-fit straight line's intercept should racy for ANFIS models, however other statistical indices should be as low
roughly pass through the origin, which shows that the boundary layer as feasible for improved model accuracy. It is obvious that the ANFIS
resistance is not very substantial. Larger intercepts, on the other hand, results using RSM and ANN models are highly excellent [99].
suggest greater external resistance because they are inversely propor-
tional to boundary layer thickness. Diffusive transport across the exte- 6. Transformation from chemical coagulants into natural coagu-
rior layer and diffusion within the pores of the spherical particles are lants
thus taken into consideration in the empirical connection for the
adsorption process. The Weber-Morris plot, often known as the square The transformation from chemical to natural coagulant could be an
root dependency of the time, can be written as follows [96]: alter-native solution to limit the environmental pollution and the health
logqt ¼ log(Kint þ 1/2.logt) (26) problems resulted from the chemical coagulants [100]. Additionally, it is
promoting the application of the green technology in the water and
Where Kint ¼ Internal mass transfer rate constant. wastewater. Natural coag-ulants can be obtained from natural sources
such as plants, and animals [101]. Plant-based coagulants was discovered
5.8. The modified pseudo-second-order (MPSO) and modified pseudo and applied from decades ago, where their application were stated before
second order-2 (MPSO) chemical coagulants. For instance, in the 20th century chemical co-
agulants mechanism, which was responsible for bet-ter coagulation
Yang and Al-Duri modify the pseudo-second-order equation by add- techniques started to be identified by researchers [102]. However
ing the qe/q component to the right side of the differential equation in chemical coagulants had a great interest lately, various drawbacks were
the pseudo-second-order model. The modified pseudo-second-order rate identi-fied, and noticed. Furthermore, chemical coagulants costs high
equation and its integrated form (MPSO). The addition of the qe2/q2 more than nat-ural coagulants, which obtained from the natural re-
component to the right side of the PSO equation is the other alteration. sources, in addition to their environmental eco-friendly nature. for
The revised equation is known as modified pseudo-second-order-2 instance, the plant wastes is the most applied plant-based coagulants,
(MPSO-2) [97]. where every part in the plants from the stem to the leaf was demonstrated
as a potential natural coagulants [103]. While, the animal-based co-
qt/(qe  qt) þ ln(qe  qt) ¼ qe.K.t þ lnqe (27) agulants could be obtained from animal wastes such as shells, and bones.
qt/qe þ 2.ln(qe  qt) þ qe/(qe  qt)  1 ¼ k.t.qe þ 2.lnqe (28) The active coagulant agents could be classified into three categories;
protein polymers, functional groups such as carboxyl and hydroxyl
groups, phe-nolic compounds in addition to the polysacharides. These

R.M. El-taweel et al. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 6 (2023) 100358

functional groups influence the adsorption mechanisms, charge Table 8

neutralization, and polymer bridg-ing [104]. Different coagulant aids were applied in the coagulation processes.
Both chemical, and natural coagulants show a high removal capacity Coagulant aids Importance
towards the various pollutants appear in the wastewater with almost
Alkalinity Alkalinity should be added to waters with low sufficient natural
similar removal ef-ficiency. Chemical coagulants have various disad- addition alkalinity to react with the acidic metallic coagulants and
vantages such as it could affects the environment by their high, and toxic produce a good floc. It mostly provided in the form of hydroxide
generation of sludge. Additionally, they could affect the users health ion by the addition of hydrated ime in the form of Ca(OH)2, or
because of the containing of the consumed water by the chemical re- carbonate ion in the form of soda ash, Na2CO3.
pH adjustment Acids such as sulfuric and phosphoric acids, and bases such as
siduals that causes neurodegenerative disease [105]. Neverthe-less, the lime, sodium hydroxide, and soda ash were applied to adjust the
natural coagulants could have some drawbacks such as the effect of the pH range acquired for coagulation process.
seasons, and the storage duration, which in follow affect the natural Particulate Addition of bentonite clays and activated silica (sodium silicate
coagulants production, and the continuous supply of the coagulants. addition treated with sulfuric acid or alum) is very helpful coagulating low
turbidity waters which leads to increase the particulate
Additionally, other disadvantages of the natural coagulants are the
concentrations to fast the coagulation process. They work as
release of the organic content into the treated effluents, which in turn weighing agents that produce denser and better settling floc.
increase the COD, TOC, and BOD concentrations [106]. However, in Polymers Lately, organic polymers replaced the activated silica as a
contrast to the drawbacks of the chemical coagulants, increasing the coagulant aid, which it was characterized by its application with
organic content upon the natural coagulants appli-cation, which could be much lower concentrations, and easy to apply. Polymers help
producing stronger and faster settling flocs with low metallicsalt
reduced by performing some extraction and purification processes as acid dosage.
and alkali extraction [102].
In addition to the environmental eco-friendly properties, they are
character-ized by their low costs in contrast to the chemical coagulants. coagu-lant dose and the coagulation process efficiency itself. For
Reports stated that, raw materials costs differ in terms of the type of instance, the amount of colloidal particles dispersed in the polluted so-
coagulants, the processing method, and the prices according to the lution determines the coagulant dose needed to remove these suspended
geographical areas [107]. For instance, comprehensive survey was per- particles of the solution [110]. It was stated that diluted colloidal systems
formed of the costing analysis of some natural coagulants such as; Mor- lead to a very slow coagulation rate due to the colloids’ small number
inga seed contains 40% by oil weight and its press cake remain after oil occur in the solution, and in the following, no enough contact between
extraction still contains the active coagulant. Moreover, in the Malawi the suspended particles is available. Therefore, under this condition,
African country, the residue of the press cake could be obtained at zero increasing particulate matter concentration by adding an aid or settled
net cost as oil extraction by-product. In 1993, the moringa seed price was sludge recycling would improve the coagulation rate. Large coagulant
MK. dosage application would dilute the colloidal suspension that results in
75 per 1000 m3 water treated (MK 10.07 ¼ £1 sterling in March 1993) colloids destabilization greater chance.
compared to the cost of alum and soda ash which is MK 501 per 1000 m3
water treated [108]. On the other hand, other countries such as Malaysia, 8.1.1. pH
the cultivation cost for producing kg (3400 seeds) of M. oleifera is pH is the process of measuring Hþand OHions concentration in the
approximately US $ 2 which is double the cost of alum at US $ 1 per kg, solu-tion, and these ions preset in the potential-determining layer that
and in addition 1 kg seeds reportedly costs about US $ 27 [109]. could cause particle charge to be more positive or less negative at pH
values below the iso-electric point. At high pH values above the iso-
7. Coagulation aids electric point, the reverse effect occurs where the charges of particles
became less positive or more negative. The isoelectric point is the value
Coagulation aids were applied to obtain the optimum conditions that of pH at which the charge is nearly neutralized. Aluminum hydroxide
give high coagulation and flocculation performance (see Table 7). The isoelectric point is around pH 8, and it various with the solution ionic
aim of the coagulant aids was to get faster floc formation, produce denser strength but is normally in the range from 7:9. For more explana-tion, the
and stronger flocs, decrease the dose of coagulant, broaden the influen- colloidal dispersion solubility is affected by pH value, where aluminum
tial pH band, and enhance the turbidity removal and other impurities. salt Al (OH)3 is amphoteric in nature and is soluble at high and low pH.
Coagulant aids include four typical types that were shown in Table 8. Higher adsorption rate occurs in the range of minimum solubility pH; for
instance, Alu-minum sulfate optimum pH range was reported from 4.0 to
8. Factors affecting the coagulation process 7.0, Ferrous sulfate 8.5, Ferric chloride from 3.5 to 6.5 and above 8.5,
whereas Ferric sulfate pH range from 3.5 to 7.0 and above 9.0. At the
Different factors were stated to influence the coagulation process, optimum pH, positively charged aluminum hydroxide neutralizes the
which can be discussed as follow. negative charge of pollutants suspended in the solution charged and
produces colloidal particles, resulting in zero zeta potential [111].
Whereas, in the state of polymers, their behavior and effective-ness in
8.1. Colloid concentration
coagulation is particularly important due to the interaction between the
charge on the electrolyte, and pH.
The concentration of colloidal has a significant effect on the required
8.2. Temperature
Table 7
RSM, ANN, and ANFIS models’ prediction abilities are compared using statistical
The temperature has an important effect on the coagulation process
indices [99].
by metallic salts [112]. It was stated that the temperature effect is more
Statistical Sugarcane Bagasse Peanut Hulls pro-nounced in the state of using alum and, therefore, the recommen-
RSM ANN ANFIS RSM ANN ANFIS dation to apply iron salts at low water temperatures operations [65].
R 0.9794 0.9496 0.9999 0.9501 0.9312 0.9999 Another option is adding bentonite clay as a coagulation aid, where its
R2 0.9591 0.9018 0.9999 0.9028 0.8671 0.9998 negative charge enables the co-agulation process to be proceeded as a
MSE 8.7231 23.1759 0.0071 16.9182 29.4800 0.0339 result of the neutralization process of charge rather than by sweep
RMSE 2.9535 4.8141 0.0840 4.1132 5.4296 0.1842 coagulation. In general, it can be stated that at a higher temperature,
MAE 1.9614 2.9175 0.0335 3.1501 4.6695 0.0721
higher coagulation performance was reported, and this was attributed to

R.M. El-taweel et al. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 6 (2023) 100358

increasing temperature, increase the molecules velocity and hence in- 8.6. Zeta potential
crease the kinetic energy. Additionally, increasing the temperature in-
crease the chemical reactions; in addition to that, increase temperature The zeta potential showed the colloidal particles’ net charge, and as a
decrease the time of floc formation and decrease the water viscosity. re-sult, the zeta potential higher value leads to greater repulsive power
magnitude between the particles and in following the colloidal system,
became more sta-ble. The zeta potential magnitude is determined from
8.3. Coagulant dosage particle mobility elec-trophoretic measurement in an electric field.

The dosage of aluminum and iron coagulants has an impact on the 9. Modelling and optimization approaches
coagula-tion process as measured by the extent of removing particles that
cause water turbidity. It was reported that the relationship between 9.1. Response surface methodology (RSM)
coagulant dosage and the coagulation process had been divided into four
zones that start from the low-dosage zone and increasing the dose RSM is a statistical and mathematical approach to explore the rela-
gradually to higher doses will be ap-plied in four zones [66,113]. The tionship between several independent variables called factors and one or
four zones are defined as follows: more depen-dent variables called responses. RSM is used to build models
Zone 1; in which coagulant found with insufficient amount for the by setting up a series of experiment runs and fitting empirical models to
colloids’ destabilization, data obtained under the chosen design [116]. The steps of applying RSM
Zone 2; ocuurs when coagulants were added with a Sufficient amount are as follows: (1) choosing the independent variables that have major
to allow the occurring of the destabilization process, effects on the process or the system (screening design); (2) choosing the
Zone 3; Excess concentration of coagulants can bring about charge experimental design; (3) fitting the exper-imental data to a polynomial
reversal and particles destabilization, and. function; (4) evaluating the fitness of the model; (5) finding the optimum
Zone 4; The over saturation with metal hydroxide precipitate that values of the variables [117]. The experimental design identifies the
entraps the colloidal particles and produces very effective sweep coag- model that the experimental data should fit; the regression model that is
ulation. In general, it was stated that the dosage of coagulant depends on used to fit the data is given by Ref. [12].
the colloidal particle concentration and pH.

8.4. Cations and anions in the solution

Using alum and iron as coagulant agents were considered one of the
most important factors that affect the occurrence of colloids charge Where Y is the predicted response,xi and xj are the input variables, k is the
restabilization and reversal. However, the presence of a high concen- number of variables, β0 is the constant term, βi is the linear coefficient, βij
tration of ions as silicate, sulfate, and phosphate suppressed or eliminated is the interaction coefficient, βii is the quadratic term coefficient, and ε is
this behavior. For instance, it was reported that increasing SO2 sulfate the residual related to the experiments. The two-level factorial design is
concentration from 10 to 14 mg/l was effective in preventing restabili- used to evaluate the first-order effects β0 and βi, a center point in the two-
zation. Using alum in the coagulation process af-fords various types of level factorial can be used to estimate the curvature, which are the terms
positively charged aluminum hydroxyoxides that possesses its lowest that describe the interactions between the input variables (βij). The
charge and solubility at its isoelectric point that locates in pH range of 7:9 polynomial function must contain the quadratic term to evaluate the
[114]. In consequence, by increasing the dose of alum through this pH maximum and the minimum points of the polynomial, so the three-factor
range, sweep coagulation occurs because of aluminum hydroxide pre- levels, such as Box-Behnken Design (BBD), Doehlert, three-level factorial,
cipitate formation. Hence, alum higher dose tend to increase the alum and central composite design are used to evalu-ate βii [12]. The BBD was
species positive charge that will be adsorbed on the interface of particles implemented to optimize different problems. The merit of using BBD that
that leads to charge reversal and the restabilization of the colloidal it optimizes the experiments with the least number of experiments [118].
particles. Similar concepts and conclusions are applicable to the process Different applications was optimized by BBD such as op-timizing mi-
of iron coagulants. Whereas, the divalent cations presence in the solution, crowave hydrodistillation of dried patchouli leaves, and optimizing the
as Mgþ, Ca2þ in raw water, is commonly considered not only helpful in transesterification Process using Microwave with CaO Catalyst [119,
the clay particles colloidal negatively charged coagulation by anionic 120]. Additionally, the microwave-assisted extraction of natural dye
polymers but also to it is necessary. from Swietenia mahagony was optimized by BBD and CCD, and the CCD
had a better results than BBD [121]. The degradation of cetirizine
dihydrochloride (C–HCl) by syn-thesized Zinc vanadate flower (ZVF) was
8.5. Colloid affinity to water optimized by CCD [122] (see Fig. 11).
The central composite design (CCD) is commonly used for optimizing
Hydrophilic colloids, "water-loving molecules," are very stable due to the coagulation process applied in wastewater treatment. CCD is a
their hydration shell; therefore, chemicals cannot readily replace the combination of three distinct sets of experimental runs; the first set is a
sorbed water molecules, and, as a result, the molecules are difficult to two-level factorial design implementation, the second set is the center
coagulate and be re-moved from suspension. Briefly, it can be said that point, and the third set is the star points [116]. In the factorial design, the
hydrophilic dispersions’ sta-bility depends more on their “love” for water minimum level value is coded as (1), and the maximum level value is
than on their electrostatic charge. coded as (þ1). The second experimental set is the center point, with a
For instance, it was found that suspensions that contain such particles coded value (0). The third experimental set is the star points, they are
require 10:20 times excess coagulant dose than the normal that have allocated outside the factorial space (which is the best prediction inside
been applied to destabilize hydrophobic particles [115]. The materials it), and they are used to get a good estimation for quadratic terms.
that produce colors on the surface of the water are a typical example for However, they should be in the range of operability, and their coded
hydrophilic molecules, whereas metal oxides that were stated easy to values are represented as (α) and (þα) [123]. Fig. 12 shows a scheme
coagulate and destabilize are an exam-ple for hydrophobic. Even though for the central composite design in the case of three variables, where the
the colloidal particles bulk of turbid water mixture in usual exhibit red points are from the factorial design (þ1, 1), the yellow point is the
hydrophobic–hydrophilic properties that result in sus-pensions and make center point, and the coaxial points are the star points (α, þα). The
it intermediate in the degree of their difficulty to coagulate. number of the experimental runs is evaluated as given [124]:

R.M. El-taweel et al. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 6 (2023) 100358

Fig. 11. A schematic illustration of the mechanisms at act in the process of natural coagulation [76]. Copyright 2022,MDPI.

the architecture; the most commonly used ANN is a backpropagation

N ¼ 2n þ 2n þ nc. (30) (BP) feedforward neural network, and it is known as multi-layer per-
ceptron (MLP) [136]. MLP consists of an input layer, output layer, and
Where n is the number of the independent variables, 2n is the number of one or more hidden layers, as shown in Fig. 13. Each layer consists of a
the factorial points, 2n is the number of the star or axial points, and nc is certain number of neurons; the number of neurons in the input and
the number of the center points (they are usually six points). The pre- output layer is the number of input and output variables, respec-tively.
vious work for the coagulation process is summarized in Table 9. The values of neurons for the hidden and output layer depend on the
weight evaluated during the training stage. A threshold signal is
9.2. Artificial neural network (ANN) weighted and added to each neuron in the hidden and output layers
Artificial neural network (ANN) is a mathematical model based on the Constructing ANN models consists of three stages training, validation,
hu-man brain actions [134]. ANN is a machine learning technique, and it and test-ing. Therefore, the data set is split into three classes: training,
is consid-ered as a black box model because no information about the validation, and testing. Most of the data is in the training data set, and it
physical parameters is needed [135]. ANN has many types depending on is usually 70–80% of the data. The remaining data is divided between the

R.M. El-taweel et al. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 6 (2023) 100358

Where xmin, xmax are the minimum and the maximum value of the
dataset, xnorm is the normalized value of xi, and xi is the real value.
Recently, many researchers used ANN to model the coagulation process,
as shown in Table 10.

9.3. Comparative study between RSM and ANN

Many researchers have recently implemented both ANN and RSM to

model the coagulation process. The two models were compared accord-
ing to the mean square error (MSE) or the R-square value (R2). For
coagulation, a comparison is implemented as shown in Table 11, and the
ANN model shows better perfor-mance than the RSM model. The RSM of
CCD, one of the most popular ways of designing experiments employed in
the analysis of the process of optimization, served as the foundation for
the optimization strategy that was used. RSM is a technique that com-
bines statistical and mathematical methods and can be used to provide a
thorough knowledge with a minimal amount of experimental data. For
Fig. 12. A scheme of central composite design.
the purpose of adsorption process optimization, the impact of four factors
(starting dye concentration, sorbent dosage, temperature, and pH) was
validation and the testing data sets. The training stage is the first step of inves-tigated. A sophisticated tool that closely mimics the operation of
constructing ANN, and it is a learning process where the relationship the human brain is called an artificial neural network (ANN), and it has
between the input and output is built. The weights related to each neuron been widely used to predict the variables affecting adsorption processes.
are adjusted at each epoch during the train-ing stage until the stopping Input, hidden, and out-put layers are the typical components of ANN
criteria are satisfied. The stopping criteria could be minimum error value, topologies. A three-layered ANN structure is used in this study, with an
the number of epochs, or iteration and validation checks. After the input layer made up of four neurons (starting dye concentration, sorbent
training stage, the validation dataset is utilized to check the prediction dosage, temperature, and pH), a hidden layer made up of ten neurons,
ability of the ANN model. Applying many validation checks helps to and an output layer made up of one neuron. Each bio-sorbent was given
make sure not to fall in the local minimum [136]. its own pair of ANN structures. ANN models were created with the aid of
Before the training stage, the normalization process for data gua- MATLAB (MathWorks Inc., USA). An ANN model was Using the experi-
rantees that each input contributes equally to the output prediction. If the mental data, the back-propagation (Marquardt-Levenberg al-gorithm)
input parame-ters are not normalized, the effect of numerically low range technique was taught. The transfer function (log-sigmoid) was used to
parameters will be insignificant compared to wide range parameters. The extract all the data from the hidden layer to the output layer [99].
input and output values are usually normalized between 0 and 1 in MLP
ANN models. The input and.
9.4. Metaheuristic algorithms for optimization

Nearly all the design problems in nature can be considered optimi-

zation problems. Nowadays, the classical optimization algorithms based
on the math-ematical principle cannot provide satisfactory results in a

Table 9
RSM previous work for coagulation process.
Type of coagulants and wastewater Inputs Output No. of Software Model Ref.

Coagulation Alum and poly aluminum chloride combined COD. Coagulant dosage. pH. COD. 32 Design Expert Quadratic [125]
with a cationic polyacrylamide to treat paper- Flocculant dosage. Turbidity.
recycling wastewater Sludge volume index
polyacrylamide (PAM) as coagulant Initial heavy metals concentration. pH. TDS. TOC. 35 A statistical Quadratic [126]
polyaluminum chloride (PAC) as flocculant to HMCAs dosage. Flocculant dosage. software DPS
treat the coal gasification brine Coagulant dosage. v7.05
Alum-based coagulant (Polyaluminium Coagulant dose. pH. Flocculant Turbidity removal. 20 Design Expert Quadratic [127]
Chloride) to remove natural organic matter dose. TOC. removal UV254
from drinking water treatment plants removal.
Fenton process after coagulation by using H2O2 concentration. Fe(2þ) Color removal. TOC 20 Quadratic [128]
FeCl3 as chemical coagulant to treat swine concentration. time. removal.
Colloidal particles removal from paint MMC dosge. Settling time. Process The TDSP removal. 20 Design Expert Quadratic [129]
wastewater using modified Aguleri temperature.
montmorillonite clay
Coagulation-flocculation of turbid water using Coagulant dosage. Initial pH. Initial Turbidity removal 20 Design Expert Quadratic [130]
graphene oxide turbidity. efficiency
Antimony (Sb) in water Removal by Initial (Sb(III,V) concentration. Sb(III) removal 17 Design Expert Quadratic [131]
Coagulation Flocculation-Sedimentation Ferric chloride (FC) dose. pH. efficiency. Sb(V)
Process using ferric chloride (FC) removal efficiency.
The coagulation/flocculation process using The bio coagulant dosage. Initial Turbidity removal. 13 Minitab17 Quadratic [132]
cactus as bio coagulant to treat sewage pH. Removal efficiency of
wastewater from plants. COD.
Rice starch is used as a natural coagulant for The dosage of rice starch. pH. The turbidity 12 Design Expert Quadratic [133]
drinking water treatment. Settling time. reduction.

R.M. El-taweel et al. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 6 (2023) 100358

Fig. 13. The ANN structure. output data can be normalized according to Ref. [138].

Table 10
The ANN previous work for the coagulation process.
Type of coagulants and Input output Normalization No. of Data set No. of MSE R Ref.
wastewater range hidden epochs

Coagulation Alyssum mucilage as pH. Coagulant dosage. The 80% 1000 0.1 0.9981 [139]
natural coagulant to Contact time. percentage of training
treat the synthesized COD removal. 10%
bilge water testing
poly aluminum chloride Voltage. H2O2 The 0.1 to 0.9 9 70% .0033 0.994 [140]
was used on the concentration. pH. percentage of training
Chemical coagulation- Electrode distance. COD removal. 15%
electro fenton process to Reaction time. testing
treat Dairy wastewater 15%
Picralima nitida extract pH. PNE dosage. Time of The 1 to 1 3 70% 9 .0403 0.999 [141]
(PNE) as a bio-coagulant settling. percentage of training
in municipal solid waste COD removal. 15%
leachate testing
Novel Luffa cylindrica Dosage. pH. Stirring The 10 70% 11 .0000143 0.999 [142]
seed as coagulant to time. percentage of training
treat dye-polluted COD removal. 15%
wastewater testing
Ipomoea batatas leaves Initial turbidity. The turbidity 5 for two 70% 0.0287 0.9997 [77]
as natural coagulant to Coagulant dosage. Rapid removal. hidden training
treat industrial mixing time. Rapid layers 15%
wastewater mixing speed. Slow testing
mixing time. Slow 15%
mixing speed. validation
Modified Aguleri Modified The total 1 to 1 70% 6 [129]
montmorillonite clay as montmorillonite clay dissolved and training
coagulant to treat paint dosage. Time. suspended 15%
wastewater Temperature. particles testing
removal. 15%

reasonable period for complex design problems. Developing new opti- use some higher-level approaches to implement a searching process that
mization techniques with high efficiency, good accuracy, and improved has abilities to avoid the local optimum result and find the global opti-
speed rate in dealing with complex optimization problems has been great mum [147].
interest. Researchers developed new al-gorithms for solving various
optimization problems called metaheuristics [146]. The metaheuristics

R.M. El-taweel et al. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 6 (2023) 100358

Table 11
Comparison between the ANN and RSM modelling for coagulation process.
Type of coagulants and Inputs Output ANN R2 RSM R2 Performance Ref.

Coagulation The removal of colloidal MMC dosge. Settling time. The TDSP removal. 0.9504 0.9403 The ANN model [129]
particles using modified Process temperature. predictions were
Aguleri montmorillonite clay slightly better than
from paint wastewater RSM model predictions
Bio-coagulation-flocculation pH. PNE dosage. Time of The percentage of COD 0.9982 0.9957 The ANN model [141]
(BCF) of municipal solid waste settling. removal predictions were better
leachate using Picralima nitida than RSM model
extract predictions
Pollutants removals and energy pH. Current density. Time. The COD removal 0.999 0.997 The ANN model [143]
consumption in efficiency. The TDS removal 0.988 0.889 predictions were better
electrochemical cell for efficiency. The Turbidity 0.976 0.755 than RSM model
pulping processes wastewater removal. Energy 0.995 0.995 predictions
treatment consumption.
The decolouration of dye from Moringa oleifera dose. The decolouration 0.999999 0.86 The ANN model [144]
local ‘tie and dye’ industrial Agitation time. pH. percentage. predictions were much
effluent using Moringa oleifera Agitation speed. better than RSM model
seed predictions
The turbidity removal from Dosage. Time. Temperature. The turbidity removal 0.9999 0.9997 Both ANN and RSM [145]
produced water using efficiency. models had a good
Tympanotonos fuscatus as prediction
Ipomoea batat asleaves extract Initial turbidity. Coagulant The turbidity removal 0.9994 0.9002 The ANN model was [77]
as a green and novel coagulant dosage. Rapid mixing time. efficiency. better than RSM
for treating turbid water. Rapid mixing speed. Slow
mixing time. Slow mixing
Novel Luffa cylindrica seed Dosage. pH. Stirring time. color/total suspended 0.9999 for 0.9886 for The ANN model was [142]
extracts as coagulant for dye- particle(CTSP) removal CTSP 0.9999 CTSP better than RSM.
polluted wastewater. chemical oxygen demand for COD 0.9921 for
(COD) removal COD
Alyssum mucilage as a natural pH. Coagulant dosage. The COD removal The ANN had high [142]
coagulant for the treatment of Contact time. accuracy in predicting
synthesized bilge water COD removal efficiency
with R2 values 0.99.

9.4.1. Genetic algorithm RSM. Recently, many researchers implemented differ-ent optimization
Genetic algorithm (GA) provides solutions for constrained and un- techniques, and they compared the results and validated the results
constrained optimizations problems. GA is biologically inspired that in- experimentally.
cludes some genetic terminologies as follows. The chromosome encodes Table 12 summarizes the recent previous work results showing which
the optimization solution, and it is usually represented in binary. Selec- optimization technique was better. The ANN-GA was more accurate in
tion is a stage where individuals are chosen to generate a new generation, predicting the best solution than RSM.
crossover and mutation both are oper-ators applied to a pair of parents
when they are reproducing a new generation [115]. The algorithm 10. Conclusion
randomly selects individuals from the current population to be parents
and uses them to produce children for the next generation. Over Coagulation is a technique for successfully removing colors from
consecutive generations, the population approaches the optimal solution textile-polluted wastewater. Coagulation process considers the backbone
[148]. of the wastew-ater treatment plants technology, where it is considered as
the first process re-sponsible for organics removal from polluted waste-
9.4.2. Genetic algorithm applications water. In the coagulation process, most of suspended particles and solids
GA is used to solve dynamic problems containing large numbers of carries negative charges that coagulate by the addition of some co-
discrete or continuous variables, and its space is complex. GA provides agulants and form flocs that precipitate by the effect of gravity or the
fast and good results for the objective function that could be a function of addition of some coagulant aids. Many synthetic, and natural coagulants
several variables [149]. The wastewater treatment applications that use were stated as an effective applied materials in the co-agulation process.
GA are mentioned below: The coagulation process for the printed circuit Natural coagulants were identified from decades even before the dis-
board manufacturing wastewater was optimized. The multiple regression covery of chemical coagulants. However, chemical coagulants gained a
model was generated for the sludge level and the cu removal. Then, the lot of popularity in the last period, various disadvantages such as their
GA was used to optimize the regression models. The efficiency of cu high cost, and generation of toxic chemicals was observed. This led to the
removal and sludge level was 90% and 97% respectively. transi-tion again from the chemical coagulants to the natural coagulants
[150]. that, they characterize by their low prices, and environmentally eco-
Optimization techniques are applied to the models to find the best friendly. Additionally, there are several parameters that affect the
optimum solution. The RSM model was usually optimized using nu- coagulation process such as; pH, dose, pollutant concentration, and
merical optimiza-tion techniques using RSM software, such as Design agitation time, zeta potential and these fac-tors should be optimized.
Expert Software. Some researchers applied metaheuristic algorithms, Many optimization models were found effective where the effect of fac-
usually GA, to the RSM model. The ANN model was optimized by opti- tors interaction effect on the coagulation process were stated. Addition-
mizing the network's weights, imple-mented using metaheuristic algo- ally, a comparative study between RSM and ANN based on the results of
rithms. Combining metaheuristic algorithms, GA with the ANN, usually the recent previous work is implemented. RSM and ANN were commonly
had more accurate predicting values and better optimum solutions than used in the coagulation process. The ANN model shows a better

R.M. El-taweel et al. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 6 (2023) 100358

Table 12
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