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20,000 yrs ago there was no land in the uk but over time ppl came and fought for it
soon borders were built to stop the fighting .
Great britain is made up of England, Scotland and Wales
Uk is made up of England, Scotland ,Wales and Northern Ireland
The British Isles is made up of two countries which are Uk and Republic of Ireland , in
the Uk there are four nations: England,Scotland ,Wales and Northern Ireland .

England capital city= London

Scotland capital city=


Wales capital city=


Northern Ireland
Capital city=Belfast

3.3 whats the weather like

Weather is the state of the atmosphere for example how wet or warm it is.In the
British Isles the north is colder than the south because it's further away from the
equator.The higher you go the colder it gets,the south is warmed bcz its near the
equator the west coast is warmed by the north atlantic drift(which is a warm ocean
current)also the east coast is colder than the west coast
Rainfall system- high ground forces warm & moist air to rise ,then the water vapors
cool&condenses as the clouds then forms rain,the rain then falls on the windward
side on the hill. (the side which faces the wind),the opposite side= leeward side
stays dry,the leeward side is called the rain shadow.
3.4 who are we
An immigrant is a person who moves from their native country to a new country and
then they become the immigrant of the new country.
An emigrant is a person who moves from their native country to a new country the they
become emigrants of their native country.
Refugee is a person who was forced to leave their native country(because of war or
other things)
Invader is a person who enters a country to attack it
Economic migrant-is a person who moves from a place to find work or a new standard
way of living.
Asylum seeker is a person who goes to another country for safety or asks for
permission to stay there.(the first ppl who come to uk to extend their empire)

3.5 where do we live?

The population density means the number of people who live in that place .
Population density is the average number of people living in a area ,per square
Rural area is mainly the countryside but it may have some villages and towns
An urban area is an area which mostly include larger cities and towns
Overall, 19% of the population of the UK live in rural areas whereas 83% of the UK's
population live in urban areas.

3.6 How are we doing?

There are more old ppl in the UK
Almost 1 in 4 of the population is under 20yrs old ( that's around 15 million ppl)
Industrial revolution , the inventor of the internet and the structure of DNA all started and
was from the UK.there are world class for fashion,media,computer and many more
The UK can improve healthcare,less terrorism and the government pays back all the
money they have taken from the countries over the years.The Uk has the 7th largest
economy.they buy: oil&gas and sell::medical drugs,cars to other countries.they love
jeans ,trainers and tea.
Industrial revolution was the time when many factories were built and many inventions
were invented,
DNA- is the genes that tell our cells to develop.
Job sectors
Primary- ppl who take things out of the ocean or earth ex:fishermen, minor and etc
Secondary - ppl who make things in factories or constructs things ex: builder
Tertiary - ppl who provide services for ppl ex: teacher,doctor taxi driver and etc
3.7 london our capital city
London is the capital city of Uk and the biggest city in the UK (it is 1610 sq km)
Its population is 8.3 million ,13%of UK’spopulation ,37% of its population was not born
in the UK.2000 yrs ago London was just a mushy ground next to a big river.
Roman arrived in 43AD,they built a big bridge across the river Thames and brought
goods by settlement soon they called it londinium they eventually made it they’re
capital. But romans left the place in 407 AD, londinium went downhill ,but in 600 AD it
grew again and kept growing
Officially today, London's full name is greater london ,it's made of 32 boroughs.
City of london is a financial center,stock exchange big banks are here , it is also known
as the world’s top financial center,
4.1 20,000 yrs ago…..
110,000 yrs ago the ice age began over time, an ice sheet spread across much of
northern europe and most of the british isles.
The ground was frozen deep down ,only in the summer the surface thawed giving us
thin boggy soil which small plants grew this type of environment is called tundra
10000 yrs ago the ice age stooped the earth has warmed up ,the ice all over british isles
melted away, the ice age lasted around a hundred thousand yrs
The British isles were joined to the rest of europe bcz so much water was locked up in
ice.then after the ice age since the earth warmed up the ice melted away separating
british isles from the rest 0f europe,
8,100 yrs ago only the British isles were separated from the rest of Europe,( an ice age
is a time when the average temperature is lower than normal and glaciers spread.

4.2 glaciers : what & where

Glaciers are rivers of ice . ice sheets are giant glaciers that cover huge areas
Glaciers depend on the snow like river’s depend on rain
A glacier is born when snow falls and becomes ice which gets thicker and thicker which,
due to the pressure of its own weight, starts to flow, a mountain glacier falls down the
side of a mountain .in antarctica ice sheets flow in the ocean in places and its floats like
a ice shelf, when bits of ice shelf fall then they become icebergs.
The end of a glacier is called a snout.(crevasses are cracks in glaciers).

4.3 glaciers at work

Glaciers have three jobs :
1. Erode materials
2. Transport material
3. Deposit material
1. Erosion
● The ice freezes around rocks /stones under the glacier then tugs them and
pucks them out .
● The plucked stones/rocks scraps bits off the glacier bed,as they are
carried along ,this is called abrasion.
There are three types of erosion
● Plucking
● Abrasion
● Freeze-thaw weathering
( freeze thaw weathering makes plucking easier first, the water under the glacier
freezes in cracks in the rock as it freezes it expands,so the cracks gets bigger
and thaws it goes on until the rock breaks apart)

2. Transportation
● As the glacier pushes along the materials fall on to it is carried on top
● Some are carried inside the glacier,debris fall onto crevasses
● A lot of material is frozen at the base of the glacier
3. Deposition
● as the the ice melts , the load it is carrying falls to the ground ,all the
materials are mixed up this is called glacial tills
● The water from the melting ice is called meltwater.
( the result of all this work is called glacial landforms)
(The process or results of being covered by glaciers is called glaciation)
( places that were covered by glaciers are called glaciated )

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