PD705-MACHETE Script

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PD 705 Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines

Sec. 3 Definitions
a.) PUBLIC FOREST is the mass of lands of the public domain which has not
been the subject of the present system of classification for the
determination of which lands are needed for forest purposes and which are
- Basically, when we say public forest, ito ay lupa which is only the
government which is not the subject of the present system of
classification, when we say present system of classification, ito yung mga
hindi pa naclaclasify na lupa ng gobyerno, whether it is a agricultural
land or whether it is a industrial land, or commercial land, so hindi pa
sya nakaclasify yung lupa, so ngayon sasabihin ng government, we will
use that as a public forest, tamnan natin for forest purposes,kase pag
dipa subject for classification it alienable and not disposable yung mga
lupang yun.
b.) PERMANENT FOREST or FOREST RESERVES refer to those lands of the
public domain which have been the subject of the present system of
classification and determined to be needed for forest purposes.
- Ibig sabihin nun is , ito na yung lupa then deneclare na sya, so naklasify
na sya as permanent forest, kase nung Nakita nila is madaming trees,
medyo mabuntok sya, at least 18 degrees pataas mabunsok sya,
pwedeng ideclare yan as permanent forest or forest reserves,which is
part of the forest lands.
c.) ALIENABLE and DISPOSABLE LANDS refer to those lands of the public
domain which have been the subject of the present system of classification
and declared as not needed forest purposes.
- For example dun sa tax declaration sa lupa nyo, may nakasulat doon,
nakaclasify if agricultural land, commercial land, industrial land and
residential land, pag agricultural land yan , pwedeng I alienable yung

mga yun, you can sell it, or you can dispose it,like wise yung mga
industrial land, commercial land or residential land.
- Kung ang nakalagay sa tax declaration mo ay commercial land, mas
mataas ang value nya, kase ito yung mga ginagamit sa mga businesses.
Sa mga industrial land naman ito yung mga ginagamit sa mga factories,
groceries, mataas yung value din neto , and syempre residential land.
d.) FOREST LAND includes the public forest, the permanent forest or forest
reserves, and forest reservations.

e.) GRAZING LAND refers to that portion of the public domain which has been
set aside, in view of the suitability of its topography and vegetation, for the
raising of livestock.
- ito yung mga na owned by the government,where you will put your
livestock, yung mga pinagkakainan ng mga kalabaw, kambing ,kabayo, na
walang nagmamay ari , sinabi lang ng government nay an ay grazing land,
hindi mo pwedeng patituluhan.
f.) MINERAL LANDS refer to those lands of the public domain which have been
classified as such by the Secretary of Natural Resources in accordance with
prescribed and approved criteria, guidelines, and procedure.
- ito yung mga minahan, or minimina ito yung mga mineral lands, kase its
not easy to declare such portion of lands na mineral land yan dapat dadaan
yan sa approved criteria by the secretary of natural resources.
- so pag ichecheck nila if mineral land yung lupa na yun, may helicopter na
dadaan sa forest tas may nakalugay na kung ano mang bagay para
madetect if may ginto, copper or any minerals sa lupang iyon, then
magsusurvey sila and research if pwede bang gawing minahan yung lupang
iyon, at may approval yan ng secretary of natural resources.
g.) FOREST RESERVATIONS refer to forest lands which have been reserved by
the President of the Philippines for any specific purpose or purposes.
- So, it is the president of the Philippines who will declare or approved
that such forest land reserved as a forest.

h.) NATIONAL PARK refers to a forest land reservation essentially of primitive
or wilderness character which has been withdrawn from settlement or
occupancy and set aside as such exclusively to preserve the scenery, the
natural and historic objects and the wild animals or plants therein, and to
provide enjoyment of these features in such a manner as will leave them
unimpaired for future generations.
- If you will go in mountain hiking, doon mo makikita yung mga wild
animals, yung mga trees, those are protected areas, hindi pwedeng
galawin , we have to preserved that para sa future generations. Old and
preserved ito, wild forest.
i.) GAME REFUGE or BIRD SANCTUARY refers to a forest land designated for
the protection of game animals, birds and fishes and closed to hunting and
fishing in order that the excess population may flow and restock
surrounding areas.
- Game animals, meaning mga wild animals, like deers, na kung saan is
nakatira sa mga forest areas natin, mga birds and fishes na wilds, Kaya
wag daw hulihin kase nga mamamatay.

j.) MANGROVE is a term applied to the type of forest occurring on tidal flat
along the sea coast, extending along stream where the water is brackish.
- Ito yung mga trees usually makikita or tumutubo where the salt water
and fresh water is nagmimixed sila, like sa mga beaches along
Pangasinan may mga river doon na extending sa west Philippine Sea,
nagmemeet yung salt water sa fresh water then sa side nun is
madaming mangrove trees.
k.) KAINGIN refers to a portion of the forest land which is subjected to shifting
and/or permanent slash-and-burn cultivation.
- Ang English ng kaingin is slash and burn,slash and burn the trees and you
will going plant, and the soil is very fertile.

- Like sa baguio , nag sslash and burn sila sa bundok para may pagtanman
sila ng sayote, where in kinacut nila yung trees para may pag akyatan
yung mga sayote in order to supply sayote production need na gawin
talaga yun.
- Then yung ibang police naman dun is iniinspect nila , kase yung iba is
nagtatanim sila ng marijuana. Kase ang marijuana is very shiny yung
leaves na.
- Ngayon pinag babawal na ang kaingin, kahit pa lupa nyo yan, kailangan
ng permit.
l.) FOREST PRODUCT means timber, pulpwood, firewood, bark, tree top,
resin, gum, wood, oil, honey beeswax, nipa, rattan, or other forest
growth such as grass, shrub, and flowering plant, the associated water,
fish, game, scenic, historical,, recreational and geologic resources in
forest lands
- Sa puno nakukuha o nanggagaling yung mga products na yan. Lahat ng
forest product, galling sa forest syempre.

INDUSTRIAL TREE PLANTATION refers to any forest land extensively

planted to tree crops primarily to supply raw material requirements of existing or
proposed wood processing plants and related industries

- Tulad nung sa pag gawa ng papel, may mga tree plantation tayo nyan ,
like yung pagtatanim ng mga paper tress. Pag magpuputol ng kahoy
pinapalitan agad.


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