RJS Mock 1 Ques

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Rajasthan Judiciary Mock 1 100 marks

No negative
Cutoff -85

1. Crpc sec 1-250

2. Sexual harassment at workplace
3. Probation of offenders act

1-Which of the following statements in NOT true regarding the

charge sheet made under the provisions of the Criminal Procedure
(a) In case of offence of a rape of a child the charge sheet must be submitted
within three months of the FIR
(b) After submission of the charge sheet there cannot be any further
investigation in to the case by the police.
(c) The right to be released on bail is lost once the charge sheet is filed.
(d) Charge sheet against the absconding accused can be filed even if the
accused is not arrested.

2. In a non-cognizable case, the police has authority:

(a) To investigate & even arrest the accused without warrant
(b) Neither to investigate without order of the magistrate nor can arrest the
accused without warrant
(c) Can't investigate without orders of magistrate but can arrest without
(d)To investigate into offence without order given by magistrate but can't
arrest the accused without warrant

3. Usually a copy of F.I.R. is filed with the magistrate having

jurisdiction to take cognizance, by Police officer in compliance to:
(a) Section 157 Cr.P.C.
(b) Section 158 Cr.P.C
(c) Section 156 Cr.P.C.
(d) Section 159 Cr.P.C

4. Under Section 161 Cr.P.C. the investigating officer has power to

examine orally any person acquainted with the facts &
circumstances of the case. The expression any person acquainted
with the facts & circumstances of the case:
(a) Does not include accused
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(b) Refers to prosecution witness only

(c) Includes accused

(d) Both (a) & (b)

5. In a case triable by a magistrate as a summons case the

investigation can't be continued u/s 167 (5) of Cr.P.C.:
(a) Beyond a period of 6 months from date of commission of offence
(b) Beyond a period of 6 months maximum term of imprisonment prescribed
for the offence from date of arrest of the accused
(c) Beyond a period of maximum term of imprisonment prescribed for the
offence from the date of commission of the offence
(d) Beyond a period of 6 months from date of arrest of accused

7. On completion of investigation, the officer in charge of a police

station shall forward the police report under Section 173 (2)
Cr.P.C., to:
(a) Sessions Court
(b) High Court
(c) District Collector
(d) Magistrate empowered to take cognizance of the offence

8-In which of the following case Supreme court held that FIR is
not a substantive piece of evidence and could only be used to
corroborate its maker?
(a) Union of India vs. A. Kumar AIR 2010 SC
(b) C. Magesh vs. St. of Karnataka AIR 2010
(c) Anil Kumar vs. B.S. Neelakanta AIR 2010
(d) Vijita Gazra vs. State AIR 2010 SC 2710

9. For the purposes of section 167(2) Cr.P.C, the period of Sixty

days or Ninety days will be reckoned from the date of:
(a) Arrest
(b) Production before Magistrate
(c) After police remand
(d) Filing of charge sheet

10. A confession under Section 164 of Cr.P.C. can be recorded by

(a) Metropolitan/Judicial Magistrate
(b) Executive Magistrate
(c) Police Officer on whom the power of a Magistrate has been conferred
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(d) Either (a) or (b)

11• The Section dealing with the medical examination of the victim
of rape as inserted by the victim of rape as inserted by the Code of
Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act, 2005 (25 of 2005) is:
(a) Section 164A
(b) Section 166A
(c) Section 53A
(d) Section 166B

12. Confession recorded by a Magistrate on oath is:

(a) Admissible
(b) Inadmissible
(c) Admissible only to the extent of corroboration to the other evidence on
(d) Admissible if corroborated by other evidence on record

13. Whether after forwarding report under section 173 of the code
of criminal procedure to the concerned Magistrate, the police can
continue investigation is the case?
(a) No
(b) Only upon permission of Superior Official.
(c) Yes
(d) Only with permission of Magistrate.

14. Statement made under section 161, Cr.P.C. during investigation

of a cross-case is
(a) always admissible in the main case
(b) may be admissible in the main case
(c) not at all admissible in the main case
(d) Admissible in the main case with the leave of the Court

15. Transit remand means:

(a) Transfer of prisoner from one jail to another
(b) Transfer of criminal case from one court to another
(c) Taking accused by police from one state to another
(d) Taking accused from court to prison

16-Which one of the following is correctly matched?

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(a) Information in cognizable offence - Section 154
(b) Police Officer's power to require attendance of witnesses -161
(c) Search by Police Officer - Section 166
(d) Cases to be sent to Magistrate when evidence is sufficient -171

17. Statement recorded by police officer during investigation

under Section 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 can be
used during trial:
(a) For contradicting the witness
(b) For corroborating the witness
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d)Neither (a) nor (b)

18. After completion of investigation, the police is to submit a final

report to the Magistrate, The Magistrate:

(a) is bound by the conclusions drawn by the police and accept the same if the
police recommended that there is no sufficient ground for proceeding further
(b) is not bound by the conclusions drawn by the police and may order
(c) May issue a process against the accused person(s)
(d) Both (b) and (c)

19. During investigation a search can be conducted without

warrant by:
(a) Any police officer
(b) The investigating officer
(d) Either (a) or (b)
(c) Both (a) & (b)

20. If a Magistrate administers oath before recording the

confession of an accused. The confessional statement is:
(a) good in law and admissible in evidence
(b) bad in law and inadmissible in evidence
(c) good in law but admissible only on corroboration
(d) bad in law but becomes admissible on corroboration

21. Under which of the following chapter of Cr.P.C. provision for

Preventive Action of the Police" are provided:
(a) Chapter X
(b) Chapter XI
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(c) None of the above
(d) Chapter XII

22. Conditional Order under Cr.P.C. for the removal of nuisance

can be passed by:
(a) District Magistrate
(b) Sub-Divisional Magistrate
(c) Any other Executive Magistrate
(d) All of the above

23. In a proceeding under S. 133 Cr.P.C, the person against whom

a conditional order has been passed appears and denies the
existence of a public right. The Magistrate finds that there is
evidence in support of denial. What is the option available to the
District Magistrate?
(a)vacate the conditional order
(b) dismiss the complaint
(c) proceed to take further evidence as a summons case.
(d) Stay the proceedings until such right is determined by a competent court.

24. In a proceeding under Section 145 Cr.P.C., after inquiry, the

magistrate is unable to ascertain as to which of the rival parties
was in possession of the disputed land. What is the next step
legally available?
(a) He may attach the property until a competent court determines right of
(b) He may stop the proceedings and direct parties to approach a civil court.
(c) He may call for a report from the Tahsildar.
(d) He may conduct further inquiry including a local inspection

25. Under what appropriate Section, a Magistrate may issue an

order of injunction?
(a) Section 133
(b) Section 142
(c) Section 145
(d) Section 144
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26.A conditional order for removal of public nuisance under
section 133 Cr.P.C. may be passed by:
(a) District Magistrate only
(b) Sub-Divisional Magistrate only
(c) Executive Magistrate only
(d) Any of the above

27. Order under Section 144 Cr.P.C. is amendable to writ

jurisdiction on violation of any Fundamental Rights. This was held
in case of:
(a) Dibakar Naik vs. Pushpalata Patel (1997)
(b) Gopalachari vs. State of Kerala (1981)
(c) Gulam Abbas vs. State of U.P. (1981)
(d) Shelam Ramesh vs. State of A.P. (1999)

28. On a busy junction or road, a huge poster/banner installed by

an association is creating obstruction in traffic. Who from
amongst the following, on having information, may remove such
banner /poster by initiating proceedings under the provisions of
the Code of Criminal Procedure?
(a) The District Judge
(b) The Chief Judicial Magistrate
(c) The Sub Divisional Magistrate
(d) The Collector

29. Proceedings under Section 145 of the Code of Criminal

Procedure are initiated by the Executive Magistrate on the report
of which of the following?
(a) Judicial Magistrate
(b) Police Officer
(c) Complainant
(d) Revenue Officer

30. Conditional Order under Cr.P.C. for the removal of nuisance

can passed by:
(a) District Magistrate
(b) Sub-Divisional Magistrate
(c) Any other Executive Magistrate
(d) All of the above
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31-What is the purpose of Section 144A of the Code of Criminal
Procedure. 1973?
(a) It seeks to enable the District Magistrate to prohibit any mass drill or
mass training with arms in any public place.
(b) It seeks to enable the Chief Secretary to Prohibit any mass drill or mass
training with arms in any public place.
(c) It seeks to enable any mass drill or mass training with arms in any public
(d) It seeks to enable the State Government to prohibit mass drill or mass
training with arms in any public place.

32-A magistrate can order attachment of the subject in dispute

under section 146 Cr.P.C. if:
(a) It is a movable property
(b) One of the parties is in occupation
(c) A receiver has already been appointed by the civil court.
(d) The court decides that none of the parties was then in possession of
subject of dispute.

33-In proceedings under section 145 Cr.P.C. prior possession is

taken into consideration. What is that period:
(a) Six months
(b) Two months
(c) One year
(d) One month

34. Under Section 125 of Cr.P.C. a Magistrate has:

(a) The power to grant interim maintenance and the expenses of the
(b) No power to grant interim maintenance nor the expenses of the
(c) Power to grant interim maintenance but no power to grant expenses of the
(d) No power to grant interim maintenance but has the power to grant
expenses of the proceedings.

35. Which of the following person cannot claim maintenance

under section 125 Crpc ?
(a) A legitimate child who after attaining majority cannot maintain himself by
reason of economic hardship
(b) An illegitimate child who after attaining majority cannot maintain himself
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by reason of economic hardship
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

36. Evidence in the proceedings of 125 of the Code of Criminal

Procedure, 1973 shall be recorded in the manner:
(a) prescribed for summons-cases.
(b) prescribed for warrant-cases.
(c) as prescribed by the court in its discretion.
(d) prescribed for summary trials.

37. Which of the following is true of the right to receive

maintenance under Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code?
(a) It is purely a personal right created by an order of criminal court
(b) There is no charge created on property by the orc maintenance
(c) The maintenance cannot be held to the alienable prope
(d) All of these

38. An order for alteration in the allowance for the maintenance

or interim maintenance can be made by a Magistrate under
Section 127 of the Code of Criminal Procedure on proof of a change
in the circumstances, at the instance of:
(a) Any person receiving under Section 125 a monthly allowance for the
maintenance or interim maintenance.
(b) Any person ordered under Section 125 to pay a monthly allowance for the
maintenance or interim maintenance.
(c) Relative of any person ordered under Section 125 to pay a monthly
allowance for the maintenance or interim maintenance.
(d) Both (a) and (b)

39. Where the husband has obtained a decree of divorce against

the wife on the ground of desertion, under Section 125?
(a) it is no bar for the wife to claim maintenance against the husband.
(b) it is a bar for the wife to claim maintenance against the husband
(c) it may be a bar for the wife to claim maintenance against the husband
(d) Either (a) or (c)

40. An order for maintenance or interim allowance can be

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cancelled under the circumstances stated under:
(a) Section 125 (5) Cr.P.C.
(b) Section 127 (2) Cr.P.C.
(c) Section 127 (3) Cr.P.C.
(d) Section 127 (4) Cr.P.C.

41. With regard to proceedings under section 125 of Cr.PC, which

of the following propositions is correct?
(a) Strict proof of marriage is necessary
(b) Standard of proof is very high as required in a proceeding under the
Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.
(c) Prima facie proof showing that the parties are living as husband and wife
is sufficient
(d) Prima facie proof showing that the parties are living as husband and wife
is not sufficient and something more is required.

42. In which case it was held by the Hon'ble Supreme Court that a
married daughter is also liable to maintain her parents?
(a) Vijaya Manohar Arbat vs. Kashirao
(b) Savita Ben vs. State of Gujrat
(c) Kritikant Vadodario vs. State of Gujarat
(d) N. B. Bhikshu vs. State of A. P.

43. Power to order execution of bond for behaviour under section

106 of Cr.P.C. is vested in:
(a) Only Judicial Magistrate
(b) Only Police Commissioner
(c) Only Executive Magistrate
(d) None of the above

44. Search warrant in respect of a place:

(a) Includes search of a person present in or about that place
(b) Does not include search of a person in or about that place
(c) Includes search of a person in or about that place only if such person is
suspected of concealing about his person any article for which search is being
(d) None of the above

45-Summons to produce a documents or other thing under

Section 91 Cr.P.C. can be issued to compel:
(a) any person, excluding the accused, to produce
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(b) any person, including the accused to produce
(c) only the accused to produce
(d) only a witness to produce

46. Any property which may be alleged or suspected to have been

(a) Cannot be seized by a police officer
(b) Can be seized by a police officer
(c) Can be sold by a police officer
(d) Can be appropriated by a police officer

47- When the Police Officer uses a case diary to refresh their
memory, can the accused be permitted to rely on a case diary to
cross-examine the police? State the correct position of law.
a. The accused wouldn't be permitted to rely on a case diary to cross-examine
the police.
b. When the police officer uses a case diary to refresh his memory, the
accused will get a right to access it for cross-examination.
c. As per the Indian Evidence Act, only the police is allowed to refresh their
memory, and not the accused.
d. None of the above

48-Recently, in one of the following judgments the Supreme Court

held that the summons issued by ED needs to be respected and
responded to by the person to whom summons were issued.
a. Directorate of Enforcement v. Arvind Kejriwal
b. Directorate of Enforcement v. State of Tamil Nadu & Ors.
c. Directorate of Enforcement v. Tejashvi Yadav
d. Directorate of Enforcement v. Hemant Soren

49-A magistrate can issue a summon to the accused despite a

police report when called for isn't received by the magistrate from
the police. Test out the validity of the statement with the following
a. Yes, the Magistrate shouldn't wait for the police report and can issue a
summon to the accused.
b. Yes, the Magistrate is bound to accept the police report.
c. No, the Magistrate should wait for the police report, if called for, before
issuing a summon to the accused.
d. No, the Magistrate cannot issue the summon to the accused as the
magistrate is bound by the police report.
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50- Is it permissible for the Police to register the details of the
cognizable offence in the 'general diary' maintained by the police?
State the correct position of law through the following options.
a. Yes, registration of FIR is not mandatory for information disclosing the
commission of the cognizable offence(s).
b. Yes, the general diary entry can precede the registration of FIR.
c. No, an Information disclosing commission of a cognizable offence shall
first be entered in a book kept by the officer in charge of a police station and
not in the General Diary.
d. None of the above

51- In which of following recent judgments the Supreme Court

emphasized the need for a special Bail Act?
a. Satender Kumar Antil v. UOI
b. Court on its own motion v. UOI
c. Nasib Singh v. State of Punjab
d. Marino Bruno v. UOI

52-The Supreme Court of India held in which of the following

recent cases that sexual harassment trials apart from rape cases,
must also be held in camera?
a. XYZ v. State of Madhya Pradesh
b. XYZ v. State of Maharashtra
c. XYZ v. State of Haryana
d. XYZ v. State of Uttar Pradesh

53. In which of the following cases, the Supreme Court of India,

while expounding of the concept of "family" and "atypical family
units" held that a woman cannot be denied maternity leave on the
ground that she took child-care leave for the 2 biological children
of her spouse?
a. Deepika Singh v. CAT
b. Damodar Singh v. CAT
c. Prashant Singh v. SBI
d. Akela Lalita v. UOI

54- Against an accused, a non-bailable warrant and proclamation

under Section 82 Cr.P.C. is pending. Whether an application of the
accused seeking anticipatory bail is maintainable before the court?
a. Yes, the right to seek anticipatory bail is a statutory right under Cr.P.C.
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b. Yes, anticipatory bail cannot be denied because it should be heard on its
merit uninfluenced by the pending non-bailable warrant and proclamation.
c. No, the application seeking anticipatory bail isn't maintainable.
d. Both (a) and (b)

55- Which one of the following is not a condition precedent to the

release of an offender on probation under Section 4, Probation of
Offenders Act, 1958?
(a) Circumstances of the case
(b) Nature of the offence
(c) Character of the offender
(d) Amount of damage caused by the offender

56- In which of the following leading cases, Hon'ble the Supreme

Court held that benefit of Section 3 or Section 4 of the Probation of
Offenders Act, 1958 is subject to the limitations laid down in these
provisions and the words 'may direct' in Section 4 does not mean
'must direct'?

(a) State of Gujarat vs. V.A. Chauhan (AIR 1983 SC 359)

(b) Phul Singh vs. State of Haryana (AIR 1980 SC 249)
(c) Ram Parkash vs. State of Himachal Pradesh (AIR 1973 SC
(d) Smt. Devki vs. State of Haryana (AIR 1979 SC 1948)

57. Which of the following is not the duty of Probation Officer?

(a) To supervise probationers placed under his supervision and where
necessary, endeavour to find them suitable employment.
(b) To advise and assist offenders in payment of compensation or costs
ordered by the court.
(c) To inquire into the circumstances or home surroundings of any person
accused of an offence.
(d) To arrange for lodging and boarding of the probationers.

58--Under which provision of law, the Court while considering the

case of a person convicted for an offence not punishable with
death or imprisonment of life, is under an obligation to call for
the report of Probation Officer?
(a) Section 9 of the Probation of Offenders Act
(b) Section 7 of the Probation of Offenders Act
(c) Section 4 of the Probation of Offenders Act
(d) None of the above

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59. While releasing the offenders after admonition under The
Probation of offenders Act. 1958, which of the following fact need
not be into consideration by the court?
(a) Number of previously registered cases against the accused
(b) Nature of offence
(c) Character of offender
(d) Punishment provided for the offence

60- Court may in addition pass a supervision order directing that

the offender shall remain under the supervision of a probation
officer named in the order during such period, not being less than

a) 3 months
b) 6 months
c) One year
d) Two years

61- Before making any order under Section 4(1) of the Probation of
Offenders Act, the Court shall take into consideration the report, if
any, of the ________ concerned in relation to the case.

a) Police Officer
b) Probation Officer
c) Prosecutor
d) Special Commission

62-Chairperson for Local Complaint Committee to be nominated

from amongst the _________ in the field of social work and
committed to the cause of women.

a) Retired Judges
b) Eminent women
c) Eminent person
d) Any of the above

63. The accounts of the agency referred to in Section 8(2) of Sexual

Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013 shall be
maintained and audited in such manner as may, in consultation
with the _________.

a) Advocate-General of the State

b) Accountant-General of the State
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c) Secretary of the State
d) None of the above

64. The leave granted during pendency of inquiry to the aggrieved

woman under Section 12(1) of the Sexual Harassment of Women at
Workplace Act, 2013 shall be _________ to the leave she would
be otherwise entitled.

a) Concurrent
b) Subsequent
c) In addition
d) Any of the above

65. In which case did the Supreme Court issue a set of directions to
ensure the effective implementation of the Sexual Harassment at
Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013
(POSH Act)?

1. Naveen @ Ajay v. State of Madhya Pradesh 2023 (SC) 908

2. Initiatives For Inclusion Foundation v. Union of India
3. Debasish Paul v. Amal Boral, 2023 (SC) 919
Ambalal Parihar v. State of Rajasthan 2023 (SC) 922

66- “Chairperson” under Sexual Harassment of Women at

Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act 2013
1. Chairman of Parliamentary Committee on Women
2. Minister of Women and Child Development
3. Chairperson of National Women’s Commission
4. Chairperson of the Local Complaints Committee

67- Which among the following is a “sexual harassment” as

defined under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act 2013?
1. physical contact and advances
2. a demand or request for sexual favours
3. showing pornography
4. All the above
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68- Which of the following may amount to sexual harassment
under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention,
Prohibition, and Redressal) Act 2013?
1. implied or explicit promise of preferential treatment in her employment
2. implied or explicit threat of detrimental treatment in her employment
3. humiliating treatment likely to affect her health or safety
4. All the above

69- Section 162 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 is for the
protection of –
A. Accused
B. Witnesses
C. Police officer
D. Magistrate

70- The term “taking cognizance” under the provisions of Code of

Criminal Procedure, 1973 means-
A. Starting a trial
B. Completing preliminary requirements for starting a Criminal trial
C. Taking notice of the matter judicially
D. An administrative action to decide if criminal trial is required

71- अर्द्ध विराम विन्ह बताइए

(A) ;
(B) !
(C) ,
(D) :-

72- ‘रजनीश’ शब्द में सवं ि होगी

(A) गणु संधि
(B) यण सधं ि
(C) दीर्घ संधि
(D) वधि संधि
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73- वदए गए विकल्पों में तीन मुहािरे तथा एक लोकोवि है। लोकोवि िाले विकल्प को िुवनए –
(A) आए थे हरिभजन को ओटन लगे कपास
(B) तीन-तेिह कि देना
(C) खुशी के धदए जलाना
(D) आसमान के तािे तोड़ना

74- भाषा की वलवित आकृवत कहलाती है

(A) वतघनी
(B) ध्वधन
(C) भाव
(D) धलधप

75- एक से अधिक वणों के मेल को क्या कहते है?

[A] अक्षि
[B] स्वि
[C] व्यजं न
[D] अनस्ु वाि

76- धनम्मधलधखत शब्दों में से कौन सा शब्द संबंिवाची है?

[A] देव
[B] देवी
[C] दैवीय
[D] देवता
77- Q. अशि ु शब्द है-
[A] सन्कट
[B] संशय
[C] अनसयू ा
[D] ऐनक

78. धजन सामाधसक शब्दों में पहला पद संख्या को व्यक्त किने वाला धवशेषण होता है, वे शब्द कहलाते हैं-
[A] धिगु समास
[B] िंि समास
[C] अव्ययीभाव समास
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[D] बहुव्रीधह समास

79-. ‘अनरू ु प’ में कौन-सा समास है?

[A] तत्परुु ष
[B] बहुव्रीधह
[C] कमघिािय
[D] अव्ययीभाव

80-. ‘सम’ शब्द का धवलोम है-

[A] खसम
[B] भसम
[C] धवषम
[D] कसम

81. शब्द औि धवलोम की दृधि से धनम्नधलधखत में से कौन-सा धवकल्प सही नहीं है?
[A] लोलपु – संतिु
[B] धवश्ले षण – धववेचन
[C] एकांगी – सवाांगीण
[D] यौवन – वािघक्य

82-. ‘प्रयोजन’ का समानाथी शब्द नहीं है?

[A] लक्ष्य
[B] हेतु
[C] धनयोजन
[D] उद्देश्य

83. ‘नधलनी, कै िव, चंद्रधप्रया’ धकसके पयाघयवाची शब्द है?

[A] कौमदु ी
[B] सौदाधमनी
[C] कुमधु दनी
[D] कुमदु कला

84. धनम्नधलधखत में से कौन-सा शब्द तद्भव है?

[A] उल्लास
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[B] उच्छ्वास
[C] धनिःश्वास
[D] उजास

85. ‘कािज’ धकस प्रकाि का शब्द है?

[A] तत्सम
[B] अिघ तत्सम
[C] देशज
[D] तद्भव

86- धनम्नधलधखत में से सही संधि धवच्छछे द का चयन कीधजए-

[A] पत्र + अलय
[B] मिण + असन्न
[C] वीि + अगं ना
[D] यथा + आथघ

87- "One who does not care for literature or art"

choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.
(A) Philistine
(B) Dictator
(C) Primitive
(D) Hypocrite

88- "List of issues to be discussed at a meeting.

choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence
(A) Time table
(B) plan
(C) Agenda
(D) Schedule

89- "Cease"
Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the word:
(A) Begin
(B) Stop
(C) Create
(D) Dull
Aarambh Judicials 8979415423
90- Identify the correctly punctuated sentence:
a) She said, "I am going to the market."
b) She said, "I am going to the market".
c) She said "I am going to the market."
d) She said "I am going to the market".

91- Select the correct passive form of the sentence: "The committee will review
the document tomorrow."
a) The document will be reviewed by the committee tomorrow.
b) The document would be reviewed by the committee tomorrow.
c) The document is being reviewed by the committee tomorrow.
d) The document will review by the committee tomorrow.

92- Identify the sentence with correct use of adjectives:

a) She wore a beautiful, long, red dress.
b) She wore a long, red, beautiful dress.
c) She wore a red, long, beautiful dress.
d) She wore a red, beautiful, long dress.

93- elect the sentence with correct pronoun agreement:

a) Everyone must bring their own books.
b) Everyone must bring his or her own books.
c) Each of the students must bring their own books.
d) None of the above.

94- Choose the sentence with the correct use of commas:

a) My friends, who are very skilled, won the game.
b) My friends who are very skilled, won the game.
c) My friends who are very skilled won, the game.
d) My friends, who are very skilled won the game.

95- Choose the sentence with the correct use of an indefinite article:
a) She is an university professor.
b) He is a European tourist.
c) It's an honest mistake.

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d) They saw a unicorn.

96- Identify the sentence where the word 'respectively' is used correctly:
a) She gave apples and oranges to Anna and John, respectively.
b) She gave respectively apples and oranges to Anna and John.
c) She respectively gave apples and oranges to Anna and John.
d) She gave apples and oranges respectively to Anna and John.

97- Identify the sentence with the correct use of a semi-colon:

a) She is going to the gym; she wants to get fit.
b) She is going to the gym, she wants to get fit.
c) She is going to the gym; because she wants to get fit.
d) She is going, to the gym; she wants to get fit.

98- The passive voice of Please leave me alone is:

( a ) You are requested to leave me alone.
( b ) Please you are requested to leave me alone.
( c ) I am left alone by you.
( d ) None of these.

99. Everyone is curious to perform on the stage, ………

( a ) isn’t he?
( b ) hasn’t he?
( c ) haven’t they?
( d ) aren’t they?

100. Vishal said to Hasmat, “Where have you seen me?

( a ) Vishal told Hasmat where he had seen him.
( b ) Vishal asked Hasmat where he had seen me.
( c ) Vishal told Hasmat where you have seen me.
( d ) Vishal asked Hasmat where he had seen him.

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Aarambh Judicials 8979415423

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