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While bringing out this project to its final form, I came across a
number of people whose contribution in various ways helped my
field of research and they deserve special thanks. It’s a pleasure
to convey my gratitude to all of them. First and foremost, I wish
to express my deep sense of gratitude to my project supervisor
Mrs. Dr. Leena Bansal, H.O.D. English, S.R.K.(P.G.) College,
Firozabad. She gave me valuable suggestions from time to time
and encouraged me to conduct my research on this great
personality of Romantic poetry. I am also grateful to Dr. Naveeen
Kumar Lavaniya and Dr. Alok Pratap Singh, Assistant Professor,
Department of English. Special thanks to Professor Pramod
Kumar Sirothiya, Principal, S.R.K.(P.G.) College, Firozabad who
let me avail all the facilities that was required.
I am specially beholden to my parents and friends who helped
me a lot in finalizing this project delightfully.

Nisha Ansari

This is to certify that Nisha Ansari D/O Anwar Javed Roll no.
2300070150054 has completed her Research project on the topic
entitled “ Romantic Elements in William Wordsworth’s Poetry”
leading to the Master Degree of Arts in English (Sem. 8th /II) of
S.R.K.(P.G.) College, Firozabad Affiliated, Dr. Bhimrao
Ambedkar University, Agra. She has completed her research
project under my supervision. Her research project embodies the
work of herself.
I wish her success in life.

Dr. Leena Bansal

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