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Grid Connected System Design

 Energy generated per year, Eac ( Wh/yr )

Eac = ( 365 S)(PDCpeak)(  ).

S = sun hours
Pdcpeak = PV array power
 = System efficiency ( 75%)
 A parking rooftop grid connected
photovoltaic system was estimated to sell
electrical energy to grid at average of 753
kWh per month. By considering sun hours, S
= 6.0 hours, efficiency, = 75%. Photovoltaic
panel, which rated 110 Wp was selected and
detail specification for photovoltaic panel and
inverter are shown in Table 1 and 2. If
energy generated per year, Eac = ( 365
S)(PDCpeak)(  ).
Determine :
i. Total photovoltaic panels required.
ii. Rating power of grid inverter.
iii. Number of series and string required.
Photovoltaic module Rated power : 110 Wp
Rated current, Imp : 1.59 A
Rated voltage, Vmp : 69.4 V
Short circuit current, Isc : 1.75A
Open circuit voltage, Voc : 87.2 V
Temperature coefficient : pmax = -0.34%/oC
Voc = -0.29 %/oC

Design assumption Maximum cell effective temperature at site is 75oC

Minimum cell effective temperature at site is 20oC

Max permitted PV power (kWp) 5.7 kW 7.5 kW 9.0 kW

Total max DC current 36 A

Operating voltage range 80 V – 1000 V

Max input voltage 1000 V

Nominal input voltage 410 V 420 V 420 V

MPP voltage range 200 – 800 V 240 – 800 V 240 – 800 V

Number of MPPT 2
 E = 753 Wh x 12 = 9036 Wh/year

 Pdcpeak = E / ( 365 x 6 x 0.75 )

 = ( 9036 ) / ( 365 x 6 x 0.75 )
 = 5.5 kWp

 Total PV modules = 5.5 kWp / 110 = 50 modules

From appendix datasheet : PRIMO 3.8-1 ( 5.7 kW ) meet design

Voc-20C = Voc_stc x [ 1 + Voc ( Tcell – Tstc )]

= 87.2 [ 1 + (-0.29/100)(20 – 25)] = 88.46 V
Vmp-75C = Vmp_stc x [ 1 + Pmax ( Tcell – Tstc )]
= 69.4 [ 1 + (-0.34/100)(75 – 25)] = 57.6 V

Input voltage inverter : 0.95 x 800 = 760 V

1.1 x 200 = 220 V

Ns_max = Vmax (inv) / Voc-20C = 760/88.46 = 8.59 pcs

Ns_min = Vmin(inv)/ Vmp-75C = 220/ 57.6 =3.82 pcs
Iinv(min) = Parray / Vmax (inv) = 5500/760 = 7.23 A

Iinv (max) = Parray / Vmin(inv) = 5500/220 = 25 A

Inv : 7.23  Iinv  25 A

Np = Iinv / ( 1.25 x Isc ) = 7.23 / (1.25 x 1.75) = 3.3 strings

= 25/ (1.25 x 1.75) = 11.42 strings

Np : 3  Np  11

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