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AUGUST 16th – 18th , 2024 FORM

Exhibitor The following address is considered as correspondence address
Company’s Name: Name:
Brand: Position:
Industry Type: Mobile Number:
 Food & Beverage
 Non Food & Beverage, please choose one: Office Number:
 Laundry  Delivery Services E-Mail:
 Automotive  Education Services
 Beauty, Health, & Spa  Media Address:
 Banking, Payment Gateway, & POS  Consultant / Association
 Travel Service  Etc,
 Retail Minimarket please specify _________________

Invoice Address Complete address is absolutely necessary

Company Name: Position:

Indonesian Tax ID (NPWP): Mobile Number:

Address: Office Number:


PIC Finance Authorized:

*Please provide Tax ID for taxation purpose and attach this form
with SPPKP (Surat Pengukuhan Pengusaha Kena Pajak) You can transfer to our bank account:
*This invoice is subject to PPH 23 at the rate of 2% of the sub total Account Name : PT. Dyandra Promosindo
before VAT category: Jasa Penyelenggaraan Kegiatan
Bank Name : Bank Mandiri cabang Wisma Nusantara
PT. Dyandra Promosindo
ID Number: 01.651.188.3-073.000 Account Number: 103.000.1065180
Address: Jalan Johar No. 9 RT 005/RW 003
Kelurahan Gondangdia, Kecamatan Menteng Please send us the receipt of your transfer.
Jakarta Pusat 10350
Total Price (Include VAT):

As participant of The 22nd IFRA Business Expo 2024, we hereby agree with following terms & conditions:
a. Participation is deemed valid only when the original attached form A is submitted to organizer completed, sign over Rp. 10.000, - duty stamp and company stamp.
b. By submitting the application form, the participant has expressed serious interest in taking part of the event as “Exhibitor”
Booking will be released if Organizer did not receive any payment from the Exhibitor within two weeks after Organizer has sent out the invoice.
c. Any type of signed form sent via email or fax has the same legal condition with the original document.
d. Full Payment :
100% from total price (+ 11% VAT), must be paid 14 days after the invoice is issued; otherwise the organizer has the right to release the booth to other parties. All
received payment is non-refundable (including the 11% VAT).
e. Cancellation notification must be supplied by the participant’s or exhibitor’s writing to the organizer. If it is faxed, it should be followed by email notification along
with the appropriate reason. The following terms and conditions shall apply:
- 50% Cancellation Penalty to any cancellation made after 16th March 2024
- 100% cancellation penalty to any cancellation made after 16th May 2024
f. In case of force majeure, which includes natural disaster, flood, earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, in this outbreak situation and/or the spread of dangerous virus which
was determined as extraordinary event by the Indonesian Government and/or WHO (World Health Organization), such as Marburg, Ebola, Hendra, Nipah, Sars, Mers,
Covid-19, and others, rebellion, wars, riots, civil unrest, explosions, acts of terrorism, changes in laws and regulations and / or economic policy / monetary / unstable
political situation that directly affect the execution of this agreement, any subsequent delay or failure of such shall not be regarded as the fault of the organizer and
co-organizer (The Parties), and thereby, the Parties shall be released from any liability due to the impending results where the obligations pertaining the event cannot
be fully met.
g. If any case of force majeure happens, the event is postponed within the same year. Then Participants should complete the payment following the term & condition.
And if the event is postponed for a different period of the year (no event in 2024) then the organizer is obliged to refund 50% and 50% would be deposited for the next
event in 2025, from the payment that has been paid by the exhibitors.
h. Payments in IDR applied to Indonesian company & foreign company subject to the sales proposal/organizer exchange rate (no transaction with USD $).
i. By signing this Application & Contract form, you are the representative to the company as stated above
j. By signing this Application & Contract form, you will automatically join our mailing list from PT Dyandra Promosindo.

Kami sebagai peserta The 22nd IFRA Business Expo 2024, dengan ini mengikuti peraturan sebagai berikut :
a. Partisipasi kepesertaan dan kontrak ini berlaku setelah formulir pendaftaran dan kontrak ditandatangani diatas materai oleh orang yang berwenang dan ditandatangani
oleh Organizer serta di stemple (cap perusahaan)
b. Dengan mengirimkan formulir, partisipan telah menjadi “Exhibitor” dan organizer berhak untuk membatalkan pemesanan apabila pembayaran tidak dilakukan 2 minggu
setelah penerbitan invoice.
c. Formulir pendaftaran dan kontrak yang telah diisi dan ditandatangani diatas materai dapat dikirim melalui email atau fax dan telah memiliki kondisi hukum yang sama
dengan dokumen asli
d. Pelunasan :
100% total harga + PPN 11%, harus dibayarkan 14 hari setelah invoice diterbitkan, apabila tidak Organizer memiliki hak untuk membatalkan pesanan. Pembayaran yang
telah dilakukan tidak dapat ditarik kembali.
e. Pemberitahuan pembatalan perlu didukung dengan surat pernyataan dari Partisipan kepada Organizer, Ketentuan pembatalan sebagai berikut:
- Denda pembatalan sebesar 50% dari total harga jika pembatalan dilakukan setelah tanggal 16 Maret 2024
- Denda pembatalan sebesar 100% dari total harga jika pembatalan dilakukan setelah tanggal 16 Mei 2024
f. Dalam kasus force majeure, yang meliputi bencana alam, banjir, gempa bumi, angin topan, kebakaran, dan situasi wabah atau penyebaran virus berbhaya yang telah
masuk dalam kategori peristiwa luar biasa oleh pemerintah indonesia dan/atau WHO (World Health Organization). Seperti Marburg, Ebola, Hendra, Nipah,
AUGUST 16th – 18th , 2024 FORM
Sars, Mers, Covid-19, dan lainnya pemberontakan, pernag, huru hara, kerusuhan sipil, ledakan, aksi terorisme, perubahan undang-undang, dan peraturan dan/atau
kebijakan ekonomi/moneter/tidak stabil situasi politik yang secara langsung mempengaruhi pelaksanaan perjanjian ini, keterlambatan berikutnya atau kegagalan

g. A
tersebut tidak dianggap sebagai kesalahan dari penyelenggara (Organizer) dan dengan demikian para pihak akan dibebaskan dari kewajiban apapn karena yang akan
dating hasul dimana kewajiban yang berkaitan acara tidak dapat sepenuhnya dipenuhi.
Dalam kasus force majeure, apabila kegiatan ditunda dalam tahun yang sama, maka partisipan harus memenuhi kewajiban pembayaran hingga lunas sesuau syarat &
ketentuan yang berlaku. Apabila kegiatan ditunda tidak dalam tahun yang sama (tidak ada kegiatan pada 2024) maka organizer akan melakukan pengembalian dana 50%
dan 50% akan menjadi deposit untuk kegiatan selanjutnya di 2025, dari pembayaran yang telah dilakukan partisipan.
h. Pembayaran dalam Rupiah berlaku untuk perusahaan Indonesia dan perusahaan asung sesuai proposal dan Organizer exchange rate (tidak ada transaksi dalam USD $)
i. Dengan menandatangani aplikasi dan form kontrak, anda adalah perwakilan sesuai perusahaan yang tertera pada form
j. Dengan menandatangani aplikasi dan form kontrak, anda secara otomatis telah bergabung dengan mailing list PT Dyandra Promosindo

………………….., ……, ………………….,………...

(place, date month year)
Organizer, Participant,

Please, attach
the duty stamp Rp. 10.000,-

PT Dyandra Promosindo (Full Name, Signature & Company Stamp)

AUGUST 16th – 18th , 2024 FORM

Company’s Name: Position:

Brand: Mobile Number:

Address: Office Number:

Name: E-Mail:

Hall (Please choose ) :  Pre-function  Assembly Hall
Booth Number : _____________________________________
Booth Size : _________ m2 ( ________ m x ________ m)
Booth Type(Please choose ):  Standard Schell Scheme (using organizer’s contractor)
 Special Design (using own booth design and contractor)
Price : ______________________________________
VAT : ______________________________________

Total Price (include VAT) : __________________________________

Price included:

- Booth space

- Standard booth construction

- Placement logo on several promotion material & advertising*

- Social Media advertising on Instagram

- Business Presentation on IFRA 2024 mini stage / business matching**

*the organizer’s right to determine the logo placement

**first come first served has applied

………………….., ……, ………………….,………...

(place, date month year)
Organizer, Participant,

( Full Name, Signature & Company Stamp )

PT Dyandra Promosindo

Please return the original form to the organizer via email:;;

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