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(800 Question Approx)


Foundation Course in Science & Technology





• Useful for Ignou MCQ Based Examination

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► What is science : Is a human effort

► Henry Ford: Were American
• Were famous for inventing instruments
• Leader in the manufacture of motor
► Henry Ford's statement: History is a little nonsense.
►History of Science: This is the story of the process of
interactions between science and human society.
► Names of three types of civilizations:
• Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age
►What is the meaning of science is a social institution
Scientific work is done by people in large numbers and
organized form.
► What is the meaning of specialization in science :
► In-depth study of the specific problem of a given field
► What is necessary for science : Observation
and experiment
► In whose early stages human life depended on :
► Collecting food and hunting
► When was fire invented : In the Palaeolithic period
Scientific Characteristics Technological Actions
► Tactical mechanics - hunting of animals,
o use of bow arrows,
o use of lever
► Observations and descriptions - hunting of animals,
• study of animal behavior,
• collecting seeds and fruits in different
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• regular cycle of seasons,

• cooking of food,

• making wine, Classification -

► the study of organisms,

• the study of inanimate materials

► What led to the end of the Stone Age: Climate change What era did
► agriculture and civilizations invent :
■ In the Bronze Age
► What is the period of Indus Valley Civilization?
• 2760 BC tol 750 BC
► How was Indus Valley Civilization: Bronze Age Civilization What led to
► the collapse of Bronze Age civilization?
► The rise of different classes of producers and inventions o Nomadic
robbers attack
o Increase in population
► In which era metal was first used: in the Bronze Age
► To what extent did the Indus Valley civilization extend? Pakistan,
present-day Haryana and Gujarat in the south Where were the roads
► of Indus Valley Civilization found:
■ at right angles.
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► Iron metal is related to the discovery of which metal: Iron

► The beginning of the Iron Age: 1500 BC
► The end of the Iron Age: 400 BC
► Rig Vedic period : 1500 BC to 700 BC
► The Rig-Veda is: a collection of mantras and verses
► Period of Yajurvedi period: 700 BCE to 400 BCE
► Civilization that spread far and
wide in the Gangetic
plains: Vedic Civilization
► At what time was the caste system born: in the iron age The
► need to build Yajurveda greatly increased the
knowledge: geometry
► Which is the basic text of surgery:

Sushruta Samhita Rachna - 600 years BC

► An example of the downgrade concept of science is : Roman
► What was the number of Jana Padas: 16 What is
► Sita land?
► Land that comes directly under the supervision of the state
Whose composition is the book of economics?
► Kautilya Chanakya
► What period is called the golden age of Indian science: Gupta period
Under whose reign Algebra emerged: Brahmagupta Where is thefirst
► mention of the decimal or sunya

Gujjar grant letter article (595 AD}
► Aryabhata was an astronomer of which period: Gupta period
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Name Statement
► Aryabhata - Earth revolves and the sky is located
► The eclipse is caused by the shadow of the Earth on the
► Varah Mihir -Earth is located and Sun Moon and planets revolve
around it.
► The eclipse appears due to the shadow of the Earth on the Moon
Brahmagupta: Eclipses are made by Rahu and Ketu.
► The Earth is stable, the Sun Moon and planets revolve around it
What led to the collapse of the Gupta Empire: the
► invasion of Hunas
► What was the era of conflict in India:
► 750 AD to 1000 AD (Pal-Pratihara-Between Nations)
► What is Ore: Source of raw metal from which the metal is separated by
chemical reaction.
► Colonization: Submission of another state by an empire for its
economic and political development

► Aniks : A type of precious stone

► Totem : Tribal group ancestry
► Samantha Shahi: The system in which the big landlords
collected revenue from the public and paid it to the king.
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► What were the reasons for the arrival of Christianity?

► The suffering and resistance of the slaves and the general
public of the Roman Empire
► In which did the resistance first prevail? When did
► Islam rise?
In the seventh century.
► Alberuni was the traveller of which country? Arabic
What was the name of the astronomy tables of Raja Jai Singh?
► Jij-e-muhammad shahi
► Jij-e-Muhammad Shahi is derived from which book? jij-Ulugh
► What is the name of Abul Fazal's famous book? Aine-
► Is the treatise composed by Mian Behwa based on
Ayurveda medicine?
Tibby Sikandar Shahi
► What is the device used to convert horizontal motion
upward and upward motion into horizontal motion?
► Where was paper invented? China (1st
► Renaissance period - 1440 to 1550 Which
► country started the renaissance? Italy
Monalisa painting is composed by Leonardo da
► vinci
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► Where was the first institute to teach science opened?

Gresham College England 1579 Who
► invented the telescope?
Galileo Galilei
► Names of books published by the Galileo Galilei : Dialogue on two
new science
Cedarius Nuntius
► What is a book by newton?

The Philosophy of Natural Principia Mathematica When was

► the telegraph invented?
► Who designed the logical and theoretical study of
Antoine Laurent Lavasier
► What was the major feature of the Renaissance? Criticism and
abandonment of old ideas
► What kind of science emerged after the Renaissance? Science based
on test and experiment
► Which country started the industrial revolution? Britain
Who developed the list of logarithms? John
► napier
► Who discovered the law of motion of planets? Yohan
► Who propounded the principle of universal gravity? Isaac Newton
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► What gave rise to the Industrial Revolution:

The ever increasing demand of markets for the sale of raw materials
and finished products
► Who founded the Society for Cultivation of Science - ML

Sarkar {1876)
► When and to whom CV Raman received the Nobel Prize: In 1930 for
research on light scattering
► When was the Indian Science Congress Association born:

in 1914 AD
► What were the objectives of the appointment of the Indian Industrial
Commission 1916: Making India scientifically and industrially
► When was the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
established: 1942 AD
► What are the characteristics of science:

The item is complementary Is in

Is variable

Is beyond dogma Never

► What are the various stages of scientific method: Object
Hypothesis making to
Hypothesis testing and improvement
► What is Amalgam: Mixing of any metal with mercury Krishi Das: A
► person who worked according to the wishes of his master and mainly
worked in farming
► Capitalism: The system in which the rich class exploits the workers by
empowering the means of production.
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► Obser vat ory : Laboratory where Sun Moon stars planets

and constellations are better observed and studied Kanchan graph : a
► tool for contraction of plant applications Soshunggraph: A device that
► shows absorption of water or any fluid in plants


► Who first thought that the Earth is round

Philosophical Thales (600 BCE)
► Name the model given by Ptolemy: Geo-central universe Name the
► model given by Copernicus: the Sun is at the center of the universe
what is the shape of planetary orbits: Elliptical
► What is called the glowing cloud of gas and dust in
Mandakini : Niharika or Nebula
► Mandakini is made up of: gas, dust , clusters of mill ions of stars
What is the dist ance travelled by light in 1 year?
► Light year
► Whose unit is light year : distance One light
► year= 9.46 x 10/\12
► How long does the moon take to revolve the earth: 27.33 days
What is the number of Planetarium: 88
► How far is the sun from the center of the galaxy: 30000 light years
How many types of Mandakini are there: 3 Horoscopic ,
► long circular, unsymmetrical
► I have my own suspicion that the universe is not just as amazing as we
think, but rather more am azing than we
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are thinking or more. "Whose statement is t his: Scientist Halladen

► Who was JBS Holden: was a UK biologist who later
became a citizen of India
► What are the examples of invisible radiat ion : infrared rays,
ultraviolet rays, radio waves, X-rays, gamma rays Which radiation
► is used in the treatment of cancer:
gamma ray
► What is the distance between two successive rings or
troughs: wavelength
► What is the unit of wavelength : meter What
► is the unit of frequency : Hertz
► What is the shortest wave called patience waves: gamma

► What is called the largest wave of waves: kilometer wave What is the
► frequency of purple color : 670-790 THz What is the frequency of red
► : 400-484 THz
► When a distant paint such as a galaxy quasar goes away, the lines of
the spectrum of their light shift to which side: towards red
Where a star is born: in hydrogen gas clouds When
► was the Pulsar star discovered: 1967
► What is the source of energy of stars: Hydrogen nucleus in core makes
Helium nucleus
► What is called the study of the shape , origin and evolution of the
universe: cosmology
► Which is the most important theory of origin of universe - Big Bang
► What happened 5 billion years after the Big Bang: stars and
Mandakini became.
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► How old is the sun: 5 billion years

► What is the speed of
sunlight : 3x 10 "8 m/ s

► Which way does the sun rotate on its axis: east to west
► Earth rotate on its axis : West to east
► How many times
the volume of the Sun is than the
volume of the Earth : 1.3 million times
► What is the distance of the Earth from the Sun: 14.98 million
► What is called the celestial body revolving around the Sun : Planet
How many planets of the sun are there : 8 Which
► planet is closest to the Sun : Mercury
► Which is the farthest planet from the Sun : Neptune Which is the
► largest planet in the solar system: Jupiter How the solar eclipse
► occurs : when the moon moves between the sun and the earth
Which planet is called the evening star or the morning star
► : Venus
► How many planets can be seen with eyes : 5 What is
► the red planet : Mars
► Planets are originated from : the sun
► By which method the transmission of heat from the Sun to the Eart h:
► Which vitamin is in sunlight : Vitamin D
► Which planet is called Earth's twin or Earth's sister: Venus What is
► the distance of the Earth from the Moon: 385000 kilometers

Who was the first person to reach the moon site: Neil Arm Strong
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► When does a lunar eclipse occur: When the Earth comes

between the Sun and the Moon
► How many days of Earth is equal to one lunar day: 28 days About how
► much of the Earth's surface is covered by wat er: two-thirds
How long does the sunlight reach the Earth: 8 minutes 20 seconds
► Which line divides the earth into two parts: the equator What is called a
► group of small pieces of shell orbiting around the sun between the
orbits of Mars and Jupiter: Asteroids
What is the distance travelled by sun rays in 1 year: light years.

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► According to ancient Greek belief, how life was transferred to

different planets : from Cosmozoa to small units called Bijanu
Who is called the father of biology: Aristotle
► Whose vision is the origin of life itself: Louis Pasteur The animal
► world is divided into how many classes: 5
► What is the oldest unicellular organism on earth called: Monera
What makes penicillin and streptomycin medicines: From fungi
► What was lacking in the first cell: nucleus
► Which pigments are found in plants for the manufacture of food:
► What are the animals that have reed bones found in them:
► The branch of science in which information and control

are studied in a general way: Sibernetics

► What is the number of chromosomes in the formation of gametes in the
process of sexual reproduction: reduced to half
What is the cause of aging: impairment in the structure and function
► of all the cells and organs of the body
► Who Falsified the Principle of Self-Generation: Louis Pasteur
Whose creation is Origin of Speci es: Charles Darwin
► Which ship did Darwin circumnavigate the world: HML Beagle (up to 5
► Human is related to which animal group: mammal Which
► animals are insect eaters : Early Pymets
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► How do mam m als differ from

other organisms: they
contain mammals and hairs
► How the age of a fossil is determined: Carbon 14
► Correct determination of fossils and certain types of rocks has been
made possible by the development of which knowledge: Radioactivity
How can one estimate the age of this fossil in which alI organic matter
► is asleep - with the help of radioact ive isotopes of fluorine or


► The branch of biology in which we study the relationship between

live and its environment is called: Ecology
► What are the two components of the environment:
organic and abiotic
► How many categories of ecosystems are divided into: 3 - producers,
consumers, decomposers
► What is the main source of energy for all creatures on Earth: the Sun
What are the basic elements of phot osynt hesis: sunlight , carbon
► dioxide and water
► Under which category do green plants fall : producers What is the
► main source of energy for the ecosystem ; Sunlight
What is the process of energy flow in the ecosyst em : one way
► What is the entry of energy into a circumstantial system: from
► producers
► What are the 3 components of the environment: ocean atmosphere
and forests
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► Some animals produce their own light, What are they

called: Bio Luminance
► What percentage of the Earth is in the ocean: about 70% How much
► pressure the atmosphere exerts on the sea surf ace: 1 kg per square
1 Atmospheric pressure

1 Pascal
► Which is Earth's largest and most dense ecosystem: Ocean What are
► the major factors that control the amount and type of life found in the
sea: energy and nutrients
► Which event brings minerals and essential substances from deep water
to the surface: effluent
► What are the plants found in that and numbers: orchid, bromoloid
Who is the Chipko movement related to: Conservation of forests
► What is a camouflage: Protective policy of organisms in which they
► adopt color and shape matching their environment
What is the total weight of all or all the selected live groups in a
► particular area : BioMass
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► What is pollution: The rate of any substance or energy in the

environment and the amount that is harmful to life
► What are the types of waste material or pollution: two (long-term
and short-term)
► What is a biodegradable pollutant: Pollutants that are fissioned by
► What are the five types of primary pollutants: carbon monoxide,
hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, microscopic particles
Which toxic gas reduces the capacity of oxygen as it enters
► hemoglobin: carbon monoxide
► How carbon monoxide is pro duced : Organic materials like gasoline,
coal, charcoal and waste are not fully burned People who have cancer
► due to asbestos particles getting deposited in the lungs : Asbestosis
People who have silica deposits in their lungs - silicosis What is PAN: A
► type of pollution, Peroxy Acetyl Nitrate What is called acid rain; When
► the pH value of rainwater falls below 5.6
What is the pH value of neutral pure water: 7
► The value of pH scale is: 0 to 14
Less than 7: Acid

7 : nostalgic

7 to 14 : Alkali
► What causes corrosion of marble idols and metals: acid rain
What is the Green House Effect: warming of the
► atmosphere
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► Photochemical fumigants are composed of: nitrogen

dioxide, ozone, peroxyacetyl nitrate.
► Minimata disease is caused by which metal: Mercury
►The intensity of sound or noise is measured by: decibel
►Bhopal gas accident caused by which gas leak: Methyl
► When was the Bhopal gas tragedy: 3 December 1984
► When did the Chernobyl nuclear accident happen: 1986
►Which event occurs in reservoirs due to malnutrition:
Algie Bloom
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► What are the types of resources?

Two types - renewable and non renewable
►Renewable Resources: Maintenance that can never end and that keeps on
producing again
► Non-renewable resources: resources that are exhausted
once used
► What is the percentage of fresh water on the earth: 2.7%
► The fertility of the soil depends on: the ability to absorb water and
►Examples of what resources are forest pastures, wildlife and aquatic
life: renewable
► What makes up the topmost layer of land: soil
► What is the color of the soil found in the mountainous Himalayan
region: from ash gray to light yellowish brown
►Name the non-conventional energy sources: solar energy, wind power,
wave and tidal energy, geothermal energy, nuclear power, biogas
► What a reactor produces: nuclear power
►In the photo of the surface of the Earth, linear features indicate the areas
of which reserves : Mineral and ground water deposits
► What is called the process of fission of complex
compounds of organic materials into simple compounds: fermentation
► How fly ash is used: cementing material
►What is the process by which waste of resources is made reusable :
► What type of resource is the land: non-renewable
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► How plants like peas help the soil: by increasing the

amount of nitrogen in the soil
► How ground water is replenished: by planting vegetation
and trees
► What is Sintered: The material left after extracting the
metal from the ore
►What is called the process of removing salts from
seawater: desalination


►What is called the soil made boundaries in the fields : the

outline bond
►Shrubs, soil, sand sacks etc. are planted in the water
drains in the fields to stop the flow of water, what is it
called : Khadd Bandh
►About 8% of the country's total rainfall is due to which
monsoon: southwest monsoon
►What else do we lose along with soil due to soil erosion:
nutrient uptake
► Which soil has the highest productive capacity: alluvial
► Irrigation is available on what percentage of
India's agricultural land : 28%
►Where did poultry start in the world: from red jungle fowl
in Madhya Pradesh
► What is the crop grown during the southwest monsoon:
Kharif crop
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► When is Kharif crop grown: July to October

► When is Rabi crop grown: October to March
►What are found in the roots of pulses: Nitrogen fixing
► First Shankar is credited with producing cotton:
Indian agricultural scientists
► Which are the fuel trees: Subabul, Casuarina, Stylos,
►What is the relay crop arrangement: given to the next
crop before reaping the previous crop
► Which is called the protein factory : Pigs
►How much India ranks in the world in fisheries
production: eighth
► Which is called the cold desert of India : Laddakh
► What varieties are more suitable for cold deserts: Early
ripening and cold resistant
► Examples of trees that provide wood for fuel in arid
regions are: kikar, mascot, safeda
►Write the names of crops that improve the soil quality of
dry land: Castor and Arhar
► One important reason for destroying soil quality in hilly
regions : Cut and burn method
►The main cause of soil alkalinity is: Excess of sodium
carbonate and bicarbonate
►What is extremely important in the management of saline
soils: water management
►Name the technology that utilizes biological systems,
living organisms or parts of this to develop or create
different products : Biotechnology
►What is the biggest problem related to modern
agriculture: energy
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► Who performs the function of fuel in our body: food

► What are energy rich foods: Carbohydrate and fat rich
► What is a bodybuilding food called: protein What is called
► protective food: salts and vitamins
► What is the amount of water in our body: about 70 percent
Which is the food for repair and construction of Tissue: Protein-
► rich food
► What is called sunshine vitamin: Vitamin D
► What are water-soluble vit am ins: vitamins Band C
► What is the name of vitamin that helps to stop bleeding by blood
coagulation: Vitamin K
► The color of blood is red due to the presence of:
► more than required protein is converted into which thing

for a day : in energy and fat

► Which is the essential element for making haemoglobin in blood: Iron
Which is a serious protein and calorie deficiency disease: Kwashiorkor
► and rickets
► Legs are yours due to lack of rickets: Vitamin D
► What is measured in dietary energy: calories

► What are the three elements of health: physica,l mental

and social well being

► Who discovered microbes: Antoine Forest Leuvenhoek

► What is the major physical blockage in the
entry of
microbes: our skin
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► Who protects our body from microbes by releasing them:

white blood cells
► Who was the first person to find the vaccine for Chicken pox : Edward
► What are the diseases caused by bacteria: choler a,
diarrhea, leprosy, plague, tuberculosis, typhoid
► What are the diseases caused by the virus: young mother,

measles, colds, influenza, polio, rabies,

► What are the diseases caused by protozoa: malaria,
sleeping sickness
► What are the diseases caused by fungi: skin diseases, herpes,
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► The brain of man is composed of 1 billion cells which are called :

Nerve cells
► Who sends signals from the nervous system to the muscles and
glands: motor neuron
► When nerve impulses occur : after a stimulus or a stimulating event
What is the part of the cell that is like a thread that brings
► information from other types of cells or the external environment?
A special chemical is released by nerve terminals which is called :
► neural transmitter
► What is the space between the ends of a nerve and the drum of the
next cell is called: synapse
► Who carries the message from the sensory organ to the central
nervous system: sensory system cells
► Which is the largest part of the brain: cerebrum
► Which are the two parts of nervous system: central
nervous system, peripheral nervous system
► What is not included in the central nervous system: the brain and spinal
► Which part of the brain is responsible for memory and thinking:
► Involuntary control of the internal organs of the body
comes from the nerves: autonomic nerve
► Maintaining the balance of the body is the function of which part of
the body: Cerebellum
► Which part of the brain is responsible for controlling
hunger and thirst etc.: Hypothalamus
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► How many cranial nerves are in the peripheral nervous

syst em: 12 pairs
► What is the number of nerves in the spinal cord; 31 pairs Any
► caste-specific behaviour which is not related to
practice is what is called: natural behaviour
► Reading and memorizing material given in t extbooks:
cognitive learning
► What are 3 ways of learning: stimulation and response, rewards and
punishm ent, cognitive learning,
► Children from 2 to 7 years of age often think that they are

the axis of the world. Which state is this: Pre-operational state

What are the results that are seen when measuring
► cognitive development of an individual: Intelligence
► Intelligence Quotient= mental age x 100 / actual age
► When a person's mental age is the same as his actual age, what is his
Intelligence Quotient: 100
► From birth to age 18 months: Sensory stimulating stage What is
► displaced aggression: indirect anger
► How aggression is a human response: learned response
► What is the age of t een s: 13 years 18 years
► The stage when humans move from childhood to adulthood:
► What is meant by human capacity engineering: the study of man's
efficiency at machines and the workplace
► What are the three elements that have an effect on the brain stability of
astronauts in space: loneliness, lack of sensing and weightlessness
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► What percentage of people

can be reached by broadcasting AIR: 95%
► What percentage of people can be reached by
Doordarshan telecasts: 70%
► Who did most of the communication during the freedom struggle:
newspapers communication
► On what basis were the states primarily based on India: Based on the
► Public relations has its place in communication
► Who needs people to participate in political process:
► Media can create the feeling of being a citizen of the country and
national unity
► How mass communication started in India: the interaction between
social groups
► What are the modern means of mass communication: AIR,

Television, newspapers, magazines, films, telephone,

► When did Television debut in India: 1959 When did TV's
► colour programs begin: 1982
► Which multipurpose satellite India left in space in 1983: Inset 1B
What is an ideal communication system: which is a mixture of mass
► communication and personal communication media
What is the full name of UNESCO: United Nations Educational
► Scientific and Cultural Organization
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► Which three things together have brought a

revolution in communication system: telecom technology, computers
and satellites
► In which conference Panchsheel countries criticized the imperialist
attitude in the field of information and culture of Western power
groups: Barugh conference in 1956


► Which regionhad an important

contribution in the industrial revolution of the 18th
century: Science and

► What kind of socialism is explained in our country's const it ut ion : in
which every person gets proportional justice and opportunity
Who has given the key to open the wealth of natural resources: Science
► A man falls under the poverty line when he cannot collect how many
► calories per day: 1500
► Which country shall we call developed country: a country with higher
productivity per capita
► What is the main raw material of soap and detergent: animal fat
When skilled scientists of our country go to work in
► developed countries abroad, what is it called : brain drain Developing
► countries like India should reduce their
technology dependence on other developed count ries,
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what steps will have to be taken: Research and

development efforts will have to be increased.
► What usually happens when researching problems related to a
particular production system:
New systems of production are discovered Current system
► What causes our country to fall short of international

standards of productivity: not using the latest technology What is

► technology : Application of science in solving
► What is Key Swing Technology: Imported technology
ready to be used immediately
► When was the scientific policy proposal prepared: the statement was
published by the Indian Parliament in 1958, 1983
What is technology policy: the first step towards not being
► dependent on other nations for essential goods and services
Which policy emphasizes self-reliance in technological development
► and use of its resources for sustainable technology : Technology Policy
Which committee has been formed by the government for the
► implementation of competitor's policy: Technology Policy
Implementation Committee
► What are 3 ways to transfer technology
Import of technology,
Transfer of technology from laboratory to field of use Technology
► Why the country should develop its technology: To be
To meet the basic needs of citizens
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To increase national production

► which countries does India export electronic information: Myanmar,

Malaysia, Ethiopia, Mexico, Argentina
► What kind of technology should it be : Proper
utilization of human resources Use of local
natural resources Conserve energy


► LASER: Light Amplification by Stimulated

Emission of Radiation
► How the laser works: amplification of light by Stimulated emission of
► What are laser waves like : Coherence
► What is coherence : waves of light move with equal speed and synergy
with each other
► What is the speed of light: 3x 10" 5 km per sec
► The place where the laser beam falls is a very large amount of energy
per unit area, why this happens: Because laser rays do not propagate
Lasers are special types of light sources that have many properties
► What is called the technique of sending light forward through finely
► wired glass w ires : fiber optics
► By which process does light in optical fiber reach from one end to
anot her : multiple total internal reflections
► Explain some uses of optical fiber: endoscope, data transmission
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► Who has footprints on Shant i Sagar (silent ocean), a dry

flat spot on the moon: Neil Armstrong (Apollo 11, 1969) What are
► Geostationary Satellites: Artificial satellites that revolve around the
Earth in 24 hours and appear stable from the Earth
What is used for fuel in nuclear furnace: Uranium 235
► What is the breakdown of one large navel into two
smaller ones Is called : nuclear fission
► What are the substances that slow down the speed of neutrons in
the nuclear process are called: Moderator: Example graphite
When was the famous Russian-based Chernobyl nuclear power plant
► accident happened : 1986
► When two light atomic nuclei join or combine to form a nucleus,
what is it called: nuclear fusion
► What is Biotechnology: Industrial Use of Biological Processes
What are the two major technologies of biotechnology: genetic
► engineering and enzyme stabilization Biotechnology is based on
► the control and use of microorganisms,
enzymes and cells etc.
► What is called a substance that accelerates or slows down a chemical
reaction without turning itself into a chemical: catalyst
ifouTube : lgnou Learning Center


► Materials that have higher electrical conductivity than insutor and less
than conductor are called: semiconductor
► Examples of semiconductor : silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide,
indium antimonide
► What is called the process of mixing impurities in a pure semiconductor: doping
In which direction is the conduction of electric current in a PN junction
► diode: only in one direction
► A single chip that has a large number of semiconductor devices in a
certain pattern is called a: Integrated circuit
► Set of instructions or programs that runs computer
hardware is called : Software
► How many units does a computer have: 5

Input, Output, Control Unit, Memory, Arithmatic and

Logical Unit
► What is BASIC FORTON COBOL PASCAL etc.: computer

► What is a robot: a computerized multi-purpose and reprogrammed
► By understanding the signals received and processed, the computer will
give the output that a human has given, then what kind of computer it
will be: Artificial Intelligence
What is the branch of physics and technology that deals with the
► phenomena related to the motion of electrons in vacuum tubes, gas
and semiconductors etc.: Electronic
► A special fiber from which signals are transmitted by light rays is
called: optical fiber
► What is gene binding : adding fragments of DNA
ifouTube : lgnou Learning Center

► What is the semiconductor device that is used to amplify

the signals : Transistor
► The type of production in which the ratio of capital to labour is
greater than what is called: capital intensive production


► The systematic knowledge of the commodity world is

called science , when this knowledge is used for the

production and development of objects, then it is called technology.

What are the methods developed to control humans Voluntary
► participation,

Fear of punishment
► What arose from efforts to control humans : social conflict
► Control over things has created endless possibilities for human welfare.
Which are the third world countries: group of non development
► countries
► What is Pugwash: a worldwide movement of scientists that began with
the ideas of Albert Einstein and Burted Russell
A mental state that increases confidence in a person is called :
► confidence
ifouTube : lgnou Learning Center

► Our science and technological development will have to

be strengthened through appropriate education and training
research for self-reliance.
► When and by whom was the international economy announced : United
Nations Organisation in 1974
► What is meant by alternative development policies: A text adopted
by developing countries that developed countries have not gone
► Information and control in the body is studied under which branch of
science : cybernetics
No. of Printe d Pages : 32


Term-End Examination,
December 2019

[M aximum


1. All questions are Compulsory. Each question carries 1 marks.

2. No cell phones, calculators, books, slide-rules, notebooks or written notes, etc. will
be allowed inside the examination hall.

3. You should follow the instructions given by the Centre Superintendent and by the
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4. Any candidate found copying or receiving or giving assistance in the examination will
be disqualified.

5. The Question Paper and the OMR Response Sheet (Answer Sheet) would be
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Any candidate who does not return the OMR Response Sheet will be disqualified
and the University may take further action against him/ her.

6. All rough work is to be done on the question paper itself and not on any other paper.
Scrap paper is not permitted. For arriving at answers you may work in the margins,
make some markings or underline in the test booklet itself.

7. The University reserves the right to cancel the result of any candid ate who
impersonate s or uses/ adopts other malpractices or uses any unfair means. The
University may also follow a procedure to verify tl-ie validity of scores of all examinees
uniformly. If there is substan tial indication that your performance is not genuine, the
University may cancel your result.

FST-Ol ( S ) P .T .O.
How to fill up the information on the OMR Response Sheet
(Examination Answer Sheet)

1. Write your complete Enrolment No. in 9 digi ts. This should correspond to the
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hall also puts his signatures with date on the OMR Response Sheet at the space

2. On the OMR Resp

aart bfilled in by Blue/Black
ball pen also. U Examination r writing the Enrolment No. and
Cen ening the circle bearing the correct
answer number ag · ,{,IJ,l 'l"l e question.

3. D o not make any stray remarks on this sheet.

4. Write correct information in numerical digits in Enrolment No. and Examination

Centre Code Columns. The corresponding circle should be dark enough and should
be filled in completely.

5. Each question is followed by four probable answers which are numbered (1), (2),
(3) and (4). Youshould selectand show only one answer toeachquestion
considered by you as the most appropriate or the correct answer. Select the most
appropriate answer. Then by using Blue/Black ball pen, blacken the circle bearing
the correct answer number against the serial number of the question. If you find
that answer to any question is none of the four alternatives given under the
question, you should darken the circle with 'O'.

6. No credit will be given if more thanone answer is givenforone question. Therefore,

you should select the most appropriate answer.

7. You should not spend too much time on one question. If you find any particular
questio difficult leave it and go to the next.If you have time left after answering all
the q o ons, you may go ba the unanswered question.

8. negative marking for g answers.

FST-Ol(S) 2
The highly centralised state power gave way to a more flexible and local
administration in _

(1) Maurya period (2) Gupta period

(3) Both of the above (4) •

None of the above

2. Motifs of domesticat ed humpless cattle occur on the seals of

(1) Mesopotamian period (2) Harappan period
(3) Mughal period (4) Kanishka period

3. Which of the following was set up for facilitating the transfer of technology from the
laboratories of national R & D institute to the field:
(1) National Research and Development Corporation of India
(2) Central Building Research Institute
(3) Depart m en t of Science & Technology
(4) Indian Council of Agricultural Research

4. The crops sown between October and March are known as

(1) Rabi crops (2) Kharif crops
(3) Cash crops (4) Zaid crops

5. Which of the following countries got technology transfer from India in the field of Hydr o-
electricity generation?
(1) Mexico (2) Burma
(3) Argentina (4) Malaysia

6. Which of the following vitamins is essential for functioning of nerves?

(1) Vitamin B complex (2) Vitamin E
(3) Vitamin K (4) Vitamin A

7. Bagasse is used as a raw material in manufacturing of

(1) Cosmetics (2) Paper
(3) Cement (4) Glass

8. Potato is propagated by
(1) Seeds
(2) Seed -tubers
(3) Stem cutting
(4) Both (2) and (3)

9. Bone charcoal or activated carbon is used for decolorising

(1) Salt (2) Sugar
(3) Vegetable oil (4) Mustard oil

10. Which of the following areas of our country are arid?

(1) Assam, Mizoram, Tripura (2) (3)
Chhattisgarh,Jharkhand, Bihar (4) Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa

FST-01(S) Ladakh, Rajasthan, Gujarat

·- .

11. First nuclear reactor in India was commissioned in

(1) Kalpakkam (2) Sriharikota
(3) Mahabaleshwar (4) Pokhran

12. Which of the following plants are known as nitrogen fixing plan
(1) Succu lent plants (2) Herbaceous plants
(3) Leguminous plan ts (4) Cactus plants

13. The technique of transmitting light waves through glass wires as thin as human
hair is known as
(1) Fibre optics (2) LASER
(3) Fibre glass (4) Microwave

14. Cereals and millets contain following nutrients

(1) Fats and proteins
(2) Carbohydrates, proteins, iron and Vitamins
(3) Carbohydrates and fat
(4) Vitamins and minerals

15. Liquid crystals are commonly used as display panel in

(1) Televisio n (2) Watches
(3) Calculators (4) Both (2) and (3)

16. Amla, guava, papaya, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables are the major source of
(1) Vitamin A (2) Vitamin C
(3) Vitamin D (4) Vitamin K

17. Government of Indi a en terprise responsible for oil exploration is

(1) ONGC (2) CDRI
(3) FRI (4) ISRO

18. Which of the following is known as 'Sunshine Vitamin'?

(1) Vitamin D (2) Vitamin A

(3) Vitamin K (4) Vitamin E

19. Deficiency of Iodine in food causes thyroid gland toswell, this condition is known as
(1) Goitre (2) Anaemia
(3) Rickets (4) Plaque

20. Which of the following drug is given to the patients suffering from high blood
(1) Strep tomycin FST-Ol(S)
(3) Peni cillin 4 (4)
Serpasil Insulin
21. The control unit and Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) together are called
(1) Computer software (2) Input

(3) Central Processing Unit (4) Output

22. Canela is imported from

(1) Ma la ysia (2) China
(3) Canada (4) Japan

23. Sleeping sickness is caused by

{1) Protozoa (2) Bacteria

(3) Virus (4) Fw1gi

24. Small pox vaccine was discovered by

(1) Robert Koch (2) L ee uwenh oek

(3) Edward Jenn er (4) Edwin Chadwick

25. White Blood Cells (WBC) develop in

(1) Kidney and pancreas (2) Thymus and bone marrow
(3) Liver and small intestines (4) Hypothalamus and thyroid

26. Brain consists of several types of neurons. One such type helps tosend signals from
the nervous system to muscles and glands which is known as
(1) Sensory neurons (2) Moto r neurons
(3) Inner neurons (4) None of the above all

27. Choose the correct statement from the following.

(1) Due to damage of mid-brain the patient can go to permanent sleep or coma.
(2) Cerebral cortex is often referred to "red matter" due to its colour.
(3) Medulla is an important part of forebrain.
(4) Thalamus can be found in hindbrain.

28. Which of the following is true about the 'History of Science'?

(1) It is lack of questioning in resear ching for scientific discovery.

(2) It is a story of an ongoing process of the interaction of science and society.

(3) Both of the above
(4) None of the above

29. Which of the following is true about the 'method of science'.

(1) It is the method and the practice that the people involved in an organised way
(2) It is made up of a number of operations, mental and manual.
(3) Both (1) and (2) above
(4) None of the above

FST-Ol (S) 5 P.T.O.

30. The book 'O ptical Thesaurus' was written by
(1) Ibn Battuta (2) lbn al-Haytham Al
(3) lbn Khaldun (4) Biruni

31. TI1e Indians had tried to calculate latitudes, for which their prime meridian passed
(1) Varanasi (2) Allahabad (Prayagraj) Ayodhya
(3) Ujjain (4)

32. Which of the following items came to India mainly through Ghorian conquerenes?
(1) Pape r (2) Steel
(3) Cloths (4) Medicine

33. Who among the following propounded the heliocentric model?

(1) Copernicus (2) Ptol e my
(3) Aristotle (4) Hipparchus

34. How many planets are in our solar system?

(1) 8 (2) 9
7 00 6
Which of the following is correct for a constellation?
(1) Group of stars in a pattern (2) Group of galaxies
(3) Clusters (4) Super dusters

36. The principal source of energy for any ecosystem is

(1) Oxyge n (2) O xygen and Nitrogen
(3) Sunlight (4) None of the above

37. occur in the water layers near the surface, where sunlight is available.
(1) Ph ytoplank tons (2) Algae
(3) Hete ropods (4) Ctenophores

38. Artificial demands for goods are created by

(1) necessity (2)
(3) adver tising (4) disposals

39. Which of the following resources are distribu ted equally in the world?
(1) Human (2) Energy
(3) Land (4) None of the above
FST-Ol (S) 6
40. Which one of the following statement should be used as a key phrase to denote the
new economic era?
(1) Production of industrial wealth accompanied by social justice
(2) Prod uc tion of ind ustr ial wealth accompanied by overproduction . •
(3) Pro d uction of industrial wealth accompanied by justice to producers and
(4) Prod uction of industrial wealth accompanied by personal development

41. Which one of the following is the correct expression that defines the urge of the
peop les of deve lopin g world toshare equitable natural resourcesand the
knowledge which are parts of the common human heritage?
(1) New international economic order
(2) New national economic order
(3) Old international economic order
(4) New national and international economic order

42. In which year the scientific policy resolution was passed by the Indian parliament?

ru 1 1

(3) 1958 (4) 1957

I 43. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the op tions given below.

Peripheral nerve.s 1)
43 pairs
B) Spinal nerves 2} 12 pairs
q Peripheral nervous system 3) Less than millimeter to more than
one meter long
D) Axon 4) 31 pairs
Choose the correct option.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

(1) 1 2 3 4
) 2 3 1 4
(3) 4 2 1 3
(4) 2 4 1 3

Which one of the following hormone raises the Sex characteristics in the male population?
(1) Pro ges (2) Testosterone
terone (4) None of the above
(3) Estrogen

45. Which of the fo ll owin g is a correct statement about science?

(1) The truth of scie nce lies in its application
(2) Scientific endeavour, at any point of time, depends on the existence of prev ious
(3) It has always played a crucial role in production
(4) All of the above
FST-Ol(S) 7 P.T.0.
End of stone age was a result of
Climate change
Decrease in food supply vis-a-vis population growth
Both of the above
None of the above
Printing with movable metal types was first used by

48.Self-reliance is a state of action that promotes in oneself.

(1)diffidence(2)anxiety and fear
(3)independence and confidence(4)indecisiveness

49. Which of the following is not an example of invisible radiation among the following?
(1) Radio waves (2) Light waves
(3) Ultraviolet radiation (4) X-rays

50. Arrange the following stages of a star from youngest to old

i) Red giant
ii) Protostar
iii) White dwarf
Choose the correct answer.
(1) (iii), (i), (ii) (2) (i) ,(ii), (iii)

(3) (iii), (ii), (i) (4) (ii) , (i), (iii)

51. Which of the following are evidences in favour of Big Bang theory of the origin of

i) Expansion of universe

ii) Low density of quasars

iii) Cosmic background radiation

iv) Abundance of primordial elements

Choose the correct answer.
(1) (i),(ii), (iii) (2) (i) , (iii), (iv)
(3) (i), (ii), (iv) (4) (ii) only

52. is a process by which deep, nutrient rich waters are brought to the surface
(1) Photosynthesis (2) Upwelling
(3) Bioluminescence (4) Stratification

53. The waste materials that remain in an unchanged form for a long time are known as
(1) Biodegradable pollutants (2) Persistent pollutants
(3) Non-persis ten t pollutants (4) None of the above
FST-Ol(S) 8
54. The loudness of noise is measured in
(1) Decibel (2) Gallon
(3) Ou n ce (4) Ampere

55. The Sugar levels in the blood are critically con trolled by
(1) Thyroid gland (2) Pancreas
(3) Pituitary gland (4) Adrenal

56. A famous scientist, Ivan Pavlov, studied the basic process of learnin g by usin g
simplest model of stim ulus and response during 1900's. He belongs to which
(1) Switzerland (2) Russia
(3) Austria (4) Hungary

57. The Intelligence Quotien t (IQ) is a measure of intelligence that is adjusted for age.
IQ can change over time and person to person mainly based on
(1) Colour (2) Caste and religion
(3) Job levels (4) None of the above

58. Match the following.

A) Preoperational period 1) 11 years and above

B) Sensorimotor period 2) upto 2 years

C) Formal operations 3) between 2 and 7 years

D) Concrete operations 4) between 7 and 11
years Choose the correct options
(A) (B) (C) (D)

(1) 4 3 2 1
(2) 1 2 3 4

(3) 3 2 1 4

(4) 2 3 1 4

59. IIMC stands for

(1) Indian Institute of Management and Communications
(2) Indi an Institute of Media Communication
(3) Indian Institute of Mass Communication
(4) Institute of Indian Mass Communication

60. India's milestone step in the expansion of Television services by launching INSAT
satellite in 1983 was
(1) INSAT-18 (2) INSAT-l X
(3) INSAT-1D (4) INSAT-lA
FST-Ol (S) 9 P .T.0 .
61. The dependence of developing countries increased because of
(1) unproductive expenditure
(2) demand of high quality technology
(3) prod uc tive expendi ture
(4) lack of man power

62. Major characteris tic of the Indus valley civilization is

(1) Considera ble knowledge of geometry
(2) Town planning of an amazing nature
(3) Hi gh level of scientific and technical know-how
(4) All of the above

63. One of the factors that led to decline of Bronze Age is

(1) Emergence of two distinct groups of the producers and the appropriators
(2) Rise and fall of several cities
(3) Over throw of one dynasty of priest kings by another
(4) All of the above

64. Sidereus nuncius (Messenger from stars) was written by

(1) Tycho Brah e (2) Johann es Kepler

(3) Galileo Galilei (4) Gior dan o Bru at

65. Match items in List-I and List-II.

1) Joseph Priestley
a) Rational and quantitative stud y 9f
chemis try
2) Antoine Laurent Lavoisier b) Atomic theory
3) John Dalton c) Oxygen
4) Charles Darwin d) Theo ry of evolu tio n / Biological
Choose the correct option.

(1) 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b (2) 1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a
(3) 1-d, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c
(4) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d·

66. Which one of the following was the focal pointof all scientificactivities during British
period in India?
(1) Madras literacy and scientific society
(2) Calcutta Medical and physical society
(3) Asiatic society, Calcutta
(4) Agricultm al-Ho.rticultur a l society of India

FST-Ol(S) 10
67. Match the fol1owing.
i) Brightest planet
1) Mercury
ii) Nearest planet to Sun
2) Venus
iii) Red planet
3) Saturn
iv) Ringed planet
4) Mars
Choose the correct options

(1) (2) (3) (4)

(1) 11 iii iv

(2) 111 ii lV

(3) lJ iv iii

(4) ii iii iv

68. Arrange the different layers of ear th in the ord er from outer to inner.
(1) Crust Core Mantle (2) Crust Mantle Core
(3) Core Mantle Crust (4) Mantle Core Crust

69. Resources that are inexhaustible are called

(1) Natural resources (2) Renewable resources None
(3) Non-renewable resources (4) of the above

70. The organisms within an ecosystem can be classified under broad categories, namely,
(1) Herbivores, Carnivores, Omnivores
(2) Producers, Consumers, Decomposers
(3) Biotic, Abiotic
(4) None of the above

71. Nuclear reactor generates

(1) Geothermal energy (2) Atomic energy
(3) Wind energy (4) Solar energy

72. By fifth or the fourth century BC Indian metal workers had attained high degree of perfection
in the techniques of production of
(1) Iron and Steel (2) Bronze utensils
(3) Ceramic ware (4) Polyware

73. Whidl one of the following is necessarily an environmental consideration of

technology policy?
(1) Man power training (2) Maximum development
(3) Self reliance (4) Treatment of wastes

74. In sexual reproduction gametes are formed by

(1) Single parent
(2) Doubling the number of chromosomes
(3) Reducing the number of chromosomes to half
(4) No change in number of duomosomes

FST-Ol(S) 11 P.T.0 .
75. Life found in atmosphere includes
(1) Orchids
(2) Microb es
(3) Herbs
(4) Zooplankton

76. Which one of the following societies used burnt brick for the firs t time?
(1) Indus valley civilization (2) Iron age Greece
(3) Roman civilization (4) Mauryans in India

77. Match items in List-I and List-II and choose correct answer. List
-I List - II
1) Ram Mohan Roy a) Aligarh scientific society
2) Syed Ahmed Khan b) Ind ian Associa tio n for the
cultivation of science
3) M.L.Sarkar c) Indian institute of science
4) Jamshed ji Ta ta d) Petition to Amh er s t for prop er
science education
Choose the correct option.
(1) 1-d, 2-b, 3-a, 4-c (2) 1-d, 2-a,3-b, 4-c
(3) 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b (4) 1-b, 2-d,3-a, 4-c

78. Kunchanagraph was fabricated by

(1) CV.Raman (2) S. Rarnanujan
(3) Birbal Sahni (4) J.C. Bose

79. Inductive and deductive methods are used to frame

(1) Objectives (2) Research questions
(3) Hypothesis (4) Observation s

80. Match tl\e following.

1) Special creation i) Life originated from non-livin matter
Formation of firs t true cells
2) Spontaneous creation ii) Miller's experiment
3) Chemical evolutio n iii) Sudden creation of life by the divir
4) Biological evolution i.v)
Choose the correct option
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(1) ii i ii iv
(2) 11 i iii iv
(3) ii i 11 1 iv

(4) iv i iii ii

81. Which of the following is not an evide nce of biological evolution?

(1) Pala eon tological evidence (2) Archaeological evidence
(3) An thr opo logical evidence (4) Technological evidence

82. Who gave the theory of evolution of s pecies ?

(1) Lam arck (2) Charles Darwin
(3) Ka nt (4) Ar istotle

fST-Ol(S) 12
83. is a valuable cementing material.
(1) Fly ash (2) Silica
) Soil ( Cattle dung

84. By use of -- -s water can be

(1) Solid waste- (2) Solar energy
(3) Wind energy (4) Thermal energy

85. A branch of biology which deals with the relationship between organisms and their
(1) Biochemistry (2) Ecology
(3) Cryobio logy (4) Biotechnology

86. TI1e quality of the soi·l gets degraded by acid rain mainly due to
(1) rise in pH
(2) elimination of soi l wa ter
(3) blocking of air s paces d u e to water logging
(4) leaching of nutrients

87. Who designed the water raising screw?

(1) Archimedes (2) Aristotle
(3) Aristarchus (4) Alexander

88. Complete the food chain given below

Grass grasshopper Snake Peacock
(1) Earthworm (2) Frog
(3) Cow (4) Rabbit

89. Scientific knowledge is

(1) Objective (2) Subjective
(3) Descriptive (4) Q ual itative

90. Quadrant is an instrument for measuring

(1) Gridwise area (2) Len g th
(3) Height (Altitude) (4) Volume

91. Arrange the following evolutionary stages of human beings from oldest to youngest
i) Australopithecus ii) Neanderthal
iii) Homohnbisli iv) Homosapiens
Choose the co rr ect option
(1) (i), (ii), (iii ), (iv)
(2) (_i), (iii), (ii), (iv)
(3) (ii), (i), (iv), (iii)
(4) (iv), (ii), ( ii), (i)

92. A branch of botany dealing with fossil plants is

(1) Ta xonomy (2) Anatomy
(3) Pal aeobotany (4) Diversity

FST-Ol (S) 13 P.T.O.

93. Argon, Helium and Krypton are
(1) Oxides
(2) Artificial gases
(3) Inert gases
(4) Air pollu tan ts

Addition of excessive nutrients to a water body, in the form of wastes such as sewage,
results in problems like
(1) Fermentation (2) Eutrophication
(3) Leaching (4) Hibernation

'Bandung conference' that discussed about the biasnessof the western media towards
the developing countries was held in
(1) 1955 (2) 1956
(3) 1970 (4) 1976

96. Which of the following options is correct about the media and communication?
1) Media helps in preserving the heritage
2) Awareness and motivation can be created through radio
3) Media must not be open minded
4) TV helps to understand the knowledge of other regions
Choose the correct option.

(1) 1 and 2 only (2) 1, 3 and 4 only

(3) 1, 2 and 4 only (4) All are true

97. It took about years for the pastoral Aryan tribes to settle down as agricultural
communities in Gangetic plain
(1) 250 (2) 500
(3) 750 (4) 1000

98. During Roman empire there was very little contribution to the growth of science
and culture because _
(1) Economy was based on the loot by military coercion and agriculture by slaves
(2) The re was no incentive to absorb new ideas
(3) Both of the above
(4) None of the above

99. _ _ _ are the major processors of solar energy.

(1) Forests (2) Deserts
(3) Polar regions (4) Wet lands

100. Which of the following innovations belong to Gupta period?

(1) Making rust proof iron and copper alloys
(2) Building with cement and concrete
(3) Use of w ind -mills and water-mills
(4) All of the above
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1. All questions nro compulsory. Each question carries 1 mark.

2. :No coll phones, calculators, bo ks, slide-rules, notebooks or written notes, etc. will
bo nllowed inside the examination hall.

8. You should follow the instructions given by the Centre Superintendent and by the
Invigilator at the examination venue._ If you violate the instructions, you will be

4. Any candidate found copying o·r recei g or·givin_g assistance in the examination
will be disqualified.

The Q uestion· Paper and· the OMR Response Sheet (Answer Sheet) would be
· s upplied to you by th Invigilators. After the examination is over, you should hand
i over the OMR 'Response Sheet . to the Invigilator before leaving the examination
hall. Any candidate who does not return the QMR Response Sheet will be
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. . .' .
' 6. :
·All ·r ough work is to be done on the question paper itself and not on any other
paper. Scrap pap r i•s !Wt permitted. For arriving at answers you may work in the
• margins, make some markings or underline in the t st booklet itself.
The University" res rves the right to cancel the result of any candidate who
impers onate·s or us s/adopts other malpractices or uses any unfair means. Tlie
University may .also follow a procedure td verify the validity of scores of all
examinees unifonnly. If there is substa ritiai iii i£a'tion that your performanc is not
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FST-01 t1 ) P.T.O.

Scanned withCamScanner
1. The work aH
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to -tronomer , 1a,raha:mihi:relS :
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1 .1 . w u

( 1) Th
- e earth rotates and heav-en, are still.

( ) Eclipses are caused by Rahu and Keto.

( 3) The earthi·s and the S11Il, moon and fup _p]-"'n;;;:.:, Du • 2 en , .:

(4) None of the abo,e

2. History of Science is :

(1) an account of contribution of greatscienth1E-

(2) an activity set for the goals for science to achie

(3) story of inta-action of science and sociecy- and their influence on es..c:n o± er .

(4) general description ofgreatscientific awances and achie,ements..

3. 'Which one of the following is no·t the part of the mathematica.1-ast:ronomicsl worl.

..:Sidhanta-Shiromani"' written by famous Bha.skara II (born1114 A. D.) ?

(1) Lilawati ( Bijaganita

(3) G-Oladhyaya (4) Samkhya

· 4. Choose the correctwords to fill up the blanks :

The dominant social groups use the invention·s to ............. or a end their.............•.
in the society.

(1) _ new, changes (2) strengthen, domination

(3) inventions, socio-economic (4) secure, stagnation


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G. Which fP.nt.ure does not correspond to the scientific knowledge?

(1) based on reason

(2) open to change

{ ) creating new knowledge

(4) personal faitb and beliefs matters a lot

6. Which of the following char acteristics/ us·es of language in the primitive lifo hns not aided
the emergence of science ?

(1) Communication while getting food and moving around.

(2) Use of symbols to describe material objects, actions and practices.

(3) Communication while making and using tools and exchanging surplus food.

(4) Use of symbols to depict emotions, dances and ritu als.

7. The pr ctice of agriculture aro e :

(1) Bronze age (2) Stone age

(3) Primitive society (4) None of these

8. The incorre- ct factor that ledto tµe 4 cli?,e of Bronie. age civilis tion is : 'l

.... ....."

(1) Rise and fall of several cities. ..'. • I

(2) Invasions by nomadic barbfil'.ians.

: ·, (3) ·. Increase in population leafilng a pr ssur·e on cities. I• •
. .

( )
The em ergen ce · of tw o distinct groups of th e·producers and the npproprintors.

FST-01 •• " l '

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!J. Y11j u r.•1•d ir 1. w1 iod In :

(1) l!'iOO H. l' .- - 1()()0 H. c. rn) IOOO IL C . -'/0 0 IL C .

(3) 700 IJ. C.- ·iOO 11. C . (,1) No1111 nf l h1111,,

10. Thc'(try of u11i" n 1111I 1 riwil ut lon w,111 propo11od hy :

(l ) Jsnnc Newton
(2) 'l'ycho Ur nho

(3) Holx·rt Doyl<•

('1) Onlil c o Onliloi

1 1. S us l.trut-n • 1u11hitn ii;; :

(l ) S urge ry t xt (2) Astronomy toxt.

(3) Chemis try text ('1) Mnthomnlics text

12. Largest planet of solnr system iH :

(1 ) Earth (2) Venus

(3) Saturn ('1) Jupiter

J 3. Energy source in 11 star is provided :


(J ) when a star becomes stable

.(2) on t.he contraction of gas clouds and increase in its temperature

(3) by balancing of inward gravitational pull by outward force of radiation energy in a

star. I • •, •

(4) when the hydrogen nuclei in th co_re of the star together t-o form heliu' m
.·, nuclei.
I I I •' •/

( 5)

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14. Theory of chemical evolution gained support by the experiments of:

(1) Miller

(2) Darwin

(3) Aristotle

(4) Pasteur

15. A galaxy is a collection of:

(1) Planets and exoplanets

(2) Solar system and exoplanet

(3) Stars, gas and dust clouds

(4) Solar system, gas and dust clouds

16. Which of the following were first toolmakers?

(1) Austr opithecus'

(2) Homo habilis

(3) Hominids

(4) Primates

17. Age of fossils can be det rmined by:

t. • •

• •i • .. . I·· ..' ,
(1) radio-carbon dating (2) astro omical studies

'6 \
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18. Which of the following is inclusive of everything that affects an organism from
ou tside ?

(1) Atm os phere (2) Environment

(3) Forests (4) Deserts

19. Circulation of blood in human body was discovered by:

(1) Napier
(2) Greeks

(3) Arabs
(4) Harvey

20. act on dead plants and dead animals for their existence.

(1) Carnivores (2) Consumers

(3) Producers (4) Decomposers

21. Who gave the theory of natural selection?

(1) Lamarck (2) Watson and Crick. . . ·

(3) Darwin (4) Hargovind Khurana

22. The Copernican Revolution was:

(1) · study of human anatomy.

(2) representing 3-dimensi nal figures in 2-dimensions.

(3) a model of the solar system in which the sun was at the centre ali plan ts
included the earth rotate around it.
· , .• • -i · ( t•) . ,· ,
around it. .
1 · ,

1.4) a model of stationary earth with sun and stars moving

FST-01 . ( 7)

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23. \1/hicb among the following tcchnicnl innovnlions did ·not lon<l to tho Jn,lutttrl11l


(1) Use of steam-powdered engine.

(2) Mechanical gadgets for spinning nnd wc·nving.

(3) Mechanical devices for use in mining, mctnllurg, y nnd Ub'I'ic ulturo .

(4) Mechanical clocks.

24. The Universities of Calcutta, Bombay and Mndrns wcro set up in :

(1) 1823 (2) 1829

(3) 1857 (4) 1913

25. Which one of the following is incorrect ?

(1) Green plants are producers in the food chain .

· (2) Nitrogen fixing bacteria convert atmospheric nitrqgen into nitrate:s

(3) S02 corrodes metals like z c.

(4) No living organism produ·ces its own light.

26. Who was_t he author of Srimad Bhagwat ?

(1) Gbalib ,,....
(2) Onkar Bhatt

(3) Vyas ·, (4) None of these

:- I - r_.i;l",°S' ;'"·

( 8)

scan ned w ilh CamScanner

2. 7 Which one of the following matches is ipcorrect?

(1) J. C. Bose-Plant Physiology

(2) C. V. Raman-Scattering of Light.

(3) S. N. Bose-Study of Elementary Parti les

·(4) D.N. Wadia-Statistics

28. Which one of the following is incorrect about _Scient ific Knowle e?

(1) It is a dynami-c and Ei1:1 qngo g process.

·() It is never omplete.

(3) It is a self-correcting e_nterprise.

(4) . It .is not objectiv-e.

(2) . bacteri-a

(3 . sound (4) None of these

30. 'J;J' ,ie:dist an c trayelled by light ye c_all ed one, gh:t i e . It is equal_ to :
\ . . .

(;) ·.9 X 10 12 km, (2) 2 X 10 7 km.


_(3 ) - .3 X 10 8 lqn . (4) • None.o-f theA,' t,iIt ;

F ST-01
, . (9)

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[l I. 'rlw pnt,l Cll'l\ fl of flt.I\I'll 01' 111.tll' l,(1'011()11 Ul'O ul\ :

(l) S olnr

() H11purch111l un1

(8) Com,tollnt.ionn
('1) Oluolm·li • I

82. Accol'cling t.o Kotlhw,lho t1hnpo of lho plnuolnry orl.>iui i1-1:

l llipRo (2) Cil'clo

(3) Trinnl{ulnr (4) Nono of lhoso I •

88. Which ono of tho following is truo '?
I •

(1) No rosourco on onl'lh is non-ronownl>lo.

I ••
Ronownblo rosourcos cmmot bo used ropontdcil y,


• •• I
. , '. '
(3) Ronownblo rosourcc·s nro inoxh nusti l>l o.

(4) Non-rcnownble resources cnn bo rogoncrulc<l in unlimited qunntity.

... .

34. Which of tho following is n protective food? I '


,' .
(1) Vitamins (2) Cnrbohydrntes

(3) Fnts (1) Lipids

35. Which one of the following cities wns not n pnl'L' of'lndus Vnlloy'Oivilizntion ?··"·..,
(1) Lothul
II ,

Hnrnppn ·· (2)

(4) l{ornln
.' .
• •

(3) obenjodnro

( 10)


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o r which electromagnet·ic ra a1·a ion 1 s vr n1 ]e to ou r EJ:t
36 8 r ange of wavele gth f i t· · · 'b
• · n
is :

(1) 2 x 106 m to 4 x 107m

(2) 4 x 10-7 m·to 8 x 10-7m

(3) 10 to 1000 m

(4) 6 x 10-9 m to 7.x 10-1a m

37. Which one of the following is -incorrect?

. .

(1) . X- ays are given by warm bje ts.

·. (.2) X-ray are used in medicin e.-

· . (8)· UV-rays, x.:.rays and gamma J:"ays carry huge amount of ener gy.

(4) Gamma rays are used in c cer treatment.


38. Which of the foll_owing has st mas between 8 M0 to 15 M0 ?

(2) -Neutron star

(l) White dwarf

(4) Black hole

(8) Nova

. .. 39. _. Wavelength is measured in unit of:

(2) · Metre
(1) Hertz

(4) Joule
(8) Watt
I • • •

_FST-01 ( 11 )

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'10. Which ono of lho following is incorrect?

(1) 'l'hc outermo st lnyor of the sun's almospherc is called the corona.

(2) Mercury possesses no atmosphere

. ( ) Mercury hns two satellites.
(4) Enrth has one satellite.
,' \

41. Which of the following gases is not produced during_ fermentation?

(1) Hydrogen sulphide (2) Methane

(3) Oxygen (4) Carbon dioxide

42. "Living organisms are produced from rotting food and other organic matt r" is


given by theory :.

(1) Theory of spontaneous generation

(2) Theory of special creation

(3 )
. .... Theory of chemical evolution .

' I •

. .' .. .
' .
( 4) Ancient Greek idea.

43. AIDS is·caused by :

(1) • (2) virus

. , _.
1 •·
( ,I i .
(3) (4) algae
(• I :• I t'


( 12).

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44. The study of the interaction of organisms with their environment is


(1) photosynthesis (2) biotic ·.'

(3) ecology (4) abiotic

45. Fill in the blanks in the given statement of food chain :

Plant -+ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. -+ Fish -+ Man ...

(1) Wheat J ••

(2)· Insect

(3) Rat I•
(4) Snake· ,.

.·'\ \ : .


46. An example of organisms that occ_upies more than on·e tr op_hiclev l is :

' . . .
\ I

q) Man (2) Insect

. .: ,, ... - . . . . ..
(3) Rat (4) Snake .

.,,.. .

47. Oceans are :

. : . ..

(1) upper layer of earth's stratosphere. ..


( 2 ) . largest and thickest ecosy tem of th.

. . .-
(3) p
art of e h's atmosphere.

(4) lacking in microbial fauna.. ·. .


FST-01 ( 13 ).• :

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• IK Fill in th • ulunk in lhc following stntement:

A li1yL•r of ............ present nbout 25 km from earth's surface absorbs n gref:1,t deal of

i11ro 111i11g ull rn\'iolcl rnys of sunlight.

(J ) UW II U (2) atmosphere

(a) nilro gc n (4) hydrosphere

l!J. Whi ch one of the following is incorrect?

(1) The Chipko Andolan is the movement to hug trees for conservation

(2) Ji'orcs ts nrc the major processors of solai:energy.

rn) Fore s ts occur throughout the wo:rJd excep t the polar eas.

(4) Occrinic waters that have 1:ugh nutri n content, and support large variety of

plunk ton s appear yellowish·.

,r,.o. Which
one of Lhc following is correct-?

'!'he pH of acid rain variesirQID.-7. . a .to as lo w as 6.0.

(2) A compound called PAN (Pe"roxylacetyl nitrate)·appears as a bluish haz :

. .

(3) Breathing ozo e affects th respiratory and nervous system.

O zone damages rubb r articles and te iles.

_( 14 )

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51. Se u rvy is n disease cnused by deficiency of:

(1) Vilumin l{ (2) Vitamin A

(3) Vitamin C (4) Vitamin B

52. Who nmong the following first observed tiny living rganisms through lense· ?·

(1) Albert Einstein (2) . Antonie van Leeuvenhoek

(3) C. V. Raman (4) . S. N. Bose

53. Which one is not the water-borne disease ? I •

(1) Typhoid (2) Hepatitis

(3) Jaundice (4) Malaria

54. The loudness of noise is measured in:

• I

(1) :M;eters (2) Hertz

(3) Decibels (4) None of these

56. Which one of the following is correct ?

(1) Expos ure to a large amount of radiationscan cause a number of diseases.

(2) Radioactive wastes do not require any specjal treatment.

..-\ .

(3) Radioactive waste materials are biodegradabl .

(4) Radioactivity cannot be used for rock dating.

FST-01 ( 15 r

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t I I.


66. Eutr ophicntion is cnusod by :

_(1 ) I I nlgnl blooms

(2) <1hlo,·ol11101·<><1n1'1101111

(3) I I

s ulphur oxido s (4) )c111'11on clloxl<lrn1


67. Bhopal disnsto:r: is rolnted with :

(1) 1
pollution of ground wntor

.(2) . methyl isocyanat e vapours

• I

(3) application of technology

(4) radioactive_mnterial ovnpornlod uncl 1-1pr o ntl into tho nlm1>Hp horo

68. Renewable resource is :

(1) water (2) polrol

(4) diosol ,
!, (3) gas

I 59 . Nuclear reactor generates:

(1) Tidal energy (2) Atomicenergy

(3) Biogas (4) Geothormnl energy


60. Fly ash is used as :

(1) · Germ killing material .(2) Cementing ma rio.1

(4) Pathogen
(3) Nutri ent 'I

( 16)
FST-01 r ,·

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01. Whl uh 1111<1 ol' Uu1 foll11wl111{ Iii 1111111,111,1111 fill' nl,r'llllH l,oo U, '/
I '
(I) Irn11
( ) ()ulcl11rr1

(fl) 1/i Ill (l (,1) ()Jtlorldo

02. Whl oh of' th o followInv.111 11 110 11- l 11foc Ll0 1111 dluouuo 'I

(2) Cholortt

S) AJOS (1) Mulari u

68. Which civilis ntion ccuno int o oxis tonco uround th o river volley of Nile ?

(1) Ind us (2) Mesopotnmin

(8) Chinn _( 4) Egypt

64. Formation of fossil fuol ie a part of..................cycle.

(1) Carbon (2) Oxyg n

(S) Nitrogen (4) . Water

06. New International Economic Order (NIEO) was declared by UNO is the year :

(1) 1970 (2) 1972 .......

(S) 1974 (4) 1978


( 17)

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66. The
henomenon wherein well-trained human resourc&a leave their developing

co, l ries to developed world for better opportunities, monetary benefits and work is : I

(1) · Immigration
(2) Moneylaundering

(3) , Braindrain
(4) Human movement

67. Which scientist is remembered even today for his contribution to the study of

·floating bodies and hydrostatics?

(1) Archimedes
(2) Hippocrates

(3) Aryabhatta
(4) Aristotle

68. Kautilya who described state and its policy of 'Arthashastra' was minister of the king:

(1) Vikramaditya
(2) Ashoka

(3) Chandragupta
(4) Chola

69. The moderator used in nuclear reactor is :

Thorium (2) Graphite

(3) Beryllium (4) Plutonium

70. · Human factor engineering is the study of:

(1) human behaviour

( 2) human intellig nce

, f• •

• I

(3) (4) efficiency of humans

in working
environment diseases causeq. by gene alteration
I •
. ,·• l

{ 18 ).

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71. Raja Jai Singh established observatories in the beginnin g of 18 lh ccmlury in v,hi<.:11

of the places ?

(1) Delhi, Jaipur, Uijain (2) Srinagar, Hyderabacl, Chennai

(3) Udipi, Bangalore, Assam

(4) Ropar, Lucknow, Kolkat u

72. Neurotransmitter is:

(1) a functional unit of brain.

(2) a chemical found in nephron.

(3) a chemical that carries message from one neuron to another.

(4) responsible for metabolism or ·organi·c compound·s.

73. · Which one of the first satellites was launched to survey India's natural resources?

(1. )

(3) · PSLV (4) MOM

· 74. Which teqhnical introductions froin East had a greater effect on the West?

. (1) Paper and Printing

(2) Distillation of alcohol

(3) Gunpowder
· (4) Compas·s
75. Renaissance, revolutionary movement began in :

(1) 800-900 A. D.
. (2) : 900-1000 A. D.

. (3) 1000-1100-A. D.
(4) 1440- 1540.A. D.

FST-01 ( 19}

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7G. Which of the following is used for navigation ?

(1) Wind mill

(2) Horse collar

Compass (4) Water mill

77. The circular DN.Amolecule is called:

(1) Plasmid (2), Helix

(3) Plastid
(4) Vesicle

78. Which one of the .following is a: correct statement?

(1) Economically deprived people are bound to ha_ve lowIQ.

(2) IQ tests used in America are the best to use in India. .

(3) Measuring IQ is'really measuring a person's mental age.

(4) Highly creative people must have an IQ of 140'. ,


79 . Who founded Aligarh Scientific So iety ?

; . ..: .

(1) Syed Feroz Khan

(2) Syed Ahmed Khan

_ (3) Hazi Nasrulah

(4) Imroi Khan

80. According to the Piaget's theory f ment al-developme-ntchildren of 11 years and •

,, I

upwards: .

(1) can think and :reas on.using hypothetical it ations. (2) belong:th
. .
e preop rational period.

(3) do not der and abstract concepts. .
-1, ..

I '


inform·al pe i <iur.

(4) are

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81. Planetary orbits are:

(1) Circular


(3) Horizontal (4) Cylindrical


82. Indian Institute of Science at Bangalore was established by :

(1) J.C. Bose (2) P. C. Ray

(3) Jamsbedji Tata (4) Firoz Battliwala

83. Reflexes are related to :

(1) Autoimmune System (2) Hormonal System

(3 )
Peripheral Nervous System
( 4) Central Nervous System

, ..

84. Large number of semiconductor devices which are produced n a single chip to

. . . ,

perform specific functions is called:

(1) Junction diode (2) Integrated circuit

..... . .
··' I ••

(3) LASER () CPU

85. All planets except Venus and Uranus rotate on their axes iri:
(1) Vertical direction (2) Horizontal direction
, :.,. I.",

(3) Clockwise (4) Anti-cloc q.


f;ST-01 ( 21 ) ,·. I

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86. .......... ..... is the property of LASER Light.

(1) Scattering (2) Coherence

(3) Emission (4) Diffraction

87. Deficiency of iodine results in:

(1) Rickets
(2) Anemia

(4) Nightblindness

88. Tears and saliva contain an enzyme called as ......'...........which destroys germs.

(1) Pepsin (2) Lysozyme

(3) Lipase (4) Amylase

89. Which of the following soils is characterised by loainy t xture, ciry composition,

variable thickness and is highly productive ?

_(1) Alluvial soi) (2). Red soil

(3) Black soil (4) Laterite soil

90. Nitrogen constitutes .......'."" ' ercent of the atmospheric gases.

(1.) 49
(2) · 59

(3) 69 (4) 79

91 . Forests occur throu hout the worl except:

. 1 .., .... ,.. -
(1) Tropical area (?) Temperate area

(3) Polar area 1 1

' ..
r ,\
(4) Deciduous area

( 22)

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02. Which ono iR tho likely effect of"Greenhouse effect"?

(l) Decrease in temperature ofland and water.

,,(.2) Increase in temperature of land and water.

(3) No change in temperatur:e.

(4) Nono of the above


93. Which one is ,n ot a constit':_1 nt of photoch mical smog ? ..

(1) Nitrogen.dioxide l '. , •,

(2) . Peroxy acetyl nitrate

(3) Ozone (4} Aluminium chloride

I• 4 _.
t;• · 1
. •-'

94. Examples of Kharif crops are :

.;. :·

(i) Rice, Maize, Ragi . : .. (ii) .Wheat

(iii) Jowar, Bajra, Ragi 'i.: : . (iv) Barley, Oa , Rye

(1). Both (i) and (iii) .. .. '- . \... . . (2) Both.(ii) and (iii)

(3) Both (i) and (iv) · (4) ·:·B oth (ii) and (iv)

95. Plants make their food using:

(1) Wind energy _ (2) Geothermal eriergy
,i r ; ::. . ... ' .

(3) Solar energy (4) A,tomic energy

. ' . ·...·,l. •t" •
.. \
' •

FST- 01

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96 R 1· t· h. b ults of observntion und oxporlrno11l a 11vor u v ido ruri gf,.t 1· 1
· e a ion s 1p etween res
individual cases is called :

(1) Hypothesis (2) Law

(3) Theory (4) Qbse rvutions

97. TechnologyPo li_cy Statement wns issued by the govor nm o,n l in t.ho your.................,..

I\ (1) · 1953 ( 2) 1963



98. · Tea and are an ut are examples of which type of crop s ?


1) Sugar crop (2) Oil seed crop

(3) Fibre crop (4) Plantation crop

99. Which one of the following is not a future communication technique'?

(}) Telephone
(2) Video conferencing

(3) batafax
(4) Teletext

100. Which one·of the following is •n ot a component of education and media in future


(1) · Establish radio stations in select ed universities

. . and colleges.

(2) Provide a· separate channel on television for education need·s of various

• A '

PrQyide mobile·phone·sto all the secondary students.

-- ', tt1-;:.i.:, \ .

Provide radio receivers and TV sets in all primary/elementary schools.

( 24)
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_c . .· · ·
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9s - c :c.._._r

Sb - . - - \
··rto,of Pa-intC'cl Pu1:cs: 48

Bachelor Deg·ree I>rogramme (BDP)

Term End Exan1ination, Dec. ember , 2020

· .

Time:: 3 Hours Maximum Marhs: 100



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( 1 ). P.T.O.

1. Which of the folJowing is n fcnturc of scicnco of rational mcchnnic.;?

;:; u se oflcvor (2) Study of living beings

Cooking food
(4) Sludy o_fhuman behaviour

2. Tbe nrchitcctural style oflndia undcnvc t n dras tic change after :

(1) British rs conquest

o (2) French conquest

) Turkish conquest
(4) l{hilji conquest

3. By fifth/fourth century B. C. Indian metal workers bod attained perfection in techniques

for production of:

(1) Gold
(2) •Zinc .

Iron d steel "(4) Copper and silver


4. Radio waves of the shortest known w vclcngths are called :

(1) X-rays (2) Alpha ryas

Gamma rays
(3) . Beta rays

5. Deltas of following rivers have big deposits of natural gas and oil. Pick right opti

of the following : ,.Godavari and Mahanadi

{l) Sutlej and Beas

• (4) Kasi and Brahmaputra
(2) Gnngn and Yamunn
Fcrtilit.)• t,f soil dopcmls on lho c111mcil.y of m,il Lo rcWlin.....................•

-'O.) ,valor nncl oxygen

( 2) Chlo1;dcs nnd bicnrbonntcs

< ) Cnrbonnt.cs nnd bicnrbonalcs

<4) Sulfates nnd bis ulfatcs

7· Nearly eighty percent of the total rainfall in our country is due .to ........ ·

o(1) N orth-East (2) North-W:cst

(3) South -East .,...-{4) South-West

8. \Vorld's poultry trace their origin lo the reel jungle fowl of......... .

-- .:
(1) Uttar Pradesh (2) Jammu-Kashmir

(4) Kcrala
.,A3) Madhy a Pradesh Q

9. Rabi crops are sown between :

(1) Juna and August October and March

(3) January and July (4) August nnd September

l0. Alkalinity of soils is mninly uo to tho presence of h igh nmounts of.......o.. f sodium.

Ca.rbonatc (2) Chlori'do

.,. and bicnrbonntc

• ',•i '\ \!' .

(4) Oxides
n (3) S ulf W.'-l ; i µlfntcs
• . 1 '."t
. ...,
( 4' )
Common-cough coJd ru·o cnuscd by :

(1) Bncterin '

(2) Fungi
(4) PJnnts

1 2. On of e following diseases is caused by protozoa. Identify tho disease from the


v(D Sleeping sickness

(2) Rubies

(3) Dengue (4) Cholera

13. Which on.9 of the following is a food-borne disease ?

(1) M:alar ia .,...{2) Typhoid

o (3) Diarrhoea . (1) Dysente ry

·.- .....1-4. . . . .
Desalination of sea water in Bhavnogar in Gujarat is being done by :

o (1) Tree plantation

Solar energy

(3) Application of chemicals

(4) Construction of drainage system

15. What were th names of atomic bom bs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in
. .
-. . Japan?

(1) Lily and Rose

(2) Little John and Big John

Little Boy Wld Fatmnn (,J) Bush Jr. and Bush Sr.
' 'l'rnnsistoi·e m·o somiconduclom wilh: '

(l) u-t-u or rt-u-.: combinnlion (2) t:•l-11 or z-y•c comhinntion

(S) a-b-c or c-b-a combi11ntion _..(4) n-J1-1i or p-n-11 combination

17. A c01nputcr program is:

Set of instructions

(2) Set of equations

(3) Set of problems and soluli ns

(4) Set of questions \

18. 'rhe enterprise of Govemm nt of India fa ·oil exp1or tion is :

(1) DRDO

(3) FRI
(4) NMDC

19. Potatoes are rich in which class of nutrients?

(1) Fats . (2) -Proteins

Carbohydrates (4) Minerals

Which vitamin is also called as "Sunshine Vitamin" '?

(1) .
V itamin A (2) Vitamin B ....
(3) Vitamin C ) VitaminD

-( G ). .
- --
Which mineral is present in hncmoglohin in hlood ?

(J) CnJcium
rt (2) Magncc;ium

_..f3? Tron
(4) Chloride

22. J washiorkor nn Marasmus diseases arise due to deficiency of:

" (2) Fats

(3) Vitamin E
(4) Magnesium

23. 'Which on.c of the following is not a fossil fuel ?

(1) Coal

(3) Lignite .
(1) Petroleum

24. Which states are important for sugar indus try in India?

(1) Assam, Bengal, Tripura

U .P., Bibar, Karna aka
. - '

(3) Punjab, Hazyana, H.imachal Prade sh

(4) Kerala, M.P., Uttarak.hand

25. VLSI in electronics stands for :

(1) very low scale integration

(2) very low solution integration

very large scale i_ntegr a ti on


(4) very large solution integration

-Of(SJ (7)
26. Nuclcnr fusion is:

0(1) splilting of ntom

- /i . oiningof ntom

(a) joining of clcct.ron

(,4) joining of neutron

27. n developmental stages of child pre-operational period is :

( 1) birth to 2 years of ngc (2) 7 to 11years of age .

( 3) 11 years onwards of nge _Dfil 2 to 7 years of ge

2, 8
If a person is of 20 yenrs and whose·intelligence is also 20. He will have an J


(1) 10

(3 ) 50 (1) 0

29. Unresoloved fro.stations lead lo a peculiar behaviour which is called :

(1) Tolerance

(3) Depression (-4) Failure

30. Efficiency of a person in hisn1er working environment is called :

Ergonomics (2) Econonucs

· (4) Sustainability
(3) EcolQ

( 8)
31 Functioning of hum. nn body nervo. us nyslcm
.. . coordinntcd by


(J) J,h•cr
(2) IGclnoy

( Drain
(4) Lungs

32. L:trgos L pnrt of brnin is :

(1) Hypothalamus
(2) Medulla

(3) Cere bellum

) Cerebrum

33. Wbich hormone incre es level of s ug_a r i 1 blood

,P) Glucagon
r (2) Insulin
' r ,i •,.

(3) Estrogen (4) Tcs tostcron·e

34. Which scientist carried out experiment on . dogs to understand stimulus and


(1) Albert Eins in

Ivun Pavlov

(3) Charles Darwin ,(!) lvfadn.m Curie

85. · Deer, duck, goat _an d cow LµOples of: '
' '. , t .....

(2),1r, fll"f\ivorcs
Herbivores l\ I ' j

· .(3) Omnivores (4 ') i} '" \{i_lq\ un iJnnls

• I • • '

I .' •
•. 'II I I

FS :1(S) , ( D)
· ln the food chnin, plnco tho mi1,11l11,: li11lc : Bui:-> Spidor -> Ji'rog ->....................... ·

(1) Insect (2) Whcnt

(3) Spnrrow

3, 7
National Plnnuing Commil.tce in 1938 wns formed under the chairmanship of:

(1) Subbnsh Chnndrn Bose (2) C. V. Raman

>f3J Jawaharlal Nehru (4) luunanujan

38. \1/ho propo sed a tom ic theory ?

John Dalton (2) J. 'C. Bose

(3)· J oseph Priestley ('1) Isaa c Newton

39. \Vhich Greek scientist's cont ribution lo .Lhc study of floating bodies is useful even

. . •



(!) Copernicus (2) Kepler

(3) Galileo Aft{) Archimedes

"0 Golden Age of Science in ancient Inclin wns durin.g : - ,
'J • • ' 1(l I > I
(1) Chalukyns rule , .1(?) . , I( ushnns rule

Gupta empire '

.... '•

( 10)
Tlic ringed planet is :

(.1) Jupiter (2) Urunus

(3) 'pJuto ) Snt1.1r11

42. Troposphere is made up of:

(1) 60% Nitrogen, 38% O>..-ygcn

(2) 20% Nitrogen, 79% o -ygcn

_µ,BJ 78% Nitro cn, 21% O.>..")'gen

(4) 50% Nitrogen, 48% Oxygen

43. In Veclic society, small states headed by kings were called :

(1) Gana
..P{2) Janpadn.s

(4) Sutras
(3) Rajya

44. Atrey·a an d Patanjaµ are considered to write commentaries on Ind.inn treatise of

-- .

medicine in :

o (2) Athnrvaveda

(3) Puranas
(4) Shlok-SAmhita
45.· Whois the author of "Ori of Species" ?

{1) Lamarck ' Charles Darwin

(4·) . Ncwton
( ) Louis Past.eur .
( 11 )
tG · d reducea ·
' ·
Wl · l1 · in lddneJS an ·
u c of tho following chomicaln wntor absorpti on

urine flow '/

'--'1) ADH (2) Insulin

r (3) ACTH ('1) Steroids

47. \Vhich one of the following cities of In<lin clnP not hnve steel plant?

Chandigarh (2) Durgapur

(3) Bokaro (1) nourkcla

48. National Rescrch nnd'Development Corporation of India was set up in:

(1) 1982 (2} 1970

..,r{a) 1953

49. Today coal, oil, gas and nuclear resources accounts for what percentage of world's


(1) 20%

(3) 72% (
1) 66%

50. When did Second World War end?

(1) 1940 (2) 1950

A> 1945
• t

..., .'t

( 12)

How 10111: Yajur,,oclic? J>nriml J1111f,ucl '/


(J) 100 yunrn ) :woycmm

O(lj) l00Oycnru

G2. Who among the followi!lt: is cuns idc rccl lo hen great grummarian?

• lY I Pnnin_i
..+ t" ,., I
(2) Atrcya

(3) Dhein (,J) Pnrnsnra

53. Ar tificinl dc mru1ds for various products arc crea ted by :

(1) Necessi_ty Over-production


Advertisin_g ('1 ) Was la ge

54. "Life Begets Life", who put forward lhIB hypothesis ? ' ·......

· o (2) Aris totle ·

, ( J) Newton
(3) Charles Darwin

55. During Bronze Age, Mesopotamians traded extensively with India through :
(1) Iran (2) ,Chinn

rain o ('1) , 1f ndoncsin

FST-01(s, · ( 13)

D •· • fo und
cscu pt.i on of the gcumctricnl llu.!orum!J uncl nxioms during Bron7..e Ago was ·
r .:G
'' ·

in text:

(2) Arthnsbastrn

0 (3) Videhnsutra ('1) Homsutra

57. Greek classics 'The Iliad and The Odyssey written by :

" (1) Panini (2) Archimedes

;F' Homer
(4) Omar Khyam

58. Literature of Vedic times does not include:

(1) Vedas (2) Upanishnd


(3) Samhit3s /4 Arlbashas tr a

59. On which heavenly body, human being·s have landed?

(1) l\{ars (2) Venus

Moon (4) Jupiter

60. Planet beyond the reach of eyo is : , •\ el m

, (1) Mercury (2) ;Y.c nus

(3) ,Jupiter
y- .l.uto

( 14)
61.. Astronomm· rcditcd with tho constl'llclion or b·igonomot-rio tnulcs du· f ing Gupta:
Empire was:

..J}kl1 A.rynbh ntta

(2) Brnbmngupta

(3) Chandragupta
'( 1)

62. \ ' hi ch one of the fo1lowing is prom ote. d by the nction of self-reliance?

(1) Aggressive behaviour (2) Fear and depression

/ .

Independence and confidence (4-) Overconfidence

63. Inductive and deductive methods nre used for framing :

(1) Questions (2). Objectives

,..,f3) (4) Observations


64. Major so. u rce of energy for a:n ecosys cm on.-eart h's surface is :
. . '

_p.---{1J S unlig.h, t - (2) ·. Oxygen .

., . -

"(4) · n· adi oactive emissions

. .• . • m_ · to existence 'in the river valley of :

Indian c1vilizati9n came (1) Nile
(3) Brahmaputra

.J,{2) 'Ind us


1 ( 15)·
66 · Which of the following evidences supporL Big-Bong tbeory of origin or


(1) Planetary system

(2) Existence of nslcroids

(3) Rotation and revolution movements ofhenvenly bodies

Expansion of universe

67• Enzymes arc used a number of industries.

(1) promoters

(3) vectors (·1) substrates

68. Song /picturcs on TV are carded from s tudios to b_ome on :

(1). . Infrared waves (2) Ultraviolet waves

Radio waves
('1) Blue waves

. (

69. Satellites goarow1d the earth nt....................height.

Ready to use technolog·y·· ··

(1) 360 kms

(3) . 1000 kms FST.01(5)

70. Turnkey technology is :

a (1) Old technology

o (2) 3600 kms

I !)
(2) Reused technology

('1' )l ·! Mnintenance of technology

( 16)
J ' ' _.,,,,
71. W 1en was scientific policy rcsolulion drnficcJ .fil)d.A_.t,,d.,


(1) 1952
(2) 1962

(3) 1971
_.v-(4) J9r,8

72. 'Which place does not hnve rcgionnl re5carch lnbs?

(1) Janunu
(2) Jorhat

(3) Bh ubneshwur · /('1) Ch digarh

73. Which one of the following is used lo gencrnt.c nuclear power?

(l) . Magnesium (2) Calc iu m

Urn.nium ('1) Iron

. -.- - --

· 74. \Vil ich project provides tr aining lo rura .womcn in food technology a nd post-harvest

technology ?

(2) 1S1
- .
. ..

(·1) ICICI
75. During the freedom struggle, much of the communication wns through :

(2) Radio
(1) TV . .' . .H ..

(3) lntem t , 11 ;A41> : Pcoplo qircctly

FST-01(8) ( 17)

(1) 1970
......{2} 1959

(3) 1982 · o (4) 1965

77. \Vhich event led. to the expansion of TV in India?

Asian Games (2) Beijing Olympics

Commonwealth Games (4) ,Se oul Olympics

78. Which one of the followin g is not considered a traditional media?

(1) Jatra in West B gal (2) Tam nsha in Maharashtra

(3) Qawwali in Uttar Pradesh y(4) Social Media

79. What does N\¥ICO sta nd for'!

New World In formati on an<l Comm wtlcation Order

(2) New \Vorld 1nformation Corrid r

(3) New World Integrated Corridor

(4) New World lntegrated Cohabilita tion

80. Who painted famous pnintjng 'M:ono. Lisa' ?

(1) solini
- -- •
) Leonnrdo dn Vinci
81. Wl1ich fenturc is esscntiul for s cienc·e ?

(2) Ent.crtninmcnt

(3) Economics
(4) Patience

82 . Spread of infectious diseases is connected to :

(1) Entiog nutritious food

-,.-(2) Poor sanitary conditions

(3) Mnlnutrition
('1) Adequate sterile conditions

83. 1n a nuclear reactor, which mate ri al serves as modulator?

) Graphite
(2) 2inc

(3) Germanium
(,1) Lithium

84. Fibi.-e optics technique iraus mits ligh t wnvc through :

► )

(1) Carbon wire (2) Lead wire

, ( j) Silicon wire

85. The spacecrafts that move orbit arouncl earth nre called :

(1) Natural Satellites

Artificial Satellites

(3) Star Satellites

(4) Planetary Satellites

86. Which one of the a nntural fibre?

• h l I:-::
(1-) Nylon Cotton and Wool

(3) Polyester

( 19)
87. 'l'ho Chcn,obyl disns lc r higblii;hlctl lhc dun"crs of

(1) lndust.irnl cffiucnls (2) Wnlcr pollution

(3) Air pollution Nuclear rndiation

66. Vlhich one of the following is a rcncwnblc r source?

(1) Petrol (2) Mineral deposits


(11) Formntion of soil


89. A white dwarf in life story of a star is : I


ottertan s un
(2) Colder than sun I
(3) Same as sun

90. . Radio telescope in India arc st nt.ioncd at


(1) Jalandlrnr (2) Guwahati

(3) }{ochi _- . -H ) Ahmedabad

91. Which of the following sta tes fulfil th e stipulate d forest, cover in hill region 1¢d

dow. n by Nntionnl Forest Policy in 1952?

(1) Haryana

(2) ...

(,(3) Bengal ,'·

,;-(4) aman andNicob'nr1Jslnnds d·,

FST-01(5) ( 20 l
92. Photnchcmicnl smog ru hlls fr t
. on wo polluf.nnt:s nnrnoly:

Nif.rogcn o.xido uud Hydrocnrbonn

(2) Acid mtl1ydridc n id Benzene

(3) Acetone nd Acctnldehydo .

(4) Carbon n1onoxide and Lithium trioxide

93. Green house effect is predicted due to :

Increase ins ace temperature oflnnd and water

(2) Decrease in surface temperature oflnnd and water

(3) Increase in surfac; temp ratw·c of land anrl decrease in surface temperE?,tu

of water

(4) Decrease in surface temperature of land and increase in surface tcmperat,:

of water

94. Pure water is :

) Neutral
(1) Acidfr:

('1) Slightly acidic

/I (3) Alkaline

95. The sky is divided into pattern of stars or star groups which are called :
...<(2) Constellations
(I) Galaxies

(4) Globular clusters

(3) Nebulae

( 21 )
96. Pilosoph r 'l'hnlcs thoughl tl{u cnrlh Lo bu :

0) l lH1>t.icnl

(3) Hound (,I) Ucclnngulnr

97. 'l hc model thnt sugg sted sun nt the centre with the six planetsi :

(1) Rarl Jansky model . Copernicus model

(3) Pl to model (,1) Mendelian model

98. Different stages of star arc prosl. r, r.lab le star and gas cloud. What. is th
e correct
sequence of stages of star?

·(1) (a) Prostnr (b) Stable Star (c) Gas cloud

P (2) {n) Gns cloud (b) Stable r.l nr (c) P.roslar

(a) Gcloud (b) Prost ar (c) Slnulc st ar

(4) (a) Stable star (b) Gus cloud (c) Prostnr

99. Which of the follmving is a heavy .metal thnt builds up in tbe food chain?

Mercu_ry (2) Lithium

(3) Zinc (4) Magnesium .

l.00. A set of few general st.atcmcnt.s \hat can correctly d scribe or e..'CJ)lain au

ex p' erim en tal observations is tcrmqd ns :

(3) Null hypothesis

c,(1) Hypothesis '
)4.. (2) Lnw·
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