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European Directorate-General

Commission for Trade

European Union, Trade in goods with Ukraine

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands,
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden

Table of Contents

European Union, Trade with Ukraine

- Key Figures 2
- Imports / Exports 2020 2
- - AMA/NAMA product Groups 2
- - SITC product Groups 2
- - Top 5 - HS sections 2
- - Top 5 - SITC sections 2
- EU Trade flows and balance: Total goods: 2010 - 2020 3
- EU Trade flows by SITC section 2020 4
- EU Trade flows by SITC product grouping 2020 4
- EU Trade flows by SITC section 2017 - 2020 5
- EU Trade flows by SITC product grouping 2017 - 2020 5
- EU Trade flows by HS section 2020 6
- EU Trade flows by HS section 2017 - 2020 7

Ukraine, Trade with World

- Ukraine Trade flows and balance: Total goods: 2010 - 2020 8
- Ukraine Top trading partners: Total goods: 2020 8

European Union, Trade with World

- EU Trade flows and balance: Total goods: 2010 - 2020 9
- EU Top trading partners: Total goods: 2020 9
- EU Top product sections: Total goods: 2020 9

Methodological Notes
- HS Sections (Harmonized System) 10
- SITC Sections 10
- SITC (rev 3.) Product Groupings 10

02-06-2021 1 Units R4 / A3
European Directorate-General
Commission for Trade

European Union, Trade with Ukraine

Key Figures
Indicator Unit Period Imports Exports Total trade Balance
Last year Mio euros 2020 16,513 23,144 39,656 6,631
Rank as EU partner 2020 19 18 18
Share in EU trade % 2020 1.0 1.2 1.1
Annual growth rate % 2019 - 2020 -13.7 -4.2
Annual average growth rate % 2016 - 2020 6.4 9.4

Imports 2020 Exports 2020

AMA/NAMA product Groups

Product Value Mio € % Total Product Value Mio € % Total
Agricultural products (WTO AoA) 6,021 36.5 Agricultural products (WTO AoA) 2,842 12.3
Fishery products 24 0.1 Fishery products 144 0.6
Industrial products 10,468 63.4 Industrial products 20,158 87.1
Total 16,513 100.0 Total 23,144 100.0

SITC product Groups

Product Value Mio € % Total Product Value Mio € % Total
Primary products 8,682 52.6 Primary products 4,745 20.5
Manufactures 7,730 46.8 Manufactures 17,931 77.5
Other products 62 0.4 Other products 203 0.9
Other 39 0.2 Other 265 1.1

Top 5 - HS sections
Product Value Mio € % Total Product Value Mio € % Total
II Vegetable products 3,291 19.9 XVI Machinery and appliances 5,832 25.2
XV Base metals and articles thereof 2,753 16.7 VI Products of the chemical or allied industries 3,826 16.5
V Mineral products 2,202 13.3 XVII Transport equipment 2,516 10.9
XVI Machinery and appliances 2,029 12.3 IV Foodstuffs, beverages, tobacco 1,621 7.0
III Animal or vegetable fats and oils 1,579 9.6 VII Plastics, rubber and articles thereof 1,470 6.4

Top 5 - SITC sections

Product Value Mio € % Total Product Value Mio € % Total
6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by 3,866 23.4 7 Machinery and transport equipment 8,305 35.9
2 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 3,509 21.3 5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s. 4,619 20.0
0 Food and live animals 3,026 18.3 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by 3,001 13.0
7 Machinery and transport equipment 2,199 13.3 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 2,191 9.5
4 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes 1,571 9.5 0 Food and live animals 2,029 8.8

% Total: Share in Total: Total defined as all products

02-06-2021 2 Units R4 / A3
European Directorate-General
Commission for Trade

European Union, Trade with Ukraine

Total goods: EU Trade flows and balance, annual data 2010 - 2020 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Total goods: EU Trade flows and balance Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Period Imports Exports Balance Total trade

Value Mio € % Growth % Extra-EU Value Mio € % Growth % Extra-EU Value Mio € Value Mio €
2010 11,315 0.8 16,943 1.2 5,628 28,258
2011 14,907 31.7 0.9 20,798 22.8 1.3 5,891 35,704
2012 14,323 -3.9 0.8 23,331 12.2 1.3 9,008 37,654
2013 13,441 -6.2 0.8 23,344 0.1 1.3 9,903 36,785
2014 13,240 -1.5 0.8 16,655 -28.7 0.9 3,414 29,895
2015 12,504 -5.6 0.8 13,719 -17.6 0.7 1,215 26,223
2016 12,860 2.9 0.8 16,176 17.9 0.9 3,316 29,037
2017 16,239 26.3 0.9 19,838 22.6 1.0 3,599 36,077
2018 17,426 7.3 0.9 21,550 8.6 1.0 4,124 38,976
2019 19,126 9.8 1.0 24,157 12.1 1.1 5,032 43,283
2020 16,513 -13.7 1.0 23,144 -4.2 1.2 6,631 39,656

% Growth: relative variation between current and previous period

% Extra-EU: imports/exports as % of all EU partners i.e. excluding trade between EU Member States

02-06-2021 3 Units R4 / A3
European Directorate-General
Commission for Trade

European Union, Trade with Ukraine

Trade flows by SITC section 2020 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Imports Exports
Value Mio € % Total % Extra-EU % Growth Value Mio € % Total % Extra-EU % Growth
Total 16,513 100.0 1.0 -13.7 23,144 100.0 1.2 -4.2
0 Food and live animals 3,026 18.3 2.9 -26.1 2,029 8.8 1.6 17.8
1 Beverages and tobacco 47 0.3 0.5 63.3 591 2.6 1.7 23.2
2 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 3,509 21.3 5.1 -18.8 508 2.2 1.1 -7.6
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 467 2.8 0.2 -32.6 1,414 6.1 2.2 -34.0
4 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes 1,571 9.5 14.1 16.0 52 0.2 0.8 -0.7
5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s. 636 3.9 0.3 -3.6 4,619 20.0 1.1 0.2
6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 3,866 23.4 2.0 -12.4 3,001 13.0 1.5 -5.1
7 Machinery and transport equipment 2,199 13.3 0.4 -3.8 8,305 35.9 1.1 -6.7
8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 1,093 6.6 0.4 -0.5 2,191 9.5 1.0 2.6
9 Commodities and transactions n.c.e. 60 0.4 0.2 36.1 169 0.7 0.4 -17.5
Other 39 0.2 n.a. n.a. 265 1.1 n.a. n.a.

Trade flows by SITC product grouping 2020 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Imports Exports
SITC Rev. 3 Product Groups Value Mio € % Total % Extra-EU % Growth Value Mio € % Total % Extra-EU % Growth
Total 16,513 100.0 1.0 -13.7 23,144 100.0 1.2 -4.2
Primary products 8,682 52.6 1.9 -17.9 4,745 20.5 1.5 -7.1
- Agricultural products (Food (incl. Fish) & Raw Materials) 6,424 38.9 4.1 -14.4 3,110 13.4 1.5 15.0
- - Food 5,883 35.6 4.4 -14.8 2,801 12.1 1.6 16.1
- - - of which Fish 23 0.1 0.1 22.1 140 0.6 2.4 6.8
- - - Other food products and live animals 5,860 35.5 5.3 -14.9 2,661 11.5 1.6 16.7
- - Raw materials 541 3.3 2.6 -9.5 309 1.3 1.1 5.9
- Fuels and mining products 2,258 13.7 0.8 -26.4 1,635 7.1 1.5 -32.0
- - Ores and other minerals 1,729 10.5 4.6 -24.8 69 0.3 0.4 -30.4
- - Fuels 467 2.8 0.2 -32.6 1,414 6.1 2.2 -34.0
- - - of which Petroleum and petroleum products 66 0.4 0.0 -31.2 698 3.0 1.2 -32.0
- - Non ferrous metals 62 0.4 0.2 -20.5 152 0.7 0.5 -6.4
Manufactures 7,730 46.8 0.6 -7.8 17,931 77.5 1.1 -3.5
- Iron and steel 2,489 15.1 9.2 -18.5 346 1.5 1.2 -5.6
- Chemicals 636 3.9 0.3 -3.6 4,619 20.0 1.1 0.2
- - of which Pharmaceuticals 8 0.1 0.0 -41.5 1,493 6.5 0.7 4.5
- Other semi-manufactures 1,191 7.2 1.4 3.6 1,969 8.5 1.6 -4.7
- Machinery and transport equipment 2,199 13.3 0.4 -3.8 8,305 35.9 1.1 -6.7
- - Office and telecommunication equipment 221 1.3 0.1 -7.3 1,095 4.7 1.1 14.3
- - - Electronic data processing and office equipment 29 0.2 0.0 -1.0 345 1.5 1.1 -2.9
- - - Telecommunications equipment 189 1.2 0.2 -8.4 597 2.6 1.4 33.8
- - - Integrated circuits and electronic components 3 0.0 0.0 9.3 152 0.7 0.6 -2.3
- - Transport equipment 182 1.1 0.1 18.6 2,403 10.4 0.9 -3.2
- - - of which Automotive products 22 0.1 0.0 7.4 1,976 8.5 1.0 -7.6
- - Other machinery 1,796 10.9 0.8 -5.2 4,786 20.7 1.3 -12.3
- - - Power generating machinery 52 0.3 0.2 -10.3 318 1.4 0.7 -42.3
- - - Non electrical machinery 306 1.9 0.3 0.6 2,719 11.8 1.2 -8.1
- - - Electrical machinery 1,437 8.7 1.4 -6.1 1,748 7.6 1.7 -10.1
- Textiles 123 0.8 0.3 -6.4 534 2.3 2.8 -6.0
- Clothing 323 2.0 0.4 -10.0 508 2.2 1.5 2.4
- Other manufactures 768 4.7 0.4 4.0 1,650 7.1 0.9 4.2
- - of which Scientific and controlling instruments 27 0.2 0.1 -24.8 435 1.9 0.7 8.9
Other products 62 0.4 0.2 35.4 203 0.9 0.4 -22.3
Other 39 0.2 n.a. n.a. 265 1.1 n.a. n.a.

% Growth: relative variation between current and previous period

% Total: Share in Total: Total defined as all products
% Extra-EU: imports/exports as % of all EU partners i.e. excluding trade between EU Member States

02-06-2021 4 Units R4 / A3
European Directorate-General
Commission for Trade

European Union, Trade with Ukraine

Trade flows by SITC section 2017 - 2020 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Imports Exports
Value Mio € Value Mio €
2017 2018 2019 2020 2017 2018 2019 2020
Total 16,239 17,426 19,126 16,513 19,838 21,550 24,157 23,144
0 Food and live animals 2,867 3,439 4,095 3,026 1,238 1,435 1,723 2,029
1 Beverages and tobacco 21 31 29 47 280 349 480 591
2 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 3,188 3,688 4,324 3,509 518 534 550 508
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 870 588 693 467 1,664 2,155 2,142 1,414
4 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes 1,300 901 1,354 1,571 48 46 52 52
5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s. 458 597 660 636 3,849 4,054 4,611 4,619
6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 4,172 4,694 4,414 3,866 2,758 2,971 3,162 3,001
7 Machinery and transport equipment 1,946 2,215 2,286 2,199 7,372 7,710 8,897 8,305
8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 913 993 1,099 1,093 1,742 1,928 2,135 2,191
9 Commodities and transactions n.c.e. 37 46 44 60 248 214 205 169
Other 467 235 128 39 121 155 201 265

Trade flows by SITC product grouping 2017 - 2020 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Imports Exports
Value Mio € Value Mio €
SITC Rev. 3 Product Groups 2017 2018 2019 2020 2017 2018 2019 2020
Total 16,239 17,426 19,126 16,513 19,838 21,550 24,157 23,144
Primary products 8,341 8,743 10,573 8,682 3,909 4,685 5,108 4,745
- Agricultural products (Food (incl. Fish) & Raw Materials) 5,667 5,930 7,503 6,424 2,011 2,263 2,704 3,110
- - Food 5,133 5,294 6,905 5,883 1,721 1,975 2,413 2,801
- - - of which Fish 21 17 18 23 88 101 131 140
- - - Other food products and live animals 5,112 5,277 6,887 5,860 1,633 1,874 2,281 2,661
- - Raw materials 534 636 598 541 290 288 292 309
- Fuels and mining products 2,674 2,813 3,070 2,258 1,898 2,422 2,404 1,635
- - Ores and other minerals 1,708 2,128 2,299 1,729 73 100 100 69
- - Fuels 870 588 693 467 1,664 2,155 2,142 1,414
- - - of which Petroleum and petroleum products 57 89 95 66 749 977 1,025 698
- - Non ferrous metals 95 97 78 62 161 167 162 152
Manufactures 7,386 8,402 8,380 7,730 15,542 16,455 18,588 17,931
- Iron and steel 3,048 3,417 3,055 2,489 298 338 366 346
- Chemicals 458 597 660 636 3,849 4,054 4,611 4,619
- - of which Pharmaceuticals 20 15 13 8 1,144 1,183 1,429 1,493
- Other semi-manufactures 939 1,073 1,150 1,191 1,752 1,907 2,066 1,969
- Machinery and transport equipment 1,946 2,215 2,286 2,199 7,372 7,710 8,897 8,305
- - Office and telecommunication equipment 251 304 239 221 791 923 958 1,095
- - - Electronic data processing and office equipment 27 28 30 29 298 330 355 345
- - - Telecommunications equipment 220 274 206 189 352 417 446 597
- - - Integrated circuits and electronic components 4 3 3 3 142 176 156 152
- - Transport equipment 104 137 153 182 2,015 1,976 2,482 2,403
- - - of which Automotive products 23 28 20 22 1,678 1,641 2,137 1,976
- - Other machinery 1,592 1,774 1,894 1,796 4,565 4,809 5,454 4,786
- - - Power generating machinery 55 41 58 52 295 311 552 318
- - - Non electrical machinery 253 279 304 306 2,715 2,725 2,957 2,719
- - - Electrical machinery 1,284 1,453 1,531 1,437 1,554 1,773 1,945 1,748
- Textiles 89 108 131 123 547 556 568 534
- Clothing 346 352 359 323 415 442 496 508
- Other manufactures 558 641 739 768 1,310 1,445 1,583 1,650
- - of which Scientific and controlling instruments 29 18 36 27 310 340 399 435
Other products 45 46 46 62 266 255 261 203
Other 467 235 128 39 121 155 201 265

02-06-2021 5 Units R4 / A3
European Directorate-General
Commission for Trade

European Union, Trade with Ukraine

Trade flows by HS section 2020 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Imports Exports
HS Sections Value Mio € % Total % Extra-EU % Growth Value Mio € % Total % Extra-EU % Growth
I Live animals; animal products 256 1.5 0.9 -15.3 566 2.4 1.3 24.4
II Vegetable products 3,291 19.9 6.0 -25.8 703 3.0 1.9 3.2
III Animal or vegetable fats and oils 1,579 9.6 13.8 16.3 55 0.2 0.8 9.7
IV Foodstuffs, beverages, tobacco 857 5.2 1.8 -3.9 1,621 7.0 1.7 19.4
V Mineral products 2,202 13.3 0.9 -26.2 1,462 6.3 2.1 -33.8
VI Products of the chemical or allied industries 538 3.3 0.3 -5.3 3,826 16.5 1.0 -0.7
VII Plastics, rubber and articles thereof 175 1.1 0.3 -1.7 1,470 6.4 1.8 3.9
VIII Raw hides and skins, and saddlery 68 0.4 0.6 -28.5 172 0.7 1.0 -10.6
IX Wood, charcoal and cork and articles thereof 959 5.8 8.7 -5.2 145 0.6 0.8 2.5
X Pulp of wood, paper and paperboard 129 0.8 0.9 21.7 581 2.5 1.9 -1.8
XI Textiles and textile articles 438 2.7 0.4 -8.9 1,096 4.7 2.1 -3.8
XII Footwear, hats and other headgear 101 0.6 0.5 -9.1 166 0.7 1.2 -1.6
XIII Articles of stone, glass and ceramics 234 1.4 1.7 15.8 292 1.3 1.3 -0.4
XIV Pearls, precious metals and articles thereof 26 0.2 0.1 5.6 45 0.2 0.1 21.5
XV Base metals and articles thereof 2,753 16.7 2.8 -17.5 1,091 4.7 1.1 -9.3
XVI Machinery and appliances 2,029 12.3 0.4 -5.2 5,832 25.2 1.2 -7.5
XVII Transport equipment 173 1.0 0.1 16.8 2,516 10.9 0.9 -3.9
XVIII Optical and photographic instruments, etc. 37 0.2 0.0 -18.3 612 2.6 0.6 1.3
XIX Arms and ammunition 2 0.0 0.2 13.4 25 0.1 0.7 -53.4
XX Miscellaneous manufactured articles 585 3.5 1.3 9.0 511 2.2 1.4 11.1
XXI Works of art and antiques 1 0.0 0.0 25.0 2 0.0 0.1 -2.4
XXII Other 81 0.5 0.6 -51.6 354 1.5 1.8 7.6

AMA / NAMA Product Groups

Total 16,513 100.0 1.0 -13.7 23,144 100.0 1.2 -4.2
Agricultural products (WTO AoA) 6,021 36.5 0.4 -14.3 2,842 12.3 0.1 15.8
Fishery products 24 0.1 0.0 15.2 144 0.6 0.0 5.5
Industrial products 10,468 63.4 0.6 -13.4 20,158 87.1 1.0 -6.5

% Growth: relative variation between current and previous period

% Total: Share in Total: Total defined as all products
% Extra-EU: imports/exports as % of all EU partners i.e. excluding trade between EU Member States

02-06-2021 6 Units R4 / A3
European Directorate-General
Commission for Trade

European Union, Trade with Ukraine

Trade flows by HS section 2017 - 2020 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Imports Exports
HS Sections Value Mio € Value Mio €
2017 2018 2019 2020 2017 2018 2019 2020
Total 16,239 17,426 19,126 16,513 19,838 21,550 24,157 23,144
I Live animals; animal products 238 345 302 256 297 366 455 566
II Vegetable products 2,851 3,308 4,435 3,291 571 565 681 703
III Animal or vegetable fats and oils 1,309 909 1,358 1,579 42 49 50 55
IV Foodstuffs, beverages, tobacco 787 804 892 857 916 1,116 1,358 1,621
V Mineral products 2,562 2,697 2,985 2,202 1,732 2,226 2,210 1,462
VI Products of the chemical or allied industries 396 511 569 538 3,097 3,287 3,852 3,826
VII Plastics, rubber and articles thereof 149 175 178 175 1,321 1,379 1,415 1,470
VIII Raw hides and skins, and saddlery 121 113 95 68 211 215 192 172
IX Wood, charcoal and cork and articles thereof 871 1,027 1,011 959 137 137 141 145
X Pulp of wood, paper and paperboard 101 97 106 129 531 591 591 581
XI Textiles and textile articles 420 448 481 438 1,044 1,075 1,139 1,096
XII Footwear, hats and other headgear 98 114 111 101 156 166 168 166
XIII Articles of stone, glass and ceramics 140 171 202 234 237 251 293 292
XIV Pearls, precious metals and articles thereof 11 15 24 26 21 25 37 45
XV Base metals and articles thereof 3,316 3,714 3,338 2,753 940 1,058 1,204 1,091
XVI Machinery and appliances 1,851 2,089 2,140 2,029 5,159 5,646 6,302 5,832
XVII Transport equipment 102 130 148 173 2,253 2,109 2,619 2,516
XVIII Optical and photographic instruments, etc. 35 26 45 37 458 504 604 612
XIX Arms and ammunition 3 1 2 2 13 41 54 25
XX Miscellaneous manufactured articles 376 456 536 585 397 442 460 511
XXI Works of art and antiques 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
XXII Other 500 274 166 81 302 299 329 354

AMA / NAMA Product Groups 2017 2018 2019 2020 2017 2018 2019 2020
Total 16,239 17,426 19,126 16,513 19,838 21,550 24,157 23,144
Agricultural products (WTO AoA) 5,238 5,416 7,023 6,021 1,787 2,039 2,454 2,842
Fishery products 22 18 21 24 92 105 137 144
Industrial products 10,980 11,993 12,082 10,468 17,959 19,405 21,567 20,158

02-06-2021 7 Units R4 / A3
European Directorate-General
Commission for Trade

Ukraine, Trade with World

Total Goods: Trade flows and balance Source IMF

Period Imports Exports Balance Total trade

Value Mio € % Growth Value Mio € % Growth Value Mio € % Growth Value Mio € % Growth
2010 45,817 38,797 -7,021 84,614
2011 59,344 29.5 49,146 26.7 -10,198 45.3 108,490 28.2
2012 65,892 11.0 53,459 8.8 -12,433 21.9 119,351 10.0
2013 57,950 -12.1 47,668 -10.8 -10,282 -17.3 105,619 -11.5
2014 40,935 -29.4 40,580 -14.9 -354 -96.6 81,515 -22.8
2015 33,801 -17.4 34,371 -15.3 570 -260.9 68,172 -16.4
2016 35,445 4.9 32,784 -4.6 -2,661 -566.8 68,229 0.1
2017 43,124 21.7 37,478 14.3 -5,645 112.1 80,602 18.1
2018 48,337 12.1 39,951 6.6 -8,386 48.6 88,288 9.5
2019 54,025 11.8 44,561 11.5 -9,464 12.9 98,587 11.7
2020 47,195 -12.6 43,104 -3.3 -4,091 -56.8 90,298 -8.4

Total Goods: Top trading partners 2020 Source IMF

Imports Exports Total trade

Partner Value Mio € % World Partner Value Mio € % World Partner Value Mio € % World
World 47,195 100.0 World 43,104 100.0 World 90,298 100.0
1 EU27 19,738 41.8 1 EU27 15,719 36.5 1 EU27 35,457 39.3
2 China 7,227 15.3 2 China 6,232 14.5 2 China 13,459 14.9
3 Russia 3,986 8.4 3 Russia 2,371 5.5 3 Russia 6,357 7.0
4 USA 2,586 5.5 4 Turkey 2,132 4.9 4 Turkey 4,240 4.7
5 Belarus 2,516 5.3 5 India 1,727 4.0 5 Belarus 3,686 4.1
6 Turkey 2,108 4.5 6 Egypt 1,417 3.3 6 USA 3,452 3.8
7 Japan 942 2.0 7 Belarus 1,170 2.7 7 India 2,358 2.6
8 Switzerland 808 1.7 8 USA 865 2.0 8 Egypt 1,487 1.6
9 United Kingdom 701 1.5 9 Indonesia 644 1.5 9 United Kingdom 1,286 1.4
10 India 631 1.3 10 Saudi Arabia 622 1.4 10 Japan 1,103 1.2
--- --- ---
1 EU27 19,738 41.8 1 EU27 15,719 36.5 1 EU27 35,457 39.3

World trade: excluding intra-region trade

Top partners: excluding region member states
% Growth: relative variation between current and previous period

02-06-2021 8 Units R4 / A3
European Directorate-General
Commission for Trade

European Union, Trade with World

Total Goods: Trade flows and balance Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Period Imports Exports Balance Total trade

Value Mio € % Growth Value Mio € % Growth Value Mio € % Growth Value Mio € % Growth
2010 1,471,032 1,435,578 -35,454 2,906,610
2011 1,666,127 13.3 1,624,461 13.2 -41,666 17.5 3,290,588 13.2
2012 1,702,498 2.2 1,770,880 9.0 68,382 3,473,377 5.6
2013 1,630,802 -4.2 1,780,148 0.5 149,347 118.4 3,410,950 -1.8
2014 1,625,426 -0.3 1,796,802 0.9 171,376 14.8 3,422,229 0.3
2015 1,648,068 1.4 1,876,328 4.4 228,260 33.2 3,524,397 3.0
2016 1,602,476 -2.8 1,866,813 -0.5 264,337 15.8 3,469,288 -1.6
2017 1,772,081 10.6 1,994,261 6.8 222,179 -16.0 3,766,342 8.6
2018 1,911,914 7.9 2,060,139 3.3 148,225 -33.3 3,972,053 5.5
2019 1,940,460 1.5 2,131,840 3.5 191,380 29.1 4,072,300 2.5
2020 1,713,840 -11.7 1,932,237 -9.4 218,397 14.1 3,646,078 -10.5

Total Goods: Top trading partners 2020 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Imports Exports Total trade

Partner Value Mio € % Extra-EU Partner Value Mio € % Extra-EU Partner Value Mio € % Extra-EU
World 1,713,840 100.0 World 1,932,237 100.0 World 3,646,078 100.0
1 China 383,888 22.4 1 USA 353,353 18.3 1 China 586,737 16.1
2 USA 202,877 11.8 2 United Kingdom 277,728 14.4 2 USA 556,230 15.3
3 United Kingdom 167,238 9.8 3 China 202,849 10.5 3 United Kingdom 444,966 12.2
4 Switzerland 108,599 6.3 4 Switzerland 142,368 7.4 4 Switzerland 250,967 6.9
5 Russia 95,037 5.5 5 Russia 78,977 4.1 5 Russia 174,014 4.8
6 Turkey 62,466 3.6 6 Turkey 69,887 3.6 6 Turkey 132,353 3.6
7 Japan 54,934 3.2 7 Japan 55,119 2.9 7 Japan 110,053 3.0
8 South Korea 44,105 2.6 8 Norway 48,604 2.5 8 Norway 90,673 2.5
9 Norway 42,069 2.5 9 South Korea 45,291 2.3 9 South Korea 89,397 2.5
10 Vietnam 34,420 2.0 10 Canada 33,460 1.7 10 India 65,191 1.8
--- --- ---
19 Ukraine 16,513 1.0 18 Ukraine 23,144 1.2 18 Ukraine 39,656 1.1

Total Goods: Top product sections 2020 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Rank Imports Exports

Product Value Mio € % Extra-EU Product Value Mio € % Extra-EU
HS Sections HS Sections
1 XVI Machinery and appliances 456,125 26.6 XVI Machinery and appliances 487,467 25.2
2 V Mineral products 247,894 14.5 VI Products of the chemical or allied in... 369,812 19.1
3 VI Products of the chemical or allied in... 209,662 12.2 XVII Transport equipment 271,348 14.0
4 XVII Transport equipment 128,820 7.5 XV Base metals and articles thereof 103,670 5.4
5 XI Textiles and textile articles 114,752 6.7 XVIII Optical and photographic instruments,... 100,792 5.2

SITC Sections SITC Sections

1 7 Machinery and transport equipment 585,311 34.2 7 Machinery and transport equipment 759,372 39.3
2 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 252,541 14.7 5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s. 411,117 21.3
3 5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s. 232,896 13.6 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 227,914 11.8
4 3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related... 221,936 13.0 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly... 204,121 10.6
5 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly... 191,039 11.1 0 Food and live animals 130,834 6.8

% Extra-EU: imports/exports as % of all EU partners i.e. excluding trade between EU Member States
% Growth: relative variation between current and previous period

02-06-2021 9 Units R4 / A3
European Directorate-General
Commission for Trade

Methodological Notes
HS Sections (Harmonized System)
Section HS range Label Section HS range Label
I Ch. 01 - 05 Live animals; animal products XII Ch. 64 - 67 Footwear, hats and other headgear
II Ch. 06 - 14 Vegetable products XIII Ch. 68 - 70 Articles of stone, glass and ceramics
III Ch. 15 Animal or vegetable fats and oils XIV Ch. 71 Pearls, precious metals and articles thereof
IV Ch. 16 - 24 Foodstuffs, beverages, tobacco XV Ch. 72 - 83 Base metals and articles thereof
V Ch. 25 - 27 Mineral products XVI Ch. 84 - 85 Machinery and appliances
VI Ch. 28 - 38 Products of the chemical or allied industries XVII Ch. 86 - 89 Transport equipment
VII Ch. 39 - 40 Plastics, rubber and articles thereof XVIII Ch. 90 - 92 Optical and photographic instruments, etc.
VIII Ch. 41 - 43 Raw hides and skins, and saddlery XIX Ch. 93 Arms and ammunition
IX Ch. 44 - 46 Wood, charcoal and cork and articles thereof XX Ch. 94 - 96 Miscellaneous manufactured articles
X Ch. 47 - 49 Pulp of wood, paper and paperboard XXI Ch. 97 Works of art and antiques
XI Ch. 50 - 63 Textiles and textile articles XXII Not classified

SITC Sections
Section label Section label
Total S5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s.
S0 Food and live animals S6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material
S1 Beverages and tobacco S7 Machinery and transport equipment
S2 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels S8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles
S3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials S9 Commodities and transactions n.c.e.
S4 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes Oth. Other

SITC (rev 4.) Product Groupings

Label SITC codes Label SITC codes
Primary products 0,1,2,3,4,68 - Machinery and transport equipment 7
- Agricultural products (Food (incl. Fish) & Raw 0,1,2,4,excl.27,excl.28 - - Office and telecommunication equipment 75,76,776
- - Food 0,1,22,4 - - - Electronic data processing and office equipment 75
- - - Fish 03 - - - Telecommunications equipment 76
- - - Other food products and live animals 0,1,22,4,excl.03 - - - Integrated circuits and electronic components 776
- - Raw materials 21,23,24,25,26,29 - - Transport equipment 713,7783,78,79
- Fuels and mining products 27,28,3,68 - - - Automotive products 7132,7783,781,782,783,784
- - Ores and other minerals 27,28 - - - Other transport equipment 713,785,786,79,excl.7132
- - Fuels 3 - - Other machinery 71,72,73,74,77,excl.713,excl.
- - - Petroleum and petroleum products 33 - - - Power generating machinery 71,excl.713
- - - Other fuels 3,excl.33 - - - Non electrical machinery 72,73,74
- - Non ferrous metals 68 - - - Electrical machinery 77,excl.776,excl.7783
Manufactures 5,6,7,8,excl.68,excl. - Textiles 65
- Iron and steel 67 - Clothing 84
- Chemicals 5 - Other manufactures 81,82,83,85,87,88,89,excl.
- - Pharmaceuticals 54 - - Personal and household goods 82,83,85
- - Plastics 57,58 - - Scientific and controlling instruments 87
- - Other chemicals 51,52,53,55,56,59 - - Miscellaneous manufactures 81,88,89,excl.891
- Other semi-manufactures 61,62,63,64,66,69 Other products 891,9
Other Total minus sum of other

Statistical Regime
Statistical Regime 4: Total trade including inward and outward processing

02-06-2021 10 Units R4 / A3

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