IOT Cloud Centric

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IoT and Cloud Convergence:

Opportunities and Challenges

A. Rahim Biswas Create-Net, Italy

 IoT and Cloud vision and requirements

 Convergence approach’s
 Example of existing platform
 Emerging challenges of IoT/Cloud

"Cloud computing a new business model and

management (e.g. data and device) paradigm of
Internet of thing"

”IoT is to enlarge the opportunities of cloud

service provisioning "
What is IoT?

 IoT is the vision of future connected physical and

virtual world, several billions of heterogeneous
devices/objects and big data, to provide smart
and personalize services to users
 Connectivity, convergence and intelligent
Major IoT platform requirements

 A real-time online platform that

 Dynamically management IoT data/objects and
 Provide connectivity of the diverse
heterogeneous objects, considering the
interoperability issues
 Deriving the value (useful information and
knowledge) from this connection and large
volume of IoT data
IoT Enablers

IoT platform functionalities (1/2)

 Ubiquitous accessibility and connectivity,

facilitation of maximum accessibility as well as
connectivity of the diverse heterogeneous
objects/services and various volumes of users
including mobility
 Dynamic management/orchestration of users,
billions of devices as well as massive amount of
data produced by those connected devices
IoT platform functionalities (2/2)

 Maximum resources utilization, enabling of

sharing of IoT resources (objects,
applications, platforms)
 Personalization of users and services,
providing services based on users preference
and requirements including real-world
What Cloud offers?

 Dynamic resources sharing platform

 Offers scalable, elasticity resources and
services management
 Location independent can be access from any
 Reliable and easy access of the services
 Large amount of computing and storage
 It is also more homogeneous
Convergence of IoT and Cloud

 For IoT to provide cloud computing

functionalities, to support on realization of
IoT vision
 For Cloud, IoT to provide huge opportunities
for cloud services
Convergence approach’s

 Cloud-centric IoT (Bring IoT functionalities in

 IoT-Centric Cloud (Bring Cloud functionalities
in IoT
Cloud-centric IoT

 Bring IoT data in the cloud

 Processing and computing the data and
deploy management tools in cloud
 This approach this good if service are
provided among objects located in multiple
 Giving several example (market platform,
project platform..)
ThingWorx IoT Software Platfrom
 ThingWorx IoT software Platform
 Providing IoT service for SMEs, industries, business chain
 It provides complete application, run-time and intelligent environment
Carriots Cloud platform
 Carriots platform as a service design for IoT and M2M
Axeda IoT Cloud Services
SensorCloud platform

 MicroStrain’s SensorCloud™ is a unique sensor data storage,

visualization and remote management platform that leverages
powerful cloud computing technologies to provide excellent
data scalability, rapid visualization, and user programmable
Cloud-centric IoT platform

hosting databases partners SI applications

FBConsulting, OneM2M presentation; Based on ETSI Smart City WS

June 2013 presentation M. Arndt, ORANGE.
Cognitive IoT Cloud Platform

Our managed All devices your devices

Simple, scalable, robust, resilient,
trustful & secure
IoT- Centric Cloud (1/2)

 IoT infrastructure will provide the opportunities

to take services, workloads, applications and
large amounts of data and deliver it all to the
edge of the network.
 Processing and storage of data close to
users/near to sources
 To distribute data to move it closer to the end-users to
eliminate latency, numerous hop, and support mobile
computing and data streaming
 Creating dense geographical distribution
IoT- Centric Cloud (2/2)

 This approach are useful when service is

provisioned from the data coming from same
 Supporting end-users security
 Data process and service execute locally
(distributed cloud processing, sub-work flow,
data aggregation locally)
IoT-Centric cloud computing
Emerging IoT-Cloud challenges (1/3)

 Real-time data processing and service provisioning

 “Big data” storage and processing for real-time services
 un-structure and semi-structure data coming from distributed
sources and requirements to provide real-time/near real-time
 More dynamic configuration/ resources
management/orchestration/automated provisioning of
resources from/to IoT
 Considering performance targets/constraints
 Offloading from clients/hosts to cloud
 At design and run time
 Including mobile users/apps
 Dynamic metering when IoT devices are shared
Emerging IoT-Cloud challenges (2/3)

 More distributed processing and storage of the massive data

as well as cloud functionalities
 Decentralized (and infrastructure-less) clouds
 Processing capabilities and data positioned closer to users
 Migration of servers to follow mobile users
 Virtualization of IoT devices: Access to advanced
resources/specialized hardware, including GPUs, sensors, etc.
 Emerging business model: Data-incentive cloud-based
 Considering data migration issues and avoiding lock-in
Emerging IoT-Cloud Challenges (3/3)

 Portability of the services

 Users experience creation and enablement
 Interoperability: Interoperability between cloud/IoT services
and infrastructure
 Accountability- Services and data hosted and executed
across borders
 Enabling reliable and real-time communication from objects
to applications and vice-versa;
iCore Project IoT Framework
Thank you very much

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