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Cô Phí Thị Bích Ngọc
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 1[PTBN]. I was reluctant to _______ the subject because I thought he wouldn't want to discuss it.
A. raise B. originate C. advance D. provoke
Question 2[PTBN]. The famous singer threatened to sue a streamer who had spread nasty rumors about her
past to the public __________.
A. eye B. hand C. mouth D. ear
Question 3[PTBN].It's not the beauty so much as the range of his voice that __________ his from other
A. varies B. distinguishes C. compares D. differs
Question 4[PTBN]. Despite living in different states, the two families have ___________ a close friendship.
A. maintained B. reserved C. conserved D. saved
Question 5[PTBN]. Many women __________ their own ambitions to put their family first.
A. contribute B. dedicate C. sacrifice D. devote
Question 6[PTBN]. Safety features are fully ____________ into the design of our vehicles.
A. confided B. integrated C. believed D. combined
Question 7[PTBN]: His _____ of safety regulations really can’t be ignored any longer.
A. inattention B. disregard C. carelessness D. unfamiliarity
Question 8[PTBN]. The town's main ______________ are its beautiful mosque and ancient marketplace.
A. features B. forms C. ideas D. shapes
Question 9[PTBN]. In Vietnam, people __________ that they are in agreement by nodding their heads.
A. reject B. signify C. report D. share
Question 10[PTBN]: A good leader should not be conservative, but rather ______ to new ideas.
A. receptive B. acceptable C. permissive D. applicable
Question 11[PTBN]: ______ individuals are those who share the same hobbies, interests, or points of view.
A. Light-hearted B. Like-minded C. Even-handed D. Open-minded
Question 12[PTBN]. He has been _________ by the Green Party as their candidate in the next election.
A. nominated B. succeeded C. awarded D. distinguished
Question 13[PTBN]. I’m just getting fed up because it feels like you everything I do around the house for
A. dressed B. served C. granted D. needed
Question 14[PTBN]. It goes without saying that Doyle’s active life provided him with _______ experiences
for his stories.
A. vivid B. steady C. harmful D. Stable
Question 15[PTBN]. She was the first in her family to enjoy the privilege of a university
A. technology B. schedule C. education D. science
Question 16[PTBN]. He was __________ from school for his continued bad behavior.
A. released B. eliminated C. expelled D. fired
Question 17[PTBN]. The teacher likes her essay because it's very _____.
A. imaginary B. imaginable C. imaginative D. imagination
Question 18[PTBN]. The country should __________ admission to the European Union before it takes any
further action.
A. find B. seek C. chase D. track
Question 19[PTBN]. She doesn’t __________ much money, but she enjoys the work.
A. produce B. invent C. earn D. pick
Question 20[PTBN]. Many students take jobs to pay the __________ for their courses.
A. tuition B. fare C. pension D. scholarship
Question 21[PTBN]. Additional training is probably the best way to __________ your career these days.
A. increase B. further C. farther D. expand
Question 22[PTBN]. The virus affects the body's immune system so that it cannot fight __________.
A. infection B. injection C. digestion D. ingestion
Question 23[PTBN]. Since Larry Stewart's death in 2007, his example has __________others to continue his
mission of kindness and charitable work.
A. spread B. dedicated C. abandoned D. inspired
Question 24[PTBN]. Obama was __________ in as president and he became the 44th president of the United
A. believed B. switched C. taken D. sworn
Question 25[PTBN]. She took advantage of every opportunity to __________ her position in the company.
A. keep B. put C. hold D. catch
Question 26[PTBN]. The Pacific region has rapidly __________ as a leading force on the world stage.
A. involved B. emerged C. enabled D. immersed
Question 27[PTBN]. In __________ interviews, Steele has contradicted his original story.
A. substantial B. subtitled C. subsequent D. submissive
Question 28[PTBN]. He earned a __________ at the University of Chicago.
A. doctor B. doctoral C. doctors D. doctorate
Question 29[PTBN]. Maria was elected __________ the board of directors in 1997.
A. with B. for C. to D. at
Question 30[PTBN]. A top German engineer has been __________ to troubleshoot the cause of the accident.
A. devoted B. appointed C. accessed D. divided
Question 31[PTBN]: You can ask Jockeys anything about algebra. He actually has a quite good_____for a
on calculation.
A. understanding B. head C. knowledge D. ability
Question 32[PTBN]. During his __________ as mayor, relations with the police department worsened.
A. tension B. tendency C. tenure D. texture
Question 33[PTBN]. There is a strong __________ for peace among the people.
A. abuse B. choice C. pleasure D. desire
Question 34[PTBN]. The plan has __________ a lot of criticism from local people.
A. driven B. drawn C. pulled D. dragged
Question 35[PTBN]. My two brothers get on well with each other because they have ___________ hobbies
and interests.
A. alike B. equal C. similar D. common
Question 36[PTBN]. Maintaining classroom _____________ is the first task of every teacher.
A. value B. decision C. discipline D. situation
Question 37[PTBN]: A father plays a __________ role in offering his family’s financial support.
A. practical B. useful C. vital D. rapid
Question 38[PTBN]: He never seems to show any ______ in his children.
A. interest B. contact C. attention D. attraction
Question 39[PTBN]: Single parenthood can be the result of the death, ___________, or separation, but it can
also result from women having children on their own thanks to fertility treatments.
A. marriage B. division C. divorce D. engagement
Question 40[PTBN]: As a _______________ in his family, Mr Black has to work hard all the time for money.
A. breadwinner B. bread maker C. winner D. bread
Question 41[PTBN]: No matter how exhilarating my travels are, I'm always thrilled to come home. East or
West, ___________ is best.
A. local B. foreign C. home D. national
Question 42[PTBN]: He was the product of a ____________ home and therefore a single parent child.
A. damaged B. ruined C. destroyed D. broken
Question 43[PTBN]: I hate standing out here in the cold, waiting for the dog to do his ____________.
A. responsibility B. duty C. work D. role
Question 44[PTBN]: You can make a good _______________ in sales if you have the right attitude.
A. lifetime B. life C. living D. live
Question 45[PTBN]. Singers performing Mozart's operas often dress in historical ___________.
A. costume B. uniform C. custom D. shirt
Question 46[PTBN]. Nationalist parties ______________ to oppose the government's plans..
A. suppose B. oblige C. unite D. determine
Question 47[PTBN]. Normally he was a stickler for _____________ but today he was late.
A. lateness B. punctuality C. presence D. appointment
Question 48[PTBN]. It's __________ not to say "Thank you" when you are given something.
A. polite B. formal C. rude D. true
Question 49[PTBN]. It's incorrect to address people by their first names at these __________ events.
A. formal B. informal C. polite D. impolite
Question 50[PTBN]. If people want to see their bosses, they should make an __________ in advance.
A. date B. appointment C. difference D. classroom
Question 51[PTBN]. In __________ to the South African and Pakistani respondents, Dutch respondents did
not allow longer waiting times for people with higher status.
A. addition B. general C. particular D. contrast
Question 52[PTBN]. I meant it as a bit of constructive advice, but he took it as a personal __________.
A. praise B. situation C. insult D. average
Question 53[PTBN]. We ______________ a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus
A. practiced B. scheduled C. conducted D. discussed
Question 54[PTBN]. No matter what your approach, your goal should be to __________ the bill in a way
that makes you and others feel comfortable.
A. break B. separate C. scatter D. split
Question 55[PTBN]. Both the Americans and Vietnamese believe that success is __________ a lot of money.
A. inventing B. producing C. earning D. searching
Question 56[PTBN]. Before we visit a country, we should familiarize ourselves with its customs and know
how to __________ both verbally and nonverbally.
A. express B. reach C. communicate D. access
Question 57[PTBN]. Arriving at least five minutes before an interview will not only show that you are
professional but also gives you time to __________ yourself.
A. apologize B. recommend C. compose D. arrive
Question 58[PTBN]. A smile will at least __________ yourself when you call someone by the wrong name.
A. repeat B. redeem C. record D. retouch
Question 59[PTBN]. You must first __________ permission before taking someone’s belongings.
A. persuade B. call C. seek D. receive
Question 60[PTBN]. Our basketball team successfully _______ the championship.
A. protected B. held C. assured D. defended
Question 61[PTBN]. Since Elgin was fired from the university, he has been forced to work hard to earn his
A. tuition B. debt C. livelihood D. finance
Question 62[PTBN]. Traffic __________ is another big problem in the city whose road system cannot cope
with the increased number of vehicles.
A. arms B. immigrant C. sanitation D. congestion
Question 63[PTBN]. We are a very _______ family and support each other through any crises.
A. old – established B. well – to – do C. low – income D. close – knit
Question 64[PTBN]. It is not easy to _______ our beauty when we get older and older.
A. develop B. maintain C. gain D. collect
Question 65[PTBN]. Give the kids some toys – that should hold their _________ for a while.
A. attention B. instance C. communication D. situation
Question 66[PTBN]. To __________ someone’s attention, we can use either verbal or non – verbal forms of
A. borrow B. attract C. steal D. buy
Question 67[PTBN]. Many young people have objected to ___________marriage, which is decided by the
parents of the bride and groom.
A. agreed B. shared C. contractual D. sacrificed
Question 68[PTBN]. A new campaign has already been ________ by all high schools in the district to help
disadvantaged children go to school.
A. stimulated B. determined C. achieved D. launched
Question 69[PTBN]. Many children are under such a high _____________ of learning that they do not feel
happy at school.
A. recommendation B. interview C. pressure D. concentration
Question 70[PTBN]: Mr. Brown has kindly agreed to spare us some of his _____ time to answer our
A. costly B. valuable C. beneficial D. worthy
Question 71[PTBN]: A survey was _____ to study the effects of smoking on young adults.
A. commented B. filled C. conducted D. carried
Question 72[PTBN]: The _______ of the Internet has played an important part in the development of
A. research B. invention C. occurrence D. display
Question 73[PTBN]: A university degree is considered to be a ______ for entry into most professions.
A. request B. claim C. requisite D. demand
Question 74[PTBN]: They were among the first companies to exploit the ______ of the Internet.
A. prospect B. ability C. potential D. possibility
Question 75[PTBN]: Thanks to her father's encouragement, she has made great _____ in her study.
A. contribution B. development C. standard D. progress
Question 76[PTBN]: Jim didn't break the vase on _____ , but he was still punished for his carelessness.
A. intention B. purpose C. occasion D. chance
Question 77[PTBN]: I am not used to the cold weather here, so I need to have a heating system ______.
A. serviced B. installed C. developed D. repaired
Question 78[PTBN]: I wouldn’t like to be a senior manager. You have to _____ a lot of responsibility.
A. suggest B. carry C. convey D. bear
Question 79[PTBN]: The process of _____ Jackson from a talented teenager into a franchise player began in
training camp.
A. exchanging B. transforming C. altering D. converting
Question 80[PTBN]: Every household should be more careful in the way that they ________ of waste.
A. eliminate B. throw C. disposal D. dispose
Question 81[PTBN]: Kathy is a very _____ girl. She can make friends easily even though she is in a strange
A. shy B. polite C. sociable D.unfriendly
Question 82[PTBN]: The mother __________ her little son. She gives him whatever he wants.
A. spoils B. damages C. harms D. ruins
Question 83[PTBN]: Nobody took any _____ of the warning and they went swimming in the contaminated
A. sight B. attention C. information D. notice
Question 84[PTBN]: Sarah and I __________ reserved the rooms in the same hotel. She was really surprised
to see me there.
A. deliberately B. intentionally C. coincidentally D. practically
Question 85[PTBN]: Violent films may have a negative ______ on children.
A. opinion B. influence C. dependence D. decision
Question 86[PTBN]: Today, some students tend to _____ the importance of soft skills as they solely focus
on academic subjects at school.
A. overlook B. urge C. emphasize D. implement
Question 87[PTBN]: The widened _____ will help keep traffic flowing during rush hours.
A. entryway B. runway C. freeway D. pathway
Question 88[PTBN]: As John _____ enjoyed doing research, he never could imagine himself pursuing other
A. thoroughly B. totally C. extremely D. utterly
Question 89[PTBN]: Everyone will tell you that becoming a parent is challenging, but you never really know
what that means until you learn about it the _____ way.
A. long B. direct C. full D. hard
Question 90[PTBN]: John will never buy you a drink – he’s far too _____.
A. tight-fisted B. pigheaded C. highly-strung D. easy-going
Question 91[PTBN]: Fishing in the reservoir is ______ prohibited.
A. sorely B. strictly C. largely D. highly
Question 92[PTBN]: Has it been decided who is going to ______ the orchestra yet?
A. govern B. handle C. conduct D. guide
Question 93[PTBN]: _________ school fees helps many poor students have more chances to attend
A. Slowing B. Reducing C. Declining D. Dropping
Question 94[PTBN]: It was ________ easy for him to learn baseball because he had been a cricket player.
A. purposefully B. exceedingly C. relatively D. normally
Question 95[PTBN]: Although the _____ construction costs of environmentally friendly houses are very
high, they are very economical in the long run.
A. first B. introductory C. initial D. opening
Question 96[PTBN]: The child has no problem reciting the poem; he has ______ it to memory.
A. devoted B. added C. committed D. admitted
Question 97[PTBN]: My mother often_____our mistakes, whereas my father is very strict and punishes us
for even the slightest one.
A. appreciates B. overlooks C. avoids D. enjoys
Question 98[PTBN]: A lot of different conservation efforts have been made to save_____species.
A.endangered B. available C. plant-eating D. contaminated
Question 99[PTBN]: It is stated that we are now in the first stages of a battle for the_____of life on the earth.
A. responsibility B. reservation C. sustainability D. purification
Question 100[PTBN]: My New Year’s_____ this year is to spend less time on Facebook and more time on
my schoolwork. But I’m not sure I will keep it.
A. resolution B. salutation C. wish D. pray
Question 101[PTBN]: His brother refuses to even listen to anyone else's point of view. He is very _____.
A. open-minded B. absent-minded C. narrow-minded D. kind-hearted
Question 102[PTBN]: The company allows some customers to buy goods on_____and pay for them later.
A. card B. cheque C. credit D. cash
Question 103[PTBN]: The job requires certain _________. You have to be good at operating computers and
dealing with people.
A. qualifications B. knowledge C. techniques D. skills
Question 104[PTBN]: Why don't you _____ these photos into your computer, because then you would have
your own digital copies.
A. change B. scan C. put D. give
Question 105[PTBN]: Getting promotion also means getting more _______.
A. responsibility B. ability C. advisability D. creativity
Question 106[PTBN]: Fitzgerald is eager to _____ Martin's record of three successive world titles.
A. copy B. emulate C. produce D. imitate
Question 107[PTBN]: Oprah Winfrey has been an important role model for black American women, breaking
down many invisible _____.
A. barriers B. trends C. gaps D. races
Question 108[PTBN]: Robots can act as 24/7 ____ to children with disabilities or the elderly.
A. devices B. contribution C. equipment D. aids
Question 109[PTBN]:He could no longer ______her anger and started yelling at him.
A. keep B. escape C. include D.contain
Question 110[PTBN]: Books are still a cheap ________ to get knowledge and entertainment.
A. way B. means C. measure D. method
Question 111[PTBN]: Getting promotion also means getting more________.
A. responsibility B. creativity C. advisability D. ability
Question 112[PTBN]: I enjoy watching some of the television programs on ______ affairs.
A. real B. actual C. current D. present
Question 113[PTBN]: The technological revolutions and economic development of the 19th century had a
considerable ________ on workers.
A. cause B. effect C. consequence D. impact
Question 114[PTBN]: Known as 'Ha Long Bay on Land', Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex is famous
for its mountains, caves, and archeological_______.
A. heritages B. relics C. excavations D. sites
Question 115[PTBN]: Most of this growth had occurred since 1950 and was known as the
A. surplus B. explosion C. growth D. density
Question 116[PTBN]: This current event is_______ live by satellite to over one hundred countries.
A. transacted B. transmitted C. translated D. transferred
Question 117[PTBN]: I have great_______ for the young teachers who devote their life to teaching children
in remote and mountainous areas.
A. intention B. admiration C. sympathy D. consideration
Question 118[PTBN]: _______ to most of the Vietnamese universities depends on examination results.
A. Admittance B. Admission C. Permission D. Allowance
Question 119[PTBN]: He waited 18 days before going on television to give an accurate_______ of the worst
nuclear disaster in history.
A. account B. speech C. narration D. illustration
Question 120[PTBN]: During the pandemic, many old people struggled to live on a small _______.
A. fee B. charge C. debt D. pension
Question 121[PTBN]: Everything's a bit more expensive here and property prices are extremely high. A lot
of people have no choice but to live in the ____ and commute to work.
A. city B. suburbs C. urban D. outskirt
Question 122[PTBN]: Steve Jobs might hardly imagine that only a year later the company _______
impressive victory with Apple II, one of the first highly successful mass-produced personal computers.
A. attained B. tasted C. saw D. achieved
Question 123[PTBN]: Young people leave their home villages to find ______ jobs in the fast growing
industrial zones.
A. day-to-day B. wide- ranging C. well-paid D. weather-beaten
Question 124[PTBN]: I don't have much opportunity for leisure_______ these days.
A. interests B. experiences C. practices D. pursuits
Question 125[PTBN]: There is a strong movement supporting the abolition of the death______.
A. condemnation B. punishment C. penalty D. discipline
Question 126[PTBN]: When there is a surplus electricity on the grid, these facilities use that power to pump
water from the lower _______ to the higher one.
A. reservoir B. lake C. puddle D. pond
Question 127[PTBN]: The report shows that poor families spend a larger proportion of their _____ on food
A. wage B. debt C. tip D. income
Question 128[PTBN]: Lying to gain personal benefits can be considered as _________ a crime.
A. happening B. committing C. attending D. supporting
Question 129[PTBN]: The bank will insist you produce a driving ________ or passport as a form of ID.
A. certificate B. degree C. license D. diploma
Question 130[PTBN]: It was noticeable how a few people managed to ________ their will on the others.
A. focus B. break C. judge D. impose
Question 131[PTBN]: She worked as an assistant in the firm for several years before she finally left to seek
her _______ as an independent contractor.
A. opportunity B. chance C. luck D. fortune
Question 132[PTBN]: His poor standard of play fully justifies his _______ from the team for the next match.
A. expulsion B. rejection C. dismissal D. exclusion
Question 133[PTBN]: When preparing a CV, university ___________ can consider attaching a separate
report about official work experience during the course.
A. leavers B. graduates C. candidates D. applicants
Question 134[PTBN]: This ticket _____________ you to a free meal in our new restaurant.
A. credits B. grants C. allows D. entitles
Question 135[PTBN]: Many students will not have to pay__________fees if their financial situation is below
a certain level.
A. collaboration B. institution C. tuition D. transcript
Question 136[PTBN]: We had a dreadful________ in the restaurant, but he phoned me the next day to
A. discussion B. presentation C. debate D. argument
Question 137[PTBN]: If we lose the case we may be _______________ for the costs of the whole trial.
A. compatible B. liable C. available D. accessible
Question 138[PTBN]: Monica, his mother agrees to _______ David, a robotic boy capable of human
A. interfere B. resurrect C. reunite D.activate
Question 139[PTBN]: The committee is _______ of well-known mountaineers.
A. contained B. comprised C. included D. consisted
Question 140[PTBN]: This ticket ____ you to a free meal in our new restaurant.
A. allows B. grants C. entitles D. credits
Question 141[PTBN]: We usually do go by train, even though the car________ is a lot quicker.
A. travel B. journey C. trip D. voyage
Question 142[PTBN]: Oprah Winfrey has been an important role model for black American women, breaking
down many invisible _______.
A. barriers B. trends C. gaps D. races
Question 143[PTBN]: The________lay with the organizers, who failed to make the necessary arrangements
for dealing with so many people.
A. mistake B. foul C. fault D. error
Question 144[PTBN]: Cosmetic or plastic surgery often __________ images of famous personalities wanting
to alter their appearances through elective surgical procedures.
A. prohibits B. evokes C. exterminates D. publicizes
Question 145[PTBN]: Fog smothered districts 1, 4 and 7, where many drivers complained of poor ________
until noon.
A. tension B. view C. visibility D. vision
Question 146[PTBN]: Many applicants find a job interview _______ if they are not well-prepared for it.
A. stressful B. time- consuming C. threatening D. impressive
Question 147[PTBN]: Fixed term employment also known as contract work is used for single projects or to
replace workers on ____________ .
A. permission B. leave C. duty D. absence
Question 148[PTBN]: These courses are designed to _________ with university degrees.
A. accomplish B. accommodate C. articulate D. affiliate
Question 149[PTBN]: Traditional ___________ industries such as handicrafts continue to play a role in the
economies of many Asian countries.
A. slum B. hut C. dwelling D. cottage
Question 150[PTBN]: _______ to most of the Vietnamese universities depends on examination results.
A. Admittance B. Admission C. Permission D. Allowance
Question 151[PTBN]: Peter used to hate exercise, but his sister has ______ him to do it.
A. conveyed B. transferred C. transformed D. converted
Question 152[PTBN]: At the ______ level, you can join three-year or four-year colleges.
A. secondary B. primary C. postgraduate D. undergraduate
Question 153[PTBN]: World Population Day is an annual event, observed on July 11 every year, which aims
to ______ people’s awareness of global population issues such as the importance of family planning,
gender equality.
A. rise B. raise C. arise D. lift
Question 154[PTBN]: Realizing that self-study is not really effective, she enrolled a _______ course to get
higher scores in the coming examination.
A. quick B. crash C. fast D. speedy
Question 154[PTBN]: I found the information for the project in the encyclopedia but I couldn’t give_____
and verse on it.
A. chapter B. unit C. poem D. extract
Question 156[PTBN]: Environmental groups try to stop farmers from using harmful______ on their crops.
A. economy B. agriculture C. investments D. chemicals
Question 157[PTBN]: Candidates applying for this position must have a master's ______ in science.
A. diploma B. degree C. licence D. certificate
Question 158[PTBN]: From the top of the cathedral tower there are some spectacular ____ of the surrounding
A. sights B. sites C. views D. scenery
Question 159[PTBN]: Removing one's footwear before entering a home or a temple before worship
_______a sign of respect, humility, and submissiveness
A. infers B. refers C. denotes D. deduces
Question 160[PTBN]: The spotlight in the showbiz is ______ to those who cannot tolerate the pressure from
the general and the press.
A. permanent B. vague C. bitter D. ephemeral
Question 161[PTBN]: The functional skills such as fundamentals of agriculture, health and hygiene and
population education have also been incorporated in the primary school _______.
A. curriculum B. project C. timetable D. schedule
Question 162[PTBN]: ______ pollution occurs when toxic substances contaminate such bodies of water as
streams, rivers, lakes.
A. Noise B. Air C. Soil D. Water
Question 163[PTBN]: Don’t worry so much. We will see that the children come to no ______.
A. loss B. damage C. harm D. injury
Question 164[PTBN]: Do you spend ______ time with your youngsters at teatime, read to them, play with
A. characteristic B. attribute C. property D. quality
Question 165[PTBN] : I didn't know whether his story was true or not, but I decided to give him the ____ of
the doubt.
A. advantage B. drawback C. benefit D. disadvantage
Question 166[PTBN]: Books are still a cheap ________ to get knowledge and entertainment.
A. way B. means C. measure D.method
Question 167[PTBN]: If factories pump their raw ______ into the sea, many fish will die out.
A. spill B. water C. trash D. sewage
Question 168[PTBN]: Mr. Pike is certainly a _____ writer, he has written quite a few books this year.
A. prolific B. fruitful C. fertile D. successful
Question 169[PTBN]: ___________ wisdom has it that higher oil prices are bad for economic growth.
A. Great B. Popular C. Complex D. Modern
Question 170[PTBN]: Two of the _____ in this company were sacked last week because they were always
going to work late.
A. employees B. employers C. applications D. applicants
Question 171[PTBN]: The growth in employment and wages gives consumers some spending __________
to absorb the higher cost of energy.
A. ability B. force C. energy D. power
Question 172[PTBN]:. The music is believed to _____ the composer's joy of life.
A. appeal B. attract C. express D. arouse
Question 173[PTBN]: I could feel the earth _______ as the earth-quake began.
A. go B. shake C. circle D. orbit
Question 174[PTBN]: The government’s major _____ has not only included legal, economic, and political
but also changed the ways in which people live, dress, dream of their future and make a living.
A. status B. achievement C. civilization D. power
Question 175[PTBN]: The increase in the number of young people leaving to work in the cities has had a
dramatic ______ on the demography of the villages.
A. reputation B. advantage C. focus D. impact
Question 176[PTBN]: She made the ________ mistake of forgetting to put the “ s” on the verb in the third
person singular.
A. classic B. important C. classical D. famous
Question 177[PTBN]: This agreement, once it comes into force, will bring ______ benefits to over 5,000
Canadians by coordinating pension benefits between Canada and Poland.
A. immediate B. oncoming C. instant D. prompt
Question 178[PTBN]: Linda joined an animal rights group to get in ______ with people who felt the same
way as her.
A. conflict B. trouble C. contact D. effect
Question 179[PTBN]: The family is selling their large country house because they can no longer afford
A. upkeep B. domain C. extract D. disposal
Question 180[PTBN]: It is easier to understand new words when they are used in their proper _____.
A. context B. situation C. environment D. background
Question 181[PTBN]: Living in their own country, people can easily acquire and maintain their cultural
identity because they are fully ___________ to different aspects of their native culture.
A. used B. objected C. exposed D. refused
Question 182[PTBN]:The prospect of the writer under surveillance has long held a ___________ for readers.
A. desire B. love C. preference D.fascination
Question 183[PTBN]: Another ______ characteristic of water is that water has a heat capacity which is the
highest of all liquids and solids except ammonia.
A. outstanding B. excellent C. exceptionally good D. talented
Question 184[PTBN]: Much of our knowledge about prehistoric animals comes from the study of ________.
A. relics B. artifacts C. ruins D. fossils
Question 185[PTBN]: Mr. Pike is certainly a _____ writer, he has written quite a few books this year.
A. prolific B. fruitful C. fertile D. successful
Question 186[PTBN]: Please send a reply to the wedding invitation in order to__________ your attendance.
A. reassure B. confirm C. assure D. guarantee
Question 187[PTBN]: I took your ______ and applied for promotion.
A. thought B. view C. opinion D. advice
Question 188[PTBN]: Mexico City is growing quickly. In 1970, the city had about 9 million people. Now it
has over 17 million. All these people are causing ______ for the city.
A. problems B. matters C. troubles D. issues
Question 189[PTBN] : I think he feels a lot of ______ towards his father, who treated him very badly as a
A. wonder B. server C. shelter D. anger
Question 190[PTBN]: The opening ______ of the movie was filmed in New York City several years ago.
A. image B. sight C. scene D. view
Question 191[PTBN]: The Prime Minister managed to ______ any tricky questions asked by the
A. shirk B. duck C. dodge D. evade
Question 192[PTBN]: He was out of his ______ in the advanced class, so he moved to the intermediate class.
A. height B. width C. depth D.size
Question 193[PTBN]: During rush hours, the traffic is usually___________ and cars are closing up behind
each other.
A. light B. heavy C. substantial D. enormous
Question 194[PTBN]: Language, culture and personality may be considered independent of each other in
thought, but they are _______ in fact.
A. inseparable B. separated C. separable D. inseparably
Question 195[PTBN]: The government's major _____ has not only included legal, economic, and political
gains but also changed the ways in which people live, dress, dream of their future and make a living.
A. status B. achievement C. power D. civilization
Question 196[PTBN]: Lying to gain personal benefits can be considered as _____ a crime.
A. supporting B. attending C. happening D. committing
Question 197[PTBN]: The technological revolutions and economic development of the 19th century had a
considerable _____ on workers.
A. consequence B. impact C. effect D. cause
Question 198[PTBN]: The woman was _____ from hospital yesterday only a week after her operation.
A. evicted B. discharged C. ejected D.elevated
Question 199[PTBN]: According to the _____of the contract, tenants must give six months notice if they
intend to leave.
A. rules B. details C. laws D. terms
Question 200[PTBN]: Most teenagers go through a rebellious ______ for a few years but they soon grow out
of it.
A. duration B. stint C. phase D. span



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