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Random Projection and Its Applications

Article · October 2017

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1 author:

Mahmoud Nabil
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


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Random Projection and Its Applications

Mahmoud Nabil
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Tennessee Tech. University, TN, USA 38505

Abstract—Random Projection is a foundational research topic Another task which frequently involves random projection
that connects a bunch of machine learning algorithms under a when the data dimensionality is high, is nearest neighbor
similar mathematical basis. It is used to reduce the dimensionality search where the target is to return a group of data points
of the dataset by projecting the data points efficiently to a
which are closely related to a given query. One can argue here
arXiv:1710.03163v1 [cs.LG] 9 Oct 2017

smaller dimensions while preserving the original relative distance

between the data points. In this paper, we are intended to ex- why textual search methods like inverted index can work on
plain random projection method, by explaining its mathematical large document data sets but can’t work for images. This for
background and foundation, the applications that are currently two main reasons. First, textual data are sparse which means
adopting it, and an overview on its current research perspective. if you picked up any document it only contains a few set
Index Terms—Big Data, Random Projections, Dimensionality of tokens from the language vocabulary, however for images,
Reduction data are dense where for any image the useful pixels spans
most of the image. Second, the tokens themselves are the
I. I NTRODUCTION features to the document, where only two or three words are
Data transformation and projection is fundamental tool that enough to describe the document unlike the pixels. These
is used in many application to analyze data sets and character- reasons make random projection more appealing for nearest
ize its main features. Principal component analysis (PCA) for neighbor searching applications. The idea is that, For a given
square matrices, and its generalization Singular-value decom- search query instead of doing a similarity matching brute force
position (SVD) for rectangular real or complex matrices are search for all data points in our dataset, we are only need to
examples of orthogonal data transformation techniques that are search in the region that surrounds our query. The searching is
used in many fields such as signal processing and statistics. done in two stages namely: candidate selection, and candidates
They are used to transform sparse matrices to condensed evaluation where every data point in the new search space
matrices in order to get high information density, pattern are evaluated. The core idea is to partition the search space
discovery, space efficiency and ability to visualize the data set. into dynamic variable size regions. This force close data
Despite their popularity, Classical dimensionality reduction points to be mapped to the same regions which increases their
tecniques have some limitations. First, the resultant directions probabilities to be as candidates for a given search query in
of projection are data dependent which make problems when the same region. In addition, to further increase the search
the size of the data set increased in the future. Second, they success rate, the search region can be partitioned several
require high computational resources as so it is impractical time depending on the required accuracy and the processing
for high dimensional data. For instance, R-SVD one of the time. Figure 1 shows an example of random projection using
fastest algorithms for SVD requires O(km2 n + k ′ n3 ) [1] for approximate nearest neighbors method on two dimensional
m × n matrix (where k and k ′ are constants). Third, in some data where regions have different colors.
applications access to the data is restricted to streams where In practice, some companies have utilized random projec-
only frame sequences are available every period of time. Last, tion into their systems. Spotify a digital music platform 1 uses
these algorithms approximate data in low dimensional space this method to find the approximate nearest neighbors music
but not near a linear subspace. recommendations [6] as a part of their open source system 2
Random projection were presented to address these lim- . Esty is an E-commerce platform 3 uses random projection
itation where the idea is to project data points to random for user/product recommendation, their model can be adapted
directions that are independent on the dataset. Random pro- in other ways, such as finding people with similar interests,
jection is simpler and computationally faster than classical finding products that can be bought together and so on.
methods especially when the dimensions increased. Regarding Random projection is based upon the Johnson-Lindenstrauss
the computational requirement for random projection, it is lemma [7] proposed in 1984 which states that “A set of points
O(dmn) for m × n matrix [2], where d is the size of the in a high-dimensional space can be projected into a lower
projected dimensions. This means that it compromises between dimension subspace of in such a way that relative distances
the processing time and a controlled accuracy for the intended between data points are nearly preserved”. It should be noted
application. An interesting fact about random projection is that that the lower dimension subspace is selected randomly based
it can preserve distance between the original and the projected on some distribution. Furthermore, some recent and faster
data points with high probability. And therefore, beside the
geometric intuition for random projection, it can be viewed as 1
a local sensitivity hashing method that can be used for data 2

hiding and security applications [3], [4], [5]. 3


Xd d
V ar(ui ·v) = V ar( uij vj ) = vj2 V ar(uij ) = |v| = 1
j=1 j=1

Step 2. According to Gaussian Annulus Theorem [8] for

√ high dimension
any Gaussian vector x ∈ Rd , and for β ≤
−cβ 2
√d, 1 − 3e of√the probability mass lies within the annulus
d − β ≤ |x| ≤ d + β this can be written as
√ 2
P rob(||x| − d| ≥ β) ≤ 3e−cβ (1)
Applying Gaussian Annulus Theorem √ 1√ to the Gaussian
vector f (v) ∈ Rk and setting β to ǫ k ≤ k we got
√ √ 2
P rob(|f (v)| − k ≥ ǫ k) ≤ 3e−cǫ k
Multiplying inner inequality by |v| = 1
Figure 1. Random projection using approximate nearest neighbors method √ √ 2
P rob(||f (v)| − kv| ≥ ǫ kv) ≤ 3e−cǫ k (2)
algorithms rely on this lemma will be also discussed in this The latter equation is called the random projection theorem,
paper. which bounds the upper bound of the probability that the
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The difference between the projected vector and the original vector
mathematical background and theorem proof are discussed in shall exceeds a certain threshold.
√ What interesting is that with
Section II. Some faster and computationally efficient random high probability |f (v)| ≈ k|v|. So to estimate the difference
projections methods are discussed in Section III. Applications between any two projected vectors v1 and v2 , we can calculate
and the current research perspective are discussed in Section
f (v1 ) − f (v2 )
IV. Finally we draws our conclusion in Section V. f (v1 − v2 ) = √ ≈ v1 − v2
II. M ATHEMATICAL BACKGROUND Step3. By Applying the Random Projection Theorem 2 the
The ultimate aim of any data transformation on any data difference that |f (vi ) − f (vj )| is bounded by the range
transformation/projection technique is to perserve as much in- √ √
formation as possible between the original and the transformed [(1 − ǫ) k|vi − vj |, (1 + ǫ) k|vi − vj |]
data sets while better presents the data in its new form. An with probability
essential step towards the proof of the random projection of a 2
1 − 3e−cǫ
a vector v ∈ Rd where d is typically large to a k-dimensional
space Rk is the Johnson–Lindenstrauss lemma [7] below: Two interesting facts we have from this poof. First, the
Lemma 1. For any small value 0 < ǫ < 1 and a set of V number of projected dimensions k is completely independent
of n points in Rd , ∃f : Rd → Rk such that ∀u, v ∈ V the on the original number of dimension d in the space, and it can
following inequality holds with high probability: be proved that it only depends on the number of points in the
dataset in a logarithmic form and the selected error threshold
√ √ ǫ where
(1 − ǫ) k|vi − vj | ≤ |f (vi ) − f (vj )| ≤ (1 + ǫ) k|vi − vj | 3 ln n
k≥ 2 (3)

The previous lemma act as a limiting bound (sandwich) for
However, the error ǫ has a quadratic effect in the denomi-
the distance between the projected vectors |f (vi ) − f (vj )|2
nator of equation 3 which means for 0.01 error, k should be
and the distance of the original vectors |vi − vj |2 .
in the range of tens of thousands which is very high. Second,
Proof. Assume with out loss of generality the projection
unlike PCA and SVD the projection function is independent
function f : Rd → Rk is given by
on the original data completely. In addition, the k projection
f (v) = (u1 .v, u2 .v . . . , uk .v) dimensions don’t need to be orthogonal.
where each ui ∈ Rd is a Gaussian vector. In addition assume
Step 1. Each ui .v value is an independent Gaussian random Despite the simplicity of the random projection method
variable with zero mean
Pd and unit variance. This can be easily as we showed in section II, in some applications such as
proved, since ui .v = j=1 uij vj is sum independent Gaussian databases the proposed method may be costly. So Achlioptas
random variables, therefore, the result random variable ui .v is [9] proposed a new method that is computationally efficient for
also Gaussian with mean equal the sum the individual means, this kind of applications. Achlioptas show that for a random
and variance can be obtained as the following d × k transformation matrix T , where each entry tij of the

very wasteful. In compressed sensing, the idea is to take m

random measurements then with high probability we are still
able to reconstruct the measured signal. In [11] Candes and
Tao proposed the Exact Reconstruction Principle, that gives
a new bounds for reconstructing any signal using its random
compressed samples.
Lets consider a discrete time signal f ∈ Rn . In addition,
assume Ψ ∈ Rn×n be a basis matrix where ψi ∈ Rn . So
Figure 2. Traditional communication architecture versus compressed sensing
any signal y can be represented as a linear combination of the
architecture. columns of Ψ. In particular, suppose that our signal is defined
matrix is independent random variable that follow one of the X
f= ψi xi
following very simple probability distributions
( = Ψx
+1 with probability 0.5
tij =
−1 . . . 0.5 where x ∈ Rn is a sparse coefficient vector to determine
 the significant of the basis vector ψi .
√ +1 with probability 1/6
 We can measure f by taking few random measurements
tij = 3 × 0 ... 2/3
 yj = φTj f = φTj Ψx (4)
−1 . . . 1/6

where φj ∈ Rn is the jth compressed sensing vector 1 <
with probability at least 1 − n−β and for all vectors in j < m. We can deduce that if the noise is zero, then at least n
the database Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma is satisfied. This measurements vectors φj are needed to be able to reconstruct
method is very efficient due to the use of the integer arithmetic the signal f .
in the calculations. Using compressed sensing we are able to get a tighter bound
on the number of measurements yj that we should have to
IV. R ELATED A PPLICATIONS AND C URRENT R ESEARCH reconstruct f . This bound is O(S log(n/S)), where S is the
Sparse recovery is an inverse problem to random projection number of non-zero elements in the vector x.
and it is the basic building block behind compressed sensing If we can use only m << n measurements using a
and matrix completion. In this section we define each of the measurement matrix Φ ∈ Rm×n . Then, equation 4 can be
application and by showing how they were inspired by the written in matrix form as
random projection idea.
y = Φf = ΦΨx = Ax
A. Compressed Sensing where y ∈ Rm is the measurements vector and let A = ΦΨ.
According to Shannon-Nyquist sampling theorem, in order Using restricted isometry property (RIP) [12], we can define
to be able to reconstruct a signal with bandwidth B from isometry constant δs such that
its samples, we need a sampling rate 2B. In compressed
sensing, a very low sampling rate can be used while the signal (1 − δs )|x| ≤ y = |Ax| ≤ (1 + δs )|x| (5)
construction is achievable. The Johnson-Lindenstrauss embedding property implies the
Let’s consider a camera with 10 Megabyte pixels resolution Restricted Isometry Property (RIP) above. We say that the
that capture a high quality image then it automatically converts matrix A have RIP of order S. However, if A has order 2S,
it to a storage efficient extension such as JPEG so that the we can measure two compressed vectors y (1) and y (2) ∈ Rm
resultant image can be stored in a compressed format of we can easily get the following inequality
about 100 Kilobyte with about the same acceptable human
eye resolution. This seems as a large waste of the captured
data. The idea is that, unlike the traditional way of acquiring a (1 − δs )|x(1) − x(2) | < |A(x(1) − x(2) )| < (1 + δs )|x(1) − x(2) |
high quality measurements then store them in an efficient way, (1 − δs )|x(1) − x(2) | < |y (1) − y (2) | < (1 + δs )|x(1) − x(2) |
compressed sensing is working in a different way as shown (6)
figure 2 the sampling and the compression stages are merged
together and the receiver has to decode the incoming message. where x(1) − x(2) is at most 2S sparse vector. Hence, if we
In compressed sensing, each sensor acquire a very low qual- can enumerate all the 2S sparse vectors and compare each
ity measurement for example a ’Single-pixel Camera’ [10], of them to |y (1) − y (2) |, the original signal can be easily
nevertheless, we should be able to combine and decompress reconstructed. We can see the analogy between equation 5
all the sensed data and get an acceptable quality compared to and Random Projection Theorem. It is like a linear algebra
the 10 Megabyte camera. In nutshell, the classical overview problem if you solve it correctly, the original signal can
of sensing was to measure as much data as possible, which is be reconstructed. However, due to the random noise the

2) Coherence: where the goal is to try to align the rows

and/or the columns of X with the basis vectors. We
are interested in low coherence subspace, where if we
assumed column and row spaces are U and V then
max(µ(U ), µ(V )) ≤ µ0 for some positive value µ0
where µ is the coherence factor. In addition, The matrix
jk should have an upper bound on its
1≤k≤r uik vp
entries by µ1 r/(n1 n2 ) where n1 and n2 are the matrix
Figure 3. Matrix completion example 3) Number of observed entries: this sets a lower bound on
the number of the observed elements m in X so that the
reconstruction is more difficult problem [13], [14]. It is also completion is possible. In [17], Candes proved that this
worth to mention that, one of the foundation of compressed lower bound is
sensing research was to prove that the randomly generated m ≥ Cmax(µ21 , µ0 µ1 , µ0 n1/4 )nr(β log n)
sensing matrix Φ follow the RIP criteria. In [15] Baraniuk √
et al. aimed to give a condition for different random sensing where C and β are constants and µ1 = µ0 r.
matrices to follow RIP criteria. In addition, it was proved that For β > 2 equation 7 is solvable and it is equal to Y with
a random matrix that follow a Gaussian distribution, inherently high probability 1 − cn−B .
obey the RIP criteria.
C. Human Activity Recognition
B. Matrix Completion Tracking the state and the actions of elderly and disabled
Another interested task is the low rank matrix completion. It people using some sensors attached to their bodies has consid-
is used in many applications like image in-painting where the erable importance in health-care applications. It can facilitate
goal is to recover deteriorated pixels in an image as shown in the monitoring and the detecting of any abnormal condition at
figure 3. In addition, Netflix problem where the goal is to com- the patient body and report it. In [18] the authors proposed
plete the customer-movie rating matrix given only the some a method that is working offline and it can recognize of
customers rating, in order to build a robust recommendation daily human activities. The system has three main stages:
system. The Netflix one million dollar grand prize was given to (a) de-noising sensor data (b) feature extraction and feature
[16] BellKor team for their 10.06% recommendation system. dimensionality reduction using computationally efficient ran-
Lets consider a partially observed matrix Y ∈ Rm×n , we dom projection presented in section III (d) classification using
define the matrix completion problem as to find the minimum Jaccard distance between kernel density probabilities. The
rank matrix X ∈ Rm×n that best approximates the matrix reported results on the USC-HAD dataset (Human Activity
Y . Removing this limitation, matrix completion problem has Dataset) is within-person classification of 95.52% and inter-
undetermined solution because the missing values can be person identification accuracy of 94.75%.
assigned any random values. The mathematical formulation
of the problem is defined by D. Privacy Preserving Distributed Data Mining
In many data mining applications such as health care, fraud
detection, customer segmentation, and bio-informative privacy
minX∈Rm×n rank(X) and security concerns have an immense importance due to
s.t. Xij = Yij f or observed locations (i, j) dealing with different types sensitive data. This call for privacy
In general the rank minimization is NP-hard problem. preserving techniques that can work on encrypted or noisy
However, in [17] Candes et al. proposed a convex relaxation data while being able to compute accurately and efficiently a
solution to the problem to minimize the nuclear norm ||X||∗ set of predefined operations such as Euclidean distance, dot
which is defined as the sum of the singular values of X. product, and correlation etc. In [3] the authors introduced data
Candes proposed some assumptions on the number of the perturbation technique using random projection transformation
observed entries in Y so that X can be recovered with high where some noise is added to the data before being sent to the
probability. The nuclear norm minimization is given by cloud server. The proposed technique preserves the statistical
properties of the dataset and also allows the dimensionality
m reduction of it. It is considered as value distortion approach
where the all data entries are perturbed directly and at once
minX∈Rm×n ||X||∗ = σi (X)
i=1 (i.e. not independently) using multiplicative random projection
s.t. Xij = Yij f or observed locations (i, j) (7) noise. The advantage of this technique is that many elements
are mapped to one element, which is totally different from
The assumptions that are proposed to solve the matrix the traditional individual data perturbation technique, and,
completion problem are: therefore, it is even harder for the adversary to reconstruct
1) The observed entries are uniformly sampled from all the plain text data. The technique depends on some lemmas
subsets of entries. explained as follows

Lemma 2. For random matrix R ∈ Rp×q where all entries V ar(uT v − xT y) ≤
ri,j are independent and identically chosen from gaussian k
distribution with zero mean and σr2 variance then It can be seen that, the error goes down as k increases. This
implies that at high dimension space, the technique works
E(RT R) = pσr2 I, and E(RRT ) = qσr2 I better.
For privacy analysis. two types of attacks are considered
Proof. lets proof the first inequality. Assume ǫi,j is the entry
1) The adversary tries to retrieve the exact values of the
from RT R then
projected matrix X or Y, the authors proved that when
m ≥ 2k − 1, even if matrix R is disclosed the original
X matrices can not be retrieved.
ǫi,j = ri,t rt,j
2) The adversary tries to estimates matrix X or Y, if the
p distribution of R is known, if the adversary generates R̂
according to the known distribution then
E(ǫi,j ) = E( ri,t rt,j )
t=1 1 1 1 1
p √ RˆT u = √ RˆT √ Rx = ǫ̂x
k σˆr k σˆr kσr kσ r
= E(ri,t rt,j )
t=1 the estimation of any data element from the vector x is
X given by
= E(ri,t )E(rt,j )
t=1 1 X
x̂i = ǫˆi,t xt
E(ri,t )E(rt,j ) i 6= j k σˆr σr t
= Ppt=1 2
t=1 E(rt,i ) i=j The expectation and the variance can be calculated as
0 i 6= j
= E(x̂i ) = 0
pσr2 i=j
1X 2
Lemma 3. for any two data sets X ∈ Rm1 ×n and Y ∈ V ar(xˆi ) = x
Rm2 ×n , and let random matrix R ∈ Rp×q where all entries k t t
ri,j are independent and identically chosen from unknown So the adversary can only get a null vector centered
distribution with zero mean and σr2 variance, also let U = around the zero.
√ 1 RX,V = √ 1 RY , then
kσr kσ r The authors considered three applications on their paper all of
them relies on the dot product estimation namely: distance
E(U T V ) = X T Y
estimation, k-mean clustering, and linear perceptron. As a
The above results enables the following statistical measure- result, the random projection-based multiplicative perturbation
ments (distance, angle, correlation) to be applied to the hidden technique keeps both the statistical properties and the confi-
data knowing the original vectors are normalized dentiality of the data.

dist(x, y) = (xi − yi )2 In this paper, we explained the random projection and the
i mathematical foundation behind it. In addition, we explained
some related applications such as compressed sensing which
sX X X p
= x2i + yi2 − 2 xi yi = 2 − 2xT y made a breakthrough in the traditional communication the-
i i i
orems where a very low sampling rate can be used while
xT y the signal construction is achievable. Also, we explained the
cosθ = = xT y matrix completion problem that is a basis for many data
mining tasks such as recommendation systems and image in-
ρx,y = xT y painting algorithms.
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