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Lesson 9-can/could, may/might, 10-must,have to,be to,11-should,ought,12-shall,will/would,13-dare,need,14-gen.table.


English Modal Verbs Table (lessons 9-14)

Modal verb Usage Example
With non-perfect infinitive
I can do several things
physical and mental ability
at the same time.
1) general possibility 1) Miracles can happen.
2) due to circumstances 2) You can hardly blame him for that.
3) 3) due to the existing laws 3) The Law House can provide it.
4) 4) theoretical possibility 4) The roads can be improved.
can permission You can go now.
prohibition =не можна not very strong You can’t cross the street here.
informal requests Can you come for a minute?
With any form of the infinitive
strong doubt/improbability/incredulity He can’t be working now (It is impossible
(could – stronger doubt) that he is working)/He can’t have done it.
surprise (=невже?) Can it be so?/ Can he have done it?
past form of "can" She said she could pay for us as well.
polite requests Could you move your bag, please?
could possibility (=можливо) It could be that he missed the train.
reproach (with Perf Inf!) You could have met me at the station.
purpose (with so that) I wrote the number so that I could know it
With non-perfect infinitive
possibility (=ймовірно) It may rain tomorrow.
ask or give permission (formal) May I speak?/You may go!
may prohibition (=не слід) weak! You may not enter the room.
With any form of the infinitive
He may not be working (=It is possible that
supposition, uncertainty
he isn’t working)
past form of "may" He said he might change his mind.
possibility This might fail.
might reproach:
1) He might offer to help you.
1) Not emotional (with non Perf Inf)
2) He might have offered to help you.
2) Emotional (irritation – with Perf Inf
Obligation (necessity or compulsion) You must obey the law
strong prohibition (= не можна, не
Cars must not be parked here.
Deduction: it's very logical or very likely They left so early, they must be at home
to happen (=probability) now.
must NB Is not used for deductions:
1) For future actions (‘probable’ is 1) He will probably come.
used instead); 2) You must have misunderstood me.
2) In neg and inter. S (instead No one must have seen him.
neg.prefixes, neg. pronouns or The letter must have never reached
neg. adverbs are used) them.
Lesson 9-can/could, may/might, 10-must,have to,be to,11-should,ought,12-shall,will/would,13-dare,need,14-gen.table.situations

Obligation or necessity
When am I to come?
arising out of arrangement or plan
A strict order or instruction He is to return romorrow.
be to Strict prohibition (only in neg) You are not to do that.
Destined to happened as unavoidable
He was never to see her again.
(=суджено, належить)
impossibility How am I to do it?

have to/ Obligation or necessity

Do we have to work out the class?
arising from the circumstances (present
have got or future)
We’ll have to work it out.
instead of ’must’ in the past/future We had to work out the class.

Necessity (=треба) Need I do it? (as a modal verb denotes

a particular occasion)
need Do you need to work so hard? (as a regular
NB (in neg with Perf Inf=дарма, нíчого verb denotes a habitual action)
було) You needn’t have spent all the money
How dare he speak like that?
Challenge/ having courage (= посміти)
dare NB: can also be used as a regular verb in
the same meaning: She doesn“t dare to
Oath or strong intention(with all I (oath)/He shall see you tomorrow!
persons), promise (intention) (emphatic!)
shall Threat or warning (with 2d and 3d
That day shall come!
Offer or suggestion Let's continue, shall we?
Moral obligation, the right thing to do
She should call the police.
(’ought to’ is preferable in this case)
- What should I do?
advisability/desirability (слід)
- You should stop thinking about it.
should what is likely or expected to happen We should be back by midnight.
Weakened prohibition He shouldn’t be so impatient.
Criticism (with perf Inf) You should have put more sugar in the pie.
I will write soon/If you will tell me the truth,
Willingness in promises + cond.clauses,
I can forgive you (=якщо захочеш).
assurance and intentions
It's alright, I'll pick it up.
Polite request/offer Will you pass the salt?
He will come tomorrow! (emphatically
Insistence/persistence (=не допущу)
Don’t be late, will you? /Will you be quiet!
will command
Shut the door, will you?

What will be will be.


The door will not open. – Двері ніяк не

Lesson 9-can/could, may/might, 10-must,have to,be to,11-should,ought,12-shall,will/would,13-dare,need,14-gen.table.situations

past form of "will" He told me he would come.

imagined situations What would you do if you were him?
- Would you please sit down?
- Would you like some tea?
for polite requests, offers and
- We are meeting with Sarah
next Saturday, would you like to come
would along?
to say what you
I would like a piece of cake.
want to do or have
He would refuse to interfere (as usually).
Disapproval of smth expected He would be late! (=звичайно, він знову
Repeated actions in the past He would sit for hours (=бувало).
moral duty (opposite to ’needn”t’) You ought to apologize.
Strong advisability/desirability (слід) You ought to see a doctor.
Probability of smth naturally expected
ought to (напевне)
You ought to be hungry by now.

Reproach (with Perf Inf) You ought to have done it.

Describing smth exciting You ought to hear that!
Lesson 9-can/could, may/might, 10-must,have to,be to,11-should,ought,12-shall,will/would,13-dare,need,14-gen.table.situations

English Modal Verbs in Situations (Table)


ability (physical/mental) can/be able to Mary can speak English quite well.

past ability could/be able to When I was a kid, I could/ was able to run for hours.

repeated actions in the past would/used to When I was a kid, I would/ used to run for hours.

may (formal) May I sit down?

can (informal) Can I sit down?

could/would (polite) Could I sit down? Would you mind if I sit down?

may (formal) You may sit down.

can (informal) You can sit down.

may not (weak) You may not enter the room.

can’t (not strong) You can’t cross the street here.

mustn’t (strong) Cars must not be parked here.

be to (strong order in neg) You are not to do that.

order / instruction be to He is to return tomorrow!

criticism should have done You should have put more sugar in the pie.

might do (not emotional) He might offer to help you.

could have done (more emotional) You could have met me at the station.
might have done (very emotional) He might have offered to help you

ought to have done (moral) You ought to have done it.

obligation (duty) must You must tell the police the truth.

suggestion/advisability should (not strong) You should tell your friends the truth.

advisability with necessity ought to (strong) You ought to tell your friends the truth.

may (stronger than "might") It starts getting cloudy – it may rain soon.
possibility/uncertain prediction with less
than 50 % of reliability might (weaker than "may") It's not very cloudy yet, but it might rain.
It can rain sometimes.
theoretical possibility/ uncertain
can/ could It could rain, but it is not very common in this
prediction with 50 % of reliability part of the country.

logical deduction/conclusion with 80-90 You worked hard. You should/ought to pass your exam.
% of certainty (less reliable) should/ought to He left half an hour ago, I believe he should
(weaker than "must") be there already.

logical deduction/conclusion with 95 % of

must He left an hour ago, so he must be there already.
certainty (reliable) (stronger than "should")

strong expectation
be to We are to meet them here.
(with nearly100 % of reliability)

a certain prediction for future actions/states/ Look at the sky! It will rain soon.
intentions with nearly 100 % of reliability will/be going to We are going to ride our bikes. Join us!

necessity /lack of necessity have to I have to/don't have to go to classes today.

strong advice/warning had better You'd better study before the test.

preference would rather I would rather walk than drive.

threat shall You shall answer for it!!!

insistence will You will do it!!!

Lesson 9-can/could, may/might, 10-must,have to,be to,11-should,ought,12-shall,will/would,13-dare,need,14-gen.table.situations

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