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1, I think they're largely responsible for what's happened SMALL

->I hold them in no small way responsible for what's happened

2, The company has a good reputation in the local area HIGHLY
->The company is highly spoken/ thought of in the area
3, Barbara's parents we're certain that she would be a great tennis player
->Barbara's parents were in no doutb / not in any doubt that she would be a
great tennis player
4,He threatened the officers with violence MADE
->He made threats of violence against the officers
5,He's going to be successful PLACES
->He is going places
6,Our teacher used Sophia as an example of a good student
-> Our teacher held up sophia as an example of a good student
7,I'm not much interested in sports
->I don't really go in for sports
8,Terry was rude but Anne got her revenge on him
-> Anne paid Terry back for being rude (to her)
9, The houses that were very close to the blast were badly damaged
( immediate)
->The houses in the immediate vicinity of the blast were badly damaged
10, They were married last year MAN
->They became man and wife last year
11, He admits he's not one of the important members of the organization COG
->He admits he's just a small cog in the big wheel
12, It didn't take us long to finish doing the accounts SHORT
->We made short work of doing the accounts
13, I don't know why you're saying this is so important DEAL
-> I don't know why you're making a big deal of this
14, Robert maxdoch has just bought the newspaper CONTROL
-> the newspaper is now under the control of robert macdoch
15, He is so ambitious- he's determined that he'll be successful in the company
-> he is determined to make his mark in the company
16, You must not enter this area unless you are wearing protective clothing
->Entry to this area is strictly forbidden to anyone who is not wearing protective
17,Thanks to the sủgeons' quick acts, his eyesight was saved
-> if it hadn't been for the surgeons' quick acts, his eyesight would have gone
for good
17, It seemed the young man was feeling bitter about his family background
> The young man appeared to be having a chip on his shoulder about his
family background
18, It's bad you didn't try to do your share of the job WEIGHT
-> You should have pulled your weight in the job
19, My brother, who is a professional estate agent, is more than willing to
house-hunt for our parents ELEMENT
-> A professional estate agent, my brother is really in his element house-hunting
for our parents
20, It is a good idea for a retired craftsman to do something occasionally to keep
his skills HAND
-> It is advisory that a retired craftsman sometimes keep his hand in
21, Having to get up early is so irritating NECK
->Having to get up early is a real pain in the neck
22, We can't possibly imagine how we are going to afford a new car
->We don't have the remotest idea how we are going to afford a car
23,There don't seem to be many talented athletes at the moment
->There seems to be a paucity of talented athletes at the moment
25, I will only be satisfied if the manager apologizes fully
-> Nothing short of the manager's full apology will satisfy me
26, Several runners have withdrawn from the race because of health problems
->Several runners have backed out of the race because of .....
27, I am sure that he missed the 7 o'clock train
-> He can't have caught the 7 o'clock train
28, Alternative medicine is a complete mystery to some people
-> Some people are mystified by alternative medicine
29, It seems to be a foregone conclusion that David will win the gold medal
-> There is no doubt that David will ....
30, Your attitude will have to change if you want to succeed LEAF
-> You have to turn over a new leaf if you want to succeed
31, I really think my son is going to be a hugely successful businessman
-> I have high hopes of my son being a hugely successful businessman
32, Don't make a fuss over such trivial things MOUNTAIN
-> Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill
33, It is best for you to give up resistance and to co-operate INTEREST
-> It is is your (best) interest(s) to give up resistance and to co-operate
34, You will start to feel better as soon as this drug is effective EFFECT
-> The moment this drug takes effect, you will start to feel better
35, Don't get depressed because of such a small problem LET
-> It's such a small problem that you shouldn't let it get you down
36, It took me some time to understand fully what happened WHILE
-> It was a while until I fully understood what had happened
37, If your order is delayed we will contact you DELAY
-> Should there be a delay to your order we will contact you
38, I have no intention of doing another kind of job DREAM
-> I wouldn't dream of doing any other kind of job
39, I'm afraid your grandmother got worse during the night TURN
-> I'm afraid your grandmother took a turn for the worse during the night
40, I don't feel guilty at all, Marie CONSCIENCE
->I have a clear conscience, marie
41, I was surprised Sarah couldn't do the math problem because it was very easy
-> the Maths problem was child's play and I was surprised Sarah couldn't do it
42, Chris interests are completely different from mine COMMON
-> I don't have any interest in common with Chris
43, I can spend more time with my grandchildren when I retire FREE
-> Retirement will free me up to spend more time with my grandchildren
44, When I met my cousin from America for the first time we really liked each
other straight away HOUSE
-> My cousin and I got on like a house on fire when we first met
45, He told us that getting a later plane was our only option BUT
-> You have no option but to get a later plane, he said
46, Does Tony follow current affairs closely asked Susie INTEREST
-> Susie asked me if Tony takes a close interest incurrent affairs
47, The appraiser know was if we captured as he rushed towards the gate
->The prisoner was recaptured as he made a dash for the gate
48, The police didn't mention whether or not the suspects were armed
->The police omitted to mention whether or not the suspects were armed
49, The authorities have decided they would get tough with dissidents
->The authorities have decided to have a crack down on dissidents
50, She vividly described the expedition and that made it seem exciting LIFE
-> The thing that brings the expedition to life was her vivid description
51, You'd better talk to those in charge about that.POWERS
-> You'd better talk to the power that be about that
52, Severely punishing people like that hardly ever has any effect BOOK
-> Hardly ever does throwing the book at people like that have any effect
53, The amount we have saved is very small compared to how much we owe
-> The amount we have saved is a drop in the ocean to how much we owe
54, My new job is much more satisfying than any job I've ever had AWAY
->My new job is far and away the most satisfying one I've ever had
55, I didn't mean to be impolite
-> It wasn't my intention to be impolite
56, The house is dirty because no one bothers to keep it clean TROUBLE
-> The house is dirty because no one takes the trouble to keep it clean
57, You must not communicate in any way with anyone involved in this case.
->You must have no contact/communication with (must have no contact
/communication with) anyone involved in this case
58, The President clearly felt the ministers he sacked had not acted swiftly
-> The minister sacked were clearly felt by the President not to have acted
swiftly enough
59, The brochure gives hardly any useful information.
->Precious little useful information is given in the brochure
60, Our little son is really looking forward to going to Disney World.
-> Our little son is excited at the thought of going to Disney World.
61, At first the new computer made me feel a bit afraid AWE
-> At first I was a bit in awe of the new computer
62, The other day, I was fined for exceeding the speed limit. BEYOND -
>The other day I was fined for driving beyond the speed limit.
63, Today Gina jumped higher than anyone in the world has ever done before
-> Today Gina broke the record in the high jump
64, Please don't forget do take your projects home after school today.
->I must remind you not to leave your project in school today.
65, Betsy was more likeable than expected TURNED
->Betsy turned out to be unexpectedly likeable.
66, If you don't know the job market, there's a risk you will spend a lot of
money on rubbish
-> If you don't know the job market, you're in danger of spending a lot of money
on rubbish.
67, Whatever the methods used to obtain the results, drugs were definitely not
-> There was no question of drugs being involved, whatever the methods used
to obtain the result.
68, I wouldn't confront the manager if I were you HORNS
-> I wouldn't lock horns with the manager if I were you
69, "I think the whole idea is ridiculous" he said
-> He dismissed the whole idea as being ridiculous
70, Looking back, I really believe I did everything I could do to stop her
-> I can honestly say, with hindsight, I could not have done anything more to
stop her
71, I enjoyed the view from the top of the tower despite the fact that I hate being
in high places like that.HEAD
->Although I have no head for heights I enjoyed the view from the top of the
72, Of all the cities I know, there are few that are more beautiful than St
Petersberg. LOVELIEST
->St Petersberg is one of the loveliest cities I have visited.
73, I'm not sure which year saw the abolition of capital punishment in this
country. DID
->I'm not sure when they did away with capital punishment in this country.
74, We need business to improve soon or we won't survive the year. PICK
->If business doesn't pick up soon, we won't survive the year.
75, Bob and Sheila came home in my car in the end. ENDED
-> Bob and Sheila Ended up driving my car home.

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