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REVISION CAPSULE - MATHEMATICS © ArclationR froma set A toa set Bis subset of the cartesian product A « B obtained by describing a relationship between the fist element x and the second element yof the ordered pairs in A * B. © Function : A function fffomaset Ato a'set B is a specific type of relation for which every element x of st A has one and only one image y in set B. We write f: A> B,where f(8)=y. ‘A function £: XY isone-one (or injective) if £(%)= £0) 9x, =%, ¥ Hp EX. ‘A function £: X -» is onto (or surjective) if given any yeY,3 x eX such that f(3)=y. Many-One Function : A function f: A > B is called many- one, different elements ofA have the same f- imagein B, Into tuner ‘A function £: A-» Bis intoif there exist atleast oneelement in Bwhich is not the f-image ofany clement in A. Many One-Onto function : ‘A function f: AR is said to be many one- onto ifs onto but not one-one. Many One-Into fonction: A function is said to be many one-intoifitis neitherone-one nor onto. A function f:X 9 ¥ and onto. RELATIONS ‘AND FUNCTIONS oo 9 o 9 8 @ invertible ifand only if fis one-one General Solution of the equation sind when sind=0 neTie n=0,4 1,42... General solution ofthe equation cos = ‘when 2os0 0=(2nt I)w2,ne Lie n=0,41,+2_.... General solution of the equation tand = 0: General solution of and = 0is O=n;n eT General solution of the equation fa) sinO=sina : O=an+(-l'a;nel 0) sind =K, where—10y>0 spre) a ceetag-( Xt) ix1 tan!x-tanrly =) = fev t(S22) tx r0.y -d n+ tan ix <0,y>0 and xy <-1 REVISION CAPSULE - MATHEMATICS 1 + sine! x + si y wire, Soy RIES FYanwtireniom, Otis ey eae, 1s, yo and Poy? soos! xt cosy oor yin? 2x05" xy }__, if-1sxystandx+y20 SP Yi-y), it-tsxyystandx+y so it-eexs-) v2 sin“(2xv1-x7) sxe! ns @xvi-x) , i wa—sinQxvVi-x?), if-10 = Roots are Real and unequal GD ID=0 = Roots are Real and equal and each equal to b2a (i) 1D Oand D isperfect square => Roots areunequal and Rational Gi 4D > Dand D isnot perfect square=> Roots are irrational and unequal. © Condition for Common Root(s) Letax?+ bx +¢=Oanddx? +ex+f=0 havea common root (say). a_ble CConcition for both the roots be common is = 2=F © _ lp+iq(pandq being real is aroot ofthe quadratic equation, where j =J=1, then p ~iq is also a root of the quadratic equation, © Every equation of degree (n 2 1) has exactly n roots and if the equation has more than n roots, it isan identity © Exponential Form: ifz~ x +iy isa ‘complex number then its exponential form is z= re” where r is modulus and 0 is COMPLEX. \ amptitude of complex number. NUMBERS J ¢ (i |2;1+|22 [212,422] shereequality holds when arg(z/z,)=Oie. z,andz, are parallel. GD [174 1=|72 Is1%)—73| 5 here equality holds when arg(z,/z,)=Oie.z, and z,are parallel. Gi) 12, +2 F+12,-2,7=2(12,P + 12917) © aei22) = 0, +0, = are) Farge) (x) © vl 2} =0,-0 arete,)-arelen) © Foranyintegerl, i= 1 i841, +22, ee ee ee ere |2,~2, , 7 ,4,+4,+..ta)@—D!- IL -ntimes) © Greatest binomial coefficients : Ina binomial expansion binomial coefficients of BINOMIAL \ the middie terms are called as greatest THEOREM J binomial cooficents (@) Ifnis even : When = i. "Cy takes 4 andtakemaximum value. © Important Expansions : If}x| 0 forall inan interval I then (x) is increasing on the interval I @ IEF") <0 forall x in an interval I then f(x) is decreasing on the interval Gi) ff") ~ 0 forall x in an interval Ithen f(x) is constant on theinterval | ‘Test of Local Maxima and Minima— First Derivative Test—Letfoca differentiable function defined ‘onan open interval and ce Ibe anypoint. fhas.alocal maxima ‘cralocalminimaatx=c, "(€)=0. Pat feo and solve thisequation for x Lete,,¢.. be the roos of this. rt x changes sign fiom +ve to —ve as x increases through ¢, then the Function attains a local maxatx=c, i x changes its sign from -ve to +ve as x increases through g hen the finetion atans aoc minimumatx=c, 4 1f Ge does not changes sign as increases through c, then x=¢, is neithera point of local max" nor a point of ocal In this case x isa point of inflexion, REVISION CAPSULE - MATHEMATICS © _Rateofchange of variable: cs Sxeoms(8) _roue of change of y with respect 10 x atx = dy _ dy/dt 0 Ix=$(dandy=w(O.then = 57a provided tha 20 Thus, the rate of change of y with respect to x can be calcelated by using the rate of change of y and that of x each with respect tot. dx| dy| Length of Sub-tangent= |¥ 3] ; Sub-normal = }-4,] 5 5 ofS) 14(#) PY Kx © Equations of tangent and normal : The equation of the tangent at P(x, y,) to the curvey= fix) is vue (PZ) ew ‘The equation of the normal at P(x, y,)to the curve y= f(x) is 1 ae ax) © Twostandard forms of integral : Je" oot @ dx=ef@)+e Length of tanger Length ofnormal = yoy INTEGRAL CALCULUS = Je® [£00 + 100] dx= [e* fexyds + Je® rood =e'ta)- Je rapax fe* ce (on integrating byparts) =e £(9) +6 © _ Table shows the partial fractions corresponding to different typeof rational functions: Form of ration function were a G-b) actr 2) Fed pe tqrer A, Buc 3| eet +t (x-a)(x? +bxt0)] (ea) x? +bx+C 10 ax J FW dt= eR RO)-FOOREO) & ty a series can be put inthe form Leibnitz rule: or 2) AEE 4), then itslimitas n> 20 ie a ° ‘Arca between curves y y= f(x) => A= [upper function] —[lower function] dx ¢ and X=f(y)=> A= [right function|—fleft function] dy Ifthe curves intersect then the area of each portion must be found individually. ‘Symmetrical area : Ifthe curve is symmetrical about a coordinateaxis(or a line or origin), then we find the area of ‘one symmetrical portion and multiply it by the number of symmetrical portion to get the required area, © Probability of an event: For a finite sample space with equally likely outcomes Probability of an event is PROBABILITY (A) P(A) = n)* elements in the set A, n (S) = number of clements in these S. ‘Theorem of total probability :Let (E,, E,,...E,} bea partition ofa sample space and suppose that each of EE... has nonzero probability. Let A be any event associated with S, then P(A)=PEE,) P(A |E,)+P(E,) P(A |E,) +... + P(E,) PAIE,) Bayes' theorem: IfE,,E,,... partition of sample space S, disjoint and E, VE, v... VE,, nonzero probability, then where n (A) = number of E, are events which constitute > Ep ms Ey ae pairwise and be any event with Pa )PCAL ) DPEPPAIED i P(B\|A)= Let X be arandom variable whose possible values x,.x,., so» X, oCcur with probabilities P,P. Py. Py Fespectively. The mean of, denotedby wis the number 2. a ‘The mean of a random variable X is also called the expeciation of X, denoted by E 29. REVISION CAPSULE - MATHEMATICS © Trials ofa random experiment are called Bernoullitrials, if they satisfy the following conditions (a) There should be a finite mumber of trials. (b) The trials should be independent, (¢) Each trial has exactly two ‘outcomes: successor filure, (d) The probability ofsuccess remains the same in each trial. For Binomial distribution B (0, p), P(X=x)="C,g"* PX=0, Lent (Q=1-P) © Propertiesof Transpose ADT =A (i) G=By=ATSBT Gi) (AB)T=BTAT (iv) (kAYT=K(A)T () FF =1 (vip tr (A)= (4) CHAD Ay Ag” TATA ATATAL © Symmetric Matrix : A’square matrix A = [a,] is called a,=a, foralli,jor A © Skew-Symmetric Matrix : Asquare matrix A~=[a,]iscalled skew-symmetric matrix if a,=—a, foralli,jorAT=—A Alsotevery square matrix Acan be uniquely expressed as a sum ofa symmetric andskew-symmetric matrix. eas ig a ti Mx) &09, dA _[P@ ew cx © Propertiesof adjoint matrix: 1f4,B are square matrices of order n and I, is corresponding unit matrix, then DETERMI- }@ Aad). A)=|A|1, =(adjA)A NANTS — J Gi) |adjA| = | AP CThus A Gad) AD is always a scalar matrix) (Hadj adj ay=]ar2a i) 136) aaj ay = [A (vy) adj (AT)=(adj AT (si) adj (AB)= (adj B)(adjA) (Wil) adj (A™)=(adjA)",m eN (viii) adj (KA) =k (adj. A), k @R @) adjd,)=1, © _ Properties of Inverse Matrix : Let Aand Bare wo invertible ‘matrices ofthe same order, then © aban G) (ABy'=BAt Gi) A= AY keN adj (A!) = (adj AY ©) ay (vii) A is symmetric matrix => A“is symmetric matrix. Rankof a Matrix : A number rissaidtobe therankofa mx nmatrix Aif (@ Every square submatrix oforder (+1) ormoreis singular and (b) There existsat least one square submatrix of orderr whichis non-singular, ‘Thus, the rank of matris is the order of the highest order non-singular sub matrix. Using Crammer rule ofdeterminant we get Hee Fed yap 3) A EEXH Caset:1fA+0 = f(x) 2(y) a ay dy = fe) 8) > ix) dx +e 09 a0) = | o> pea 4 (0 Diterentia ation aftheform of {= F(ax-+by +0): ‘Tosolve this type of differential equations, we put ay (ov axtbyte=v and FEU i sont aepas <3 (© Differential Equation of homogencoustype: ‘An equation in x and y is said to be homogencous ifit ay _fouy) ccanbe putin theform 3 =gi<"y) Where f(x y)andg (x.y) are both homogeneous functions of the same degreeinx &y. So to solvethe homogensous diffrent equation 4 fy) eT ace yy + Substitute y= vx and so ae es verticqe Thus Ege FO? AF ‘Therefore sol ef &-f dvs, x7) iow Linear differential equations: Zaty=g ‘Where P and Qare either constants or functions of x. ‘Multiplying both sides of (1)by _JP4*, we get Pax ( ‘dy, ) = iP a re On integrating both sides with respect to x we get yal fQ de which isthe required solution, where cis the constant and of? js called the integration factor.

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