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Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

1h 59m 45s

Câu 1 - 10

00:00 00:00






Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group








Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group









Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group








Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group









Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group








Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group









Câu 11 - 40

00:00 00:00



Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group



















Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group


















Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group



















Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group


















Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group



















Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group



















Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group













Câu 41 - 43

00:00 00:00

41. Who most likely is the man?

(A) A receptionist

(B) An attorney

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(C) A new client

(D) An estate agent

42. What does the woman inquire about?

(A) The schedule for a meeting

(B) The maintenance of an elevator

(C) The intellectual property laws

(D) The location of an employee

43. Where will the woman probably go next?

(A) The rst oor

(B) The second oor

(C) The fth oor

(D) The tenth oor

Câu 44 - 46

00:00 00:00

44. What problem does the woman complain about?

(A) An incorrect bill

(B) An impolite waiter

(C) An unsatisfactory meal

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(D) An unhealthy snack

45. What didn't the woman order?

(A) A seafood pizza

(B) Vegetable soup

(C) Chicken salad

(D) An iced tea

46. How much should the woman pay the man?

(A) $27.

(B) S30

(C) $32

(D) $45

Câu 47 - 49

00:00 00:00

47. Why is the man upset?

(A) His cell phone isn't working.

(B) His car has broken down.

(C) The bus is running late.

(D) The woman is not on time.

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

48. When did Brenda call the man?

(A) 7:00

(B) 9:00

(C) 9:15

(D) 10:15

49. What does the man expect Brenda to do?

(A) Work harder than usual

(B) Replace her cell phone

(C) Stay overtime tonight

(D) Catch an earlier bus

Câu 50 - 52

00:00 00:00

50. Where most likely does this conversation take place?

(A) In a bank

(B) At a supermarket

(C) In an o ce

(D) At a restaurant

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

51. What is the woman interested in getting?

(A) A charge account

(B) A discount coupon

(C) A store card

(D) A shopping voucher

52. What will the woman do next?

(A) Find her card

(B) Submit a form

(C) Settle the bill

(D) Collect her mail

Câu 53 - 55

00:00 00:00

53. What does the woman inquire about?

(A) Applying for a job

(B) Signing a document

(C) Joining a gymnasium

(D)Canceling her membership

54. What does the woman offer to do?

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(A) Return again in the evening

(B) Distribute some brochures

(C) Give him her business card

(D) Take him on a guided tour

55. Where will the woman probably go next?

(A) A rival facility .

(B)Her workplace

(C) Her apartment

(D) The man's place

Câu 56 - 58

00:00 00:00

56. What are the speakers discussing?

(A) Local environmental problems

(B) New residents in the complex

(C) The violation of an apartment policy

(D) A neighboring apartment block

57. According to the man, what are some people not doing?

(A) Obeying parking regulations

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(B) Keeping the noise down

(C) Sorting their garbage

(D) Picking up their litter

58. How will the woman solve the problem?

(A) By posting reminder notices

(B) By amending the apartment's policy

(C) By arranging a residents' meeting

(D) By warning the people personally 4

Câu 59 - 61

00:00 00:00

59. What is the main purpose of the man's call?

(A) To cancel his trip

(B) To change his itinerary

(C) To get a price estimate

(D) To complain about a ight

60. Why does the man ask the woman to con rm the arrangements?

(A) The ights are affordably priced.

(B) No other services are available.

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(C) The tickets are refundable.

(D) The departure times are convenient.

61. According to the woman, what does the man usually prefer?

(A) Having a stopover

(B) Flying business class

(C) Sitting next to the aisle

(D) Traveling early in the morning

Câu 62 - 64

00:00 00:00

62. What are the speakers discussing?

(A) The leisure time in the staff room

(B) A new television program

(C) A broken device

(D) A problem with a client

63. What does the man plan to do?

(A) Call in a technician

(B) Fix the problem himself

(C) Replace the gear

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(D) Warn the manufacturer

64. According to the woman, why should the man act promptly?

(A) The situation is potentially dangerous.

(B) Her break time is almost over.

(C) The maintenance team is unreliable.

(D) The problem is disappointing many workers.

Câu 65 - 67

00:00 00:00

65. Who most likely is the man?

(A) An interviewer

(B) The woman's boss

(C) A job applicant

(D) The woman's colleague

66. According to the woman, what is she particularly skilled at?

(A) Collaborating with others

(B) Working independently

(C) Communicating with clients

(D) Assessing her strengths

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

67. Why is the woman enthusiastic about the job?

(A) The salary is very competitive.

(B) The company has a good reputation.

(C) The position suits her personality.

(D) The role is a chance for a promotion.

Câu 68 - 70

00:00 00:00

68. What are the speakers discussing?

(A) Their job evaluations

(B) The company's performance

(C) The sales strategy

(D) Their wage increase

69. When did the man break the sales record?

(A) A couple of days ago

(B) Last week

(C) Last month

(D) Last year

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

70. What does the man want the management to do?

(A) Consider his overall track record

(B) Judge him only on recent results

(C) Conduct more regular appraisals

(D) Give him the result quickly

Câu 71 - 73

00:00 00:00

71. What is the main purpose of this message?

(A) To notify a customer of a nished order

(B) To remind a client about a late payment

(C) To list the charges in a cleaning bill

(D) To let a customer know about a delay

72. Why is the customer not being charged for one article?

(A) The dry-cleaner is running behind schedule.

(B) The store is running a special promotion.

(C) The stain could not be cleaned effectively. ve

(D) The customer is a regular at the store.

73. How many shirts did the customer have cleaned?

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(A) 2

(B) 3

(C) 5

(D) 9

Câu 74 - 76

00:00 00:00

74. What is this report mainly about?

(A) The good weather conditions

(B) A particularly hot and dry summer s.

(C) The weather forecast for tomorrow

(D) An impact of global warming

75. How much rainfall was there in July and August this year?

(A) 30 mm

(B) 33 mm

(C) 50 mm

(D) 90 mm

76. What most likely will happen next?

(A) The experts will discuss an issue.

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(B) There will be a health news story.

(C) The weather forecast will be reported.

(D) There will be a political debate.

Câu 77 - 79

00:00 00:00

77. What is being advertised?

(A) A hit comedy

(B) A Hollywood blockbuster.

(C) A new television show

(D) An independent lm

78. According to the advertisement, why should listeners watch Cosmic?

(A) It features several star actors.

(B) It is very popular overseas.

(C) it deals with important issues.

(D) It has a mysterious plot.

79. When does Cosmic debut?

(A) On the 2nd

(B) On the 3rd

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(C) On the 9th

(D) On the -13th

Câu 80 - 82

00:00 00:00

80. What is the main purpose of this message?

(A) To explain the bank's lending policy

(B) To remind a client about a late payment

(C) To notify a customer of an interest rate rise

(D) To get a home owner to switch mortgages

81. What does the woman guarantee?

(A) Fixed interest

(B) Reduced fees

(C) Lower rates

(D) Personal service

82. How can the listener nd out more about the offer?

(A) By dialing Ms. Smith's direct line

(B) By emailing Ms. Smith personally

(C) By calling the company's hotline

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(D) By visiting the Durimo Finance Web site

Câu 83 - 85

00:00 00:00

83. Where does this announcement take place?

(A) At a company dinner

(B) At a charity event

(C) At a medical conference

(D) At a cultural performance

84. What does the speaker ask listeners to do?

(A) Volunteer to organize the auction

(B) Collect donations for the foundation

(C) Be as generous as possible

(D) Auction off their personal goods

85. What most likely will happen next?

(A) Catalogs will be distributed.

(B) An item will be sold.

(C) A speech will be given.

(D) Tables will be set up.

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Câu 86 - 88

00:00 00:00

86. What has the company recently done?

(A) Opened a service center

(B) Installed a voice mail system

(C) Hired more phone operators

(D) Repaired the communications network

87. What should customers do if they want to request an estimate?

(A) Press 1

(B) Press 2

(C) Press 3

(D)Hold the line

88. How can customers help speed up the process?

(A) By visiting the center in person

(B) By faxing a copy of their warranty

(C) By calling back during regular hours

(D) By having their customer number ready

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Câu 89 - 91

00:00 00:00

89. For whom is this introduction intended?

(A) Conference assistants

(B) Programming consultants

(C) Seminar attendees

(D) IT trainers

90. For how long has Ms. Kim been running her own company?

(A) Almost 10 months

(B) Around 2 years

(C) Nearly 10 years

(D) Over 20 years 1,

91. What does the speaker expect listeners to do?

(A) Give Ms. Kim some useful insights

(B) Ask the programming expert questions

(C) Read the handouts very carefully

(D) Register for the industry conference

Câu 92 - 94

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

00:00 00:00

92. What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(A) To explain the company's restructuring plan

(B) To discuss rumors about the company's future

(C) To honor an employee who is leaving

(D) To notify workers of her resignation

93. Who will ll in temporarily?

(A) The assistant manager

(B) The personnel manager

(C) The technical support manager

(D) The business manager

94. Why is the speaker making the change?

(A) She is feeling exhausted.

(B) She doesn't enjoy her job.

(C) She is starting her own business.

(D) She needs new challenges.

Câu 95 - 97

00:00 00:00

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

95. Who most likely is the speaker?

(A) An awards show host

(B) A prize winner

(C) An association spokesperson

(D) An industry analyst

96. According to the speaker, what is the main reason for his success?

(A) His company's fantastic reputation

(B) His e cient work habits

(C) His staff's excellence

(D) His management skills

97. What does the speaker thank the executives at the head o ce for?

(A) Their strong support

(B) Their innovative ideas

(C) Their strategic vision

(D) Their e cient management

Câu 98 - 100

00:00 00:00

98. What is this report mainly about?

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(A) A corporate merger

(B) A communications service

(C) A cell phone model

(D) A popular Web site

99. How can people use I-InterTel for free?

(A) By contacting other users of the service

(B) By dialing an international number

(C) By calling any cell phone

(D) By making only local calls

100. What do spokespeople guarantee about I-InterTel?

(A) It has been tested successfully overseas.

(B) It is already fully operational.

(C) it will offer excellent call quality.

(D) It will replace the traditional telephone.

Câu 101

Please remember to remove all of your personal items_____ you disembark from the vehicle.

(A) before

(B) on

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(C) with

(D) since

Câu 102

A ______technician was brought in to x the problem with the air conditioning unit.

(A) maintenance

(B) maintain

(C) maintained

(D) maintaining

Câu 103

The operations department has been working on a more effective way to measure our overall

(A) output

(B) tension

(C) insight

(D) lack

Câu 104

The CEO's secretary made a _____for six people at the most famous seafood restaurant in the

(A) preservation

(B) seating

(C) case

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(D) reservation

Câu 105

Critics regard Bergstein as one of the most _____ lm directors of his generation.

(A) imagine

(B) imaginary

(C) imagination

(D) imaginative

Câu 106

The GX portable camera is not only more affordable than its competitors _____ also more

(A) but

(B) nor

(C) any

(D) both

Câu 107

A large percentage of graduates are _____careers in high-tech industries such as IT security,

programming, and software development.

(A) thrusting

(B) seeking

(C) encoding

(D) preceding

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Câu 108

Ms. Farriano recommended that we ------- Mr. Sidney as a representative of the company for the
sales conference.

(A) were selecting

(B) select

(C) were selected

(D) would select

Câu 109

All of the nation's most important historical documents are _____ in the public library and
museum in Wellington.

(A) displayed

(B) solicited

(C) varied

(D) predicted

Câu 110

Some tourists were _____photos of the artwork on show in spite of the guide's request that they
not do so.

(A) take

(B) taking

(C) taken

(D) took

Câu 111

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Kirsten Gerhart, who_____ the company's branch o ce in Washington, had a lunch meeting with
the CEO yesterday.

(A) run

(B) runs

(C) running

(D) were running

Câu 112

Several members of the opposition party _____ to the way in which the legislation was drafted.

(A) object

(B) reject

(C) subject

(D) eject

Câu 113

Ms. Luxton and her team of specialists _____ a new marketing strategy since the beginning of the

(A) are developing

(B) were being developed

(C) have been developing

(D) would develop

Câu 114

All employees are expected to make the effort_____the company's new emergency protocols.

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(A) learn

(B) learning

(C) learned

(D) to learn

Câu 115

The authorities _____ motorists to avoid taking the western highway because of the heavy tra c

(A) fastened

(B) signed

(C) revised

(D) advised

Câu 116

_____ to the amusement park has more than doubled in price over the past couple of years.

(A) Admit

(B) Admitted

(C) Admissible

(D) Admission

Câu 117 keeps you updated on all the _____ sports news from around the world.

(A) affordable

(B) latest

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(C) consecutive

(D) slight

Câu 118

Customers who join the Tracey Department Store Membership Club can get as much ______ 20
percent off on all items in stock.

(A) than

(B) as

(C) for

(D) with

Câu 119

Ms. Carson and the other managers do not consider Michael Poulter to be a _____employee.

(A) conceivable

(B) various

(C) reliable

(D) simultaneous

Câu 120

You need to pay the parking ticket in full _____ the next 20 days, or you will face further penalties.

(A) within

(B) on

(C) through

(D) for

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Câu 121

According to the staff rule, the cooking area needs to be cleaned ----- every night before the
restaurant closes.

(A) recently

(B) lucidly

(C) thoroughly

(D) fairly

Câu 122

The advertising task force would never have nished making the promotional materials if Ms.
Jefferson _____ to help out.

(A) has not volunteered

(B) was not volunteering

(C) would not volunteer

(D) had not volunteered

Câu 123

Following the introduction of an enhanced bene ts package, employee morale was raised _____.

(A) gratefully

(B) dramatically

(C) closely

(D) lastly

Câu 124

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Most forecasters are predicting that the stormy weather around San Bernadino will not clear
up_____ Tuesday at the earliest.

(A) between

(B) by

(C) within

(D) until

Câu 125

Mr. Grant also reviewed the budget proposal ----- before forwarding it to the nance director for
nal approval.

(A) he

(B) his

(C) him

(D) himself

Câu 126

At Tenk Industries, we encourage our employees to_____ in regular training activities and

(A) attend

(B) present

(C) participate

(D) receive

Câu 127

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

One of the new recruits started last Monday, while _____ is scheduled to begin working in the
o ce next week.

(A) any

(B) either

(C) another

(D) other

Câu 128

Located near the east coast, Mobeki is the small rural village in _____ President Kiwato was
brought up.

(A) that

(B) where

(C) what

(D) which

Câu 129

The entrance _____ to get into the San Francisco Zoo is three times more expensive than it was a
decade ago.

(A) fee

(B) duty

(C) tax

(D) toll

Câu 130

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

The supervisor in charge of the production team _____ for next weekend's management

(A) registered

(B) registration

(C) registering

(D) registry

Câu 131

After hours of deliberation, the interview committee nally _____ the marketing executive vacancy
to Tim Lyons.

(A) offered

(B) proposed

(C) bid

(D) tendered

Câu 132

The nance director of the government health care agency_____ accepted bribes from
pharmaceutical companies.

(A) allegedly

(B) alleged

(C) allege

(D) allegations

Câu 133

The governor says the drop in unemployment is a direct _____ of his recent economic reforms

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(A) consequence

(B) concentration

(C) conciliation

(D) condemnation

Câu 134

_____arrival, you will be met by Ms. Watanabe, your Japanese guide and interpreter.

(A) On

(B) In

(C) At

(D) By

Câu 135

Deni Raviso is_____ considered to be the most promising young executive at Cornatec Industries.

(A) wide

(B) wider

(C) widely

(D) width

Câu 136

Jack & Rose Home Appliances is the_____ largest electronics manufacturer in the entire country.

(A) two

(B) second

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(C) twice

(D) double

Câu 137

Dr. Harrison's team will conduct _____ research into the effects of the medication on people's
respiratory organs.

(A) extend

(B) extensive

(C) extension

(D) extent

Câu 138

The Impact Outdoor store in Hermania Mall sells _____ hiking gear and modern camping
equipment at affordable prices.

(A) fragile

(B) likable

(C) durable

(D) reasonable

Câu 139

Tom Higgins will provide a detailed _____ of the new parking permit system at the staff meeting.

(A) explain

(B) explicable

(C) explanation

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(D) explanatory

Câu 140

_____ several warnings about his performance, the employee continued to neglect his core duties
at work.

(A) Despite

(B) Although

(C) Beyond

(D) Unless

Câu 141 - 143

13 Harbrook Lane

Westland, Canberra

Dear Ms. Sylvester,

According to our records, your subscription to World Issues is due to _____ next month. If
you would like to renew your subscription, please contact our customer management
department before July 31. You can either send us an email at _____call us at 0900-476-876 to speak with one of our

As a long-time subscriber to World Issues, you are eligible for a 10% discount on your next
subscription. You will also go into the draw to receive a special prize pack _____ at over


Sunita Prakesh

Director of Customer Management, World Issues

141. According to our records, your subscription to World Issues is due to _____ next month.

(A) commence

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(B) expire

(C) match

(D) correspond

142. You can either send us an email at _____call us at

0900-476-876 to speak with one of our representatives.

(A) and

(B) nor

(C) or

(D) hut

143. You will also go into the draw to receive a special prize pack _____ at over $500.

(A) value

(B) valued

(C) valuing

(D) values

Câu 144 - 146

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

To: Technical Support Staff

From: Glen Holderness, Managing Director

Re: Communication skills

Hi, everyone,

Firstly, I'd like to thank you for your excellent work. You are an essential part of the Vesper
Insurance Inc.!

However, a few of your colleagues from around the company_____ about the way you
interact with other staff. It seems that some of you are impatient when dealing with their
problems. I realize it must be hard explaining technical matters to people who lack
_____with computers. However, we need to do something about this problem.
vAccordingly, I have arranged a_____ training session on communication skills for technical
support staff. The session will be held tomorrow in the conference room at 8 a.m. sharp. I
look forward to seeing you all there, no exceptions. I'm sure you'll nd the training very

Thanks, Glen Holderness

144. However, a few of your colleagues from around the company_____ about the way you
interact with other staff.

(A) has complained

(B) complains

(C) have complained

(D) complaining

145. I realize it must be hard explaining technical matters to people who lack _____with

(A) pro ciency

(B) capacity

(C) intention

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(D) opportunity

146. Accordingly, I have arranged a_____ training session on communication skills for
technical support staff.

(A) voluntary

(B) exible

(C) mandatory

(D) indifferent

Câu 147 - 149

From: Gavin Henderson, MultiSupplies

To: Gloria Sanchez, Hamilton Retail

Re: Bad news

Dear Ms. Sanchez,

I'm sorry to inform you that your shipment -------- a couple of days late. Originally, we had
scheduled to send your merchandise by the 4th of June, but the delivery is now going to
arrive on the 7th. Unfortunately, we have had trouble ----- hold of some of the personal care
goods you requested.

We are still waiting for a delivery from our warehouse in Memphis.

I apologize for any inconvenience, and I assure you that your shipment is now our top _____.
We will do everything we can to ship it to you promptly. We will also compensate you
nancially for the delay. If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact me.


Gavin Henderson

147. I'm sorry to inform you that your shipment -------- a couple of days late.

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(A) arrived

(B) has arrived

(C) arrives

(D) will arrive

148. Unfortunately, we have had trouble ----- hold of some of the personal care goods you

(A) got

(B) gotten

(C) get

(D) getting

149. I apologize for any inconvenience, and I assure you that your shipment is now our top

(A) priority

(B) performer

(C) speed

(D) urgency

Câu 150 - 152

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Italian Festival a Big Success

New York's annual Italian Cultural Festival once again proved extremely popular with people
around the city. The festival _____to an end last night with a free performance of the opera
"Carmen" in CentralPark. Organizers are suggesting that over 20,000 people attended last
night's event. A further 100,000 people are believed to have taken part in some of the
festival's other _____

The head of the festival's organizing committee, Angela di Venuto, was very delighted with
this year's turnout: "It's great that so many New Yorkers come out to celebrate this great
city's Italian heritage." She suggested that next year's festival would be even bigger, with
more events and performances planned.

New York City mayor Bob Gordon, who was in _____at last night's opera, was also thrilled
with the success of this year's festival. He said that events such as this "prove what an
amazing city New York is”

150. The festival _____to an end last night with a free performance of the opera "Carmen" in
Central Park.

(A) took

(B) went

(C) gave

(D) came

151. A further 100,000 people are believed to have taken part in some of the festival's other

(A) attractions

(B) partitions

(C) appearances

(D) observances

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

152. New York City mayor Bob Gordon, who was in _____at last night's opera, was also
thrilled with the success of this year's festival.

(A) attend

(B) attention

(C) attending

(D) attendance

Câu 153 - 154


July 9, 2008

Dear customer:

In the interest of continuing to offer professional broadcasting to our customers, Dakota

Cable will be increasing the rates of our basic cable service . We would like to remind our
customers that this is the rst rate increase in two years.

As of September 15, 2008, the monthly rate for Classic Cable, Cable Plus and the
customized Specialty Cable will be raised by $5.

Dakota Cable would like to express its gratitude for your understanding. You are one of our
loyal customers and we would be pleased to provide you with more information or assist
you in any way we can.

Dakota Cable

Customer Services

153. What is the purpose of this notice?

(A) To advertise a cable service

(B) To inform about a rise in fees

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(C) To notify customers of a change in address

(D) To warn about an interruption in service

154. According to the notice, when will the changes be brought in?

(A) By next month

(B) In just over two months

(C) At the end of the year

(D) After two years

Câu 155 - 157

The Canberra Opera Company presents opera for a new age,

If you're between 19 and 50 years old, you can en joy operatic performances for less than
you think.

Fay $40 for the rst opera and attend the second for just Vb. You will need to buy the tickets
in advance.

Get 50% off the regular price when you go to three operas per year.

Don't miss our rst performance of 200.5: Madame Butter y by Giacomo Puccini, starting
Feb. 3.

Please see our schedule for exact dates and the season's full list of performances.

You can buy tickets online :

Visit our box o ce:
The Canberra Opera Company

56 Kent St.,
Canberra, ACT
Or call (157): (02) 4756-4747
School groups: (02) 4786-4727

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

155. What is being advertised?

(A) A touring international opera company

(B) A recently refurbished theater

(C) A special offer available to some customers

(D) A new place for purchasing tickets

156. In what case would customers pay half price?

(A) If they attend three performances a year

(B) If they are part of a group reservation

(C) If they buy tickets for two operas

(D) If they book before the season begins

157. What is NOT suggested as a way to purchase tickets?

(A) By fax

(B) On the Internet

(C) In person

(D) Over the phone

Câu 158 - 159

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Hardy’s Work Station

Clothing & Equipment for thr Outdoors

205 River Valley Rd.

Edmonton, AB T5A 9B4

October 16, 2008

Duncan Lawrence
62 Whyte Ave . Apt. 6
Edmonton, AB T5A 9A7

Dear Mr. Lawrence

To express our gratitude for your loyal patronage over the years , we would like to tell you
about a special discount that we’re offering you and our other valued customers.

Present the enclosed voucher ar any of our ten locations in the province and you will receive
20% off any item in the store . The unique aspect of this discount is that you can use it
repeatedly until it expires on Dec.31. Please enjoy this special offer, and we look forward to
serving you in the future.

With sincere thanks,

Jacqueline Spitz

Manager, Consumer Ralations

Hardy’s Work Station.

158. Who is Mr. Lawrence?

(A) A rival executive

(B) A preferred customer

(C) A specialist in outdoor gear

(D) A customer service representative

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

159. What is being offered?

(A) A gift certi cate

(B) A reudable savings coupon

(C) A one-time 20% off voucher

(D) A limited warranty on equipment

Câu 160 - 161

Message taker: Jude Simpson, Receptionist

Message for: Geordan O’Brien, Operations manager

vCaller: Marianna Gomez, Gomez Repair Center
vCaller's contact: 010-552-775

Time: 3:47 p.m., Monday June 18

vYou can collect your vehicle from the repair center this afternoon (160). The total cost of
the service comes to $345.50. Acting on your request, the tires have been rotated, and the
battery has been replaced(161). Also, after the repairmen inspected the rest of the vehicle
and realized that what you said was right, they performed a wheel alignment .

As usual, complimentary oil changes were also provided. You will receive a more detailed
account of the charges and services rendered on pickup.

160. What was the main purpose of Ms. Gomez's call?

(A) To tell a customer his vehicle is ready for pickup

(B) To inform a client of a mechanical problem with his car

(C) To quote a price estimate for a vehicle check-up

(D) To demand an overdue payment for a repair service

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

161. What is NOT requested by Mr. O'Brien?

(A) Tire rotation

(B) An oil change

(C) A battery replacement

(D) Wheel alignment

Câu 162 - 164

Thank you for choosing the Aegis anti-virus and anti-spyware upgrade bundle (163). At the
end of the one-year subscription period, Aegis will automatically renew your anti-virus and
anti-spyware product. (163) The contact and billing information you provide here will be
used to renew this subscription. You will be noti ed by email one month prior to the
expiration of the product.

I would like:

□The single upgrade

□The multi-user upgrade bundle
Name: Julie McCain
Address: 45 Evansville Ave. Seattle 98103
Phone: (216) 567-8475
Please indicate method of payment:
□Credit card
Credit card number: ___________
Expiry date: ________
*Your credit card information is protected by Bulwark Security Systems.
□Check or money order
*Your order will be approved 8 days after we receive your payment.
□Wire transfer
*Wiring the payment electronically takes 1-2 business days. Your order will be complete two
days after our bank con rms your payment.
I have read and agree to the terms of the subscription.
Accept Cancel

162. Where would this information most likely appear?

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(A) In an error message

(B) In a computer manual

(C) On a company's website

(D) On a credit card brochure

163. What will happen when the subscription expires?

(A) The service will be updated.

(B) The customer will receive an invoice.

(C) The product will be canceled.

(D) The company will restart the same service.

164. When is Ms. McCain expected to receive the service?

(A) Immediately after placing the order

(B) In 1-2 regular business days

(C) 3-4 days after transferring the money

(D) One week from sending the payment

Câu 165 - 168

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

To: Walter Davis

From: Charles Allen

Sent: January 29, 2008

Subject: Figures from Santa Rosa

Hi Walter,

I'm sure you're going to be more than pleased with these rst o cial gures from our Santa
Rosa mine in South America (165). The output is exceeding our predictions .

Northern Mines Santa Rosa

(4th quarter)(4th quarter)
Gold (oz) 6,600 7,300
Silver (oz) 3,200 5,900
Copper (tonnes) 1,800 1,500
Zinc (tonnes) 3,300 4,100
Output is far above the projected amounts made before we purchased the Santa Rosa mine
in Honduras. What's more is that gold, silver, and zinc from Santa Rosa have topped the
quarterly average of our domestic Northern Mines.
We know that we posted strong 4th quarter earnings. Tomorrow Lucy Smith will present a
comprehensive report outlining the impact Santa Rosa had on Sheen Mining's overall
revenues for 2007. We expect everyone to be in attendance.
If there's anything you'd like to discuss before tomorrow's meeting, give me a call.

165. What is the main issue discussed in this email?

(A) A company's quarterly income

(B) Money saved on mining abroad

(C) The results of an annual scal report

(D) The performance of a recent acquisition

166. What is surprising about the news?

(A) The company had been optimistic about the 4th quarter.

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(B) The foreign mine yielded more than expected.

(C) The original production estimate was accurate.

(D) The domestic mine recorded its highest output ever.

167. What metal is more abundant in the domestic mine?

(A) Gold

(B) Silver

(C) Copper

(D) Zinc

168. Who will give a presentation on the company's scal situation?

(A) Santa Rosa

(B) Lucy Smith

(C) Walter Davis

(D) Charles Allen

Câu 169 - 172

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Farmers Feel FTA Woes

Business This Week for April 16
By Gerard Sears

Governments in Europe and the Americas have put an end to a decades-long trade dispute
by signing the cross-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement. Free-market advocates are celebrating
the agreement scheduled to go into effect June 1, while at home at least one group remains

Farmers will see agricultural subsidies cut by 5% by the end of this year - the rst step in a
ve-stage process. By 2017, all 15 participating nations(170) are required to limit subsidies
to farmers to 10% of their earnings. In unstable industries such as wheat and barley,
farmers can be subsidized by up to 50%.

John Clement, a corn farmer in Iowa, says the new pact will bankrupt his family-run farm.

"We won't be able to compete with the cheaper imports," he says. "We'll have to sell our land
and our way of life."

The Federal Minister of Agriculture and Trade, Barry Holmes, says that the government is
implementing the cutbacks in phases to give farmers enough time to adjust.

"We have programs to help farmers who want to rethink their business," Holmes said at a
press conference on Friday.

Mr. Holmes is referring to classes that start next month at community colleges around the
country. Mr. Holmes says the classes are available free of charge and are geared
speci cally for those who are forced to change their career in the new era of free trade.

169. What is the main topic of this article?

(A) The classes of community colleges

(B) The effects of a trade pact on an industry

(C) The creation of an international union

(D) The participants of an import-export agreement

170. How many countries are involved?

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(A) 5

(B) 10

(C) 15

(D) 50

171. Why are farmers dissatis ed?

(A) They'll be forced to cut their farm production.

(B) They'll have to pay back old loans immediately.

(C) They'll have to pay their workers higher wages.

(D) They'll receive less money from the government.

172. What kind of program is the government offering?

(A) Occupational training courses

(B) Lectures on nancial management

(C) Classes on modern farming techniques

(D) Ways to compete on an international level

Câu 173 - 175

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Attn.: All employees, Austin Headquarters

Date: April 2, 2008

Here is the in-house schedule for the National Conference in April. The ve a liates will be
in Austin for this year's conference (173), which means about 200 people will be attending.

April 11 Location
10:00-11:30 Opening Remarks by CEO Mason Lecture Room 4th oor
11:30-1:30 luch Dining Room
1:30-6:00 Topic: Product Summary & Performance Showroom
6:00-8:00 Dinner TBA

April 12 Location
9:30-11:30 Team Innovations Activities Boardrooms
11:30-1:30 luch Dining Room
1:30-6:00 Topic: Research & Development Auditorium
6:00-8:00 Dinner TBA

Because of the large number of people this year, we will hold the 'Team Innovations' part of
the conference in small meeting rooms. We will divide employees into six groups to be
announced at the end of lunch on April 11. The groups will be chosen with the aim of
getting employees from the different company o ces to mix together (175). If there is
anything you would like to comment on, please email me or come see me in HA, room 202,
before April 4.

Laurie Pitt


173. What kind of event will take place?

(A) A scienti c symposium

(B) A company-wide annual meeting

(C) A regional spring conference

(D) A seminar on scal responsibility

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

174. By what date should changes to the schedule be suggested?

(A) April 2

(B) April 4

(C) April 11

(D) April 12

175. What will determine the organization of 'Team Innovations'?

(A) Employees' place of work

(B) The preferences of the a liate companies

(C) The number of people who attend

(D) How many meeting rooms are available

Câu 176 - 180

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Posted by: Carlos Fernandez

Micron Designs

Attn.: All Employees

Date: July 10, 2008

vSubject: Company policy on health risks

Due to the recent outbreak of the deadly bird u virus on farms in the northern part of the
country, the National Board of Health has issued a health alert and travel warning for all
rural areas.

From this point forward, all employees of Micron Designs are restricted from any business
travel outside of the city (176). It is not yet known whether the virus can spread to humans.
We therefore trust that all employees will refrain from traveling to those areas deemed a risk
by the National Board of Health. Please review the attached document that lists all of these

If, for whatever reason, an employee takes a personal trip to a high-risk area, he or she is
obliged to inform the management, take two days' unpaid vacation from work, and show
documentation proving that he or she has had a medical check-up (179) upon returning
from the high-risk area. This is the current company policy pending further notice. Failure to
comply with this policy could result in suspension without pay.

If anybody nds themselves experiencing u-like symptoms, please inform your supervisor
by phone and see your doctor immediately.

If there are any questions or comments, please contact Ralph Hunter in Human Resources.

Carlos Fernandez

Vice President, Micron Designs

(614) 445-8763

176. What is the purpose of this memo?

(A) To offer health insurance

(B) To explain how to recover travel expenses

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(C) To inform about a new regulation

(D) To distribute a revised work schedule

177. What are all employees being asked to do?

(A) Stay in the city

(B) Take a vacation

(C) Go on a business trip

(D) Call the Board of Health

178. What is attached to the memo?

(A) The addresses of nearby hospitals

(B) A checklist of u-related symptoms

(C) The phone numbers of company managers

(D) A list of places with possible disease exposure

179. What is NOT stated as mandatory for employees who travel?

(A) Notifying a supervisor

(B) Taking leave without pay

(C) Getting a medical examination

(D) Receiving a u shot from a doctor

180. What might happen to employees who ignore the policy?

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(A) The company may re them.

(B) They may be suspended from work.

(C) The company could cut their paychecks.

(D) They could be demoted to lower positions.

Câu 181 - 185

The Clear Skin Co.

6124 East Briggsmore Ave.

Modesto, CA 98113

February 15, 2008

Marianna Johnson

Lotus Department Store

202 Garvin Ave.

Richmond, CA 98238

Dear Ms. Johnson:

I’m writing to inform you of a decision made by The Clear Skin Co. that will affect shipments
to your store. Our board of directors has voted to halt production of our vitamin C skin care
products, due to low sales nationwide over the past two years.

As of May 31, 2008, The Clear Skin Co. will o cially cease supplying the following
vVita C
- Intense Moisturizer for Dry Skin
- Daytime Face Moisturizer
- Eye and Lip Fine Line Cream
- Extra
-Strength Sun Cream
Naturally, this means we will not be able to renew an order inclusive of these products. To
replace the Vita C skin care line, we will be supplementing our existing Vita E product line

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

with ve new products - gels, creams and moisturizers that target speci c skin problems .
Vitamin E is more widely identi ed by consumers as having bene cial effects for the skin.

The new products are currently being formulated and are due to arrive in stores on April 30
(183). Please let us know if you are interested in receiving preliminary trial samples of the
products and we will ship them to you as soon as they become available.
vRachel Waters
Manager, Sales & Marketing


To: Rachel Waters

From: Marianna Johnson

Sent: February 20, 2008

Re: Product trials

Dear Ms. Waters:

The Lotus Department Store would be more than pleased to receive trial samples of your
new vitamin E products . If they turn out to be as good as your current lines, we will
de nitely place an order sometime in May.

Please notify me when you have sent the trial products. I'm looking forward to trying them.

Marianna Johnson

General Manager

Lotus Department Store

181. What is the purpose of the letter?

(A) To cancel a late shipment

(B) To explain a new product line

(C) To give an opinion about a marketing plan

(D) To inquire about new Vita C products

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

182. What product is NOT scheduled to be canceled?

(A) A lotion for dry skin

(B) A gel for problem skin

(C) A cream for the eye area

(D) A moisturizer for the face

183. When does The Clear Skin Co. say it can send the next products?

(A) February 15

(B) March 31

(C) April 30

(D) May 31

184. What is an advantage of the vitamin E products?

(A) They are easier to use.

(B) They have a longer shelf life.

(C) They are more familiar to the public.

(D) They are less expensive than vitamin C products.

185. What does Ms. Johnson agree to do?

(A) Discard old testers

(B) Place a monthly order

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(C) Sample a new product line

(D) Cancel the vitamin C product line

Câu 186 - 190

t's in stores now.

The new MUSE 500 from Thortel

The smartest - and the lightest - phone on the market

It's the ultimate traveling companion for businesspeople and students. With Thorters new
instant messaging software system, it takes only seconds to send text, photos, music, and
videos to your friends or colleagues.

Thortel gives users access to high-speed Internet at speeds of up to 14 Mbps!

At 5.2 ounces, it feels like a feather in your hand!

And at $225! You won't nd a lower price anywhere else.


Thortel's MUSE 500

By Caroline Bisset for TechTalk
Rating: 9/10

The MUSE 500 is the rst smart phone that I can say with con dence is beyond the cutting
edge of 3G communications technology.

Brie y, this is why:

Running on Thortel's 2008 operating system for pocket gadgets, combined with the
revolutionary new wireless standard, it allows the user to work on a number ofdocuments
and have access to high-speed Internet at unprecedented speeds. To give you an idea of
how high a jump this technology has 1 taken, the previous wireless standard allowed
transfer of 4 Mbps.

- The 1 GB of built-in ash memory (189)allows the user to store lots of photos, word

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

documents, and games.

- Dialing can be done with voice command technology by simply speaking into the receiver,
as well as by traditional and speed dialing.
- Camera has 2.5 mega pixel resolution.
- The lithium-ion battery allows for 5 hours of talk time before needing to be recharged.

The dimensions
At 4.0 by 4.3 by 0.8 inches, it lives up to its promotion as the thinnest smart phone on the
The only drawback to the smaller and lighter model is that the keypad is a little small.

186. What is being advertised?

(A) A laptop computer

(B) A satellite TV gadget

(C) A portable music player

(D) A personal multimedia device

187. According to the advertisement, what characteristic of the product is being compared
to others?

(A) Its popularity

(B) Its battery

(C) Its price

(D) Its memory

188. How much faster is the product's transfer speed than the previous industry standard?

(A) 4 Mbps

(B) 10 Mbps

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(C) 14 Mbps

(D) 52 Mbps

189. What product function is NOT discussed in the review?

(A) Voice recording

(B) Storage capacity

(C) Digital photography

(D) Ways of calling people

190. What is stated as a shortcoming of the product?

(A) It has average memory.

(B) The typing space is narrow.

(C) The operating time is limited.

(D) It has an outdated appearance.

Câu 191 - 195

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Biannual Sales Report, October 3, 2007


The recent analysis of our sales gures versus the earlier projections indicates a pleasing
trend. While we encountered a bit of a slump mid-year (193), sales are now picking up and
have been a lot higher than expected over the last two months. Our projections now
indicate that we will achieve a record-high sales volume in October of $40 million.

We believe the low gures in May and June can be attributed to instability in the local
economy. At this time the national elections were being held, and there was some
uncertainty as to how the outcome would affect the region. Our data analysis shows that
our larger consumers, including government organizations and large corporations, greatly
reduced their spending during these months.

Following on from the election, the market settled down, and our sales recovered. Moving
into August, sales increased dramatically as a result of our expansion into Canada and
Mexico (195). In the month of September, the company achieved its highest sales voliime
since June 2006. (This is when TP Supplies, a multinational conglomerate and our main
competitor, entered our local domestic market.) These results are extremely positive, and
the future looks promising for Glispex O ceworks.

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

191. When did sales exceed expectations by the largest margin?

(A) July

(B) August

(C) September

(D) October

192. What can be inferred from the chart?

(A) Sales projections are always less than real gures.

(B) The sales volume is expected to continue growing.

(C) Pro ts have decreased in the last few months.

(D) Seasonal changes are usual.

193. The word "slump" in paragraph 1, line 2 of the report is closest in meaning to

(A) drop

(B) discount

(C) core

(D) strike

194. According to the report, who reduced expenses during May?

(A) Large corporations

(B) The company's competitors

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(C) Mexican government agencies

(D) Multinational conglomerates

195. Why have sales increased so much lately?

(A) Many rms are spending more for the elections.

(B) The company has expanded into overseas markets.

(C) The sales team focused its efforts on the domestic economy.

(D) Government organizations supported the company nancially.

Câu 196 - 200

To: Jisun Lee

From: Marilee Watson
Sent: April 20, 2008
Subject: Upcoming trip
Hi Jisun,
Miracle Foods owes me some vacation time, so I've decided to take advantage of my
upcoming business trip to the western United States and spend two extra days at the Grand
Canyon in Arizona.

Las Vegas, where I'm meeting clients, is luckily the closest departure point to the Grand
Canyon. I'd like you to rebook my ight from Los Angeles to Tokyo for May 19 (197) instead
of the 17th. Subsequently, I'll need you to rebook my ight from Las Vegas to LA for the
morning of the 19th as well, if I'm going to catch the international ight to Japan. Please
inform me if and when these changes are con rmed. If there are any booking problems,
please let me know and I can perhaps reconsider these dates.

I appreciate your efforts and hope to hear from you shortly.

Marilee Watson


Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

To: Marilee Watson

From: Jisun Lee

Sent: April 21, 2008

RE: Subject: Upcoming trip

Good morning Marilee,

There are a number of available seats on the dates you requested. However, in order to get
the same price on the return trip airfare, you will have to switch your carrier at Los Angeles
from US Air to Japan Air (199). You will still be ying US Air from Las Vegas to LA. I have
made the changes accordingly. Please review this portion (200) of your schedule carefully.

8:00 am Depart Las Vegas (LAS) May 19 / Japan

Air Arrive Los Angeles (LAX) 9:05 am 1h 5m / Flight 890 nonstop
11:30 am Depart Los Angeles (LAX)May 19/ US Air
Arrive Tokyo (NRT) 1:50 pm (local) + 1 day 10h 20rn / Flight 228 nonstop

As per your instructions, I have booked you in economy class and reserved aisle seats on
each ight. Please let me know if there's anything further I can do to assist you.

Jisun Lee

Sun Tours

196. Why was the rst email written?

(A) To reserve a seat on a tour

(B) To book an international ight

(C) To add to an existing travel itinerary

(D) To cancel an upcoming trip

197. On what date will Ms. Watson arrive in Tokyo?

(A) May 17

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

(B) May 18

(C) May 19

(D) May 20

198. What will Ms. Watson do in case of complications?

(A) Change airlines

(B) Alter the travel days

(C) Delay her business trip

(D) Pay a supplementary fee

199. What is Ms. Watson required to keep on budget?

(A) Switch to earlier departure dates

(B) Have a layover in an east-coast city

(C) Use a different airline for a part of the trip

(D) Travel from Las Vegas to LA by bus

200. The word "portion" in paragraph 1, line 4 of the second email is closest in meaning to

(A) share

(B) division

(C) segment

(D) percentage

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group


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