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STUDENT: Karina Gil Araujo

TEACHER: Link Alvarado Garay

SPECIALTY: Initial Education


AREA PRODUCT: Autobiography

YEAR: 2021
The objective of the English course is that as a
future teacher I will have the great responsibility
of instilling and teaching English from a young
age to children since today it is one of the most
used languages in the world, then I present my
This work is aimed at my teacher since she is
the one who strives every day to provide us
with the best knowledge so that when we go out
we will be an example of a teacher.
Hello, my name is KARINA YANETH GIL
ARAUJO, I am 23 years old identified with ID:
73626469, I was born in the district of
Huasmìn, studying initial, primary and
secondary in it, I am currently studying the
initial education career by
vocation my objective has as
a purpose achieve my goals
in the given time, sometimes
I have wanted to give up but
my parents have always been
there to support me since they have never left
me alone, I will not stop until I achieve all my
goals, thank you.

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