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A journal on subtle energy in Human Health

* Mind, Body, and Disease
* Medicine – a definition
* Diabetes and Blood Pressure.
* Human life Cycle

MAY 2023

DYNAMIC energy - 05 MAY– 2023


"I say cure, and by this I mean a

'recovery undisturbed by after-sufferings'"

-- Samuel Hahnemann

DYNAMIC energy - 05 MAY– 2023

This journal is to discuss the basics of subtle energy,

that help in human health and from diseases
and to discuss the basics of Homeopathy.

Our journey through the known and unknown paths

would help in the understanding of

* What is Energy in health

* What is dynamic energy
* How does dynamic energy help us

* What is medicine
* How medicines work
* How medicine cures
* What is energized medicine
*What way herbs work
*Why chemicals as medicines
*Why do many medical systems

*What is Disease?
* What is the connection between Disease and Medicine?
*What relation does the mind have with diseases?
And more.

DYNAMIC energy - 05 MAY– 2023

DYNAMIC energy

A monthly publication.
A journal about the
energy for
Human Health.

Editorial Board

Pandurangan.K. Salem, TN, India

Bhaskaran. M. Madurai, TN, India
Arunkumar.A. Texas, USA
Dr. Seeralan.P. Salem, TN, India

Dr. Nitesh Jain. Vapi, Gujarat, India

Venugopal.S. Bengaluru, India
Dr. Chandrasekhar Pore. WB, India
Subramaniam.M. Singapore
Uma Seshadri. Chennai, India
Elangovan.M.K. Paris. France
Ravindran.K. Melbourne. Australia
Tikva Sasson. Ma'alot, Israel


DYNAMIC energy - 05 MAY– 2023


From Editors 6
Medicine – a definition 7
Human life Cycle 10
Mind, Body, and Disease 17
Diabetes and Blood Pressure 24
Letters to the editor 27
Energy Medicine East and West -a natural history of qi
Book Review 29

DYNAMIC energy - 05 MAY– 2023

From Editors

This is the 5th issue of the life of DYNAMIC energy journal.

This journal, DYNAMIC energy, is published monthly in electronic

format. This publication will talk about the subtle energies that work
deep in the health of humans.
We give more importance to the material than energy in our daily walk of
life. Visual material attracts us more than many invisible energies behind
us. At the same time, we observe and feel the effect of heavy energy in
the form of high winds, cyclones, and tornadoes. Various types of
energies, which help us with our health, are subtle. Even at modest
electron volt (eV) levels, few energy systems with dynamic actions play a
part in bio-systems.
This journal will discuss all known types of energies. Many may be
unknown to many.
It is a small step in our endeavor to understand, analyze, and review the
energies that play a leading and critical role in our health and life. The
primary purpose of this journal is to search for the reasons, concepts,
logic, and theories behind the energies.
Both mind and body need energy. The body needs energy by way of food
in a material way. The mind needs energy in a non-material way, in a
dynamic way. The mind goes to solace, rest, and comfort with music,
talks, discussions, lectures, group meetings, reading, visuals, etc. All
these forms of energy have no material transfer in them.
Science, engineering, and technology deal with materials. Theories have
been established well in those areas. Many ambiguities crop in when the
same technology interacts with natural products, like the human system.
Natural science has not developed to the extent of material science.

DYNAMIC ENERGY wants to delve into these subjects of subtle energy.


DYNAMIC energy - 05 MAY– 2023

Medicine – a definition

Dictionaries define medicine in many ways. But all definitions are

towards its use. As per definition, it can be any substance. It is a must for
us to know and define the medicine substance and what substance can
be the medicine.

Dictionary definition
as substance and as Art
 Medicine is a substance or preparation used in treating disease.
 Medicine is a substance taken into the body in treating an illness.
 Medicine is a substance that you drink or swallow in order to cure
an illness.
 Medicine is any drug or remedy for use in treating, preventing,
or alleviating the symptoms of disease.
 Medicine as an art or science of restoring or preserving health
or due physical condition, as by means of drugs, surgical
operations or appliances, or manipulations: often divided into
medicine proper, surgery, and obstetrics.

Why define?
Before defining medicine, We should understand the human system for
which medication is to be used. If we consider humans as material
bodies, then only medicine in material form is sufficient. But it is not so.
The human system has life. It is only a material of the body if it is
without life. We call humans and animals as living beings. They differ
from static materials, which material engineering deals with.
The human body has two systems: the material body and the living
biosystem. Living bio system controls the body. The mind plays a
significant role in it. The mind has two major parts, the Auto or
subconscious mind, and the Intelligent or conscious mind. The
intelligent mind works in some areas of the body only when awake and
aware of ourselves. Else subconscious mind always takes care of the
body's functions.
The conscious mind eats, and the subconscious mind controls digestion.
The subconscious mind forms urine and stool. The conscious mind
regulates excretion.

DYNAMIC energy - 05 MAY– 2023

Medicine for Body and Mind.

We need medicines of two kinds—one for the body and another for the
mind. Third can be a combination of both. Even food is chosen based on
the person and one's interests.
The human system has to be viewed as a body and the controlling or
regulating mechanism. We don't look at the mind when we feed the body
with material medicine. Unless the mind is normal, the mind cannot
regulate the body, and even material medicine cannot be taken well and
The major problem in the medicine system is not taking care of the
Let us define medicine from the view of its origin and function. We
should be fully clear that the mind also needs treatment. Mind is not
material, and hence material cannot be medicine for mind. We see a
simple talk can control a mind. Here, talk is in energy form; hence, such
energy shall be medicine.
When we talk of energy, we don't talk just the usual calorie
energy but of force and action. Dynamic energy. Not energy of
the material, but energy carried by a material.
In day-to-day life, we see how energy works in the material world. A
stone cannot hit something unless an impact is given to that. A bullet
cannot travel unless a gun ejects it. An arrow cannot reach a target
unless the bow forces it. Here the stone or ammunition, or arrow carries
the energy imparted to it and conveys it to the target. In the same way,
our medicine for the mind has to be taken and transferred.

Medicine definition
 Medicine has two types, Matarial and Energy, or it can be a mix.
 The human body is a product of nature, so the medicine must be
from natural resources.
 Medicine can be of material type if it has to act with the material of
the body. Any part which loses control or communication with the
Brain needs material as medicine.
 The energy a material carries would work for a system the brain
controls. When any body part or system is affected and is
controlled by the Brain, medicine should be given through the
Brain, and the medicine to the Brain should be of energy type. The
material that carries the energy is of no use, and this material shall
be a natural one and shall not interact with the body.

DYNAMIC energy - 05 MAY– 2023

Food and Medicine

Any food that goes into the human body would interact and work well
only if natural. Natural in recent years is called organic. Industrially
processed or chemically processed food in industries will not work well
with the natural body.
To explain natural food and industrially processed a simple example
would help. Sodium chloride is natural. In natural heating, boiling, or
grinding processes, it stays as Common salt and can be a part of the food.
Assume we separate into sodium and Chlorine (Bleaching powder) using
an industrial chemical process the properties of the extract can have
some qualities of the primary material but need not have the same
properties of the original material. Similarly, the alkyds removed from
the original natural chemicals would differ from the original. Curcumin
is different from Turmeric. Glucose extracted from Casava (Tapioca) is
different from natural Casava. Vincristine would not work s a natural
periwinkle plant (Catharanthus roseus). Nicotine works differently from
tobacco. White sugar's function is different from sugar can juice, even
though it is food.

When we want to have a medical concept, we should also have the

concept of our food. Food has to help the body and also the mind.
Usually, we are always concerned with the body. Hence we consider food
as a subject of solid, and we don't consider that food also can help the

When we talk with a person, it is not just the word that carries the
meaning but also some energy in the way we talk, the style we talk, and
how we express ourselves. Food, the way we prepare, could help carry
energy to the Brain. Food preparation is not just the material and
content by way of calories and vitamins, and some energy as an
inducement is required.

DYNAMIC energy - 05 MAY– 2023

Human life Cycle


Levels and Stages

(Ko. Paandu)

Human life can have many levels in its progress. Here we split them into Seven levels. These
seven levels take two paths, one physically and another mentally. We call these levels. Will
call rows or series for future comparisons.

Human life
Over the years, there has been growth in physical and mental. An important point to be
noted here is that mental growth does not go equally with physical development. Rarely
mental growth goes well with physical.

Seven Levels

The levels are

1. Pure energy, Existence, and Conception;
2. Fetus, growth, delivery, and baby Separation.
3. Child Identity in Infancy and Relationships
4. Security, Tasks, Finances, Job, House.
5. Creativity and Performance
6. Responsibility and Leadership
7. Disintegration, Death, and Pure energy

The levels physically are

1. Conception and unborn
2. Childbirth
3. Friends and Teenagers
4. Youth adulthood
5. Middle age
6. Elderly
7. Old age

We will split the progress into 18 stages at each Level. Each stage progresses, going to peak
and then decline. It is further, getting ready for the next Level.

1. Pure energy, Existence, and Conception;

In the development of life, this Level or series corresponds with conception and the period of
the unborn child. There are only two possibilities in general theme: to be or not to be. They
experience and have a great desire for unity. There is no division between self and other. The
theme could be 'whether or not to incarnate' in this world. To be born or ready to be born.

2. Foetus growth delivery and Separation.

Child age corresponds to the development of the toddler. A toddler learns to distinguish
between different things, and one of the most important distinctions is the one between 'I'
and the other person. This is immediately followed by the question 'What am I worth?',
'What is the value of the world?', 'what is the meaning of life?'.

3. Identity in infancy
Teenagers learn about their position in relation to others, learning to define their own space
and respect that of others. This is the Level of relationships, first within the family, then

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gradually including other people later. The area includes their own house and the immediate
neighborhood, where the child learns to relate to people outside the family. This includes his
school, where he makes friends with other children.

4. Security, Tasks, Finances, Job, House.

Youth Adulthood in our society includes the years of puberty. This is when they learn a
certain trade at school. This is the Level where abilities start to be developed. Eventually,
they learn to carry out this task by themselves. The individual gets to know the whole group
and starts to determine his own position within this group. This position is linked to a trade
he has learned,

5. Creativity and Performance

This Level is usually developed in middle age. But the theme can be present at any age, often
even in childhood. The theme that belongs to this Level is Art. But there are many other
themes linked to this series that might, at first sight, have little to do with Art: advising other
people, mysticism, and being a spokesman. The central theme is the passing on of ideas and
images. This can be done through paintings and sculptures, poetry, theatre, music, speeches,
or through channeled information from other spheres. Speech and hearing are two specific
physical themes that belong to this series. We use speech to get our ideas across to others.
We use our ears to receive ideas.

6. Responsibility and Leadership

Power is the central theme of this Level. It is all about leadership and power over other
people. And leadership goes hand in hand with a feeling of responsibility for those people.
This is the phase of maturity, the age at which people traditionally used to, and still do, come
into a position of power. The area has now been extended to include the whole country or
even the whole world. We can say the vision of a king has to be much broader than that of a
baker. The eyes are associated with this series.

7. Disintegration, Death, and Pure energy

They work with invisible forces. They work quietly in the background, unseen by most
people. They know how to manifest the hidden knowledge and power deep within the
subconscious mind. This is a time of very old age. There are no limits to the area on which
they focus their powers. They work with the whole world and the whole universe. These are
the magicians, the people who know how to reach their goals through the power of intention
and the power of thought. They are the shamans, the prophets who guide the evolution of
mankind from behind the scenes. This series focuses on intuition. These people are often
clairvoyant or clairaudient or simply know what is going on.

Eighteen Stages
There are eighteen stages in a cycle of each Level. Each cycle consists of the beginning of a
project, the successful accomplishment of this project, and then its eventual decline and final
breakdown. It describes the Rise, success, and fall of any undertaking, project, business, or
kingdom. The stages could be seen as separate moments fixed in time in this overall process.
They describe the continuing process as if it consisted of different steps that can be lifted out

The stages are the same for each series, so they can be applied to all seven levels. We just
need to bear in mind that the first few series have fewer stages. It is as if they have skipped a
few. Further down the line, we get progressively more stages, as if there is more
differentiation between each stage of development in the later series.

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To see the reality of the levels and stages, we can compare the rows and columns of the
periodic table of elements. For our review, we call them Levels (or series) and Stages.

We must remember that the first few series have fewer stages. It is as if they have skipped a
few. Further down the line, we get progressively more stages, as if there is more
differentiation between each stage of development in the later Level. The 4th, 5th, 6th, and
7th levels have all 18 stages, But the first Level has only two stages. 2nd and 3rd Level has
eight stages each.

A number has been given to each stage. Later some names would help to group the stages
based on the levels in a series. Each Level is a different type of living. Not that everyone will
be crossing all types of lives. Many are struck in one place. Ie. In one stage in one Level.
Some got tangled in a few levels, one and more. Even though one grows physically may get
stuck. The place where one gets caught and cannot move out mentally is a place of trouble for
his living. The mental effect appears physical as well.

Jan Scholten of the Netherlands had worked out the link between human life and the
periodic table. As we saw a brief about the levels, we can see in brief about the 18 stages in
each Level or row.

The 18 Stages of the Periodic Table

Jan Scholten assigns 18 Stages to the columns of the Periodic Table. In general, this
emphasizes the main coping strategies, moving towards, against, or away from people. This
trend is reflected in Scholten's stages.

The stages represent transitions or changes, most usually in development, but they can also
be seen as a metaphor for the situations, the image of growth and decay, and all that happens
on heaven and earth. This can be compared to progress in business and earning and reaching
a level of achievement. Then declining in business or going at a loss. Similarly, in a job or
management or one's skills.

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The eighteen stages in a cycle.

Each cycle consists of the beginning of a project, the successful accomplishment of this
project, and then its eventual decline and final breakdown. It describes the Rise, success, and
failure or decline of any undertaking, project, business, or kingdom. The stages could be seen
as separate moments fixed in time in this overall process. They describe the continuing
process as if it consisted of different levels that can be lifted out separately.

The stages are the same for each series so that they can be applied to all of them.

The cycle in 18 Stages

Each step in a Level represents the stage in development, the cycle of life. It starts with the
Rise and growth, comes to full development, and then declines again, ending in nothing. We
will see each stage in brief.

The Stages and their themes are:

Stage 1: start, begin; spontaneous, impulsive, unpredictable, manic; naive, childish, foolish.
Stage 2: observing, observed; timid, shy; passive, refusal; adapting; bewildered, overdone.
Stage 3: searching, comparing; trying; understating; uncommitted.
Stage 4: deciding, staring, founding; committed; unsure; amazed.
Stage 5: Careful; unsure; preparing; avoiding; postponing; unsurmountable.
Stage 6: proving, challenge, daring; danger; inevitable; forcing; hiding.
Stage 7: learning, training, adding; complimenting; helping; together.
Stage 8: pushing, persevering; forcing; massive, huge; inertia, resistance.
Stage 9: examination, test, approval; call off; second, almost.
Stage 10: success, top, summit, glory; rigid, fixed.
Stage 11: maintaining, sustaining; benevolent, sharing; affluence, fortune.
Stage 12: defending; attacked, threatened, enemies; threatening, overdoing, exaggerating.
Stage 13: retiring, retreat, withdrawn; suspicious; nostalgia, homesickness; moldy.
Stage 14: diverting, avoiding; powerless; form, formal, mask, facade; discharged, dismissed.
Stage 15: forgiving; loss, end; burning; poisoning; sacrifice.
Stage 16: neglecting, neglected; ruin, ash; ugly, dirt, offensive; seducing; reconciling.
Stage 17: erased, abolished; end; rejected; outcast; stealing, crime.
Stage 18: pause, rest, inactive; nonreactive, latent; transformation.

Stage 1
The spontaneous start, the impulsive begin. Things are done without being thought over,
without reflection. This leads to naive, instinctive, simplistic, and even childish or foolish
behavior. It can lead to one-sidedness, which seems rigid. Manic. Alone and lonely.

Stage 2
Unsure, timid. Doesn't know what he is worth or what he can do, so he remains passive or
adapts to the situation. He just watches and feels watched at the same time, so he hides. He

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wants and needs protection and support. Bewildered and overwhelmed.

Stage 3
Searching, for the right thing, trying and comparing possibilities. He feels unsure and easily
underestimates himself, so he cannot come to a conclusion. He avoids a decision, and does
not commit himself.

Stage 4
The real official start. It can be the founding of a business, a marriage, or a contract. The
decision is made, and the commitment is stated. But one can feel unsure, astonished that it
can be done. This can lead to irresolution and amazement.

Stage 5
The preparation of the work, the plans, and proposals after the start is made. But the work
looks too big, the mountain too high to climb, insurmountable. So he is easily discouraged
and disappointed in his provisory plans. He alternates between going on and giving up,
avoiding and postponing the work to his unrealistic goal.

Stage 6
This is the challenge. One has to do things and prove one's power. One is forced to act. It is
inevitable and inescapable. It has to be done, and the bridges are burnt behind him. It takes
courage and bravery. In the extreme, it is the daredevil. The fear of failure can make him act
alone, covered, and secretive.

Stage 7
Training leads to perfection. He can do his act but knows he still has to learn a lot more. He
has to practice to become a master of everything. He wants to learn from others and likes to
cooperate to see how others do things. And he likes to teach and help others on their road to
becoming a master.

Stage 8
This is the real work. Everything learned so far has to be assembled and put together. But the
amount of work is massive, huge. So one needs perseverance, endurance, power, and force.
One feels pressured due to lack of time and struggling against deadlines. One has to push
and fight against the inertia of matter and people's resistance. One can be irritated by the

Stage 9
The work has been done, but the last details must be filled in. Practically the goal is reached.
Virtually the work is finished. Minor adaptations can be made after the dress rehearsal. The
book can be completed after the corrections of the proofreaders. The contract has to be
approved and signed. But the fear of a blunder, a failure at the examination, can make one
call the whole thing off.

Stage 10
The goal is reached. One feels at the top, the summit. It is the glory of the winner, the
brilliance of a victory. Everything falls into place. It is obvious that one is oneself, the noble
person that decides independently and is self-sufficient. One can become so convinced of the
success and righteousness that one becomes rigid, fixed, and haughty: balance and

Stage 11
This is the maintenance. One must hold and keep the position reached; things must be
conserved and preserved. One wants to enjoy affluence and prosperity. One wants to expand
and share wealth and fortune. Sustenance is possible but heavy. One protects like a guardian
or shepherd. Benevolence. Benign tumors.

Stage 12

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The power is exerted to the utmost and is overdone like a tyrant. One still has full power, but
feels threatened from all directions. Suspicious of betrayal and attack, one defends the power
in an exaggerated way. It is overdone, leading to opposition. It is too much of a good thing:
overshooting, overdoing, overstating, and boasting. The conservative one rules by division,
defending against revolution and decline.

Stage 13
The position can only be held partly, half. One has to retreat and retire. One has to reduce
and shrink. But one holds one to old and obsolete things with nostalgic feelings. The antique
and outdated things from the past, which are the best, must be retired and withdrawn. But
they are held in honor of the reduced space. The atmosphere is musty and moldy.

Stage 14
Form without power; mask, facade, mummy, fossil. The real power is gone, but externally it
seems to function still well. One is dismissed and put on a sidetrack. One feels powerless,
weak, drained, discharged, empty and hollow. One hides behind the form, diverting real
responsibility. Coward.

Stage 15
The loss. This is the stage of the disappearance of what has been achieved, bankruptcy,
defeat, and Death, being fired. Everything is burnt. It can be felt like a shock, being poisoned.
One can fight and resist, refusing to give over. Or one can give in as a surrender, sacrifice, or
abdication. The best is to forgive and forget.

Stage 16
Things are over, in essence. Only the remnants and ashes are left, the leftovers. The
remnants can be in a state of decay, or putrification, producing an offensive and rotten odor
and ugly view. One is disgusted and becomes an outcast. It is like a beggar in rags, seducing
and tempting others to give. Only memories are left, bringing one into a state of fantasy of
greatness and deepening and reconciliation. Lazy.

Stage 17
This is the eradication, and all have to be erased. It has to be ceased, extinguished, abolished,
aborted, and finalized. One can be forced to quit or flee, being expelled as an outcast. One
has to let go of everything, even forget memories. It frees and makes one lose bonds. One can
let go of humor. The opposite is to hold on to things, even taking them without asking.

Stage 18
This is the denial of action, of everything. It is the pause between actions: rest, holidays,
sleep, meditation, coma, and Death. Things are latent, idle, inert, inactive, and quiet.
Externally there is no interaction or communication: autism, cocoon. Internally there can be
a transformation. The sensation is of being free, floating, confused, and unconnected. This
stage can also be called Stage 0, as it is the Stage before Stage 1 of the new cycle. It is a
Stepstone for the next Level.

The stages of rising and fall

Stages can be grouped for easy understanding.
The stages can also be understood as the principle of creation, maintenance,
and destruction. All things go through this cycle in time and space.
Stage 1 - 6: Everything arises and grows;
Stage 7 - 12: flowering time
Stages 13-17: grows older, decays, and dies
This cyclical process can be identified by the construction and decay of a house.
Stage 1 - 3: The idea, property inspection, and construction planning

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Stage 4 - 6: This is followed by the purchase of the property, excavation, and laying of
the foundation stone
Stages 7 - 9: This is followed by the actual construction with shell construction,
topping-out ceremony, roof, and interior work until it is ready for occupancy:
Stage 10: Now you move in:
Stage 11: lives in and keeps the house;
Stage 12: and slowly, the first quarrels with the neighbors begin;
Stages 13 - 15: Over the years, the owners changed, new plaster would have long been
due, and the heating leaks and the electrics would have to be completely
replaced. But the money is missing. The roof has got holes and is badly damaged after
a violent storm;
Stages 16-17: The house is slowly falling into disrepair. As a ruin, it is finally torn
down completely, and later no one knows about it;
Moving with people and their relationships.
Moving Toward People. Stage – 1-8
The need for affection and approval, pleasing others, and being liked by them.
They need a partner, one whom they can love and who will solve all problems.
Moving Against People. Stage – 9-11
The need for power; the ability to bend wills and achieve control over others --
while most persons seek strength, the neurotic may be desperate for it.
The need to exploit others, to get the better of them. To become manipulative,
fostering the belief that people are there simply to be used.
The need for social recognition, prestige, and limelight.
The need for personal admiration; for both inner and outer qualities -- to be
The need for personal achievement; though virtually all persons wish to make
achievements, as with No. 3, the neurotic may be desperate for achievement.
Moving Away from People Stage – 12-17
The need for self-sufficiency and independence; while most desire some
autonomy, the neurotic may simply wish to discard other individuals entirely.
The need for perfection; while many are driven to perfect their lives in the
form of well-being, the neurotic may display a fear of being slightly flawed.
Lastly, the need to restrict life practices to within narrow borders, to live as
inconspicuous a life as possible.

1. Jan scholten

Continuation of this subject will go further to discuss the stages in

each level in detail to pinpoint the place of attention of mind, where it
would get stuck. Will highlight the physical ailments that would arise in
a person due to the mind, Also would highlight the remedies connected
with the ailment

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Mind, Body, and Disease

To know the links and differences between Mind, Body, and Disease, we should first
understand them individually. The subtle links between them would help us to know
our health in a better way. This paper describes the connections in detail and how
each one depends on the other. Also, how the weakness of one affects the other two

What is Disease?
There is a disease in the body when the body is not healthy. Each cell in the body has
different requirements. Cells need different combinations of elements such as
molecules, vitamins, etc. The body would be in perfect health when every cell gets its
proper food whenever it needs it. This is an ideal state, which is not possible.
Weakness of cells is a cause of any disease. When the weakness of a few percentages
of cells is distributed through the body, it may not be a problem. But when the
weakness is concentrated in one place, it is a burden to that part of the body and is a
disease. The weakness of a high percentage of cells in the body is a major problem.
This happens in some cases. One such case is type-2 Diabetes.

What is Mind?
Mind is a natural person. The body is its physical look. But all actions by the body are
controlled only by the mind. The mind is a system to control the activities of the
body. The mind uses the Brain to control. The mind has different categories. But in
general, the body is a useless physical material without the mind.

What is Body?
The body is the place in which a person resides. This statement may look funny. It
may be philosophical, But we can observe this in our day-to-day life. The body is
considered as a property of the individual. That is why we say 'my body,' 'my leg,' 'my
hand,' etc. In Death, we say the person died, but the body remains very much there.
So the body is not the person. When the mind fails to control, the Death of the body
What happens to the body as a problem in a profound way is a disease. Any problem
we observe in the body is considered a disease of the body. The disease is sensed by
the Brain and the mind feels. Who keeps all this is not noticed?
It is because of the importance to our physical body we consider disease happens
only in the body. We miss one thing when the disease comes, who is trying to cure it?
Is it the body? No. The Brain observes, and the mind is worried about the problem in
the body. Why the mind has to worry when the body is having a problem, it shows
the mind is the caretaker and core performer and controls the body. When the one
which is controlled is not doing its job, the controller, the mind, is worried, as sensed
by the Brain.

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The mind is the ruler, and the Brain is the chief assistant in carrying out actions. The
mind knows that it is the in-charge of the body. Otherwise, the controller need not
worry about something if it is not connected.
So the person, the mind in charge of certain physical things, is worried. The physical
is a body here. Mind is the worried one. Mind is the emotion. The mind is the one
that takes care to think about what to do, how to go, to contact somebody, etc. So the
mind is the primary subject here. But we ignore the mind and start thinking only of
the body.
When the mind is the controller, defects in the mind also could be the reason for
problems in the body. But we don't think the mind would have caused the problems
or the diseases. Also, we observe mental issues in a few pew people. Defects in one
area of the mind may also cause mental issues.
We forget the mind and look into only the body and the problems in the body.

Symptoms and Diseases

We give disease names for symptoms. Sometimes only one symptom is identified as a
disease. Also, a group of symptoms are identified as a disease. Sometimes the group
of diseases is combined to make a disease. Cancer has symptoms of many diseases
what we call diseases and symptoms. They are grouped to name as a disease, say
In most cases, many symptoms can lead to one problem. A person can have a
headache, stomach pain, indigestion, and vomiting. Headache consumes all the
energy, and hence digestion is a problem. This creates stomach pain. As the stomach
cannot take care of the eaten food due to overload or insufficient energy, it leads to
vomiting. Here, all symptoms are linked with a headache or sometimes stomach
ache. But mostly, they are treated individually. The Brain needs 20-25% of one's
energy, and the stomach needs nearly 15% of body energy for its work. When a
person has reduced energy, the Brain has to rest to help digestion.
There is no proper classification to identify the symptoms as a disease. Many
symptoms may be due to a few reasons only, mainly one cause. But the root cause of
the symptoms in a person is not searched, analyzed, or found. As symptoms are
named diseases, treatment is done for the disease.
In this case, understanding the disease is very important. A combination of
symptoms can lead to one or more common causes. Then attending to the root of the
cause is more than sufficient for clearing all the symptoms that have been generated
out of that root or root.

Subtle energy
A child or a person who is afraid of something gets a fever. On seeing a horrendous
event, one goes to severe sickness. Another person who is scared of the same event is
unaffected. The sickness of a person is very much connected to the condition of the
mind. On seeing a scene of a murder, some go into an unconscious state. Some never
get affected. Some diseases have a connection with heredity. Heredity also reflects in
a person's attitude. There are many such examples that link mind and body
problems. A person with fear is subjected to pass urine. Just seeing an emotional
scene in a film causes weeping for some and nothing for others.

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Other than accidents and physical injuries, many internal diseases have a link with
the mind. The attitude of a person is linked with the development of physical
A minor derangement of the mind can cause physical problems due to emotions felt.
Basically, the mind is the root of everything. The five senses are very important and
connect with the Brain. If the Brain doesn't like a food smell sensed through the
nose, the mind rejects the food. The mind doesn't like food in comparison with the
stored info in the mind.
We have to see the effect of emotions on our bodies. These are the actions between
the energy medium of the mind, emotions, and the physical body.
We can see how sensitive the mind is when a good morning is not acknowledged.
Good morning tension here is with the person connected with words. We can see the
effect on you by a person known to you passing by and seeing you go as if
unrecognized. A person who is very well known to you is crossing you. There is no
response from the person passing by. Just a visual rejection creates turbulence in
you. There is no physical subject in both. Both are sound and light connected—just a
medium of subtle energy. With no physical attachment, just a loss of reflection or a
Good morning voice creates a rejected or neglected feeling. This mind upset would
reflect as a problem in some body parts.
The mind is responsible for so many events in the body. Many parts of the body are
affected by different types of problems with the messages of the five senses. We can
observe that when one gets upset, he doesn't eat the food. Even when there is an
appetite, there is no interest in eating the food as the person is sad.
When anything happens to the body by accident or injury, the mind has a problem.
There is tension about what will happen. In both ways, mind and emotions play a
major role.

Id, Ego , and Superego

For our discussion, we categorize the mind into three types: Inner, Middle, and
The Inner Mind is the subconscious, true, perfect, and individual basic mind. The
subconscious mind is the mind of emotions and is called the Id by Sigmund Freud.
The subconscious mind is like a camera, recorder, storage area, or archive. It is the
storage of the individual's observation based on one's basic intuition. Basic intuition
is also a part of the subconscious mind. What is in the subconscious mind is not
considered good or bad, wrong or right, true or untrue.
The next one is the conscious mind. The conscious mind is the intelligent mind,
where a person makes a decision about what to do and what not to do. The conscious
mind is called Ego. Even when the subconscious wants to say something, the
intelligent mind decides what to say and what not to say. It controls and filters
whatever comes from the subconscious mind when let to the outside world. That
control is by the intelligence of the individual. An incident viewed or something
listened to or witnessed is stored in the subconscious and is never changed. But the
intelligent mind knows what is in the subconscious Mind, but the output need not be
the same. Output is an edited version of data from the Subconscious mind, rarely
unedited. Output is decided based on the day to day activities and also subjected to
Outer Mind called the Superego.

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Super Ego is the outer mind connected with social and external factors. One has to go
with society due to obligations. Hence the super Ego also plays a significant role in
the output from the Subconscious Mind. Superego is governed by social
conditioning. Molded around the ages of pre-teens, the Superego is driven by societal
and parental values. Superego evolves to a state of perfection and tunes the ideal
subconscious mind too.
The mind, being on a subtle level, every culture, mainly East and West, differs
in their opinion. Even though quantum physics is increasingly merging
scientific theory with spiritual concepts, western theories of the Ego are
limited to the material world. Mind is Brain. The Brain is core and exclusively
physical. If we apply materialism to the concept of what we are, then we are
exclusively physical beings. Our Brain, made of physical matter, contains the
mind, and the mind is the source of human consciousness. The central concept
is materialism, and only the physical realm exists. The medical and health field
travels in the path of a
material pathway. With all
this, Homeopathy was
born in the West but
considers the mind as a
primary aspect and
considered in treating
But per the concept of the
East, the mind is not
physical but connected
with the Brain spiritually.
Spirituality is beyond the
material dimension. When
we look beyond the
material, the concept of
who we are is a
dimensionless expansion
in thinking. Looking at the perspective of the mind, it is a thought process,
visualizing the outer universe and witnessing our subconscious world.
Friction between minds
When someone wants to say something to somebody, we say, 'One has to think
twice.' One does not tell what is felt, the feeling that comes from the
subconscious mind. Telling the truth, what comes from the subconscious
mind, usually is fine, but not always. Anything that is said may affect
somebody, may injure some, and may bring a quarrel of some sort. In that
case, the output through mout may be a modified version of what one feels
or, opposite, a lie. This may happen due to the Superego also.
What is expressed using Ego, the intelligent mind, might be different from
what came as a feeling from the subconscious. This may create a feeling of
guilt or a feeling of having done something wrong. This difference is a friction
or contradiction between the subconscious and the conscious. Some may feel
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that friction is not a problem. In that case, no guilt or feeling of the mistake
made will not occur. The mind is clear. But guilt or feeling of the mistake made
or pressure would bring the person to the turbulence of the mind. It would
create restlessness, being unable to calm the mind as if committed a crime.
One may also experience hyperactivity, anxiety, palpitations, agitation, or
insomnia. Why? Something was done which should not have been done.
Slowly this may result in physicals such as not eating, sleeplessness, headache,
Consider the same in terms of other activities done, contradicting the
subconscious mind. It hurts a person. Hurting depends on the mental strength
and weakness of the person. There can be few emotions that come out of the
activities. Similarly, every individual is subjected to various emotions. When
these emotional feelings fly away without disturbing a person or being ignored
by the person, it never hurts. But this is not the case with everybody.
Emotions are many, such as Restlessness, Carelessness, Laziness, Zeal,
Exclamation, Pleasure, Desires, lust, Sympathy, Love, compassion,
Tickling, Numbness, Irritation, Brooding, Ashamed, cheated, Worry,
Guilt, Anger, Boredom, Tragedy, Faith, Faithless, Fear, Horror,
Attachment, Affection, Envy, Jealous, Delusion, Anxiety, Shock, Pain,
Shame, Aversion, etc.

Brooding over the emotions of the mind leads to physical problems, a few of
which are identified below.

Body parts or organs or Systems Associated with emotions.

 Sadness linked with the Heart and Lungs
 Happiness - Heart
 Worry, Thoughtfulness - Heart and spleen
 Surprise linked with the Leart and the gallbladder
 Fear with the kidneys and the heart.
 Anxiety with the heart and the lungs.
 Stress affects all systems of the body, including the musculoskeletal,
respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine, gastrointestinal, nervous, and
reproductive systems.
 Suppressed emotions, sexual, etc.- Lungs
 Feeling useless, worthless. – Sinusitis
 Feeling that nobody respects me - Cervical problems, Spondylitis.
 Feeling that nobody understands me - Spine
 Feelings cannot be told - anger, grief
 Feeling responsible for own problems. – Skin
 Powermonger - Dental problem.
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 Feel overloaded - Back and lumbar regions.

 Worried about future - Joint problems, knee.
 Expected never happens - Stomach
 Anger - The Liver
 Anger, worthless - fatty liver.
 Unexpected sudden loss or change in life- Gall bladder.
 Sudden Economic loss - Hzart.
 The struggle to survive- Kidney.
 Wok in a place of aversion.- Large intestine
 Indecisive- rectum
 Nobody approves me, or respects me.- Uterus, testis
 Shock - A shock can affect the nervous system. Nerves are tissue that offers
very little resistance to the passage of an electric current. When nerves are
affected by an electric shock, the consequences include pain, tingling,
numbness, weakness, or difficulty moving a limb
 Restlessness - Restlessness is feeling the need to constantly move, being
unable to calm the mind, or a combination of the two. One may also
experience hyperactivity, anxiety, palpitations, agitation, or insomnia

Weak Mind and Associated disorders.

We have seen the problems that happen when there is a contradiction between
subconscious and conscious minds. It is of serious nature when a conscious mind
goes weak. Normally a physically sick person goes to a physician themselves. But
mentally troubled persons do not know that there is a problem. Others have to take
of them.
The intelligent, conscious mind always regulates the output of the subconscious
mind. When the conscious mind cannot control or loses the ability to control, all
information from the subconscious mind goes out without any filtration. This leads
to Schizophrenia.
When the conscious mind knows that there is no control, it wants to control
information going out from the subconscious mind. There is a struggle to do it. This
struggle is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD.
Somatoform is a mental disorder, thinking of physical symptoms or body problems
without any physical disorder, with no demonstrable organic findings or any strong
evidence to link to psychological factors or conflicts.

Another is Bipolar disorder, a mental health condition that causes extreme mood
swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression).


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solutions-tamil/ -in TAMIL


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Diabetes and Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is twice as likely to strike a person with Diabetes than without
Diabetes. About two-thirds of adults in the US with Diabetes have high blood
pressure (greater than 130/80) or use prescription medications for hypertension.
Hypertension and type 2 diabetes are common comorbidities. Many medications
have side effects which include raising blood glucose levels.

Real Diabetes
What is Diabetes? In the minds of the public, Diabetes is the increased blood glucose.
Is it true? What connection Blood pressure has with Diabetes?
We can see in the world of health and medicine that when a problem or disease could
not be solved, the place of treatment is diverted, where some change could be
possible using medication. When a reason for the pain cannot be solved feeling of
pain is controlled or temporarily stopped. One can see a simple treatment for the
pain. Instead of solving the root cause of pain, pain relievers or painkillers are used.
After a few hours or after a few days, the pain appears again. Treatment is not to feel
the pain and not to stop the root cause of the pain. When a food allergy occurs, the
patient is asked to stop the food permanently instead of solving the reason for the
allergy. It goes on.
When one understands the root of a problem, the cause can be handled easily. But
the public is diverted by so much useless and very little helpful information. It is
difficult to find pertinent and correct information matching the reality of the problem
in this era of extensive dumped data in social and printed media.
We find the same in the case of prevalent and increasing Type-2 diabetes disorder
also. If a prevalent disease could not be cured, there shall be a method to prevent the
increase of Diabetes. It looks like there is no attempt at this also by governments.
One cannot blame the drug companies or physicians. Medicine manufacturers work
for profit, and doctors work for their living. Basically, who are carers of people, the
governments should take care of public health.

Modern medicine always tries to solve the problems that is physically seen.
Physically means by through x-rays, scans, blood tests, etc. What a patient tells is just
info for tests, but importance is given to clinical observations for treatment.
Same way, what is observed in the blood is considered Diabetes. Increased blood
glucose is Diabetes. The reason may be that no solution to deal with the root of
Diabetes is found. When there is no solution, there is no other way than to give
medication to control blood glucose. Most of the medicines given are to decrease the
production of glucose in the liver. Metformin is one of the common drugs used to
manage the liver in glucose production. It may reduce glucose production, but the
liver's natural function is disturbed by this. In turn, it disturbs the liver's function by
making it produce less glucose.
What happens then is a bigger cycle in treatment.

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Normally, glucose production is controlled by hormones, with the Brain as the

master. Introducing Metformin to reduce the production by the liver is considered an
external force. This is intervening and interrupting the middle of everyday activities
of the liver.
The liver is supposed to cook and produce the food required for all the cells in the
body. This is with the instruction from the master brain. The liver is there as the head
cook, and the master is the Brain. The head cook is supposed to prepare the food for
all the people who depend on the kitchen for their daily meals. This way, the glucose
amount produced has to match with the number of cells in the body.
When an external force like Metformin starts intervening, the liver gets troubled
about what to do. There is a dilemma about whether to carry out what the Brain is
telling through hormones or the action of Metformin. In some persons, the liver does
the job of Metformin. Normally liver listens to the Brain and tries to bring the
production to the standard requirement. This increases glucose production, and the
physician intervenes and increases the metformin dose. When it doesn't work, some
more anti-diabetics are introduced. This cycle continues until pills cannot control
the production of glucose. When the liver is strong and producing glucose, even with
a lot of medication, the physician wants to inject insulin.

Blood pressure
What happens with increased glucose in the blood is a point here with high blood
glucose viscosity of blood increases. An increase in viscosity obstructs the blood flow
to many parts of the body, mainly to the extremities. There is an obstruction in the
capillaries. The blood flow through the capillaries is restricted. So many people feel
numbness in the extremities, activities in the fingers, hands, and legs, and some
places where capillaries cannot pass blood to nearby cells. This creates a condition of
more weak cells and increasing weakness.
Reduced blood flow to some parts induces the hormones to instruct the heart to
pressurize the blood. The heart works hard in pressurizing the blood. The physician
seeing high BP prescribes tablets for reducing blood pressure. BP makes, and doctors
prescribe many medicines to reduce the viscosity making the blood thin. Reduced
blood pressure further reduces blood flow to the extreme parts where there is
numbness or blockage. The cells don't get the food, and numbness increases, and
pain is also felt.
In this way, Diabetes adds BP as another problematic companion.
The fitting and correct blood pressure suitable for an individual, is not decided by
conducting any tests on that person. Blood pressures of a group of the public are
measured. A statistical analysis is made based on these values. Then a study group
fixes the blood pressure for the whole public. This range decides the individual's
blood pressure also.

Fixing Blood Pressure Levels

American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology fixes Guidelines on BP.
WHO follows those guidelines and instructs all countries to follow that. We can find,
and it is a surprise, that many people with high blood pressure or low blood pressure
live normally without any physical problems. These are considered exceptions.
The best way of treating Diabetes is to find a way to make the diabetic cells active or
remove the diabetic cells. In turn, it would clear the insulin resistance. By making
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cells active, they will start taking insulin and glucose. By removing the coma cells, the
body will create new cells.
In many cases, persons who are on medication for heart problems get affected by
Statins are used to lower LDL (low-density lipoproteins), called bad cholesterol. This
is a vital therapy for preventing heart disease and stroke. But they can also increase
blood sugar levels. Another is Statin drugs for blood pressure. Using statin is linked
with a greater risk of developing full-blown Diabetes. Certain antipsychotic drugs,
which are used to treat Schizophrenia and other mental illnesses, can increase blood
sugar levels. A class of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones, used to treat illnesses
like pneumonia and urinary tract infections (UTIs), has been shown to cause both
very low and high blood sugar. Decongestant medicines, like
pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine, can increase our blood sugar levels.

Resultant Observation as Conclusion

Diabetes causes High blood pressure. It is a help from one to the other in diseases
and disorders. Blood pressure-affected persons taking medication are further
affected by Diabetes, with increased blood glucose.

Picture Courtesy:

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Letters to the editor

In response to
April 2023 issue no.4

To the editor

First Uma's article.

Very good narration of the case. It is difficult to dig into such a remote cause and prescribe of it. My
hearty appreciation for her.
About Articles on Diabetes.
My association and curiosity with diabetes started when I was in 8th std and my sister was diagnosed
diabetic.She suddenly started loosing weight, had a lot of thirst and had to get up at night for urination.
Our family doctor advised a urine test and diabetes was diagnosed. We were fooled by all: Doctors,
Vadiyas, Homeopaths, Sadhus , Church and what not by offering some or the other solution which all
failed. The alarming situation came when she lost vision and was admitted to AIMS. They stabilised
her case and operated for cataract. Ever since she took Insulin and died within 20 years of diagnosis
showing many complications. I talked to many persons during this period and later and realised that
knowledge of Type -1 diabetes is very poor in Ayurveda as most of the patients died within a short time
and there is no other solution but for supplementing the Insulin by injection.
Type-2, yes, they had medicines and could manage it well.
I have my own logic to explain the reason of insulin resistance. Ayurveda called it 'Raj Rog' meaning
an ailment of rich. Those who have abundance of food and lack of urge to burn the intake, keep their
blood loaded with glucose and in reaction insulin which activates liver and body tissues to accept it. In
normal insulin cycles this high insulin phase ends as soon as all surplus glucose is taken care of. But if
there is constant supply of glucose to the blood from food and thus insulin, and cells are full, there is
no option for the cells but to defy the commands of insulin resulting in insulin resistance. Over a period
of time, the fat accumulates in the body further clogging the pathways.
Although it is called hyperglycemia, the cells are always in a hypoglycemic state meaning they starve
of glucose. The nervous system therefore commands the liver to produce more glucose. Thus more
insulin by pancreas. Finally resulting in fatigue.
Treatment of type-2 diabetes thus requires a multipronged approach including control of food intake,
burning of tissue supplies and relieving the fatigue. Administration of hypoglycemics will have a
temporary effect if not followed by other means.
I researched this topic because diabetes did not leave us with my sister's death but continues in my
Your effort in bringing out this magazine is commendable. I hope it will continue educating the readers
with new content.

Email withheld per request
----------1--------------------------------------------- - 27 -
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Dear Sirs

I am really happy for having received a reply of positive nature. I do understand the present limitations
and on one side it is not even necessary to prove it to somebody, while many Royal families benefited
by this system are supporting it directly and indirectly. But we cannot be complacent in putting fourth
our efforts. Coming to second point, I do approve to edit and publish my mail, as I have a great respect
to your team.

Even after 200 years of Hahnemann’s method of treatment homeopathy, We are not in a Position to
prove scientifically.

You tube clipping,, explains why Hahnemann could

not prove scientifically during his time. Now there is an option. Either to prove scientifically or to
accept similar to gods’ theory, which is true but cannot be proved scientifically.

After reading the articles, in Dynamic Energy, I feel the scientists of this group are capable of proving
scientifically, which will have added advantage also we can take Homeopathy to the next Level.


To the editors of Dynamic Energy

On April issue of Dynamic energy.
I read this article regarding SOMATOFORM with much interest because I know a case where the
symptoms are similar. The patient is a lady, my friend's daughter in law , and due to the occasional
violent behavior of the lady , the couple has gone for divorce now.
I forwarded this Dynamic energy April issue to my friend for his knowledge and information.
The evolution link with the periodic table is very interesting and it was also mentioned in your March


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Book Review

Energy Medicine East and West

a natural history of qi
by David F. Mayor, Marc S. Micozzi

David F. Mayor, MA, BAc, MBAcC, Practising Acupuncturist, Welwyn Garden

City, UK. David Mayor has been actively involved in bioenergy research, practice
and publishing for over 30 years, and is author/editor of Electroacupuncture: A
practical manual and resource (2007), as well as other acupuncture texts and

Marc S. Micozzi, MD, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Department of Physiology and

Biophysics, Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC; Former
Director, Center for Integrative Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital,
Philadelphia, PA; former Executive Director of the College of Physicians of
Philadelphia. As author/editor of Fundamentals of Complementary &
Alternative Medicine, 4E (2011), and 25 other books, he has been writing,
editing and teaching on bioenergy, Qi and related topics for 20 years

Many authors have have contributed in various connected subjects forming

many chapters .

Qi, pronounced as CHI, representing the energy in acupuncture. Qi has become

popular after advantages of acupuncture is known to the western world. Energy
Medicine East and West provides an overview of Qi or bioenergy for students and
practitioners of energy medicines, Chinese and Oriental Medicine, and all
disciplines of Complementary and Integrative Medicine. This book offers an
examination of the experience and nature of qi, including a series of
philosophical discussions with a direct application to our patients.

Energy Medicine East and West: A Natural History of Qi provides a unique,

comprehensive overview of Qi. Mayor and Micozzi start with a comparative
historical account of the ancient concepts of Qi and vital energy before covering
theories of Qi, a discussion of the organized therapeutic modalities based upon
Qi and its applications to specific health and medical conditions. Contributions
are included from international experts in the field.

This book moves from anatomical and bioenergetic complementarity of Western

vital energy and Eastern Qi, through convergence of perspectives and models to
demonstrations of how the traditional therapies are being melded together in a
new, original and creative synthesis

Reviews By Writers, Press and Journals

"The book also includes insightful chapters on qigong,craniosacral biodynamics,

TaiJi, Shiatsu, all extensively referenced." ----Donkey Press, Spring 2011

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DYNAMIC energy - 05 MAY– 2023

"Mayor and Micozzi's Energy Medicine East and West provides us with some
wonderfully diverse writings on qi from multiple perspectives and from some fine
thinkers. I am not aware of any other text that fills this fascinating and much-
needed niche." ----Charles Buck, Journal of Chinese Medicine (2011) 97:

"Energy Medicine East and West is a very comprehensive overview of all

standard modern forms of energy healing. Its six sections contains clear
explanations of these techniques, as well as attempts to clarify and explain
them. The contributors are from a variety of backgrounds, ranging from Qigong
experts through physiologists, physical therapists and complementary medicine
researchers to acupuncturists, and all are eminent in their field.

Energy Medicine East and West…is a comprehensive and up-to-date discussion of

its subject. I would recommend it both as interesting and informative reading,
and also as a useful reference book for anyone working in this field." ----
Melanie Hunter, Journal of the Acupuncture Association of Chartered
Physiotherapists (2012) Spring:125-6

"In Asian medicine, no concept holds a more central or more enigmatic position
than that of "qi."

The purpose of the text, in the best tradition of the liberal arts, is to engage the
reader in the millennia-old conversation about qi without being apologetic and
without shying away from the controversies stemming from the philosophical
dissonance that often rattles with our modern biomedical paradigm. This text
presents essays, some of which tackle qi from the viewpoint of hard science,
theoretical physics, and bioelectrics, and some of which look at cross-cultural
anthropology, human development, and comparative esoteric physiology. For
the reader interested in the process of the conversation, this is a full buffet of
ideas over which to linger.

Overall, Energy Medicine East and West offers the reader an intellectually
stimulating, poly-cultural, open-minded, philosophical, and scientific exploration
of qi from antiquity to the present. ... This is neither a training manual nor a
technical guide to practice but rather an effort to raise the Level of conversation
about qi to one that takes into account a very broad context and multiple
viewpoints. It is a collection to chew on over time rather than read in a single
sitting, and it can be read in the order it is arranged or with some spontaneity."
---- David W. Miller, The American Acupuncturist (2012) 59: 30-31

"Energy Medicine East and West is a very comprehensive overview of all

standard modern forms of energy healings. Its six sections contains clear
explanation of thse techniques, as well as attempts to clarify and explain them.
The contributors are from a variety of backgrounds, ranging from Qigong
experts through physiologists, physical therapists and complementary medicine
researchers to acupuncturists, and all are eminent in their field....Energy
Medicine East and West is fascinating in parts and frustrating in others, but
overall, the book is a comprehensive and up-to-date discussion of it's subject. I
would recommend it both as interesting and informative reading, and also as a

- 30 -
DYNAMIC energy - 05 MAY– 2023

useful reference book for anyone working in this field." ---- Journal of the
Acupuncture Assoication of Chartered Physiotherapists, Spring 2012

"This wonderful book has assembled some 25 authors expressing well a view of
qi which entirely does justice to its nature. Meticulously referenced, it is a
milestone to set beside Maciocias Foundations of Chinese Medicine and
Deadmans Manual of Acupuncture. Here at last are the beginnings of a true
science of qi...There is truly nothing like it in contemporary literature. Alone, it
lays the foundation for the beginnings of a modern science of qi. ----"Richard
Bertschinger, Acupuncturist and translator, Somerset, UK

"This book offers a timely and thorough examination of the experience and
nature of qi, including a series of fascinating philosophical discussions with a
direct application to our patients. Required reading for acupuncture practitioners
seeking to justify and clarify their clinical reasoning." ----Val Hopwood PhD
FCSP, Physiotherapist, acupuncturist, researcher and educator; Course
director, MSc Acupuncture, Coventry University, UK.

"Over the last decade most books on Asian medicine paid tribute to the aura of
evidence-based medicine – experience counted little, RCTs were convincing. This
book, at last, returns to an old tradition of debate, opening up quite a few new
horizons. Reading it, my striving for knowledge was married with enjoyment and
happiness. This book made me happy!" ----Thomas Ots MD PhD, Medical
acupuncturist specialising in psychiatry, Graz, Austria; Editor-in-Chief,
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Akupunktur.

"To simply review the chapter headings is to know the truly remarkable expanse
of this book...a wonderful bridge between the mysteries of the East and the
sciences of the West...well documented, well written, and enlarging both.
Enlightening...nicely depicts outstanding advances in energy psychotherapeutics,
thus ultimately helping to move forward the human condition." ----Maurie D
Pressman MD, Emeritus Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Temple
University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA;

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DYNAMIC energy - 05 MAY– 2023

DYNAMIC energy

book review

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