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July-September 2023
A journal on subtle energy in Human Health

* Person with Uncertainty
* Asthma, Searching for the Root Cause

DYNAMIC energy - 07 July-September– 2023

Contact Forum

This journal is to discuss the basics of subtle energy,

that help in human health.
To discuss the basics of Medical systems and Medicines.

Our journey would be through the known and unknown paths

and would help in the understanding of

* What is Energy in health

* What is dynamic energy
* How does dynamic energy help us
* What is medicine
* What is energized medicine
* How medicines cure
*What is Disease?
* What is the connection between Disease and Medicine?
*What relation does the mind have with diseases?
and more.

"I say cure, and by this I mean a

'recovery undisturbed by after-sufferings'"
-- Samuel Hahnemann

DYNAMIC energy - 07 July-September– 2023

DYNAMIC energy

A Quarterly publication.
A journal about the
energy for
Human Health.

Editorial Board

Pandurangan.K. Salem, TN, India

Bhaskaran. M. Madurai, TN, India

Arunkumar.A. Texas, USA

Dr. Seeralan.P. Salem, TN, India

Dr. Nitesh Jain. Vapi, Gujarat, India

Venugopal.S. Bengaluru, India

Dr. Chandrasekhar Pore. WB, India

Subramaniam.M. Singapore

Uma Seshadri. Chennai, India

Elangovan.M.K. Paris. France

Ravindran.K. Melbourne. Australia

Tikva Sasson. Ma'alot, Israel


DYNAMIC energy - 07 July-September– 2023

DYNAMIC energy Issue-7

From Editors 5

Human Life Cycle – Mind of Uncertainty 6

My First Prescription in Homeopathy

Uma Seshadri 17

Asthma, Searching for the Root Cause

Pandurangan, Seeralan 19

Why I Became a Homeopath

Dr. Guillermo Enrique Rincon 37

DYNAMIC energy - 07 July-September– 2023

From Editors

This is the 7th issue of

DYNAMIC energy journal.
Quarterly from this issue

This journal, DYNAMIC energy, was published

monthly from January to July. From July 2023, this
publication will be a Quarterly.

This issue concerns the second article in the Human Life

Cycle, covering the personality of uncertain attitude. The
last issue portrayed the persons of sudden instinct and
an impulsive nature. This issue describes persons with
uncertainty and shyness in their thoughts and actions.

A paper in this issue details asthma, aiming to approach

the root cause. This takes the symptoms and assumed
causes to analyze the whole case of asthma. Analysis
changes and leads to a path from the assumption of dust
allergy as the cause of asthma to a state of escalation. It
also briefly describes the solutions for a cure rather
stopping with palliation.

DYNAMIC energy - 07 July-September– 2023

Human Life Cycle

Humans have attitudes of different kinds. One of them is an Uncertain and shy person.

An uncertain attitude is a state of difficulty in observing others and feeling shy that he is
observed. Uncertainty of the mind when coming into contact with any subject, facing the first
time. He would have seen the subject before. Hesitates to look at or be looked at. This is as if
the person is putting his first step in every part of life.

A feeling of Entering to experience

 Experiencing the first day of school or college, the stage of entering school and seeing
the would-be classmates and teachers,
 Seeing others or relatives as a child,
 Joining a firm with an appointment letter,
 Stepping into a car, bus, train or flight for the first time
 Starting a self-creative work of passion,
 As first time manager, facing the subordinates
 Facing people first as a public servant, etc.
 It is part of an inauguration.
 Participating in an Opening Ceremony.

This attitude will more or less continue to remain the same in every activity in
one's life. Some other perspectives would be parallel, but this would be the

When all attitudes are like the above by a person in any part of his life, it indicates that the
person's mind stays in that stage. There will not be much progress unless the problem is

Like the above, a person can have one of the 18 attitudes listed below. It can happen in any
part of life, family relationships, education, with people, self-activity, business, or
management. One can have an attitude of predominance along with others.

The 18 attitudes
Stage 1: "Start, beginning, one, alone, simple, simple, impulsive, spontaneous,
unpredictable, naive, simple-minded, unreflected, childish, foolish, thoughtless, not
considered fully, one-sided, instinctive."

Stage 2: Shy, Observing, Uncertain, Timid. Doesn't know what he is

worth or what he can do, so remains passive or adapts to the situation.
Just watches and feels watched at the same time, so he hides. He wants
and needs protection and support. Bewildered and overwhelmed.

Stage 3: searching, comparing; trying; understating; uncommitted.

Stage 4: deciding, staring, founding; committed; unsure; amazed.
Stage 5: Careful; unsure; preparing; avoiding; postponing; unsurmountable.
DYNAMIC energy - 07 July-September– 2023

Stage 6: proving, challenge, daring; danger; inevitable; forcing; hiding.

Stage 7: learning, training, adding; complimenting; helping; together.
Stage 8: pushing, persevering; forcing; massive, huge; inertia, resistance.
Stage 9: examination, test, approval; call off; second, almost.
Stage 10: success, top, summit, glory; rigid, fixed.
Stage 11: maintaining, sustaining; benevolent, sharing; affluence, fortune.
Stage 12: defending; attacked, threatened, enemies; threatening, exaggerating.
Stage 13: retiring, retreat, withdrawn; suspicious; nostalgia, homesickness; moldy.
Stage 14: diverting, avoiding; powerless; form, formal, mask, discharged, dismissed.
Stage 15: forgiving; Loss, end; burning; poisoning; sacrifice.
Stage 16: neglecting, neglected; ruin, ash; ugly, dirt, offensive; seducing; reconciling.
Stage 17: erased, abolished; end; rejected; outcast; stealing, crime.
Stage 18: pause, rest, inactive; nonreactive, latent; transformation.

The eighteen stages above are like start to end in each level of life. There are seven levels in
the life cycle. Everybody may get stuck in one of the stages.
The seven levels are Conception, Birth, relationship, Security, Creativity, Authority,
and Retirement. Even though the Conception (Pre-birth, soul) to retirement is
physical growth, the mind gets tangled and stays at one or more stages.
The Seven levels are connected with rows of the Periodic Table of elements. In
connection with the row of elements, Jan Scholten calls them a Series.
1. The Conception level or Pre-Birth level is called Hydrogen Series;
2. The Birth level is called Carbon Series;
3. The relationship level is called Silicon Series;
4. Security or growth level is called Iron Series;
5. The Creativity level is called Silver Series;
6. Authority or power level is called Gold Series,
7. Independence Series called the Lanthanide series as part of the Gold Series, and
8. The Retirement level is called Uranium Series.

We will explore here the attitude of the person of uncertainty, shy, observing,
observed; timid, passive, refusing; adapting; bewildered, overdone.

Concepts of Uncertainty.
 Observing, Observed
 Evaluating
 Criticizing
 Uncertainty, Shy, Timid
 Finding a space Joining the community
 Adapting, Giving in
 Passive Observing
 Protecting, Covering up
 Support Hardening
 Two

DYNAMIC energy - 07 July-September– 2023

Observer, Observed
They are sensitive to being looked at and quickly feel criticized. This is the stage where they
enter into a relationship with another person. They are aware that there are other people
around. People think that others are constantly looking at and saying things about them.
Based on their feelings, we can decide their levels. The experiences of these are looked at
differently. Some look at themselves as if they are not themselves. Some feel as if they are not
worth having a relationship with. Some feel as if they cannot manage their task. Some feel as
if they cannot create any form of art. Some feel they should be a king but can't do it.

There is a big difference when one thinks what others would think. Feelings go haywire when
one considers what the opposite person would think. They feel others see them as being
'confused,' feel the public looking at or handle the whole world looking at them.

They feel the need to find out the value of things. They compare their actions to other
peoples' to determine whether their way of doing things is good or bad. They have to
compare themselves to others because they don't yet have their inner frame of reference.

There is a danger that the opposing side will take over and that they only see the negative
sides in themselves and others. Or they feel negatively judged by others and will take this on
as the truth. They are susceptible to any comments or forms of criticism. Other people only
have to look at or think of them and will take it as a form of criticism. They easily feel judged,
humiliated, or hurt.

Uncertainty, Shy, Timid

The theme is that of uncertainty. They feel so unsure of themselves that they don't dare to
say or do anything. They are passive in the sense that they are convinced that there is no
possibility for active participation. They can only undergo the judgment and reactions of
other people. The physical expression of this passive attitude is often a certain weakness,
puffiness, and flaccidity of the body. Their character shows the same weak and phlegmatic
traits. They are modest and like to keep themselves in the background. They appear docile
and easygoing, even weak and cowardly. They dare not develop their potential, so their talent
remains hidden. They have a tendency to apologize all the time.

Finding a space Joining the community

The root of this problem is their belief that they don't deserve to have their own space. They
feel they don't qualify for their own space until they have done a good deed to deserve it.
They have to work hard to find their own place. In relationships, it is very important for
them to know their own and their partner's boundaries, the beginning and the end of their
own space. They find it difficult to occupy their own space. They quickly feel left out when
they can't make contact with someone else. Or they feel left out because they dare not show
themselves to the outside world.

Adapting, Giving in
They are inclined to take on other people's opinions because they don't have their own inner
frame of reference. They adapt their behavior to fit in with the general views and rules of
others. In this sense, they give the impression of being very weak-minded.

Passive Observing
They soon become passive, just letting things all happen around them. They give their power
away and don't even realize they probably have as much to offer as anyone else. Other people
are more outgoing and pretend they know it all, while they feel that they know nothing and
therefore don't have the right to convey their opinions.

DYNAMIC energy - 07 July-September– 2023

Protecting, Covering up
They tend to protect themselves and not show who they are. That way, they won't get
criticized. This reaction reminds us of the oyster who hides in his shell as soon as there is a
hint of danger. They need protection, and their defense is passive: they hide behind a shield.
We can recognize this defensive reaction in the body language, the types of gestures, or the
general behavior of a patient. These gestures become more subtle, such as holding on to their
mother's hand, keeping a hand before their mouth, or crossing their arms in front of their

Support Hardening
Apart from their need for security, we also see that these people greatly desire to receive or
give support. Calcium is the main component of bones, the most supportive structure in our
body. The need for support may turn into a gradually increasing rigidity. They build these
structures to give them life support, but if the structures become too rigid, it can cause
stagnation in their development. The hardening of the shield prevents any further
development, as in the case of the tortoise. It has not changed for millions of years.

This is where the number two comes in: they have become conscious of a duality. It is no
longer a case of one person doing something. We now have a second person observing what
the first one is doing.

Differential Diagnosis- comparison with other attitudes.

In an impulsive person, there is no reflection. They don't feel people looking at them yet.
Here, in this shy type, the feeling is being looked at. People of other attitudes can also feel
watched, but it is no longer the central part of the problem. In those attitudes, the
predominant feeling becomes more focused on what they could or should be doing to get
things. Right. In this uncertainty, a passive attitude makes them feel that people are always
looking at them, and it doesn't even occur to them that they could be doing something about
it themselves.
In attitudes such as Comparor, Decision maker, and Careful handler, they may have a
tendency to cowardice, without the courage to persevere. In some attitudes, they have the
theme of hiding. But in this attitude of uncertainty, there is no real action. They are reluctant
to show themselves.

One of the characteristic Physical symptoms of this type is an improvement of ailments when
lying on the abdomen.

Elements that are connected with the attitude of uncertainty are Beryllium,
Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, and Radium. They belong to the
Second Column of the Periodic Table of elements.

Elements in Nature
Human Body Shares
In a 70 Kg person following are the contents of the Second Column elements

Beryllium= 36 ug
Magnesium= 19 g
Calcium= 1 Kg
Strontium= 320 mg

DYNAMIC energy - 07 July-September– 2023

Barium= 22 mg
Radium= 0

Properties of Alkaline earth metals

The alkaline earth metals are Beryllium, Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, and
Radium. Beryllium, strontium, and barium are rare;
radium is unstable and highly radioactive. In contrast,
calcium and Magnesium are the fifth and sixth most
abundant elements on earth, respectively; they are found
in huge deposits of limestone and other minerals. With
the exception of radium, all the metals and their
compounds find commercial application to some degree,
especially magnesium alloys and a variety of calcium
compounds. They play significant roles in geological and
biological processes.

The alkaline-earth elements are highly metallic and are

good conductors of electricity. They have a gray-white
luster when freshly cut but tarnish readily in the air,
particularly the heavier members of
the group. Beryllium is sufficiently hard to scratch glass,
but barium is only slightly harder than lead. The melting
points (mp) and boiling points (bp) of the group are
higher than those of the corresponding alkali metals;
they vary in an irregular fashion, Magnesium having the
lowest (mp 650 °C [1,202 °F] and bp 1,090 °C [1,994 °F])
and beryllium the highest (mp 1,287 °C [2,349 °F] and
bp about 2,471 °C [4,480 °F]). The elements crystallize in
one or more of the three regular close-packed
metallic crystal forms.
The atomic weight of an element, its valency, atomic
radius, melting and boiling points, ionization energy,
electronegativity, etc., influence the characteristics of
joining with other elements. Same way presence of these
elements in our body decides the structure of the person
in terms of body as well as mind statically and dynamically.

There can be many ailments connected with persons of this uncertain nature. The disorders
can be similar to that of hypermagnesemia, hypomagnesemia, hypercalcemia, and
hypocalcemia, such as kidney failure, Decreased reflexes, worsening of the confusional state
and sleepiness, bladder paralysis, flushing, headache, constipation, Gastrointestinal losses,
renal losses, paresthesia. Also, muscle spasms, cramps, tetany, circumoral numbness,
seizures, More frequent urination, thirst, Fatigue, etc

Minds of Elements
The Physical problem or disease by which a person is affected is very much connected with
the mind.
Homeopathic remedies suggested in the below table do not fall into the category of
material medicines only but are also energized. Energized medicines act deeply and
differently but are similar to the mother of the energized ones.

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DYNAMIC energy - 07 July-September– 2023

In simple words, a mother is an iron rod, and an energized one is a crowbar. If a

wire is the mother, a needle is energized one. You can understand how a crowbar
and needle perform compared to an Iron rod digging and needle piercing. Here
material shape helps, but that shape carries the concentrated energy imparted to it.
One can relate this concept to many, like a sharpened arrow and so on.
Remedies prepared as potentized from elements and salts of Beryllium, Magnesium,
Calcium, Strontium, Barium, Radium, and the materials from plants and animals that have
these elements in them would help alleviate the ailments and also clear them.

Begin to feel the presence of family, society, or the world, but cannot do anything without
help. They are more independent than individuals from the impulsive type, but they still
demand support, physical help, and orientation to make decisions. They often need a father
figure. It all depends on which level the mind is at present irrespective of physical age.

Beryllium – Birth level attitude.

An uncertain and yielding type of person

Beryllium remains strongly connected and does not even have the perception of separation.
They are timid and uncertain about themselves as if they are not allowed to be who they are.
They feel weak, helpless, and inferior. It feels unnatural for them to be themselves, their style
is cramped, and they don't know how to act.


 Dare not take their place

 Uncertain about their self-worth
 Uncertain about values
 Powerless to stand up for his own values
 Feeling observed and criticized
 A passive and yielding type of person
 Self-protection by being unobtrusive
 An adaptive borderline: chameleon.
 A powerless child: helpless

Beryllium salts or other beryllium-related materials, as potentized medicine, help in acute

viral respiratory epidemic diseases.

Magnesium-Relationship Level attitude.

Magnesium, Calcarea, Strontium, and Barium – had a strong intensity of dependence. Each
element is dependent differently, representing a certain stage of human development.

Magnesium is like a toddler. Toddlers doubt their worth in relationships with others and feel
watched by their families. Magnesium persons would not enter into quarrels or fights with
anybody, feeling that their relationship would be spoiled. Magnesium always remains as if in
the initial stages of building its own ideas. Afraid of expressing them and scared of being
forsaken if it is expressed. So adapts to the identity that the others want.

Magnesium, Calcium, and Potassium are very much interconnected. Our body converts one
to the other when there is a need for any of the three. When there is a need for Magnesium,
calcium gets converted. We can see this calcium absorption in old age.

Characteristics :
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DYNAMIC energy - 07 July-September– 2023

 What is my place within the family? This is the key question for Magnesium.
 Uncertain in relationships.
 Adapting in order to receive love
 Fear of being criticized
 Passivity leads to love: pacifism
 Criticizing others: aggression
 Uncertain about love or hate
 Excluded from relationships

Magnesium helps in Spasms, cramps, colics, Hyperthyroidism, and Prostate problems. Also
Problems with muscles, teeth, and nails, Osteoporosis.

Calcium- Physical growth Level attitude.

Calcarea is like a child even when they are adults. Feels no Security as a child, seeks
protection in case of a problem. They are uncertain about their task.

They feel it is not enough to have the right principles. They can't just go and do something.
They should be tested on their ability to perform the task. They suddenly get the feeling 'I am
doing something, and others are observing me.' The reaction is that they want to ensure they
do it properly.

We can find in many people that calcium affects them in childhood. Calcium is essential for
the bone. Calcium has a very soft nature. We can see this in animals having calcium
structures, like Molluscs, snails, clams, oysters, scallops, mussels, squids, tortoises, etc.
These creatures having a hard calcium cover, are very soft in nature. When there is a
problem outside, they will go into the shell. The same attitude can be found in some people.
Even when a photo is taken, some people hide their faces, some kids will be mischievous
during that time, some will run away, or they will be behind somebody not to show their
faces to the camera. The basic nature of calcium is a mind that feels 'what others will think
about me' what others will think of my dress, what others will think of my father, and so on.
All attitudes fall under calcium but may need different salts of calcium as a solution.

 Observed the way they function

 Passively performing their task
 Uncertain when they receive criticism
 Protecting themselves through routines
 Passivity leads to failure

Calcium helps in cancer, mainly Leucomia, Paralysis, Swollen glands, thyroid, and

Strontium-Creativity Level attitude.

Strontium, being between Calcarea and Barium, should have the dependence like a teenager
who needs guidance. Always need advice in case of problems as a beginner to discover new

 Uncertain about showing their talents or art.

 Appraising everyone for their creative talents
 Their ideas Criticized
 Appreciating mysticism
 Uncertain about their own creations
 Uncertain about their uniqueness
 Finding One's Place in Religion
 Adapting to other people's ideas: Overwhelmed

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DYNAMIC energy - 07 July-September– 2023

 Remaining passive so as not to attract the attention

 Protecting yourself against other people's ideas: stubborn

Barium-Authority Level attitude.

Powerless in leadership. Barium considers themselves to be a leader but knows that other
people think the self is powerless and incapable.
Barium is unable to take responsibility but observing and continue learning. Like an adult
who cannot take responsibility (handicapped) when there is a problem, he Does not feel that
he is the desired king. Insecurity destroys their ability to take responsibility.
Barium is in the level of authority. Observes those people who want to govern and administer
others in the public as bosses or politicians. At this stage, their attitude is to observe how
others behave. Stage of learning. This learning would continue for these persons without any
further progress. The observation in them is not with fear or shyness or uncertainty but to
learn how to comment on them, how to control them.

When an outside her comes to their house, the kids will run away and will hide behind the
furniture or doors. Then they will observe how the guest behaves. This is a study for them.
This is the attitude, and some people will always be in this attitude. They may not progress
from this further.

 A hidden leader: timid

 A powerless leader: small
 Yielding to power: defenseless
 Observed as a powerless figure: imbecile
 Powerless to be dignified: ridiculed
 Hidden haughtiness

Radium-Old Age attitude.

They feel overwhelmed by supernatural powers and enormous disasters. They feel minute
compared to the powers of nature and the universe's enormity. In situations of life and
death, they experience being powerless. They are overwhelmed by death and fragmentation.
Mind is between life and death, disasters, destruction, and fragmentation.

Remedies for this type of person would be the ones of minerals, Plants, or Animal products
that contain the elements Beryllium, Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, or Radium.

Mineral – Individuals who need mineral remedies talk about "lacking something; lacking
capacity, identify." They may state, "The problem is me. I lack, or I will lose. I am unable to
do this because of this limitation. I am the problem. I wish I could do this…." They discuss
structuring life, relationship, role, performance, power, attack, and defense.

Plant – Individuals needing plant remedies discuss being "Stuck in one place and unable to
react" or showing some "sensitivity to a situation and then react." They talk about how things
affect them. "This bothers me. This affects me." For example, "I have been choked,
contracted, constricted." Plants show the feature of one basic sensation and the opposite. For
example- tight and loose; pain and numbness; or tied and untied.

Animal – Individuals needing animal remedies generally speak, "Not me being the
problem. Someone else is the problem." For example, "My mother-in-law has made my life
miserable." They talk about another person. They talk about issues of survival, victim and
aggressor, and attractiveness.

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DYNAMIC energy - 07 July-September– 2023

Solutions - Remedies

STAGE-2 Remedies
Mineral Remedies Salts of Beryllium, Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, Radium
Aca-m, ammc, Anac-oc, Anre-c, Anten-d, Beta, Brass, Brass-o, Caio-l,
Caly-s, Cardi-h, chap, Comm-c, Cucum-m, Cucum-s, Cypr-c, Cypr-r,
Dauc, Dios, Dipod-p, Epig, Erech, Fago, Gali, Galin-p, Gali-o, Gali-v,
Plant Remedies
Geum-u, Gnet-gn, Goody-p, Hed, Hyloc-u, Hypox-h, Ipom-b, Lens-c,
(abbreviated) Linn-b, Lup, manc, Micr, Mim-h, Mimul-g, Oryz-s, Pap-r, Phase, Pis-s,
Puls, Rehm-g, Rhizo-ma, Saxi-g, Sid-al, Sid-r, Sile-la, Sol-t, Sonch-o,
Stroph, Stroph-s, uva,
Animal Vertebrates Relationship series- lac.cap (mag.phos), lac.can (mag.sulph),
Remedies Excrem.can (mag.iod), lac.ovis (mg.carb), Lac.Hum (mag.mur)

Security Series -- Buffalo (calc+ferr-Nickl), Meerkats (responsibility of

the group look Nicolum) Mouse, Hamster (calc.bro), Gunia pig,
Domestic cat (cal.sulp), Pandemelons Wombat Pika (Calc.Ars)

Creativity series - Small antelope, Zebra

Birds Relationship series - Steatornis caripensis (Coraciformes)

Guinea fowl-G, Aegithalidae Canary- (Passer), Orioles figbirds-(Passer),
mynah, starlings

Security Series - Mouse bird, Nun birds

Creativity series - Colombia livia domestica, Guinea Turaco, Racquet

tailed parrot, All true parrot, Anas platyhynchos domesticus, Geese,
Anser anser, Branta canadensis, Branta leucopsis, Anser indicus,
Swans, Coscoraba coscoraba, Cygnus columbianus), Cygnus
buccinator, Cygnus cgnus, Cygnus olor Cygnus atratus, Alcae, Puffins,
Murres and Aukiets Waders

Molluscs Birth series - Physalia physalis (Portuguese man of war) Anthopleura

xanthogrammica Heteractis malu(Hawaii anemone), Stichodactyla
gigantean(stoicha ctis kenti(Gaint carpet anemone), (sea animone)
Corallium rubrum, Corallium nigrum, Mytius edulis (mussel), venus
mercenaria (Bird) pearl immersion (beryllium.phos), pecten jacobaeus
(beryllium.sulph), Spongia tosta, Badiaga
Reptiles Naja

Note: Most of the remedies have a Multipurpose. The remedies mentioned above
would also apply to persons of other types of attitudes.

How to Know the Uncertainty in a Person.

A person can be understood knowing about a person's external Behavioral attitudes
and internal emotions. Uncertainty is due to hesitation to approach as if the first step
in life. Observing is due to insecurity.

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Behavioral attitudes

Insecurity and Criticism in this Stage.

How a person says is more important than what the words one expresses. Data has to
be collected from friends and relatives of the person. Such data is more reliable than
what the individual says.
Some of the activities we can expect are…..
Feeling the presence of structure, home, society, and surroundings. But it is a
provisional structure, like a tent, which serves the purpose only as long as conditions
are optimal. If things are a little out of the way, then one immediately starts seeking a
permanent structure.

Keywords that can express the attitude and behavior are:

 Support
 Backing
 Dependence
 Encouragement
 Won't be able to cope
 Lack of confidence
 Incapable
 Incapacity
 Shield
 Anchor
 Protection

Emotions and Expressions

The individual's emotional structure can be known by going deep into the person's
feelings. They would say
"I am worthless."
"I am not confident."
Sensitive to criticism
The feeling would be expressed as "I am unwanted," which of course, piles on the
sense of insecurity.
Insecurity destroys their relationships at home.
They don't know who they are and frequently ask themselves, 'Who am I? Am I being
They feel vulnerable and prone to panic attacks, like, 'I can't do this !'
They have the same sort of difficulties when they have to make decisions: 'Do I know
what I really want? Is this what I want?'

Feels to know more about the incidents and experiences in life.

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 Jan Scholten -
 Jan Scholten -
 Dr. Rajan Sankaran - Structure Volumes 1 & 2
 Periodic Table Rows & Column 1 To 10 - Dr. Shreeram Hirlekar - --
 Dr.A. Raj Homeopathic Table of Animal kingdom-Table-

 Biological transmutations:

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DYNAMIC energy - 07 July-September– 2023

My First Prescription in Homeopathy

Uma Seshadri*

In my last article (DE-issue-06-- June 2023 ), I had shared with you about how our
(Osmania) University's Economics professor provided a magic cure for my ear
infection with just a single dose of homeo medicine. After this incident, it was back to
college routine. A few months into our studies, the famous agitation for a separate
Telangana state started and extended to a large part of 1969. Our university campus
became the hot bed of politics. Soon violent incidents between waring groups became
the order of the day. The university administration had no choice but to shut down
all the colleges. Initially it looked like a short strike but days progressed into weeks
and weeks into months. There seemed to be no respite of the colleges reopening any
time soon.

It was again my friend Kalyani, came with a proposal to join a homeopathy course
that was being conducted by the same Economics professor who had treated me a
few months back. I was not too keen then and was more in a mood to enjoy an
unscheduled long holiday! But the studious and avid learner that Kalyani was, I
found myself learning the basics of Homeopathy along with a few other students who
had nothing better to do at that moment. We were always on tender hooks, as the
strike could be called off any moment and we may be advised to return to the
university to resume our studies.

Professor (sorry, I am unable to recollect his name☹) meticulously taught us all the
basics of Homeopathy one topic after the other. He had chalked out a syllabus for us
and said that if the university resumes any time, we students will meet on weekends
to complete the course. It was more than 9 months since he began teaching and
almost came to the end, when the strike was called off. We returned to our classes.
Within the next 2 or 3 weekends, Professor completed the basic course and we did
have some idea about this system of medicine. Since he had been practicing for many
years prior, he not only taught us the theory but also shared many interesting cases
while teaching Materia medica or drug pictures as medicines are referred to in

Now my attention shifted to my engineering studies and exams. There was no time or
occasion to revisit what Professor taught us except one. Those days father used to
work outside Hyderabad in a place called Kurnool. Mother being a school teacher,
would join him whenever the school would declare consecutive holidays. Me being
the eldest of 4 daughters, was left with the responsibility of taking care of the
younger ones. Suddenly one day, my youngest sister had high fever. We three sisters
took turns to apply a wet cloth over her forehead to bring down the fever. But to no
avail. There was no trace of fever reducing even a wee bit. On the contrary by around
9 PM she started spitting out white foam from her mouth. It was then I remembered
a similar case Professor had shared with us in class. I recalled him mentioning the
medicine as Merc Sol. Though late in the night, I rushed to a nearby homeo shop in
Abids(Its Hyderabad's Pincode 1) opposite Sagar talkies. Even today Sagar Homeo is
functioning from this same place!! I gave her few doses of Merc Sol not expecting any
great result and wondering how to contact our parents as those days, letter writing

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was the only mode of communicating with near and dear ones😊. So, my next
strategy was to wake up our next door neighbor to seek help. But even as I was
wondering whether it was right to disturb someone at this late hour, to my utter
surprise I found my sister's foaming had stopped. She started to sweat heavily and
within an hour we could feel the normal coldness of her body. Thanks to my selfless
professor who shared his knowledge in such an interesting way, that the medicine's
peculiar symptom remained etched in my memory for long. That was my first
prescription even before I learnt the subject in depth.!!

*Uma Seshadri is an engineer who became interested in medicine, learned it, and
used it apart from performing day-to-day technical activities in a research
organization. Some events in one's life change the outlook and yearn to learn
something of particular interest. This is the story of ignition for a Chemical engineer
into Homeopathy.

Human Balance

Life has ups and downs. Nature has mountains and valleys. There is
Rise and Fall, Good and Bad, Tall and Short, White and Black, Open
and Close etc.

In case of unbalance, when one side is disturbed, the tilt will be

equal and opposite side. A high raise will have a steep fall.

One who is very happy will become very sad when he is upset. One
who is calm would become angry when disturbed. In a person's life
only a close friend would become a worst enemy and not a stranger.

History or Geography or Human life, only with ups and downs, is

part of nature.

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Searching for the Root Cause

There is a concept developed by Modern medicine that asthma is caused or
triggered by pathogens. Pathogens include bacteria, viruses, spores, and other
particulates. It is assumed that low or short-term exposure to dust particles,
pollen, pet dander, smoke, odors, and fumes can create severe tightening of
the airways. This paper analyses in a different angle, taking a new pathway in
analysis, aimimg towards the causations that lead to a single point as a
fundamental reason and a primary root cause. This would help to understand
the basics and, as such, lead to a cure.

1. Introduction
Asthma is a disease that affects our lungs and the respiratory system. Asthma is
being treated based on the symptoms; a patient presents and is observed by the
physician. There are many triggering causes identified that can cause asthma. Even
with so many causes and symptoms, no common root cause was found, as per the
literature. The outcome of asthma is primarily common in all cases. However, the
triggering subjects are of various natures and are not connected with one another.
They are dust, pollen, synthetic materials, drugs, animal furs, airway blockage,
emotional issues, etc. This paper would like to value all the factors involved in
inducing asthma. An analysis is done to find one or more common factors using
these triggering subjects. The links between all the triggering subjects might not be
possible, but major subjects have been analyzed towards a common cause.

2. What is Asthma?
Asthma is an acute or chronic (long-term) respiratory disease characterized by
difficult breathing, which causes coughing and wheezing when you exhale. It also
causes shortness of breath, in which airways or passages get inflamed. The airways
are tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs. Airways narrow, making it difficult
for air to move from the nose and mouth to the lungs. In this condition, airways
constrict and swell, which may produce extra mucus. Asthma can occur at any age. It
frequently appears in childhood or early adulthood.

Asthma means...
The word "asthma" originates from the Greek meaning short of breath, gasping,
panting, or labored breathing. It means that any patient with breathlessness is
asthmatic. The term was refined in the latter part of the 19th Century with the

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publication of a treatise by Henry Hyde Salter entitled "On Asthma and its
It is termed Bronchial Asthma when the airways become inflamed. In a scholarly
work, Henry Hyde Salter defines asthma as "Paroxysmal dyspnoea of a peculiar
character with intervals of healthy respiration between attacks", a description that
captures his concept of a disease in which the airways narrow due to contraction of
their smooth muscle.

GINA (Global Initiative for Asthma), Global Strategy for Asthma Management and
Prevention, says

Asthma is a heterogeneous disease, usually characterized by chronic airway inflammation.

It is defined by the history of respiratory symptoms such as wheeze, shortness of breath,
chest tightness, and cough, that vary over time and in intensity, together with variable
expiratory airflow limitation.

Symptoms Of Asthma.
The symptoms vary from person to person, children to adults, and Male to female.
The most common symptom that can be observed in asthma is wheezing. The person
can have some symptoms at certain times called infrequent asthma or have some
symptoms all the time. This squealing or whistling sound occurs when you breathe
(Crameri, Davos-2006). Other symptoms may include:

 Coughing -especially at night, while laughing, or during exercise

 Wheezing -Squealing or whistling sound that occurs when you breathe
 Shortness of breath –Due to blocked airways
 Rapid breathing – More demand for air
 Throat clearing
 Chest Pain- Tightness in the chest
 Difficulty in talking
 Difficulty in sleeping- Midnight problems around midnight
 Frequent infections
 Anxiety or panic
 Fatigue

3. Common asthma triggers or starters are:

 Genetic factors – With a family history of asthma or allergic disease, the risk of
developing asthma is higher.
 Infections: People may be more prone to acquiring this ailment if they have a
history of viral infections in infancy. Viral infections, such as the common cold
and flu
 Indoor environment and Changes in it
 Weather: Changes in temperature and weather, most often cold and humid
 Environment: Exposure to substances like allergens, toxins, fumes, pollution,
and Smog can irritate the airways.
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 Dust, Inhaled (e.g. dust in air, molds,)

 Pets, Animals (fur, hair or dander)
 Cockroaches - cockroach waste
 Pollens from trees
 Dust mite's excrement in bedding, upholstery, rugs, and drapes
 Smoking -Self
 Cigarette smoke – Inhaling from others –passive smoking
 Dress with Synthetic materials
 Poorly ventilated - poorly ventilated gas stoves, wood-burning fireplaces, Soot,
smoke, and other fine matter in the air
 Pilot lights, heaters, and appliances emit nitrous oxides
 Chemicals - Perfumes and strong smells
 Cleaning solvents
 Certain foods- Individualistic. Dairy foods, Grains, eggs, Legumes, Shellfish
 MSG and excitotoxins (often hidden ingredients in prepackaged and fast foods)
 Food additives, preservatives, flavorings and colorings
 Digestive problems - Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition in
which stomach acids rise up into your throat.
 Nutritional deficiencies
 Drugs ( β-blocking agents and drugs such as aspirin)
 Obesity
 Exercise-induced.
 Some occupations
 Intense emotions, Anxiety, and Stress

4. History and Statistics

The current asthma prevalence among adults increased from 6.9% in 2001 to 8.0% in
2021. The increasing rate of asthma is higher in males than females. Asthma among
children increased from 200 to 600 per Million, a 300% increase. It increased from
8.7% in 2001 to 9.5% in 2011 and increases yearly. (Ginasthma-2001)

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5. Present Treatments for Asthma and medical systems

Many medical systems treat asthma, and the primary system is Modern medicine.
Other systems are Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Ayurveda (mainly in India), Herbal
and Folk medicines, Yoga, Hydrotherapy, Hypnotherapy, etc.

Modern Medicine
The medical system has traveled a long way using 'Vapo-cresolene' vaporizer,
'Maxim's Pipe of Peace,' Carbolic Smoke Ball, Friar's Balsam, stramonium cigarettes,
and bronchitis kettle.' Presently, inhalers are common.

Inhaled corticosteroids, Dry powder inhalers, Soft mist inhalers, and Nebulizers are
commonly used. The first line of treatment for the relief of asthma is one of the
selective β2-agonists taken by inhalation. The long-acting inhaled β2-agonists
salmeterol and formoterol have been increasing in treatment since the early 1990s.
The mechanism of the prolonged action is different with these two drugs, and the
onset of bronchodilatation is faster with formoterol. Still, in other ways, most
physicians regard the two medications as equivalent. They are particularly effective
for nocturnal asthma and for exercise-induced asthma. The central concept in
treatment is anti-inflammatory actions (John Rees-2013).

Antibiotics, Steroids, and Oral corticosteroids are often used for acute exacerbations
of asthma. Potassium and Magnesium supplements have been shown to be effective
and safe in acute asthma. Vaccination is another treatment used for asthma.

Apart from the development of modern medicine, old classical systems continue to
thrive in many parts of the earth.

Herbal medicines
Native American tribes were using tobacco as a remedy for Asthma (Batmanghelidj-
2000). Solanum xanthocarpum, Picrorrhiza kurroa, Tylophora indica, Tsumura
saiboku, Adhatoda vasica, Scutellaria baicalensis, Echinacea angustifolia, and Allium
sativum are some of the herbs used in various countries including Japan, China and

Some short-term studies have shown some benefits on induced bronchoconstriction

Hypnosis has been shown to have some effect, particularly in susceptible patients. It
is practiced as Past Life Regression (PLR) therapy. This is considered to improve the
subconscious mind (Anbar-2022).

Yoga and Meditation

Pranayamas (breathing exercises) relax the mind even more and balance the whole
body. When practiced, it clears the air paths. Meditation improves and leads to mind
relaxation (Myers-2023)

Water treatment by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj is one of the methods used to cure asthma.
He narrates that dehydration happens in breathing and more in asthma patients.

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This dehydration can be compensated only by drinking the required amount of

Water (Batmanghelidj-2000).

Ayurvedic treatment aims to balance the three humors. Out of the three main Doshas
(humors) of Vatta (air), Pitta (fire), and Kapha (water), Vata and Kapha are involved
in asthma. Balancing the Humors would help in reducing inflammation of the
bronchioles. Herbs are medicated before use. A few of the Herbs are Adhatoda
vasica, Momordica charantia, Tussilago farfara, Allium cepa, Emblica officinalis,
Curcuma longa, and Valeriana officinalis (Sateesh Kumar-2011).

Homeopathy is explained in more detail than other systems, as the reports show that
asthma gets cured with a better ratio. (Bindu Sharma-2015)
While medications from modern medicine relieve many of the symptoms of asthma,
they do not cure and need meds to be taken continuously. With homeopathy, it is a
bit different as the remedy leads to a state of cure, with no further medicines.

Homeopaths collect details from patients, the symptoms of patients about not only
asthma but also any other disease. All possible Physical and mental symptoms are
gathered. Every symptom has a weightage. They are weighed, analyzed, and
evaluated. The symptoms lead to a remedy that may have some connection with the
patient and the disease. A remedy is prescribed as a cure.

The homeopath does not see it just as asthma but holistically and treats it using the
procedures. Even though a cure has been reported, there is no root cause analysis.
How does the Homeo medicine cures asthma has not been described in the reports of
Homeopaths. One major difference is that Homeopathy takes into account of the
mental symptoms also.

Homeopath considers Symptoms: What time of the day, what hours, Seasons,
Environment like Conditions of the atmosphere- dry air in a closed room, dusty
impure air, various Situations and movements like bathing, fumes, Coitus,
Childbirth, etc. Importantly: Aggravation or ameliorations during the above
Food desires, cravings, aversions, and allergies.
Mental states of the person before and after asthma and at present: Disappointment,
Business problems, Love issues, Decisions, Thoughts, Anxiety, Sleep, Dreams,
Delusions, Anxiety, actions with others, actions for external events or news,
contradictions. Causation felt by the person.

There are more than 300 remedies for asthma, and all are used based on symptoms.
A few Important remedies are briefed below. (FRANCISCO XAVIER-1996) (Fleisher,
Mitchell A. -2005)
1. Arsenicum Album - For a sensitive person whose Asthma Aggravates at
midnight 12 to 2 AM
2. Hepar Sulph - For Asthma in Cold Air. Relief bending head backward.
3. Antimonium Tartaricum - For Asthma With Shortness Of Breath and
Rattling Cough as if gasping for air.
4. Natrum Sulphuricum - For Asthma In Damp Weather, demands or
aversion to salt in food. Best for children

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5. Lycopodium - For Asthma In Damp Weather or who has flapping of alae

6. Ipecac - For Difficult Breathing And Cough Ending In Vomiting
7. Spongia Tosta - For Short and tough respiration and panting.
Breathing with Dry Cough
8. Blatta Orientalis - For Asthma Triggered by Dust Exposure.For asthma
triggered in rainy weather
9. Nux Vomica - For asthma from gastric disruption. Stomach seems full.
Worse in the morning
10. Carbo Veg - For asthma with blueness of face. Desire to be fanned at a
distance. Cold hands and feet

Other important remedies are

Baryta Carbonica is for repeated respiratory tract infections and is slow-
Calc-carb. for the generalized delay in teething, Walking, and Talking
Psorinum patient feels better from lying down and spreading his hands wide
Rhus-tox has muscular-skeletal involvement as concomitant.
Cannabis Sativa when the patient stands for the entire night with hands
supported on his knees.
Ferrum Metallicum is for the patient who feels better while walking.
Bacillinum helps children and is a good prevention for asthma.
Tuberculinum is for asthma attacks, which are erratic.

6. A path to a new thinking

"The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of
thinking with which we created them." Albert Einstein

This applies to the present perspective in science to explain asthma. However,

scientific research never seems to cross the barrier of body treatment, even when
thinking about the body using the mind. The mind never thinks about its elf; that
mind also can be a reason for asthma.

Why search for a cure for asthma or most chronic diseases? There is no progress.
Every disease is hitting a place where one is a lifelong consumer of drugs, whether it
is a simple cough, Diabetes, Blood pressure, or cancer. To search for answers, the
way of analysis has to turn towards lateral thinking or some other critical thinking
from the present thinking of copy and follow.

Every disease has its place, and the analysis has to consider the times and the places
of its past and the present. The people who live with an illness and their experiences
are the source of information. The society's history, geography, and culture are
significant in all these evaluations. The mind, which feels, talks, and expresses the
problems, is more important than the body.

Many healers struggle to use their innovative tools and knowledge of their time.
Analyzing people from all walks of life, poor or rich, south or north or equator, coast
or inland, plateau or mountain, desert or greenery, would help lead to a solution.

7. Concept of Disease and Symptoms

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In the case of disease, we must understand the difference between disease and its
symptoms. In most cases, the root cause is one, and the symptoms are many. A
weakness, mental or physical, in a person, is a cause for a disease. A factor triggers
and initiates the disease. Further, many factors help the disease in its progress. At
the same time, the body works to recover from the disease. But in present-day
systems, most symptoms are taken as disease, which is true of many diseases.

Let us compare a person's life situation to compare the main problem and the other
subsequent issues that come along the way. This person, for example, has a
financial problem. Now, they have to solve the problem. He can solve the problem
himself. In that case, it goes unnoticed. But he has to seek many resources and go
elsewhere to get help from somebody. One has to go and see a friend for help or to
a bank for a loan or any other assistance. So, every individual has a unique way of
finding a solution to his problem. Each person can innovate the solutions based on
the problem. Each problem of the same person would lead to different routes and
methods to find solutions.

He may have to travel for a few days, and only then he may be able to reach the
place where he can get help. Travel by many modes of transport stays on the way,
etc. One problem may add to another. Similarly, in the search for a solution, many
hurdles come up. Every problem is searching for a solution to solve the root problem.
All would continue until the financial problem gets settled. One problem may lead to
many. But the root is only the financial problem. Even though subsequent issues
result from the first problem, an outsider who sees the person in trouble has so
many issues. Other than the main one, all others are symptoms of the main problem.

The above is about one problem of one person. When his problem is solved, all the
difficulties he faces fade away. Assume the problem of many individuals. Problems
can be many and maybe uncountable. The solving methods may be many. Every
individual has their issues, and everybody wants to solve them.

When a person gets a disease, the systems within that person try to find a solution. In
finding a solution, it has to handle and come across many systems and parts of the
body. The systems and parts involved depend on the type of disease. The body knows
where and how to find a solution.

Then, the problem crosses many parts in different forms throughout its journey,
searching for a solution. Every system or part of the body, primarily from the cell,
helps to find a solution. We have to understand that cells only form the parts of the
body. As a person, we don't come across how the problem gets solved. Sometimes, we
may feel some symptoms somewhere in some parts. It may be an itch, stomach ache,
swallowing pain, passing stool, headache, or skin eruption. When it appears once and
disappears, we don't care.

Many times, we have noticed that some people's hand automatically scratches the tip
of the nose or somewhere. Others may observe this action and not the person who
does. The reason is he is not disturbed. Doing this repeatedly and when forced to do
this is considered a problem for him. They feel this as a disturbance mainly when the
problem continues, disturbing their work or mind. What worries us most seems to be
our problem.

The activities that spread in the body searching for a solution can create some
disturbances. The person feels these disturbances as diseases. Then, the mind comes

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into the picture to take other actions like searching for food, help from others, a
physician, or something else.

Symptoms are disturbances to the parts of the body, even though the main root of
the disease is searching for a solution. We consider all these symptoms as problems
and diseases. We never think of the primary disease. But our memory system
remembers. The body retains the causation as it has an impact on the body. Any
differential event, a turning point in life, or an incident like an accident will be
remembered. Only an inquiry would lead to that point.

Sometimes, some solutions or medicines could create new problems. Such problems
or symptoms can sometimes develop another problem and lead to the search for new

Symptoms are not diseases but warnings to the person to search for solutions. In
handling the symptoms, one way is to clear, and another way is to suppress.
The disease may not find a solution on the way. It may face hurdles. Some systems or
parts of the body may not have the capacity or capability to meet the demand. In that
case, a new way must be found, or the basic problem would remain.

A person travels in a vehicle searching for a solution, and the vehicle is involved in
an accident. Here arises a bigger problem than the basic one.

8. What is the Root Cause?

Think of a real-life situation in a case of an accident, a murder, or a robbery. Cops
just like that don't arrest them, go to court, and put them in prison. They want to
know the motive behind the incident. The case can be solved but not with perfection
and to the satisfaction until the motive is known. When police search and catch a
person for a crime, they enquire all their friends and neighbors who are connected
with the main person. In case of one or many involvements, enquiring all the
connections would lead to the brain sitting somewhere, not even at the crime scene.
Only then would the root or the one behind the scandal or motive come out. The final
solution becomes simple.

In the same way, when there is any health issue, we have to see the reason behind it.
We do this in case of a robbery but not in the case of a disease. A medicine based on
experience may solve these problems. If not, repetitive tests and medication would
lead to nowhere. Taking medicine blindly in the name of disease is not a proper

Finding the root cause is essential in every case, mainly in asthma. Having many
symptoms from one person and many more from other Asthma patients would help
us to drive to a point.

Symptoms are chain reactions from one to the other. Grouping specific symptoms
will lead to a common symptom. This can be a cause for other symptoms in the
group. They should be evaluated considering the individual in the picture and not
just the symptoms. Think of specific symptoms, for example, pain, swelling, injury,
tiredness, stomachache, sleeplessness, constipation, anxiety, anger, and loss of
appetite. A few symptoms can be grouped here to arrive at a root symptom. Here
pain may be from swelling, swelling from an injury. Injury may be due to walking
when the person is tired. Sleeplessness may be due to pain. By inquiry, the person

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might have fallen a few days back. One of the root–symptoms here isinjury. By
collecting and grouping symptoms this way, we can arrive at many root symptoms.
Root symptoms would lead to very few root symptoms, one or more. Finding one
root symptom is the best. However, this analysis will lead to a common problem and
probably to a common cause. Often, the the common cause is not noticeable. Only
the effects as symptoms are noticeable.

There are two subjects here. One is the root symptom, and another is the root cause.
Both may be one or more. Root symptoms can be found when all the symptoms from
the patient and the clinical tests are considered. Even when route symptoms are
found, finding the root cause is complex. Usually, the cause will hide and has to be
decoded and judged through a clear understanding of the person's body and mind.

Medications for each symptom would help to alleviate the specific problems but not
the root cause. The root cause would continue to remain. Root causes may not be
handled directly, but they would help in deciding solutions and medications.

9. Asthma - Grouping the symptoms

We consider the body's symptoms and other clinical tests as important. In the
holistic model, the mind is the controller of the body. We will group the known
symptoms into different categories to determine the root symptoms. Grouping is to
arrive at a common point.

Grouping of symptoms is based on some common factors among the subjects

assumed to cause asthma and the symptoms or problems created by asthma.

 Some disease symptoms might be mistakenly considered as causes.

 Dust should not be considered as just dust but also as a positively ionized
 Cyclic effect- effects of the drugs used for a disease may aggravate the disease.
 Food: How does food increase the disease, and how does it affect the food
 Mental states – Some mentalities trigger disease, and disease changes some or
the same mental states.

Category-1 is Genetic: infections in infancy, many unknowns.

Category-2 is Connected Weather: Temperature- cold, hot, or Humid.

Category-3 is Connected with breathing: allergens, toxins, fumes, and pollution.

Smog, dust in the air, molds, Pollens, smoke, Soot, fine matter in the air, wood
burning fireplaces, Perfumes, strong smells, Cleaning solvents, Chemicals, poorly
ventilated gas stoves, heaters, appliances emitting nitrous oxides.

Category-4- Subject of acquaintance or closeness: Pets, Animals -fur, hair or

dander, Cockroaches - cockroach waste, Synthetic material Dress, Dust mite's
excrement in bedding, Pilot lights upholstery, rugs, and drapes.

Category-5- Food connected: Dairy foods, Grains, eggs, Legumes, Shellfish, MSG
and excitotoxins, Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition in which

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stomach acids rise up into your throat, Food additives, preservatives, flavorings, and
colorings, Nutritional deficiencies, Obesity.

Category-5- Drugs- β-blocking agents and drugs such as aspirin.

Category- 6-Others - Exercise-induced, Occupations. Obesity, Strong emotions,

Anxiety, and Stress.

Category- 7-Symptoms - Causes or results of Asthma: Common cold and flu.

10. Root Cause analysis

We analyze the causes and symptoms based on the established viewpoints. Many
parameters one considers in research are already used by others. We usually don't
think there may be another parameter to look at. The analysis of disease data based
on established parameters would lead to a good statistical result, but not facts. In
many cases, unique causes and symptoms would make a way for us and guide us.
What are those parameters? It can be old or new, can be anything. One shall go a
little away from following the established views.

At first, we will consider the problem Category, Breathing:

Air is breathed. What is in the air is the problem here. What are these subjects:
allergens, toxins, fumes, pollution? Smog, dust in the air, molds, Pollens, smoke,
Soot, fine matter in the air, wood-burning fireplaces, Perfumes, strong smells,
Cleaning solvents, Chemicals, poorly ventilated gas stoves, heaters, carpets, etc., do.
Do the subjects in the air initiate or trigger asthma, or do they help in the
continuation of asthma?

All of the above are clouds of dust or gases as part of the air. All are breathed as part
of air and create difficulty in breathing. Here, we come to the concept of ionization.
Many dust subjects are positively ionized. (Fred Soyka-1981). Some may contain, and
some are not. Dust and chemicals are of different nature. The present concept of air
is oxygen content. But there is another one in the air, and that is ionized particles,
ions with negative and positive charges. Basically, individuals need air that contains
ions. Air contains negative and positive ions in a certain ratio. Research studies
found the effect of negative ions as part of air in human life (Ben-Dov -1983).

The main parameter that links is the charged ions in breathing air. Subjects with
positive charges nullify the negative ions, creating a shortage in air quality. This
comes as a typical yardstick. This can be decided by looking at the troubled patients
when they get relief in a particular atmosphere.

The second factor is -Breathing Obstruction:

The tissue growth in air passages is a subject here and hinders breathing. There is a
contention here about the formation of air resistance. If we look at history, air
resistance has been felt from the day of asthma, and resistance continues to increase.

We will analyze a familiar resultant symptom: breathing Obstruction. We have to see

at what part of history obstruction started. Many symptoms of asthma are essential.
They can be part of the cause or only part of the result. History is more important
than looking only at the present status.

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We will go from the start of a person's asthma and observe the symptoms. They can
 Difficult breathing
 Fast breathing
 Obstruction in an airflow
 Need of more air

A normal person breathes heavily when the person needs more air. If there is an
obstruction in the airway, one has to breathe hard to get the required air. One
characteristic of asthma is higher airway resistance at maximal inspiration. The need
for more air makes breathing fast. Can fast breathing create obstruction? If an
asthmatic person finds difficulty breathing due to airway blockage, how does this
obstruction happen in the first place? That is the main subject here. What can start
first, Air obstruction or fast air-breathing due to the need for more air?

When a person needs more air than his normal requirement, airways carry air at
higher speeds. When the flow increases in the air passage, air velocity is not uniform
across the area (fig). It varies from center to
periphery, from high to low. The reduced
velocity is due to the drag of air on the surface.

In fluid dynamics, drag is a force acting

opposite to the relative motion of any object
(Falkovich, Grigory-2018). Drag force is the
resistance caused by the motion of a body
through a fluid, like water or air.

Drag force, sometimes called fluid resistance, can exist between two fluid layers or
two surfaces. Drag force depends on velocity. Drag force is proportional to the
velocity for low-speed flow. It is proportional to the squared velocity for high-speed
flow (Herman-2007). Drag forces always tend to decrease fluid velocity in the path of
fluid flow. The above observation of drag force comes when there is a high airflow
velocity due to more air-breathing demand

One known aspect is Nasal polyps. When a

person inhales more air than expected, the
biosystem that cannot handle the air starts
to obstruct the airflow using the growth of
polyps, a negative feedback. In the same
way, growth happens in other airways.

The natural way of obstruction is growth

on the inner walls of airways. This
happens when the body cannot cope with heavy airflow. Further symptoms include
hyperreactivity and making more mucus. They can cause coughing, wheezing,
shortness of breath, troubled breathing, tightness in the chest, coughing, and runny
nose. A squealing or whistling sound occurs when air passes through a narrow

The third factor is -Breathing Problem:

We will see why air requirement is high and the main reason for an asthmatic
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In breathing, we must understand one subject we use 24 hours a day without

knowing what it is. We talk of only Oxygen. That is NEGATIVE IONS as part of the
air. We don't care about the people around us and who help a patient. But without
those people, patients cannot do anything. The same thing happens with 80%
Nitrogen along with 20% Oxygen. Our limited knowledge does not analyze them and
conclude many such subjects in our lives and even medicine systems.

Before going into details about these Negative ions, we will look at how Asthma
patients behave in environments relative to Positive ions (Posions) and Negative ions
 A person rushing to open air.
 Sitting in an Air-conditioned car or home is a problem. Based on the volume
of the room or any other place, ions in the air will be consumed. Likely, other
persons in that area would consume the ions from the air.
 Even though dust, molds, Pollens, Perfumes, Cleaning solvents, heaters, and
carpets have different characteristics, the common parameter is a positive
charge. These items nullify the negatively charged ions.
 They are caused by synthetic fibers or dress materials compared to cotton
materials (Cortez Pimentel-1975).
 Some people observed the behavior and increased symptoms of Asthma
patients during Full Moon. This is usually neglected. But this is due to the
increase of positive ions in the atmosphere during that time. (Fred Soyka-
 Some asthma patients who stay in the hill stations report fewer problems than
they have in the same season in the plains. Air on hilltops contains more
Negions. Normally, charges accumulate at tips or peaks. Treetops, building
terraces, hills, mainly peaks, contain high Negions. (Bosworth-1889)

Negative ions
Some people demand more air for their activities. Atmospheric air contains ions,
both negative and positive, as mentioned before. Ions in the air exist in a certain

The number of negative ions is essential apart from the ratio. Non-contaminated air
contains about 1800 ions per cubic cm with 1000 positive ions (Posions) and 800
Negative ions (Negions). The negative ion to positive ion ratio in countryside air is
about 4: 5. (Alessandra-2020). The same degrades to a ratio of nearly 1:3 in the city
or even less. This is because of pollution, where negative ions are neutralized by
positive ions in dust and aerosols in the atmosphere (Chen-2021). Negative ions
help a normal person, mainly when the negative-to-positive ion ratio is around 0.8.

Negative ions exist in nature in many places. Rural areas, away from urban, rural
areas, ocean surf, at the beach, Treetops, air passing through trees, and Hills,
especially around waterfalls (Lenard-effect:2020), have air with abundant Negative
ions. Mainly where dust is minimal, and uncontaminated air is fit for breathing for
everybody, including Asthma patients.

Nocturnal asthma is common. Even though it is attributed to increased exposure to

allergens, the primary reason is reduced negative ions at midnight, mainly from 12 to
2 AM.

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Modern housing in cities is in tall buildings. That ends up with reduced cross
ventilation. Air conditioning has become common, and it further limits fresh air mix
from outside. Replenishment of air is almost nil. Besides reducing negative ions,
inadequate air-conditioning and bad duct designs help increase positive ions (Charles

It is an observation where Asthmatic persons improve their breathing when in a

place of high negative ions. Negative ions were discovered 100 years back and are
widely used for air cleaning. (Jiang-2018). Presently, air conditioners use negative
ions as a method to clear the positively charged dust from the rooms.

Fourth Category- Emotions and Brain:

Emotions increase the symptoms of asthma and can be a trigger. It was found
through many observations and tests that Negions are connected with the mental
activity of every individual. However, people with asthma need a bit more of these
negative ions. Emotions in an individual make the person think more, and the brain
works hard. This creates a demand for more ionized air. Hours of negative ion
exposure may reduce symptoms of depression (Elaine K. Luo-2019)

As a fifth factor, let us consider the Drugs:

The reason for increased asthma day by day is due to the consumption of drugs like
aspirin and β-blocking agents (Susan Mahoney-2004). There is a difference between
medicines from natural sources, such as natural chemicals, and chemicals in
synthetic form from process industries. Both cannot work the same way in the body.
Synthetics will not go well with the human body, which is the product of nature, like
plants and animals. Disagreement between the natural body and manufactured
materials such as synthetic medicines would be too high.

11. Root Cause spreading to symptoms

In most cases, a disease's result is also considered a cause. The reason is that the
result of the disease, in turn, helps increase the problems of the disease. When
observed, the latter differentiation is difficult. The cause may not be known to the
patient. But a physician could find if efforts are taken. The time gap can vary between
the triggering and the feeling of the effects of the problem. During growth, there may
be many factors that would help the disease progress. These factors may be linked to
the root cause or results of the disease.

There are three fundamental factors in any event or activity. The first one is the base
on which the other two work, the second is the support for the activity, and the third
is the trigger to initiate. An example is fire, where fuel is the base, and Oxygen is
support, which needs an ignition. In the progress of an activity, the third one, the
trigger, may disappear and need not exist. There is a fourth one, which is the result.
This result may be good or bad, suffering or progress due to any activity. In the case
of asthma, there are breathing difficulties.

In any incident in life, the trigger is an important subject that is searched and
challenging to find. The fourth one, which suffers due to the activity, is much more
noticeable and draws attention to the problems.

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In every case, these three factors have to be identified and isolated for analysis.

We can go into the sequence in our analysis from the start of asthma, keeping the
above three factors in mind.

1. A person with genes of asthma, heredity, or Asthmatic mind comes in this

2. Anxiety would often physically and emotionally drain the energy.
3. Some of the other mental activities that may lead to Asthma are Stress, Fear of
the unknown, depression, frustration in life, and Low self-esteem. This will
happen in persons with certain attitudes who think more repeatedly. This
thinking, when indecisive or inconclusive, would require more energy.
Below is an observation by an eminent physician on the case of asthma.
Asthmatic paroxysm was due not to muscular spasm but to a paralysis of the vaso-
motor nerves regulating the caliber of the blood-vessels of the bronchial mucous
membrane. Under the influence of this vaso-motor paralysis coming on suddenly, the
blood vessels in the bronchial membrane assume a sudden turgescence, under which
the membrane becomes markedly swollen and congested, thereby encroaching
notably upon the caliber of the bronchial tubes, constituting the first or dry stage of
inflammation, although differing from inflammation in that there is no tendency
whatever to the escape of leucocytes or the development of the second inflammatory
stage. The membrane is swollen, dry, and non-secretive. The result of this swollen
condition interferes with the entrance of air to the air cells and its escape, giving rise
to dyspnoea, both in inspiration and expiration.
----Excerpts from his paper "On the relation of the Nasal And Neueotic Factors in the
Etiology of Asthma" by F. H. Bosworth. M.D

4. Demand for more air starts slowly, and some event triggers and ignites one
5. Until the air demand is managed and air quality is good with required
ionization, there may not be any problem.
6. When air quality is low, the need for more air comes into the picture.

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7. When air flow increases, the drag effect will start, and growth on the airways
will begin. This will obstruct breathing, and all symptoms of respiration will
be noticed.
8. The cyclic effect starts. Need of more air. Obstructions, anxiety, and dullness

Cause and continuation

Three factors are to be viewed and analyzed, taking into the root cause.
 Emotional Factors:
 Triggering Factors:
 Disease boosters- Allergic conditions, environmental irritants
 Disorder of the lungs,

Emotional cause Factors:

The fundamental factor is an individual and his mentality (Van Lieshout-2008). It
has been observed that asthma patients are sensitive, indecisive, or overthinkers.

Triggering Factors:
Even a tiny weakness gives way to a triggering subject in one's life. A tree, growing
and standing well, would fall one day of wind, cyclone, or tornado when it has
become weak, even though the tree survived for many years from the same natural

Many mental factors that existed before asthma are commonly observed in an
asthma patient. Intense depression, emotional stress, Fear, Excitement, Laughter,
Anger, Anxiety, Grief, sudden Loss, or an incident can be significant triggering
actions leading to asthma. ( On the physical side, a trigger can include
household or industrial chemicals, tobacco smoke, dust, changes in weather, or

Disease boosters- Allergic conditions, environmental irritants

Then comes a weakness because of a load due to thinking and brain work. The brain
needs more energy and demands more blood flow. For a person with asthma, air
quality is essential. Apart from the amount of air, the contents of mainly negative
ions are in higher demand. If the air breathed has sufficient ions, there is no need for
heavy airflow. As mentioned earlier, the negative-to-positive ion ratio content varies
from place to place. Demand for more work starts in the nose, airways, and lungs.

Stress, Fear, Excitement, emotions, Laughter, Anger, Anxiety, Grief, Loss, or

Thinking of disease adds more to the problem. Many triggering factors continue to
help in increasing asthma problems. Symptoms are countless.

Disorder of the airways, lungs

Demand for increased air increases the velocity of flow. Due to the drag effect, air
resistance increases. To that effect, growth occurs in the nose and airways as a
natural way to obstruct the heavy air flow. This obstruction adds more problems in

Many materials help in increasing the problem. They are dusts, pollens, pet fur,
synthetic material, etc.

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12. Present status

Asthma is the most common chronic childhood disease, affecting 1 out of every 20
children due to side effects of medication. The main drug that is responsible for
asthma is aspirin from an early age. Baby aspirin is commonly used to treat
children's problems. (Hasan Arif-2023)

Aspirin reduces fever and relieves muscle pains, toothaches, common colds,
and headaches. It also reduces pain and swelling in conditions such as arthritis. The
same aspirin increases Asthmatic problems.

Palliation is by inhalers and medication. Continuous medication by modern medicine

is temporary.

13. Solution for Asthma - Temporary

As discussed, the usage of negative ions can also be helpful in the case of an Asthma

Davos (Switzerland) is known worldwide for its healthy climate. Many patients
achieve a cure or significant amelioration for their chronic lung or skin diseases,
especially allergies, in the healthy climate of Davos. Sojourns in the high
mountains have been recommended by specialists for patients with asthma for
many decades.

Negative ion generators are available in the market. Ion generators should have
ozone within limits. They are used to get relaxation for an asthma patient in the
house or cars.

14. Solution for Asthma cure

A permanent cure for asthma is possible if viewed and analyzed, taking into account
the root cause.

Many studies are going on using alternative medicines. Some of the systems are
Ayurveda and Homeopathy. (Sateesh Kumar-2011). Even in these systems,
treatment, and trials go without analyzing the root cause of asthma.

Ayurvedic physicians give medicines based on Ayurvedic books and experiences.

Most Ayurvedic medicines are made from herbs.

Homeopaths handle asthma cases slightly differently than Ayurvedic and modern
medicine. Homeopaths don't consider asthma as a disease but collect all possible
symptoms from a patient, Mental and physical, general and unique (Thompson-
2011). Symptoms that are different form one's normal state have higher value. They
weigh each symptom and decide on one remedy. (Anu Joseph-2012).

Homeopaths use the records called Materia Medica, established from proving by
various persons. Materia Medica has data on symptoms a person would get if he
takes the remedy in a normal situation. The theory of Homeopathy is "similar cures
similar'. A remedy that would produce the symptoms would help a person who
suffers from those symptoms. The medicine or remedy used in Homeopathy is not
just a material but an energized or charged subject. Because of this, the activity of
medicine in a person works in a different way than other medicines.

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15. Conclusion
Asthma is curable by alternate medicine systems. Medicines of a material nature
cannot work like medicines of energized ones. The medicines from most of the
classical systems are of energized type. In classical systems, Homeopathy can play a
major role in asthma. Considering available facilities and data from all areas of
medical systems and working together with the aim of treating asthmatic persons
would pave the way for a cure.

16. References and Bibliography Medical
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Alessandra-2020: A novel therapeutic option? Nov 2020 by Alessandra Della Vecchia Federico Mucci, Donatella
Marazziti, - European Neuropsychopharmacology November 2020--40(10):S167-S168

Anbar-2022: Treatment of Asthma with Hypnosis- Ran D. Anbar M.D. Posted January 8, 2022.
Anu Joseph-2012: Significance of polarity analysis in repertorisation using BBCR, in the treatment of Bronchial
Asthma.- By Dr. Anu Joseph- A Dissertation -2012

Batmanghelidj-2000: ABC of Asthma, Allergies and Lupus - by Dr.F. Batmanghelidj, Global Health Solutions, Inc.

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Bindu Sharma-2015: Homoeopathy for the management of Asthma - A review of Council's Clinical Research by
Bindu Sharma, Ritika Hassija Narula, Raj K. Manchanda - © 2015 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy.
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Bosworth-1889: On the relation of the Nasal And Neueotic factors in the aetiology of Asthma By F. H. Bosworth,
M. D. Neio YorTc Medical Journal for January 19^ 1889.

Charles Wallach.Dr.-1983: The ion controversy: A scientific appraisal by Dr.Charles Wallach-publisher ,Belle
Lumiere - 1983 - 978-0959229707

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Based on an Orthogonal Experimental Study by Qi Chen, Rui Wang, Xinping Zhang, Jianjun Liu, and Dexiang
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CORTEZ PIMENTEL-1975: -Respiratory disease caused by synthetic fibres: a new occupational disease by J.
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Crameri, Davos-2006: Allergy And Asthma in Modern Society_ A Scientific Approach- R.Crameri, Davos-
publisher- S. Karger Kurt Blaser, Director of the Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research, Davos.,-2006 :

Elaine K. Luo-2019: The Effect of Negative Ions .

Falkovich, Grigory-2018: - Fluid mechanics-Cambridge University Press (2018)

Fleisher, Mitchell A. -2005: Sneezes and Wheezes: Acute Homeopathy for Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma by
Mitchell A. Fleisher, MD, DHt - AJHM Summer 2005 .Volume-98. No-2

FRANCISCO XAVIER-1996: Homoeopathic treatment of bronchial Asthma by FRANCISCO XAVIER EIZAYAGA,

MD, JOSE EIZAYAGA, MD, FRANCISCO XAVIER EIZAYAGA, MD. British Homoeopathic Journal January 1996, Vol.
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Fred Soyka- 1981: The Ion Effect: How Air Electricity Rules Your Life and Health by Fred Soyka - Bantam
Books, 1981


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Herman-2007: Physics of the Human Body.- Irving P. Herman –Springer- 2007

Hurley-2022: Physiology, Airway Resistance, by Joshua J. Hurley; Jeremy L. Hensley. - November 19, 2022.

Jackson: Asthma The Biography by R.Mark Jackson publisher-Oxford Uiniversity Press

Jiang-2018: Negative Air Ions and Their Effects on Human Health and Air Quality Improvement Shu-Ye Jiang, Ali
Ma, and Srinivasan Ramachandran. International Journal. Molecular Sciences. 2018, 19, 2966;

John Rees-2013: ABC of Asthma- 6th-ed.=John Rees, (ABC Series)- BMJ Books- John Wiley & Sons, Inc., May


Myers-2023: 6 Great Yoga Poses to Help With Asthma- By Wyatt Myers, Alison Ozgur, MHS, RDN of American
College of Lifestyle Medicine- on September 3, 2023-

Sateesh Kumar-2011: Asthma: Alternative Management Approaches By Sateesh Kumar Vemula - Asian
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2021-Vol-4-Issue-1

Susan Mahoney-2004: B2- ASTHMA AND ALLERGIES- the science inside- by Susan Mahoney, Sarah Pekkanen-
Published 2004 by The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)-2004

Thompson-2011: The feasibility of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial to compare usual care with usual care
plus individualised homeopathy, by EA Thompson1,, A Shaw2, J Nichol, S Hollinghurst, AJ Henderson, T
Thompson and D Sharp Published in Homeopathy(2011) 00, 122-130

Van Lieshout-2008: Psychological Factors in Asthma by Ryan J Van Lieshout and Glenda-MacQueen. Allergy
Asthma Clin Immunol. 2008; 4(1): 12–28.
Yan-Ming-2020: Acupuncture on treating asthma-A protocol for systematic review and meta analysis by Yan-Ming
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Why I Became a Homeopath

(Dr. Guillermo Enrique Rincon)

In explaining why he evolved from allopathy to homeopathy, Dr. Guillermo

Rincon describes the deeper purpose of life and the meaning of disease.
I had various dreams since being an adolescent. I dreamed of being a musician and singer
but could not realize it. I dreamed I was a military man, and later, to show off three silver
stars on my shoulders. But my deepest wish has been to become a physician, to be able to
alleviate the suffering of my fellow men. So, it came that one day, after finishing secondary
school, I moved to Merida filled with joy and hope, and only with some nostalgia about
leaving my beloved home. I arrived at the University of the Andes (Universidad de los
Andes). During two years, ideal tutors taught me the large and intricate subject of human
anatomy, philosophy and biological chemistry. Later I moved to Caracas where I came to an
old big house which … the entire Central University of Venezuela (Universidad Central de
Venezuela) with excellent professors. I learned clinical and pathological medicine, tropical
medicine and epidemiology, therapeutics and pharmacology.
One day I got the honorable title of a Physician. I left with happiness and satisfaction to put
my knowledge into practice, believing I was the owner of the "truth". During the course of
the years I alleviated many pains, assisted in labors, and helped in surgery. I believed I cured
an enormous number of patients. Later, I came to conclude that it is better to prevent, than
to having to cure diseases and became a sanitarian. Working in different public institutions I
helped preventing the spread of many epidemics and applied many vaccinations, believing
this was for the benefit of our children.
One day the caprices of destiny lead me to meet a companion who told me that he was
studying homeopathy in a city in Colombia. Without knowing what he was talking about I
accompanied him every weekend to attend the classes. This type of medicine was very
different from the medicine I knew: it allowed me to cure patients in a most easy way,
without many technical words, sophisticated equipment and ostentatious diagnostics.
During my daily work I wanted to prove if what I was told about homeopathy were true. To
my amazement and those of the persons who observed treatment, I was able to give a patient
his speech back, which he lost after a fright. I was able to resuscitate two patients, one of
them hopelessly ill with meningo-encephalitis, caused by a pneumococcus infection, and the
other dying from leukemia – all by putting some simple globules into their mouths.
After these wonders I could no nothing else than dedicate myself to practice this spectacular
type of medicine, always with satisfactory results. However, despite these marvelous results,
my restlessness did not cease as I knew that I did not practice true homeopathy. True
homeopathy acts much more deeply and cures the patient radically from his psyche. This
brought me to the famous homeopathy school of Tomas Pablo Paschero in Argentina. There
I could learn medicine in it's purest and most reasonable form, the true Hippocratic
medicine, and VITALITIS MEDICINE – the contrary of Newton's and Galen's materialism
and of Descartes' reductionism. They taught me that the human is not an insensible
machine, composed of matter and separated from the universal, energetic dynamism and
interminable power of the creator, but that the human is part of the creation, an important
part of the universe and as such, receives its influences. They taught that the universal
energy flows through the body and mind, regulating all their functions, and that he depends
on a thread which connects him with the creator – which is called the spirit or soul, and
which is what animates him, provides him with life, action and the knowledge that he is a
human being and exists, and which allows him to elucidate and chose his destiny and to be
responsible for the chosen purpose.
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They taught me that we were on the wrong path in medicine for many centuries by following
Galen's and Cartesian principles of materialism and reductinism. I I learned that we are
wrong in considering the human a machine and that the isolated organic lesion was the
disease. I saw that we continued to err by deviating from the wise Hippocratic principles
which consider disease as a complete and integral reaction of the human given a certain
cause, and reacting as a VITAL UNITY, and in relation to its environment or universe.
Disease is dynamic and spiritual, psychosomatic. First, the mind becomes ill and later, in
SUBJECT BECOMES ILL TO BE CURED, because the organic diseases are the defenses of
the organism to free itself from the internal pathology. This is to alleviate the disease, and
the wrong treatment of these organic processes as done by the Galenic, materialistic
medicine, is suppression by means of an immediate correction, giving the patient a pause
and momentary relief, only to continue the endless disease process later, which inevitably
ends to death.
The physician can no longer argue guiltily that "it's all caused by the psyche" after having
examined the patient externally and not having found any clinical diagnosis.
We are a total, morbid dynamism wherefore the disease is integral, and there to be cured.
The two parts of the human also have to be related to the environment. The patient CANNOT
BE CURED FROM OUTSIDE IN, as the materialistic scientist intends to do, by starting
treatment from the end. It is necessary to cure the patient FROM INSIDE OUT, to start at
the disease origins, as vitalistic medicine does.
We have to understand that the material components of old physics, called atoms, doesn't
exist, because the atom is just a nebula formed by energetic condensations that appear and
disappear. The cause of the disease is non-material and therefore invisible, it can neither
been touched nor seen with the microscope. Therefore, cure also has to be provided by
means of immaterial and invisible agents. Cells, molecules and macromolecules do have a
"philosophy" and "knowledge", cells do have a consciousness and their own experiences, and
each of them exerts its influence from an inferior level to another, superior level. New
experiences are connected with the ancient experiences to form new knowledge. And, finally,
all human beings form a system of hierarchical experiences.
In Homeopathy, disease is considered to be DYNAMIC, SPIRITUAL. The cause is neither
material nor external. It is related to the soul and the vital energy, and constitutes a
continuation of the cosmic energy. The body is just an instrument for physical realization.
True homeopathy considers that there exist only three chronic diseases: PSORA, SYPHILIS
and SYCOSIS. The first is the only disease which we can call constitutional, because it exists
right from birth and persists all our life, until we cease to exist. Because of this we can
acquire the other two diseases, which, although their initial infection is caused by impure
sexual contact, have nothing to do with the disease of syphilis or gonorrhea but rather
constitute a morbid dynamism.
By their dynamic transmission in their secondary and tertiary states, from one person to
another, and by their further aggravation caused by continuous suppressions of their organic
manifestations by materialistic physicians, contrary to the natural law of cure, great physical
and mental damage is caused as we can observe during the course of time in all suffering
humans. These are the two diseases which stealthily cause the most cruel clinical
manifestations on the mental as well as physical level. They are the cause for insanity,
criminality, cancer, rheumatic diseases, gynecological diseases of women, and all
degenerative diseases humans suffer from nowadays, and which the materialistic medicine,
far from understanding these diseases and forgetting the Hippocratic principles, tries to
I would never have thought that treating venereal diseases in such a way, and as I did as a
student, on command of a physician in a clinic, would cause such damage to humanity. Both
the physician and I thought that we were saving the patients from syphilis and gonorrhea.
But not so. Today I know that we did the contrary, and that by taking away the chancre and
suppressing gonorrhea, which constituted the organism's own defense to prevent deeper

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internal affections these diseases are able to expand. We contributed to internalization of the
disease by our practice, creating the sycotic and syphilitic miasms in these patients and their
descendents. These miasms are studied in homeopathy, and have caused and still cause the
worst degenerative diseases to humanity by their transmission throughout the whole human
species. Moreover, they continue to aggravate each day by means those who suppress
organic, physical diseases, without considering their psychic origin and without following the
NATURAL LAW OF CURE, and without using dynamized medicines which only homeopathy
can provide.
Hippocrates spoke the truth after observing the intimate human manifestations centuries
ago, and his truth has been validated during the course of time by great thinkers and old
philosophers like Saint Tomas, Paracelsus, Tomas Sydenham, Haller, Barthes, Stoll and
others, and it has also been confirmed later by the greatest genius of medicine of all time, the
creator of homeopathy, Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann.
Despite this truth, Galen managed to impose his criteria, sinking mankind into a sea of
misfortune and unhappiness that treats so as destroy the human genus. Since then, people
have been treated as if they were only made of matter and were merely a passive being…. as if
formed by an inert mass, and if the body were the only existential truth. People have been
viewed as having no sensitivity, nor action or thoughts, neglecting the soul that animates
human beings. It was lost that the vital force moves him and maintains life, and that his aim
is to transcend.
Homeopathy, however, truly knows the way human beings suffer. Homeopathy not only
provides alleviation to external manifestations but to the deepest aspects of the disease, from
the inner susceptibility to the most internal fiber of the human being, to cure him in the most
radical way and provide the desired well-being.
The homeopath knows that the human being is formed by a body and invisible soul, and that
both, as a unity, react to the challenges of life. He knows that the disease is nothing but a
disharmony and imbalance of this unit, and that no other medicine that only considers the
materialistic aspect is able to restore balance. Only a remedy that is equally immaterial – like
homeopathic remedies – can restore balance.
This is how I came to realize my ultimate dream of becoming a TRUE PHYSICIAN, and to be
able to alleviate the suffering of my fellow men. THIS IS WHY I BECAME A HOMEOPATH.
@ This article was first published in the homeopathy journal "Gaceta Homeopatica de
Caracas": Rincón, Guillermo Enrique. POR QUÉ ME HICE HOMEÓPATA. Gaceta
Homeopática de Caracas, Ene 2008, vol.16, no.1, p.025-028.

Written by Guillermo Enrique Rincon

Translated by Katja Schütt and Alan Schmukler

Dr.Guillermo Enrique Rincon, physician and homeopath from Venezuela, founder of the
School of Homeopathy in the Andes and author of several books including Homeopatia:
Materia Medica Pediatrica, shares his experiences which influenced his transition from
conventional medicine to finally become a homeopath and his desire to convey valuable
knowledge. He is recognized as one of the Masters of homeopathy in Venezuela.


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