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Student Portfolio

Submitted to the Senior High School Department

Zaragoza National High School

San Rafael, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for

Work Immersion, Academic Track

Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Strand



MARCH 2023
Letter to the Readers

Good day!

Making the decision to engage in this work immersion is significant

because it allows us to gain valuable experience with the department's or

institution's actual work. We have the option to select the career path we want to

follow, unfortunately, the career I wanted is not connected to where I will do my

work immersion as a part of the senior high school curriculum. Yet during the work

immersion, I gain experience and interact with the professionals.

This portfolio serves as a record of everything that happened during our

work immersion, whether it be my experiences, observations, or just plain

information. It starts off by going over the goals, schedule, and location of the

training. We also need to learn about and gather information about the MIA

Vet's history, organizational structure, mission, and vision. Additionally, it contains

information about our professional experiences from day one (1) to day ten (10) as

well as some documentation of the events. Last but not least, the appendices section

of the document includes attachments for documents like a resume, daily time log,

evaluation sheet, certificate, and clearance.

Above everything, as a senior high school student graduating, my

observations, insights, experiences, and reflection during the work immersion—

which lasted ten (10) days and included eighty (80) hours of hands-on experiences

—helped a lot. Specifically, for us to be exposed to the real-world scenario or

actual world field of this department, helps me to improve, develop my skills, trust

in my own ability, grow my confidence, and improve my communication skills.


Student’s Waiver
I want to start by expressing my sincere gratitude to God Almighty for the

wisdom, knowledge, and direction, while doing this duty as a work immersion student.

Also, this 10-day work immersion without the assistance of the following individuals,

whose assistance I want to thank;

Zaragoza National High School, to our school principal, Ma’am Angelita Dela

Fuente, and to our assistant principal, Mr. Glenn C. Coloma for letting us experience this

kind of opportunity to enhance our ability in learning the basics in real-life related jobs.

To our class adviser, Sir Albert M. Ramos, and to other teachers who patiently guided

and supported us from the beginning until the end in the completion of this work


MIA VET Animal Clinic and Grooming Center and staff, to Sir James

Legamia and doc. Fatima Grace Bernardino-Legamia who guides, supports, teaches, and

for allowing us to experience the real-world environment in the field of agriculture, and

to all of the staff including ma’am/ate Lesley, Sir/kuya Ilyo, and Sir/kuya Joshua, who

help us to gain knowledge, and give us a task that helps to improve our skills and taught

us a lot of lesson experience during this work immersion,

To my parents for providing me with unwavering love, support, direction, and

inspiration in everything I do. I've always known you support me and wish the best for

me. With the help of this, I was able to complete my work immersion and perform well.

At last, to all my very supportive friends, classmates, and co-trainees for their

supportive words and never-ending assistance during every challenge I have faced. I want
to thank you all for always being by my side because I don't think I could have completed

this work immersion without your support.



TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………………….……… i

LETTER TO THE READERS ………………………………………….……… ii

STUDENTS WAIVER………………………………………………….……….. iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ……………………………………………….……... iiii

INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………….……… 01

Objectives of the Work Immersion ………………………………………. 01

Duration and Place of Work Immersion …………………………………. 02


History ……………………………………………………………………. 02

Mission …………………………………………………………………… 04

Vision…………………………………………………………….……….. 04

Organizational Structure ………………………………………….……… 05

THE TRAINING EXPERIENCE ……………………………………….…….. 07

Journal …………………………………………………………………… 08

Observation and Insights ………………………………………………… 25

Overall Reflection and Self-Appraisal …………………………………... 26

APPENDICES ………………………………………………………………….. 29
Resume of the trainee…………………………………………….……… 29

Daily Time Record ……………………………………………….……… 33

Evaluation Sheet ………………………………………………….……… 34


My observations, insights, experiences, and reflection throughout the work

immersion—which lasted ten (10) days and included eighty (80) hours of hands-on

experiences—helped a lot as a senior high school grade 12 student graduating. It

specifically helps me to develop my skills, believe in my own abilities, gain confidence,

and improve my communication skills to be exposed to the real-world scenario or field of

this department.

Objectives of the Work Immersion

By the completion of the work immersion program, the student should be able to:

1. Determine what his or her intended future career will be;

2. Use the knowledge gained from this immersion to apply to real-world or

practical circumstances;

3. Analyze each problem and attempt to come up with the best solution


4. Allows skills to the test and applies what he/she have learned outside of

the classroom;

5. Improve the technical knowledge and skills;

6. Enhance the communication and human relations skills;

7. Develop positive work habits, attitudes, and an appreciation for and

respect for work and;

8. Become familiar with the workplace, stimulate jobs, and apply

competencies in areas of expertise in real world setting.

Duration and Place of Work Immersion

The work immersion lasted ten (10) days and included eighty (80) hours of hands-

on experiences in under the organization of MIA VET Animal Clinic and Grooming

Center at Del Pilar, East, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija.

The Training Area

History of the Training Area

The Covid pandemic caused many human activities to stop in March 2020. While

we are all cooped up in our homes, the world started to breathe. Hospitals and other

medical facilities are busy treating patients who have the Covid virus infection at this

time because the need for medical care is on the rise. But in addition to people, pets also

require medical care. Many pet owners were trying to get in touch with us to see if we

could help with their furry child's needs, such as vaccinations, dewormings, and other

conditions. She generously loaned us some of the necessary medications and gave us

permission to attend the nearby veterinary clinic in town when James and I decided to

borrow some medications.

Figure 1. MIA VET Animal Clinic and Grooming Center

We began to take calls and make appointments. We were only able to perform

home services for a brief period of time because we were both still working at the time.

Usually on the weekends or after business hours. We recognized a potential in this

industry a few weeks after starting Vet On Wheels. We came to understand that pets are

just as important as people and need the same caliber of medical attention. James and I

debated this for a while before deciding to open our own medical facility. We formally

resigned from our positions—both of which are based in Manila—as a show of respect.

The safer choice at the time was for us and our family to remain in the city and try our

luck in

The decision to embark on a brand-new adventure that we know nothing about

required a huge leap of faith. The pandemic's uncertainty and fear make it more difficult

to survive each day. At the time, we had no idea how to run a business; the only thing we

were certain of was that we wanted to offer healthcare to people who cannot

On June 22, 2020, FMIA Vet Animal Clinic was formally established with a few

dollars and a lot of faith. A clinic named FMIA, which stands for Ferdinand, Melinda,

Imelda, and Alfredo, is devoted to our parents. Making our parents proud is the ultimate

goal in life for a child. Because of how hard our parents worked to meet all of our needs

and how much they gave up to get us where we are today, we could not have

asked for anything more in this world. Making them proud of who we have grown into is

the least we can do. We are nothing if our parents are not there.

We were able to continue because of the support from our friends, family, and

clients. It motivates us to work hard and continuously enhance our healthcare service.

Fast forward to the present day, when we are approaching our third anniversary. As they

say, time is like wind; it blows you away as if you never knew it was there. A lovely and

modest journey.


To provide a quality health care program for the beloved fur babies. To educate

the pet owners on hot to properly take care of their pets to prevent deadly diseases.


To become a world-class facility that prevents, treats, and diagnoses diseases that

infects small animals.

Organizational Structure

The MIA VET Animal Clinic and Grooming Center has been giving services and

treatments for fur babies since 2020 of June, I will spend time learning about fur babies

in the medical field for my future fur babies (pet) even though it’s not aline with the

course I’m planning to take in the future. In the end, I’m going to establish my decision

after learning along with professionals.

Figure 2. The MIA VET Animal Clinic and Grooming Center

The MIA VET Animal Clinic and Grooming Center are giving services and

treatments for fur babies. To offer the cherished fur babies a high-quality healthcare

program. To inform pet owners of the best ways to care for their animals and ward off

deadly illnesses. In MIA VET, we treat fur babies as they were humans. The

staffs of MIA VET teach us to be cautious, even animals have a variant of viruses. We

always sanitize every every equipment after using.

Sir James
General Manager

Doc Fatima

Sir Joshua Ma’am Lesli Sir Ilyo

Vet Assistant/Groomer Secreatary/Cashier Vet Assistant/Groomer

Figure 3. The organizational structure of the MIA VET Animal Clinic and Grooming


Sir James Legamia is General Manager. He is also the husband of Doc. Fatima

Grace Bernardino-Legamia. Sir James is assisting Doc Fatima when it comes to testing

the blood of the patients, and also when doing a fecalysis. Doc Fatima is the Veterinarian

of MIA VET, and tsummarizesrize it. She was one of the important personnel in MIA

VET, we are assisting Doc Fatima whepatientents comes. We assist Doc Fatima when

vaccinating, checkups, etc….. We also once assist Doc Fatima in Doing a fecalysis, and

she told us to observe, so once there’s a patient again who needs to run a fecalysis, one of

us (trainees) will assist her. Ma’am Lesli is so kind, she is the secretary of the

organization and also a cashier. She was the one who welcomed us when we came at

MIA VET, she teach us a lot of things like; greetings the customers with a smile and a

lot of things about the workplace. As for Sir Ilyo and Sir Joshua, they were both a vet

assistant of Doc Fatima. But when we came, they teach us how to assist Doc. Fatima and
we eventually learned about what to do. I am grateful that I became part of the MIA

VET’s personnel, They treated us like a family.

The assigned task to us is to assist Doc Fatima when a patient/customer in. When

they assign a task to ask other than assisting Doc Fatima, we’re enjoying it because

almost all of the work in the workplace is new for us. It gives us experience and

excitement every time we’re given a new task. For assisting doc. Fatima, we’re four (4)

total trainees assigned in the MIA VET.

The Training Experience

The term "work immersion" refers to a subject covered in the senior high school

curriculum that involves the practical application of skills and knowledge gained in the

form of work simulations. The students will benefit from it by getting a taste of and

exposure to a real working environment, as well as knowledge and experience relevant to

their future careers. Students are expected to behave professionally and cooperatively

during this time by completing all tasks given to them over the course of 10 days and 80

hours of work immersion.


April 11, 2023, Tuesday

This is our first day of immersion, I can still recall that I stayed up late before the

first of the immersion. I was enjoying the long weekend with my sibling in that long

weekend. They can only spend time with my mother and father during holidays and long

weekends because they’re working from a far. My mother woke me up at 6:00 am in the

morning, I’d forgotten that today is the first day of our immersion. When I came to

As expected from my classmates, they were late. We gathered at the Senior High

School gym and waited for Sir Albert’s cue to come to the front of the office and gather

for the announcement. After the announcement, Sir Aljon and Sir Albert accompany us to

our workplace. Before coming out at the Zaragoza National High School’s (ZNHS) gate,

a guard of ZNHS noticed that one of the tire of our service is half deflated. On our way,

Sir Aljon stopped at the vulcanizing shop to fix the tire. While waiting to fix the tire, I

joked my co-trainees at MIA Vet that we should just walk instead of waiting for the tire

to be fixed. There are two reasons why I said that, first is, our workplace ( MIA Vet) is

already in sight, and the second is that inside our service, we’re all sweating because of

the hot temperature.

Figure 4. Documentation for Day-1 (Deployment of Students)

When we arrive at our workplace, ate Lesley gives us a warm welcome. After Sir

Albert and Sir Aljon left. After we sat on the chairs and kuya Joshua and kuya ilyo came

out of nowhere and welcomed us. They discussed what we will do and what’s the first

batch entertainment when there’s no patients. Kuya ilyo said “Madali lang dito, alang

masyado ginagawa” and kuya Joshua said “ung unang batch nanonood lang sila ng anime

pag ka walang ginagawa”. I feel relieved when I hear them saying that. My first
expression about the staffs/employees of MIA Vet is that they were very kind.

Eventually, Doc Grace came and greet us. She explained everything what we are gonna

do in the workplace and when we have questions. Doc Grace informed us that don’t to

any of them in the MIA Vet. When a customer came in, We (Heaven, and I) whispering

our greetings. Ate Lesley heard the door being open and greet the customer, after ate

Lesley greet and ask what is the customer’s concern, that is when we will assist the

customer to go to doc. Grace at the office room for further discussion. But on that first

day, that is not what happened, not just we greet the customer with only whispers, but we

also didn’t assist the customer to come to doc Grace. After the customer left, Doc. Grace

and ate Lesley scolded us, not scolded us, I mean, they tell again what we need to do

when a customer came. By the mean time, we learned what to do when a customer came

in/out. Here’s what we do when a customer comes in.

First, we’ll greet the customer. Second, ask the customer what is their concern for

their pet or if are they buying something. Third, get the weight of the pet/fur babies. After

weighting the fur babies, one of my co-trainees/classmate need to sanitize the weight

scale. Fourth, Assist the customer to doc. Grace for their concern. After the concern, I’ll

assist again the customer to the cashier until he/she take his fur babies from me. The one

who sanitizes the weight also needs to sanitize the table of doc. Grace inside the office

Figure 5. Reciting the part of a compound microscope

Last but not the least, I will not forget that at our first day, Doc Fatima tells us to

memorize the part of a microscope and recite it in front of her after giving us the

compound microscope. We, the trainees, met our gazes together. After Doc pass by at the

door, we gently close the close right away. Heaven ( one the trainees ) and I look at each

other and laugh silently. We immediately open and search for the part of a compound

microscope to memorize it. It took us an hour to memorize the part of a compound

microscope. The time has come, doc Fatima came in and we recite the part of a

compound microscope one by one in pront of doc. Doc Fatima is providing a snack when

its become 3:00 pm. If I recall correctly, our snack that day was pizza.

April 12, 2023, Wednesday

I didn’t need an alarm to wake up at 7:00 am, it is the normal time of my time

waking up. Our schedule was so convenient because our schedule time of a day was 9:00

am to 5:00 pm, having an 7 hours a day. For 7 hours a day, its not enough to complete 80

hours in 10 days, but thanks to the overtime, work hours at Saturday, and holiday (labor

day), we completed the 80 hours at he given time. In our second day, its more like a

practice and learning what are we gonna do in the work place. We continued to assist doc

Fatima and kuya ilyo and Joshua eventually taught us to remember to sanitize the

equipment we are using after we use it, for safety of our patients. When we don’t have

anything to do or task assigned to us, we our only watching tv, doc Fatima recommended

us to watch something like doc perds so we can get more about the field where we’re in.
Figure 6. Checking for updates

When I don’t have an assigned work, I, personally checking my cellphone for

updates and asking my friends/classmates what is happening in their field where they are

deployed. But my interest slowly getting with the professional. We can’t assist the

groomer when grooming a furbaby, so that peek my interest. I’m slowly gathering my

courage to go to the grooming area. Its our second day, so I was so nervous, I resitate at

first. But after eating lunch, and a customer came it and their concern was grooming. I

assist the fur babies and give it to kuya ilyo to start the grooming. I followed them and

saw the grooming area and observe them.

When it’s already time for the lunch, I’ve come to visit one of my friend in hes

immersion and used my lunch time to spend with him. Heaven suddenly ask where im

gonna go, I tell him that I’m gonna eat with our friend. Heaven and the one I’m gonna

visit are my friend, we decided to pass by at 7/11 to buy lunch to eat with our friend. Our
friend we visit is Tristan, he was acidic and that’s the reason why we pay a visit. And

coincidentally, our classmate, Tristan’s co-trainees at RHU 2/Health Center has a medical

scrub suit and I accidentally needed one to take turns for one (1) scrub suit I have.

After we have lunch, Heaven and I comeback at MIA vet. We continued our task,

in assisting doc. Fatima, we’re taking turn, for example; after I assist Doc Fatima, Heaven

will the next, and Christmas Joy(CJ), and last is tiffany, and the cycle will repeat. In the

break time, kuya Ilyo is the one who is assigned to think what is our snack for that day.

Kuya Ilyo ask us, we sumbly said “kahit ano po”. And kuya Ilyo came back ang bought a


April 13, 2023, Thursday

I woke up early in morning to prepare and to go school at 7:30. I was planning to

get a certificate of enrollment from ma’am Faith at registration office, I waited for a

while and eventually give up, I said to myself that I’ll be coming later during at school to

try again of requesting a certificate of enrollment. And guess what, I still didn’t get a

certificate of enrollment because it was lunch break, ma’am Faith wasn’t there. I need to

go back at MIA VET at 1:00 pm so I leave the school to go at MIA VET before 1:00 pm.

Every morning before going to MIA VET, we’re waiting at Heaven’s house one

of my friend/trainee at MIA VET. Heaven doen’t need an 30 steps to go to MIA VET,

instead of us, the other trainees of MIA VET need an service to go to MIA VET. The

reason why we are going to Heaven house before goin in the MIA VET, we are waiting

each other before 9:00 am. Once the clock pass through 9 o’clock, who’s in Heaven place

will go to MIA VET before its already start of our work time for immersion.
On the Third day, We are the one who cleaned the place, we swept away all the

dust and dirt and mop after cleaning and wait for the customer to come. On this day, Doc

Fatima tells us to watch the procedure of doing a fecalysis, so once doc Fatima runs a

fecalysis for the next patient, we can eventually assist doc. Doc took an sample on the

patients butt, and throwing putting a stain on it and letting it dry. Once it was dry, doc put

a coved lid and throw it into the microscope. Doc Fatima is letting us to take a look at

microscope and take picture what it was looks like.

Figure 7. Using a microscope

April 14, 2023, Friday

It’s just a normal day; eating breakfast and preparing to go to my immersion for

the third day. I am using my elder brother’s NMAX as a service going to my immersion,

this the second using it as a service. The was day of using my elder brother’s nmax wag

April 12, 2023, Wednesday. I was hesitant at first because there is spreading new that a

man is driving a motorcycle and a another man suddenly make him stop and took the

motorcycle from him. My parents are also not agree to make the NMAX be my service

because of that, but I have my elder brother’s permission so I still use it.
Figure 8. Going at school to request the requirements for my entrance exam

I got up early to get ready and leave for school at 7:30 once more. I waited for a

while before giving up again in hopes of getting a certificate of enrollment from Ma'am

Faith at the registration office. I came back after the given task at MIA VET, it was lunch

break time. I came back at school and remembered that I also need a copy of grade 10

Grades. So I come to sir Phil (My Adviser) first to get my grade 10 grades, i waited sir

phil at the office and sir eventually came. I ask for my grade 10 grades and gave it to me

immediately with the key of our room. Sir said that I need to xeror it because it was the

original and that’s why he gave me the key to our room because we have an printer in our


After getting a xeror of my grade 10 grades, ma’am is not in the registration office,

so I’ve into the office of Senior High School. Sir albert saw me ask me straight away

after opening the door of the office, and I answered that I’m requesting an certificate of
enrollment from ma’am faith but she was not there. Sir albert ask ma’am if she has an

format of certificate of enrollment in her pc. Ma’am jack reply yes, and sir albert says

“kahapon pasya pabalik balik e, bigyan mona nga, kailan moba kailangan Carlito?” I said

“ sa Sunday napo, may entrance exam po kase ako sa manila, sa RTU po, sa pinag

aaralan ng mga kapatid kopo” sir albert gave me the certificate and said that “pumunta ka

sa guidance, kailangan mong ipa stomp yan”

I go to the guidance office and got asked by the teachers why,while I was saying

that “sabi po ni sir albert, need padaw po ipa stamp itong certificate of enrollment dto.”

Sir Sultora said that “si Carlito kana ba” I said opo and I laugh, I lot of question when I

said yes that I am Carlito. I seated and answer all the questions they’re throwing at me.

There’s an approximately 9-11 teacher at the guidance office that time and 8-9 was my

teacher during my high school. Once its all done, I pass by at sir Abert said my deepest

thanks because I really needed those for my requirements for my upcoming entrance


After I came back at MIA VET from school, it was already 1:30 pm, I was late due

to the all questions of Who is my teachers back in highschool. But I enjoyed it, its was so

fun talking with my teachers when I was high school, I cant express my feeling when my

teachers remembered me that I am their student. I told to Sir James and Doc Fatima what

Sir Rodan said to me.

Figure 9. Waiting for my turn

In the afternoon, there’s no too much customer. Approximately between 20-30

minutes are the interval of the arrival of a customer. We are just watching tv and waiting

for his/her own turn. On that time, when a customer came in with a fur baby. We, the

trainees are gathering to play with him/her (the fur baby) for us to entertain. When a cat

We are also fighting who wants to assist the patient to doc Fatima because you’ll get

sleepy when you’re not doing something.

We got a patient that has a wound on his tails, the name of the cat is puff, I’m the

one who’s assigned to assist puff and his owner, when we came at doc Fatima. Doc

Fatima pointed at the operating room because puff’s tail has foul smell that is not normal

on a wound. Doc Fatima runs a blood test on puff and while waiting for the test, I pet

puff so he can be comfortable. After the test finish, puff is negative in the infection and

any diseases, but puff is anemic. Doc Fatima treat’s puff wounds and kuya ilyo assist doc

while I am observing.

April 17, 2023, Monday

I am thankful that I woke up at 7:00 am in morning, because yesterday night was

so tiring and stressful, I take an entrance exam yesterday. After the exam, my siblings

treat me to a restaurant in SM megamall. We ate at a Korean restaurant. After eating, we

play a little at the arcade inside the SM megamall before going home to prepare to take a

trip back at Zaragoza. We came to the bus station of five (5) star at 3:00 pm but the bus

leaves almost 5:00 pm. Im not comfortable at the chair of the we ride on so I didn’t have

sleep at the whole trip.

I got traffic at the Pantoc of the way that is under construction. Luckily, I am using

a motorcycle, so even though its traffic, I can take a route in the side because my vehicle

is only a motorcycle. I came at Heavens house before 9 and waiting for the clock turn

into 9:00 am so we can go in the MIA VET. After coming, we clean and satinize the area

for safety measure of the patient.

Figure 10. Petting soey before grooming

I didn’t get an assist turn in the morning because petting soey before her groomin.

Plus the choco that was so stubborn and jolly. My co trainees was busy assisting doc

Fatima while im petting two dogs, choco and soey. Their owner was so kind and

talkative, they’re telling me a story about their dogs. In my opinion whey where the

kindest customer I’ve encounter during my immersion in mia vet.

During Lunch break, my co trainees, Cj, was with eating pares near at MIA VET.

When we came back after eating, After 30 minutes of rest. I opened the TV so we can

watch some anime. But a patient came in, and I noticed that the dog has an big lump in
his testis. I ask the owner what is the name of the dog, and she said choco. I am petting

Choco so he can feel comfortable.

Figure 11. Petting choco before blood test

I’m carrying choco to go to the operating to room to run a blood test. While

waiting for the result of a blood test, I am peeting choco at the operating room so he can

feel comfortable and being loved. When the result came, Doc Fatima called the owner to

the operating room so she can discuss the result to the owner.

April 18, 2023, Tuesday

Waking up without an alarm thanks to my body clock, it is used on waking up at

7:00 am. Waking up and Preparing for school for a week, and work hard makes body

feels like a professionals. Taking a trip for a 15 minutes from my home to MIA VET.

Cleaning a certain are and mopping it. And waiting for a patients to come.

Doing task that’s is assign to me, assisting doc Fatima and petting a fur baby

before her/his grooming is my cycle task. But when a new task assign to ask. Its makes us

excited because its gonna be a new experience.

Petting chucki while waiting for her turn to grooming because shana is in the grooming

area, taking her time to groom. Petting shana after her grooming so she can’t be bored.

Figure 12. Petting choco after his surgery

Petting choco after surgery so he can feel comfortable. While petting choco,

Tiffany my co-trainees and I have task assigned by doc Fatima an our task is to get

choco’s CRT, Palpebral Reflex, and Temperature for every 15 minutes. After Tiffany and

I took choco’s CRT, Palpebral Reflex, and Temperature for for 3 at every 15 minutes. We

switched place with Heaven and Cj because its already 1:00 pm that time, Heaven and Cj

are finish eating so they can switch with so we can eat.

April 21, 2023, Friday

We got two (2) days of skip because of the examination days that lasted for two

days. In this day, we didn’t have too much customer and emergency patients. The thing

we only do in this day was assisting Doc Fatima, Petting fur baby before her/his

grooming, Petting a pet while the owner is gone, and cleaning and sanitizing the

equipment and table we used. We are also watching TV in this day most of the time.
April 22, 2023, Saturday

We didn't have a lot of customers or urgent patients on this day. Helping Doc

Fatima, petting a pet before grooming, petting a pet while the owner is away, and

cleaning and sanitizing the tools and table we used were the only things we did on this

particular day. In this day and age, we also spend a lot of time watching TV. And one of

the reason that we have less customer because MIA VET is only for 7:00 am to 12:00 pm

in Saturday morning.

April 24,2023, Monday

On this day the task was cycled and I assist a patient that has a bacterial infection.

Waking in the morning, eating and prepare to go in my immersion at MIA VET. On this,

kuya mingkel get he’s NMAX and drive it to go the manila so he can use hes motorcycle

there. So I used public transportation on this day and didn’t manage to come in time.

I assisting doc Fatima a patient that turn out to have a bacterial infection. The girl

owner is said to be my relatives base on the men with him,the men with is from General

Luna where I live.and they mention some of my cousin in the duldulao side, so I

believing in there saying. They’re from other veterinary already and didn’t find out that it

was bacterials infection. Doc Fatima run a lot of test and find out that it was a bacterial

April 25, 2023, Tuesday

Figure 13. Petting sweetie before her grooming

April 25, Tuesday was just a normal day, getting up in bed,eating breakfast,

preparing to go to immersion. Cleaning a certain area, assisting patients and sanitizing

equpments. The only special in this days was, sweetie’s grooming and check up schedule.

Sweetie is pet of my friend who is very special to me. I pet swettie and play with her and

she was very happy that is some one is playing with him. She was patiently waiting at the

door for her owner to get her. This is also the where the certificate of completion was

awarded to us.
Figure 14. Awarding of certificate of completion

April 26, 2023, Wednesday

The only things we did on this particular day were helping Doc Fatima, petting a

pet before grooming, petting a pet while the owner is away, and cleaning and sanitizing

the tools and table we used. Today, we also spend a lot of time watching television. Doc

Fatima makes us to go with her uncle and fetch a fur baby that is along the way on our

way back to mia vet that is scheduled for grooming. I totally forgot about the two (2)

husky that turns positive at parvo virus. Tiffany and I pet Them after they got taken care

of Doctor Fatima.

Figure 15. Petting a parvo virus carriers

April 27, 2023, Thursday

The last day of our Immersion and the most busy day of the immersion. There a lot

of Customers and there’s a two emergencies. First is the who is gonna give birth.
Figure 16. Giving birth to new fur babies

The second was the follow up check up of the two (2) who turns positive of the

parvo virus yesterday.

Figure 17. follow up check up of the parvo virus carriess

Observation and Insights

My chosen field of knowledge has become more proficient thanks to work

immersion. Through work immersion, I was able to interact with people of all different
personalities, learn about the ideal career path, and, most importantly, advance my

professional skills in the field I've chosen. I also discover more about who I am and what

it is that I truly desire in life. I can say that overall, my experience at work has been


Exploring and learning have taught me a lot. I've become more capable and aware

of my shortcomings thanks to work immersion. I learned a lot during our immersion that

I can put to use in the future. Immersion in my work is really helpful to me because it's

where I learn things I never thought I could do. Now that I've encountered and gone

through this, I'll say that I'm glad I did because it's given me insight into what will

eventually lead me down the path I've chosen.

I could tell the team knew each other from the moment I entered the office

because everyone respected one another's professional roles while still acting like friends.

This gives me the assurance that we can take part in that setting as well, since it's crucial

for a team to feel connected to one another. The staff at MIA VET welcomed us with

open arms and demonstrated effective teamwork for the task at hand. It somehow makes

me think of the work interactions I had with them when we were doing our regular jobs.

When a patient expresses their concern, each employee has a specific task to

complete. which facilitates a smooth and quick work process. Additionally, they are

willing to teach us when they have free time and make sure we retain the lesson they

gave us. While working professionally to foster this sense of family, MIA VET

employees treat one another as family.

Overall Reflection and Self-Appraisal

There are no easy things in life. Accordingly, success is impossible without effort

and commitment. To grow into our best selves, we must all confront the challenges life

throws at us and work to overcome them. In order to succeed in life, people like us must
put in consistent effort. Everyone aspires to success in life, but in order to achieve it, a

person must work diligently and make an effort in everything they do. Any goal can be

attained with effort and hard work.

I've had the opportunity to meet a lot of inspiring people in this short time, and

some of them have even helped me build the bridge I'm trying to walk across to the

career I want to pursue. A flight attendant was always my dream job when I was younger,

but the pandemic that occurred during those years inspired me to consider what a medical

professional could accomplish beyond what I saw on social media. I chose the STEM

strand for this reason because I couldn't believe we would be using this kind of

curriculum, which involves work immersion. I am grateful to be a part of the MIA VET

team and have observed the typical tasks performed there, which include examining pets

to determine their health and identify any issues.

I'll never forget what it was like to be assigned to a different area during work

hours, especially in the operating. Even though the Medical course wasn't one of my

career choices in college, being there truly amazing. As you need to be careful not to

cause a problem when performing surgery, watching and participating

in operations can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. prevent physical contact with the

other substance while helping in an operation or surgery for the safety of the patients. I

am also required to use surgical gloves when assisting in the operation.

With the help of this program, I can strengthen my areas of weakness and increase

my motivation to feel more certain about what I should be doing. As I describe this

experience, I want you to be aware of the fact that I lack confidence in my speech and am

constantly anxious to interact with others, which lowers my self-esteem. But now I don't

feel awkward when I talk to other people. It also aided in my development of ethical

work practices and social skills. In conclusion, I can say that this absorption brings out a
better, rather than the best, version of myself. As I work toward my goals in life, I gained

knowledge as well as life-changing experiences that I will never forget.

Along with these benefits, work immersion allowed me to interact with people of

all personalities, learn about the ideal career path, and, most importantly, hone my skills

in the field I had chosen thanks to the hard work, enjoyment, and education I experienced

there. I also discover more about who I am and what my true goals are for the future.

Overall, I can say that my work immersion has been fantastic. As I explored and

learned, I gained a lot of knowledge. I now know what I lack and have changed as a

result of working immersion. I learned a lot during our immersion that I can put to use in

the future. Immersion in my work is really helpful to me because it's where I learn things

I never thought I could do. Now that I've encountered and gone through this, I'll say that

I'm glad I did because it's given me insight into what will eventually lead me down the

path I've chosen.









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